What they say about the departure of Malakhov. Andrei Malakhov gave a frank interview about work on the first channel

What they say about the departure of Malakhov. Andrei Malakhov gave a frank interview about work on the first channel
What they say about the departure of Malakhov. Andrei Malakhov gave a frank interview about work on the first channel

https: //www.Sype/2017-08-21/andrey_malahov_obyasnil_uhod_s_pervogo_kanala

"I want to grow"

Andrei Malakhov explained to care from the "First Channel"

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov said that his departure from the "Channel One" is associated with the desire of professional growth. He stated this in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper.

"I want to grow, become a producer, a person who makes decisions, including determines what to be my program, and does not give all his life to the visor and looks like people-changing people during this time. The television season ended, I decided that you need to close this door and try myself in a new quality in a new place, "said Malakhov. On the question of the reasons for the conflict with the producer of the "First Channel", Natalia Nikonova Malakhov did not answer. "Can I leave it without comment?" I always believed that in love and dislike you need to be consistent. For me to unusually change your set of beliefs as a magic stick. On this I will finish the story, "he said.

Malakhov told that she came to television still with a student. "I was fascinated by this big world and started with the fact that the day ran for coffee, at night - in a stall for vodka for the legends of television. And although you have become a popular TV presenter, you still work with the same people who belong to you as a shelf's son, "the presenter explained. He added that his colleagues who came to television much later, already played their own projects. "And you have all the same former status. It is expected that you will be "leading on the ear", but you already have something to talk about my audience, "he added.

In Starhit, the chief editor of which Malakhov is, he also published an open letter to Konstantin Ernstu and the people with whom he worked. In it, the TV host said goodbye to colleagues and personally thanked many of them. "Dear Konstantin Lvovich! 45 years old - an important frontier in the life of a man, 25 of them I gave you and "first channel". These years became part of my DNA, and I remember every minute that you were dedicated to me. Thank you so much for everything you did for the experience that I handed over, for the amazing journey through the television road of the life, which we passed together, "wrote Malakhov, referring to the Director-General of the" First Channel ".

Promotional video of the new program Malakhov on the channel "Russia 1", which is called "Hello, Andrei!", Published on the Starhit channel in YouTube.

Recall, on July 31, the media reported that the TV presenter Andrei Malakhov passes from the first channel to VGTRK. According to the information of the Russian BBC service, the transition could be due to the fact that the management of the TV channel decided to add political topics to his talk show, although the program had previously specialized in discussing social agenda and show business. The initiator of the change of the agenda was the producer Natalia Nikonova, which is engaged in the program since May.

Andrei Malakhov

The care of Andrei Malakhov from the first channel - the number one theme for the Russian media is already a week. While everyone discussed the unexpected career decision of the TV host and his maternity leave, and some rumors were replaced by others, Malakhov himself kept silence and only joined. Finally, he decided to place all the points over "I" and gave a large and frank interview with the Commerce, which spoke about the causes of the care, birth of a long-awaited child and a new job.

Malakhov confirmed that he would now work on the VGTRK channel "Russia 1" - in the transmission "Andrei Malakhov. Direct ether", in which he will be the lead, and producer. According to the journalist, he has long dreamed of his own television show, because there has been a long time "let them say" and "tonight":

Although you became a popular TV presenter, you still work with the same people who belong to you as the son of the regiment. This is the situation when your colleagues came much later, but already have their own projects. And you have the same former status. It is expected that you will be "leading on the ear", but you already have something to talk with your audience yourself. It's like in family life: first there was love, then it turned into a habit, and at some point it is a marriage for the calculation,

Said Malakhov.

I want to grow, become a producer, a person who makes decisions, including determines what to be my program. The television season ended, I decided that you need to close this door and try myself in a new quality in a new place,

Stressed TV presenter.

Malakhov noted that he warned the channel's management in advance about what was going to go away, but he did not believe in the first for a long time. Application on dismissal and letter to the Channel Director Konstantin Ernstu TV presenter wrote on the first day of his holiday. With Ernst, by the way, Malakhov had a serious conversation in which they discussed the "future of television and prospects that could wait in the new season."

It was imposed on this conversation that in November I should have a child, and I said that I needed at least a day a week to devote to what I dreamed about. But the whole story is not a conflict with the management of the canal. I treat Konstantin Lvovich with deep respect. Especially he understands what happiness to become a father and that there is life besides the daily struggle for the rating,

The leading and chief editor of the project "Starkhit" Andrei Malakhov became one of the main newsmakers of this summer. Here is the day in the press discussing his departure from the first channel. The TV star decided to concentrate on loved ones, because it will be very soon. The TV journalist and his wife Natalia Shkuleva are preparing for the long-awaited replenishment in the family.

Andrei Malakhov preferred for a long time not to give detailed comments on the events that have become a sensation in the media. The lead that was on vacation, rested along with his wife. However, the television journalist recently interrupted silence and gave an exclusive interview with journalists, spoke about the reasons for which he decided to make changes to the usual routine of life.

"He grabbed everything. But at some second crisis, "he says.

In January, the TV journalist turned 45 years old. The presenter says that he experienced the "crisis of the genre absolutely in everything" - starting with the programs that began to seem secondary to him, and ending with dissatisfaction with their position.

"I have always been subordinate. Man is a soldier who performs orders. And I wanted autonomy. I looked at my colleagues, they became producers of their programs, they themselves began to make decisions. And suddenly an understanding came: life goes, and you need to grow, get out of the close frame, "says Malakhov.

In the spring of this year, the editors of the program "Let them say" moved to a spacious pavilion located near the Airport Metro Station. The news about changing the studio has become a big surprise for Andrei Malakhov. During the long years, Ostankino has become a TV journalist in the second house. "There is my own aura, energy," he says, adding that he began to worry about large-scale change. The lead worried that simply "will not pull" the space of such a volume.

"When you have the end of the season, a new place to shoot, you don't physically do bad, you start to engage in self-confidence, unnecessary self-destruction. You think that you are and leading so-so, and nothing happens, and your time is gone ... And then I sent a video, how to deal with the studio "Let them talk." I do not know what to compare what I felt. Probably, if in the morgue, they led and showed how the person close to you would be sophisticated ... And so: the drop behind the drop burned out everything that was expensive to what I was mentally tied, "he told.

Now, according to Andrei Malakhov, he begins a new stage in his life. The presenter decided to go further and focus on something else. "You must close this door," he noted in an exclusive interview with the magazine "Antenna-Telight".

(45) Inevitably associated with the whole country with the scandalous program "Let them say" - along with the studio, he finds out where the money "Rusfond" is missing, who is to blame for rape (18) and (34) on a lie detector. But the other day it became known that "let them say" can remain without a star leading. According to rumors, after 25 years of work (of these, 12 years old on "let them say") Andrei decided to leave the first channel. We understand what happened!

It all started from the post in Twitter of the correspondent of the "present time" of Egor Maksimov. "Wow, Malakhov repeatedly said to VGTRK. In any case, his studio in Ostankino took Shepelev with a new transfer (this is a fact), "the journalist wrote. A little later, the chief editor of the R-Sport agency Vasily Konov also joined him: "This is a fact and main transfer sensation of a television offseason. In telecasts they talk about it with might and main.

And now, the news picked up and leading information agencies. So, for example, RBC reported that the TV host did not work with the new producer "Let them say", which was appointed the general director of the first Konstantin Ernst (56) to raise the ratings of the show. Andrei demanded to return the previous producer, he was denied, and he decided to go to another channel. According to RBC, from the fall, Andrei Malakhov will work on the channel "Russia 1" (Holding VGTRK) in the "Direct Ether" program (now, Boris Korchevnikov (35) is being conducted, but he plans to focus on the post of general director of the channel "Saviva") . For Andrei, the part of the team will leave, so the first channel, if the information is confirmed, you will have to carry out a rather big casting.

In any case, neither the leadership of the first nor Andrei Malakhov while the rumors are not commenting in any way, and VGTRK refers to the vacation of the entire governing lineup (we do not know anything - they did not hear anything). Andrei himself, by the way, in 2014 shared that he did not represent that would force him to leave from the first channel. He is frankly: "Sometimes during the recording of the next program, where the father raped a daughter or where ingredient children a week after the death of Mom with a disterination share inheritance, I want to get up and leave. But I always stop the thought - we still help me. DNA examination, which are carried out for Ether, real. After many programs, they opened or re-opened criminal cases and perpetrators sat down. We do a good deed. "