Sickness sickle and hammer sign. Sickle and hammer - a symbol of the era or ... Something more? List of used literature

Sickness sickle and hammer sign. Sickle and hammer - a symbol of the era or ... Something more? List of used literature
Sickness sickle and hammer sign. Sickle and hammer - a symbol of the era or ... Something more? List of used literature

Evgeny Ivanovich Kamzolkin

Sickle and hammer - an amazing Soviet symbol, amazing and genius, created on April 25, 1918, Russian Artist Evgeny Ivanovich Kamolkin (1885 - 1957).

Big Russian artist Sergey Vasilyevich Gerasimov (1885 - 1964) witnessed the MiG of the Great Russian Symbol:

"Standing with me Evgeny Camzolkin, thinking, said:

And what if you try such a symbolism? - At the same time, he began to walk around the canvas. - This is how I will depict the sickle - it will be the peasantry, and inside the hammer it will be a working class.

The symbol of the workers and peasants was on the same day sent from Zamoskvorechye to the Moss Counter - and all other sketches were rejected: hammer with anvil, plow with a sword, braid with a wrench ...
Here are those savingly crossed, sickle and hammer on the state coat of arms of the RSFSR artists A. N. Leo and N. A. Andreev, and then on the state coat of arms of the USSR - artist I. I. Dubasov.

"Of course, I only considered this emblem only as associated with the decoration of the May Day holiday," Evgeny Ivanovich explained. - I did not have in my thoughts that later the emblem would enter our state coat of arms as a symbol of the national authority ... "

The identity of Evgeny Camzolkina is not enough of what is little known, she is also mysterious. But in this mysteryment it is worth trying to find an answer to the deep origins and the meanings of the symbol itself created by the artist at 33 years old, which is also a sign and symbol.

The ancestors of Evgeny Ivanovich were wealthy merchants. His native grandfather Vasily Ivanovich Kamzolkin, settled in the XIX century in the villages of the summer village of Pushkino, rebuilt a few cottages, took the land for rent and paved the road to the Armandov factory. There were Camzolekins at home and in Moscow.

Children's passion for drawing was led by Evgeny Ivanovich to the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where he studied in 1904-1912. Kamzolkin - Member of the Society of Leonardo da Vinci (1906) and Moscow Salon (1910). A large future of V. Serov, A. Arkhipov, K. Korovin, P. Corin, was propheted in the school.

But during the study, Eugene Ivanovich is fond of the art and spiritual and religious practices of ancient Egypt, Assyria and Babylon. He was considered a widely erudite and genuine connoisseur question, which recognized his friend, such authority as Nikolai Albertovich Kun (1877 - 1940), author of the popular book "Legends and myths of ancient Greece" (1922).

The artist a lot and fruitfully worked on the so-called Egyptian cycle of its picturesque cavities. The pictures of the period are known - "in the battle", "Pier of King Assyrian", "in the name of Ramses", "Egyptian". Egypt and Mesopotamia in 1910 - 1920 remained the main theme of his creativity. These works had success among the public and were highly appreciated by art critics.

In January 1913, the newspaper "Rule" wrote: "I would like and can even say my word Mr. Camzolkin. A talented artist this time set forth the desire to resurrect the paintings of the Old Testament Assur and Babylon. In many ways it was able to master. Sapphires, turquoise and gold are the main paints of Mr. Camzolkina, on them he creates a fascinating and bold symphony. "

Revolutionary years have been revolutionary from captivity of the Ancient East. With all the soul, perceiving the slogan "Art - in the masses!", He created a huge scenery of the workers and peasant deputies in the theater of the Zamoskvoretsky Council - for performances "Rogue Brothers" Johann Friedrich Schiller, "Ivan Grozny" A. K. Tolstoy, "Dawn "Emil Verjnun.

The subject of his paintings is changing. He writes the canvas: "Sons of the Earth", "Pahar", "International", "On the landlord". Creates landscapes illustrating Russian songs: "Among the valley of the flat", "thin rowan", "Ah, you, the winter-winter", "I will come to a river."

Kamolkin is known and as a photographer, the creator of its own technology of photography and the inventor of the original photodegrades.

In the 20s, the artist readed over the home of the streets. Lunacharsky. Himself grown without a father (mother brought up his two adoptive children), taught orphans to draw, make furniture and toys. Fatherly rejoiced that the guys would have a bread profession and an interesting life, filled with creativity. About that combat youth - his picture "Komsomol members of the 20s".

The outstanding artist never became famous because of his hoping, disinterested, independent nature and desire for a secluded, quiet life. Yes, and the "Egyptian" themes of his work caused undesirable associations with modernity.

He died quietly in 1957.

E.I. Camzolekin. Landscape "By the river".

One of the main symbols of the USSR is "sickle and hammer" - known to everyone, including - far beyond the limits of the so-called "post-Soviet space". And this is not surprising, because for many decades, for many decades, the half of the world inspired fear and respect, and the other half is the fear and non-hatred.

"Sickle and hammer" - a symbol is quite simple in a constructive and semantic plan. The sickle personifies the peasant farming, and the hammer - the factory workers. In fact, we are talking about two Bases of the USSR Economy - Agriculture and Heavy Industry. At a minimum, this emblem is explained to us from the pages of school history textbooks. But is everything so obvious?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the hammer is one of the oldest heraldic emblems known in Europe (in particular - eastern) from the Middle Ages. The hammer is a symbol of crafts, in a certain sense - a sign that embodies the creative, creative act. In addition, the hammer also enters the basic symbolism of free bricklayers (Masons). At the same time, on the coat of arms of the USSR, the symbol of the sickle and hammer have a strictly defined positional pattern - the sickle is always imposed on the hammer. This means that the hammer is the basis, the forerunner, while the sickle is secondary. But these items are called in the reverse order - in the sequence in which they appear before the people contemplating them, first sickle, then the hammer.

In turn, the sickle with European symbolism is known since the times of ancient Rome, where he was a personal emblem of God Saturn (in the Greeks - Kronos), which was distinguished by a cruel and vengeful temper. Saturn was the God of Time and Agriculture, he personified the inexplicitance and continuity of vital processes. Sickle in his hands performed a symbol of harvest, and in a certain sense. Immediately it is worth remembering that it is not for nothing. The first traditional images of death in the appearance of a skeleton in chlamyide were not at all oblique, namely sickle. In the traditional European esoteric, the concept of "Jupiter Sickle" has so far, which indicates a certain and extremely negative position of this planet against the Earth. But at the same time, this is a sacred, revered symbol, because, for example, Celtic Druids collected a sacred mistletoe specially prepared by the golden sickle.

On the coat of arms of the USSR, the symbol "Sickle and hammer" "covers the planet. It seems to be a speech here about the notorious "world communism", but at the top there is a red pentagram, and at the bottom - the ascending sun, which has 33 beam. And the traditions of free bricklayers are remembered again, where 33 is one of the sacral numbers, actually - the maximum degree of dedication in the Freemasonry - just thirty-third. It is these, at first glance - hardly noticeable coincidences, assigned many researchers (among which it can be noted, in particular, A. Yegazarova) on the idea that the symbol of the USSR "Sickle and Hammer" was another semantic reservoir, probably much deeper than the one that was issued for the "official version" ...

Many years have passed after the breakdown of the superpower and now, after many years, not all people represent the symbolism of the Empire destroyed from the inside. Therefore, meeting a strange symbol on the Internet in the form of a sickle and hammer is wondering, what does it mean?

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The sickle and hammer logo was a small coat of arms of the USSR. If you disassemble this symbolism separately, you can find out that the hammer indicated the working class, and the sickle - the peasantry.
Although it is worth noting that even before the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Sickness symbol was on some coat of arms of the cities of Azerbaijan, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. Since personified the whole symbolism of peasant labor.
In addition, the hammer symbol was on the emblems and coat of arms in the distant Middle Ages, and had a direct connection with the working professions. In addition, it was used in architecture, engineering and industry.

Sickness symbols and hammer still remains one of the most recognizable signs, even among those who appeared on the light after the collapse of the USSR. Moreover, this emblem will be recognized in most countries of the world. However, not many know the true history of the origin of the sickle and hammer

In fact, combine on one emblem two such large layers of people who work arms have arisen for a long time. There were many debates and for sure it is not known how many copies in endless disputes, which items to depict on this logo.
Researchers believe that a Camzolekin came up with all the famous emblem and hammer, who was at the time by the artist from Zamoskvorechye. He thought for a long time, how to designate the unity of the peasantry and the labor proletariat and from under his brush there was a well-known emblem, this happened in 1918, on the day of the celebration of the Day of the Workers' Solidarity.
On the same day, stood up on his genius, the artist reached the Moscow Council, where this logo immediately fascinated the jury. Although there were other, no less interesting emblems, such as a wrench and braid, sword and plow among its competitors, for example and many no less sensible ideas. However, after the famous jury saw a logo with a sickle and a hammer, the rest of the competitors were not honored even to look. After all emblems were rejected only alone.

The symbolism prisonered in this simple figure was so powerful that it was subsequently transferred to the state coat of arms of the USSR. It is a pity that the creator of this ideal logo turned out to be forgotten for many years. He was remembered after the Great Patriotic War, the earliest journalists had evoke information about the artist Camzolkin. It turned out that this man lived a simple life in Pushkino. The creator of the logo admitted that he could not even imagine that his creation would be on the coating of the mighty country of the Soviets. When he painted this emblem, he simply wanted to express his feelings and decorate the festival feended the first of May. For thirty years, this person worked on the field of visual art, but because of a non-penetrative nature, it was sometimes forgotten even to make part of the union of artists.

Nowadays, when the formation fell below the plinth, and the youth is busy anything, but not to study and self-education. Therefore, the real value of the sickle symbol and the hammer does not know, but this logo is visually known and to citizens far from history and politics.

K.Yu. Goncharov.

In Russia, simultaneously with the revival of such historical symbols as a double-headed eagle and a three-color flag, the question of the restoration and symbols of the Soviet era again rises. Obviously, this is due to the existence of a kind of nostalgia in the memory of the older generation. One of the official symbols of the Soviet state, which has found the wider application at the time - sickle and hammer. You can argue for a very long time, whether this symbol is needed now, or not. But here and now, without going into a political aspect, we will tell us the history of the origin of this symbol, which is interesting in itself.

HAMMER AND SICKLE - the main Soviet state emblem, or the so-called small coat of arms of the USSR, used until the mid-30s, during the period of the Constitutions of 1918 and 1924. It was used on state press and in the state coat of arms for intra-union, as well as a grid on business paper or belonging.

Sickle and hammer are depicted since 1923 without fail (in 1918 - 1923. There was also a separate, symmetrical image of the sickle and hammer). The color of the emblem was allowed only gold. Sickle portrayed always superimposed on the hammer (except in cases where the stylized emblem is traditionally used, which is a sickle and hammer circuit). This means that the hammer precedes as a heraldic sign of the sickle, and over it in value in the coat of arms. But the entire emblem is read in the same order, as the viewer sees it: first called the sickle, and then the hammer.

The emblem "Sickle and Hammer" was established by a government decision at the end of March - early April 1918 and approved by V Congress of the Soviets on July 10, 1918. For the first time depicted on the state press of the Sovnarkom of the RSFSR on July 26, 1918

What actually mean symbols like hammer and sickle? The fact is that these symbols have met since ancient times from different peoples and used naturally, not only as political symbols.


Hammer (hammers) is one of the oldest emblems of the craft. For the first time the image of the hammer is found as the emblem on the territory of the Roman Empire in the tombstone of the Blacksmith (441). It is also a creative-destructive symbol of the male force associated with the power of the Sun, thunderstorms, the authorities of the rulers, the gods of the war.

Hammer, starting from the Middle Ages, gradually becomes general, most applicable for different types of craft emblem. It is used as its handicraft sign architects, stone chews, brownies, blacksmiths, shoemakers, mines, miners. Later - machine builders, technicians, engineers, and in each case with adding to this main, the basic emblem of some other, which serves as an additional clarifying attribute.

Thus, the hammer is very early becomes a generalized symbol of any craft and industry, and in fact before the emergence of the industry itself. In addition, the value of the hammer as a handicraft, primarily a blacksmith, the tool is closed with the oldest, mythical ideas about the hammer as the guns of the deities of thunder, lightning and fire, with the help of the fire or produced thunder (Heta Hammer - volcano, the hammer Torah - the Scandinavian God of War , Pickshaw's hammer - Perunas, etc.).

The combination of medieval handicrafts on the importance of hammer as a kind of universal tool of any crafts with paganism on the Molota as a sacrament of the Supreme Divine gave milk as a symbol of special authority, and provided its image wide, one can say worldwide distribution.

Differences in the origin, the significance and use of the hammer in different nations and the associated various interpretation of this emblem in practice caused the need to somehow distinguish and recognize the different types of hammer in specific cases, including in Russian heraldry. To separate the high symbolic meaning of the hammer as a sacred tool, like combat weapons, from domestic and craft-applied, the terminological difference between the hammer in a high sense and a hammer in the craft. Craft guns began to be called the hammers, that is, it is used and depicted in the form of emblems only in a plural. Therefore, all technical emblems contain either two crossed hammers, or has been depicted with a hammer of any second craft gun (tool) - a wrench, an ax, kirk, and so on.

Considering this circumstance, the proletarian organizations of Western Europe starting from the second half of the XIX century, especially since the 70s, elect the hammer in a high value by their class symbol, selecting it essentially at the nobility and emphasizing that the hammer is a symbol of the avant-garde of the proletariat - workers Large machine industry.

On the eve of the first Russian revolution, and especially in the period 1905 - 1907. Hammer as a symbol of the working class becomes a generally accepted concept in the ranks of the Russian revolutionary movement.

That is why after the overthrow of the October Revolution, the first emblem of the Soviet state became the hammer. They were endowed with the Figure of Prometheus, symbolizing the liberation of the proletariat from the IGA of capitalism, and the allegorical shapes of the hammer fever on silver coins of 1923-1925 with advantage of 50 kopecks and 1 ruble, as well as the figure of the worker on the first project of the coat of arms of the RSFSR.

Already in March - April 1918, the hammer was determined by the Soviet government as an indispensable Soviet emblem, which should be present in the emblem of the Soviet Republic long before writing and approving the Constitution. Those who performed the drawing of the coat of arms remained only to draw, implement this government indication. This question was decided not by artists, but the Soviet political leadership and was decided not even in 1918, but in fact in 1905. It is this circumstance that the well-known fact that the names of artists, engravers of emblems have never been fixed, because these people were just technical performers, but not at all the creators of Soviet emblems.

Hammer as the main Soviet state emblem together with sherp In the period from July 1918 to December 1991, the so-called small emblem of our country.

After World War II, a number of states, primarily the socialist (and some of the bourgeois), made hammer, and sometimes a sickle in their state coat of arms. All socialist states, the hammer was the main state emblem. For example, in the emblem GDR hammer adjacent to the circulation, making up an emblem, meaning a qualified, technically and scientifically armed working class.

Hammer also serves as a symbol of wealth in Japan (associated with gold mining), in India, on the contrary, its destructive strength was associated with the celebration of evil.

In the symbols of Masonry hammer as a master's master attribute symbolizes a creative mind.


Sickle - one of the two main coat of arms of the Soviet (worker-peasant) power, the emblem of the peasantry as a class. The fact that the sickle should be the emblem of the peasantry was first indicated in a government report on the competition for the Soviet coat of arms signed in April 1918 by A. V. Lunacharsky, and, therefore, this issue was previously discussed in government circles from January to April 1918.

With the motifs for which it was Sickle who was elected the emblem of the worker of the peasantry, were the following: SERP - the most massive and moreover, a personal tool of peasant labor, existing in every peasant family; Sickle - a manual gun, used by men and in particular women, that is, generality, while spit - mainly a male labor instrument, and plow - The instrument is relatively rare for the time, which was only rich, wealthy peasants-fists. Sickle, moreover, symbolizes the harvest, harvest.

It may have perhaps the importance and the fact that the overwhelming part of the members of the Soviet government and the party apparatus, members of the Central Committee lived before the revolution in Switzerland and could not help anyone in the Swiss and Austrian Heraldry Sickle in the hands of the peasant was considered the emblem of his economic independence and freedom.

The choice of sickle as the emblems also influenced its form, the appearance well combined with hammerIncreasing the revolutionary, proletarian symbolism before the October Revolution, and also the fact that in Russia there was already a tradition to consider sickle the main and characteristic peasant tool.

In the Russian urban heraldry, SERP, until 1917, met in the coat of arms of the following cities: Krasnoyarsk (Siberia), Voznesensk, Uman (Ukraine), Lida (Belarus), Schigra, Serpeck (Central Russia), rolled (Azerbaijan), Kamyshlova (Ural), There are practically in all regions of the country.

The sickle image itself in Soviet coat of arms had the peculiarity that it took into account the national character of the sickle finish. So, in Russia, the Sickle was used with jar, and in Germany - with a smooth blade. In accordance with this SERP on the arms of Latvia and Lithuania, where German sickles used before, got a smooth blade. In the coat of arms of Uzbekistan, National Uzbek (Bukhara) Sickle, called uBR.

After the First World War and the bourgeois revolution of 1918, SERP as an attribute of the Austrian Eagle, holding in the right pair of sickle, and in the left - hammer, entered Heraldry and this bourgeois state, and remained until 1938, when Austria seized Hitler Germany. However, in 1945, when the Austrian state was restored, this stamp emblem again ranked in the emblem of the Austrian Republic. It was believed that Sickle is one of the old European emblems used from the Middle Ages in the Austrian, Swiss and South German Heraldry.

Valid member of the Raen
actual member of the All-Russian Heraldic Society,
artist K.Yu. Goncharov.

List of references:

  • Andreeva V., Kuklev V., Rover A. Encyclopedia of signs, symbols, emblems. M.: Lockid; Myth, 1999.
  • Bauer V., Doymotz I., Golovin S. Encyclopedia Symbols / Per. from the German G. Gaeva. M.: Kron-Press, 1995.
  • Pokhlebkin V. V. Dictionary of international symbolism and emblems. M.: "International Relations", 1994.
  • TRESIDDER J. Dictionary symbols / lane. from English C. Fig. M.: Fair-Press, 1999.