Interview with Konstantin Meladze: "2017 will be a happy year." “Did she marry grandiosely? Rather, I got married on a grand scale! Konstantin Meladze has opened the veil of the secrets of his relationship with Vera Brezhneva! About the most talented artist "VIA Gra"

Interview with Konstantin Meladze: "2017 will be a happy year." “Did she marry grandiosely? Rather, I got married on a grand scale! Konstantin Meladze has opened the veil of the secrets of his relationship with Vera Brezhneva! About the most talented artist "VIA Gra"

While it is in full swing, one of the judges of the National Selection for Eurovision Ukraine, he and his music producer, gave an interesting interview about the main vocal competition in Europe. In particular, Meladze believes that this is not a talent competition, and politics at Eurovision does not play a role.

Konstantin Meladze, who previously told about it, gave an interview to the channel "112", noting that Eurovision does not consider a talent show. The spouse said that he is trying to assess the participants in the National Selection (it will take place tomorrow) to assess as fairly as possible.

Many are now discussing, but there is other news regarding the competition. Thus, Konstantin Meladze, who is now a member of the jury of the National Selection in Ukraine, also spoke about Eurovision 2017, which will take place in Kiev thanks to it.

As for Eurovision, this is not a talent show at all. I am a music producer there, I select people to represent our country at Eurovision. I select songs, I am the guarantor that all this will be honest, open, truly musical. I have completely different functions. This is not a talent show, this is real music, real life.

He also voiced the idea that the decisive moment in the competition is not the politician, but the participant and his song.

For myself, I consider and try to think that Eurovision is not a political competition, it is a musical one, and singing people win in it, first of all, because last year Jamal won, absolutely brilliantly, simply because she sings the best. And all the other sources and reasons for her victory, I sweep aside for myself. I have been listening to her sing for many years. For me, these are the most obvious things.

We remind you that it will take place tomorrow. Note that the shooting of the National Selection for Eurovision 2017 takes place in the Palace of Culture KPI. The organizers of the National Selection in Ukraine are STB and UΛ: First!

Four years have passed since the divorce of Konstantin and Yana Meladze. In 2013, the news of the end of their relationship came as a surprise to everyone. Almost 20 years of marriage, three minor children, a reputation for being an exemplary family. And the reason for everything was, as it turned out later, "VIA Gra".
After the divorce, Konstantin and Vera Brezhnev began to live together, and in 2015 they secretly signed in Italy, without inviting either the press or friends to the wedding. Even now, the couple talks little about their family life, although they do not deny it.

But few people know that the former wife of a famous producer was able to find new happiness even before him. After the divorce, she met another man who fell in love with her and offered to get married. He is engaged in business, not creativity, so he is little known to the public.

A good gift from fate. Moreover, considering the fact that 10 years of her life, as she believed, was taken away from her. They went to fruitless and useless proceedings.

In an interview, she said about this: “I guessed, but did not know for sure. In 2005, being pregnant with my youngest son, I attributed the crisis in our relationship to treason, instinct, and temporary weakness. I was able to forgive treason. And the confirmation that I serve as a picture behind which my husband lives a different life, I received in 2007. I can say openly: I am one of those women who, suspecting deception, can look at my husband's phone. And then I could not resist, I dialed her number. "

“She said:“ I have no reproaches or complaints. For me, calling you is humiliation. But I do it for one reason: I need to understand what is happening in my family. " The answer was insincere: “We have a working and friendly relationship, like a father and daughter ... He is my mentor. There is nothing ... ”Five years later, at the beginning of 2013, Konstantin had a very difficult period. I even asked to postpone the divorce procedure for a while. Kostya withdrew into himself, did not answer calls. And then this woman came to my house. "

"Why? She said she wanted to help. And I think she came to get out of the underground. I had one question: “Why did it take so many broken destinies? I called you. Count how many years of my life you took from me. Almost 10 years! " In response - wide open eyes: "It was just then that I thought it would be better ..." ".

Now Yana is happy with her new husband, who, as they say, is like a stone wall. And Konstantin - with his muse Brezhneva. She is not tormented and does not cry: “My father taught me in childhood: love can only be happy. If this makes you unhappy, then it is no longer love. " But Vera's relationship with her children is not entirely positive!

“There are two options. Or this woman will be his punishment, retribution. Or he will find his happiness. Then I will not be an obstacle. I wish everyone happiness, ”Yana concluded.

02 october 2017

The 54-year-old composer admitted that for several years he had been hiding an affair with a 35-year-old singer from his ex-wife Yana Meladze. Now the couple is trying to continue not to advertise their relationship, but Konstantin still gave a frank interview and talked about how their romance with the ex-member of the VIA Gra group began.

Two years ago, Konstantin Meladze and secretly played a wedding on the Tuscan coast of Versilia. The star couple was painted by the mayor of the city, Umberto Buratti. Despite the fact that their romance has long been known, the spouses prefer not to publicize their personal lives. Note that earlier Konstantin lived for 19 years in a marriage with lawyer Yana, but their marriage ended in divorce, which took place in 2013. During this time, they had children: daughters Alice and Leah, as well as a son, Valery. The composer continues to communicate with his children and take care of them. and Vera found her husband with her youngest daughter.

Recently, for the first time in a long time, he gave an interview in which he told previously unknown details of the affair with the singer. He admitted that for the whole 10 years he hid his relationship with Brezhneva from, at that time, his wife, Yana. And although the woman suspected that her husband was cheating on her, he successfully managed to hide it. According to him, at first he was not interested in Vera, since she could neither sing nor move. Konstantin sent the artist to courses, and soon she learned to do everything that she could not, and became a star. According to him, at that time he treated her as an artist, and not as a woman. Now he believes that she is the most successful former soloist of the group "VIA Gra", and also Meladze Sr. called her "the most beautiful and sexy." He did not hide that it was Vera Brezhnev who showed him that he was missing a lot, devoting himself only to music. “Did she marry grandiosely? Rather, I got married on a grand scale, ”says Konstantin.

He also talked about the relationship between his children and the heiress of Vera Brezhneva. Recall that the singer has a daughter, Sonya, from Vitaly Voichenko, with whom she lived in a civil marriage for several years, and a daughter, Sarah, from her ex-husband Mikhail Kiperman. According to Konstantin, children experience difficulties in communication, but his daughter Leah has already found a common language with Sarah, and they get along well. “It's all complicated, of course. It was and will be difficult. Do you know which thing? The more relatives you have: brothers or sisters, the easier it will be for you in adulthood. I know it myself! " - the composer admitted to the Ukrainian edition

On New Year's Eve, the judge of the show "X-factor-7" and the National selection for Eurovision-2017, Konstantin Meladze, gave an interview to the site. The producer will meet 2017 with his family - with his wife and children.

According to Meladze, stormy New Year parties are already in the past, and now the producer prefers quiet family evenings.

- Konstantin, do you have a favorite New Year's dish?

I won't be original here. I love yesterday's Olivier salad. When he stands a little, he tastes better (smiles).

- So you don't eat it on New Year's Eve?

Somehow I usually don't feel like eating on New Year's Eve. But, and you still have a set table in the evening, on which "Olivier" and all sorts of different dishes, it all becomes a million times tastier.

- Who in your family prepares this salad?

They cook a little bit. For example, I masterfully cut cucumbers - finely and finely (smiles). Collective work brings people together very much.

- What are your expectations from the upcoming 2017?

My expectations are the same as in any other New Year. But I don't like leap years and am always happy when they end. And this year, too, I am already waiting for it to end as soon as possible and start 2017. It has the number 7, so I think the year will be happy and successful.

Judges of the show "X-factor-7" Yulia Sanina, Konstantin Meladze and Anton Savlepov

- Remember the bright New Year story that happened to you.

Oh, this is such a compromising story ... When I studied at the institute and lived in a dormitory, practically from 1st year to 4th year I never managed to celebrate the New Year, because we always celebrated first the Georgian New Year, and then the Ukrainian an hour later. And we always celebrated the Georgian holiday so vigorously that I could not reach the Ukrainian one (laughs).

// Photo: Frame of the program "Honest Word", "Instagram"

Konstantin Meladze gave a long interview to journalist Dmitry Gordon, in which he spoke about his childhood, career and shared his views on life. So, according to the producer and composer, he has practically no favorite songs. “I am a deeply insecure person. To this day, the regalia did not make me believe in my own strength, ”the show business figure noted.

During the conversation with Dmitry, Konstantin also spoke about his wife Vera Brezhneva. The producer recalled the first meeting with his future wife.

“Vera Brezhneva took the stage at one of the concerts of our group and sang into the microphone. Our administrator saw her and took the phone. Then we called her to the casting, made video tests. She made me absolutely delighted, because she seemed to me a copy of Brigitte Bardot in her youth. I don't want to offend anyone, but objectively Vera Brezhneva has achieved the greatest success among the ex-participants of VIA Gra. She is the most beautiful and sexy, and she is also my wife. Did she marry grandiosely? Rather, I got married on a grand scale, "Meladze noted in the program" Visiting Dmitry Gordon. "

The producer considers Brezhnev an amazing person who is able to work hard and fruitfully. “When we took her to the group, she could neither dance nor sing. The whole history of "VIA Gra" - the purest water "Pygmalion", - said the man. To become a full-fledged soloist of the group, the future star was sent to special courses.

“I attended these classes once a week and watched her progress. The effect was amazing. This is comparable to some kind of cartoon, when a tomato grows once and in five seconds. It was the same with Vera. After a year of work in the group, it was an absolute star! " - Konstantin shared.

The romance between Meladze and Brezhneva did not arise immediately. When the singer married businessman Mikhail Kiperman in 2006, the composer did not protest against the wedding because he had no feelings for the artist. “If I had any worries, it would only be about the fact that she would have to end her career,” said the man. Only over time, the producer looked at the ward in a different way.

“The ideal woman is the one with whom you feel good and you are happy. Everyone has their own ideal. It should match you like a key to a lock. I have a feeling that our romance with Vera lasts forever, that I met her in 63, - Meladze shared, laughing. - With the advent of this person, my life has changed. I finally lifted my head off the keyboard ... I didn't even lift it, but she took my hair. (…) I didn't care where I rest, what I eat. I missed a lot because I was obsessively passionate about my work. And Vera gave me a pendel and awakened my interest in a life other than the studio and music. "

In addition, Konstantin Meladze spoke about his children - Alice, Lie and Valeria. They were born from the producer's previous relationship with Yana Summ.

“My kids are doing all sorts of different things. Alisa graduated from high school and goes to college in Kiev. The middle daughter Leah is in Israel in the camp, she is engaged in vocals and choreography. I think she has talent, but I won't push her. The son goes to school. Our children with Vera, in general, are friends. Now Leah was with us in Italy, she communicates well with Vera's daughter Sarah ... It's all complicated, of course. And now it is difficult, and it will be. You know what the thing is. The more brothers and sisters you have, the easier it will be for you in later adulthood. I know that for sure. If I didn’t have Valera and Liana, we would not have achieved anything, ”the composer believes.

The presenter invited the producer to publicly confess his love to his wife. However, the composer refused and explained why. Konstantin Meladze also noted that he constantly thinks about the second half and worries about her. Despite the fact that the spouses are often on the road, they manage to maintain harmony in the relationship.

“There are things that need to be said in person. I don’t think she’ll be pleased if I scream on TV how much I love her. We have other signs and other codes with which we send vibes to each other at a distance. We are constantly far from each other, because she tours a lot, and I also travel constantly. But we somehow learned to minimize the distance between us. After all, when you are at home, everything is much simpler: he took the hand, and that's it. But when she is in America, you need to make an effort, "- said the man.

// Photo: Shot of the program "Tonight"