Libretto Juno and Avos Actors. Real History "Juno" and "Avos

Libretto Juno and Avos Actors. Real History
Libretto Juno and Avos Actors. Real History "Juno" and "Avos

Susthable rock Opera "Juno and Avos"The premiere of which took place 35 years ago on the scene of Lenkom, still does not lose its popularity. The libretto is based on the poem A. Voznesensky "Avos", dedicated to the tragic history of the love of the Russian graph Nikolai Rezanov to the young Spanish, the death of Arguelo. Historians argue that the image of the graph is too romanticized, and with a love story everything was actually not so.

"Juno and Avos" is called the world's most famous Russian rock opera. She was created by the poet A. Voznesensky and composer A. Rybnikov. The premiere took place on July 9, 1981 at the Moscow Theater. Leninsky Komsomol, director was Mark Zakharov. Images created by N. Karachentsov and E. Shanina were so convincing that no one could doubt the story of the story shown on the stage. In fact, it was the first Soviet rock operator, but since the rock music in those days would not have passed censorship, the authors of the work called it simply "modern opera".

In the plot, in 1806, two Russian vessel went to California - "Juno" and "Avos", under the leadership of Flotovodz Nikolai Rezanov, for food for Russian colonies in Alaska. In San Francisco, a 42-year-old Count met with the 16-year-old daughter of the Commandant of the Fortress, Spanish Concepcion (Copy) Arguuelo. Between them, love broke out, and the rezans secretly wonted with the tip. After he, he went to Alaska on debt, and then to St. Petersburg to achieve permission to marry a Catholic. In the road, he was seriously ill and died suddenly. For more than 30 years, Copter was waiting for the return of his beloved, and when he was confirmed about his death, she had grown in a nun.

Historians doubt the sincerity of the feelings of Rezanov to the young Spanish. The column was commissioned to conduct an inspection of Russian settlements in Alaska, and in order to save local residents from hunger, he went to California - to establish trade relations with the Spaniards and get provisions. 42-year-old Widovers really made the proposal of the daughter of the Komentant of the fortress José Dario Arguuelo, but they were led by not suddenly flashed love. The ship's doctor wrote that the rezanov was not like a man who lost his head: "It would be possible to think that he fell in love with this beauty. However, inherently inherent in this cold man, careful will be careful to assume that he simply had some kind of diplomatic species on it. "

The fact is that the action took place at the time of the exacerbation of the Franco-Russian relations. France was an allied Spain, which in those days belonged to California. San Francisco Commander had an order not to enter into commercial relations with the enemy. But the daughter of Senor Arguuelo convinced him to help the Russians and provided them with food. Rezanov gathered on it to marry and take with them to establish connections with California and to strengthen the position of Russia in the American continent.

Having left California in June 1806, the rezans did not return there. Seriously catching up on the road, the graph died in a fever of March 1, 1807. In his last letter, which he wrote M. Buldakov, her husband of his deceased wife, Nikolai Petrovich made very unexpected recognition, shedding light for the whole story: "From California report My do not consider my friend, I will be windy. My love in your Nevsky under a piece of marble (approx. - First spouse), and here the investigation of enthusiasm and a new victim to Fatherland. Conduction Mila, as an angel, beautiful, good in heart, loves me; I love her, and I pay that there is no place in my heart, here I am, my friend, like a sinner on the spirit, I repent, but you like a shepherd of mine, save the mystery. " If you believe this letter, Anna Shelekhova remained the only love of Rezanov, his first wife, who deceased shortly after childbirth, and in California he actually pursued the goals rather diplomatic than a personal character.

Admit, and you also thought that the Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" is the story of love of a beautiful girl Juno and no less beautiful young people of Avosa, or is it only I was so ignorant? :-) If you, too, thought so, then I will make your hand and tell, Hu from Hu. Sit comfortably.
In short, I was lucky here, I accidentally get to the aforementioned Rock Opera, Alexei Rybnikov Theater climbed, and in our fly foams. Well what can I say? Considering that when you sit in maternity, any hike, even in the shopping center, this is a great output to the light, then hike in the theater is finally an event with a big such letter SE. What to say, of course I liked it!

For those who are not in the material (and I myself, until recently, was not strongly in the material, see above) briefly.
The plot is based on real events.
42-year-old Russian diplomat and traveler Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov after the death of his wife, continuing the case of his testing, goes to establish trade and diplomatic relations with the new light. So he meets the 15-tape-year-old daughter of the top California's commandant Maria Concepcion Arguuelo, according to eyewitnesses, written by beauty, although, judging by the portrait, can and argue, well, oh well
Well, as they say, he twisted. They began a stormy novel. And even her parents were categorically against such a development of events (which is not at all surprising), the lovers married. However, happiness was short. According to official cases, the count was necessary to leave, Copter, as usual, promises to wait for him, and he, as usual, promises to come back in a year. This is where all the famous words of the song "I will never forget you, I will never see you."
By the way, you don't get into the eyes of a small one, but the wildest discrepancy - you are going to return a year later, Comrade Count, so what Khrena "never see", and?! Well, it is so, a small non-vector retreat.
For SIM Rezanov departs in a distant race. Upon arrival, his various bureaucratic troubles are waiting, the times are changing, the bureaucracy remains among them, he hoped to overturn at the Pope permission to marry with a Catholic. Affairs do not glue, he is in a hurry to catch on time, along the way falls from a horse, in the upset feelings falls and dies.
Everhead, despite the deployment of the deaths of the beloved before it, it continues to wait for him, going every morning to Cape (now on the place of the famous Californian Golden Gate support).
She waited for him 35 (!) Years, and then, when she was informed of the exact information about the death of the count, retired to the monastery. Here is such a sad story.
And yes, you will not believe, but "Juno" and "Avos" are the names of the ships! Suddenly, yes? :-) :-)

I liked the production, I am competently delivered and the choreography is clearly worked out, the game of actors and vocals is also quite a decent level. The only thing for me was personally unusual, so it is almost a complete lack of decorations, they replaced them, I don't even know how to correctly call them, this is a piece of type of a large frame standing on the supports, throughout the perimeter whose ropes hung (most of the action That is why the ship passed).

Because of this, and because of the dark lighting of the scene, the action looked somewhat gloomy.

For my taste, I would add a little bright colors :-) The brightest and colorful moment (not for sensations, but on the design) was the ball at the governor in honor of 15-tightly take-off with all the mandatory attributes of the balls of those times (1806): ladies, As usual, in lush dresses, Cavalers, are known, in the uniforms, they used to dress, echo grasiosic ceremonial dances were played earlier, ech. In general, beauty, I love it all, Wow. I tried to even capture. That's what came out.

A separate mention, in my opinion, is worthy of a scene of several audiences Nikolai Petrovich at Count Rumyantsev, the then Minister of Commerce, which, as far as I understood, was the patron saint of Rezanov at the court, and through which all his petitions, permits and other paperwork necessary in these affairs. Almost alone with a speech, capricious intonations and impudent gestures, Nicholas Lutov, so thinly handed over the entire atmosphere of the then yard with his intrigues and fiber!

Esno, coming home, rushed to study the match. I wonder if everything really was, or embedded the authors of art for the sake of and consupping drama for!
As a result, in fact, although who now the whole truth learns everything turned out to be somewhat prose.

No, well, firstly, our count and indeed turned out to be a personally extremely outstanding and entertaining, possessing enterprise, charm and rather strong life grip. Non-sleeping combination, right? All his career is a series of takeoffs and falls, and their causes are not always clear. There was even a version that at the dawn of a foggy youth, when the young Rezanov served the Fatherland somewhere in the Crimea, his rapid takeoff on the service staircase very much contributed to the arrival of Catherine II, which was attracted by a young impressive officer who was responsible for its safety during the trip. At that time, Rezanov was only 16 years old.
Secondly, who are quite sophisticated, our Nikolai Petrovich very successfully married the 15-tape-year-old judging around, loved our graph of the young daughters of the merchant Shelikhov, whose enterprises were sent to inspect.
By the way, it should be noted, the father-in-law also was a person outstanding and enterprising. How much in this story of outstanding enterprising personalities, you do not find? :-) So shelikhi at that time was a rather successful businessman who first began trading relations with North America, moreover, thanks to his initiative, Alaska became part of Russia and the first Russian settlements were founded, for which he received even the nickname "Russian Columbus ".
This marriage was achieved from which side to see: Shelikhov went to son-in-law with a strong position at the court, his daughter got the county title, well, and our hero was a young beautiful (so again the eyewitnesses wrote) Wife with tremendous dowry.
But if you drop in the direction of mercantile considerations, then judging by the original sources, my wife loved his rezanov and he, according to his own words, "8 years of married to taste all the happiness of life," and the death of his wife after the second birth was hard for him, though In Rock Opera, this is mentioned only by passing as something secondary. After that, he remained a widower with two young children.
Six months after the wedding of the daughter of Shelikhov, being still rather unstasted, a strong man, suddenly dies, and rezans, using their position at the court, continues, and very successfully, to promote his Russian-American campaign. And the case of Shelikhova lives and flourishes, Ruta Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov!

Another interesting fact from the biography of our hero. At that very moment when he remained alone with two young children and, experiencing a loss, she was going to even leave the king to the wilderness, the king intervened, at that time it was Alexander I and sent his chamber meter with the original instruction to establish diplomatic relations with Japan, At that time in full self-insulation. The Japanese emperor took gifts, and then she pulled the ship half a year in the harbor, not to say no, nor no. As a result, in half a year of waiting, the Japanese gave the answer that they do not want to trade with Russia, the patience of the count burst, and he expressed the Japanese dignit about everything he thinks about him, his mother country, the emperor, geisha and samurai :-) figuratively Esno.
What happened next, tell, I think you do not need. The commission was faced with a crackle, it was visible that the larger Rezanov's luck had come down at that time. But not for a long time, do not worry.

By the way, another interesting fact. According to some contemporaries, the Japanese emperor was offended by the unknown gifts of the Russian side and even returned them back, such as dishes and fabrics, for which the Japanese themselves were masters themselves, and the Fur Chernobur Fox, who in Japan is considered unclean, devilish animals.
Not prepared, in general, Comrade Ryazanov, did not learn the local production and raw materials base before traveling, so to gather. I don't know whether Japanese emperors really have such a touchy people, I am not familiar with them, but here the Japanese are our charming graph, as you can see, I liked it, because in Japanese history textbooks, it is referred to as a highly intelligent and deep-allowed cargo-saved diplomat :-) In both!

In general, the rezanov for the sunny California shore, in the glorious Bay of San Francisco, arrived in a fairly grated Kalach. Here and rushed :-)

And let the lovers subsequently accuse in mercenary and pragmatic intentions. They will say that, on the one hand, the rezans in their diary too impassively and dismissed what is happening, often mentioned that this is all the needs of the Fatherland and all that (after all, precisely because of its successful fierce in California, he managed to supply Russian settlers in Alaska who are literally starved due to remoteness from Russia and the negligence of their previous supplies) and that, on the other hand, the Copter also pursued ambitious plans to become the wife of Chamber and dreamed of hanging out at the luxurious Russian imperial yard. As they say, let them say!

After all, no matter how cool, and this was still a beautiful love story, albeit without happi-indence. And most likely, if it, I am sure, would not be a graph of Rezanov, a Russian traveler, a diplomat, and just an enterprising Maine, so known to descendants, like, in fact, and the daughter of Commandant, beautiful Maria Concepcion Arguuelo. And Rock Opera, first put by the unsurpassed Mark Zakharov on the scene of the famous Lenkom with Nikolai Karachentsov and Elena Shanina, really worthy of attention, and see it undoubtedly worth it!

Not so long ago, in 2000, there was a symbolic reunification of lovers: a monument was put in Krasnoyarsk on the grave of Rezanov - the White Cross, on the same side of which it was written: "Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov. 1764-1807. I will never forget you, "and on the other -" Maria Concepcion de Arguelo. 1791-1857. I will never see you. " Sheriff Monterrey arrived at the opening and dispelled there a handful of earth from the grave of the cumshots. Back he took a handful of Krasnoyarsk land - cums.

Well, the Russian-American plans of Rezanov, unfortunately, was not destined to be realized: as we all know, after 60 years, Alaska was sold for nothing to America. But the American Admiral Van Dernds will later write such lines: "Live rezanov for ten years longer, and what we call California and American British Columbia would be a Russian territory." Everything can be, everything can be, but, as you know, the story does not tolerate the subjunctive ignition ...

The famous poem of Junon and maybe the Russian modern opera written in 1970. In those years, they avoided to use the word "Rock Opera", because Rock was banned. But the fact is obvious - it was the first Russian Rock Opera.

It remains the most popular until today. Someone from great playwrights said: "In order for the performance to be successful, he must have a positive finale, where everyone is happy. And only a genius can afford to create a performance with the tragic finals. "

The masterpiece is not destined to go into the fly! An exciting charming story in its production bypassed the whole world. The first premiere of opera abroad took place in Espace Cardin in Paris in 1983. Buy tickets for Juno and Avos - you will see a legend that continues to capture the hearts of people today.

It so happened that all components of this performance were ingenious: poems, music, production. The plot is incredibly intense of his creators. Libretto Juno and Avos is based on the real events of 1806, surrounding the history of Love Nikolai Rezanov, Russian Nobleman, and Maria Concepcion Arguuelo, the daughter of the Spanish Governor of Alta California.

Voznesensky on the creation of his own poem was inspired by the diaries of the Count Rezanov, the book on the expedition of Rezanov George Alexander Lensen, the Ballason De Aguello Francis Breta Garth, and read Peter Tikhmeneva - "The History of the Russian-American Company".

Come split the excitement of the well-known dramatic setting of "Juno and Avos" - the story of romantic love, so famous by poets and writers. Their love story, like love stories of Alexander Macedonian and Tais Athena, Anthony and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet, is worthy of admiration.

Original story of Juno and Avos

Opera is named after the two sailing vessels of Juno and Avos, who made up the expedition of the Russian researcher. Voznesensky never claimed that the opera had historical accuracy, but the characters of his poems were the echo of the fate of real people.

Copter was just a teenager when the Russian ship arrived in the Bay of San Francisco. Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, the messenger of Tsar Alexander I, has a difficult mission: he needs to establish trade relations with the Spanish side of Colonial North America. There was a desperate need to provide the Russian settlement of Sitka, Alaska, food. The task became more complicated by the fact that Spain was an allied Napoleon.

Perhaps the mission would be failed if I had not broken up with the mutual love between the 15-year-old beauty, a young Spaniard, and the Russian captain Rezanov. Their love did not prevent the barriers to religious, linguistic, age. The shocked parents of the girl give their consent to their engagement. This wedding was supposed to become a friendly alliance between Spain and Russia.

Nikolai must return to St. Petersburg in order to get permission to a mixed Orthodox-Catholic marriage. On the way, he fell ill with the inflammation of the lungs, besides, he was injured by the head, falling from the horse - died under Krasnoyarsk. Concepcion, however, waiting patiently: Every day she goes to Cape to meet him. Now at this place the Golden Gate Bridge.

After 5 years, it receives reliable information that has been about his death.
After the death of his beloved, Concepcion remains to live in the parent of the parents for another 20 years, fighting the thoughts about the tragedy and constantly refuses to all their numerous fans. In these years, she is engaged in charitable activities in California, Guadalajara, Mexico. Then joins the sisterhood of the Dominican Monastery, where he lived until 1857.

Even if we go back to the ground
We are secondary, according to Hafiz
We can be understood with you
I will never see you!

"Juno and Avos" - a cult performance not only for Lenkom, but also for theatrical Moscow is not one decade. He was born in 1981 and from the same time, for more than twenty years he has been with a constant all-wheelhanger. Two versions of this magnificent play are offered to your attention .. 1983 with Elena Shanina as Cumbertt (this version is considered classic) .. and the 2004 version with Anna Bolshaya, in my opinion there is even more successful setting ..

History of creation

Back in the late 70s, Alexey Rybnikov, contacting the poetry Andrei Voznesensky, created Rock Opera "Juno and Avos." Just as the main characters of this work - the Russian traveler of the count of Rezanov and the daughter of the governor of San Francisco Cumbet - Opera Rybnikova was waiting for a lot of amazing adventures, and, with international scope ...

Alexey Rybnikov

Few people remember that for the first time the opera was presented not on the scene of Lenkom, but in the Orthodox church. In February 1981, in the Church of the Intercession in the films in the presence of not only Melomanians, but also specially invited Western correspondents, as well as representatives of the police and the KGB (who did not need the invitation!). On the right and to the left of the altar base for creating a stereo effect, speakers were installed, in the center behind the table with a tape recorder, Alexey Rybnikov, who uttered several entrance phrases, and then about a hundred people listened to the Rock Opera recording for almost two hours. Everything happened in the unheated room, the listeners did not shoot the winter coat. But the goal was reached: articles appeared in the Western press, after which the authorities decided to figure out what kind of attacking such - "Juno and Avos."
To begin with, the firm "Melody" received an indication to suspend the release of the record with Opera Rybnikov.

Mark Zakharov

The assistance arrived from the most unexpected side. Andrei Voznesensky drove friendship with the world-famous designer and Kuturier Pierre Cardin, who organized the creative evenings of the Russian poet in his theater on the Champs Elysees. Having received a cassette with the record "Juno", Monsieur Cardin came to delight and, having arrived in Moscow, decided to visit the performance. He was shown a draft version, but this was enough for the French guest to invite Lencommovs to Paris. He was not even embarrassed by the fact that the troupe Mark Zakharov at that time was considered the union. The authority of Pierre Carden in the USSR was so great that he was worse than just in the Ministry of Culture, but also to Yuri Andropov himself, where he was not tired of repeating that Soviet art could be proud of not only ballet and a circus, but also a modern opera. The efforts of the Paris Celebrity are good on the tour of the theater in France. And thus - and the inspired permission to the premiere of the performance on the main scene of Lenkom.

1981 the premiere of the play

20 years later

However, Andrei Voznesensky believes that it was not without interfering with the highest strength: "All our efforts to break through the premiere about the bans of the KGB. But one day Mark said: "You know, Andrei, there is one person who will help us." We went to the Elohov Church, where Mark said: "Let's put the candles of the Kazan Mother of God!" Put three candles. And I bought three samples. One brought Karachentsov (performer of the role of Count Rezanov. - Approved auth.), The other, maybe Shanina (Elena Shanina, the role of the role of the roles. - Approx. Aut.) Maybe Rybnikov, I don't remember, and I left alone. And here we were allowed everything! Maybe Mark Anatolyevich called someone at night and agreed ... But the fact was allowed. It's like in "Juno and Avos," after the intervention of the Mother of God, suddenly give a good trip ... So this is a magical story. And mysticism continues. "

At the premiere of the joint venture. "Juno and Avos" in Paris, 1983

Interestingly, the first Soviet rock opera was "Orpheus and Evridika" Leningrad VIA "Singing guitars", but still called the first Soviet rock opera worldwide and will be called "Juno and Avos" ... Indeed, Rock Opere Rybnikov was destined Survive world glory. By the way, in the early 80s, a record was recorded (and not with the actors of Lenkom, but with invited singers), which was separated by a circulation of more than two million (!) Copies, for which the company "Melody" was awarded Rybnikov "Gold Disk".

Monsieur Cardin kept his word and introduced the Russian Miracle on the scenes of Paris, New York, Hamburg, Munich, Amsterdam and other cities in the world. In Paris, Pierre Cardin for two months (!) Showed Russian Rock Opera in his theater on the Champs Elysees, invited celebrities there. So, Rothschilds were all the clan.

His respect for the singer of Marely Mathieu. Look at the Arabic Sheikh Arab Opera. All two months were Achlags, despite the fairly expensive tickets - the place in the parquet was worth four hundred francs. Subsequently, an English documentary film about the Moscow play was shot. Opera was also supplied to Hungary, Germany, South Korea, Czech Republic, Mexico. Of course, the creators of "Junites" dreamed of Broadway. And here is the famous Broadway producer Joseph Pap ("Hair", "Corus Line!") Offered to make a "Juno" with American actors. Prepared translation into English, Rybniki flew many times in New York, where rehearsals were already started with actors. However, Joseph, as if the hero of the opera, the Count Rezanov, suddenly fell ill and died, and the project forced.

From time to time, Lenko went on tour and in Russia, where something incredible was happening. Alexander Abdulov, I remember, said, as passed at the beginning of the 80s tour in Leningrad: "When we first brought to Peter" Juno and Avos ", several hundred young people broke the doors of the Gorky Palace, then minutes of thirty-forty with dogs they caught throughout the DC. Once I just stunned: Before the start, forty minutes remained, I raised my head upstairs, and there, on the grateful, the man lies twenty people, are waiting for meetings with art. So specifically, in the beams lie. And they could easily cut into the scene! "

The play "Juno and Avos" became a business card of the theater, and today it did not have a temptation, but a completely modern project, where young talented actors are constantly introduced. Therefore, the public interest does not weaken. Andrei Voznesensky at the request of Mark Zakharov even changed the final line of the performance, which now sounds like this: "Children of the twenty-first century! Your new century began. "

In 2005, there was a danger that the legendary performance will be minimized or suspended, after he fell into a heavy car accident The legendary executor of the role of Count Rezanov 60-year-old People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov. However, the theater found two worthy Rezanov in the face of Dmitry Puttsov, who in its 45 is in an amazing form, as well as the People's Artist of Russia Viktor Rakov, and the show continues.

At the beginning of the 80s, a pirate film playing on Junon, with Karachentsov, Shanina, Abdulov, who walked around the country in video prunes was removed. In 2004, a new CD was recorded (disk released Sony Music and Columbia) with Lenkomovsky actors and the Araks group, as well as a new film on the spectrum for DVD with Dolby Sound. Alexey Rybnikov has repeatedly spoke about the existence of a project of a full-length musical film, but among the film director, the composer does not see worthy candidates, since the musical films in Russia have long been professionally not shot. And bad, or even at the middle level, to remove the picture on "Juno" can not!

Magnetism and the amazing energy of the play made it truly eternal ... There are decades, actors are changing, but this performance floats as "Juno" on the waves of time ... Awesome acting game, heartfelt music and strong texts make this rock opera a real theatrical miracle.

For more than 30 years, the Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" continues to worry the hearts, immersing the audience in the romantic world of two lovers: Count Rezanov and Young Copy. However, do not everyone know that this is the basis of this story there are real events that occurred at the beginning of the XIX century.

One of the main characters of the opera, Nikolai Rezanov, was born in the impoverished noble family. He received a good home education and showed brilliant abilities to study languages. In a fairly short period of time, the rezanov retired to the Office of the Office at the secretary of Catherine II Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin.

Rezans and Copter on the fresco in Post Interfaith Chapel (San Francisco)

However, the appearance of a new young high handsome at the courtyard caused concerns from the Favorita of Empress, Count Zubov, and Rezanov was sent to Irkutsk. He inspected the activities of the traveler Grigory Shelikhov, who founded the first settlements of Russians in America, and after a while he married his daughter.

In 1899, a private-state Russian-American company (Cancer) was established to stimulate the development of Alaska by order of Paul I in 1899, and its authorized representative became rezans. He sought to establish a maritime communication with Russian settlers in America, since because of the irregular and long delivery of food from Russia, they often received it overdue and already unfastened to use. A plan for the inspections of settlements in Alaska and the establishment of connections with Japan was developed.

However, at that time, the wife of the graph dies. Rezanov wanted to resign and engage in raising children, but was stopped by the order of the emperor. In 1803, the expedition headed by him went on the road on the ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva". Negotiations with the Japanese were unsuccessful, "Hope" and "Neva" continued their way to Alaska. Arriving at the place of the rezanov was struck by the conditions of the life of the settlers: they lived on the verge of hunger, in ruousy, suffered from Qingi.

Rezans on their own means acquires the frigate "Juno" with a load of food. But it was only a partial solution to the problem. Winter came up, and before the spring products with "Juno" would not have enough settlers. Then the graph orders to build another ship - Tender "Avos." He departed in San Francisco in San Francisco, hoping to establish trade relations with the Spaniards.

For 6 weeks of Rezanov managed to impress the Californians. He completely conquered the Governor of the Upper California José Arylyag and the Komentant of the fortress José Dario Arguuelo. The daughter of the latter and there was a 15-year-old Donna Maria de la Concepcion Marcell Arguuelo, simply referred to as the ending.

One of the participants of the Rezanov expedition, the ship doctor Georg Langsdorf, recorded in his diary: "It stands out by the majestic posture, the features of the face are beautiful and expressive, the eyes are challenged. Add a graceful figure, wonderful natural curls, wonderful teeth and thousands of other charms. Such beautiful women can be found only in Italy, Portugal or Spain, but also very rare. " And yet: "It would be possible to think that Rezans immediately fell in love with this young Spanish beauty. However, inherently inherent in this cold man of diligence, I will rather let that he simply had some kind of diplomatic species on it. "

Maybe the doctor was simply wrong? But the rezans himself in their reports does not look like a man who lost his head from love. Despite the fact that Rezanov was already 42 years old, he did not lose his appeal at all, in addition, he was famous, rich and rotated in the highest circles of society. Contemporaries argued that in the desire they were granting to marry the Russian graph, there were as many love, how much and the calculation, allegedly dreamed of a luxurious life at the court in St. Petersburg, but the subsequent events proved the sincerity of her feelings to Rezanov.

Rezanov's relationships and cumsions have developed rapidly, soon passed the wraps ceremony. Then, the groom left the bride to return to Petersburg and asking the petitions of the emperor in front of the Pope about the harmony of marriage. Nikolai Petrovich calculated that this is enough for two years. Copter assured him to wait ...

Moving on the road, the rezanov is terribly hurried. The autumn dishthele came, but the graph still stubbornly continued his movement through Siberia. As a result, Nikolai Petrovich was terribly cold and lay in hot and unconsciousness of 12 days. And barely waking up, again moved forward, absolutely not sparing herself. In one frosty day, Rezanov lost consciousness, fell from the horse and hit his head heavily. He was taken to Krasnoyarsk, where March 1, 1807, Nikolai Petrovich died. He was 42 years old.

After 60 years, Russia for nothing to sell America Alaska together with all possessions of the Russian-American company. Rezanov's plans were not given. But in the eyelids in the eyelids, he still gained - thanks to the death. True, she did not wait for his 35 years, as stated in the famous rock opera. Not. Only a little more than a year every morning went to the cape, sat on the stones and watched the ocean. And then, in 1808, the death learned about the death of the bridegroom: the relative of Nikolai Petrovich wrote her brother. Adding that Signorita de Arguelo is free and can marry who wishes. But she rejected this unnecessary freedom to her. For whom she was to go, what dreams to cherish? Twenty years after that, the cumshot lived with his parents. He was charity, taught the diploma of the Indians. Then he went to the monastery of the Holy Dominic under the name Maria Doming. Together with the monastery moved to the city of Monterrey, where he died on December 23, 1857. Having survived, thus rezanova on half a century ...

Not so long ago, in 2000, a monument was put in Krasnoyarsk on the grave of Rezanov - the White Cross, on the same side of which it was written: "Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov. 1764-1807. I will never forget you, "and on the other -" Maria Concepcion de Arguelo. 1791-1857. I will never see you. " Sheriff Monterrey arrived at the opening - specifically to dispel there the handful of earth from the grave of the grave. Back he took a handful of Krasnoyarsk land - cums.