Description of Werner. Comparative characteristic of Pechorin and Verner from the novel "Hero of Our Time" Lermontov

Description of Werner. Comparative characteristic of Pechorin and Verner from the novel "Hero of Our Time" Lermontov

Already at the first acquaintance with the Roman Lermontov "Hero of our time", the characteristic of heroes, the analysis of their images becomes necessary to understand the work.

Pechorin - the central image of the novel

The main hero of the novel - Grigory Pechorin, an extraordinary personality, the author drew " modern manWhat he understands him, and he met too often. " Pechistan is full of apparent and real contradictions in relation to love, friendship, looking for true meaning Life, solves for themselves the questions of the purpose of man, choosing a path.

Sometimes the main character Malvitractor for us - he makes people suffer, destroys their lives, but there is an attraction force in it, forcing others to obey His will, sincerely love him and compare the lack of goals and meaning in his life.

Each part of the novel is a separate story from the life of Pechorin, in each - their own characters, and all of them, with one side or another, open the mystery of the soul "time hero", making him a living person. Who are those charactersWho help us see "The portrait made up from the vices of the entire generation in full development"?

Maxim Maximych

Maxim Maximych, "Man, worthy of respect," as a young narrator talk about him, open, kind, largely naive, satisfied with life. We listen to his story about the history of Bale, we see how she seeks to meet Gregory, whom he considers the old friend and to which he is sincerely tied, we clearly see, because of what he suddenly "became stubborn, grumpy." Sympathetic captain, unwittingly begin to relate to Pechorin.

At the same time, with all his innocent charm, Maxim Maximych is a limited person, he does not know that he drives a young officer, and he does not think about it. It will be incomprehensible for headquarters and the coldness of his buddy at the last meeting, offended to the depths of the soul. "What is in me? I am not rich, not official, and in the years I have not a couple at all. " Heroes perfect different tempers, looks for life, worldview, they are people different epochs and different origin.

Like other main characters of the work of the "Hero of our time" Lermontov, the image of Maxim Maximich pushes us to think about the cause of egoism, indifference and coldness of Pechorin.

Grushnitsky and Verner

Images of heroes are completely different, but both of them are the reflection of Pechorin, his "twins".

Very young junker Grushnitskyordinary personHe wants to stand out, impress. He belongs to the type of people who "for all cases of life have ready-made magnificent phrases, which just does not touch the beautiful and which are important to be draped into unusual feelings, sublime passions and exceptional suffering. Effect - their pleasure. " This is a twin-antipode of the main character. All that is experienced by the peopling sincerely and laid - breaking with the world, challenge, loneliness, - in the pears just a pose, bravada and follow time. The image of the hero is not just a comparison of the true and false, but also the definition of their borders: in his desire to stand out, to have the weight in the eyes of the Society, the Pereshnitsky comes too far, becomes capable of meanness. At the same time, it turns out "the contamination of his comrades", His words "I despise myself" before the shot of Pechorin - as the echo of the very disease of the era that Pechorin himself is amazed.

Dr. Werner It seems to us at first very similar to Pechorin, and this is true. He is a skeptic, insightful and observed, "studied all the living strings of the heart of the human" and has a low opinion about people, " evil tongue", Under the mask mockery and irony hides their true feelings, your ability to compare. The main similarity that said Pechorin, speaking of a friend - "We are quite indifferent, except ourselves."

The difference becomes obvious when comparing the description of the heroes. Werner turns out to be more in words, he is passive in his protest against society, limited to ridicule and caustic remarks, it can be called the contemplator. Hero's egoism is completely conscientious, the inner activity of him alien.

His impassive decency issues Verner: the doctor does not seek changes in the world, nor the more in himself. He warns a friend about rumors and conspiracy, but does not feed the hands of his hands after a duel, not wanting to take over his own share of responsibility for what happened.

The character of the heroes of these - as the unity of opposites, and Werner, and the pears shade the image of Pechorin and are important for our understanding of the whole novel.

Female images of the novel

On the pages of the novel, we see women with which Gregory is reduced. Bal, Ondina, Princess Mary, Vera. All of them are completely different, each has its own character and charm. It is them - the main actors of the three parts of the novel, telling about the attitude of Pechorin to love, about his desire to love and be loved and the impossibility of this.


Circassian Bala, "Nice girl", as Maxim Maximich calls her, opens the gallery female images. Hot fogged on folk traditions, customs. Pryingness, passion, the guild "wild" girl living in harmony with the world around the world, attract Pecherin, finding a response in his soul. Over time, love wakes up in Bale, and she is given to her with all the power of the natural openness of feelings and immedia. Happiness lasts long, and the girl, settling with his fate, dreams only about freedom. "I'll leave myself, I'm not a slave," I'm princess, the princely daughter! " The power of character, attraction to freedom, internal dignity does not leave Balu. Even in front of his death that she would never meet more than her soul with Pechorin, to accept another faith that he would "die in that faith, which was born."


Form Merie LigovskayaPrincessed from the highest society, is discharged, perhaps most detailed from all the heroines. The Quit of Belinsky about Mary is very accurate: "This is a girlfriend, but not empty. Its direction is somewhat perfect, in the children's sense of the word: she has little to love a person who would have injected her feeling, it will certainly be necessary for him to be unhappy and walked in the Tolstoy and Gray Soldier Schinel. " Princess seems to live in the invented world, naive, romantic and fragile. And, although it feels and perceives the world, it is fine, distinguish between the secular game and genuine spiritual impulses can not. Mary - a representative of his time, environment and social status. At first, turning attention to the Pereshnitsky, then the game of Pechorina, falls in love with him - and gets a cruel lesson. The author leaves Mary, without telling whether it was broken by the experiment for the revealing of the Grushnitsky, or, having survived the lesson, can not be able to light in love.


About Mary the author tells a lot and detail Faith We, readers, see only in love for Pechorin. "She is the only woman in the world that could not be deceived" the hero, the one who understood him "perfectly, with all small weaknesses, bad passions." "My love has grown with my soul: she darkened, but did not fade." Vera is the love itself accepting a person as it is, she is sincere in his feelings, and maybe such a deep and open feeling could change the Pechorin. But love, like friendship, requires self-dedication, for the sake of her to sacrifice something in life. Pechorin is not ready, it is too individualist.

The motives of their actions and motives the protagonist of the novel reveals largely due to the images of Mary and Faith, - in the story of "Princess Mary" can be considered more psychological picture Gregory.


In different stories of the novel "Hero of our time", the characters not only help us understand the most different features of Pechorin and as a result they allow you to penetrate the author's idea, follow the "Human Soul Story", see the "Portrait of the Hero of Time". The main actors of the work of Lermontov represent different types human characters And therefore paint the appearance of the time that created Grigory Pechorin.

Test on the work

In the novel of the "Hero of our time", Lermontov with special sarcasm makes fun of friendship. According to the author of this friendship, it cannot be, for everyone tries to enslave the other, altering him to his own way.

Comparative characteristics Pechorina and Verner in the "Hero of Our Time" novel will reveal deep, inner world These characters. It will help to understand why their friendship came the end, and that it was a reason for parting.


Pechorin medium height. Age about 25 years. Strong physique. Blond. Hair slightly climb. Black mustache and thick, dark eyebrows. High forehead. Hands small. Thumbs are thin, long. Eyes brown. Gait is lazy, careless. It always looked neatly and expensive.

Werner low height. Middle aged. He was about 40 years old. Thin. Black eyes, like drills, drilled the interlocutor when talking. In the guise of slipping nervousness and inner concern. I went, laughing due to the fact that one leg is shorter than another. It looked untidy. Neakkurata. Produced an unpleasant impression.

Education. Occupation

Grigory Spectacular nobleman. Aristocrat. Right from St. Petersburg. Rich. Got excellent education and beautiful upbringing. By the family of the military.

Werner Representative of the noble estate. Well formed and raised. Nothing. Man from the province. Gathering medicine.

Character and identity of Pechorin and Werner

  • smart Formed;
  • acute on the tongue. Able to hurt a person in a word;
  • materialist;
  • silent. Hidden;
  • a good manipulator playing on the feelings of people;
  • expert human souls. Subtle psychologist;
  • proud. Selfish;
  • not afraid of responsibility for actions;
  • loves women, but not in a hurry to tie themselves
  • loves to reflect on the meaning of life.
  • educated. Smart;
  • loves to squeeze. Yazviteli;
  • kind by nature;
  • materialist;
  • talking. Loves when he is listening;
  • expert of human souls;
  • loves women. Well versed in the psychology of women's souls;
  • proud. Selfish;
  • it is afraid to take responsibility;
  • categorically against marriage;
  • amateur replicate at leisure;
  • generous and immediately.

Attitude towards death

Pechorin Every time, seems to be silent by fate, throwing her challenge. His deeds are illogical, do not give in any explanation. He constantly risks himself, as if experiencing herself for strength. Watering death for the nose, leads his game, not afraid to stupid.

Werner Perceives death, as something of granted. He is calm about the fact that it will once have to die and just waiting for his o'clock. Not surviving and not a panic on this occasion and it does not experience fate once again.

They could be good friendsbut remained buddies. The image of Verner in the novel contributes to the disclosure internal appearance Pechorin. Next to Dr. Werner Gregory also feels lonely, as with other characters of this work.

One of the minor characters of the work is Dr. Werner, the buddy of the main character Grigory Pechorina.

The author represents Werner in the image of a young non-zero-male, middle-aged, small growth having big headtrimmed under the comb with strong cranial irregularities, restless black eyes, trying to penetrate the soul of the interlocutor, as well as dry and housing hands. The doctor's gait is seamless due to different leg lengths, as a result of which Werner is forced to use a cane when walking. Despite the inconspicuous species, Werner fascinates female representatives using internal soul quality and huge power Will.

In the appearance of Dr. Werner distinctive features They are neat and tastefully selected clothing in preferred dark colors, as well as a sharp and even evil language capable of touching any interlocutor. Doctor easily fond of women, but denies family relationships, not wanting at this stage of your life, marry.

Being an extraordinary person, Dr. Werner is characterized by accuracy, extreme insight, good nature and an outstanding mind, while not hiding its skeptical and materialistic views inherent in many medical workers who are loving, like Dr. Werner, softening at leisure.

The vitality of Dr. Werner is the manifestation of its cold decency expressing in a preference in third-party contemplation, and not direct participationcapable of changing something in his fate.

Having a chain of memory and mind, Werner is characterized by the author as an observation person who works well in people and prone to the manifestation of kindness to dying, but trying to hide their mood, using an ironic and mocking mask.

Having the above qualities, relative to Verner with the main hero of the peopling, the doctor, unlike Gregory, is not capable of bold and decisive actions in achieving life goals, showing spiritual cowardice.

Option 2.

In the work of Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov "Hero of our time" there are many secondary heroes. One of the brightest is the image of Dr. Werner, who had to Pechorin, the chief hero, a long-time friend and is present only in the chapter "Princess Mary". The image of Werner, according to many, was created both for understanding the novel as a whole and for the muffling of the image of Pechorin.

Werner was a middle-aged man, a military physician in the past. Now his work included the treatment of rich people who come to the water, where the head of the "Princess Mary" occurs. The appearance of the hero was unattractive, he was small, weak and urgenly. Especially memorable this hero It becomes due to its similarity with the people. In most cases, he did not love and did not respect the people of his time, but inner beauty And the rich inner world, which he himself possessed, always attracted him. Like Pechorin, he loved philosophy and call himself a "poet" and a skeptic. Therefore, it is not surprising that even the usual conversations of two heroes become similar to a verbal duel, in which none of the parties is inferior to another. In general, Werner was smart, good-natured and possessed all the necessary qualities that attracted women even in the absence of external beauty.

Big role in disclosure this character Playing the scene of Pechorin's duel with Hubnitsky and his behavior during her. Werner acted as a Secundant. Having learned about the negotiation of the Pereshnitsky with some captain, leave the Pecherin's pistol uncharged, he immediately tells a comrade about it. Thus, he shifts all the responsibility for the death of Grigornitsky on the shoulders of Gregory, and himself accuses Circassians. Such an act makes the reader think about the nature of the Werner. Now he shows not only his positive qualities, but also its cowardice and weakness.

It is impossible to say with confidence what the image of Dr. Werner in the Roman Lermontov. On the one hand, a man did not give reasons to doubt his positive qualities for a long time. On the other hand, one event reveals the ability of Werner to exercise cowardice and some meanness at a responsible moment. No matter how cool, Werner still remains a smart person worthy of the opponent of Pecherin, a good interlocutor and an interesting person.

Writing the image of Verner

"The hero of our time" is one of the brightest works of Russian xIX literature in. Complex and multifaceted, it puts in front of the reader the most important questions morality and ethics. The characters in the character images show behavioral models in difficult life situations.

One of these models is implemented in the image of the Verner - intelligent formed, smart manhaving a subtle sense of humor prone to peeling. These features bring it closer to the main hero of the novel - Grigory Pechorin. It is not surprising that friendly relations are established between them. But the image of the Werner is ambiguous and sometimes contradictory.

M.Yu. Lermontov makes these contradictions clear and expressed. Werner, Russian by origin, has german surname. His appearance of a noncainer, it is disproportionately complicated and even unrecrapped. But at the same time charming and like women. He serves as a military doctor, but prefers to advise rich customers. Possessing good heart and a responsive soul, he is able to let go of caustic and sarcastic comments, impartial interlocutors. He is honest and straightforward, but is trying to distance themselves as much as possible from what is happening. All these qualities, walking in one person, show the "irriter spirit" and the uncertainty of life position.

The event that reveals the essence of the character is the duel of the Pereshnitsky and Pechorin. Werner recognizes the need for a duel, understands the correctness of Pechorin, agrees to become his second. He is worried about a friend, he is sad and worried about the current situation. Having learned about the preparing meanness - Pechistan was going to slip an uncharged gun, he reports to a friend. But after the death of Grushnitsky Werner occupies a position of cold removal, crossing all the heat friendly relationship. Deeply vulnered and surprised, Pechorin considers this behavior by manifestation of cowardice.

In the image of the Werner are shown specific traits "Intelligent Beautiful Industion." Eruded, capable of supporting the conversation on any topic, prone to philosophizing, honest and insightful, he turns away from a friend when it is necessary to divide the burden of responsibility for the duel and the death of its participant. Decisivity he prefers contemplation, the action is philosophizing.

The image of Verner is neither uniquely positive nor negative. Introducing the result of the author's reflection on the problems of morality, he offers the reader to reflect and draw conclusions.

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Books Dr. Werner - Character Tale Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

Dr. Werner - secondary character Lermontov's story "Hero of Our Time", Friend of Pechorina.

A source: Roman "Hero of Our Time"

View: \u003e Characters of Roman Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

Werner Nekazist, has an unattractive appearance: one foot is shorter than another, the figure is thin, leaves a feeling weak manThe head is disproportionately large compared to the body, the skull is uneven, the eyes are small and restless. It is noted that the doorper Werner has always been dressed in black and looked like Mephistopheles.

Werner does not accidentally become a friend of Pechorin, who has no tendency to friendship. Dr. Werner - the faithful, skeptic and materialist, a stinging and hard character who disgusts people with his behavior, although in nature charming. In all this Werner is similar to Pechorin.


Nowadays the doctor went to me in the morning; His name Werner, but he is Russian. What is surprising here? I knew one Ivanov, who was German.

Werner man is wonderful for many reasons. He is a skeptic and materialist, like all almost doctors, and with this poet, and not for a joke, - the poet in fact is always and often in words, although he has not written two poems to life. He studied all the living strings of the heart of the human, as the veins of the corpse study, but never knew how to take advantage of his knowledge; So sometimes an excellent anatomic does not know how to cure from fever! Ordinary Werner Idefish mocked my patients; But I saw him crying over a dying soldier ... He was poor, dreamed of millions, and for money would not make an extra step.

He had an evil tongue: for the sign of his epigrams, not one Dobryak walked the vulgar fool; His rivals, envious water physicians, dismissed the rumor, as if he draws caricatures on his patients, - the patients crossed themselves, almost all denied him.

Its appearance was from those who are impassing unpleasant at first glance, but who later like it, when the eye will learn to read the imprint of the soul tested and high.

Werner was slightly tall, and thin, and weak, like a child; One leg was shorter than the other, like Bairon; In comparison with the body of his head, it seemed to be huge: he cut her hair under the comb, and the irregularities of his skull, found in this way, would struck the french a strange plexus of opposing inclinations. His little black eyes, always restless, tried to penetrate your thoughts. In his clothes were noticeable taste and tidy; Its thin, housing and small hands were conquered in light yellow gloves. His shirt, tie and vest were constantly black. Young people called His Mephistophele; He showed that he was angry for this nick, but in fact it stalled his pride.

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Probably negative heroes like because they are the first beautiful, they all have a sad story, in the third they should be smart, in the fourth it should be unfortunate and lonely. But I think that, the negative heroes they are mysterious, bold, but it is a pity that sometimes these heroes often die at the end of the film or at the end of Anime ... But not that heroes are aware of their guilt and begin to fight for the side of good.

Do you need to download an overnumber? We keep up - "Dr. Werner - a character of the story of Lermontov" Hero of Our Time ". And the bookmarks appeared a ready essay.

dr. Werner - secondary character Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time." The article provides information about the character from the work, quotation characteristic.

Full name

Not mentioned. At the New Russian surname, the doctor is focused:

Nowadays the doctor went to me in the morning; His name Werner, but he is Russian. What is surprising here? I knew one Ivanov, who was German.


It is not exactly known, but apparently from 20 to 25.

Attitude towards Pechorin

At first a friend. And Dr. Werner agreed with the characters:

We soon understood each other and became friends

Doctor agreed to be my second

After a duel condemning.

There is no evidence against you, and you can sleep well ... if you can ... Goodbye ... "

The doctor climbed: his forehead was fucking; And he, against the usual, did not stretch my arms.

Appearance of Dr. Verner

Its appearance was from those who are impassing unpleasant at first glance, but who later like it, when the eye will learn to read the imprint of the soul tested and high. There were examples that women fell in love with such people to madness and would not exchange their disgrace for beauty

Werner was slightly tall, and thin, and weak; One leg was shorter than the other, like Bairon; In comparison with the body of his head, it seemed to be huge: he cut the hair under the comb, showing the strong irregularities of the skull. Black eyes, always restless, tried to penetrate your thoughts. ; Its thin, housing and small hands were conquered in light yellow gloves. His shirt, tie and vest were constantly black.

He sat down in a chair, put a cane in the corner

It had gray rates, Arhaluk and the Circassian hat. I looked around, seeing this little figure under a huge cacopate cap: he doesn't have a militant face, and this time it was even longer than ordinary

In his clothes were noticeable taste and tidiness

Social status

Doctor with a reputation

He is a skeptic and materialist, like all almost doctors, and with this poet, and not for a joke, - the poet in fact is always and often in words, although he has not written two poems to life.

his rivals, envious water physicians, dismissed the rumor, as if he draws caricatures on his patients, - the patients crossed themselves, almost all denied him.

Princess is treated from rheumatism, and God knows the daughter from what; I ordered both drinking two glasses on the day of the kisly earth and swim twice a week in an adjustable bath (o and her mother)

Have you been to Moscow, Doctor? - Yes, I had some practice there

He was poor

Further fate

Most likely continued to live as before. Other in the novel is not said.

Person of Dr. Verner

Werner, like the personality extraordinary. What brought him closer with the main character. He is talented, smart and neat, but not recognized by others.

Werner Man Wonderful For many reasons

He is a skeptic and mothers, like all almost doctors

the conversation took at the end of the evening the philosophical metaphysical direction; Interpreted about beliefs: everyone was convinced of different differences

We often converged together and interpreted together about the abstract items very seriously, until we noticed both that we are mutually frozen

Young people called His Mephistophele; He showed that he was angry with this nick, but in fact it stolen his pride

He is talented, smart and neat, but not recognized by others.

such smart people like you, better love listeners than narrator (about Werner)

Look, here are two smart people; we know in advance that you can argue about everything to infinity, and therefore we do not argue

In his clothes were noticeable taste and tidiness

i saw him crying over a dying soldier

I am anticipating, "said Dr., - that poor Grushnitsky will be your victim

He had an evil language: For the sign of his epigrams, not one Dobryak walked the vulgar fool

the poet, and not for a joke, - the poet in fact is always and often in words, although he did not write his two poems to life