Tale of a nasty duck - Hans Christian Andersen. ugly duck

Tale of a nasty duck - Hans Christian Andersen. ugly duck
Tale of a nasty duck - Hans Christian Andersen. ugly duck

About fairy tale

Ugly duckling - sad fate and wonderful transformation

Danish writer and poet Hans Christian Andersen presented to the world of Zadko Duckling in 1843. The experts of the fate and creativity of the Great Writer argue that this sad image was written off from the author himself. From the description of the appearance and biography of Andersen, it is known that he was thin, long-grade, with long-standing hands and legs. The future world famous writer terribly shunted his appearance and because of this did not want to go to school.

Events that occur with the ugly duckling in a fairy tale resemble the facts from the life of the author himself. Noisy bird courtyard is the entourage of Andersen since childhood. Odnoklassniki and neighbors permanently "knew" poor fellow for his non-zero appearance and the features of the gait. Journey duckling from a bird's yard to the will reminds a writer's trip to Copenhagen, and the life of the unfortunate chick in a dilapidated hut is a stay of Hans in the family, where he was constantly taught to live.

Most of the heroes of Andersen are single and weak creatures that go on the road of life in search of their place under the sun. A lot of dangerous adventures and evil characters are found in them on the way, but at the direction of the heart, the heroes follow further and find their small enough happiness.

How did the swan egg fell into the nest to the duck?

All adults who once read a fairy tale about the ugly duckling, asked by this issue. Why is a little swan not lucky, and he accidentally got into the nest to ordinary courtyard duck? Most likely, it was so! Next to the old estate there is a pond and a bird courtyard, hunters are often visiting these picturesque places and heat the greasy game. It happens that people with weapons kill swans and find orphaned masonry and so that the eggs do not died, put them in other nests. And the birds are instinct, where the homeland hatched there!

So, most likely, an unfortunate chirode chick in a duck nest. A duck, which was asked the baby, could love him as a native. But the stupid bird's society did not take a non-zealous duckling and humiliated it in every way. Chickens, turkeys and greasy ducks believed that they have weight and position on their bird yard, but compared to graceful white swans they were negligible and ugly. Only they did not know that because they had never seen themselves in the mirror!

The miserable chick, to save his life, had to escape from a bird's yard in a frightening cold unknown. He fell to the lake, where there were many free waterfowl. But they threatened another danger. Hunters with guns waved to game at every step!

Duckoo was very scary. In his eyes they killed two spares, and he had to hide all night all night in dense reeds. What was the weak and defenseless kid? He needed a warm house and a little murdling bread crumbs. Strong rain and ruthless wind praised the unfortunate chimney of the feathers, but, resisting the element, he found a lonely dying hut. And here they did not accept the poor hungalic sickness in the "society"! Chicken roared that the chick does not carry the eggs, and the cat reproached that the baby does not know how to carve out of the spark feathers. And the neighbors scolded, and they went around, what remained to do the chick? Run away to freedom again and frozen on a cold pond!

How ended the fairy tale?

Duckoo was still to survive the Lituya Winter, but do not be afraid, he will definitely survive and become a big and strong bird. And how will this fascinating story end, you will find out if you fully fulfill to the end of the good fairy tale Andersen online. Parents are advised to tell children for the night such instructive stories, then before bedtime, they have time to think and make their right children's conclusions.

Good was outside the city!

Standing summer. Golden Rye, Green Oats, hay was sour cream in a stack; On the green meadow, the long-legged stork was packed and chatted in Egyptian - he learned this language from his mother.

Large forests stretched behind the fields and meadows, and in the forests were deep lakes. Yes, it was good at the city!

Right in the sun, lay the old manor, surrounded by deep ditch with water; From the walls of the house to the water of Ruff, and so much that small children could stand under the largest leaves in full growth. In more often, the burdock was deaf and wild, as in the thick forest, and here it was sitting on the eggs duck.

She had to bring ducklings, and she was tired of her order, because she was sitting for a long time ago and rarely visited her - another duck liked to swim across the docks than sit in the burdocks yes to crack with her. Finally, the eggshells shook.

Pip! Pip! - Writing inside. All egg yolks came to life and dried heads.

Fuck! Fuck! - said Duck. Ducklings quickly dropped out of the shell and began to look around with a circle under green leopa leaves; Mother did not interfere with them - green is useful for the eyes.

Oh, how great is the world! - said ducklings.

Still would! It was much more spacious than in the shell.

Do not you think that here and the whole world? - said mother. - What there! He stretches far away, there, behind the garden, in the field, but there I did not have the outfit! .. Well, are you all here?

And she got up.

Oh no, not all. The biggest egg is desoge! Yes, when this is the end! I will soon lose patience soon.

And she sat down again.

Well how are you? - asked the old duck, which came to visit her.

Yes, with one egg, it is not controlled, "the young duck said. - Everything is not bursting. But look at the baby! Just lovely! Everything like one thing is in the Father.

Well, let's show me an egg that does not burst, "the old duck said. - Surely it is an egg turwish. That's exactly the same way I spent once. Well, it was me with these turks of the trouble, I tell you! I could not lure them into the water. I and kryakala, and pushed - do not go, and only! Well, show the egg. And there is! Turkey! Throw him yes go to teach the babies to swim!

I'll sit even! - said young duck. - So much sitting that you can still sit.

As you wish! - she told the old duck and left.

Finally burst and big egg.

Pip! Pip! - I regained the chick and fell out of the egg. But what he was big and nasty!

Duck looked around him.

Hornly great! - she said. - And not at all like the rest! Is it really turkeyonok, in fact? Well, yes, in the water, he will be with me, by force, and pound!

The next day the weather was wonderful, the green burdock was chosen by the sun. The duck with all the family went to the ditch. Booley! - And she found himself in the water.

Fuck! Fuck! She called, and ducklings alone also stuck in the water. At first, the water covered them with her head, but they immediately emerged and shoved fine.

They worked their paws and even ugly gray duckling did not lag behind others.

What is it turkeyonok? - said Duck. - Won how nicely crept legs! And how directly keeps! No, my own, my relatives ... Yes, he is not alike, as you look at him good. Well, alive, alive for me! Now I will introduce you to society, I will present you on the bird courtyard. Just keep me closer to me so that anyone does not come on you, but take care of cats!

Soon got to the bird courtyard. Batyushki! What was the noise here!

Two duck families fought due to one head of the eel, and it ended the fact that the head got a cat.

You see, as happens in the world! - said the duck and licked the tongue to the beak - she herself was not averse to trying the head head.

Well, well, move your paws! She said to ducklings. - Groken and worship with that old duck! She is more valuable here. She is Spanish breed and therefore such a fat. See, she has a red flap on her paw. How beautiful! This is the highest difference, which only can be a duck. This means that they do not want to lose it, - on this flap they will learn and animals and animals. Well, alive! Yes, do not keep your paws inside! Ultimate duckling should turn out the paws outside, like father and mother. Like this! Look! Now tilt your head and tell me: "Kryak!"

So they did. But other ducks looked at them and said loudly:

Well, still the whole pain! As if there were few of us? And one is unheom! I will not get it!

And now one duck flew and pecked him in the head.

Leave it! - said Duck-mother. - After all, he did nothing!

Put, but he is so big and strange! - answered someone else's duck. - He needs to ask a good one.

Nice you have children! - She told the old duck with a red flap on the paw. - All nice, just one ... This failed! It would be good to remake it!

This is not possible, your mercy! - answered the duck-mother. - He is ugly, but he has a good heart. And he floats not worse, I dare even say - better than others. I think over time he is leveled and becomes smaller. He lay down too long in the egg, because it was not quite successful.

And she scratched him in his head and announced the feathers.

In addition, he is spleen, and the beauty is not so needed. I think it will strengthen and break the way.

The rest ducklings are very, very miles! - She told the old duck. - Well, be at home, and you will find an acne head, you can bring her to me.

Here ducklings and settled at home. Only poor duckling, which hatched later, was so ugly, roared, pushed and teased everything - and ducks and chickens.

Painfully great! - They said.

And the Indian rooster, who was born with spurs on his legs and therefore imagined himself by the emperor, inflated and, as if the ship on all the sails, flew to Duckoo, looked at him and angrily shrot; His rolling on him and flowed blood.

The poor duckling simply did not know what to do, where to go. And it was necessary for him to be crumbling so ugly that the whole bird was laughing at him! ..

So passed the first day, and then went even worse. All chasing the poor duckling, even brothers and sisters angrily told him:

If only the cat dragged you, a fussy freak!

And the mother added:

The eyes would not look at you!

Ducks pinched him, the chickens were stuck, and the girl who gave the bird to the food, pushed the nail.

I could not stand the duckling, the yard ran - and through the hedge! Small birds frightened from bushes.

"This is because I am so ugly!" - thought Duckling, closed his eyes and started on.

Fight ran, until he found himself in a swamp, where wild ducks lived. Tired and sad, he lay down here all night.

In the morning, wild ducks rose from the nests and saw a new comrade.

What is the bird? They asked them.

Duckling and bowed in all directions as he knew how.

Well, you are! - said wild ducks. - However, we don't care, just do not think to curtail with us.

Poor! Where he was thinking about it! If only they allowed him to sit in the reeds and drink the marsh water.

Two days he spent in a swamp. Two wild hussak appeared on the third day. They only recently hatched from eggs and therefore very important.

Listen, buddy! - they said. - You're a freak that, right, like you! Want to fly with us and be a free bird? There is another swamp nearby, there are pretty wild gus-lamen. They know how to say: "Ga-ha-ha!" You're such a freak that, what good, you will have success.

PIF! PAF! - suddenly heard over the swamp, and both hussak fell in the roots; Water spawned them with blood.

PIF! PAF! - Once again, and the whole pack of wild geese rose from the reel. Fucking a palfa. The hunters surrounded the swamp on all sides; Some sat down even in the branches of the trees hang over the swamps.

Blue smoke clouds enveloped trees and stabbed over the water. Hunting dogs ran in the swamp - Shone! Shone! Reed and reeds and swore from side to side.

Poor duckling was nor alive dead from fear. He wanted to hide his head under the wing, as suddenly right in front of him the hunting dog with a stung language and sparkling evil eyes.

She jumped to Duckling, scolded sharp teeth and - Shone! Shone! - ran further.

"Not touched," thought Duckling and translated the Spirit. - It's clear that I am ugly, that even the dog disgusts me to bite me! "

And he drank in the reeds.

On his head, it was whistling shisters, shots were heard. Fallet styled only in the evening, but duckling was still afraid of move.

Only a few hours later he dared to stand up, looked around and set off to run further around the fields and meadows. There was such a strong wind that duckling barely could move.

By night, he relocated to a poor hut. The hut was launched that it was ready to fall, but I didn't know what side, therefore I kept.

The wind was picked up Duckling - I had to rest in the Earth with a tail. And the wind all rig.

Here Duckling noted that the door of the hut jumped out from one loop and hangs so crookedly, which can be freely slipped through the slot into the hut. So he did.

In the hut there lived an old woman with a cat and chicken. Cat she called a son; He knew how to bending his back, purrab and even to sparks, if you stroke him against wool.

The chicken had small, short legs, because it was nicknamed short-skinned; She diligently carried the eggs, and the old woman loved her like a daughter.

In the morning of someone else's duckling noticed. Cat closed, chicken swallowed.

What is there? - asked the old woman, looked around and noticed Duckling, but he took him on blindness for a fatty duck, which was fought from the house.

That's how the find! - said the old woman. - Now I will have duck eggs, if only it is not a spleen. Well, let's see, we will try!

And Ducky took on the test. But there were three weeks, and there were no eggs.

The present owner in the house was a cat, and the hostess - chicken, and both always said:

We and all the world!

They considered themselves half the world, and more than half.

True, Duckling believed that it was possible to be on this subject and other opinions. But the chicken did not suffer.

Can you carry eggs? She asked Duckling.

So keep the tongue on the leash!

And the cat asked:

Can you bending your back, purrab and start sparks?

So do not fall with your opinion when you say smart people!

And the duckling was sitting in the corner.

Suddenly he remembered the fresh air and the sun, terribly wanted to swim. He could not stand and said this chicken.

What's wrong with you? She asked. - Looking down, here you are blazing and climbs! Nesom-ka eggs or purr, fool and pass!

Oh, swim so nice! Said Duckling. - Such a pleasure to dive down your head in the deeper!

That's how pleasure! - said chicken. - You're completely crazy! Ask the cat - he is smarter than everyone I know, whether he likes to swim and dive. About myself, I really do not speak! Ask, finally, our old woman, Mrs., smarter than her no one in the world! Do you think, and she want to swim or dive?

You do not understand me, "said Duckling.

If we do not understand, so who will understand you! What do you want to be smarter than cat and hostess, not to mention me? Not Duri, and be grateful for everything for you! You were sheltered, prigel, you got into such a society in which you can learn something. But you are an empty head, and you should not talk with you. Believe me! I wish you good, so I will scold you. So always recognizes true friends. Try the same eggs or learn to purring and let the sparks!

I think I'm better to get away from here where my eyes look, "said Duckling.

Well, go to yourself! - answered chicken.

And duckling left. He walked and dived, but all animals defend him to disgrace.

Autumn has come. Leaves on trees wishes and punched; The wind picked up and circled them through the air. It became very cold.

Heavy clouds were poured on Earth, then the snow, and the raven sitting on the hedge and rank from the cold in all the throat. Brock! Freeze with one thought about such a cold!

I had a poor duckling badly. Once, in the evening, when the sun was still shining in the sky, a whole flock of beautiful big birds rose from the bushes, the duckling has never seen such beautiful: all white as snow, with long, flexible necks.

It was swans.

After making a strange cry, they spilled out with magnificent large wings and flew from cold meadows into warm edges, behind the blue sea. The swans rose highly highly, and the poor duckling covered incomprehensible anxiety.

A wolf spinned in the water, pulled out the neck and also shouted, and so loud and strange that he himself was frightened. Oh, he could not tear the eye from these beautiful happy birds, and when they completely disappeared from sight, dived at the very bottom, he snapped and was not like himself. I did not know the duckling, as the name of these birds, where they fly, but loved them, as no one still loved.

He did not envy their beauty; He never occurred to him that he could be the same beautiful as they. He would be glad Radhechonek, if at least ducks did not repel him from herself.

Poor whappy duckling!

Winter has come cold-strong. Duckoo had to swim without rest, so as not to give water to freeze at all, but with each night, in which he walked, it was getting smaller and less.

It freezed so that even the ice crackled. Without tired, he worked with paws duckling, but at the end completely embarrassed from the forces, froze and the whole fruit.

Early in the morning passed by the peasant. He saw Duckling, smashed ice with his wooden shoes and carried a semi-limbery bird home to his wife.

Duckling washed.

But the children did he want to play with him, and it seemed to him that they would want to offend him. He strangled from fear of duckling and pleased directly in the scenery with milk.

Milk spilled. The hostess screamed and waved his hands, and the duckling between those flew into the tub with oil, and from there - in a barrel with flour. Batyushki, what he became like!

The hostess screamed and chasing him with coal tongs, the children ran, sneaking each other with the legs, laughed and squeezed.

Well, still, the door was open, - Duckling jumped out, rushed into the bushes, right on the freshly fallen snow, and for a long time I lay there almost without feelings.

It would be too sad to describe all the troubles and misfortune duckling for this harsh winter. When the sun again noded the land with his warm rays, he lay in a swamp, in the reeds.

Put the larks. Spring came! Duckling waved the wings and flew. Now in the wings, his wind buzzed, and they were much stronger than the previous one.

He did not have time to come to his senses, as found himself in the Great Garden. Apple trees stood in bloom; Fascular lilac inclined her long green branches over a winding canal.

Oh, how it was good, as smelled in spring!

And suddenly, three wonderful white swans were floating from the cane. They sailed so easily and smoothly, exactly slid along the water.

Duckling learned beautiful birds, and it covered some incomprehensible sadness.

I will fly to them, to these great birds. They probably conclude me to death for the fact that I, so ugly, dared to get closer to them. But let him! It is better to die from their blows than to demolish the tweaks of ducks and chickens, pinking birds yes tolerate cold and hunger in winter!

And he sank into the water and sailed towards beautiful swans, who, jealous of him, too floated to him.

Kill me! - said the poor thing and lowered his head, waiting for death, but what did he see in clean, like a mirror, water? Its own reflection.

But he was no longer a disgusting dark gray duckling, but a swan. Do not trouble be on the light in a dinner nest if you got out of the swan eggs!

Now he was glad that he suffered so much grief and trouble, "he could better appreciate his happiness and the surrounding his magnificence.

And the big swans floated around and stroked his beaks.

Little children came to the garden. They began to throw bread crumbs and grain swans, and the smallest shouted:

New flew!

And everyone else picked up:

New, new!

Children clapped in his hands and danced from joy, and then ran after her father and mother and again began to throw bread crumbs and cake into the water. All said:

New swan is best! He is so beautiful and young!

And the old swans bowed a head in front of him.

And he was completely embarrassed and hid his head under the wing, not knowing why.

He was very happy, but not at all regenened - a kind heart knows pride; He recalled the time when everyone laughed at him and drove it. And now everyone says that he is the finest among beautiful birds.

Lilac inclined his fragrant branches to him in the water, the sun shine so warmly, so bright ...

And here is the wings of him, the slender neck straightened, and a joy of a chest broke out:

No, I didn't dream about such happiness when I was still a whappy duckling!

Tales Andersen

One of the best fairy tales of Andersen about the ugly duckling, born and brought up in the family of ducks. Based on this fairy tale, a lot of cartoons were shot, it was translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. The fairy tale describes the difficult fate of the ugly duckling, which from childhood was subjected to ridicule and mockery from their relatives. Once the garde duckling saw on the pond beautiful and graceful swans, since then he envy these noble birds and their beauty. Time passed everything in places, the ugly duckling of the appultel and in one drock moment it was so all tolerated with his bullying, that the ugly duckling swelled to beautiful swans, in the hope that they would kill him for his deformity, but what was his surprise when he bowed The head is waiting for death and saw its reflection in the water. He turned into a wonderful noble swan, to envy all his relatives.


X irney was outside the city!

Standing summer. Golden Rye, Green Oats, hay was sour cream in a stack; On the green meadow, the long-legged stork was packed and chatted in Egyptian - he learned this language from his mother.

Large forests stretched behind the fields and meadows, and in the forests were deep lakes. Yes, it was good at the city!

Right in the sun, lay the old manor, surrounded by deep ditch with water; From the walls of the house to the water of Ruff, and so much that small children could stand under the largest leaves in full growth. In more often, the burdock was deaf and wild, as in the thick forest, and here it was sitting on the eggs duck.

She had to bring ducklings, and she was tired of her order, because she was sitting for a long time ago and rarely visited her - another duck liked to swim across the docks than sit in the burdocks yes to crack with her. Finally, the eggshells shook.

Pip! Pip! - Writing inside. All egg yolks came to life and dried heads.

Fuck! Fuck! - said Duck. Ducklings quickly dropped out of the shell and began to look around with a circle under green leopa leaves; Mother did not interfere with them - green is useful for the eyes.

Oh, how great is the world! - said ducklings.

Still would! It was much more spacious than in the shell.

Do not you think that here and the whole world? - said mother. - What there! He stretches far away, there, behind the garden, in the field, but there I did not have the outfit! .. Well, are you all here?

And she got up.

- Oh no, not all. The biggest egg is desoge! Yes, when this is the end! I will soon lose patience soon.

And she sat down again.

Well how are you? - asked the old duck, which came to visit her.

Yes, with one egg, it is not controlled, "the young duck said. - Everything is not bursting. But look at the baby!

Just lovely! Everything like one thing is in the Father.

"Well, let's show me an egg that does not burst," the old duck said. - Surely it is an egg turwish. That's exactly the same way I spent once. Well, it was me with these turks of the trouble, I tell you! I could not lure them into the water. I and kryakala, and pushed - do not go, and only! Well, show the egg. And there is! Turkey! Throw him yes go to teach the babies to swim!

- I'll sit even! - said young duck. - So much sitting that you can still sit.

As you wish! - she told the old duck and left.

Finally burst and big egg.

Pip! Pip! - I regained the chick and fell out of the egg. But what he was big and nasty!

Duck looked around him.

Hornly great! - she said. - And not at all like the rest! Is it really turkeyonok, in fact? Well, yes, in the water, he will be with me, by force, and pound!

The next day the weather was wonderful, the green burdock was chosen by the sun. The duck with all the family went to the ditch. Booley! - And she found himself in the water.

Fuck! Fuck! She called, and ducklings alone also stuck in the water. At first, the water covered them with her head, but they immediately emerged and shoved fine.

They worked their paws and even ugly gray duckling did not lag behind others.

What is it turkeyonok? - said Duck. - Won how nicely crept legs! And how directly keeps! No, my own, my relatives ... Yes, he is not alike, as you look at him good. Well, alive, alive for me! Now I will introduce you to society, I will present you on the bird courtyard. Just keep me closer to me so that anyone does not come on you, but take care of cats!

Soon got to the bird courtyard. Batyushki! What was the noise here!

Two duck families fought due to one head of the eel, and it ended the fact that the head got a cat.

You see, as happens in the world! - said the duck and licked the tongue to the beak - she herself was not averse to trying the head head.

Well, well, move your paws! She said to ducklings. - Groken and worship with that old duck! She is more valuable here. She is Spanish breed and therefore such a fat. See, she has a red flap on her paw. How beautiful! This is the highest difference, which only can be a duck. This means that they do not want to lose it, - on this flap they will learn and animals and animals. Well, alive! Yes, do not keep your paws inside! Ultimate duckling should turn out the paws outside, like father and mother. Like this! Look! Now tilt your head and tell me: "Kryak!"

So they did. But other ducks looked at them and said loudly:

Well, still the whole pain! As if there were few of us? And one is unheom! I will not get it!

And now one duck flew and pecked him in the head.

Leave it! - said Duck-mother. - After all, he did nothing!

Put, but he is so big and strange! - answered someone else's duck. - He needs to ask a good one.

Nice you have children! - She told the old duck with a red flap on the paw. - All nice, just one ... This failed! It would be good to remake it!

This is not possible, your mercy! - answered the duck-mother. - He is ugly, but he has a good heart. And he floats not worse, I dare even say - better than others. I think over time he is leveled and becomes smaller. He lay down too long in the egg, because it was not quite successful.

And she scratched him in his head and announced the feathers.

In addition, he is spleen, and the beauty is not so needed. I think it will strengthen and break the way.

The rest ducklings are very, very miles! - She told the old duck. - Well, be at home, and you will find an acne head, you can bring her to me.

Here ducklings and settled at home. Only poor duckling, which hatched later, was so ugly, roared, pushed and teased everything - and ducks and chickens.

Painfully great! - They said.

And the Indian rooster, who was born with spurs on his legs and therefore imagined himself by the emperor, inflated and, as if the ship on all the sails, flew to Duckoo, looked at him and angrily shrot; His rolling on him and flowed blood.

The poor duckling simply did not know what to do, where to go. And it was necessary for him to be crumbling so ugly that the whole bird was laughing at him! ..

So passed the first day, and then went even worse. All chasing the poor duckling, even brothers and sisters angrily told him:

If only the cat dragged you, a fussy freak!

And the mother added:

The eyes would not look at you!

Ducks pinched him, the chickens were stuck, and the girl who gave the bird to the food, pushed the nail.

I could not stand the duckling, the yard ran - and through the hedge! Small birds frightened from bushes.

"It's because I'm so ugly!" - thought Duckling, closed his eyes and started on.

Fight ran, until he found himself in a swamp, where wild ducks lived. Tired and sad, he lay down here all night.

In the morning, wild ducks rose from the nests and saw a new comrade.

- What is the bird? They asked them.

Duckling and bowed in all directions as he knew how.

Well, you are! - said wild ducks. - However, we don't care, just do not think to curtail with us.

Poor! Where he was thinking about it! If only they allowed him to sit in the reeds and drink the marsh water.

Two days he spent in a swamp. Two wild hussak appeared on the third day. They only recently hatched from eggs and therefore very important.

- Listen, buddy! - they said. - You're a freak that, right, like you! Want to fly with us and be a free bird? There is another swamp nearby, there are pretty wild gus-lamen. They know how to say: "Ga-ga-ha!" You're such a freak that, what good, you will have success.

PIF! PAF! - suddenly heard over the swamp, and both hussak fell in the roots; Water spawned them with blood.

PIF! PAF! - Once again, and the whole pack of wild geese rose from the reel. Fucking a palfa. The hunters surrounded the swamp on all sides; Some sat down even in the branches of the trees hang over the swamps.

Blue smoke clouds enveloped trees and stabbed over the water. Hunting dogs ran in the swamp - Shone! Shone! Reed and reeds and swore from side to side.

Poor duckling was nor alive dead from fear. He wanted to hide his head under the wing, as suddenly right in front of him the hunting dog with a stung language and sparkling evil eyes.

She jumped to Duckling, scolded sharp teeth and - Shone! Shone! - ran further.

"Not touched," thought Duckling and turned the spirit. "It's clear that I am ugly that even a dog disgusting me!"

And he drank in the reeds.

On his head, it was whistling shisters, shots were heard. Fallet styled only in the evening, but duckling was still afraid of move.

Only a few hours later he dared to stand up, looked around and set off to run further around the fields and meadows. There was such a strong wind that duckling barely could move.

By night, he relocated to a poor hut. The hut was launched that it was ready to fall, but I didn't know what side, therefore I kept.

The wind was picked up Duckling - I had to rest in the Earth with a tail. And the wind all rig.

Here Duckling noted that the door of the hut jumped out from one loop and hangs so crookedly, which can be freely slipped through the slot into the hut. So he did.

In the hut there lived an old woman with a cat and chicken. Cat she called a son; He knew how to bending his back, purrab and even to sparks, if you stroke him against wool.

The chicken had small, short legs, because it was nicknamed short-skinned; She diligently carried the eggs, and the old woman loved her like a daughter.

In the morning of someone else's duckling noticed. Cat closed, chicken swallowed.

What is there? - asked the old woman, looked around and noticed Duckling, but he took him on blindness for a fatty duck, which was fought from the house.

That's how the find! - said the old woman. - Now I will have duck eggs, if only it is not a spleen. Well, let's see, we will try!

And Ducky took on the test. But there were three weeks, and there were no eggs.

The present owner in the house was a cat, and the hostess - chicken, and both always said:

We and all the world!

They considered themselves half the world, and more than half.

True, Duckling believed that it was possible to be on this subject and other opinions. But the chicken did not suffer.

Can you carry eggs? She asked Duckling.


So keep the tongue on the leash!

And the cat asked:

Can you bending your back, purrab and start sparks?


So do not fall with your opinion when you say smart people!

And the duckling was sitting in the corner.

Suddenly he remembered the fresh air and the sun, terribly wanted to swim. He could not stand and said this chicken.

What's wrong with you? She asked. - Looking down, here you are blazing and climbs! Nesom-ka eggs or purr, fool and pass!

Oh, swim so nice! Said Duckling. - Such a pleasure to dive down your head in the deeper!

That's how pleasure! - said chicken. - You're completely crazy! Ask the cat - he is smarter than everyone I know, whether he likes to swim and dive. About myself, I really do not speak! Ask, finally, our old woman, Mrs., smarter than her no one in the world! Do you think, and she want to swim or dive?

You do not understand me, "said Duckling.

If we do not understand, so who will understand you! What do you want to be smarter than cat and hostess, not to mention me? Not Duri, and be grateful for everything for you! You were sheltered, prigel, you got into such a society in which you can learn something. But you are an empty head, and you should not talk with you. Believe me! I wish you good, so I will scold you. So always recognizes true friends. Try the same eggs or learn to purring and let the sparks!

I think I'm better to get away from here where my eyes look, "said Duckling.

Well, go to yourself! - answered chicken.

And duckling left.

He walked and dived, but all animals were still despised him for disgrace.

Autumn has come. Leaves on trees wishes and punched; The wind picked up and circled them through the air. It became very cold.

Heavy clouds were poured on Earth, then the snow, and the raven sitting on the hedge and rank from the cold in all the throat. Brock! Freeze with one thought about such a cold!

I had a poor duckling badly. Once, in the evening, when the sun was still shining in the sky, a whole flock of beautiful big birds rose from the bushes, the duckling has never seen such beautiful: all white as snow, with long, flexible necks.

It was swans.

After making a strange cry, they spilled out with magnificent large wings and flew from cold meadows into warm edges, behind the blue sea. The swans rose highly highly, and the poor duckling covered incomprehensible anxiety.

A wolf spinned in the water, pulled out the neck and also shouted, and so loud and strange that he himself was frightened. Oh, he could not tear the eye from these beautiful happy birds, and when they completely disappeared from sight, dived at the very bottom, he snapped and was not like himself. I did not know the duckling, as the name of these birds, where they fly, but loved them, as no one still loved.

He did not envy their beauty; He never occurred to him that he could be the same beautiful as they. He would be glad Radhechonek, if at least ducks did not repel him from herself.

Poor whappy duckling!

Winter has come cold-strong. Duckoo had to swim without rest, so as not to give water to freeze at all, but with each night, in which he walked, it was getting smaller and less.

It freezed so that even the ice crackled. Without tired, he worked with paws duckling, but at the end completely embarrassed from the forces, froze and the whole fruit.

Early in the morning passed by the peasant. He saw Duckling, smashed ice with his wooden shoes and carried a semi-limbery bird home to his wife.

Duckling washed.

But the children did he want to play with him, and it seemed to him that they would want to offend him. He strangled from fear of duckling and pleased directly in the scenery with milk.

Milk spilled. The hostess screamed and waved his hands, and the duckling between those flew into the tub with oil, and from there - in a barrel with flour. Batyushki, what he became like!

The hostess screamed and chasing him with coal tongs, the children ran, sneaking each other with the legs, laughed and squeezed.

Well, still, the door was open, - Duckling jumped out, rushed into the bushes, right on the freshly fallen snow, and for a long time I lay there almost without feelings.

It would be too sad to describe all the troubles and misfortune duckling for this harsh winter. When the sun again noded the land with his warm rays, he lay in a swamp, in the reeds.

Put the larks. Spring came! Duckling waved the wings and flew. Now in the wings, his wind buzzed, and they were much stronger than the previous one.

He did not have time to come to his senses, as found himself in the Great Garden. Apple trees stood in bloom; Fascular lilac inclined her long green branches over a winding canal.

Oh, how it was good, as smelled in spring!

And suddenly, three wonderful white swans were floating from the cane. They sailed so easily and smoothly, exactly slid along the water.

Duckling learned beautiful birds, and it covered some incomprehensible sadness.

I will fly to them, to these great birds. They probably conclude me to death for the fact that I, so ugly, dared to get closer to them. But let him! It is better to die from their blows than to demolish the tweaks of ducks and chickens, pinking birds yes tolerate cold and hunger in winter!

And he sank into the water and sailed towards beautiful swans, who, jealous of him, too floated to him.

Kill me! - said the poor thing and lowered his head, waiting for death, but what did he see in clean, like a mirror, water? Its own reflection.

But he was no longer a disgusting dark gray duckling, but a swan. Do not trouble be on the light in a dinner nest if you got out of the swan eggs!

Now he was glad that he suffered so much grief and trouble, "he could better appreciate his happiness and the surrounding his magnificence.

And the big swans floated around and stroked his beaks.

Little children came to the garden. They began to throw bread crumbs and grain swans, and the smallest shouted:

New flew!

And everyone else picked up:

New, new!

Children clapped in his hands and danced from joy, and then ran after her father and mother and again began to throw bread crumbs and cake into the water. All said:

New swan is best! He is so beautiful and young!

And the old swans bowed a head in front of him.

And he was completely embarrassed and hid his head under the wing, not knowing why.

He was very happy, but not at all regenened - a kind heart knows pride; He recalled the time when everyone laughed at him and drove it. And now everyone says that he is the finest among beautiful birds.

Lilac inclined his fragrant branches to him in the water, the sun shine so warmly, so bright ...

And here is the wings of him, the slender neck straightened, and a joy of a chest broke out:

No, I didn't dream about such happiness when I was still a whappy duckling!

Of course, you know that there is such a country of Denmark. On the map, it is completely painted with green paint. And indeed, wherever you look, the meadows are spread, wide plains, on which small settlements and small towns are scattered, with purely sweened streets, with houses, covered with red tiles.
Denmark is the birthplace of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. With her, Andersen is associated with all the creativity, including fabulous. The venue of its fairy tales, the writer certainly elected the provincial quiet cities and villages, and their heroes-people who came across every step: simple fishermen and sailors, soldiers and cooks, poor and rich citizens, chvanvali masters of philosophy and arrogant aristocrats ... in a word , All Denmark, Pepper and Miscellaneous, was fitted in Andersen's fairy tales. Denmark, where the whole life of Andersen was held, where he fell into a share of the great happiness of the lifetime popular recognition, and also had to postpone many adversity, grief and injustice.
Hans Christian Andersen was born in a small coastal town of Odense in a poor family. Education he received on copper pennies of the Mother of Mother's practice, and the university finished only thanks to his own perseverance and perseverance. His literary giftedness was extremely early. He also began writing poems and poems. Some of them were printed in provincial and metropolitan newspapers and magazines. Andersen poems were understood and not immediately accepted as his fairy tales. The writer could not forgive his "plebeian" origin. Even in the old age, Andersen was sometimes given to understand that he was a "poor relative" in Danish literature and he should know his place.
Andersen forever retained in memory of the memories of this heavy time, about his first literary steps. With this years, he devoted one of the best fairy tales - "Ugly Duckling". This fairy tale is a peculiar autobiography of the writer. In it, under the guise of "Ugly Duckling", Andersen led himself; The wasteland, overgrown with burdocks, where there was a duck nest, is Odense, the native city of the writer; Bird courtyard, where it was so stuck and poisoned "Ugly Duckling", - nothing but the capital of Denmark Copenhagen; The house where a good old woman lived with smart chicken and an even more smart cat - one familiar Andersen family, in which, although also benevolently accepted a young writer, but in every way instructed and taught how to live and write ...
Fortunately, Andersen did not break the vitality. He turned out to be the same persistent as the tin soldier - the hero of one of his fairy tales. In 1855, being already the author of several books, Hans Christian Andersen publishes the first edition of his "fairy tales." Others followed by the first release. Soon the name of the Danish fightener becomes widely known.
Andersen's fairy tales have been reading and adults and children for more than a hundred years. Little readers, they are fond of bright fiction, violent fantasy, adults - deep everyday wisdom. Figuratively speaking, each Andersen fairy tale is a twin-bottom chest. In this magic chest a lot of things all sorts, most importantly wealth is hidden in the second day.
B. Zabolotsky

The fairy tale of Andersen "Ugly Doton" about how difficult it is to live when you are ugly. About what I had to overcome the Ryanka, you will learn by reading this fairy tale.

Hans Christian Andersen. Ugly duck

Good was outside the city! Standing summer, rye yellowed, greenery oats, hay was smotano into a stack; A stork on the green meadow, Stork on long red legs and chatted in Egyptian - his mother taught him this tongue. Large forest spread over the fields and meadows, in more often his deep lakes were buried. Yes, it was good at the city! The sun illuminated an old estate, surrounded by deep ditch with water; The entire strip of earth between these datars and the stone fence threatened with burdock, yes so high that small guys could stand under the largest leaves to straighten up in full growth. In more often, the burdock was as deaf and wild, as in a dense forest, and here it was there and sat on the duck eggs. She was sitting for a long time, and she was tired of her order, because he was rarely visited, - another ducks were boring to stick together in Lopukh yes, slug down with her, they liked to swim through the docks.

But finally, the egg shells cracked. "Pi- and! PI - and! " - heard of them. These embryos became ducklings and dried heads from shells.

- Most! More! - Crowned duck.

And ducklings hurried, somehow they smoked on the will and began to be inspected and look at the green leaves of the burdock. Mother did not interfere with: Green light is useful for the eyes.

- How big is the world! - cried ducklings.

Still would! Now they were much more spacious than in the shell.

"Don't you think that the world is all here?" - said mother. - Not! It stretches far away, there, for the garden, to the pastoral field, but there I never happened in my life ... Well, are you all here? - And she got up. - Oh, no, not all! The biggest egg is kicker! Yes, when will it end? Here is no hope! What I'm tired of it!

And she sat down again.

- Well how are you? - asked, looking at her, one old duck.

"Yes, here's another egg left," the young duck answered. - I sit, I sit, and it does not burst everything! But you look at the kids - what are good! A terribly similar to the Father! And he, bless, and not visited me!

"Give me, I will examine the egg that has not cracked," said the old duck. - Probably, the turhesha! I also inflated times. Well, I got out when I brought the turkey! After all, they are as afraid of water; I'm crazy, and called, and pushed them into the water - do not go, and only! Give me a look at the egg. Well, it is! Turkey! Throw it; Better teach your ducks swim.

"No, perhaps, I'll sit still," a young duck responded. - So much promoted that I would not get a little more.

"Well, as you know," said the old duck and gone.

Finally, cracked the shell of the biggest egg. "Pi-and! PI - and! " - And a huge grungy chick fell out. Duck looked around him.

- That's what Verned! She shook out. - And no one looks like the rest. Is it really turkeyonok? Well, I will still swim with me: it will be chosen - there is a column in the water.

The other day the weather was wonderful, the green burdock was all covered with the sun. Duck took his whole family and slapped to the ditch. Booley! - Duck slammed into the water.

- Behind me! More! She shouted with ducklings, and those one after another fell into the water.

At first they disappeared under water, but immediately emerged and walked fun, their paws were diligently used; And the ugly gray ducks did not lag behind others.

- What is the turkeyonok? - said Duck. - Clear how nicely rows with my paws, as directly keeps! No, this is my native son! And, the right, unmarried, you just need to look at it. Well, soon, soon, for me! Now let's go to the bird courtyard, I will introduce you to society. Just hold on to me closer, so that anyone does not come to you, but beware of the cat.

Soon the duck with ducks got to the bird's yard. Well, the noise here stood, well, and gam! Two families fought because of the head of the eel, but she eventually got a cat.

- Here is how it happens in life! - said the duck and licked the tongue to the beak: she also wanted to taste the fish head. - Well, well, move your paws! She ordered her ducklings. - Groken and worship with the old duck. She is the most significant here. Spanish breed, because so fat. See, has a red patchwork on her paw? What is beautiful! This is a sign of the highest difference, which only can be a duck. He means that the owners do not want to part with it; There are also people and animals on this flap. Well, soon! Yes, do not hold your paws in the next. Ultimate dot must keep the paws apart and there, as your parents hold them. Like this! Blank now and chambly!

Ducklings bowed and shaked, but other ducks just looked around them and spoke loudly:

- Well, still the whole pain! As if there were little of us! And one is unheom! No, we will not take!

And one duck instantly jumped and pecked the dust in the head.

- Do not touch him! - said Duck-mother. - What did he do to you? After all, he does not interfere with anyone

"So that, but very much he is great, and something wonderful!" - noticed the duck-gown. - It is necessary for him to ask a good watch!

- Glorious children you have! - Speak the old duck with a red fold on the paw. - All very miles, except one ... This failed! It would be nice to remake it.

- It is impossible, your grace! - Rota-mother objected. "True, he is ugly, but his heart is kind, and he floats not worse, perhaps even better than others." Maybe he over time hesitates or at least growing smaller. Walked in the shell, because it was not quite successful. - And she spent the spout on the tricks of a big duck. - In addition, he is spleen, and beauty is not so needed. Grow it - will try my way!

- The rest ducklings are very, very miles! - She told the old duck. - Well, be at home, and if you find an acne head, you can bring her to me.

So they began to behave at home. Only the poor ugly duck is the fact that he got out later than others, the inhabitants of the bird courtyard were peeled, pushed and trembled with ridicule all - and ducks, and chickens.

- It hurts it great! - They said.

And the turkey, which was born with spurs on the legs and therefore imagined himself with the emperor, inflated and, as if the ship on all the sails, flew to the dock and shifted so angry, that his scallop was bloody. Poor duck just did not know what to do, how to be. It was necessary for him to be born so ugly that the whole bird yard him raises him!

So passed the first day; Then it became even worse. All chased the poor fellow, even brothers and sisters shouted angrily on him:

- At least a cat was dragged, the freak is unfortunate!

And the mother added:

- My eyes would not look at you!

Ducks roared him, chickens piled, and the girl that fed a poultry, pushing the dock with his foot.

But the duckly suddenly ran the yard and flew over the hedge! Little birds frightened from bushes.

"I was afraid of me - that's what I am ugly!" - I thought the duckle and went on a nude, myself was not knowing where. Fight ran, until he fell into a big swamp, where wild ducks lived. Tired and sad, he sat there all night.

In the morning, wild ducks flew out of the nest and saw a novice.

Who are you? - they asked; But the duck just spoiled and turned out, as he knew how.

- Here is ugly! - said wild ducks. - However, this is not our business. Just see do not try to encourage with us!

Poor! Where he was thinking about marriage! If only they allowed him to sit here in the reeds and drink the swamp water - that's all what he dreamed of.

Two days he spent on a swamp, two wild hussak appeared on the third. They recently hatched from eggs and therefore performed very proudly.

- Listen, buddy! - they said. "You're so ugly that, right, even like you." Want to fly with us? You will be a free bird. Not far from here, on another swamp, the premium wild gooses live. They know how to say: "PAP, RAP!" Although you and the freak, but - who knows? - Maybe you will find your happiness.

"FIF! Paf! " - Suddenly he was heard over the swamp, and the hussaki trembled to the roots in the reeds, and the water was painted blood. "FIF! Paf! " - Once again, and the whole pack of wild geese rose from the reel. Pallet broke out. The hunters hooked all the swamp, some were covered in the branches of the trees hanging over him. Blue smoke clubs enveloped trees and stabbed over the water. Hunting dogs slammed the swamp and, breaking through the reed, swayed it from side to side. Poor duck, nor alive either dead from fear, wanted to hide his head under the wing, as a hunting dog suddenly bent over him, having drunk his tongue and sparkling by evil eyes. She revealed to fall, scolded sharp teeth, but ... slap! slap! - ran further.

- Put! - And the duckly turned the spirit. - Put! So, it means that I am ugly, "the dog and that nasty to touch me.

And he hooked in the reenteches, and his head was thrown above his head, the crushers flew.

Pillan poketed only in the evening, but the duckle was afraid for a long time to move. Several hours passed, and finally he dared to stand up, look around and again to touch the path in the fields and meadows. The wind blew, so so strong that the dot can hardly move forward.

By night, he got to some kind of wretched hut. She could have dilapidated that it was ready to fall, just did not even decide, on what side she was falling, and therefore kept. The duck and picked up the wind, - had to sit on the ground.

And the wind is fixed. What was the Ryanka? Fortunately, he noticed that the door of the hut jumped out from one loop and hanging crookedly, - through this gap it was not difficult to slip inside. So he did.

In this hut, the old woman lived in the hostess with a cat and chicken. Cat she called "Son"; He could be flexing a back, purr, and when he was stroked against wool, I even flew sparks from him. The chicken had small, short legs - here and nicknamed "short-skin"; She diligently carried the eggs, and the old woman loved her like a daughter.

In the morning, the aliens noticed: the cat began to purr, and the chicken was cached.

- What is there? She asked the old woman, looked at the dock, but the cutlery took him for a fatty duck, who fell off from the house.

- That's how the find! - she said. - Now I will have duck eggs, if only it is not a spleen. Well, let's live - see!

And the duck took the test. But three weeks have passed, and he never drove a single egg. Mr. in the house was a cat, and the Mrs. Chicken, and both always said: "We and the whole world!" They considered half the world, while his best half. The cliff seemed that this expense could be another opinion. Chicken, however, did not suffer.

- Can you carry eggs? She asked the dock.

- So keep the tongue behind your teeth.

And the cat asked:

- Can you bending your back, purr and start sparks?

- So do not fall with your opinion when they say those who are smarter than you.

So the duck is all sitting in the corner, thickening. Some time he remembered the fresh air and the sun, and he wanted to swim to death. He could not stand and said this chicken.

- Chew what was invented! - she responded. - Looking down, here you are blazing and climbs! Nessics is better than eggs or purr - here's a fool and will pass!

- Oh, how I was nice to swim! - said the duckling. - And what a pleasure to dive into the very depth!

- Good pleasure! - exclaimed chicken. - Well, of course, you completely crushed! Ask a cat, he is smarter than everyone I know, does he like to swim and dive? I'm not talking about myself. Ask, finally, our old woman, the mistress, smarter it is no one in the world. Do you think, and she want to swim and dive?

- Do not understand me! - said the duckling.

"If we don't understand, so who will understand you?" Maybe you want to be smart and cat and hostess, not to mention me? Not stupid, but thank the best creator for everything you did for you. She sheltered you, prigid, accepted into their company, - and you can learn a lot from us, but with so empty-headed, like you, and not worth saying. You believe me, I wish you good, because I will fight you, - true friends always do that. Try the same eggs or learn to purring and let the sparks!

- I think I'm better to get away from here where my eyes look! - said the duckling.

- Then piss off! - the chicken responded.

And the duckly left. He sailed and dived, but all the animals still despised him for uglyness.

It came autumn, the leaves on the trees wishes and punched, the wind picked up and circling them; Upstairs, in the sky, it became cold; They hung heavy clouds from which a snowy croup was poured. Raven, sitting on the hedge, in all the throat rank from the cold: "Crane-a! Krre-A! " From one thought about such a chate room could be frozen. I had a poor cloud.

Once, in the evening, when the sun was so beautifully rolled out, because of the bushes a flock of wonderful big birds rose, dotnok in life did not see such beautiful - snow-white, with long flexible necks! That were swans. They shouted with some strange votes, waved with magnificent big wings and flew from cold meadows into warm edges on the blue lakes. They rose highly high, and poor ugly duck covered vague excitement. He spun with a wolf in the water, pulled the neck and also I wanted such a loud and strange cry, which myself was frightened. Wonderful birds did not leave him from his head, and when they finally disappeared from sight, he dived at the very bottom, snapped, but he could not come to himself. The duckly did not know what the name of these birds and where they flew away, but loved them as she did not like anyone in the world. He did not envy their beauty. Like them? No, he could not come to mind! He would be glad if at least a duck was not repelled him. Poor ugly duck!

And winter stood cold-strong. The cliff had to swim without rest, so as not to give water to climb, but with each night the space free of ice was declined. Freezed so that the ice crack. Drinking without tired worked with my legs, but at the end weighted, froze and join the ice.

Early in the morning, the peasant passed by and saw the frozen dock. He struck the ice with his wooden shoes, took the dock home and gave him his wife. In the house, the peasant drunk washed.

But here, children somehow thought to play with Ryanki, and he imagined that they want to offend him, and with fear shook himself right in a bowl with milk. Milk was splashing, the hostess cried and splashed his hands, and the duckly took off and landed in a tub with butter, and then in the barrel with flour. Oh, what he became like! The peasant shouted and chased him with nippers for coal, the children ran, sneaking each other with his feet, laughed, squeezed. It's good that the door was open: the duck ran, rushed into the bushes, right on the freshly-haired snow, and for a long time lay in a stupor.

It would be sad to describe all the mobbies of the duck during this harsh winter. When the sun began to regenerate the land with his warm rays, he was lounged in the swamp, in the Kamyshs. Here sang and the larks. Spring has come.

The duckly waved the wings and flew. Now his wings were noisy and were much stronger than the previous one, - he did not have time to come to his senses, as he found himself in the Great Garden. Apple trees here were all in bloom, fragrant lilac inclined her long green branches over a winding canal.

Oh, how it was good, as smelled in spring! Suddenly, three wonderful white swans floated from the thickets. They sailed so easily and smoothly, as if they slipped on the water. The dotnok learned beautiful birds, and it covered some strange sadness.

"I will fly to these royal birds! They will probably kill me for the fact that I, so ugly, dared to get closer to them - well, let him! Better let them drive me how to demolish the tweaks of ducks and chickens and pinkies of the bird, but to tolerate cold and hunger in winter. "

And he flew to the water and sailed towards the handsaws of swans, and those envy him, also rushed to him.

- Kill me! Said the poor thing and lowered his head, waiting for death.

But what did he see in clean, like a mirror, water? Own reflection. And now he was no longer an ugly dark gray bird, but a swan!

Do not trouble be on the light in a dinner nest, if you got out of the swan eggs.

Now he was glad that he moved so much grief: he could better appreciate his happiness and all the beauty that surrounded him. The big swans floated near him and stroked his beaks.

Little children came to the garden, they began to throw the swans of the grain and bread crumbs, and the junior shouted:

- New, new!

The rest picked up: "Yes, new, new!" "And we shumbled in your hands, having been sailing away from joy, then ran after my father and mother and began to throw bread crumbs and cake into the water. And everyone said that the new swan is the most beautiful. So young, so wonderful!

And the old swans bowed heads before him.

And he was completely embarrassed and involuntarily hid his head under the wing. He did not know what to do. He was incomprehensibly happy, but he did not start himself at all, - the good heart is alien to arrogant. He remembered the time when all of him despised and pursued; Now everyone said that he was the most beautiful between beautiful! Lilac bowed his fragrant branches to him in the water, the sun caressed him and worn ... And here is the wings of him, a slim neck straightened, and a junk cry out out from his chest:

- Could I dream of such happiness when I was a nasty cloud!

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Hans Christian Andersen
Ugly duck

Good was outside the city! Standing summer, rye yellowed, green oats, hay was sour cream in a stack; A stork on the green meadow, Stork on long red legs and chatted in Egyptian - his mother taught him this tongue. Large forest spread over the fields and meadows, in more often his deep lakes were buried. Yes, it was good at the city! The sun illuminated an old estate, surrounded by deep ditch with water; The entire strip of earth between these datars and the stone fence threatened with burdock, yes so high that small guys could stand under the largest leaves to straighten up in full growth. In more often, the burdock was as deaf and wild, as in a dense forest, and here it was there and sat on the duck eggs. She was sitting for a long time, and she was tired of her order, because he was rarely visited, - another ducks were boring to stick together in Lopukh yes, slug down with her, they liked to swim through the docks.

But finally the eggshells cracked. "Pi-and! PI - and! " - heard of them. These embryos became ducklings and dried heads from shells.

- Most! More! - Crowned duck.

And ducklings hurried, somehow they smoked on the will and began to be inspected and look at the green leaves of the burdock. Mother did not interfere with: Green color is useful for the eyes.

- How big is the world! - cried ducklings.

Still would! Now they were much more spacious than in the shell.

"Don't you think that the world is all here?" - said mother. - Not! It stretches far away, there, for the garden, to the pastoral field, but there I never happened in my life ... Well, are you all here? - And she got up. - Oh, no, not all! The biggest egg is kicker! Yes, when will it end? Here is no hope! What I'm tired of it!

And she sat down again.

- Well how are you? - asked, looking at her, one old duck.

"Yes, here's another egg left," the young duck answered. - I sit, I sit, and it does not burst everything! But you look at the kids - what are good! A terribly similar to the Father! And he, bless, and not visited me!

"Let me examine the egg that has not cracked yet," the old duck said. - Probably, the turhesha! I also inflated times. Well, I got out when I brought the turkey! After all, they are as afraid of water; I'm crazy, and called, and pushed them into the water - do not go, and only! Give me a look at the egg. Well, it is! Turkey! Throw it; Better teach your ducks swim.

"No, perhaps, I'll sit still," a young duck responded. - So much promoted that I would not get a little more.

"Well, as you know," said the old duck and gone.

Finally cracked the shell of the biggest egg. "Pi-and! PI - and! " - And a huge grungy chick fell out. Duck looked around him.

- That's what Verned! She shook out. - And no one looks like the rest. Is it really turkeyonok? Well, I will still swim with me: it will be chosen - there is a column in the water.

The other day the weather was wonderful, the green burdock was all covered with the sun. Duck took his whole family and slapped to the ditch. Booley! - Duck slammed into the water.

- Behind me! More! She shouted with ducklings, and those one after another fell into the water.

At first they disappeared under water, but immediately nodded and swimmed cheerfully, their paws worked hard; And the ugly gray ducks did not lag behind others.

- What is the turkeyonok? - said Duck. - Clear how nicely rows with my paws, as directly keeps! No, this is my native son! And, the right, thoroughly, you just need to look at it. Well, soon, soon, for me! Now let's go to the bird courtyard, I will introduce you to society. Just hold on to me closer, so that anyone does not come to you, but beware of the cat.

Soon the duck with ducks got to the bird's yard. Well, the noise here stood, well, and gam! Two families fought because of the head of the eel, but she eventually got a cat.

- Here is how it happens in life! - said the duck and licked the tongue to the beak: she also wanted to taste the fish head. - Well, well, move your paws! She ordered her ducklings. - Groken and worship with the old duck. She is the most significant here. Spanish breed, because so fat. See, has a red patchwork on her paw? What is beautiful! This is a sign of the highest difference, which only can be a duck. He means that the owners do not want to part with it; For this flaps they will learn and animals and animals. Well, soon! Yes, do not hold your paws in the next. Ultimate dot must keep the paws apart and there, as your parents hold them. Like this! Blank now and chambly!

Ducklings bowed and shaked, but other ducks just looked around them and spoke loudly:

- Well, still the whole pain! As if there were little of us! And one is unheom! No, we will not take!

And one duck instantly jumped and pecked the dust in the head.

- Do not touch him! - said Duck-mother. - What did he do to you? After all, he does not interfere with anyone.

"So that, but very much he is great, and something wonderful!" - noticed the duck-gown. - It is necessary for him to ask a good watch!

- Glorious children you have! - Speak the old duck with a red fold on the paw. - All very miles, except one ... This failed! It would be nice to remake it.

- It is impossible, your grace! - objected the duck mother. "True, he is ugly, but his heart is kind, and he floats not worse, perhaps even better than others." Maybe he over time hesitates or at least growing smaller. Walked in the shell, because it was not quite successful. - And she spent the spout on the tricks of a big duck. - In addition, he is spleen, and beauty is not so needed. Grow it - will try my way!

- The rest ducklings are very, very miles! - She told the old duck. - Well, be at home, and if you find an acne head, you can bring her to me.

So they began to behave at home. Only the poor ugly duck is the fact that he got out later than others, the inhabitants of the bird courtyard were peeled, pushed and trembled with ridicule all - and ducks, and chickens.

- It hurts it great! - They said.

And the turkey, which was born with spurs on the legs and therefore imagined himself with the emperor, inflated and, as if the ship on all the sails, flew to the dock and shifted so angry, that his scallop was bloody. Poor duck just did not know what to do, how to be. It was necessary for him to be born so ugly that the whole bird yard him raises him!

So passed the first day; Then it became even worse. All chasing the poor fellow, even brothers and sisters were angry with angrily:

- At least a cat was dragged, the freak is unfortunate!

And the mother added:

- My eyes would not look at you!

Ducks roared him, chickens piled, and the girl that fed a poultry, pushing the dock with his foot.

But the duckly suddenly ran the yard and flew over the hedge! Little birds frightened from bushes.

"I was afraid of me - that's what I am ugly!" - I thought the duckle and went on a nude, myself was not knowing where. Fight ran, until he fell into a big swamp, where wild ducks lived. Tired and sad, he sat there all night.

In the morning, wild ducks flew out of the nest and saw a novice.

- Who are you? - they asked; But the duck just spoiled and turned out, as he knew how.

- Here is ugly! - said wild ducks. - However, this is not our business. Just see do not try to encourage with us!

Poor! Where he was thinking about marriage! If only they allowed him to sit here in the reeds and drink the swamp water - that's all what he dreamed of.

Two days he spent on a swamp, two wild hussak appeared on the third. They recently hatched from eggs and therefore performed very proudly.

- Listen, buddy! - they said. "You're so ugly that, right, even like you." Want to fly with us? You will be a free bird. Not far from here, on another swamp, the premium wild gooses live. They know how to say: "Rap, Rap!" Although you and the freak, but - who knows? - Maybe you will find your happiness.

"FIF! Paf! " - Suddenly he was heard over the swamp, and the hussaki trembled to the roots in the reeds, and the water was painted blood. "FIF! Paf! " - Once again, and the whole pack of wild geese rose from the reel. Pallet broke out. The hunters hooked all the swamp, some were covered in the branches of the trees hanging over him. Blue smoke clubs enveloped trees and stabbed over the water. Hunting dogs slammed the swamp and, breaking through the reed, swayed it from side to side. Poor duck, nor alive either dead from fear, wanted to hide his head under the wing, as a hunting dog suddenly bent over him, having drunk his tongue and sparkling by evil eyes. She revealed to fall, scolded sharp teeth, but ... slap! slap! - ran further.

- Put! - And the duckly turned the spirit. - Put! So, it means that I am ugly, "the dog and that nasty to touch me.

And he hooked in the reenteches, and his head was thrown above his head, the crushers flew.

Pillan poketed only in the evening, but the duckle was afraid for a long time to move. Several hours passed, and finally he dared to stand up, look around and again to touch the path in the fields and meadows. The wind blew, so so strong that the dot can hardly move forward.

By night, he got to some kind of wretched hut. She could have dilapidated that it was ready to fall, just did not even decide, on what side she was falling, and therefore kept. The duck and picked up the wind, - had to sit on the ground.

And the wind is fixed. What was the Ryanka? Fortunately, he noticed that the door of the hut jumped out from one loop and hanging crookedly, - through this gap it was not difficult to slip inside. So he did.

In this hut, the old woman lived in the hostess with a cat and chicken. Cat she called "Son"; He could be flexing a back, purr, and when he was stroked against wool, I even flew sparks from him. The chicken had small, short legs - here and nicknamed "short-skin"; She diligently carried the eggs, and the old woman loved her as a daughter.

In the morning, the aliens noticed: the cat began to purr, and the chicken was cached.

- What is there? She asked the old woman, looked at the dock, but the cutlery took him for a fatty duck, who fell off from the house.

- That's how the find! - she said. - Now I will have duck eggs, if only it is not a spleen. Well, let's live - see!

And the duck took the test. But three weeks have passed, and he never drove a single egg. Mr. in the house was a cat, and the Mrs. Chicken, and both always said: "We and the whole world!" They considered half the world, while his best half. The cliff seemed that this expense could be another opinion. Chicken, however, did not suffer.

- Can you carry eggs? She asked the dock.

- So keep the tongue behind your teeth.

And the cat asked:

- Can you bending your back, purr and start sparks?

- So do not fall with your opinion when they say those who are smarter than you.

So the duck is all sitting in the corner, thickening. Once he remembered the fresh air and the sun, and he wanted to swim to death. He could not stand and said this chicken.

- Chew what was invented! - she responded. - Looking down, here you are blazing and climbs! Break-ka is better than eggs or purr - here's a fool and pass!

- Oh, how I was nice to swim! - said the duckling. - And what a pleasure to dive into the very depth!

- Good pleasure! - exclaimed chicken. - Well, of course, you completely crushed! Ask a cat, he is smarter than everyone I know, does he like to swim and dive? I'm not talking about myself. Ask, finally, our old woman, the mistress, smarter it is no one in the world. Do you think, and she want to swim and dive?

- Do not understand me! - said the duckling.

"If we don't understand, so who will understand you?" Maybe you want to be smart and cat, and hostess, not to mention me? Not stupid, but thank the best creator for everything you did for you. She sheltered you, prigid, accepted into their company, - and you can learn a lot from us, but with so empty-headed, like you, and not worth saying. You believe me, I wish you good, because I will fight you, - true friends always do that. Try the same eggs or learn to purring and let the sparks!

- I think I'm better to get away from here where my eyes look! - said the duckling.

- Then piss off! - the chicken responded.

And duckly left. He sailed and dived, but all the animals still despised him for uglyness.

It came autumn, the leaves on the trees wishes and punched, the wind picked up and circling them; Upstairs, in the sky, it became cold; They hung heavy clouds from which a snowy croup was poured. Raven, sitting on the hedge, in all the throat rank from the cold: "Crane-a! Krre-A! " From one thought about such a chate room could be frozen. I had a poor cloud.

Once, in the evening, when the sun was so beautifully rolled out, because of the bushes a flock of wonderful big birds rose, dotnok in life did not see such beautiful - snow-white, with long flexible necks! That were swans. They shouted with some strange votes, waved with magnificent big wings and flew from cold meadows into warm edges on the blue lakes. They rose highly high, and poor ugly duck covered vague excitement. He spun with a wolf in the water, pulled the neck and also I wanted such a loud and strange cry, which myself was frightened. Wonderful birds did not leave him from his head, and when they finally disappeared from sight, he dived at the very bottom, snapped, but he could not come to himself. The duckly did not know what the name of these birds and where they flew away, but loved them as she did not like anyone in the world. He did not envy their beauty. Like them? No, he could not come to mind! He would be glad if at least a duck was not repelled him. Poor ugly duck!

And winter stood cold-strong. The cliff had to swim without rest, so as not to give water to climb, but with each night the space free of ice was declined. Freezed so that the ice crack. Drinking without tired worked with my legs, but at the end weighted, froze and join the ice.

Early in the morning, the peasant passed by and saw the frozen dock. He struck the ice with his wooden shoes, took the dock home and gave him his wife. In the house, the peasant drunk washed.

But here, children somehow thought to play with Ryanki, and he imagined that they want to offend him, and with fear shook himself right in a bowl with milk. Milk was splashing, the hostess cried and splashed his hands, and the duckly took off and landed in a tub with butter, and then in the barrel with flour. Oh, what he became like! The peasant shouted and chased him with nippers for coal, the children ran, sneaking each other with his feet, laughed, squeezed. It's good that the door was open: the duck ran, rushed into the bushes, right on the freshly-haired snow, and for a long time lay in a stupor.

It would be sad to describe all the mobbies of the duck during this harsh winter. When the sun began to regenerate the land with his warm rays, he was lounged in the swamp, in the Kamyshs. Here sang and the larks. Spring has come.

The duckly waved the wings and flew. Now his wings were noisy and were much stronger than the previous one, - he did not have time to come to his senses, as he found himself in the Great Garden. Apple trees here were all in bloom, fragrant lilac inclined her long green branches over a winding canal.

Oh, how it was good, as smelled in spring! Suddenly, three wonderful white swans floated from the thickets. They sailed so easily and smoothly, as if they slipped on the water. The dotnok learned beautiful birds, and it covered some strange sadness.

"I will fly to these royal birds! They will probably kill me for the fact that I, so ugly, dared to get closer to them - well, let him! Better let them drive me how to demolish the tweaks of ducks and chickens and pinkies of the bird, but to tolerate cold and hunger in winter. "

And he flew to the water and sailed towards the handsaws of swans, and those envy him, also rushed to him.

- Kill me! Said the poor thing and lowered his head, waiting for death.

But what did he see in clean, like a mirror, water? Own reflection. And now he was no longer an ugly dark gray bird, but a swan!

Do not trouble be on the light in a dinner nest, if you got out of the swan eggs.

Now he was glad that he moved so much grief: he could better appreciate his happiness and all the beauty that surrounded him. The big swans floated near him and stroked his beaks.

Little children came to the garden, they began to throw the swans of the grain and bread crumbs, and the junior shouted:

- New, new!

The rest picked up: "Yes, new, new!" "And we shumbled in your hands, having been sailing away from joy, then ran after my father and mother and began to throw bread crumbs and cake into the water. And everyone said that the new swan is the most beautiful. So young, so wonderful!

And the old swans bowed heads before him.

And he was completely embarrassed and involuntarily hid his head under the wing. He did not know what to do. He was incomprehensibly happy, but he did not start himself at all, - the good heart is alien to arrogant. He remembered the time when all of him despised and pursued; Now everyone said that he was the most beautiful between beautiful! Lilac bowed his fragrant branches to him in the water, the sun caressed him and worn ... And here is the wings of him, a slim neck straightened, and a junk cry out out from his chest:

- Could I dream of such happiness when I was a nasty cloud!