How to sell on ebay from Russia: the correct sequence of actions. Sales scheme on ebay and other marketplaces

How to sell on ebay from Russia: the correct sequence of actions.  Sales scheme on ebay and other marketplaces
How to sell on ebay from Russia: the correct sequence of actions. Sales scheme on ebay and other marketplaces

The eBay online auction is a platform where people from all over the world sell and purchase various goods. At the same time, it is an opportunity to earn money. Since 2014, it has appeared among Russian sellers, which means it's time to get acquainted with what and how to sell on eBay.

What to look for before selling on eBay

To begin with, the process of selling items on eBay is a serious business and must be approached responsibly.

There are two types of sellers on eBay: people who want to sell unnecessary items, and people who are professionally involved in selling goods online. This article is equally useful for both, since the essence of the process does not change. The difference is that in the second case, you have to put in more effort. But the profit will be much higher.

Initially, the site works in English, but for convenience, you can switch to Russian. The language change button is located at the top right. Before starting work, be sure to read the site rules. You need to know and follow them without fail if you expect to sell successfully on eBay.

If the rules are violated - it doesn't matter whether on purpose or out of ignorance - the account will be blocked, and after that you won't sell anything.


The first step is to create an account. The registration process is simple and unlikely to give you any trouble. But there are several aspects worth paying special attention to.

First of all, think carefully about your login. When a buyer is in correspondence with you, the first thing he will pay attention to is the name. And if you specify a set of unreadable characters, then it is unlikely that this will inspire confidence in a potential buyer.

In addition, pay attention to the fact that buyers from all over the world are registered on eBay, so do not choose anything as a login that could cause negative associations from a representative of a certain country.

The best option is to enter your real name. But if for some reason you do not want to do this, choose a representative and official nickname that will inspire confidence in buyers.

If you suddenly want to change your username, you can do this no more than 1 time in 30 days. Plus, don't get carried away if your store has regular customers - in this case, they may not find you when they need it.

It is advisable to add a photo to the profile, people tend to trust such accounts, because it becomes clear that there is a real person on the other side of the screen. The photo should be moderately official, although a smile on it does not hurt.

Be sure to enter your work email, which you have constant access to. It is better that you receive notifications about new letters. The fact is that you will receive email notifications about users who are interested in your product, about new messages on the site and about new questions about the product. The speed of your responses determines whether the person buys from you or from another seller. And if a competitor answers faster than you, then you will lose a buyer.

The phone number that you enter on the site must also be working and active. It is needed to restore access to your account if you forget your password or your account is hacked by scammers.

Finally, you need to get a PayPal account. Buyers can pay with a Visa card. In theory, sellers also have this opportunity, but in practice it is very inconvenient to use the card, there are problems with the withdrawal of funds, and so on. All serious sellers on eBay use PayPal exclusively.

Features of selling on eBay

So you've signed up for eBay. How do I start selling products on eBay?

Before placing items for sale, it is recommended that you first place a few orders yourself. Why is this needed?

The fact is that by buying real goods, you prove to the site administration that you are not a fraud. You are showing that you are an ordinary person looking to sell your item on eBay and have already gained experience of buying on the site. Without this, the account may even be blocked on suspicion of fraud. In addition, with these purchases, you will gain your first rating and receive positive reviews from sellers, thereby increasing the confidence of future buyers. From a seller with a zero rating and no reviews, hardly anyone will want to buy.

In order not to spend a lot of money, order several inexpensive, but necessary lots, and then proceed with the design of your own store.

What do you need to know before you start selling?

  1. Carefully study the available product categories and choose the most suitable one for your product.
  2. Study the prices of competitors for similar products and set an adequate cost.
  3. When specifying characteristics, indicate everything as accurately and correctly as possible. Pay attention to the features that make your product stand out from its peers.
  4. Be sure to write down all the flaws and defects. If the purchaser finds a non-reported defect upon receipt, the buyer is fully entitled to a refund.
  5. Display high-quality photographs showing the product, preferably from different angles.
  6. Include in the price all expenses, including commission and delivery, so that later there will be no confusing moments.
  7. In the name of the product, write the keywords and the most important characteristics.

When composing an ad, look at other offers of similar products and, based on them, fill out your lot. Remember that you need to describe everything reliably, indicating the advantages and disadvantages. eBay cares about all parties to the transaction, so it is closely monitored to ensure that buyers and sellers comply with the terms in good faith. If you keep silent about the defects of the product or describe it inaccurately, and the buyer will end up unhappy, there is a risk that the administration will block your account. At a minimum, you will have to refund for it, plus the buyer could leave you negative feedback, which will negatively affect your reputation.

The process of listing for sale

We've covered all the nuances you need to consider before selling on eBay. Let's move on directly to how to display the product for sale.

So, to place a product, click "Sell" or "Sell" at the top of the screen. First of all, enter the title of the future ad - if anything, then you can change it. Write a short name for the product. At this stage, the main thing is that it is clear what you are selling. Do not forget that the title is written in English. It is best to include the most key information in the title: the name of the product, its condition and the category.

According to the entered title, you will be offered a choice of the most suitable product categories. You need to put the one that suits the most - it depends on how many users will see your ad.

If the search did not give you the category you want, find it manually. To do this, go to the "Browse categories" tab and select a category yourself.

The next step is product description. First, choose a way to create your description - easy or complex. They differ in that in a complex way there are more sections with information and more photos that can be attached. After choosing a method, proceed with the actual description.

Please select the status of the item below. There are four options available:

  • "Brand new" - new;
  • "New in box" - new in the box;
  • "Used" - used;
  • "Used very nice" - used, but in perfect condition.

Next, add a photo. The minimum quantity is 1, the limit is 12. It is better to add as many photos as possible showing the product from different angles so that the person has a clear idea of ​​what he is buying. Try to take photos yourself, and do not insert photos of the same goods, then you will immediately see that you are selling a real thing.

The next step is filling out the technical specifications. This part is very specific to each product, so there is no one-size-fits-all advice here. Truthfully fill in all the information, and if you do not know any technical characteristics, look in the ads with the same goods. If that doesn't work for you, it's best to just leave the fields blank.

Then enter a text description. You can copy it from another ad that sells the same product, or write it yourself. If you copy text, reread it carefully so that false or inaccurate information does not crept in there. But it is still recommended to compose the text yourself.

This text should contain a description of the operation and condition of the goods, as well as the terms of delivery and return. Write here about how you accept payment, to which countries you do not ship the goods (if any), whether the buyer will receive a tracking number and other similar nuances.

Finally, at the last stage, you are required to enter all the information regarding the financial relationship between the seller and the buyer, namely:

  • type of sale;
  • price;
  • delivery method;
  • the processing time of the order;
  • possibility of return.

Let us dwell on the first point in more detail. What are we talking about?

The point is that there are several types of commerce on eBay. The first type is sale at a fixed price. The scheme is as follows: you list the goods, determine the price, if the buyer agrees with the price, he clicks "buy", after which the goods are considered sold.

The second type is an auction. The seller who puts the item up for auction only determines the minimum cost and duration of the auction. During this time, everyone offers their price. The only condition is that this price must be higher than the last one offered. After the expiration date, the lot goes to the user who offered the highest price.

The third type is the reverse auction. In another way, this type of sales is called "make offer". Unlike a regular auction, users do not offer a higher price, but, on the contrary, knock it down. But the winner is not the one who offers the lowest price, but the one whose terms the seller accepts.

Choose the option that works best for you. Then indicate the cost. If you are selling at a fixed price, then put it. For the auction, mark the lower price threshold, and for the “make offer”, set the desired size, but be ready to bargain.

To choose a delivery method, you need to switch to a complicated ad compilation option, even if before that you filled out everything in a simplified one. The fact is that only American postal services are available in the simplified editor.

To switch, click "Switch to form with more choices" - this link is located at the very top of the form. After switching, scroll down again, reach the choice of the delivery method and indicate the city from which the goods will be shipped. After that, you will have all the available delivery methods, from which choose the most suitable one.

The eBay online auction is a marketplace that provides a link between buyers and sellers around the world. Shopping is easy even for beginners. Sales are more complicated. What you need to know in order to sell on eBay from Russia (seller account, specifics of submitting ads and restrictions on goods offered for sale) - within the framework of this article, all issues related to trading on a popular online auction will be analyzed.

How to become an eBay seller

Any online sales begins with a decision to start a business and choosing a suitable online trading platform, of course, in demand, such as eBay. It is popular for its simple and user-friendly interface and reach a wide audience.

The many Russian sellers who offer both specific Russian goods and general goods have attracted the following advantages to eBay:

  • constant development and expansion of its activities in the world;
  • introduction of the Russian interface;
  • providing residents from Russia with a wide range of rights and opportunities;
  • conducting sales in the form of an auction, as well as indicating a fixed price for the goods;
  • small commission.

Before the start of sales and deciding how to sell the existing goods on the Internet auction, you should register as a seller. This will allow you to put up lots for sale and receive money as payment for the sold objects. The detailed instructions below will help you go through all the stages of registration.

Registration of Russian users is carried out on the official website at If the page opens in English, then a special button with a planet icon on the top bar will allow you to change it. Place the cursor and select the interface language "Russian" in the drop-down menu. Note that it is enough for users registered as buyers to obtain the status of a seller by entering company information. Sellers can either sell their product or buy from others.

The registration procedure includes several stages, let's dwell on each of them in more detail:

  1. Go to the official eBay website and click the "Register" button on the top bar.
  2. Select to create a company account and enter the name of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur, as well as the email address and phone number that belong to the organization.
  3. Specify a password that will subsequently be used to log in to the system.
  4. Read the user agreement and the terms of the data protection notice. Then click the "Register" button.
  5. In the form that opens, indicate the address of the company, which must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation, and other data that must be filled in. The address must be real; if during the verification it is found that the address does not correspond to the actual location, access to sales will be closed. Remember: trading is possible only in a certain list of countries, for example, residents of Ukraine cannot sell on eBay directly.
  6. Come up with a unique and beautiful login that will not bear negative even when translated into English. Login may be different from email and should be easy to remember. It is the invented name that will be the first to be seen by potential buyers, therefore, in many respects, the decision whether to purchase a product from you or not will depend on the specified login. If you can't come up with a pseudonym on your own, use the system's hint and choose the most suitable and easy-to-understand one. Keep in mind that the established login can be changed once a month, therefore, if you hurried and indicated an incorrect login, it can be corrected.
  7. Click the "Save and Continue" button - this will lead to the creation of an account and after passing the verification, access to the work will be open.

Registered buyers should change their account details to the seller. You can do this after logging into your account through the "My eBay" menu. The experience of the buyer and the presence of positive reviews increases the chances of confirmation of the questionnaire by the administrators of the online auction.

Please note that all settlements on eBay are processed through the PayPal payment system. To start activities, you must register an electronic wallet on the official website at When creating an account, select "Corporate account" - this will allow you to accept payments as payment for goods sold. If you have a registered wallet on PayPal, it is enough to change the account status from personal to corporate, indicating the information about the organization. This can be done after logging into your account.

Requirements for sellers on eBay from Russia

When deciding how to sell on eBay from Russia, pay attention to a number of requirements for sellers. These include:

  • work experience, including shopping;
  • account confirmation via the specified email address;
  • entering a real mobile phone number;
  • a current corporate PayPal account must be linked.

Experience in the auction and the presence of positive feedback, including when making purchases, is a prerequisite for placing lots for sale. This not only increases the loyalty of potential buyers, but also influences the decisions on admission to sales by the eBay administration.

In the absence of experience, after registration, complete several purchases for small amounts and ask sellers to write positive reviews.

Please note that sellers should not only provide the current phone number, but also go through the PIN registration procedure. To do this, open an account, go to your personal data and click on the "Create" button to the right of the "Telephone PIN-code" line. The auction security system will require you to re-enter the username and password for the account. Next, come up with and specify a 6-digit code, which will later act as a PIN-code and will be required when restoring your account or contacting support by phone. When finished, click on the "Submit" button - the code will be generated.

Attaching a PayPal account is also carried out on the tab with personal data. To do this, to the right of the "Refunds payment method" line, click the "Add" button and select PayPal as the payment method. The system will automatically direct you to the website of the payment system and ask you to enter your username and password to access your e-wallet. Read the terms of the agreement carefully and click "Agree and Continue". A notification will open informing you that the new payment method was successfully added. Be careful, because after attaching the wallet, commissions and refunds under the eBay guarantee programs will be automatically deducted from the funds on it. The write-off will be carried out without additional confirmation from the seller.

Confirmation of e-mail does not raise any special questions. To do this, just follow the link sent in the message to the specified e-mail address.

After the completion of all activities, the account is considered prepared for placing lots for sale.

Restrictions on Selling Items on eBay

Let us give as an example some types of products that are subject to trade restrictions:

  • with the category "Only for adults";
  • alcoholic and alcoholic;
  • living beings and made from natural raw materials, including animals, as well as their stuffed animals;
  • works of art and artifacts;
  • contracts, including with mobile operators;
  • used cosmetics and clothing;
  • medicines and medical supplies, as well as descriptions to them;
  • weapons, including for self-defense, including knives;
  • gift and bank cards;
  • parts of the human body, as well as remains;
  • real estate;
  • slot machines;
  • other goods directly indicated in the list.

In case of violation of the rules for the sale and placement for sale of goods from the category of prohibited or restricted, the lot will be deleted automatically. The account will be frozen and completely blocked without the possibility of restoring access.

How to submit an ad and start selling on eBay from Russia

After completing all the above instructions for registering and checking products for compliance with the requirements, you can proceed to the next stage - put the goods up for sale. Trading is carried out by placing lots on the eBay online auction marketplace.

Use the instructions below, step-by-step implementation of which will allow you to place your ad:

  1. Log in to your account and click on "My eBay". In the menu that opens, click on the "Account" line and select "Seller Panel".
  2. In the section that opens, find "Start Selling" and click it. On the colorful page in the center, find the big green "Listyouritem" button.
  3. Choose your trading method. There are 2 options in the form:
  • an auction, when the seller sets a minimum price for a product and buyers trade for it for a set period (participation in an auction can be open to all users without exception or limited to a certain group of buyers);
  • assigning a fixed cost.

After passing the check and placing an ad, track the number of views of the lot and its finding in high positions. The use of paid services will provide increased attention to the product and attract the maximum number of interested parties.

It is important to know not only how to trade on eBay, but also how to complete a sale. Upon receipt of the purchase notification, the purchaser should be invoiced for payment as soon as possible. After crediting the funds, send the goods to the address indicated by the buyer. Try to pack nicely, taking into account all your wishes. Solve current issues through messages within the site.

Commissions and fees on eBay

In the relationship between the seller and the buyer, the eBay marketplace acts as an intermediary that inherently accompanies the sale and purchase transaction. The activity of any intermediary is aimed at deriving the profit that eBay receives from each purchase in the form of a commission.

Despite the fact that registration is free, the following types of payments are established for users:

  • highlighting an advertisement (Optional Feature Fee) in order to attract attention - depending on the method, the cost of the service is $ 0.2-2;
  • Commission for a successfully completed transaction (Final Value Fee) is 10% of the total cost, including delivery;
  • withdrawal of funds from a personal PayPal wallet, which is part of a single structure - 4%.

All commissions are automatically debited from the attached PayPal e-wallet. If you disagree with the amount of the debited funds, contact the auction support service with a request to clarify the reasons for the debited funds.

Note that there is an additional fee for placing more than 50 lots per month, which is $ 0.3 for each ad submitted in excess of the norm. Free posting of only 1 photo of the product is possible, in the case of attachment of 2 or more, a fee is provided in the amount of $ 0.3 to $ 1, depending on their quantity. It is possible to post additional photos free of charge by attaching links to special storages.

For more information on sales fees on eBay from Russia, see the video:

A simple and user-friendly interface available to Russian users helps to successfully sell goods not only domestically, but also to foreign buyers. When placing an ad and setting a price for an item on eBay, please note that the total amount of commissions and fees in case of a successful sale is up to 25% of the value of the item sold. Include these costs in the price at the time of registration and placement of the lot, since a change in value after publication may lead to customer dissatisfaction.

NS. The largest and most famous of them - auction Ebay. A huge number of sellers from all over the world use it to sell both brand new and used product making good money on it. To expose product on auction Ebay, you need to follow a series of simple steps.

First of all, register on the website by filling in all the required fields of the form, and confirm your agreement with all the terms of the user agreement. Then click the Sell button and proceed to fill out the Sell Form product a.

The first step towards filling out a form is placing your product but in one of several thousand categories indicated on the site. This will help the potential buyer find the item you are exhibiting faster. Mine product you can post in several categories at once. This will increase your chances of a quick sale, but it will also double the costs associated with participating in auction e.

The next item is "Title". Come up with for your product but an original, enticing name that will undoubtedly attract the attention of the buyer to the lot. Do not forget to indicate the name of the manufacturer, color and size exhibited on auction things.

Now describe in great detail the exhibit on auction product... Indicate all its advantages and disadvantages. If there is any damage, do not forget to write about them as well. Complete the description of the lot with high-quality and attractive photographs of the item on sale.

Indicate the original price product a. Start at the lowest cost you can afford. Remember that a cheap lot can attract the attention of a large number of potential buyers.

Do not forget to indicate the delivery method for your exhibited product a. You can offer the buyer free shipping on condition that he immediately purchases the product a.

You will need

  • A computer, reliable Internet access, the availability of the product that you are going to put up for sale, the availability of start-up capital if you plan to resell the goods, a registered account on the online auction site.


Choose the online auction that suits you best. The most convenient, popular and well-established auction in the world is Ebay. But for a Russian user, it is not entirely convenient, because all calculations within it are made in the PayPal payment system, which is not for the Russian market. Therefore, Russians have to give most of their income to intermediary services for the transfer and cashing of funds. But there appeared high-quality and also well-proven Russian counterparts of Ebay, such as Hammer and Avito. Competent promotion, new ideas and positive users put Avito in the first place, but "Hammer" also has its own considerable audience. Get to know each of them, study the scheme of work and register.

Sell ​​on auction things created by their own. Thousands of people all over the country cannot start their own business, despite the presence of talent and desire, because it is trivial funds, although it is possible to conduct such a business with minimal costs. Create your own product, evaluate it soberly for bidding. If you produce really high quality, then they will be bought often, quickly and at a high price, which will have a very optimistic effect on yours.

Take up the pre-sale of goods. The most common and profitable scheme that does not require high costs: you buy goods that are listed at a low price and resell them at the same auction higher. You can also go to auction things at low prices, and selling them offline is more expensive. Offline sales have their own, you can get much more income, but the costs will be much higher.


Resale of goods requires a good calculation: if you managed to profitably resell a set of winter tires, this does not mean that your success will be repeated with a case of beer.

Helpful advice

An online auction is not only a way to make good money, but also an opportunity to get rid of unnecessary rubbish in an apartment. Do not throw away old things, even if it seems to you that no one will give a ruble for them. Perhaps you are throwing out tens of thousands of rubles at this moment.


  • How you can make money on an online auction in 2019

Where can all the unnecessary be profitably sold, and the necessary - purchased? Of course on auction... However, it has been noticed that it is twice as profitable to trade and purchase things at online auctions. But first you need to get there.

You will need

  • Personal computer with access to the global network.


Type "Internet auction" into the search line of the browser and in the resulting list decide on the portal on which, for example, you will purchase the goods.

Go through registration, which takes place in two stages. First, enter all the necessary information about yourself (e-mail, last name, first name, etc.). Secondly, after the letter about on the resource comes to your mailbox, follow the link, which will serve as confirmation that all contact information is correct.

Agree to the terms and conditions in force on the Internet auction... This is done at the registration stage. If you do not check the consent box in the required field, then registration will be impossible.

Study carefully the offered products and place a bid on the object of your choice.


Be careful as there are many common scams. For example, a malicious seller will put up a laptop at an online auction at a deliberately low price to attract the attention of gullible buyers. When it comes to buying an item on display, such a seller may insist on payment using personal bank checks or postal checks. After the checks have been sent, the goods, of course, do not arrive at the buyer. But there is one more "but": the buyer will not be able to return the money on these checks either.

Helpful advice

Online auctions usually have a buyer licensing program to help secure the deal. Try to use secure transactions.


  • An article about online auctions. in 2019

What kind of goods are not traded in the world, inflating their prices and constantly competing with other products for popularity and sales. Everything from cosmetics to grains finds a buyer today - so what is the best-selling product?

Black gold

According to the publication of world prices and data from the international exchange NYMEX Division light, the best-selling commodity in the world is crude oil - an oily black liquid with flammable properties. The composition of this mineral includes various carbons with a wide variety of structures - their molecules can be either long or normal, branched or closed in rings, etc. The distillation of crude oil produces products such as fuel oil, gasoline, lighting kerosene and jet fuel.

Oil can be dissolved in an organic solvent, but it almost never dissolves in water.

Also in the composition of crude oil there are small amounts of sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen compounds. Basically, it consists of hydrocarbon, asphalt and ash parts, as well as sulfur and porphyrins. Petroleum hydrocarbons are divided into naphthenic, methane and aromatic groups - it is the methane group that is the most stable, while the most unstable group is aromatic, contains a minimum of hydrogen and is the most toxic component of oil. The cost of oil is largely dependent on the presence of sulfur in it, since this widespread corrosive impurity must be removed during refining. As a result, the price of oil with a high sulfur content is much lower than the price of low-grained oil.

Crude oil characteristics

Crude oil is produced directly from boreholes that cut through oil reservoirs. When leaving them, oil contains water, rock particles, as well as gases and salts that are dissolved in it. These impurities significantly complicate the transportation and processing of oil, and also cause corrosion of metal parts of equipment. Therefore, in order to export or supply crude oil to remote refineries, crude oil must be processed industrially, removing all foreign matter from it.

The lightest hydrocarbons and gas must be separated from the composition of raw materials, since these valuable products are easily lost during storage.

Crude oil, cleaned of gases, water and impurities, is delivered to refineries, where it is processed and converted into various petroleum products. The quality of crude oil and products from it determines the composition of the raw material, on which the direction of its processing and the quality of final oil products depend.

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Purchase and sale transactions are carried out daily and everywhere. Usually, the buyer purchases a product with a clearly fixed price. However, there are auctions - this is a type of economic transaction where the announced price often does not coincide with the final purchase price of the goods.

What is an auction

An auction is the public sale of goods, securities, property of enterprises, works of art and other objects. This sale is carried out according to the established rules. The main principle of the auction is its competitiveness between buyers. During the auction, buyers compete for the right to purchase an item by offering their prices for the selected item. The criterion for determining the winner is the price. As soon as the winner of the competition is determined, the auction item is declared sold.

Auctions have existed since the days of the Roman Empire and were usually held after military victories. The term "auction" itself comes from the English word auctionis, "increase" or "growth".

What is an English auction

There are eight main types of auctions. Of these, the most common and famous is the English auction. It is also called direct. The principle of this auction is based on the establishment of a minimum price, the so-called "starting" price. It is the starting point for further trades, during which buyers bargaining among themselves gradually increase it.

All incoming proposals are publicly announced. The final price is considered to be formed in the course of the auction and which was the maximum offer for the object of the auction.

The duration of the direct auction is fixed or the auction lasts until the end of the receipt of new bids. However, there is the concept of a reserve price, that is, the minimum cost for which the seller agrees to sell the product. If during the auction it remains unreached, the item is not sold.

There are two types of English auctions - direct and reverse. In a direct auction, prices rise according to the offer of the bidder or at the request of the auction participants. The highest bidder is considered the winner. These auctions tend to sell unique items such as used items, collectibles, wines, and more.

In the reverse auction, the starting price is set by the buyer. And it is equal to the maximum price at which he agrees to purchase this product. And in this type of bidding, sellers compete, competing with each other. They make offers to the buyer. In this case, the price goes down, not up. This continues until there is a seller who is ready to sell his product at that price.

Trading on eBay makes it possible for any person to open a business without much investment, bring an existing business to the world level, and sometimes just make good money by dismantling wardrobes and closets

How to start selling on eBay

In order to start selling on eBay, you need an account on the site (you can use the buyer's account), a card and a valid PayPal account with the right to receive funds to the account. They must be related to each other - i.e. the card must be linked to PayPal, and the PayPal account must be linked to an eBay account.

You will also need to be verified by the site, in some cases you will have to send scans of documents confirming your identity and that the account belongs to you.

And, of course, in order to sell anywhere in the world, you need to know English.

How to get sales and customers.

New salespeople need to build a positive reputation. Forget about selling on eBay if you think e-commerce is an easy way to make a lot of money, and overseas buyers are willing to pay for anything and it won't be difficult for them to sell a fake brand disguised as an original, a non-working thing disguised as a working one, and the main thing is to sell, and then think about how to deliver the item to the buyer and how much.

Selling on eBay is the same business as everyone else, and you need to treat it accordingly - take seriously and follow all the requirements and rules of the site, quickly and competently answer buyers' questions, send goods without delay, be honest and polite - all this will allow you to receive positive feedbacks, which are the basis for the seller's rating on eBay. And don't chase after sudden wealth - remember that a million starts with a cent.

What can you sell on eBay.

Before figuring out how to sell on ebay, you need to decide what to sell. On the site, you can sell both new products and used ones. The assortment of goods is very diverse - from rusty nails to ultra-modern electronics

There are a lot of clothes, shoes, electronics on the site. However, it will be quite difficult to compete with old, trusted sellers (especially Chinese ones) in the sale of modern goods and clothes, unless you can offer customers exclusive goods or something hand-made.

In general, rare and collectible items are perhaps the best-selling items on eBay. Moreover, collectible goods for Westerners are goods that for us, residents of the former USSR, are of no particular importance. Soviet-era porcelain figurines, handicrafts, badges and insignia, Soviet banknotes and even newspapers are all sold on eBay and are in great demand.

Criteria for correctly listing an item on eBay.

Good choice product categories... Placing your product in the correct category will increase the chances of a large number of buyers finding your product. The site will help you with choosing the correct category. One product can be placed in 2 categories - this will increase the chance of a quick sale, but you will have to pay double insertion fee

Correct Product Name should contain detailed information about it - brand name, size, color. Ideal - the name of the keywords by which buyers are looking for a similar product. Keywords can be viewed from competitors selling similar products.

Realistic product description... The main thing here is honesty. If you sell second-hand goods, with chips and scratches - indicate each of them in detail, accompanied by the corresponding photos, which clearly show the damage. Do not be afraid to give a detailed description of the shortcomings - this will not stop Western customers from buying, but it will significantly reduce the risk of receiving negative feedback from a buyer who considered himself cheated. Agree, a succinct definition of "liar" in feedback will significantly reduce the seller's reputation and scare off a large number of potential buyers in the future.

Clear and crisp photos. It is better to do them in a studio, or in conditions as close as possible to studio conditions - in daylight, on a white background, with a good camera, so that it is clearly clear what item is being sold and in what condition. There are many articles on the Internet on the topic "How to take pictures at home" - do not be lazy to read and use their advice

The ideal option is to take several photos from different angles, for used, or old things and objects, be sure to take out all the existing shortcomings of the product in separate photos - chips, defects, missing parts on objects, scuffs and wear marks on clothes. Disadvantages of the photo can be corrected in photo editors, but do not get carried away, because the subject in the photo should look as naturalistic as possible in order to avoid negative feedback from “deceived” buyers.

Reasonable prices. Before setting a price for a proposed product, do research on similar products and see how much competitors are selling them for. It is not worth overpricing, but frankly dumping is also a bad idea. Competitors may complain about you, and the site will limit the possibilities of your account to the point of not being able to sell more than a few lots. Set an adequate price - remember about the principle "it is better to have more cheap sales than one expensive one."

Real shipping cost. You should not include the profit from the sale in the delivery cost - remember that the buyer has the right to dispute the inflated, in his opinion, delivery cost, and you will have nothing to do but return part of the money to him. If you want to attract a buyer, include the shipping cost in the price of the item, and make the delivery "Free shipping". This psychological technique has a positive effect on buyers - they immediately see the final price, without hidden fees and overpayments.

The cost of selling on eBay.

The cost of purchasing a product... They can be minimized by selling using the drop shipping system - posting photos of the product on the website, and when something is sold, buying the product from the seller with a request to send it directly to your buyer. Many Chinese stores offer to work on this system, however, delivery times will be considerable and this method of sales is generally not reliable - you are not responsible for the quality of the goods and the timing of their dispatch. You can work on the drop-shipping system only with trusted sellers.

eBay commission- 2 types of fees - insertion fee- for displaying goods (Up to 50 lots per month - free of charge), final value fee- for its sale (charged separately from the cost of the lot and the cost of delivery) - 10% of the total cost, but not more than $ 250. Separately, you will have to pay extra for a more advanced type of store, the ability to highlight the description of the lot, display the lot on different eBay branches and other improvements to the account or lot. Read more about eBay's Standard Selling Fees. Money is withdrawn from your card, which, in addition to being linked to PayPal, will need to be linked in your personal account.

PayPal commission- charged for transferring funds from the buyer to your account. A separate commission is charged for withdrawing funds from a PayPal account - for countries that allow accepting funds to a PayPal account, withdrawals are usually carried out at a rate lower than the real one, for countries where funds are not accepted to a PayPal account, you will have to pay intermediaries.

This is basic information on whether you can sell on eBay and how to do it. You can read in more detail in the relevant articles on the Internet and, of course, in the rules of the eBay website itself.

I've always thought eBay was the perfect way to get rid of stockpiled goods. It has the largest audience among online markets - over 110 million active users. They, of course, are spoiled by Chinese prices, but if the price tag on my T-shirts is reduced to the cost price or a little lower, then we get a competitive offer. The experience of selling abroad gave me confidence: I used ASOS Marketplace to send packages to the UK and France several times.

The conditions of eBay suited me: free placement of up to 50 units of goods per month, the market takes about 10% of the sale (depending on the category). To register a merchant account, all you had to do was enter your name, verify your phone number, and point your account to PayPal. After that, I got to the welcome page, where I was offered to start uploading products.

This process turned out to be uncomplicated, but tedious. eBay asks for even the dimensions and weight of the packaged item. The end of the ridiculous procedure was crowned with complete disappointment.

“Unfortunately, you will not be able to complete this product card because you have reached the limit on the number of products that you can put in this category,” read the caption on the screen. In the background information about the limits, it was said only in passing - who would have thought that the limit would be zero positions. That is, I cannot sell a single thing, and the only way to fix it is to call the international office of eBay, and strictly during business hours.

Hoping that everything on the other side of the wire would probably be automated and I would have to say my e-mail at most, waited for the evening and called the indicated number.

But the manager answered me, and all the advice he gave me came down to entering a pin code when a seller's account was created. And I coped with this for a long time and successfully. After three minutes of communication, 300 rubles on my account ran out.

And then I started writing. I wrote about my problem and a day later received an answer in which I was again asked to enter the PIN code. Then I wrote an even longer letter, where I attached the screenshots, and only after that the matter went. They sent me a list of documents for identification. This list is not available anywhere on the website.

It included: a copy of a driver's license or any other document with a photo, an agreement with a forwarding service, if any, a bank statement on the availability of an account and cards linked to it, a billing address and expiration date of the card, and if the address on the card ( billing-address, we have this address of registration) does not coincide with the address indicated on eBay and planned for use in trade, then it must be confirmed by sending a copy of the utility bill.

It should still be admitted
what the service staff tried
help me. Each time I received a long and clearly not a template letter

All documents must be faxed with a cover page indicating the mail and ID associated with the eBay account, after which they are reviewed within 7-10 days.

I sent all the documents through the service and waited. Seven days later, I received a message in which it was written that they could not satisfy the request, since they did not understand my situation with the addresses.

I sent the following fax, in which on the title page I described the difference between the address of registration and the address of residence in Russia, and attached to all other documents a scan of the page with registration from the Russian passport.

It took 10 days, but they didn’t answer me. I wrote it myself. It turned out that they were interfering with my second request somewhere. After a couple of hours of searching, they wrote that they had found it, and now they again need 7-10 days to review it.

After another 10 days, without receiving an answer, I wrote again myself. I was informed that my request was sent to a special department that handles complex applications, and now they have a lot of work, so I will have to wait a little longer. It's been a month and a half since my first attempt to become an eBay seller.

Over the next weeks, I contacted them several more times: they either lost my faxes again, then asked me to confirm the address again, then reported about the workload of their department. Therefore, when I finally received the long-awaited letter with the satisfaction of my request, it was already joyful, and funny, and sad. The whole procedure took me three months.

It should be admitted, however, that the service staff have always sincerely tried to help me. Each time I received a long and clearly not a formulaic letter. They thanked me several times for being an eBay user for two years and three months, praised my choice of the last purchase and in general showed miracles of tact. I can’t be angry with them, although I understand that it would be better if they spent their time not writing letters, but debugging processes.

Out of the promised limit of 50 product units, I was able to use only 20. The system promised that this number would increase over time and with the growth of my sales. But from time to time I still have to go through the identification confirmation procedure again. In the meantime, in the first week of posting on eBay, we have several dozen views for each item - and not a single sale. One thing pleases: during this time, I have already sold part of the stock leftovers on the ASOS Marketplace.