New Year's name author. Sergey Mikhalkov

New Year's name author. Sergey Mikhalkov
New Year's name author. Sergey Mikhalkov

Topic: "S. Mikhalkov" New Year's ".


    introduce the Literary Fairy Tale "New Year's Day";

    perform the analysis of the work.



    continue to get acquainted with the biography and creativity S. V. Mikhalkov;

    continue work on improving reading skill.


    develop oral speech, figurative and logical thinking, diction, vocabulary;

    develop the ability to analyze, summarize, compare.


    educating careful attitude towards nature, perfection, mutual respect, the ability to work together.

Equipment:presentation, portrait of S. V. Mikhalkov, books S. V. Mikhalkov, textbook.

During the classes.

I.. Org. moment.

Snow flies and sparkles

In the golden shine of the day

As if forty robes

All roads and houses.

Sleeple, Snow Snow - Snowball,

We start our lesson.

How quietly falls the snow, just sit quietly and we.

II.. Work on the development of the speech apparatus.

1. Medium gymnastics.

Guys, let's perform breathing exercises. So, started. First exercise "Snowflakes".

Imagine that the snowflakes fell on your palm. You need to blow them.

Guys, what is needed so that snowfall turns into a blizzard? Let's arrange a blizzard in the class by performing the following exercise.

Second exercise " Breeze".

Raise your head up, inhale. Lower the head on the chest, exhale (blew a quiet breeze).

Well, we will perform a speech workout - prepare a voice to work. Our task is to pronounce the sounds clearly.

2. Speech workout.

OK - OK - OK - Snow drops.

IP - IP - IP - I hear the snow Skyrp.

Re - re - mountains in snow silver.

Read Cleaners with a whisper and slowly.

Now read loud and fun.

Read the end of 1 sentences with question intonation.

End 2 sentences with exclamation intonation.

III. Look inside the theme and objectives of the lesson.

- Today, in the lesson, we will get acquainted with the work of a very famous children's writer, to find out his last name, you must solve the rebus:

What did you do? (Mikhalkov.)

To find out the name of the work with which we will meet today, decipher anagram:

Becoming Lamb

What did you do? ("New Year's".)

Read the name again. What do you think it will be discussed in the work? When will events be happening?

Today we will get acquainted with the work of Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, read his work "New Year's".

IV.. Work on the lesson

1. Acquaintance with the biography of S. V. Mikhalkov.

Seryozha Mikhalkov went to school to learn from the 4th grade. Initial education received at home. From 10 years began to compose poems and produce a handwritten literary log.

S. V. Mikhalkov - Known as a poet, writer, Basinista, journalist and author of the words of the Anthem of the Russian Federation.

His books we know and love from childhood.

Let's remember some of his works. Let's play the game. I read the excerpt of the work, and try to remember how it is called. Ready?

2. Game "Guess-ka".

1. Galka sat on the fence,
The cat climbed into the attic.
Here told the guys Boria
- And I have a nail in my pocket!
And you?
- And we have a guest today!
And you?
- And we have a cat today
God gave birth yesterday.
Kittens grew a little bit
And there is no saucer! ("What do you have?")

2. Who does not know Uncle Step?

Uncle Steppa with everyone!

Know everything that Uncle Step

Was sometime sailor. ("Uncle Step".)

3. We are going, we go, we go
In distant edges
Good neighbors
Happy friends.
We have fun
We sing a song
And in the song is stern
About how we live. ("Song of friends.")

3. Charging for the ears of "Smart Ears":

Palms to press ears to the head and circular movements clockwise ride them;

Tightly press the palms to the ears and sharply reach the hands;

Insert your finger into your ear, and then pull sharply.

4 . Hearing Tales S.V. Mikhalkov "New Year's".

Now we will meet with another work of S. Mikhalkov, it is called "New Year's". I have assistants, they prepared in advance to read the work on roles. Listen carefully and after listening to answer the question: "What genre is this product?".

What genre is this product? Why?

What is really in this fairy tale, and what is fiction?

What did you like in this story?

From whose person is the story?

Where did events happen?

Why is the word Christmas tree written in the text with a capital letter?

Remember how this reception is called in the literature? (Personification.)

Fizkultminutka "Christmas tree-penets."

V.. Fastening learned.

1. Reading "To myself."





Read the fairy tale "To myself."

2 . Selective reading work.

Read the passage, which says that I saw the Christmas tree when she woke up.

Guys, when celebrating the New Year? What do you think always it was?

3. Message prepared student.

In the old days, the new year was first celebrated on March 1 (the beginning of spring, the awakening of nature), then began to celebrate the New Year on September 1 (when harvesting from fields ended, and only 300 years ago, Tsar Peter I ordered to celebrate the New Year from December 31 to January 1 . For the new year, it is customary to give gifts, rejoice, have fun, and talking with "Happy New Year!", "Happy New Happiness!" And of course - to decorate the Christmas tree. This custom introduced Peter I, who returned from Europe's travels, commanded the new Year of the house and streets decorate coniferous branches in a festive robe.

4. Work over an illustration.

Consider an illustration in the textbook (p. 207).

What episode depicted an artist?

Where, not thinking, the village of forty?

What do you think the word "Makushka" is unequivocal or multivalued? Makushka is not only the upper tip of something (wood, mountains), but also the upper part of the head.

Take it up to your macushkin.

Think when they say "ears on the painter" (a man is alerted)?

Find this passage in the text and read.

5. Reading disbuffing on roles. (Noricin, Kokole, Pryviv )

6 . Expansion of the horizon.

Remember what poems differ from prose?

Do you know that the same story S. Mikhalkov recorded in verses. Listen to what he did.

S.V.Mikhalkov "Event"

In the snow there was a Christmas tree -

Green jug



One and a half meter.

Event happened

One of the winter days:

The forester decided to cut her down -

So it seemed to her.

She was noticed

Was surrounded ...

And only late in the evening

She came to himself.

What a feeling is strange!

Disappeared somewhere fear ...

Glass lanterns

Burn in its branches.

Sparkle decorations -

What an elegant look!

At the same time, no doubt

She stands in the forest.

Lovely! Which!

Beautiful and strong! ..

Who saved, who spilled her?

Silence Lesnik!

Did you like the poem?

7. Environmental conversation.

What teaches us S. Mikhalkov in the New Year's Fairy Tale and in the "Event" poem.

With the onset of the new year, everyone wants to see in his home decorated Christmas tree. Now there are a lot of beautiful artificial Christmas trees. They are not inferior to their forest sisters, while helping to protect the human environment. Listen to the poem, about artificial beauty.

(Reading poems prepared students.)

I. Tokmakova. Live, Christmas tree!

I bought a Christmas tree! I bought a Christmas tree!
In the forest on the edge did not cut her.
And made the Christmas tree on a good factory
Good uncle, funful aunt.

Mostly come, soon look
On the Christmas tree from thin silver threads:
All in the needle shaggy, brilliant and lush,
Zero - and she shames barely audible.

And the tree of the forest remained alive,
Stands on the edge,
Makushka nodding. Who? Nobody!
Just - the wind, blizzards,
The same beautiful unbeaten ate!

Think, what else can a person do, in order not to cut the ate?

Guys, and what types of plants do spruce? (Coniferous.)

And what coniferous plants do you still know? How to distinguish fir from pine? Who can correlate the image of a coniferous tree with an illustration?

8. Game "Find a tree".

Coniferous forests feature.

Cedar - in the old days called the Allowers. If you assign a cedar resin cut, then it will not fit and heal.

Pine is a tree indicating the path. Pines earlier noted passage roads. Pine - symbol of light. In the dark pine looks lighter than other trees.

If you walk through the coniferous forest, make up this air, you will not get sick of colds. We need to take coniferous forests yet because they grow very slowly. For the year, the plant grows only by 10-15 cm.

VI. Reflection.

What work got acquainted in the lesson?

Who was the hero of fairy tales?

VII. Outcome.

Evaluating your work by children. Green circle - pleased with his work at the lesson, yellow - not quite satisfied with the work, could work better, red - dissatisfied.


Retelling on the name of the Christmas tree.

Tyutyrina Oksana Vladimirovna
Position: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MOU "Ulkanskaya School No. 2"
Locality: Ulkan village, Irkutsk region
Name of material: Abstract open lesson
Subject: "S.Mikhalkov" New Year's "
Publication date: 06.04.2016
Section: primary education

Literary reading lesson in 2 in class.
Topic: "S.Mikhalkov" New Year's "


introduce students with the work of S.Mikhalkov "New Year's" work out the skills of a conscious expressive reading.
learn to work in pairs; Develop the ability to send comrades ..
To raise the ability to listen and hear, correctly express and prove your opinion, is argued to answer, prove your opinion, respect the opinion of classmates.
Predicted results:
Students should be able to predict the content of the work; Understand the features of the fabulous text; compare and characterize the heroes of the work on the basis of their actions; Read expressively.
textbook of literary reading L.F. Climanova et al., Cards for work in pairs; Christmas tree; Oblasts "What was", "How did the course of the lesson
I. Organization moment

II. Work with heading
- Guys, what holiday will we come soon? - Do you love this holiday? - What are you waiting for him? Slide 1 - Today we will meet with a wonderful work that the writer Sergey Mikhalkov wrote for us. - Let's open the tutorial C.203 and read, as the product is called. -What means New Year? - What do you think the author called the right?
III. Primary perception of text.
Gifts holiday come true dreams Santa Claus Snow Maidochka fabulous mood of bengal lights
Children read the work on roles (forty, tree, author, forestry, boy). - You, now listened to the work. - Why did the author called the work of New Year's work? - What do you think it is? - Let's explain with you what is the game? (On the tables of the sheets in them, the table started, the children continue) - so, that's what is happening! - Doesn't you confuse anything in the work? What is unusual in the work? - Which does not happen? - What conclusion can be done? What works does it happen in? - And that is why Mikhalkov called his fairy tale New Year's best. Why did he do it. We have to learn about it in the lesson. - Why exactly and why a fairy tale?
IV. Secondary perception
- And now I will very carefully read the fairy tale and try to solve the author's intent. - Let's see how the Christmas tree lived, what she was and how she led himself. - So, we will read the text carefully. Hike to explain, stop, and reason why it is. ... .. What do you think, why the author put here a Troetchy. So what it was, continue. The sown in the forest grow lives Forestish fly Soroki live hares in the forest falls a lot and falls asleep. Little treesman dressing up Christmas tree in the forest and houses on the new year. Sruit Christmas tree. Fairy tale writes with a big letter adult bird trees talking fir
What do you think, and the animals loved her? Why did she swinging? (Soroka was unfamiliar) How did the Christmas tree led? (I politely asked) What had Soroka I'll introduce when she said like you? (Beautiful, fluffy) Why did the Christmas tree objected? (worried) Why did she want to hide, get lost in the forest? (She was scared, she did not want to cut her down) What's going on here? (Promed) What was she? (Fluffy, green) Why did he say that? (He liked her) What did she get? (elegant), but at the same time she stayed (stood on the same place) What kind of Christmas tree became? (New Year) What a Christmas tree was experiencing (joy) What a Christmas tree became (high, slim fir) What do you think happened next? How did the fairy tale end? Why do you invent? Why wrote Mikhalkov. What did you want to show Mikhalkov?
V. Reflection.
If you taught you something to teach something .. Azhel bow if it was difficult for you to work, but I liked it, take it .... Siny banta ate you need to learn to work with the text ...... green bow
Vi. The outcome of the lesson.
D / s Select any excerpt of the work and read the roles.

Literary reading lesson in the 2nd grade. S.Mikhalkov. "New Year's"


    continue to acquaint children with works by S. Mikhalkov;

    work out the skills of running, conscious and expressive reading;

    develop speech students;

    educating love for nature and careful attitude towards it.


    to form the ability to empathize, understand the other;

    develop an emotional-spiritual, moral scope of a child, his mental activity;

Equipment: textbook L.F. Climanova "Native speech", computer, multimedia projector,

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Actualization of knowledge.

At the last lesson, we studied the Russian folk fairy tale "Two Frost".

As you understand, expression "the ax is better than fur coats " ? Prove that this is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale.

Physical work, work helped at all times to survive a person in difficult conditions. Labor engraves man. It is according to work that a person is judged, what is he.

III. Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will havewill meet with a new author's (literary) fairy tale

Will learn correctly and expressly read, ask questions, find answers in the text


2. Working with poem

3. Familiarity with fairy tale

Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov Famous writer, poet, playwright, author of three hymns of Russian Fediocy

Born on March 13, 1913 in Moscow in the family of the employee. Sergey began to write poems in childhood. In 1928, the first poem of Sergey Mikhalkov "Road" was first printed.

After graduating from school, for several years he worked in black-workers in different places.

In the journal "Pioneer" published his first poem for children "Three Citizens". It was followed by other children's poems: "Stubborn Thomas", "We are with a friend", "Uncle Stepa", entered into his first book of poems. For several years, Sergey Mikhalkov became known for the entire Soviet Union.

During the Great Patriotic War, he worked at the front of the Military Correspondent of the newspapers "to the glory of the Motherland", "Stalinsky Falcon." At the front, the writer was contused. Awarded by combat orders and medals.

Mikhalkov written plays for children's theaters and plays for adults. He is the author of a number of scenarios, both game art and animated.

S.Mikhalkov still wrote Basni for children. The first fable "Fox and Beaver" was published in the Pravda newspaper. Then other fables appeared, but in total Peru Mikhalkov belongs to about two hundred Basen.

Open the tutorial and read the fairy tale name.

Bul -_____________________________________ ___________________

( What was in reality, really happened.) 1- point

And why is New Year?

Do you know that the story of which we will find out today was written by S. Mikhalkov and read it in verses. (reading chorus) -1 score

S. Mikhalkov. Event.

In the snow there was a Christmas tree -
Green York -
Healthy, one and a half meter.

Event happened:
In one of the winter days
The forester decided to cut her down! -
So it seemed to her.

She was noticed
Was surrounded
And only late in the evening
She came to himself.

What a feeling is strange!
Disappeared somewhere fear.
Glass lanterns
Burn in its branches.

Sparkle, decoration

What an elegant look!
At the same time, no doubt
She stands in the forest.

Not fetched! Which!
Beautiful and strong!
Who saved, who spilled her?
Silence Lesnik!

What could happen to Christmas tree? Who saved her?

Let's read the fairy tale and compare it with the poem - what is common with them?

I. V. New material.

1. Primary reading. 1 point

2. Conversation after read.

Did you like the work?

What is really in a fairy tale, and what is fiction?

What feelings did this story awaken?

Were there any moments when you were sorry for the Christmas tree? Describe this moment.

What is like a fairy tale and poem?

Check how you understood the fairy tale. Perform test.-7Balls

Test on the New Year's fairy tale.

6. When did you find the Christmas tree?

7. Christmas tree:

(For those who did a test)

* Connect the correct definitions 1Bull

1. Splanichy 1. Top tip, vertex of something.

2. Clear 2. Specialist for the protection, use and preservation of forest


3. Machine 3. Meet, move in different directions.

    Selective reading text and analysis of the work.

Where did the Christmas tree lived? (In the forest, not far from the house of the forest)

Did you feel like a lonely tree? Prove words from text.

Why is the word Christmas tree written in the text with a capital letter?

Remember how this reception is called in the literature (personification)

What caused the Christmas tree to worry?

Consider illustration. Who is depicted on it?

Find a Christmas tree dialogue in the text and Soroki. Reading in pairs.1Ball

- What a Christmas tree you presented, and what is Sokok? (Christmas tree - kind, quiet, polite, trusting; forty - chatty, annoying)

Forty flew away. And how did the Christmas tree be live after conversation with the sorcery? Read.

How long did the Christmas tree live in anxiety and anxiety? (up to thirty first December)

How did a person who came to the forest behaved? Read.

I will start a sentence, and you finish it with words from the text:

He did not even notice, ... ".

What does "lost consciousness" mean? (I did not see anything and did not hear)

What can you say about this forester? (kind)

What did Christmas tree see when he woke up? Read.

What feelings tested the Christmas tree?

What gift Forestish made a Christmas tree? (toys, life - the best gift)

Who rejoiced with the Christmas tree?

Choose one of the proverbs that goes to the text

Business before pleasure.
- Well what is well ends.
- December, the end, and the winter began.

Total. D.Z.


Born in Moscow. Sergey began to write poems in childhood. His first poem "Road".

After graduating from school, he worked for several years. His first poem for children "Three Citizens" was published in the journal "Pioneer". Children's poems: "Stubborn Thomas", "We are with a friend", "Uncle Stepa" and others entered his first book of poems. For several years, the poet Sergey Mikhalkov became known throughout the country.

Option 2

Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov Famous writer, poet, playwright, author of three hymns of Russia

During the war, he worked at the front of the Military Correspondent of the newspapers "to the glory of the Motherland". Mikhalkov wrote Pieces for children and adult theaters. Wrote scenarios for movies.

S.Mikhalkov wrote Baszy for children. The first fable "Fox and Beaver" was published in the Pravda newspaper. Then other fables appeared, but only Mikhalkov wrote about two hundred Basen.

For several years, the poet Sergey Mikhalkov became known throughout the country.

Route leaf. 2 class V. Surname, name I study ____________________________________

"New Year's" author ______________________

Read the message about the author on the card. Tell me.


2.The ____________________________________________________________



3. Read the poem "Event"


4. Customize correctly definitions:

1. Schedule 1. Meach, move in different directions 2. To protect 2. Specialist for protection, use and

preservation of forestry.

3. * Makushka 3 *. _________________________________________



5. Upay the "New Year's New Year" fairy tale

6. Selective reading


7. Read in the pair of dialogue Soroki and Christmas tree

Up to 7b.

8. Test According to the New Year's fairy tale.

A) S. Marshak; B) s.mikhalkov; C) N.Slakov.

2. Not far from what a Christmas tree grew?

A) from the forest; B) from the city; C) from the house of the forester.

3. Who she once met?

A) with a hare; B) with fox; C) with a wolf.

4. Who told the Christmas tree about the new year?

A) crow; B) forty; C) Owl.

5. In fear and concern, the Christmas tree lived:

A) spring and summer; B) summer and autumn; C) autumn and winter.

6. When did you find the Christmas tree?

7. Christmas tree:

A) cut down; B) dressed up; C) cut down and dressed up.


9. * Choose one of the proverbs that would come to the fairy tale.

A. Made a business, walk boldly.
B. Well, what's well ends.
V. December, the end, and the winter began.

"5" -15-13b. "4" -12-10b. "3" - 9-7 My mark:________________


  • continue to get acquainted with the biography and creativity of the Talented Children's Writer S. V. Mikhalkov;
  • introduce the ideological meaning of the literary fairy tale "New Year's Day";
  • analysis of this epic work.


  1. Continue to get acquainted with the biography and creativity S. V. Mikhalkov; Continue work on the perfection of the skill of reading, awareness, fluency, speed, expressiveness, form the ability to "thoughtfully read", i.e. Think over the work before, during, after reading.
  2. Develop oral speech, figurative and logical thinking, diction, vocabulary; ability to analyze, summarize, compare
  3. Educating careful attitude towards nature, perfection, mutual respect, the ability to work together.

Equipment: Textbook "Native speech", Exhibition of books S. V. Mikhalkov, Portrait of a writer; Computer presentation; Slave tables; Sheets with texts of proverbs.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment:

Teacher: There was a call to our open lesson of literary reading. (1Slide)

Guys, today we have guests at the lesson. Let's turn around to them and say hello.

Are you ready for a lesson? Yes
I hope I, friends.
We are a good friendly class
Everything will turn out from us.

2. Message of the lesson and purpose of the target.

Today, at the lesson, we will get acquainted with the work of a very famous children's writer, read his work "New Year's", making a trip to the fabulous winter forest and try to help its inhabitants.

Reading from the board "We are responsible for everything on this planet"

3. Checking homework.

And the first of us is met in the forest Beauty Belongvalne Birch. Let's imagine that we came to her, touched the twigs shielded by snow. And what wonderful Russian poet also admired the beauty of Russian birches?

At home you learned by heart the poem S. A. Yesenin "Bereza". Let's listen to the guys who will try to convey to the listeners the beauty of Yeseninsky verse. Evaluating reading we are talking about 3 Slide.

Reading by heart - 3 student. Rated cards 5 4 3 (no comment)


1) The wind blows to us in the face ....

2) Song bunny sits .....

4. Preparatory work

Teacher: By birch, someone wrote the words in the snow, but they were filtered off the snowball. I solve these words.

Teacher: What holiday we remember, reading these words?

Teacher: And you know that in ancient times the new year was celebrated first on March 1 (the beginning of the spring, the awakening of nature), then began to celebrate the new year on September 1 (when harvesting from the fields ended, and only 300 years ago, Tsar Peter I ordered to celebrate the new The year from December 31 on January 1. On the new year, it is customary to give gifts, rejoice, have fun, and talking with "New Year!", "Happy New Happiness!"

The knock at the door is telegram.

Read it. Think from which intonation you need to read this telegram depending on the content (joyful, anxious, with a call for help)

Teacher: Which of the residents of the forest could send this telegram?

Teacher: Fir-tree, which we call the bird dining room (wax, squirrels, boars, moose, all come here in the winter cold).

Fir wood make a musical instrument piano. Spruce - Forest Limit. She lives 150-200 years. Imagine that this beauty is cut down and for the week everything will bring to the house, and then throw out. How to help us a Christmas tree?

Poem "Live, Christmas tree!" I. Tokmakova.

Teacher: And your advice gives us a wonderful children's writer, whose books are at the exhibition - read the names of books. You guessed - who is it.

This is S. V. Mikhalkov

Teacher: The guys prepared us a small message about the work of S. V. Mikhalkov (2 posts)

Teacher: Mikhalkov is popular all over the world, his books are translated into many languages. Their total number (circulation) 230 million copies.

5. Message of the lesson theme. Setting goals.

Today we will read his work, which is called "New Year's"

What do you think it means this word "free"?

It was actually. Maybe this story is remembered from his childhood, and maybe he told him someone from acquaintances.

Teacher: During the first reading, try to understand what this free, to present myself among the heroes, to become a member of the events.

6. Primary text perception.

Part 1 - reads teacher.

Part 2 - Diagnostation / Dialog Sorooks and Christmas tree.

3 part - student.

4 - Chietel.

5 part - student and teacher.

7. Check the primary perception of text.

What can you say about the read?

(joy, anxiety, fear, etc.)

Who has occurred a read story.

8. Reading and analyzing the work.

1 time - slowly

2 times - middle pace

then - 3 times fast

* Let me read the relationships, some of which will meet in the text (8 slide)

* Clarify the meaning of some words using the "intelligent dictionary"

/Individual work/.

* Hard words - in syllables, smoothly, then - whole words. (10 slide)

9. Minute rest. / Psychological gymnastics /

/ Music sounds. /

Close your eyes and imagine that you are in the winter forest.

Show that you frozen and cringe, warmed up and smiled.

You accidentally hit the snow in the face, depict a chagrin, and now make snowflakes, smile and continue the lesson with an excellent mood.

* Teacher (in preparation I divided the text into semantic parts for analysis during the second reading).

1 part - reading on the "chain"

How did the Christmas tree live in the forest? Was her lonely or boring? Why?

Find words telling about the tree as a person.

Remember how this reception is called in the literature.

2 part - reading dialogue "to yourself"

Tell us how you presented the Christmas tree and what Soroka.

Reading on roles.

3 Part - Find and read how the Christmas tree began to live after a conversation with the sorcery?

These words carry a special emotional shade.

What day are the next part in the next part?

Who was afraid of the Christmas tree?

How did a person who came to the forest behaved?

I will start a sentence, and you finish it with words from the text:

"He did not notice,...."

This is the most exciting, tense was.

What happened to the Christmas tree when she woke up?

Was glad a Christmas tree, became New Year?

Who rejoiced with her?

10. Secondary synthesis.

What do you think, what feelings tested the Christmas tree lost consciousness, and then waking up,

Work with pictures .

I prepared for you 5 illustrations for "New Year were" name them in order (work in groups) (11 slide)

Now we will work in pairs.

On your tables is a leaf with 3 proverbs. Do you need to choose which one reflects the main thought of "New Year's"? (12 slide)

For whom this story ended well? Is it just for the Christmas tree?

We read aphorism "Hurry to do good deeds."

A S.V. Mikhalkov wrote a poem about New Year's Eve.

Reading the poem of S. Mikhalkov "Event".

11. The result of the lesson.

That ended our journey into the winter forest.

With the work of which children's writer, we continued to meet today?

What moments of his life are you remembered?

What can you say about the heroes "New Year's"?

What do you think I wanted to convey to you S.V. Mikhalkov?

What would a Christmas tree tell you if I came to our lesson?

* * * * * * *
from p but from and b. about (on snowflakes)

12. Estimated estimates. Praise.

And I, together with the Christmas tree, thank you for excellent work.

13. Homework.

p. 203-207. Prepare expressive reading. Try to pass the feelings of every hero.

Plan-abstract lesson of literary reading in 2B class


Koshman Galina Anatolyevna

Place of work

MBOU-SOSH №6 Klintsy


Primary school teacher


Literary reading


Theme and lesson number in the subject

S.Mikhalkov "New Year's" 2 lesson

Basic textbook

L.F. Climanova, V.G. Goretsky - Literary reading

    The purpose of the lesson: continue work on the work of Mikhalkov "New Year's", to work out the skills of a fluid conscious reading, develop attention, memory, speech, the ability to work with the text.

9. Tasks:

- Educational - Continue acquaintance with the work of Mikhalkov, work out the skills of fast, runaway conscious reading, the ability to work with the text, work on expressiveness.

-Working - Develop attention, memory, oral speech, figurative thinking.

-Atipient - Rise love for nature surrounding the world, careful attitude towards her.

    Forms of students: frontal conversation, individual work, work in a pair, group work.

    Necessary technical equipment: computer, projector, screen, sound speakers, set of areas from a single collection of the COR

    Structure and course of lesson

Table 1.

Technological card lesson

Stage lesson

Name of used eor

(indicating the sequence number from Table 2)

Teacher's activities

(indicating actions with EOR, for example, demonstration)

Activity student


(in min.)

Organizing time

Phonogram Long Christmas Tree Christmas Tree ...

The call rang on the lesson. Smile to each other, give a good mood and quietly

Uch. welcome each other, emotionally configured on the lesson


new Knowledge

Slide №1

Slide number 2.

Why did this song sounded at the beginning of the lesson?

Where are we going to travel today?

What would you like to learn from this lesson?

Student responses:

a) expressive reading

b) the ability to retell

d) work with text

Checking homework

Slide number 3 (test)

Let's find out how carefully you read the fairy tale at home. To do this, answer the test questions.

Children read the slides choose the right answer.

Speech workout

Slide number 4.

First, do an exercise that helps to read expressively without errors Christmas tree, tree, a Christmas tree barbed needle.

Children read:

a) choir

b) rows

c) one

Work on the lesson

Slide number 5.

Slide number 6.

I will open a fairy tale and make it cook nicely answer questions from the text

- Where do events occur in a fairy tale?

How did the Christmas tree live in the forest?

Find words telling about the tree as a man (grew, worsened, trembled, got acquainted, was not alone) The author endowed the Christmas tree with human features he used an impersonation.

Look at the illustration from the textbook. She will tell the character of heroes.

What is our Christmas tree?

What is our forty?

Work with text, selective reading.

Working with an intelligent dictionary of Ozhegov.

The characteristic of the heroes is given.

Phys. Minute

Slide number 6.

Green Christmas trees in the wind are swing, leaving low. How many christmas trees are green, so much tilt. Sat as many times how many butterflies with us. How many red mugs, so much let's jump.

Movements are performed.

Fastening learned. Reading on roles. Stage.

Reading the "Soroki and Christmas Tree" dialogue (pairing)

Work in a pair, testing of expressiveness of reading.

Formulation of the problem.

Slide number 7 "Reserve Bryansk Forest"

Imagine that our Christmas tree was not in the forest

What happens?

Do you think we could help barely, so that they would not cut them?

Message about the reserve Bryansky forest.

Children express assumptions, give the interpretation of the word The reserve is listening to information about the benefits of coniferous forests.

Analysis of the fairy tales

Acquaintance with the poem S.Mikhalkov "Event"

What happened to the Christmas tree on the eve of the new year

Emphasize the main words of the Christmas tree. (woken, live, decorated, slim)

Read the text (part number 4, find words in the text)


Slide number 8.

Choose and continue any offer

I found out…

I would praise myself ...

I want to know…

Replies of students

Total lesson

Slide number 9.

Slide number 10 "Hurry to do good!"

Why did the work of S.Mikhalkov called "New Year's", and not "New Year's fairy tale"

Student responses. It should always be, so "hurry to do good"


Slide number 11.

Retell a fairy tale from the face of the Christmas tree, using words allocated in the lesson.

Samoenalysis lesson

The lesson of the literary reading in the second grade according to the traditional system, under the program "School of Russia" (GEF) by the textbook by L.V. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky. The section "How to know how to read well", the work of S.Mikhalkov "New Year's". This work takes 2 hours.

Type of lesson: Repetition and generalization of the knowledge gained.

The lesson was solved by the following tasks:

Training: Fasten the ability to build the chain of events in the work, improve the skills of expressive reading, analyze the work.

Educational:establishment of psychological and emotional contact with children, upbringing interest in reading, upbringing a positive attitude towards the environment, people, to teach children to analyze their behavior through the actions of literary heroes.

Developing:develop the ability to see the shortcomings in the heroes, explain them, develop emotional perception when reading on roles.

The following equipment was used:

1 Screen

2 A computer

3 Multimedia projector

4 Dictionary of Ozhegov

5 Sheets with printed tests for each student

6 Computer presentation

In accordance with the type of lesson, the following structure of the lesson was provided:

Phase of self-determination: Purpose: Attract the attention of students, what do you need reading lessons.

Preparation for active cognitive activity. Purpose: setting the problem, the message of the lesson.

The main stage of the lesson: Lining the sequence of events, expressive reading and analysis of events, reading on the roles, the distribution of characters their characteristic.

Reflection stage.Summing up the lesson

The lesson uses methods (by type of source of information):

wonderful(conversation, when analyzing episodes, at the stage of reflection)

visual(in preparation for active cognitive activity, when analyzing episodes, at the main stage)

practical(work on the allocation of words in the text characterizing the characters of the fairy tales)

By type of training activities:

Independent work "Work in pairs, work with the text"

Problem search method.

Forms of cognitive activity:

Group (work in pairs, individual). Enable technical means of learning are involved in the lesson. In the lesson, there was a close intercesslement. Introduction to the lesson for additional information about coniferous forests (a message about the state biosphere reserve in the Bryansk region, about the role of coniferous forests for a person surrounding the world) made it possible to most fully and brightly present the events of the fairy tale.

Stimulation and motivation was carried out through the creation of a situation of novelty interest, supports for life experience, creating situations, emotionally moral experiences.

The content of educational material and the type of work used in the lesson was aimed at maintaining the cognitive activity of students. Requirements for the modern lesson include the mandatory use of information technologies. Therefore, a computer presentation was created. Given the psychological and age features of children of younger school age, health - saving technologies - Piz. Minutes. From an educational point of view, the lesson contributed to the formation of children of interest in reading, positive attitude towards people and the world around. The lesson has reached the task. All stages are interrelated.