The story of the fairy tale bun. "Kolobok" - Russian folk fairy tale

The story of the fairy tale bun. "Kolobok" - Russian folk fairy tale

Folk tales belong to the oral folk creativity, folklore. Such fairy tales were not recorded - they were passed from the mouth to the mouth, they described, "turned out" the details, modified, as a result, the same fabulous plot could exist simultaneously in a variety of variations.

At the same time, some fabulous plots are repeated in folklore different countries. And "Kolobok" is no exception. By classifier fabulous scenes The story of a grandfather who ran away from grandfather with a grandmother refers to the type of stories about the "fueling pancake", and this fairy tales are not only slavic peoples. For example, an American gingerbread person is a hero of all the same story about how baking comes to life, runs away from his creators and eventually turns out to be eaten. This story can be found among the German and Uzbek, English and tatar fairy tales, in the countries of Scandinavia and other places in the world.

Thus, the "kolobok" is really the people, over the centuries, retelling this story to each other. However B. recent decades We most often get acquainted with this story, reading the collections of fairy tales. And the text published in them is really the author.

Who wrote "Kolobok" - author of the generally accepted text

Folklinists began to record Russian tales still with mid XIX. century. Since that time, collections of fairy tales and legends recorded in Russia have been actively published in Russia. different corners countries. The same stories appeared in them in a variety of options. And each of the versions recorded from the words of the narrator had its advantages and disadvantages.

And at the end of the 30s of the 20th century, Alexey Nikolayevich Tolstoy decided to prepare some "standardized" versions of Russian folk fairy tales for children's book publishers. He met with folk patches, studied many options for folk fairy tales recorded in different parts of the country, chose "indigenous" from them, the most interesting - and added bright verbal turns or plot details from other versions, "gluing" together several texts, Editing, complement. Sometimes in the process of such a "restoration" of the plot, he had to add something, but Tolstoy, very thinly feeling the poetics of Russian folk art, worked in the same style. And the tale of "Kolobok" also included in the number folk storiesTop treated.

In fact, in this case, we were talking about the author's processing of folk fairy tales, which Alexei Tolstoy performed with glitter. The result of his work was two collections of folk fairy tales released in the forties, as well as posthumous edition 1953 year. Since then, in most cases, Russian folk fairy tales were published in the USSR (and then in the post-Soviet Russia) precisely under his editorial board.

Therefore, Alexei Tolstoy with full right can be called the author of the fairy tale "Kolobok" - or at a minimum co-author. After all, despite the fact that the plot of this story belongs to the folk, generally accepted (and very popular) text wrote it.

Everyone knows the folk fairy tale about Kolobka, but few know what it is - " kolobok" In a fairy tale, this character is represented in the form of a round-shaped bread. He escaped from her grandparents, who baked him, reached the hare, wolf and a bear, but still eaten fox. So what kind of character is this kolobok? Is there a ball-shaped bread?

It turns out, a bun is a traditional round cake in ancient Russia. Other names of Kolobka - colobum, Calabushka, Heat. Kolobuch or Kolobok is a round cake that had a spherical shape. This form was achieved in the process of cooking bread from a mixture of flour of various varieties.

If you remember how Kolobok "Grandma with Grandfather was prepared, then you can learn the main recipe for the preparation of this dish - for the preparation of a grandfather of a grandmother" Groided the box, in Suski Little. " It turns out that kalabushki baked precisely from the remnants of different flour (wheat, rye, oatmeal, and so on) and the residues of quashers. Due to the fact that the bun was a mixture of various varieties of flour, the proportion of frisks in a kolobkin according to the laws of biochemistry always exceeded the proportion of swarms in bread made from homogeneous flour. Droinen flour gave an extraordinary effect. Bread was extremely magnificent, indiscriminate, soft, ventured. It was the combination of various types of flour that contributed to raising the cake, which by the end of cooking turned into a real ball. Such bread had a special taste and did not worry for a long time. It is on the basis of this product and a fairy tale about the revived kolobok was invented.

You can even assume how popular fantasy thought to the original plot to everyone famous work. It is likely that the person who first came up with this storyShe prepared or witnessed the preparation of colobuchi. Because of the round shape, Kolobok could, as if alive, ride from the table to the floor, which led to the composition of a funny fairy tale about how bread runs away from grandmother with grandfather.

Interestingly in a fairy tale about Kolobka and the fact that, apparently, this plot was invented very and for a long time. Surprisingly, no similar plot About the escaped round bread is in many countries of the world. Similar fairy tales in Uzbek, Tatar, German, Scandinavian, English and others folk essays. In fairy tales of different nations The world who fled bread is experiencing different adventures (in the Norwegian version there is a pig eats him, and in German he himself gives himself to eat three siers), but the basis of them is quite similar (round bread runs away from those who are baked and for a long time saves from different The beasts until they eat it), which can push the idea that the tale of a kolobkin was invented in very ancient times and later preserved from different peoples that were formed from one pranoda.

Calobok cartoon:

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who wrote a fairy tale kolobok

  1. People..
  2. i don't call the author's last name. Kolobok is Russian folk fairytale. The author is collective in magnitude.
  3. hmm she like folk
  4. this is a folk tale, then the people wrote. Somebody a fairy tale composed, and then handed others, and they still have anyone. The fairy tale is a bit "modified", but the meaning remained.
  5. grandfather for grandchildren
  6. invented the people. And A. N. Afanasyev wrote.
  7. This is a Russian folk fairy tale
  8. Russian folktale
  9. this is a folk tale, which means someone from the people came up with her
  10. at the fairy tale kolobka which author.
  11. People. It is oral folk art. And ingenious;)
  12. The fairy tale came up with the people.
  13. People-father.
  14. Russian traditional.
  15. Folk tale.
  16. "This is called Folkl.
    Previously, the fairy tales only retells, just did not know how to write.
    Later, even the people who these folk fairy tales were collected on pisp village and in the outskirts.
  17. kolobok wrote the people because it is a Russian folk fairy tale
  18. Lisa wrote (in front of breakfast), under the dictation of the kolobel himself ...
  19. people

    Kolobo # 769; To the character of the Russian folk fairy tale of the same name, depicted in the form of a small, stilt, spherical shape of bread (unlike inrogen baton, Baton - Fr. "Stick"), but adopted fabulous image talking creature.
    Skalok declining from a ball, round loaf, bread 1). In the Tver region of Kolobuu # 769; Ha Galushka, a snap, a rod # 769; n thick cake.

    The etymological dictionary of Fasmer considers dubious origin from the word Kolo (Wheel).
    In 1610, 1613 in Moscow, painting Tsarsky Kushanyam was created. Painting contained a list of dishes submitted on various days to the royal table. The list is mentioned in the dish of a ball, consisting of 3 blades of lattice flour, 25 eggs, and 3 humeren of a beef sala. The blade is not known now.
    In the fairy tale, the kolobok will be created by an old man and an old woman by smashing on barn and grades on slaves as a spherical shape of bread, which suddenly comes to life and runs away from the house. The plot of fairy tales is a chain of homogeneous episodes depicting meetings with various speaking animals (representatives of the fauna), intending to eat it, but Kolobok leaves all other than fox. With each beast, the bun enters the discussion in which it is a source of logical induction source? Argments your care: I left my grandmother, I left the grandfather, and from you, a bear (wolf, hare), I will leave. Lisa by deception, pretending partially dear hearing, catches him on vanity and, taking advantage of his kindness (expressed in readiness to repeat the song closer to the ear and mouth of fox), eats. In the form of a fairy tale dates back to the new European morality, ridicuing low soul defects source? . The tale about the kolobka is built on the principle of cumulation source? .

    The image of a kolobka is close to the English gingerbread man (DR. Option: ginger) (English Gingerbread Man), however, in print, the Russian version of the fairy tale appeared much earlier - in 1873, in the first volume of "People's Russian Fairy Tales" A. N. Afanasyev. While "The Gingerbread Boy" was first published in 1875.

    At the same time, in some studies of the institute of the Russian language, there are fairy tale options with seven characters, each of which is biting from a kolobkin on a piece, and the latter eats it completely. However, it cannot be digested, so the characters one after one join the eaten pieces, and the bunker, gathering in pieces again, continues his journey. It is believed that this variant Fairy tales Allegorically describe the moon phases and their frequency.

  20. Togolok Moldo invented

- Russian folk fairy tale in the processing of Tolstoy A.N.

- Russian folk fairy tale in the processing of Afanasyev A.N.

The meaning of the word kolobok

Kolobok - Reductive from the word "kolob", round bread or "colobuch", thick pellet. Thick, round cake, manufactured in the form of a bread coma, almost a ball or a ball smearing to the end of the baking.

Backed baked baked, but only in the absence of conventional bread supplies.

On the buncher was the remains of different flour, which was in the house, and all the scratchs of Kvashni. Thus, the proportion of bells in the kolobok always exceeded the usual norm, and the flour was not uniform, but mixed.

Such a prefabricated character of a bunker test was not to give a particularly high-quality product. However, thanks large quantity Rocks and a variety of flour varieties, provided incredibly magnificent, soft, ventured and long non-growing bread.

The peasant could explain this bread only miracle. This was the reason for creating fairy-tale character - Kolobka.

With the general improvement in the standard of living among the peasants, the need for the manufacture of kolobkov disappeared. The reason for the occurrence of fairy tales about Kolobkka has become completely unclear for new generations.

The whole "wondery" of the bun was drunk to his appearance - a round form. This property was reflected in the tales of a kolobkin. But forget true reasons Pumbers and tasty kolobka - should not.