What are the genres of painting. Scene paintings in painting Presentation on the topic thematic story picture

What are the genres of painting. Scene paintings in painting Presentation on the topic thematic story picture
What are the genres of painting. Scene paintings in painting Presentation on the topic thematic story picture

The painting in the story-thematic genre is based on the mixture of traditional genres of fine art. The combination may imply a combination of battle, household genres, landscape, portrait. The direction developed in parallel with other genres, in different styles, depending on the historical period.

Researchers of art history believe that the genre appeared in the 1930s and is characteristic of painting of Soviet Russia. Others call the more extensive period of the development of the direction, mentioning among the representatives of the artists of the Renaissance era.


The main feature is the social significance of the painting. The image is not abstract - objects on the canvas illustrate an event from life. The picture has a fabul, plot, action. Most of the work are multifigure, dynamic compositions.

Thematic paintings can be a combination of landscape and battle, historical, religious directions. Examples of work are present in the work of many painters.

The storyline is called a picture that displays a specific plot, an event in which several or a large number of participants are involved. The thematic image carries a certain idea, meaning, not hidden by allegory. The topic is clearly expressed using artistic agents, in style characteristic of a particular historical era. Scene-thematic diversity displays a wide range of events that are characteristic of a person's life.

The transmission of the plot does not necessarily use images of people involved in a specific event. To transfer the achievements of science, culture or industry, you can use the images of objects that appeared or developed as a result of improvements in a particular area.

An example of the USSR times can serve as an example. Achievements of the state economy can transmit detailed landscapes, household scenes. Such images will be thematic because they demonstrate the connection of a person, its achievements, and nature, which gave fruits for the development of the population and the country's economy.

Landscape Portrait of a still-life

Any painting genre can be plotting thematic:

  • Landscape: can transmit achievements of the economy, human labor;
  • Portrait: subject to the transfer of characteristic features of the historical era, the presence of image dynamics;
  • Still life can be thematic if the painter has invested a certain idea into a work.

The combination of objects in the picture can demonstrate the interests of the artist, the features of the development of society at a certain stage, the nuances of the life of representatives of professions.

Based on the features of the genre, it can be concluded that any image can be described as a plot-thematic, if by transmitting objects on the canvas, the artist sets out his ideological design. Relying on the topic and idea, the artist chooses the style and genre that are most suitable for illustrating the idea of \u200b\u200bthe painter.


The direction involves the presence of ideological design, themes, forms, motive that help to form and transfer the audience the author's idea of \u200b\u200bthe canvas.

  • The ideological idea is the central line of ideology, based on which the artist chooses funds to implement the idea.
  • The topic is an event, the action depicted on the canvas for the embodiment of ideological design.
  • Artistic form, selected, based on the features of the theme and ideas. The correctly selected form is the key to the availability of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author of the audience. Artistic form are the features of the choice of color scheme, light and style, other means of artistic expressiveness.
  • The motive or plot is the embodiment of the topic and ideas on the canvas.


The composition is a harmonious combination of color, light, forms and other means that allow the viewer to understand and comprehend the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author of the canvas. The proper construction of the composition will help to give an idea to the viewer, imbued with emotions and feelings of the painter. The creation of a plot canvas is impossible without people as the main actors.

If the composition is built correctly, and all the details of the image represent a single artistic integer. The artist's skill is in the skill of several parts to create a one-piece storytelling.

How to build

To properly build a plot pattern:

Thus, the main thing in plot-thematic painting is the harmony of the composition. The complexity of this task is that the purpose of the genre is the transfer of social relationships that differ in versatility, ambiguity. This also applies to public life, and the household level of relations.

The most common use of a household genre when creating plot canvases is most common. The artists seek to convey the emotions and the characters of heroes using the means of artistic expressiveness, express their subjective opinion regarding the events displayed on the canvas.

The ability to convey all the nuances of the genre - the result of the skill and experience of the artist. To work in this direction, little skills are beautifully displayed on the canvas objects, it is necessary to be an observant painter who knows how to notice the subtleties of emotions and human feelings.

Necessary skills

To write a plot painting required:

  1. Develop the ability to observe, recognize emotions, the subtleties of the mood.
  2. Send a work technique in different styles.
  3. Have a sufficient level of knowledge in art.

Artists representatives

Representatives of the genre: Russian "Movement", E.Dellakrua, D. Lelasquez.

A wonderful example of a plot-thematic painting genre is unusual and very interesting, unusual paintings of the modern artist Yuri Brallina:

Contemporary art puts a plot-thematic direction to the proper place among other genres, thanks to the ability to transfer the individual style of the master and show a high level of professionalism.


fine Art Teacher

MBOU Secondary School

s. Soviet Dolinsky district Sakhalin region

Program: Nemensky B. M. Fine art and artistic work. M.: Enlightenment, 2013.

Class: 7th grade.

Theme lesson. Thematic (plot) picture

Type of lesson: ONZ

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of understanding of the special role of thematic painting in Russian artXIX. century.


    Educate love for homeland, her history and culture; The sense of a citizen of his country.

    Develop creative interest, cognitive activity, associative-shaped thinking.

Characteristics of the activities of students:

Understand semantic value of the plot and painting content

Define Composite system painting

Find methods for extracting the necessary information

Create composite search sketches.

Universal learning actions:


    establishment of students' communication between the purpose of educational activities and its motive (the motive - the fulfillment of creative works in different genres, the goal is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story picture)


    formulation of the educational goal;

    determination of the sequence of intermediate purposes, taking into account the final result;

    anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation, its temporal characteristics;

    drainage of the method of action and its result with a given benchmark;

    making the necessary additions and changes in the plan and method of action;

    allocation and awareness of what has already been learned and what is still subject to assimilation, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;

    education of volitional self-regulation.


    overlooking actions - transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model with the separation of essential characteristics (features of the genre); The ability to consciously and arbitrarily build speech statements orally; reflection of methods and conditions of action; control and evaluation of the process and performance; extracting the necessary information; skill structuring knowledge; search and highlight the necessary information; transmissions of information retrieval methods;

    logic Actions - development of mental analysis, synthesis, comparisons; establishment of causal relationships;

    setting and solving problems - Formulation of the problem and independent creation of ways to solve the problems of a creative nature.


    social competence. Accounting for the position of comrades and teachers, the ability to listen and join the dialogue, participate in a collective discussion, integrate into a group of peers and productively interact and cooperate with peers and adults.

Type of activity: collective and individual

Equipment and materials :

    Selection of illustrations and reproductions of various genres.

    Artistic materials for practical work.

    Dictionary of artistic terms.

    Presentation "Thematic (Scene Picture)"

Organization of the lesson: Theme, epigraph, goals and lesson's problem are recorded on the board. Also on the board drawn a tree with branches without leaves, instead of the leaves of magnets. At the end of the lesson, children attach maple leaves there with answers to the question of the problem of the lesson.

For students: The packets are laid out maple leaves made of colored paper and blanks for test and verification work.

Lesson plan

    Conversation about the concept of genre with verification and consolidation of knowledgepupils.

    Staging an artistic problem.

    Practical assignment.

    Summing up and analysis of work.

Creativity is activities under the laws of beauty.

M. Vachyans.

During the classes:

I. . Organizing time

The desks are placed two, around the chairs. In the center of the table, there are folded album sheets, on which "experts of the historic genre", "Experts of the battle Genre", "Experts of the Household Genre", "Experts of the fabulous epic genre" "Experts of the Religious and Mythological Genre", Large Sheets of Watman, Reproduction of Patterns , Stickers. Children sit at the tables depending on what genre painting they will tell.

(Greeting, checking the readiness of students to the lesson)

II. . Studying a new material

    Conversation "Fine art in a person's life"

Teacher: Fine art is one of the most ancient, but it is always young. "Images" Artists created many millennia ago, create them today. This art is huge! Today in the lesson we learn it better, so as not to get lost in it. Picture artist can all: Forests - Fields, Trees - Herbs, Cities - Mountains, Oceans - Cosmos ... It can be a beast and a bird, a flower and a sunny meadow, a smile and a tear of a person. It may be grief and joy, nobility and meanness, truth and lies, good and evil. It may be the lives of people living with us nearby, for a long time - long-stayed, and therefore, today's life, who has passed or even coming.

In the lessons of the visual art, we feel and create as artists, but most often, turning to the works of art, we are the audience.

The art of being the audience is great and hard art. For him, patience and thoughtfulness, a wide range, understanding of peculiar laws and features of each type and genre are necessary.

Pictorialit is talking about this in the language of various genres: alreadyfamiliar to you and those that you have to learn about.

So,theme of our lesson: thematic (plot) picture

    Creating a problem situation.

Teacher: Why is the work of masters of genre painting is of interest not only for the time of creating paintings, but is the artistic objective of subsequent generations? (On the desk)

Answer this question I want the words of Vladimir Firsov:

To be on the upper day to be at the height,
Overcoming centuries and light and darkness,
Appreciate, people,
Craving for beauty
Not less than the beauty itself.
What beauty!
Will be and passed,
Essentially - different everywhere,
And the thrust to beauty will not let
Eternal, like a height thrust.

And today at the lesson you will try to give your answer to this question, the comprehensive creativity of artists as a modern person.

    Fastening the knowledge gained early in the lessons

Teacher: Remember what kinds of fine art do you know?

Student responses:

Fine art is divided into five types:





    decorative and applied art.

Teacher: What works of art do we relate to painting?

What works of art do we relate to the chart?

What works of art do we relate to sculpture?

What works of art do we relate to architecture?

What works of art do we relate to decorative and applied arts?

(Student Answers)

Teacher: Let's check well do you know the types of fine art?

(execution of student test work)


    An introductory conversation about the thematic (plot) picture, her kinds, with demonstration of illustrations.

Teacher: Each of these fiveart types are divided into genres. Brighter only this divisionpainting in painting and graphics.

What is genres in visual art?

Artists write different paintings. On some we see whenthe family, on other people, are the third talk about the most everyday, ordinary things. And here the content of their paintings werepour on genres: image of nature - landscape, things - Naturemort, man - portrait, life events - story-thematicpicture.

In turn, each of the genres has its subsectionniya - genre varieties. So, the landscape may be rural,urban, industrial. And the artists depicting the sea are called marinists. In the genre of portrait, too, there are varieties - a portrait of a parade, intimate, group, genre differentvidities of a plot-thematic picture - historical, battle, household paintings.

Genres in Fine Arts:

    Animal genre.

    Portrait - parade, intimate, group.

    Landscape - rural, urban, architectural, industrialallen, heroic.

    Still Life - Floral, With Sand, Household Things, Atrisports and arts,

    Scene-thematic picture: historical, battle,household, fabulous epic.

Teacher: Pay attention to the reproductions of paintings from each group of experts.

    Independent work of students in creative groups

(Students group pictures proposed by the teacher)

Teacher: What unitespictures? Plot? But it can be absolutely different.

What is the plot of the presented pictorial works?

( students try to determine the plot, arguing "What is the car tina, "give to express your opinion to each group)

Teacher: So, what plots can have a thematic picture?

(students choose a sign in accordance with the genre)

    Representation of creative groups of students of genres.

Teacher: Historical - he owns a special place. This genreincludes works on a large public soundreflecting significant events for the history of the people.

However, it is not necessary to be dedicated to the last one: it can be any important events of our days with great historical significance.

( These paintings can be considered the works of artists of the 60s and 1970s, dedicated to the conquest of space, etc.)

What pictures with the historical plot are familiar to you? Try to remember the author.

( V.I. Surikov "Morning Streletskaya Kazna", "Transition Suvorov through the Alps", K. Bryullov "Last Day Pompeii", etc.

Teacher: Your attention"Experts of the historic genre" Present a picture of an outstanding artist Karl Bryullov"The last day of Pompeii".

Pupil: One of the eternal themes in the art "Man and Element of Nature" is brilliantly designed in the picture of the bullov. An incredible example of the canvas, an exceptional composite solution with a multitude of figures, the workshop of the movement of the crowd. Where everyone is a member of the drama. Survived with all the power of feelings, the perfection of the pattern, the unprecedented brightness of the color, the transfer of double lighting is from the flame of the volcano and from the lightning flashes, sharp contrasts of the light and the shadow-undiscome dignity of the picture. Bullylov brought the historical painting to the modern level of knowledge and the provision of the past: all the details, architecture, clothes, the national appearance of heroes - everything is carefully verified: he showed heroes as an embodiment of physical and moral beauty, which was characteristic of the art of romanticism.

Teacher: Literary portrait to us will present (student).


Vesuvius Zev opened - smoke poured the club - Flame

Widely developed as a combat banner.
The Earth is worried - with a shitful columns
Idols fall! People persecuted by fear.
Under stone rain, under inflamed rush,
Crowds, old and young, runs out of grades.

Teacher: Battle genre (from Franz.batLle - Battle) - devoted to the topics of war, battles, campaigns and episodes of military life. It can be an integral part of the historical and mythological genre, as well as portraying the modern life of the army and fleet.

And now"Battle Genre Experts" We will describe the canvas of Alexander Deineka "Defense Sevastopol" 1942

Pupil: The picture was written in the midst of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), he transmits dedication and will to win Defenders of the Fatherland. The artist managed to reflect the heroic moment in the battle for his hometown. It highlights two plans. The main character that embodies the full strength of the people's wrath is depicted in the foreground. The artist boldly uses geometric lines, thereby reinforcing the dramatic effect of what is happening. The painting is dominated by two tones black and white, which symbolize the confrontation between life and death, good and evil. Alexandra Deineku can be called one of the most vibrant and distinctive masters of the Soviet period.

Teacher: Listen to a literary portrait.


Go to the fire for the honor of the depreciation,
For conviction, for love ...
Go and die flawlessly
I will die not for nothing:
The point is firmly
When blood ripped under it.

Teacher: Concepthousehold genre forms in the European art of the new time. His homeland is considered to be HollandXVII century. Nowadays it is one of the most common genres of fine art, although in the first halfXIX. century, he was considered the lower, unworthy of the artist's attention. Often, works on household plots are called genre, or relating to genre painting.

The domestic genre includes paintings, drawings, sculptures, telling about events of everyday life.

"Household genre experts" draw your attention to the work of the brush Pavel Fedotov "Major Watching".

Pupil: Before us is superbly set by Mizanszen. All the famous custom acquires a generalizing value in the film, lifting genre painting to the art of great social significance. He does not just make fun of the carriage of the major, the chemistry of the bride and the rudeness of the mother, but makes the object of criticism of the moral of people of different layers of society. Fedotov genre acquires a detailed story. The artist closely connects all the figures among themselves, the story of life, the nraws and customs of the merchant family, talentedly characterizes the hero through their gestures.

The picture is a smile and makes admire with a subtle humor and grace with which Moral is presented with an artist.

Teacher: Literary portrait will present (student).

Pupil: "Correction of circumstances"

And please see,
Like our bride
Will not find a sirdora place:
"Man! Alien!
Oh, sideways what!
I never happened to him;
Kohl will come -
Mother immediately at the Ushko:
"You, a girl, not pressed here!"
Century in my sovereign i'm high
She lived, slept lonely;

Lace only spilled to towels!
And all in the house hovering me baby!
Guest silenced, tea, speech ...
Ah-ah, shame what! ...

This poem of Fedotov composed himself and performed the picture spectators.

Teacher: Try it yourself to definefabulous epic genre , tell me about him and give examples.

(Students give the definition of a fabulous epic genre, remember naya works V. M. Vasnetsova "Bogatyri", "Vityaz on the crossroads", "Ivan-Tsarevich on a gray wolf" and others)

"Experts of the fabulous epic genre"

Pupil: Among the storyteps it is impossible not to note the wonderful Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov. On his canvases we see many heroes of Russian folk fairy tales. Picture V. Vasnetsova"Bogaty" It takes a special place in the work of the artist. He worked on the web for almost 30 years. The first sketch of the picture V. Vasnetsov did in 1871. The main composite solution was found in the sketch of 1876. The picture was completed in the spring of 1898 and at the same time bought P. Tretyakov.

When talking O.religious and mythological genre demonstratepictures of S. Botticelli, Georgeon, Rafael, N. Poussin, P. rubens, Rembrandt, D. Velasquez, J.-P. David, J.-D. Engra, L. Nosenko, A. Ivanova.

Teacher: « Experts of the religious and mythological genre " represent the picture of Rafael Santi"Sistine Madonna"

Pupil: "Sicstinskaya Madonna" has long come to our consciousness as a symbol of sacrificial love in the name of the salvation of mankind. The composition affects the magnitude of monumentality and ingenious simplicity. Maria slowly goes to the ground ... She just took a step towards people, but her main movement is still ahead. Madonna holds the baby's hands - the most expensive thing that he has in the world. She carries it to people, perfectly understanding what a tragic fate is prepared by him.


She is going to the praise attentive

White covered with humility,

As if heavenly vision

By anything on Earth, revealing ...

So I expressed my feelings Poet V.A. Zhukovsky, who called Raphael's "Sicstinian Madonna", "Poetic Revelation", created "not for the eyes, and for the soul"!

Teacher: And now, in order to systematize our knowledge of genre painting, we will perform the following work. Before you slides with refrigerations of paintings, each slide has its own number. You have a blank with the name of the genres in your desktop, insert the slides numbers, systematizing them in the genres of painting.

Teacher: Put marks.

    1-3 errors - "4",

    4-6 errors - "3",

    more than 3 - "3",

    more than 5 - "2".

Teacher: Let's go back to the problem of the lesson: why the creativity of the masters of genre painting is of interest not only for the time of writing pictures, and is the artistic objective of subsequent generations?

To push you on the idea, I want to read you a poem of Mikhail Dudina.

Words of Fame Master ...

Beautiful peace. Story Story.
And in front of the history of the eyelids
Not knowing tired by their hands
All in the world created masters.
Say thanks to Master Run.
He did not have thought for the clouds,
And walked for thought, put a stone
And built the world, reliable, like a mountain.
He was very skilled and selenium,
And the experience of premonition of the smart
And sense of perfection is endowed
And the beauty of harmony is marked.
He needs everything. He is universal
For all eras, formations and times.

Teacher: Write your answers on maple leaves. Choose the best response from the group and write it.

Teacher: Who else wants to answer? Attach their leaves on the wisdom tree with magnets.

Finish our lesson I want the poem of Nicholas Majorova, which we prepared (student).


There are thirst for creativity,
Decrease to build
On the stone stone put
Lead the forest buildings.
Do not sleep at night, go hungry,
Get up to stars and fall on your knees.
Stay begging and deaf per century,
Go with yourself with your epoch
And drinking water from those healing rivers
To which Beethoven himself touched.
Take the plaster in the hands, leaning on the subframe,
The whole world to accommodate one in breath,
One smear all this forest and stones
Live to put on the canvas.
Without adding, leave the brush to the son,
So convey the colors of your land,
So that the eyelid after all the miles of clay
And the best could not come up.


Reflection: Sinwen "Art"

Art. (one noun)

Bright and fascinating. (two adjectives)

Decals, delight, pleases. (three verbs)

Artists write different paintings. (Four words (connected statement of the significance of the object)

Beauty. (one noun (synonym, expressing personal attitude to the object)

Teacher: The perfume approached the end, but our meetings with beautiful and eternal will continue. Thanks to all!

Used Books:

    Art. 5-8 classes: Management of cognitive activity of students / Avt.-Cost. M.V.Slasnikova, N.V. D., E.I.Vehitinova. - Volgograd: Teacher. 2012.

    Art. Art in human life. Grade 6: Tutorial for general formation. institutions / L.A. Nementian; Ed. B.M. Nemensky. - 6th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2015.

    The main approaches in the teaching of the subject "Fine Arts" / Sost: O.I. Oorlova. - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: Iroso Publishing House. 2014. - 32 p. - ("Methodical recommendations -2014").

Lesson from in grade 7 according to the program B.M. Nemensky in the section "Poetry of everyday life" is given to the study of thematic (scene) paintings and on its species. To effectively assimage the knowledge of the student is pretemplated to view the presentation on this topic. The presentation has a task to secure the knowledge gained.



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Signatures for slides:

Thematic (plot) picture

Types of Fine Art Architecture Sculpture Graphics Painting DPI

Genres of Fine Arts Landscape (Image of Nature) Still Life (Image of Things) Portrait (image of a person) Scene-imaging pattern (image of life events) Animal genre (image of the animal world)

Genre varieties of landscape - rural, urban, architectural, industrial, heroic. Still life - floral, domestic things, attributes of sports and art. Portrait - parade, intimate, group. Scene-imaging painting - historical, battle, household, fabulous - epic

Still life

Scene-imaging painting The historic genre This genre includes works on a large public sound, reflecting significant events for the history of the people. These works can be devoted to the events of both past and events of our days with great historical importance.

The plot--tematic picture of the battle genre from the French - "Battle" - is dedicated to the topics of war, battles, campaigns and episodes of military life. It can be an integral part of the historical and mythological genre, as well as to portray the modern life of the army and fleet.

The plot-imaging picture is a fabulous epic and religious and mythological genre dedicated to the plots of mythology, the life of the saints, fabulous works.

The plot-imaging picture of the household genre of His Motherland of Holland 17th century. From French - "Rod, View" - paintings, drawings, sculptures telling about events of everyday life.

Determine what genre paintings are made

Ivan Vizhnyakov Portrait of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin "Rye"

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Ivan-Tsarevich on a gray wolf"

Alexander Gerasimov Roses

Ilya Efimovich Repin "Tsar Ivan the Terrible and Son of His Ivan"

Homework: Prepare a report on the topic "What do I know about small Dutch people?"

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Cycle of spearfoot occupations: "Training of retelling on a series of scene paintings using the Falg Finger massage" for children 5-7 years.

an abstract classes "Talking on a plot picture with the addition of preceding events"

Formation in children of senior preschool age lexico-semantic readiness for the preparation of a story in a storyline ....

Correctional orientation in the work on the plot pattern as a factor in the development of cognitive interests of children with visual deprivation (from experience).

The article reflects the importance of plot paintings in the development of children with impaired vision, features of the perception of children of scene images, tasks and organization of work. The article presents a practical mate ...

The content of plot-thematic drawing is any plot or landscape. The child depicts objects located in space, in their relationships and relationships. By the content of the plan, the children's drawing is very early, from about two years (from the first youngest group), it is a storyline, but on objective signs it does not become such a long time. If you observe the development process of even an associative image in the figure, you can see that it is often developing as a storyline. Doodle drawings, performed by plan, with all their objective unrecognizability for the baby can be full of meaning. However, the plot is not expressed in the figure, it rather exists about the drawing, near the drawing. Even when these individual image images are recognizable, they, as it were, appear on the sheet, coexist in the figure, there is no objective and recognizable relationship, the connection between individual image objects is transmitted by a word, a motor action, a game. Some methods of image techniques that help convey the relationship between objects appear spontaneously. For example, individual details indicating the action (in the hands of the girl a bouquet of flowers, which means collects flowers) and others. However, natural finds are very small and a little satisfy the child.

Why does Children's drawing become a story very early? The objective man-made world, the world of nature (animals, plants) do not exist isolated, they are connected in reality, they are associated with a person, a person is interconnected with other people. As soon as the child begins to set these connections, it is reflected in modeling types of activity (first of all game, amusement). Therefore, the content of the children's drawing (modeling) is almost always plot. However, the image does not immediately become scene.

Why is the plot idea not incarnate adequately, pictorial? At first, the child does not arise such a necessity, and when a desire appears, it faces the difficulties of the image, since it does not know the visual techniques and methods of transmitting these connections.

The preschooler needs to master the available techniques for constructing the total composition of the drawing: learn how to place items on the two-dimensional sheet plane so that it expressed, at least approximately, the location of these items in the real three-dimensional space. These techniques are conditional, they invented humanity for many hundreds of years.

Adult artists transmit a visual change in items in shape, magnitude, color as they are removed. Linear and air perspective as artistic techniques of transmission of space and objects in space are invented by humanity relatively recently, in the Renaissance Epoch.

Some elements of them were accessible to children, but the child himself cannot open them. Adult transmits him some available image methods. For example, objects that are located closer to the perceiving picture are located at the bottom of the sheet, those that are next - upstairs. The further location, the higher the image.

When constructing a story image, a composite center always stands out, mainly that determines the content of the image. The preschooler is available some techniques of the main image: those subjects and characters that express the content of this topic and are allocated in the overall composition or value, or color, form, or location on the sheet (center). Without transfer, it is difficult to understand the content of the picture. However, this ability to teach this child. Otherwise, he can draw a dense forest and assure that he draws a fairy tale "Three Bear", although in this way any tale can be depicted (it is impossible to learn without explanation).

When mastering a plot pattern, it is important to arrange separate images relative to each other, transmitting ratio ratio, and the action through the movement image, the dynamics of individual poses, parts.

As a landscape image, all these techniques are important, but the flavor is especially important.

All these techniques, although most accessible to children (senior preschool children), however, the process of their assimilation is quite complicated and time consuming and requires long and systematic assistance, training from the teacher.

Why does a child feel difficult? E.A. Flearina gently called them the "weaknesses" of children's drawing. She noticed that the toddler sheet of paper perceives only as a horizontal plane and "folds" image-images like on the table. Then he draws the line of the land. On the strip-line depicting the Earth, it puts items in a row. Flerine called it a "fromtest" construction of the picture. Sometimes the child draws two frieze, two strips of the earth, if the image does not fit on the same line. Presenting yourself by the participant of the events depicted, the preschooler sometimes looks at the drawing as it were from the inside and draws items that are far from him more small at the bottom of the sheet. E. A. Fleerina called this feature of the "reverse perspective".

Later, at the age of four to six years, children most often depict the space of the Earth and the sky in the form of a narrow strip below and at the top of the sheet (L.A. Raeva).

This is due to the peculiarities of the representations of preschoolers: they see the sky above their heads, the earth is below, under their feet. This is what they are transmitted in the picture. Children do not embrace the depth of space, rarely laid the sky from the edge of the horizon of the heavenly dome. A child who lives in urban area for a very long time, simply may not see wide ranges with an unstable horizon, and therefore it has an idea of \u200b\u200bindividual objects located on Earth, but about the earth itself - as a horizontal plane. It does not represent the overall picture of one or another part of the space and remote plans perceives harder.

Therefore, one of the reasons for the "weaknesses" of the child's story drawing is in a small vital experience of children, the imperfection of their knowledge of the world around the world, the weakness of perception, inability to distribute attention, cover a wide space to summarize into a single integer in all connections and relationships the details of the scenery eating in front of them.

Another reason is the difficulty of image spatial relationship in the picture. The child should understand that the bottom of the sheet can depict the horizontal plane of the space (ground, floor), and the upper part is the vertical plane (sky, walls). The line separating the plane of the sky and the earth is the line of the horizon. The composition of the drawing can be double-bedroom and multifaceted. It is difficult for a preschooler. Affect the image and weakness of visual control during the image. The famous weakness of the children's drawing is the distortion of proportional relationships in the image of the parts of the subject (a person has too long arms or legs, a torso - rectangular, wide or too narrow, etc.), distortion when transferring the relative value of objects (flower above the house, man above Big Wood, etc.). This feature is characteristic of the drawings not only the younger, but also senior preschoolers.

The reasons here are the same: weakness of analytical synthetic perception, the ability to compare, compare items on the signs of magnitude. Children have no distorted idea of \u200b\u200bthe magnitude of objects, but ideas about their ratios of fuzzy. In studies on the problem of sensory education (under the direction of L.A. Venger), the possibilities of special formation in children the ability of a visual assessment of proportions, after which children carry this skill in drawing. However, this work should be special, using models that demonstrate relations learning comparing sizes between themselves and evaluating proportions.

Children and in the transfer of action, movement, speakers are hampered, although the need for motion transmission appears early. E.A. Flearina noted that at first, the child passes the movement, the dynamics of real motor action, the word, the game. This method of embodiments of a dynamic image for it is even more convincing than the pictorial one. Later, self-searches for a fine way of transmission of motion rarely end with success. This is due to the same feature referred to as above: the difficulty of perceiving by children with a variable dynamic form.

In the activities of preschoolers, except for the weakness of perception, the imperfection of visual control is also affected in the process of drawing, the inability to distribute attention, to see the depicted object dismemberment and at the same time integrally (P.P. Pistyakov resembled its disciples, drawing the heel, look at the ear). Therefore, errors in the transfer of movement proportions are inevitable. According to L.A. Raya, easier and accessible to children are the movements of the upper limbs.

Given all the difficulties of fulfilling the plot pattern by a child, understanding their reasons, you can help the preschooler overcome many difficulties. However, it should be remembered about its capabilities, and least need to teach a literate figure.

What are the tasks of learning preschoolers plot pattern?

1. To form interest in the surrounding subjects, the phenomena of nature, public phenomena and events, people, their activities and relationships; Promoting the formation of children moral, aesthetic position.

3. To form in children the desire and ability to take from an adult and to put appropriate goals (topics) and tasks.

4. Develop in children the ability to find an image, defining in advance content and some image methods.

5. Teach preschoolers to some available ways to image a story image:

a) receptions for creating simple compositions, i.e. The location of the images on the sheet plane, first on the entire sheet, rhythmically repeating the image of the same items with minor additions (flowers in the meadow, ladybugs on
leaflet) - in younger and medium group;stimulating and encouraging the image of one item in different versions, thereby mastering the ways of image an object at the variable level - in medium group;having images on a wide sheet of leaf, denoting the earth, the sky, challenge the horizon line, placing the image of those objects, which is closer - at the bottom of the sheet, then - upstairs; Variating the location of images on a sheet (or on a wider, or narrower strip, depending on the plan), i.e. To bring children to the conscious choice and the construction of compositions, to portray the items of the near plans to be larger, long-range - in senior groups;

b) learning to depict in the picture the main thing, i.e. those subjects and characters that express the content of this topic allow you to immediately determine the content of the image (average, senior groups);

c) to learn to transmit ratio in the figure, the relative position in space (senior groups);

d) send children to transferring action through the image of motion, speakers, poses, parts (with medium, but mainly in senior groups).

6. Teach children to the ways of perception, observing the phenomena of the surrounding world necessary to perform the plot pattern.

7. Develop an understanding of the dependence of the quality of the image from the quality of observation, to form a desire and in the future, if possible, the need for observation in the purpose of the subsequent image.

8. Move children to independence, creativity in the intention of the image: search for peculiar content, the use of adequate, diverse means of expressiveness (composition, color, etc.).

9. Teach children feel expressiveness of the image, encourage the emotional response to it, to understand the dependence of the expressiveness of the image from the funds used, image methods, i.e. To form the ability of artistic creative perception of drawings. Thus, the tasks of the story drawing are not reduced to the visual tasks, but are the specificization of common tasks that guide the teacher to form the formation of holistic activities and development of the Personality of a preschooler.

The plot pattern as a way of active, creative, effective and non-uniform awareness of the child around the world and its attitude towards him has a huge impact on the development of the personality of the preschooler. At all stages of the story drawing, the cognitive, emotional, moral-volitional scope of personality is actively manifested, and therefore develop in a single creative process. This creative process is not limited to the framework of classes.

Based on the complex of the task of manuals with plot drawing, given the difficulties of developing this type of activity (features of the perception of children) and the complexity of the graphic embodiment of the story image, the method of working with children should be built in two directions:

1. Enrichment of children with bright impressions of the world around the world: social and natural phenomena. The development of observation, the ability to see, feel, notice the expressiveness of the form, proportions, the colors of individual items, their relationship and combinations.

2. Help children in understanding the drawing of the graphic image of the plot, in establishing the relationship between representations and image methods.

At the heart of all methods - specially organized observations, pre-valued, accompanied and fixed by conversation. Observations give the basis of all the impressions of the phenomena and events of interest to children. The purpose and content of such observations can be focused on the overall cognitive, emotional, moral and volitional development of preschoolers. Such observations are carried out in the field of public-education work. As a rule, "live" impressions (work of adults, a native city or village, spring nature, etc.) are complemented by reading fiction, watching diamers, conversations with people of those or other professions, listening to music, conversations, etc. . At the same time, the intellectual-emotional experience of children is the basis for the game and other activities, including the visual.

Like any other, the visual activities should organically fit into the field of public-education work aimed at the development of the child-preschooler personality, its overall mental development. Teacher is important to know only the capabilities and specifics of personal development in the conditions of this type of activity. Depending on the dominant type of orientation of the preschooler (on the subject world, on a person and his business, people and their interaction, events), the leading types of activities arise, their content is determined. For example, the content of the children's game and the picture of the child are people and their professional activities. but in addition to the motive and setting the appropriate target for drawing, it is necessary to clearly represent the visual sides of this phenomenon: what to draw, what items, how to place them, which color is used, etc.For such an idea, the visual representation of L.A. Raeva recommends to carry out a larger preparatory work, expanding and clarifying the presentation of children: reading, conversation, viewing illustrations, etc. This creates favorable conditions for fixing newly educated relations, their synthesis with old.

Acquisition of specific knowledge, the formation of ideas about depicted phenomena in the pre-work process must certainly be associated with feelings. The prompting of children to not indifferent perception, knowledge - the key to the initiative, creative creation and embodiment of the plan.

Only development in the unity of knowledge (ideas) corresponding to feelings and their expression in active artistic action has an impact on the formation of a person, its initiatives in the "aspirations" to the knowledge and effective expression of attitudes towards the famous.

Thus, after determining the topic of the image, the teacher (preferably along with the children) underwent a special preparation for the lesson. By types and forms of working with children, it can be the same as there was in the field of public-education work, but in essence it is narrower and focused. Leading place occupies observation.

Depending on the specific tasks, the experience of children is determined by the content and methodology of observation. In the plot drawing, you need to convey the appearance of individual items (form, structure, proportional relationship, color), relationships, their interaction in the plot, the location of these items in space.

Consequently, this will be the content of observation. If there is a task of transmitting spatial relationships - the location on the plane of individual images - the focus of observation is done at this point, if the central task is to transmit the movement, when observed, special attention is paid to the postures, changing the position of the hands, feet with respect to the body, etc. As children develop various ways to image, their attention is recorded on all visual signs: the spatial arrangement of various objects, flavor, movement, etc.

Specially performed observation activities should be repeated, the last is as close as possible by the time of the image. As studied studies L.A. Raeva, four days after observation, a large number of details appear in the figure, a non-essential is discarded, however, the proportions of many objects are violated, the spatial relationship is transmitted in fuzzy. A few days after the observation, freshness is lost, it entails a decrease in the emotional attitude, the brightness of the presentation. Imagination, not reinforced with freshness of impressions, works less intensively. The drawing is not expressive enough, it can be done carelessly. Drawing seven days after the immediate observation detects the moments of forgetting, so last thingobservation is carried out before occupation.

Along with the observations, common to all, the observations should be widely practiced with small subgroups of children and individual in order to diversify children's impressions, clarify and enrich individual intentions. Depending on the nature of the observed objects, it is necessary to record the attention to a greater degree or on their aesthetic side (beauty of nature) and cause corresponding feelings, or on moral. For example, the care of birds about young chicks.

In the process of observing L.A. Raeva, recommended to use game techniques - viewfinder, "Camera" (box with holes from opposite sides). Such a viewfinder helps limit the perceived space, the number of objects and allows you to focus the attention of children on their ratio, interpretation.

The viewfinder of items into the viewfinder brings near the picture to the picture, gives it a plane view, clearly shows the location of the items (one after another) on the "picture". It helps children more consciously perceive space in kind and it is better to understand the way its image on the plane in the form of a wide band. The viewing of the landscape gives preschoolers the opportunity to make sure that the sky (which they are more likely to see above the head and therefore represent it in the form of a plane parallel to the ground, and are depicted in the form of a sheet top view) is a back background for all items rumped over the ground. If the skyline is visible in the landscape, then the children perceive it easily and deliberately carry into their drawing, the sky plane is adjusted to the earth line.

Children playing with a "camera" - viewfinder, pay attention to the visible reduction of the objects of the far.

Immediately, the game knowledge of the children of this feature is important, as it facilitates understanding of the preschoolers of techniques to translate prospects in the pictures. Children know that items in the picture as they are deleted are depicted smaller, but the true size of the reduction of depicted objects does not understand.

During the observation, the comparison games are useful "What does it seem?" (clouds); Inventing mysteries about the observable and other. This game also exacerbates the perception of children of surrounding, shape, colors, values.

In the senior groups, it is advisable on a sheet of paper to plan the future drawing - the location of individual images. That is, to relate the space of the observed nature (nature) with the space of the sheet, where the image will be executed.

After observation, and then in parallel with it it is useful to consider the original and reproductions of famous paintings, which reflect similar phenomena (Levitan "Golden Autumn", Gerasimov "Bees ring", Savrasov "Graci flew", etc.). The aesthetic and meaningful perception of paintings is due to the "live" observations, at the same time, in the process of their perception, it is better aware of fine-expressive means.

To establish the connection between the view of the space and the methods of its transfer in Figure L.A. Raeva, a number of techniques that were then widely used in practice were then offered. So already with younger need to formulate the themes of drawings as plot("Flowers grow in the meadow"). In addition, it is effective, offering children a colored sheet of paper, immediately say: "This is a green lawn. Drawing flowers on it (chickens, beetles, etc.) "or" Blue sheet - the sky, we draw clouds on it ", etc. Such techniques help teach the guys to have an image on the entire sheet plane.

Pre-planning on a sheet of place location of individual imagesit also helps to comprehend image receptions. This technique is applied at the time of observation and in the first part of the classes, in conversation in the formation of the plan.

In plot-thematic drawing, in addition to the transmission of spatial relations and the ratio of items, a solution is required and another significant task is required, namely, the allocation of the main thing in the subject and, if possible, expressive transmission in the figure. Select the main thing - it means well to comprehend the topic, its content; The allocation of the main thing disciplines the imagination, directs the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe child into a certain direction, does not allow to be distracted - limits the passive course of the associative stream of thoughts based on the weak, still not sufficiently systematized child's experience. Creative imagination is always targeted. However, the analysis of the thematic drawings of children shows that the main theme is often lost. The child depicts objects that do not have a direct relationship to the content of the theme. Drawing the latter caused by the passive occurrence of a child's consciousness of associations based on significant, but on random relations (for external similarities, etc.). Sometimes simply involuntary motion of the pencil on paper, which leaving a trace that resembles some form, leads a child from the topic due to the weakness of braking processes and the lack of focus in its actions.

Allocation of the main contributes greater purposefulness in the drawing.Realizing the main thing, the main in the subject, the child puts the first place the image of the main action. In some cases (where possible) from it and starts his drawing. This primarily contributes to the improvement of the composition of the drawing. The child in the center of the sheet depicts the main characters, the main action, filling in the further drawing of secondary details.

Thus, the allocation of the main way contributes to greater comprehension of the topic, purposefulness in drawing, enrichment, discipline for children, sometimes groundless, fantasy, improving the composition of the drawing.

How to help your child allocate the main thing? As a rule, this happens in a conversation, where with the help of questions it turns out that children will draw. What you need to portray, so that it was immediately clear? What will happen in the picture one or another item? Where is the best image better?

If it is a landscape, it is important to find out what time of year will be depicted? What and how to portray, so that the autumn (winter) is visible immediately? What trees (bushes) can be drawn? What kind of breed are? What size (width) will be the strip of earth, the sky? Where will the trees (bushes) grow "grow"? What will be depicted at the bottom of the sheet (right, left)? What will be in the middle of the meadow? How will the crowns of trees (against the background of the sky, land)? Etc.

In the pre-work system, the landscape is very effective directly from nature. In this case, preschoolers are much easier, with a smaller number of errors, consciously master the image of a wide space - Earth, River, Far Coast; Freely depict items: the closest below on the sheet, the distance is higher. We give an example of such observation-drawing with children of 6 years. Children draw a view of the Volga from the Nizhny Novgorod Distop: The lawn, on the edge of which two large trees grow at a distance of 6-8 meters from each other. Away from the trees is visible to the river ribbon, boats on it, the opposite bank and obscure outlines of houses, distant forest and blue sky space over the horizon line.

Educator:Children, see how beautiful here. What a blue sky, how glitters and overflow water in the sun. You see: trees, river, boats on it (pause). Let's try to draw such a beautiful picture. First, think that we will draw. What is closer to us? (Lawn and two trees.) Where are the trees? (On the right, the tree is high and slightly bent.) And what kind of foliage on the tree? (Green, yellow, thick.) And on the other hand, what tree, is it equally in size with the first? (Below, dense foliage.)

What color is it? Wide? (Wide, blue and ships on it.)

And what is visible further, behind the shore? (The sky is blue and a little gray.) Here are children, we will draw everything that can be seen between the trees. What do you draw at the bottom of the sheet? (The fact that closer to us is the grass, a wide lawn.) Then what will we draw? (Trees and what can be seen between them, the other coast of Volga, etc.)

Let's think about how we better plan the drawing?

Let's try to schedule the horizon line (fine line with a simple pencil). How much space on the sheet will take the land strip, sky?

The land strip is wider than the sky strip. We need to think that we will be depicting on the land strip, what will we have in the foreground at the bottom of the sheet? Look again at this landscape (lawn). Is she wide? Next pencil. What do you see behind the lawn? (Volga.) Note the bandwidth of the river strip. And behind the Volga - the other, sandy bank and the horizon line is visible. Here we conceal the main plans in the picture.

And now think and notice where youpicture trees?

We took colored wax chalk and pencils with you. Decide themselves than you will draw.

Drawing a landscape from nature helps children to perceive the space of the Earth, the sky, the mutual location of individual objects and the method of adequate image constructions (IT first the horizon line, then plans, image of individual items).

In the initial stages of training, you can depict simpler: single and two-bed landscapes.

If children depict an event from life or a plot of a literary work, then the child needs to understand the main action,

the main idea. The work is read in advance. Without understanding and feeling the word (comparisons, epithets, etc.), it is difficult to call an image in the representation of preschoolers. (What about what is told in the Gus-Swan's fairy tale? Why did you immediately feel that Masha brave girl, how about it in a fairy tale?, So p.)

For visual activities, it is important to translate the hearing image into the visual. The child should be helped to visually present the future drawing. With the preliminary formation of individual intentions, you can ask: "What do you want to draw? What picture, the episode can be depicted? And what should I draw, so that you can immediately know that Masha is asking for an apple tree to hide it from geese? What is the most important thing here, without which the picture will be incomprehensible? And where do you draw Masha, and apple tree? And what will be the dressed Masha? Which sundress can you dress it? Think how it must be drawn, so that it was immediately visible, she persuades, asks the apple tree ... ", etc. In senior groups, children can offer one specific episode from a fairy tale. (As a bun with a bunny met.)

As the imaging of visual skills and creativity, any episode is offered to choose from. The more opportunities for choosing, the greater independence and creativity are required from children.

Preliminary reading and conversations with individual children or with subgroups are very important, as well as the views of the illustrations of different artists with the analysis of the main characters, the spatial location of objects and characters, images of actions transmitting feelings and experiences of heroes.

Scene-thematic drawing presents great opportunities for children's creativity. The more creative nature it is (in accordance with the tasks), the greater emphasis is on pre-work.