A small message about the favorite author of the storyteller. Hans Christian Andersen - Great, Lonely and Strange Tale

A small message about the favorite author of the storyteller. Hans Christian Andersen - Great, Lonely and Strange Tale
A small message about the favorite author of the storyteller. Hans Christian Andersen - Great, Lonely and Strange Tale

October 21, 1896 Born Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz "Writer, playwright, who retold old fairy tales for us in a new way and writing his own, not less exciting.

Evgeny Schwartz entered the big literature immediately. After conducting childhood in Maykop (reference: He often recalled), after graduating from the gymnasium in 1914 he entered the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow University. However, the creative nature of the future writer longed for a different type of activity. The young man was carried away by the theater. His acting career in the theater workshop of Rostov-on-Don lasted for long: from 1917 to 1921. Then - moving to Petrograd and the beginning of literary activities. Evgeny Schwartz served first by the secretary from K. Chukovsky, then collaborated in Children's journals "Chizh" and "Hedgehog". At this time, he worked out closely with "serapiums". So without becoming a member of the "Brotherhood", he often visited their assembly as a guest. Perhaps communication with these enthusiasts of the pen was fought Schwartz to create its own works, which today can compete with the works of the "Seraponov". In 1923, the "Kochegarka" newspaper, published in the city of Bakhmut, appeared the first feuilletes and satirical poems of the writer. At the same time, he, together with M. Slonim organized the Zaboya magazine.

The first separate book of Schwarz - a collection of poems "Story of the Old Balalyak" - appeared only in 1925. Inspired by this successful debut, the writer dedicated to children a fairy tale for the "Underwood" theater, the play "Clay" (about the "young reconnaissance of the national economy").

But the top of his creativity, undoubtedly, began to translate the plots of Andersen: "Princess and Swinewa", "Red Cap", "Cinderella", "Snow Queen", on which not one generation of children has grown. Under Feather Schwartz, heroes do not just become more "alive." They organically combine with the real world. The author combines fabulous poetics with some domestic details and makes it so skillful that the viewer, the reader unconditionally takes the heroes, at all doubting their authenticity. The usual fabulous stereotypes change, and everyone agrees with new conditions for fabulous life. And in this regard, the merit of Schwartz as an innovator in the retelling of fairy plots is invaluable. "And the crown put on!" - Mature stepmother in the address of the king. This behavior "On the manner of the Merusi from the neighboring court" is not characteristic of fabulous characters, but how similar details revive the action! The king from the same "Cinderella" is not a majestic monarch, squeezing on the throne, and an ordinary person who just works as a king and tells about his "professional" problems: "For example, a cat in boots. A nice guy, clever, but how will come, remove the boots and sleeps somewhere by the fireplace. Or, for example, a C-finger boy. Well, all the time plays for money in hide and seek. And try, find it. It's a shame! " Is it a pathos of a vengeous person?! These are just the "harsh weekdays" of royal life.

It is not known whether the Schwartz feat is the parish of fascism to power to create a wonderful trilogy ("Naked King", "Shadow", "Dragon") or she just became a continuation of Andersen retelling. Yes, however, it does not matter that it served as an incentive to writing these plays. There is no doubt that they occupy a place in a number of the best anti-fascist, anti-sticctational works.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Evgeny Schwartz became an active fighter against fascism. In 1941 his play "Under Lipami Berlin" (in collaboration with M. Zoshchenko). He led radio1ms for which he wrote articles, stories, songs, feuillems, poems.

In 1944, work begins on the most personal, confessional work, whose written occupied ten years. The name has changed several times: "Bear", "Merry Wizard", "Personal Wizard", "Mad Borodach", "Naughty Wizard" ... So far, finally, it did not work out elegantly and simply - "Ordinary Miracle." The play was put in many theaters of the country - and every time with constant success. Some critics accused the author in the fact that he would now be welcomed - in apoliticalness. Yes, his heroes are most often far from any political ideas. And in this merit of the master.

Eternal truths are out of politics, out of time. They are those laws for which normal human relationships should develop, according to which good always wins, truth triumphs, and the scoundrels are deserved. The celebration of these laws is the goal of any normal society. Their observance should be the norm of life. And their heralds are worthy of glory.

One of these heralds and was Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz ...

Fairy tales for children write fiction writers writers who have an impressionable creative nature and a subtle mental organization. Extremely important to convey to a child accessible to his understanding of the language of simple truths, universal moral values. After all, experienced emotions, the impressions that the baby receives at an early age, postponed in his heart for life. Good fairy tales - a decent basis, the most important stage that overcomes every growing individual, aware of the motives of actions, thinking about the consequences.

Author's fairy tale

Fairy tales that create fuzzy writers can be an independent magic history invented by the author, and can be a folklore plot on a poetic or literary manner. Author's literary fairy tales are not only fantastic magic stories, it is knowledge of the world, a certain instruction of a young reader, a confidence conversation between representatives of the older and younger generations. Fairy-tale writers, the names of which will be listed below, worked not just exciting plots, their works are saturated with valuable educational moments. These are the magical stories of Tolstoy, "Denisian stories" Viktor Dragunsky.

Special style

But even among the recognized classics of the genre there are special children's storyteller writers, the style of the narrative and the original not to confuse. For example, Vitaly Bianki. Almost every compatriot read or heard his stories about the nature, which unobtrusively and make up the love of the world, plants and animals. It is necessary and mentioned by P.P. Bazzova and his unique creations: "Silver Copyites", "Golden Hair", "Malachite Casket", "Mistress of Copper Mountain", "Stone Flower", "Two Lizards". Remembering these outstanding fairy tales, it is safe to say: the creators of the author's fairy tales are the first teachers of children whom they remember and appreciate.

Tales of classics

Eternal literary heritage

Fairy tales who presented humanity writers, which is a literary heritage, uniting all the inhabitants of the planet. People from different countries read different works, but the tales of classics as a child read absolutely everything. We usually not remember the name of the film, viewed on the eve of the name and remember the whole life, despite the fact that they read them in early childhood. And all because these works were surprisingly cognitive, taught the best human qualities, the principles of morality. Fairy-tale writers, whose names for us are known from early childhood, created a faithful tool in the upbringing of children, which increased the test of time. That is why it is extremely important to choose the right fairy tales to read the child, because it is a strong foundation for the aesthetic and moral development of the personality of the baby. However, and for adult fairy tales is still very instructive and relevant.


Fairy-tale writers create not only the magical means of knowledge of the world, they open a kind of door to wonderland, help believe in a miracle, using a personal creative method, offering copyright interpretations of folk fabulous motives. It is this that helps to realize the importance of this genre and his invaluable contribution to world literature.

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Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837) Not only the poems and poems of the Great Poet and the playwright enjoy the well-deserved love of people, but also wonderful fairy tales in verse. Alexander Pushkin began writing his poems in early childhood, he received a good home education, graduated from the Tsarskoyel Lyceum (a privileged educational institution), was friends with other well-known poets, including the "Decembrists". In the life of the poet there were both periods of takeoffs and tragic events: accusations of liberty, lack of understanding and condemnation of the authorities, finally, a rock duel, as a result of which Pushkin received a deadly wound and died at the age of 38. But his heritage remains: the last fairy tale written by the poet was the "Tale of the Golden Cockerel". Also known "Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Tale of Fisherman and Fish", a fairy tale of the dead princess and seven heroes, "" Tale of the Pop and Bald Worker. "

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Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (1879-1950) Russian writer and folkloride, the first to fulfill the literary treatment of the Urals, left us an invaluable heritage. He was born in a simple working family, but it did not prevent him from finish the seminary and become a teacher of the Russian language. In 1918, she went to the front by a volunteer, returning, decided to turn to journalism. Only to the 60th anniversary of the author was published a collection of stories "Malachite box", who brought the Bazhov folk love. Interestingly, fairy tales are made in the form of led: People's speech, folklore images make each work special. The most famous fairy tales: "Copper Mountain Mistress", "Silver Copytza", "Malachite Box", "Two Lizards", "Golden Hair", "Stone Flower".

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Alexey Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1882-1945) Alexey Tolstoy wrote in many genres and styles, received the title of academician, during the war was a military correspondent. As a child, Alexey lived on the farm Sosnovka in his stepfather's house (his mother left his father, Graph Tolstoy, being pregnant). For several years, Tolstoy spent abroad, studying the literature and folklore of different countries: it was so an idea arose to rewrite the new fairy tale "Pinocchio". In 1935 his book "The Golden Key or Adventure of Pinocchio" came out. Also, Alexey Tolstoy released 2 collection of their own fairy tales, called the "Rus Malochi fairy tales" and "Supi Tales". The most famous "adults" works are "walking in torment", "Aelita", "Garina's hyperboloid engineer".

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Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev (1826-1871) This is an outstanding folklorist and historian, with his youth fond of folk creativity and investigating it. At first he worked as a journalist, in the archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at that time he began his research. Afanasyev is considered one of the most prominent scientists of the 20th century, his collection of folk Russian fairy tales is the only arch of Russian East Slavic fairy tales, which can be called a "folk book", because not one generation has grown on them. The first publication dates back to 1855, since then the book has been reprinted more than once.

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Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) on the works of the Danish writer, a storyteller and playwright, not one generation of people has grown. From early childhood, Hans was a vanity and a dreamer, he adored puppet theaters and early began writing poetry. His father died when Hans was not and ten years old, the boy worked as a tailor to the tailor, then at a cigarette factory, at the age of 14 from the secondary roles in the Royal Theater in Copenhagen. Andersen wrote the first play at 15 years old, she enjoyed great success, in 1835 his first book of fairy tales came out, which with delight read many children and adults to this day. From his works are the most famous "Fire", "Thumbelina", "Little Mermaid", "Resistant Tin Soldier", "Snow Queen", "Ugly Duckling", "Princess on the Peas" and others.

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Charles Perra (1628-1703) French storyteller writer, critic and poet in childhood was an exemplary excellent party. He received a good education, made a career of a lawyer and a writer, he was adopted to the French Academy, wrote a lot of scientific papers. He published the first book of fairy tales under the pseudonym - the name of his eldest son was indicated on the cover, since Perra feared that the reputation of the storyteller could damage his career. In 1697 his collection of "Tales of Mother Gusani" was released, which brought Perro world fame. In the plot of his fairy tales, famous ballets and opera works are created. As for the most famous works, few people did not read in childhood about the cat in boots, sleeping beauty, Cinderella, a red hat, a gingerbread house, a boy-finger boy, a blue beard.

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Brothers Grimm: Wilhelm (1786-1859), Jacob (1785-1863) Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm from youth and to the very gravestone, there were no water: they were associated with common interests and general adventures. Wilhelm Grimm rose a painful and weak boy, only in adulthood his health more or less came to normal, Jacob always supported his brother. Brothers Grimm were not only the connoisseurs of German folklore, but also linguists, legalists, scientific figures. One brother chose a path of philologist, studying the memo of the ancient literature, the other - became a scientific figure. The world famous brothers brought fairy tales, although some works consider "not children's". The most famous - "Snow White and Alocetics", "Solominka, Corner and Bob", "Bremen street musicians", "Brave Tailor", "Wolf and Seven Cats", "Hansel and Gretel" and others.

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Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) Famous writer, poet and reformer. Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay (India), at the age of 6 he was brought to England, those years he called "years of suffering", since people who raised him turned out to be cruel and indifferent. The future writer was educated, returned to India, and then went on a journey, having visited in many countries of Asia and America. When the writer was 42 years old, he was awarded the Nobel Prize - to this day, he remains the most young writer laureate in his nomination. The most famous children's book of Kipling is, of course, the "Jungle Book", the main character of which was the boy Mowgli, is also very interesting to read other fairy tales: "A cat that walks in itself", "Where did the camel hump come from?", "How Leopard got his stains, "they all narrate about distant countries and are very interesting.

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Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hoffman (1776-1822) Gofman was a man very versatile and talented: composer, artist, writer, storyteller. He was born in Keningsberg when he was 3 years old, his parents broke up: the elder brother left with his father, and Ernst remained with his mother, he had not seen her brother more. Ernst has always been a mischievous and a pimer, he was often called the "disturbant of calm." Interestingly, next to the house where Hoffmann lived, there was a female guesthouse, and Ernstu liked one of the girls so much that he even started digging the subpople to meet her. When LAZ was almost ready, uncle learned about this and ordered to fall asleep. Hoffman always dreamed that after death the memory remained after death - it happened, his fairy tales read to this day: the most famous - "Golden Pot", "Nutcracker", "Kroashz Tsakhs to Nick Zinnober" and others.

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Alan Miln (1882-1856) Which of us does not know a fun bear with sawdust in the head - Winnie the Pooh and his funny friends? - The author of these cheerful fairy tales and is Alan Miln. Writer spent his childhood in London, he was a beautifully educated person, then served in the royal army. The first tales of the bear were written in 1926. I wonder, but Alan did not read his works of his son Christophone, preferring him to raise him on more serious literary stories. Christopher read the fairy tales of his father is already in adulthood. Books are translated into 25 languages \u200b\u200band enjoy great success in many countries of the world. In addition to the lead on Winnie Pohel, the fairy tales "Princess Nesmeyana", "Ordinary Fairy Tale", "Prince Rabbit" and others are known.

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January 12, 2018, 09:22

On January 12, 1628, Charles Perra-French storyteller was born, the author of all famous fairy tales "Cat in Boots", "Cinderella" and "Blue beard". While the magic stories that came out from under the pen's pen, they know everything from Mala to Velik, about who he was, as he lived and even looked like, few people guess. Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson, Hoffman and Kipling ... Names familiar to us since childhood, who are hiding by people unknown to us. We invite you to get acquainted with how famous storytectors looked and lived. Earlier, we talked about the well-known children's authors of the USSR.

Charles Perra (1628-1703).
Fairy tales like a cat in boots, sleeping beauty, Cinderella, a red hat, a gingerbread house, a c-finger boy and a blue beard - all these works are familiar to everyone. Alas, but not all recognize the largest French poet of the 17th century.

One of the key prerequisites of such a low interest in the appearance of the Creator was the confusion with the names, under which most of the literary creations of Charles Perro were published. As it turned out later, the critic deliberately used the name of his 19-year-old son, Armankura. Apparently, fearing to stain his reputation with work with such a genre as a fairy tale, the author decided not to use his already glorified, name.

French storyteller writer, critic and poet in childhood was an exemplary excellent party. He received a good education, made a career of a lawyer and a writer, he was adopted to the French Academy, wrote a lot of scientific papers.

In the 1660s, he largely determined the policy of the yard of Louis XIV in the field of arts, was appointed secretary of the Academy of Inscriptions and Elegant Literature.

Already in 1697, Perra came out one of his most popular collections, "Fairy Tales of Goose Mother", which contained eight fairy tales, which was a literary processing of folk legends.

Brothers Grimm: Wilhelm (1786-1859) and Jacob (1785-1863).
One of the most famous works by the authors were fairy tales that have already become a classic. Many creations of brothers are rightfully considered world classics. In order to assess their contribution to world culture, it is enough just to remember such fairy tales as "Snow White and Alocetics", "Solominka, Corner and Bob", "Bremen street musicians", "Brave Tailor", "Wolf and Seven Cats", " Genzel and Gretel "and many of many others.

The fates of two linguistic brothers were so much intertwined with each other, that many early fans of their creativity called German cultural researchers in any way, as creative twins.

It is worth noting that such a definition, partly, was truthful: Wilhelm and Jacob were inseparable from the earliest years. The brothers for so many were tied to each other that they preferred to spend time exclusively together, and passionate love for a common case only united two future gathers of the folklore around the main business of their life-writing.

Despite such similar views, characters and aspirations, at Wilhelm greatly influenced the fact that in childhood the boy was weak and often sick ... Despite the self-distributing of roles in the creative Union, Jacob always felt his duty to support his brother, which only contributed to the deep and fruitful Work on publications.

In addition to its main activity as linguists, the Grimm brothers were also legal entities, scientific figures, and at the end of their life they were engaged in creating the first dictionary of the German language

Although Wilhelm and Jacob are considered fathers, the founders of German philology and Germany, they received their wide fame precisely thanks to fairy tales. It is worth noting that most of the contents of the collections are considered to be contemporaries not at all for children, and the hidden meaning invested in each published story, to this day, is perceived by the public much deeper and thinner than just a fairy tale.

Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875).
Dane - the author of world famous fairy tales for children and adults: "Ugly duckling", "New Dress of the King", "Thumbelina", "Resistant Tin Soldier", "Princess on the Pea", "Ole Lukee", "Snow Queen" and many others .

The Gansa Talent began to manifest himself in early childhood, the boy was distinguished by an incomplete fantasy and dreaming. Unlike the peers, the future prosaik adored puppet theaters and seemed noticeably more sensitively to his surroundings.

It would seem that, if Anderson did not decide to try to express themselves through the writing of the poems, the sensitivity of the young man could play a joke on him.

His father died when Hans was not and ten years old, the boy worked as a tailor to the tailor, then at a cigarette factory, at the age of 14 from the secondary roles in the Royal Theater in Copenhagen.

One of the most gloomy periods of his life, Hans always considered school hours. Finished learning back in 1827, Anderson continued to suffer from dyslexon until the end of his life: the talented writer of modern times did many mistakes in the letter and could not immediately master the diploma.

Despite obvious illiteracy, his first, who, deserved tremendous success at the viewer, the play, the young man wrote at the age of only 15 years. Anderson's creative path led the Danish writer to this recognition: in his 30 years, the man was able to release the first book of fairy tales, which is still read and love not only children, but also adults.

Andersen was never married and had no children.

The fatal for Anderson was 1872. The writer randomly fell from the bed and stuck hard. Despite the fact that after the fall, the prosaik lived another three happy years, it is considered the main cause of death that exactly the fatal fall, after which the writer could not recover.

Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hoffman (1776-1822).
Perhaps the most famous fairy tale of German second is the "Nutcracker and Mouse King".

The writing talent of the Gofman is extremely difficult to get along with a frank disgust to the "meshchansky", "tea" societies. Not wanting to put up with the progress of public life, the young man preferred to spend his evenings and nights in the wine cellar.

Hoffman still became a famous romance writer. In addition to sophisticated imagination, Ernst also demonstrated success and in music, creating several operas, and then putting them to the public. The very "mesh" and the hated society with the honors took a talented talent.

Wilhelm Gauf (1802-1827).
German storyteller - author of such works as "dwarf nose", "History about Califa-Aist", "Story about small flour."

After graduating from the University, Gauf composed for children of a familiar noble official, magical fairy tales, who were first published in the Almana of the Tales of January 1826 for Sons and Daughters of Noble Clauses. "

Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002).
Swedish writer - author of a number of world-famous books for children, including "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof" and stories about Peppi Longs.

Gianni Rodari (1920-1980).
The famous Italian children's writer, a storyteller and a journalist - "Dad" of all the famous Chipollino.

While still a student, he joined the youth fascist organization "Italian Liktorskaya Youth." In 1941, becoming an elementary school teacher, joined the fascist party, where he was abandoned until its elimination in July 1943.

In 1948, Rodari became a journalist in the Communist newspaper "UNITA" and began writing books for children. In 1951, the first collection of poems was published as the editor of the Children's journal - the "Book of Merry Poems", as well as its most famous work of the "Chipollino Adventure".

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936).
The author of the "Jungle Books", the main character of which was the boy Mowgli, as well as the fairy tale "a cat that walks by itself", "Where did the camel hump come from?", "As a leopard got his stains" and others.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (1879-1950).
The most famous tales of the author: "Copper Mountain Mistress", "Silver Copytz", "Malachite Box", "Two Lizards", "Gold Hair", "Stone Flower".

Folk love and fame Nastagla Bazhov only by the 60s. The late publication of the collection of stories "Malachite Casket" was timed exclusively for the anniversary of the writer. It is important to note that the previously undervalued Talent of Pavel Petrovich eventually found his dedicated reader.