Parrots must regularly receive fresh fruits and vegetables. A wavy parrot in the house - create comfortable conditions for the pennate pet

Parrots must regularly receive fresh fruits and vegetables. A wavy parrot in the house - create comfortable conditions for the pennate pet
Parrots must regularly receive fresh fruits and vegetables. A wavy parrot in the house - create comfortable conditions for the pennate pet

Most people acquire indoor birds, as they say, for the soul, so that they please be melodious songs, cheerbaling. Often, people are breeding birds for children, so that they have learned from childhood to take care of others, they felt responsible for a living being.

As mentioned above, the wavy parrots usually do not disappoint their owners, do not announce the house with extreme cries, these birds are very rarely difficult. But if it happens, then most often the fault of the people themselves. If you treat your pet with kindness and care, he will definitely pay a person to affection and good temper.

What you need to know by choosing a wavy parrot

By purchasing a feather friend, many people do not imagine that each bird has a special character, special habits (sometimes very peculiar). Some birds, for example, love to swim, others - no. Some parrots are very manual, stretching towards people, miss if you have to stay alone for a long time, others, on the contrary, are independent and do not like when they hold them for a long time.
It should be noted that the nature of the wavy parrots can change with age. The older the bird becomes, the more horn, it is done, heavier tolerates addiction to a new place, it takes the separation of separation with familiar people. But the parrot becomes smarter, he recognizes the characters of household and adapts to them, begins to understand perfectly what the owners are demanding from him.
Most home parrots get perfectly with other pets. There are even cases when the parrot is friendly with a cat. But still you should know that it is rather an exception to the rules. It often happens that birds die in claws of fluffy pets. Most dogs relate to parrots calmly and rarely manifests aggression, but it can happen and irreparable. The best neighbors for a wavy parrot are other unsubstantial birds, guinea pigs and decorative rabbits.

For cats, birds are prey, and instinct tells a small predator that the parrot can become the very game that he is so lacking in the apartment.

So that the parrot began to trust a person, it is necessary to spend a lot of time with him. Do not allow birds to miss or fall into indifference.
It is advisable to remember that wavy parrots - bird birds. Without societies, they can even get sick, especially if people pay little time to birds.
Parrots of monochrome and, attaching to a person, they feel almost comfortable. However, the owner must regularly play and chat with a parrot, having to hum and disperse the melodies, to show care. But even if the relationship between man and bird is beautiful, the parrot will still be required by society of other birds. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously think before deciding to buy one bird. Perhaps it is better to immediately buy a couple - male and female. This is especially appropriate if the owner spends a lot of time at work.
Along the parrots will be more fun, they will not raise. You can make two birds of one sex, but much more interesting to observe precisely for the "married couple." By the way, not always the pair can easily take place, it happens that the parrots do not like each other. It is difficult to understand the causes of such sympathies or antipathies, but still, when choosing individuals, this factor should be considered. If mutual understanding and love arises between the parrots, such a couple can give offspring.
Before bringing a bird to the house, you should think about what throughout her life will have to take care of her, remember her needs. It is necessary to think in advance who will remain with the pet if the owners have to go on vacation or on a business trip.
If there are children in the house, they must be prepared for the emergence of a new tenant. The child should not treat a living being as to the toy. In addition, if the initiator of the purchase of the parrot was a child, it should be remembered that the main care for the care is still falling on an adult. In fact, the necessary instructions will be needed to all households, they need to know what it is possible, and what it is impossible to feed the parrot when you can produce it from the cell, what feeding it is needed, what items can be in the cell, and which it is worth keeping away from the bird and etc. Besides, before bringing a pet to the house, it is necessary to make sure that no one in the house is allergic to bird fluff.
If the parrots are contained by pairs or groups, then they do not become hand to the end, although they calmly carry the proximity of the person. But if the chicks are quite early separated from the fellow and he does not remember them, then such a parrot begins to reach out for a person. When it is released from the cage, he will get on his shoulder or hand, being in a cage - strive to be closer to the owner. Such birds are especially easy to pronounce words and phrases, they themselves listen to the voice of a person. Some of the manual parrots are able to remember and reproduce more than 100 words.

Parrots are quickly mastered in a new place

Those who wish to acquire a parrot, but not having the experience of its content, should not immediately choose themselves in the pets of a crude wavy parrot. Caring for this type is complicated by the high demandingness of such birds to feed and content. Especially difficult to breed these parrots, which is why they are still small in Russia. Among the crochet birds, unfortunately, there are many individuals with deviations from the norm. First of all, such deviations are reflected on the behavior of the parrots. They have psychosis and seizures that are repeated more often during the nesting period. The diseases of the nervous system is not the only problem with which the owner may encounter. Often, such parrots are reduced immunity, they can easily be cold or picked up infection.
If you are going to acquire parrots, putting them the purpose of their further breeding, then it is worth it to choose from individuals, and to their content with full responsibility. It is advisable to buy birds from an experienced breeder.
Previously, it is necessary to stock information about the features and disadvantages of the selected subgroup. As mentioned above, not all varieties of wavy parrots easily multiply in captivity. Therefore, first of all, you need to set real goals.
Well, if the owner first wants to have a funny interlocutor? It is believed that it is better to "act" in males. It is not entirely true, and many female are eagerly engaged in "chatter".
Another nuance should be taken into account: females love to torment and peck a variety of objects. This is a natural female parrot instinct in nature, because it must hollow out and equip the hollow for the nest. But whatever sex and varieties of the parrot you do not start, do not forget that this is a very sociable bird, it will require attention and active participation of the owner in her life.

Acquisition of the wavy parrot

When the question about the acquisition of a wavy parrot is resolved and all the nuances are agreed with households, an important point remains - the place of acquiring the future pet. Now in many pet stores there are all sorts of varieties of parrots, as well as cells and other affiliation for bird care. Trade with wavy parrots and breeders. They have even preferable to buy a bird, as it is possible to look at the parents of the chosen young parrot. Addresses and breeders' telephones can be found in veterinarians, in clubs, in animal shelters.

In the choice of a parrot, first of all, it is recommended to rely on feelings. You will probably do not regret the choice made.

When buying is not worth a hurry. Initially, it is recommended to watch parrots for sale. Perhaps some of them will immediately like you with your cheerful, playful character, maybe it will attract the attention of an unusually beautiful coloring plumage or, intercepting a curious view of the birds, you will understand that this is your future pet. However, something still should be considered when buying, for example, the parrot age. It is best to acquire a very young bird. The most suitable age is 5-6 weeks. It is at this age that the parrots are very quickly getting used to man and a new surrounding. And, of course, the bird should be healthy, then she can make great to get out in a new house and long delight you with their fun.
The young parrot recognize is easy, it must have big black eyes-buttons that have no white rainbow shells. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the wavy strip, which stretches through the entire Parrot's head to the wisch.
A healthy bird is impossible to confuse with a fallen individual. She looks great, the plumage is glad, it fits tightly to the body and completely imposed. Feathers near Cloaka are not blicked, nothing should flow from the eyes and nostrils.
The paws should be without damage and sores, horny scales - to form a flat surface.
It is worth considering the fines of the bird carefully: all your fingers should be available.
The correct location of the parrot fingers should be like this: two directed back, two - ahead. Claws should not be damaged or "reversed."
Healthy Parrot RAVE and ENERGY, he rejoices life, zadorly jumps, wounded, chirbing. If the bird is indifferently and motionlessly sits in the corner of the cell, the plumage is standing on her, the eyes are covered, and the beak is hiding in the feathers on the back, then the likelihood is not very healthy.
In general, up to 6 months of age, the parrot is considered young, so do not fear to take the bird over 6 weeks. Parrots older than 3 months are more beautiful and brighter, unlike very young individuals. The latter plumage is less contrasting and rather dull, the tail is short, the eyes visually seem more. Somewhere in 5 months a healthy parrot can already reach the size of 17-19 cm.
At all young birds (under 50 days) there should be a small black smear on the beak. Over time, he will disappear by himself, in adult parrots it is not.

Black smear on the beak of a young parrot

The young birds of claws on the paws are much shorter than an adult parrot. A parrot, which is more than 2.5 months, is distinguished by a yellow or white plumage on his head. This feature is characteristic of green and blue birds. At all young individuals "beads" (small points on the neck and head) are expressed in neuro, they only become noticeable after molting.
In order to determine the floor of the wavy parrot, just look at the bird's flaw.
The male should have bright blue, the female - brown or grayish-white. However, in young individuals it is somewhat more complicated, up to 3 months of the flange of the female leather-white with blue, and the males - pale purple. White parrots have the same flaw and males, and in females, most often brown or grayish-white. When buying a white parrot, it is better to rely on the help of a professional, he will most define the floor of the birds you like.
If the parrots are purchased for breeding, it is advisable to buy birds from an experienced breeder. The birds should not be a hereditary predisposition to diseases, nervous pathologies, defects in behavior. If you are interested in a full healthy offspring of parrots, then first of all their parents should be. From birds with pathologies, most likely, there will be the same chicks. Before buying a breeder-breeder, a pedigree will probably tell a pedigree of one or another bird. It should not be purchased for reproduction of related individuals, offspring from such pairs will be less viable and weak.

How to prepare a cell for a parrot

Before bringing a parrot home, you need to decide where the cell with a bird will stand. The cell for the parrot is its home, living space, so it is not worthwhile to invade the personal quartes of the Petat. At first, the parrot will come to himself, it is in the cell that it is limited to the stress associated with the change in the situation. And in the future, the bird will rest here, eat, sleep. Therefore, so that the bird felt in a cage as at home, it is impossible to transfer it from one place to another.

It doesn't matter how the floor will be the bird, the main thing is that you really like it. After all, she will have to live with you for many years.

It is best to place a cage with a parrot in the living room, so it will have the opportunity to communicate more with households.
It is desirable to establish a cage in the corner, on the bedside table or securely attached to the shelf wall. The height must be chosen so that the bird can see people in the room. Usually, the parrots really like to observe what the family members are busy. Do not place other shelves over the cell or anything else, birds are scared if something rustles them over their heads. As mentioned above, the parrots do not like drafts, so it is important to place a cage so that it does not blow it. A suitable place can be defined using a burning candle. Usually the flame fluctuates even with a weak air flow. You can not put a cage with a parrot opposite the window, because in the summer in this place too hot, and in the winter it is cold. It is undesirable to put a cell with a feathered pet in the kitchen - this is a dangerous place for a curious and restless bird. Chemicals that are often used are very harmful to birds. And then, the kitchen, as a rule, is often ventilated, so the drafts cannot be avoided.
Do not place a cage with a parrot in the children's room. First, children spend a lot of time outside the room: they are in school, then in the section, they just walk in the yard or leave somewhere on vacation. Alone, the parrot will be sad. And if the child is still small, then the bird can bother him with his twitter and tweet.
And of course, a completely unsuitable place for the cell is a corridor. Here drags are constantly walking, the doors are clapped, in the corridor not daily light. The parrot will not feel comfortably and comfortably and can even get sick.
Many owners are asked if it is worth making a cell with parrots to the balcony. This can be done if there is a suitable weather on the street, there is no strong cold or heat, rain or wind. But in any case, the cell with a bird should not be constantly on the balcony. Birds can be taken out on fresh air, if the apartment is a stuff or, for example, something burned on the stove. At the same time it is necessary to check whether the cell is closed well, otherwise the parrot can fly out of it and get lost.Buying a cage, it is worth keeping in mind that it should be for the bird that is the house, and not a prison. The cell must be spacious so that the bird can stick to jump, straighten the wings, pat them. Even if you assume that the pet will not sit most of the time locked up, you still will certainly have cases when guests will come to your house or it will be necessary to thoroughly remove in the apartment.
The cage must be purchased in advance so that the parrot bought immediately began to get used to it. If you acquire a suspension cell, then immediately it is worth buying a special stand for it. It is usually done from metal and has a heavy base. The cell is suspended for the hook in its top. If the base of the cell is fastened from above the bolt, it should be regularly checked, the stand and fasteners have weakened. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the clamps that the bottom of the cells are fixed, sometimes toasting the rod simply fall off. So that this does not happen, you can grab the cage with a rubber band - the wider, the better.
Ideal cell dimensions - 100 x 50 x 80 cm. The cell itself must be metallic, parrot cells nibble and quickly lead to disrepair. But barbell inside the cell should still be wooden, no more than 14-20 mm thick. The parrot should not stick the pranch's feet completely. The bottom of the cells for birds is most often done from plastics.

Optimal diameter of barbecue

Do not neglect swings for birds, parrots willingly spend time on them. In the cage, there must be a box with sand, necessary birds for dust baths. Cups for feed and water is best fixed so that the parrots could not turn them. Typically, two small containers are put in the cell - one for grain, another for water.
By the way, the parrots love strands in the form of branches of trees, that is, with the bark - they like to peck them, climb them.
Sometimes the rings for birds are placed in the cage. Parrots are swinging on them, like on a swing. It should be known that a small cell is permissible only if the bird will spend most of the time outside it. That is, the "playground" for wavy parrots is necessary if the cell is not spacious enough. Especially one must not contain a couple of parrots in a cramped cell, it is suitable only for the placement of birds, but not for nesting.

Prandie made from tree branch

In any case, in the cage, the parrot will not be able to fly, for this he needs a spacious room. Flying pets are needed, it is a great gymnastics that increases the poultry tone.
By the way, if you purchase a parrot with a rings on the foot, then a surround paw must often inspect. The fact is that the ring can graze the finiteness of the birds. In addition, the parrot can catch for something and damage the paw. More often owners shoot a ring to avoid trouble. However, it should not be thrown out. On the contrary, it is recommended to carefully store it, as it is a document confirming the origin of the parrot.
In general, you should prepare everything in advance that the future pet will be necessary. Start standing with a stern mixture, it must be like that the bird is already used to. Most often parrots eat grain millet. It is very nutritious and gives the body of parrots the necessary substances. Perfectly, if the cage will be the fresh twigs of the cereal, for sure it will be appreciated. More details about the nutrition of wavy parrots will be described below.
In addition, the parrots are needed and pebbles for sharpening beak. They are best to buy in specialized stores. Do not assemble them on the street or beach yourself. The fact is that the stones that are offered in pet stores contain the minerals necessary to strengthen bone tissue and the plumage of wavy parrots.
Bathing for bathing is better to locate with Laza to the cage. Typically, the bottom of the bath is rough, so that the parrot does not slip.

You can hang in the cage inverted up the bottom of the bottle, parrots usually quickly learn to drink from it, besides, water in it retains freshness.

Can be placed in a cage and a container with mineral additives, for example with charcoal. However, some owners simply sprinkle them, it will protect the bird from diarrhea. But professionals try to teach the parrots to eat the necessary amount of charcoal and other minerals. In an additional feeder, we can put vegetables and fruits, as well as sprouted grains of cereals.

Often the mirror or bells suspend in a cage with parrots. These toys are needed by a parrot on those hours when it will be forced to stay alone.
Do not forget about the sand. Parrot it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It can be poured into a separate feeder or straight into the cell pallet.
Naturally, the cage must be cleaned regularly. There are several types of cleaning. For example, daily remove crumbs and trash that are located on the bottom of the cell. No need to forget about the dirt that attached the cells, it should be deleted as it appears. It is also necessary to fit the dust, the pallet must be wiped with a wet sponge. Daily you should wash and the parrot feeder and change the litter in the cage. Especially it is necessary to ensure that the mucus is not formed on the wall of the drinker, since all sorts of microbes are multiplied, which cause diseases. Washing dishes wipe with a cloth.
Monthly in the cell should be carried out by general cleaning. After ordinary cleaning, the cage is wiping with a damp sponge or napkin. You can moisten a sponge into a chamomile or wormwood - it is wonderful and harmless disinfection of a bird dwelling. After such a wet cleaning, the cell should be wired dry.
Once in 3 months, the cell should be washed with a warm soda solution (on 1 rods 3 h. Spoons), then wipe dry, and then rinse with a solution of chamomile or wormwood and wipe well.
All of these events will help to avoid development in a cell of harmful microorganisms and insects. As you know, they are a peddler of serious diseases.

Taming the wavy parrot

So, the parrot is purchased and brought to a new place of residence. The cell must be fully prepared, it must have everything you need for a new tenant - feeder, drinking bowl, bathing, petrolers, cookware with charcoal and sand. In addition, it is worth placing in a cage and such a useful additive as the broken egg shell. All this is necessary a bird for a full life and good digestion.
If there are other animals or birds in the house, the parrot first must be held on quarantine. Its duration is 2-3 weeks. Throughout this time, the parrot must be in a separate cell, and only after the complete confidence appears in the fact that it is healthy, it can be attached to a cage to another parrot.
The first days in a new place are very important for the bird, so the owner must especially accurately relate to it. All the actions of the host must be thought out, the parrot should not experience stress. The relationship from the very beginning should be built so that the parrot trusted you, was not afraid and did not rush with your appearance. The bird should see in man, especially in the owner, his patron.
When the parrot brought home, no need to pull the bird from a portable cell with hands. To additionally do not scare a pet, it is better to move the portable cage close to the new dwelling of the parrot. The bird will independently move to his home. You can cover a portable cell to cover with a dark cloth, then the parrot will go into the illuminated cell.

You should not immediately release a parrot from a cell or try to stroke it. First, the bird needs to be mastered with new living conditions.

In the first days, the cell must be installed so that it is at the level of your eyes. Poppuga will gradually get used to the appearance of the new owner. As already mentioned, the location of the cell should be thought out in advance. It must be in a lit place, but not under the right rays of the sun. Do not place the heating devices next to the cell.
Better in the first days to protect the new pet from the injury factors that can be elevated or scared a bird. You can not loudly include music, knocking the hammer or use the electric drill next to the cage.
It should not be frightened if the digestion opens up at first the parrot or he will have no appetite. As a rule, all these troubles are associated with stress, usually parrots are very nervous during transportation. After a few days, the parrots tend to take food.
At first, the owner will help to communicate with the parrot and a gentle voice and affectionate tone. The parrot will begin to get used to the owner when he starts talking to him.

Talk with a bird when you remove the cage or give it food. Be sure to call a parrot by nickname - more often you say it, the faster the parrot will begin to respond to it.
In the first few weeks, it is necessary to watch the parrot more carefully, for his behavior, health status. Forward signs that the parrot feels no matter, see easy: the bird loses appetite, often drinks water, she is laid, drove, often sitting, with lowered, with lowered Wings. In this case, the faster you refer to the veterinarian, the better, you may have an infectious disease in your pet.
To establish relationships with a bird, you need to make it to be attached to you, began to trust and experience joy at your approximation. But this has to be achieved gradually, day after day. You should be prepared for the fact that you will need an excerpt and patience.
First of all, the parrot should be tamed. The magician should not be afraid of your hand, staggered from it and rushing around the cage. To do the parrot should be gradually gradually. Consider what feed most prefers your pet. Perhaps he likes seeds or pieces of bread, maybe green grass. Offer him a treat with my hands. Do not stretch your hand with a treat sharply, to do it slowly and carefully, all the time gently talking to the pet. More than probably, the parrot first will not accept delicacy. It is necessary to show perseverance, do not remove the hand, wait a few minutes. All this time you have to talk to the bird, pronouncing her nickname.

If the process of taming is not very fast, it is impossible to raise the voice: Parrot will immediately feel your negative attitude.

If the first time did not manage to dispel the fears of the parrot, you can repeat the experience in a few hours. The best time to establish contact is evening, while the lighting should not be bright. You can try to stretch your empty palm without feed to the bird, but then the hand should be close to the feeder. In the end, the parrot will understand that the hand of man does not harm him and fear should not be afraid.
Do not torfer events. Stretching his hand into the cage, do not move with your fingers or try to stroke the pet.
Sharp movements can scare it and spoil all the results achieved.
During the taming of the wavy parrot, minimize all the depressing or frightening bird exposure. We must handle the bird as soft as possible and affectionately. While the parrot is not accustomed to the owner, it is not necessary to produce it from the cell. It is available for the owners who do not have any needs to drive the bird into a cage forcibly. Having hungry, the parrot himself returns there.

If, despite the long persuasion and all efforts, the bird shakes from the outstretched hand, you can apply the following reception: make a pet rolling a little, do not feed it for 15-6 hours, and after this time, again offer him food with my hands. Leaving the parrot without food, do not forget to leave water in a cage, the pet should not feel thirst.
After a month of taming, the parrot will break nervous and fear of your hand. He will feel free to move to the palm with feed, as soon as the owner will stretch it.
When the skills are fixed, you can leave the cell door open. Wavy parrots are extremely inquisitive birds, they will gladly begin to survey the world, which lies outside the cell.
It is not necessary to feed and drink the bird out of the cell, so it will quickly enjoy that food and water for her are only in one place-in its home. It is impossible to lock the cage when the pet is beyond its borders. You can remove the feeder from the cell for a long time, the parrot should always be able to return to the cage and find food and water in it.
Before publishing a parrot from a cell, you need to take care of its safety. It is worthwhile to inspect the room, remove all items that may cause the bird harm. The windows are better to close with curtains or tulle so that the parrot does not break about the glass. If the cat lives in the house, even if it is raised and calm, it is still better to remove it for a while (close in another room).
Releaseing a parrot from the cell, do not create additional noise sources: do not turn on the vacuum cleaner or a hairdryer. The product should be mastered in the new territory, it is understood that it does not threaten the danger.
You can learn a parrot on the team to sit on your hand when it flies around the room. In this case, the bird is also involved with the help of her beloved feed. If the owner puts such a goal in front of him, the following rule should be followed: there may be food in the parrot feeder. This should not be something particularly beloved by a bird, but at the same time the owner should offer a pet any delicacy during training. To do this, you need to know the tastes of your bird. A more or less tamed parrot is usually no longer afraid of the Hand Hands and soon begins to sit on it.
Often, parrots on their own initiative begin to sit on the shoulders, head or hand of households. Usually, the birds are already quite trusted by a person, they are not afraid of him, so they seek to communicate and contact with the owner. In this case, you can stroke the bird, give her some kind of delicacy, gently talk to her. It is very good when the trusting relationship between the owner and the parrot is established, and both seek to support them and draw together to each other.


As mentioned above, in the natural habitat, the nutrition of wavy parrots depends on natural conditions. During the rainy season, it is abundant, the birds do not need water and stern. But when the drought begins, the birds have to be hard. Plants dry under the merciless sun, the reservoirs dry out. Birds are often dying in large quantities from the lack of feed and water. At this time, the parrots are bypass with a small amount of food, only strong and healthy individuals survive.
A homely wavy parrot, of course, does not live in such extreme conditions. A person provides it with everything necessary, so homemade wavy parrots live much longer.
However, in order for the pet to be healthy and lived for a long time, the owner of the wavy parrot should be informed, how to properly feed his pet, what a diet should be, which can not be given to birds. It should also be aware of what additives need his favorite.

No need to overflow a wavy parrot

Feed the parrot is required 2 times a day. The basis of feed for these birds is the grain mixture. With the grain of birds, most of the necessary nutrients are obtained. All other products included in the Parrik menu can be viewed as adding to the main diet.
As mentioned above, the main food for them is millet grains, but you can pour into the feeder and wheat barrier. It is advisable to give birds untreated grains, as the husk does not allow the air to penetrate the grain, and therefore, it does not allow fats that are very useful for parrots. Oats also contains a lot of vitamins and amino acids, it is an ideal addition to Mysost. If you provide your pet with a mixture of millet and oats (in the ratio of about 3: 1), this will be quite enough for its full-fledged life.
Wavy parrots love sunflower seeds, and not in vain. It is known that the seeds of this culture contain a large number of plant fats. The body of the parrots is well absorbing such fats. But still do not forget that the excess of oily substances is also harmful to the body of the bird, as well as their disadvantage. The parrot may have a violation of exchange mechanisms, therefore, even if the bird prefers seeds to all other grains, it is worth limiting it in this stern.
In addition to ordinary grain, parrots are recommended to give both a sprouted, which is the source of vitamin E. Therefore, during the nesting period or in winter, the sprouted grain perfectly fills the lack of this vitamin.

The sprouted grain can be found in any pet store, and it is possible to get on your own, extinguishing the usual grains of millet and oats.

Sprouted grain should be given to wavy parrots not more than once a day, best in the morning. Do not pour it into the feeder in large quantities, in warmth it quickly comes into disrepair. However, in a cool place, the sprouted grain is usually stored for a long time, not more than 3-4 days.
If most of the grains sprout, you can feed them to birds, but it should be thoroughly rinsed with food. When grains germinate, they become a valuable source of vitamins E and B2.

The basis of the diet of the parrots is grain

Buying grain for germination, you should pay attention to its appearance and quality. The bird will not have a grain, which is covered with mold, treated with herbicides or has passed chemical disinfection. Florache grain either do not have to taste. High-quality grain usually has a glossy smooth surface and a natural smooth color. He should not have cracks on the surface or a rotary stale smell.
Along with the grain mixture, it is necessary to feed the parrots with such types of feed, which contain trace elements and additional vitamins. This is especially important during nesting and feeding chicks. In such periods, the need for nutrients from parrots increases significantly. Many beneficial substances are contained in green stern, that is, in the leaves and stems of grassy plants. Especially useful for wavy parrots such plants like clover, spinach, alfalfa, dandelion, salad. It is also nice to also give birds ordinary green grass, young shoots of fruit trees and shrubs.
Green herbal flour is a very valuable view of the feed, it is rich in microelements and vitamins. Many parrot owners are bought by such flour on their own. The billet usually begins in the late spring - early summer. For this suitable young dandelion buds, clover, nettle leaves, other useful herbs. All collected plants are knit and dried on a small fire in the oven until the grass is easy to grow between the fingers.

Green flour is added to grain mixtures, usually no more than 5% of the total feed. It is especially necessary to parrots in winter.

After that, the grass can be confused in flour. Store such food usually in a closed cardboard box in a cool and dry room.
Often, to provide parrots with young sprouts of wheat or oats, lovers even sit in the box with the earth of the grain of these cultures.

Parrots must regularly receive fresh fruits and vegetables.

Useful to parrots and sprouts of Canary Seed. In order to sprout, abundant watering is needed. Water should be accumulated, room temperature.
Also in the diet of the parrots should be vegetables, berries and fruits. However, wavy parrots eat far from all fruits, however, it depends on the individual characteristics of each bird separately.
In order for chicks to grow faster and gained strength, professional breeders feed them with an egg mixture. It is extremely nutritious and useful and contributes to the rapid and proper formation of the skeleton and the cereal of the bird. It is easy to prepare an egg mix - for this you need only three components: an egg welded by screwing, breadcrumbs and rubbing raw carrots. The egg should be chopped and mixed with the rest of the components. If the crackers are not chosen enough, they should be skipped through a meat grinder. In appearance and consistency, this feed must remind cottage cheese. As practice shows, feeding the egg mixture helps breeders get healthy, beautiful and viable young.

The parrot cell must constantly be drinking water. The water temperature should be approximately 15-18. Too warm water, as a rule, cannot quench the thirst for parrots, especially in the hot season. Very cold water can cause digestive disorders or even a cold illness.
Do not forget to change water regularly, it is usually done once a day. However, in the summer it is worth changing the water more often (2-3 times a day), however, as in the period of feeding chicks. It is impossible to add water from under the crane to the parrot drinking, as it contains a large amount of chlorine. Perhaps the feathered pet will refuse to drink such water. It is necessary to dial tap water and leave it for 15-17 hours in an open container. Only after that you can give her parrot.
Sometimes the owners give their favorites infused on silver and having a disinfecting effect. To get such water, it is necessary to put any silver object into water tank, after 8-12 hours it can be given to the birds. Do not give birds mineral water, her taste does not like parrots.
In winter, it is useful to add a little lemon juice to the water to the water, not more than 2 drops on 1 tbsp. spoon.
Lemon juice contributes to the strengthening of the immune system of birds, strengthens their plumage. In addition, it also has a disinfecting effect.
Often the owners of wavy parrots use drinking water to dissolve powdered vitamin additives and drops in it. Such additives should be applied, strictly adhering to the instructions, and it is desirable to preliminarily consult with the veterinarian. If you add vitamins to drinking water for parrots, then you need to change water as often as possible, at least 1 time per day. It should be remembered because the vitamin preparations contribute to the rapid reproduction of bacteria.
Balanced feeding is the basis of the health of the parrot. The feed must contain all the necessary nutrients, and of course in the correct proportions. Very often, the parrots die early precisely because of the wrong feeding. The owners are surprised why the bird looks old for 6-8 years and will soon die. After all, healthy parrots usually live at least 15 years, and even at the age of 12, some individuals are able to multiply.

With proper feeding, parrots are active

What should be the daily diet of the parrot? First, in a day he needs 2-3 types of grain, secondly, a set of feed additives, which should replenish the need for birds in proteins, amino acids and vitamins. Usually an adult healthy parrot eats the amount of food, approximately 50% of its weight.
Owners can be recommended an approximate daily diet for an adult Parrot: Oats - 7 g, millet - 11 g, sunflower seeds - 1 g, millet dry - 2 g, seed Canary - 3 g, millet boiled - 1 g, bunch (bread) - 4 g, worms flour - 500 mg, polished carrots - 3 g, chicken boiled egg - 500 mg, bakery yeast - 150 mg.
It is impossible to change the composition of the grain mixture for parrots, but if you decide that it is necessary, then do not replace more often once every 40 days.
Naturally, another composition of grain mixtures can be used, as well as food additives. And it is not necessary to measure every day, for example, exactly 4 g of bread. Just once a week or a month to give pet a piece of bread.
As mentioned above, the parrot should receive food 2 times a day. The grain mixture is covered with a parrot in the feeder usually in the evening. Waking up in the morning, the parrot will not rush in search of the cage, and immediately start eating. However, do not forget that when the birds feed chicks, they need a double amount of grain. In this case, the owner must float the grain mixture in the morning and in the evening.
Do not give a parrot more feed than he can eat. Ideally, he must eat everything in the trough. If he has an excess of feed, he will begin to pick up and will choose only the best grains, leaving the rest intact.
The parrot usually chooses such grains that are rich in vegetable fats, and this is fraught with an excess of fats in the body of the bird. The parrot begin to produce extra gastric juice, as well as bile. All this causes inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Such internal processes can cause diarrhea from a bird.


But lovers should be aware that the daily need of the parrot in food is individual. It depends on the weight and size of the bird, on the features of the metabolism of the individual. If the wavy parrot is quite large, then it is usually required somewhere 50 g of grain mixture. For mid-birds, it is enough 35-40 g, small contents are content 20-30 g per day.
Green food is best to give parrots in the morning, at this time they eat it with appetite. Carrots and other vegetables also better offer them in the morning. But it is worth noticeing and find out when the bird is most located to this kind of feed.
And, perhaps, it is worth talking about the main vitamins needed by a wavy parrot, which must be present in the diet of the bird for her health and normal life. Do not forget about such important and necessary vitamins as retinol (vitamin A), vitamins B2, B6, B12, TIMIN (B1), Vitamin D, Vitamin E.
Vitamin A, or retinolvery important for parrots, as it is vitamin growth. Basins are mostly obtained by this vitamin in the form of provitamin. It is contained in plants, berries, fruits, in dairy products. A completely small amount contains this vitamin in a dry grain. With a lack of vitamin A, the work of the digestive organs, respiration, reproduction occurs. The body of the bird begins to produce less mucus, and this is fraught with a decrease in the protective function of the mucous membranes, which, in turn, can lead to a violation of the activities of the respiratory tract and a rhino for a parrot. Sometimes these diseases are not easy to cure.
Overdose of vitamin A is fraught with accelerated rising bones and improper formation of the skeleton. Poultry can also fall out feathers.
Vitamin A is needed by parrots during the reproduction period, young birds also need it. With its lack of chicks, there may be violations of motor ability, and adult parrots may suffer from featuring diseases and reproductive abilities can be reduced.
This valuable vitamin must be given to parrots for the prevention of various diseases, then they will not be subject to "insufficient diseases". Vitamin A will strengthen the immune system of the bird.

Political nutrition is especially necessary during the breeding period of parrots

Vitamins of groups in vital parrots. The stock of these vitamins is usually contained in the daily stern of the parrot, but this stock is rapidly spent and constantly needs to be replenished.
Tiamine, or vitamin B1.Also need wavy parrots. With its lack of birds lose appetite, they are upset by digestion, cramps may arise and paralysis. With a deficiency of Tiamine, the parrot throws the head back, it is insecurely kept in the pranchka, can constantly break off her. With a serious disadvantage of this vitamin parrot pulls the dismissed paws. If the nervous system has not yet occurred, after tiamine, the state of the bird is significantly improved and it goes on the amendment.
Wavy parrots should not be given as an additional feed greens of parsley. Spicy plants are also harmful to them.
The main signs of deficiency vitamin B2.there are a violation of growth, the fragility of bones, poorly formed plumage. The result may be deplorable, the lack of this component can lead to cramps and paralysis. The bird can observe the liver dysfunction, the formation of peel on the beak and paws, granulation on eyelids. The lack of vitamin B2 can lead to a small body, the bird's plumage is developing bad and incorrectly, a pen depigmentation is observed.

Wooden feeder

If in the diet of the parrot lacks vitamin B6., the bird is dramatically losing weight, it starts the violations of the engine device. Already with an insignificant lack of this vitamin in adult birds, reproductive activities are noticeably reduced, and the chicks are poorly hatched from eggs.

Vitamin B12.contained in milk, fish, yeast, cheese. In birds vitamin B12 is synthesized by the intestine microflora, however, this is not enough for normal vital activity. Therefore, do not forget to introduce it into the diet of your pet. Especially this vitamin is necessary in the diet of the sick bird.

Vitamin D. It is contained in greenery, so it is necessary to ensure that it is always in a cell near the parrot.

Vitamin D., or calciferol, We need parrots for the normal development of the skeleton, for the growth of bones.
It contributes to the right calcium-phosphoric exchange in the body of the bird. With a shortage of a parrot, a violation of the motor vehicle, the thickening of the joints, the curvature of the limbs, a spinal column and sternum, beak deformation, growth delay, occur. For parrots, the correct ratio of phosphorus and calcium in the diet is necessary. Normal balance is needed for the regulation of mineral substances in the body of the bird.
Vitamin is necessary to parrots in more than mammals. This vitamin is contained in frosted cereals, in green plants, in the shoots of sunflower and hemp. If Vitamin E is missing, the parrot begins to weaken, it becomes disheveled, does not hold his head. He has breaking coordination of movements, the bird trembles, rotates his head, turns over. The reason for such behavior lies in changes in cerebellar and musculature. In adult birds, reproductive ability is disturbed. In order not to have such problems, the grooved grain should be constantly in the diet of the parrot.

Parrot, it is necessary to equip the cage correctly. It should have no less than two barriers from strong, drivingker, feeder and bathing container. Hang special rings on which the feathers will be swollen. The bottom of the cell must be retractable, so it will be easier for you to clean it (clean the cell is necessary daily, wash - once a week). A cell with a bird should be located on the sun and drafts. Keep the parrot away from the computer, refer to the pet the opportunity to hide from bright rays into the shadow.

It is desirable that the feeder and dressing bowl be made of porcelain or glass. Water is better to preliminarily defend the chlorine, then just pour it into the drinking. You need to change the water daily, in the warm season - twice a day. In the spring and autumn it is recommended to add three drops of fresh lemon juice into the drinking, which helps to strengthen the feathers and disinfect water. Every day, wash the drinking and the feeder with hot water with food, wipe dry.

Power must be balanced, so several feeders should be put in a cage (for grain, fresh fruits and vegetables). One adult is enough per day of two teaspoons of a grain mixture, which consists mainly of oats, millet, canary seed, sunflower seeds. You can give feathery porridge, cooked on water, salad, fresh greens, cottage cheese, gentle cereals. To satisfy the body's body in Squirrel, let's pet a petty chicken egg. To ensure a good process of digestion, a parrot requires clean sand without different impurities.

Watch how the wavy parrots frolish is a pleasure. To ensure comfortable living conditions and secure pets from diseases, the owners of birds must know how to care for the parrot. In addition to the competent arrangement of cells and balanced nutrition, the wavy for full development requires communication with family members.

The first days in a new place a wavy parrot adapts to an unfamiliar habitat for it and living conditions. It is very important that he can be cozy and comfortable. New, proper nutrition, gradually establishing contact with pet - the owner must take care of all these nuances in advance.

Choosing a suitable cell size

The optimal option is the cells of the medium size. Too large and spacious designs slow down the taming of the parrots, and small - limit the possibilities of their movement. It is preferable to choose the products of the rectangular shape, since in a round pet can not retire if desired, because of which it will feel uncomfortable. The recommended size for the content of one bird is 35x35 cm, for two - 65x55 cm.

What should be the bottom of the design

For ease of cleaning, the bottom must be retractable. Some breeders prefer to use fillers, others strongly do not recommend this and are limited to the underlying paper with the subsequent daily shift. It is impossible to use newspapers as a litter, as they contain a dangerous substance for a parrot. Some cells instead of solid are equipped with a lattice bottom. For a parrot, this option is not suitable, as it can injure the paws.

What should a pet dwelling be equipped

The parrot in the cell must necessarily stand a drinking bowl with clean water and feeder with branches that you need to blow away every day from the peeled skins. For comfortable movement, the parrot is installed two wooden jersoes at different levels. At the very top, a swing is attached under the cell dome. Bells, multicolored bright beads and all kinds of rattles are very respect from the wavy toys. These items will not let the baby be bored in the absence of owners. If you put the mirror, then the parrot will spend a lot of time for conversations and communication with his new friend. On the one hand, it will not allow him to get bored, on the other, he can move away from man.

Mandeller must stand in a cage with clean water and feeder with grains

So that the pet has the opportunity to monitor its own hygiene, it is necessary to put a capacitance with a sand into the cell, as well as bathing bath. Water should be changed daily, as well as check the condition of the sand.

How to care for a wavy parrot at home: Choose the right place for the cell

When everything you need for the comfort of the bird purchased, it remains to be resolved, where to place a cell with a parrot. The air temperature in the room should be permanent from +18 to + 25 ° C. Negative to health pets affect sharp temperature differences and drafts, so they need to be avoided. The room must be fresh air and proper lighting. The optimal duration of the day is 16 hours. Sufficient lighting is the key to playful mood and good pet health. When in the winter period, the light day decreases, it is necessary to include artificial lighting in the room early in the morning and in the evening.

Do not place a parrot:

  • in the kitchen and hallway. In these premises, the temperature is constantly changing. A sharp decrease occurs due to the opening of the inlet door or window in the kitchen to get rid of the smells of cooked food. In addition, during cooking on dishes with a non-stick coating, hazardous to the parrot;
  • near heating devices and batteries. It is known that the parrots do not like cold, but too high temperatures are undesirable for them;
  • in noisy places. Volvaistics on the nature of the puglivy and very sensitive, and stress caused by sharp sounds and too loud music may adversely affect their nervous system;
  • too low to the floor or high. The cage is worth put at eye level. Too low location threatens pets permanent drafts. And according to the statements of professional breeders, placing the cell highly, the parrot is developed understanding that it is the main thing its owners.

Pernaya friends need care, attentive attitude towards their health and mood. If the owner notices changes in behavior or deterioration of the poultry appetite, it is necessary to consult the veterinarian, which could cause such changes and urgently take measures to improve the Parrich's well-being. Volvaistics are extremely fragile creatures, so the delay in their treatment can tragically end.

So that your parrot is healthy do not use for feed prohibited products

Many owners noticed that their parrot would be eagerly eaten chicken. But you should not go on the pennate. Even small portions of such food apply irreparable damage to the pet organism. At an early age, he can refuse some organs, such as a liver or kidney. Due to improper feeding, severe diseases are developing, from which wavy can be killed.

One of the most important points of proper care of the bird is the presence of fresh drink. Water should be room temperature and in no case from under the tap. Water drinking should be round daily to prevent the development of bacteria on its surface.

Excessive curiosity and activity of wavy is sometimes caused by dangerous situations. When a parrot is in a cage, nothing threatens him. There is a completely different thing when the pet is released by flying around the apartment or house. Things familiar to humans and interior items make up a great danger to the parrot. But it is not necessary to panic in advance and discharge the pennate to the eternal seat in the locked cage. The main thing is to eliminate all the dangers and prepare a housing for the flights of wavianism.

Eliminate all the dangers and infection prepare a home to the flights wavy

Here is a list of some situations that may cause a trauma parrot:

  • through open windows and doors, a bird attracted by sounds from the street can fly out. If mosquito nets are installed on the windows, the parrot will not crash, but hitting the narrow space between the window and the grid, without any assistance, it will not be able to get out from there. If the weather is allowed to ventilate the room better to open a lap;
  • a collision with a mirror or the doors with glass elements is also a frequent cause of injuries of wings, paws and heads;
  • inappropriate indoor plants. When a parrot appears in the house, then all the plants available in the house need to check for compatibility with pets and, if necessary, attract poisonous types of work or give to neighbors;
  • smoking in a room where a cell with a pet can not be, it is also forbidden to leave an ashtray with bulls from cigarettes and unpleasant cigarets. The consequences of such irresponsible behavior can be a lap or wings burn. Bird can also poison to the tobacco poison;
  • the accumulation of computer cords, strings on the curtains and even the shutters from the blinds are dangerous for the parrot due to the possibility of confusion and stroking;
  • death due to drowning may occur as a result of open washing machines, aquariums, bathrooms;
  • if the garbage can stand in the open space, then the bird searching for delicacies can climb there. First, the remnants of food there can not be there, secondly, due to the absence of the owners, the bird can be thrown into the street;
  • during cooking, the danger is puzzles with boiling water, fire. If the bird flies freely around the apartment, then while working in the kitchen, the hostess is better to close the parrot in the cage or lock the door to the kitchen;
  • if there are children in the family, then teach them to close all the markers, markers, and also fold colored colored shallow in the closed container;
  • during opening and closing doors, caution should be taken. Pernation can get on the door of any locker. Without noticing him, the owner risks damage the paws of the parrot;
  • it is not allowed to use close to deodorants in the form of sprays, aerosols for hair laying. The respiratory respiratory system may not withstand the effects of aggressive chemicals.

At first it may seem to create safe conditions for such a fragile creation, as a wavy parrot is impossible. But it is enough just to teach all the households to observe some caution in relation to the parrot and nothing will threaten anything.

Caring for the parrot at home should not end only with cleaning in the cell and feeding. Volvaistics need communication with man. The better contact between the owner and the pet, the faster the parrot will begin to imitate words and even whole phrases.

Wanting to keep a decorative bird in the house, many prefer the wavy parrot. Not surprising, because it is beautiful, bright birds that can make the situation in the house more fun and cheerful. However, before bringing a pet home, it should be carefully examined by the features of the bird content. Wrong wavy parrot care may lead not only a serious feature of a feather friend, but also his death. Before bringing a bird to the house, a person should think, can he provide a parrot worthy living conditions?

Cell selection for the detention of a wavy parrot and its placement in the apartment

The cell is chosen in such a way that the parrot can fly if desired. It should take into account one feature - the bird flies exclusively horizontally. Therefore, the cell length is more important than its height or width. For the content of one individual, the "house" should be chosen, the minimum dimensions of which 50x25x30 cm (length, width and height, respectively). For comfortable accommodation, the pair is suitable a little more - 70x30x40 cm.

The cell must be rectangular shape. Often, you can find models with a dome. Experts do not advise them to acquire, since the space under the dome remains a "dead zone", the birds do not use it, but such models are somewhat more expensive than simple cells with a flat roof.

Wavy parrots - care and content begins with the selection of the place allotted for the cell. It must be located at an altitude of no more than one and a half meters, ideally at the level of human eye. So that the birds feel protected, it is recommended to arrange their "house" near the wall.

It is impossible to place a cage near the heating devices, on the draft and on the sun. For normal development, birds need to bask in the sun, but it should be the first morning rays of the sun, or, on the contrary, soft evening.

To create a bird of comfortable living conditions, it is necessary to take into account some features. The content of the wavy parrot and the care of it is, first of all, the temperature and humidity of the air, the duration of the daylight. Pet will feel comfortable at air temperature from +21 ° C to +25 ° C. The main thing is not to allow sharp temperature differences. If there is a need to ventilate the room, then the cage with birds is better transferred to another room and securely hide with a dense cloth. Air humidity must be moderate. During the heating season, the windowsill put a container with water to moisten the air slightly.

The duration of the daylight for wavy parrots should be not more than 12 hours a day in winter, and 14 hours in the spring months.

Feeding a wavy parrot

Good care for the wavy parrot involves high-quality and diverse food. The basis of the diet should be grain mixtures. For example, Oats, Millet, Canary Seed. Such a mixture can be purchased in any pet store, but it is preferred only to proven manufacturers. The grains should be clean, without mold traces. Usually, high-quality mixtures contain all the necessary trace elements, but even in this case, do not do without additional feeding. Experts are advised not to be limited to grain crops, and periodically offer a bird granular feed, which is rich in proteins. Every day by eating only grain, parrot with time will take overweight, which will negatively affect its health.

To ensure good care for a wavy parrot, in its diet, add the following products.

  • Vegetables.You can offer a pet semi-wood carrot, zucchini, corn, green peas.
  • Fruits. They contain a lot of sugar, so do not form the basis of the diet, favorite delicacy of wavy parrots is grapes. You can also offer pieces of apple and pear.
  • Mineral and vitamin supplements. For the content and care of the wavy parrot, it is recommended to purchase a special mineral unit or put into the cell cartilage Caracatin, it is a source of calcium.

It should be known that before you offer a pet vegetables or fruits, they must be carefully flushed. Do not feed the wavy parrot with the following products:

  • avocado (for many birds fruit is poisonous);
  • acute, salt and fried food;
  • wine-vodka products;
  • candy and chocolate;
  • tea, coffee, carbonated drinks.

In addition to the feeder in the cell, you need to install the drink. Water should be pouring the resistant, room temperature. It is not recommended to use boiled water. If water from the tap of dubious quality and contains a lot of rust, it is better to give preference to bottled. Drinking should be washed daily, prevent the accumulation of mucus on the walls.

Features of the care of a wavy parrot

To the bird felt comfortable, it should be periodically released from the cage. This can be done at the time of cleaning. The cage is removed at least once a week. At the same time, it is not enough to remove the trash, the "house" of a pet should be carefully flushed. Typically, this goal is used by a gentle detergent. Clean - the guarantee of the health of the pithy pet, you can not forget about it. Dirt and trash can cause the appearance of worms and various infectious diseases.

Wavy parrots are real clean and love to splash in the water. It is recommended to get a "bath" at once with the cell, often its design involves the mount to one of the cell walls. It is very convenient, because it is possible to fill the tank with water, without opening the doors.

Parrots must periodically relax, so several porrodmock should be placed in the cage. It is better to choose their different thickness. Natural twigs of the tree are considered the best, they look natural and have a rough surface, which is much more useful for bird paws and claws. For this reason, experts recommend abandoning plastic and concrete porchos, or to arrange them at the bottom of the cell, where the birds sit less frequently.

When caring for wavy parrots, special attention should be paid to their rest. In order for birds to fall asleep, sufficiently cover the cage with a dense cloth, the light will not penetrate into it. It is advisable to do it at the same time so that the pennate pets have their own mode. The cage should be covered in such a way that natural ventilation remains, and the birds did not die from the lack of oxygen or heat. It is not recommended to use fabrics having a loose structure, as the parrot can catch the claw and get injured.

Birds should be inspected every day to identify the first symptoms of any diseases in a timely manner. Noticing weight loss, respiratory impairment, outcome from eyes or nose, you need to immediately contact the veterinarian.

Video How to care for wavy parrots

Wavy parrots are one of the most popular pets. Such recognition these crumbs received for a cheerful temper, an energy and a chain mind. This funny sociable bird is tied to the owner, which considers part of his flock. Caring for wavy parrots is not problems, you only need to take into account the features in the content of these feathered kids.

How to choose

You can purchase a wavy parrot in a pet store or breeders. An option with the bird market should be considered last, since no one will give guarantees of bird health. But even in the pet shop, it is important to consider the choice of the future pet.

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to his behavior, not to hurry, stand up near the cell and watch the birds before making a choice. Parrots are usually mobile and energetic, fun tweet. If he sits, fading, sluggish and indifferent to what is happening is an unkind sign, most likely the wavy is sick and will not live for a long time.
  • Bird's eyes should be shiny and clean.
  • Beak and flaw (skin area between beak and head) - clean, without growths and signs of peeling.
  • Fences of a healthy parrot are smooth, shiny, without galls and propelin.
  • It is important to pay attention to the bird's paws, they should be clean, without growths, with tightly adjacent scales.
  • Tail - clean, without traces of feces near Cloaca. Omitted perpendicular to the semi tail can signal about the diseases of the lungs in the bird.


In order for the pet to please a good mood and well-being, it is important to comply with several rules of content:

  • Try not to disturb the bird during a day sleep, and in the evening to cover the cage with a dense cloth, while the front of the cell must be open.
  • The normal level of air humidity for the parrot is about 60 percent. Especially acute this question is in the heating season, when the air becomes too dry. It can negatively affect the appearance of a pet, lead to a decrease in immunity and, as a result, respiratory diseases.
  • It is necessary to give the parrot's food daily, changing the water in the drinking, regularly clean the cell.
  • Sometimes producing a parrot from the cell so that he can smash the wings.

Cell and accessories

Pomagazines have a large selection of cells and accessories to them. When choosing a cell, the most important thing and a simple rule - the more the cage, the better for the parrot! The optimal option is a rectangular cell with a retractable plastic pallet, which will significantly facilitate the cleaning process. The minimum sizes of the cell for one parrot - 50 (length) by 30 (width) by 50 (height), the distance between the rods should not exceed 12 millimeters.

The cage is installed:

  • drinker;
  • suspended feeder;
  • mineral stone;
  • wooden ladder and barrels, rudders;
  • bell, ball and other toys.

Wavy parrots do not tolerate constant moves from place to place, therefore it is worth considering a permanent place for a cell in advance. Better, if it is a room where all family members are going. It is necessary to position the cage in the corner or along the wall at the level of the eye or slightly higher. It is not worth placing a cell with a parrot near household appliances, on a draft, as well as in a place where direct sunlight fall.


The basis of the diet of the wavy parrot makes grain mixtures that must be in the feeder constantly. In addition to the finished feed, it is useful to diversify the diet of the parrots as follows:

  • porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, pearl, millet, corn (such a porridge is boiled on water without salt, sugar and other spices);
  • sprouted grain - you can germinate grain from ready-made feeds for parrots;
  • greens - young grass sprouts, beet leaves, radish leaves, plantain, dandelion, clover;
  • fruits - bananas, oranges, kiwi, peaches, apricots, apples, pears, plums;
  • berries - currants, rowan, raspberry;
  • vegetables - carrots, cucumber, tomato, radishes, bell pepper, pumpkin, zucchini, zucchini, corn, podlock, young green peas, broccoli, color and Beijing cabbage, Kohlrabi cabbage;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese.
  • basil, kinse, dill, sorrel, parsley - these herbs are too spicy for him;
  • avocado, mango, persimmon;
  • potatoes, eggplant, mushrooms, onions, garlic.

Fruits and vegetables give in fresh or dried. Fresh should be rinsed and clean from the bones. Special attention should be paid to the petition to have round-the-clock access to clean drinking water. Do not take water from under the tap, it is better to use purified by bottled water. We need to replace water every day and clean the drinking.

Important! Food from the human table is harmful to the wavy parrot!


In addition to the main feed, the parrot cage should have mineral feeding, such as sepia and mineral stone. They need a bird for sharpening the beak and replenishing the deficit of minerals. For normal digestion, sand is necessary. You can add special vitamin complexes for parrots - "Radotin", Beaphar Vinka, Beaphar Trink + Fit Birds.


Wavy parrots adore water procedures. You can purchase a special plastic bath for these purposes. Also, you can adapt a plate or pallet as a checkout, the main thing is that the water level in it is only a few millimeters.

During swimming, it is worth sticking to the basic rules:

  • no need to force a bird to swimming;
  • water in the bath - about 25 degrees;
  • the air temperature in the room is above 20 degrees;
  • follow the parrot to do not drink dirty water from the bath;
  • clean the bath immediately after swimming.

Some parrots like swimming in wet leaves. To do this, you can put the lettuce, plantain or dandelion leaves in the bath. It will be a great entertainment for pets!


The wavy parrot will feel good at room temperature + 15- + 25 degrees. Wavy parrots are not even afraid of the coolness, but from drafts and sudden drops of temperature preferably breeding. In summer days, you can arrange a parrot sun bath. Start from 5 minutes a day and bring to half an hour, it is important to do it in a non-jarous watch - up to 10 am and after 16 hours.


Wavy parrots, especially males, gladly repeat the sounds, you can teach them several words. A common language with a wavy parrot is very simple, for this you need to spend more time with him. At first, after the purchase, give him a couple of days to be mastered in a new place, then gradually teach the parrot to the hands, talking to him gently, not to do sharp movements. Over time, the wavy will begin to trust the owner and showing the signs of attention. Caring for the wavy parrot-boy is no different from the care of the fellowship. Boys are more mobile, active and easier learn new. If you make a little effort, you can teach a parrot to several words or tricks.


Wavy parrots easily multiply in captivity. To do this, it is necessary to have a diverse pair at age not under 10-12 months. Birds should be friendly configured to each other. For a successful pairing, it is necessary to lengthen the day until 14 hours and provide a special diet (giving a protein "mixture" every day - a mixture of eggs, carrots, chalk). You need to install a socketbox in the cage. The female will prepare the nest, after that the egg laying process will begin. They can be from 4 to 12 pieces, depending on the age of the bird.

How to care for chick

Chicks appear on the light after 17-20 days blind and bare. After 10 days, the first feathers appear and already at a three-week age chicks become similar to adult parrots. The first time the female feeds his chicks with a god milk, then gradually translates them to adult food. A month later, the kids leave the nest and learn to eat independently, at this time it is better to transplanses them into a separate cell.


With improper conditions, the wavy parrot may get sick. Therefore, it is worth taking care of precautions:

  • provide a full-fledged nutrition, in addition to the main feed, give fruit, vegetables, greens, sometimes worth giving vitamins;
  • monitor the freshness of the feed;
  • daily clean the cage, do not forget to wash the drinking
  • take care of the parrot from drafts.

Before making a decision to buy a wavy parrot, it is worth thinking. After all, with these indisputable pros, as talkative and energy, it also has drawbacks:

  • parrots make loud cries and tweets that can begin at 5 am;
  • can blur with litter or spoil interior items, furniture and indoor plants;
  • require the cost of time and cash;
  • wavy parrots may not get along with some pets, in particular, cats;
  • it is possible to allergic to bird feathers from family members.