Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Minting: "There are more meticulous parents than we. Prilochny and Motation for the first time starred together with the younger daughter Miai for gloss interviews of primarily and agate Mustion Magazine OK

Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Minting: "There are more meticulous parents than we. Prilochny and Motation for the first time starred together with the younger daughter Miai for gloss interviews of primarily and agate Mustion Magazine OK

Paul and Agatha told what 2017 was remembered and what the younger primaries, Timofey and Mia think about their parents.

The year in which Paul celebrated his anniversary - 30 years old! I know that you, agate, very actively prepared for the celebration. Did Paul really guess that he was waiting for him?

There was a moment when he guessed. The fact is that I had to change the password in the phone so that he does not see the discussion of all the details of the surprise with his friends in a specially created commodity group. And here is our son Timofey, who now teaches the numbers, runs up to Pasha and says: "Dad, I learned the mother's new password!" Pasha says: "In the sense of? Mom What, password changed? " And then I had to admit that I am preparing a small surprise. But I said it would be very small surprich, symbolic.

Photo: Olga Zinovskaya /

And in fact?

According to my idea, his friends arrived in Peter. All the guys dressed in stupid costumes of Smesharikov, Mickey Mausov and other characters, and Pasha with the help of the riddles that we read should guess who is hiding behind the mask. Pasha did not believe that all this happens in reality and that guests came to him on the anniversary from Novosibirsk himself, that even his best friend of Rewa did not know immediately. Even when he began to serve a voice from the costume! The holiday itself turned out to be so soul, cheerful. It really was the most cheerful birthday on which I ever attended. Not because I organized, it just all happened. Pasha has wonderful friends, they have such a mad energy. It was a megal festival.

Judging by the reaction of Paul on video in social networks, he really liked the holiday. It is usually more serious.

He is not that serious ... I will say this: Pasha - a man closed from many.

Paul, tell, did you like the surprise Agata?

Yah! Some garbage!

Bullshit, it means? This is your new garbage phone!

Yes, I'm joking! Klevo everything was! I really knew nothing. Just thought it would be some holiday. In general, I do not like to celebrate. So they are playing out the day that everything else is not important. For me, a holiday is to sit at home with family.

And here I had to spend time with friends ...

The biggest gift for me is what Agatha collected together all my friends. It is indulted healthy! I did not think that you can collect so many people together. After all, we all have already grew, everyone has their own problems, their own life, and just dock everyone in one day and in one place almost unreal!

Oh, I was so nice when Pasha said that I was shared in the preparation of surprises.

They say your fans made you a very practical and useful gift for the anniversary - a massage chair. It's true?

Yes, pure truth!

My children and I have already tried it. Cool chair! I will use them for sure.

But I have not seen the chair yet, as it stands in the Moscow House, and I work now in St. Petersburg. In general, my group "VKontakte" - Well done. They are all very steep guys. They give something to all holidays, come up with, constantly participate in my life, know everything about me, up to where I go. Although I did not say that. They always have all the photos from the main events of my life, they directly the chronicle lead families. This is a whole army, good one, I do not know how many thousand people are there, somewhere 150. We have long been together, the seventh year.

Do you communicate with them?

Yes, but mainly with group administrators. But with fans rarely. There is not enough time, and in general I am not a network, not social.

You mentioned that you live in St. Petersburg. And how did the children replaced the place of residence?

Children are already accustomed to moving, and they really like it. They climb with such joy to any new apartment, begin to consider everything, jump on the sofas.

For my Miyk, it's all in a novelty, but she likes to ride or on the Sapsan or by car, it is right away. And Timosh is already used to. Children seem to think that all people are so moving.

And what do they think about the fact that their parents are stars?

Timothy somehow once in kindergarten asked who dad works. Son replied: "It does not work!" He is told: "Wait, but your dad is a famous actor, very talented." And Tim in response: "No! Dad is only photographed and removed, it does not work! " And then we were filmed on the cover of the magazine, my son was somehow not in the spirit. The daughter of the artist for makeup approached him: "Timosha, what are you? You will be on the cover of the magazine! You imagine, someone will see you and calls to the movies. " And Timosh such sits gloomy: "Think, movies! It's boring!" The girl decided that Tim was very strange.

You probably have a bunch of gifts to children bring?

With touring a lot of luck. Viewers all the time carry something for children. They are transmitted candy, toys. Timosh now loves transformers very much, and therefore asks robots. Some time ago he was fond of spider man. And Mijah is still glad to all, from dolls to animals.

How can they surprise them?

You know, Tim and Mia are already accustomed that we return not with empty hands. And here I arrived in the morning on Sapsan to Moscow, then there was a full shooting day, and all night went on the train home to Peter. Naturally, nothing has time to buy children. And I thought it would be a hobby plan if I give them a free set, which is given in trains. Mia was very pleased with the gift, she immediately began to be brightened, washed his hands several times and said: "Pure, purely, purely." And Timofey was upset. It is a pity that I did not have time to shoot for instagram the very first reaction of the Son. He opened a gift joyfully, and then changed in her face and said: "Again sneakers?" I laughed very much. Roughly speaking, it was a small trolling.

Previously, the Moition and the incense hid the face of the daughter from strangers, laying out only those photos in the social networks, where she's back to the chamber. The baby was born in early March of this year. Timothy is now four years old.


In an interview with the edition, Agata spoke about pregnancy. "Already in the process of filming, I learned that I am waiting for a child, moreover, I am in the third month. It was a surprise for everyone. She walked December, and in March I gave birth," the actress recalls with a smile. "While they shot, I persuaded the mius not to grow so quickly. , Sit on a diet, on proper nutrition: Vegetables, fruits, boiled chicken ... I watched the material from the filming, it seems there is not visible. "

Children have different temperaments. "Here, by the way, still to compare characters: Timofey could always be given to anyone, he was very trusting, and the Miya goes only to those whom he knows. If it is someone else, she will take her hysterics," said Motion.

Survived in demand suffer from a lack of communication with children. "Timofey asked me somehow:" Dad, and where do you live? "I hinted that with them, but he said," No, I live with my mother, and you have a house? "I take a lot of work not because What I want to remove everywhere. There are certain duties that need to be performed: to complete the house and so on ... then take a break and will be removed only in what I like, "the artist shared plans.

By the way, once once in another interview with Agata, it was discounted about his quarrels with an emotional husband. Their relationship seems perfect, but, according to Mutzing, everything is not so cloudless. For example, during the filming of the series "Quest", the incense joined his wife to the operator. "They came home - they came up. Bey dishes. Pasha shouted that tomorrow she would give a divorce," the star of the star "Major" said.

Agatha can be silent for a long time, but it also patience is not iron. "When I completely serve - I will answer in such a way that there will not seem little. Word for the word - and rushed. Cups fly and plates. At that time, we literally spawned a removable apartment in Riga, even the door knocked out. The tracks were noticed, repaired. Pasha asked for forgiveness: Well, you can do, such a quick-tempered. The child, fortunately, did not see anything, he stayed at my mom. And never see, I promise: to scandal with children - the last thing, "says Motition.

Already at the beginning of the spring, the actors Agaty Motation and Paulils will be born a second child.

Photo: Vanya Berezkin

This baby, like their first-mentioned Timofey, is a gift for fate: for certain reasons, the replenishment in the family spouses planned a little later. But they are ready for difficulties: the name is already equipped and the name is chosen, and Timofey is morally prepared for the appearance of a brother or sister ...

Rfuck, when I called you in the fall, you were not even ready to confirm that you are waiting for a child, and now they starred with our family. Why hid it?

Agatha: To be honest, we did not really hide, but also not wanted to advertise the pregnancy. Pasha has a lot of fans who are not very glad to this news. Why once again show everything, what are you happy? At some point, I even became annoying that everyone was asked: "Oh, why did you get better? You have such a belly! " I did not want to endure it for a discussion, besides, learning about pregnancy, I worked for a long time. Now I am already on the eighth month, shooting behind, everything is settled - you can tell.

Even the floor and the name of the child will call?

A.: Pash, what do you think?

Paul: The name probably will be left secret. First, Okrestim, then already say. Too much all sorts of evil eyes. And the floor - please: we will have a girl.

Let's see how we all get out of the baby, I will already repel from it. In training greatly, I want to look like muscles.

Full set! Agatha, after the first birth, you quickly came into shape. Already there is a plan, how to do it now?

BUT.: ( Laugh.) Pasha always says me: "Baby, yes, you look great!" And I recently saw the photos made during my first pregnancy, so I have the legs thicker than me. I was just a terrible bomb, and he told me that I was awesome. Now I have everything carefully and, honestly, I do not plan anything special. The only thing, before pregnancy, I took a half-Dance, for which I was configured by the wife of a fascine brother. She also has two children, and it helped her to return to the form. Let's see how we all get out of the baby, I will already repel from it. In training greatly, I want to look like muscles.

Pasha, are you ready to change diapers yourself, while the wife is dancing?

P.: Of course! I do not see anything about nothing. With Timothy, I often remained alone when it was quite small.

A.: With Pasha, it is not terribly scary to leave a breast baby: he will feed, and the diaper will change. Many on their men complain: they say, they are sitting on the couch, they play on the computer, hang on football and do not help them at all, and then they also scold his wife that in the apartment dirty, when she is with two children. Pasha is not so. He can take and wash the apartment so that I don't give God, I did not speak. We together catch this wave, this balance. There should be no duties to share on male and female.

P .: Not we are, but life is so. Much depends on who you share it. If you want to do something for a person - you just do it, and that's it.

How did you know that you will become dad again?

P: It seems we were then in Africa ...

A.: What are you? In Africa, we got pregnant! I passed a surprise: I poured the balls and put a small pupseau and a pregnancy test into one of them. He had to burst all the balls and find a gift, but he immediately grabbed the right ball. Then he stared at the test for a long time and eventually issued: "Can't be!" But of course he guessed that I was found. ( Smiles.)

P.: I was happy! Although we planned replenishment a little later. The fact is that I started the construction of the city in order to move there in the future with children. In Moscow, it is not very cool to live: the ecology is completely rubbish, moving around everywhere by car, you will not let go of the child ... But the crisis arose, and everything was suspended. Therefore, I almost was ready. But nothing, with the first child was even more fun: we just moved from one removable apartment to another.

Have you already prepared for the fact that the number of noise in the house will increase times in two?

P.: It seems to me that it is impossible to prepare for this. ( Laugh.) If you really say about it, we were not ready for the first child. Everything is relative.

A.: To be honest, I can not imagine how we organize our life. There is a feeling that with the second child will be easier. Because some experience we purchased. But how to organize your life with two children, I still can not imagine. Somehow it will work out. Probably, the first time will be hard, but everyone is hard at first, but then fun and cool. In general, two children are good, this is a full-fledged family. Children are not bored, they can play with each other. I think it is very important to have a brother or sister. For example, I have no one closer to sister.

P.: Do I? And what about me?

A.: Well, you understand what I mean. ( Laugh.)

How did Timofey responded on the news that he would have a sister?

A.: It seems to me that he still does not really understand that he is waiting for him.

P .: At first he immediately said: "I don't need." Then we began to teach him, show on the example of our friends, what a sister is: "Here is such a little girl and you will have too." And he began to somehow relate to this. Already tried to care for some of the younger friends, feed even.

A.: The scenes are playing with toys: Mom, dad, he and sister. We have been addressed for a long time that we have two children in the family. But sometimes the Son still says: "Mom, Dad and Timosh". I then ask: "And the sister where?" He shows that she is in the tummy. But he already realized that she would soon be at home. I, however, I am a little afraid of jealousy from his part. I even bought a book special to learn how to prevent Mama and quarrels about this. How do you build your work schedules? Do you often manage to stay together?

A.: Pasha disappeared in general. From September it is not at home. This pregnancy passed by him. ( Laugh.) To be honest, she also passed by me, because in the fall I began a project where I played a major role. Employment - six days after one. The schedule was so tight that I did not even notice how six months have passed: neither toxicosis, nor bad well-being - there was nothing. At the end of December, I had the last shooting day, and I immediately went to rest with Pasha. Only then I realized that the marathon was over and could be exhaled. More precisely, I thought so, because, besides work, I had a house, a child, a dog. And in general, I am pregnant! But at that time I was completely confused and did not immediately remember what my month I have. And Pasha is not at home for half a year.

In "Major 2" removed?

P.: Well, yes. Recently, a project was rented for the "Russia" channel, which is called "murder", and as soon as he ended, "Major 2" began. Therefore, I have not come home for a long time. For the weekend, of course, I try, but it is one or two, less often three days.

A.: Now somehow becomes better. Here we were with the thimoused Pasha in St. Petersburg for a whole month, recently returned. It was necessary to equip the corner for the baby.

Agatha, what are you planning to do with your career? How long will you sit at home with children?

A.: Let's look in circumstances. I remember all the first pregnancy I was very worried about the career. It seemed to me that I would definitely forget me, I wouldn't succeed in me, I would need to start first ... now I'm almost all the same. It will not work career - I will come up with something else. For example, I will begin to actively drive everyone to any mugs. ( Laughs.) If a good project appears, I will simply take with me to shoot a child. With breastfeeding it is not a problem at all: just call the nanny, and everyone goes on shooting together. Or the driver you send with milk jars home. So I don't even think about it. It seems to me, at least fifteen children you have - can't prevent your career. The main thing is wisely to distribute everything, find the balance between work and family.

Did you pretend, how will you raise your daughter? Still, the approach is traditionally different to the girls and boys.

A.: I think (and our dad is trying to inspire it) that up to three years old do not share children for half a sign. Because the child is always a child, especially small. They have the same needs. The only thing I think the girl will be more daddy than mum. My son is so whole Mother. All my friends and acquaintances, who have the same full set, believe that girls are more in dads than to moms. And then we will be repelled from the nature, from how she will behave, what kind of requirements will be. I really hope that Timosh will take care of her sister and defend it. Timothy is already the age when children understand that they can manipulate their parents. Does he succeed?

N.: I will not say that he is so right manipulates. It grows inhaled. Timosh behaves very well with me, everything understands and does not capricious. True, as soon as Women sees and understands that it can be played, then yes, it starts something there ...

A.: If guests come to us, then we often hear: "For the first time we see such a brought up boy, especially in three years." He adds toys into place, and shares them with other children. It may come to me and say to me: "Mom, turn on, please cartoon." Mom immediately melts: "Well, of course, now turn on." ( Laugh.)

P .: If we are together with him, then he listens to me unquestioned.

A.: When there are many people around it - we are with Pasha, grandmother, nanny, then everything, Timosha begins to deteriorate. It can praise and run up even to the strangers to regret it. Maybe in the store candy to raise yourself, and he will be given free. It was recently: Nanny with Timothy came from the store, and he had a chocolate in his hand. I ask: "Faith, you bought it?" And she: "No, Timothy presented it at the checkout."

Pasha, and you and you do not compete for the attention of Agatha?

A.: It happens, they struggle with the cries "My mom! No, mine! "

N.: You know, before I had a question: how will we live with children? Now I ask myself: how could I live without Timothy? It is strange, boring and so on. I now have again shooting in St. Petersburg, and I'm sad. Timofey at that age when he became very fun with him: he talks to him, he understood a lot, he was already developed in character. I see how he tries to be like me, and it encourages me to become better. Very cool when you understand that they grow personality. In the past interview for OK! You told you that you allow Timothy to test the world yourself, literally trying it to taste: they say, wants to eat sand - let him eat. Did anything changed in your eyes?

A.: He is a very reasonable guy and does nothing that might be shocking us. Oddly enough, our tactic works: when you allow something, it does not. It can rush, yell, indulge, with dad they laugh sometimes to tears. There is no brakes: if it is emotionally accelerated, it is difficult to stop it. Probably, all children are so, they are still unstable at this age. And in terms of choosing, we always give him freedom. Timosha said that he did not want to walk on football, and no one became forcing him. Looking at, try again, and if not - it is not. It is never worth forcing, everyone's childhood happens only once.

P .: In fact, it is necessary to walk on football. He began when he was not three years old, but something did not grow together, he said somehow that he no longer wants. It seems to me that as a football player he applies hope. I don't even need toys need: pistols, dolls, robots - all past, but the ball should always be near. He has a box at home in which a bunch of balls. In general, it is not necessary for football, try and other.

Do you feel that we grow with your child?

P.: Yes, perhaps. Old habits leave, more responsibility appears. You won't walk to the loss of the pulse, there are priority affairs. We grow.

A.: It would be strange if we degraded. ( Laugh.) I have a very strange feeling. I understand that now I love Timothy once a fifteen stronger than he loved when he was only born. Can I say that I grew up? I do not know. By the way, familiar who have not met Pasha for a long time, all as one say that he matured and became a responsible man. And I see from the outside that this is true: such he became Pasha-Dad.

P .: Because now, before doing something, I think it will teach a child. Unfortunately, many parents do not care about such things. Children even for half a year remember everything, and then at three, five or ten years it will definitely be eager.

You are very sensible arguing. Are you your own parents taught or books?

P: I think our parents affected us. We were also brought up, and something was somehow learned. Mom Agatha Wonderful woman, mine too. Well, we found a friend

friend, actually.

A.: Some women are inspired by his example - and just familiar, and famous actresses like Will Smith's wife. Admires how they learned to keep the balance between work and family. I also want it to be on the set everything is fine, and that the child is happy, the husband was happy, and the dog. ( Smiles.)

And you never have a desire to relax from the family and leave somewhere away?

A.: All this happens and everyone should have. Otherwise you can go crazy. It seems to me that nothing will happen without such interruptions. Because life, whatever he was not, anyway comes. Mom and dad should stay together, even if they have the best and obedient children in the world. And if you have the opportunity to go together at least three days, it needs to be used, it's great.

P.: And the child rests a bit, rebuilding, when there are no parents nearby. It is necessary to give him a feeling that he can and should be independent. Otherwise, it will be hard for him.

A.: There are such children who do not even go to another room. It is very annoying me. I believe that the child should be independent. When Pasha and I were filmed in Quest, Timothy was a year and a half, and we left him for five to six days with grandmothers. We did not have a choice, we both were hellish. And with him, imagine nothing happened. On the contrary, in his three years he can stay with any person, he has no fear, he is going to contact everyone. And with the nanny he moved in a couple of days. There must be some kind of border that would separate children from their parents. The husband and wife must have a personal space so that they can support their relationship, their marriage. Therefore, fun, parties, trips together - we will have all this. I think we are with Pasha and on eighty-five will run somewhere together. ( Laugh.)

Style: Ekaterina Troshko.

Makeup and Hairstyles: Anvarochilov

January 19, 2017.

The primarious family noted the five years of marriage to moving to a new home.

The actors Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Minkie wished five years ago. A young family raises the 4-year-old son Timothy and the daughter of Miu, which in March will be a year. Prilum is one of the most sought-after Russian actors. Minkie was a break in work - several years Agata dedicated to children. Recently, the actress returned to television screens - she plays a major role in TNT.

"Every free minute Pasha rushes home"

- Agatha, last year you have become my mother for the second time. Planned the birth of a daughter?

- I always wanted two children and not to do a big break between the birth of the first and second child. It is easier to return to sleepless nights. And only I thought: "It would be necessary to get pregnant now well - when I face, Timothy will turn three years, it will be easier to manage with him, you can already agree ..." - as everything happened. Pasha and I figured out that Miya was turned out while traveling to Africa. By the way, I dreamed of fish, and the dream book says to pregnancy. I delighted Pasha, and he was unestropproof to my interpretation of sleep. But as a result, the dream was proper. And I started to meditate, constantly repeating: Let it be a girl, a girl, a girl ...

"Now, probably, a daughter from the dad rope is vi?"

- Miya is small, so it does not understand what can get from the dad that he wants. But the son ... Pasha brought Timothy so much that we have at home just a museum of toys.

If you believe "Film Search", Paul Priluchny to his modest 28 years has already 41 projects in the creative piggy bank! And we are not only a good actor, but also a real family man. Paul is happily married to actress Agat Metzing, which met on the set of the TV series "Closed School" in 2011. The couple raises the 3-year-old son Timofey, and on March 3 of this year, they became parents for the second time - the baby called the unusual name of Mia. We asked Paul, how he managed to combine work with paternity.

Paul, you have so many projects! Tell me, what are you working on now?

Recently, in St. Petersburg, they filmed the second part of the "Major" series, which will be shown on the first channel in autumn. I have the main role there. And now I am filming the project for one of the central channels. Called "senior mafia".

While you are on the set, who helps agate with children?

My mom and nanny. When such a tight schedule and two children, without help not do. After all, agate, although less often, but also removed. We both work. In general, I try to spend more time with my family. If the shooting takes place somewhere in another city, I take the whole team with me. After the birth of Mii, a lot of care for the child learned himself. I can redeem it, change it, change diapers. It should not hang on the shoulders of a woman.

But, probably, when you have free time, then for the whole family is a holiday?

It is practically no. But if it happens, then we go to the park with all the gurby. Recently bought a son two-wheeled bike, and he took a scooter. Super-tool! It would be moved only on it if in Moscow did not have to stand in hours in traffic jams and there would be such huge distances.

Jun 11 2016 at 7:14 pdt

What dad are you?

I believe that strict. But there is a problem - balls of children. If Timofey wants something, for example, some kind of toy, then it immediately gets it. I can not resist and not buy. Especially when I see joy in the eyes of the child. After birth, the daughter began to distribute a little different time and refer to some things. The fact that in the past seemed a problem, now a little thing. Two children with the present life are a lot. By the way, the son also matured. I realized that not one now, you need to share and help my sister. I am glad that Timofey will not grow by an egoist, whatever, most likely, he began to be alone in the family.

Who chose such a creative name for the daughter?

We are with agted together. Selected between several options. I wanted something soft. Thought, maybe Mila? Then they decided, let the baby be born first, and then we'll see and solve it. The daughter was born on March 3. Seeing her, my wife and I immediately understood that this was Miya. But with the name of the Son decided even before his birth.

Are there any traditions in your young family?

Yes. Agatha Rode from Latvia, and there is a big holiday called Ligo. It is usually celebrated on the night from the 23rd to the 24th of June. At this time, we try to get out to Latvia, where the spouses live relatives. Ligo is celebrated in the country. We fry meat and jump through the bonfire. It is pretty funny. True, this year I can't go, I will be on the set. Agatha will fly with children.

May 25 2016 at 3:19 pdt

You are impressed by a strong family. Share the rules of happy life ...

The first is mutual respect. We were lucky that we do not have time to get tired of each other. Therefore, almost do not swear. I'm on set, then agate works. If I see that the wife is tired, then I should not help her in everyday life. For example, if she was preparing dinner, tried, then after the meal I my dishes. It is not difficult for me. We must respect and appreciate each other.

Many say that after the birth of children, romance goes to the background. What about you?

And there is. Now not to romantic dinners for candles. Much hassle, although pleasant, which are connected with children. But I still try to somehow distract Agatu. Frequently give flowers. Although a trifle, but nice. If I leave somewhere, then I definitely give her gifts.

I know that you have for a long time sought the location of Agata. What advice has given young people who are still in search of the second half?

We must listen to your own heart. The girl may not immediately give up, but if this is fate, believe me - you will succeed.