The director of the Ural Pelmeni found the dead at the Hotel Angelo. Strange death of the director of the Ural Pelmeni in the midst of litigation of the Urals of the Urals Lutchikov

The director of the Ural Pelmeni found the dead at the Hotel Angelo. Strange death director
The director of the Ural Pelmeni found the dead at the Hotel Angelo. Strange death of the director of the Ural Pelmeni in the midst of litigation of the Urals of the Urals Lutchikov

Former Cave Independent, director of the Ural Pelmeni, Alexey Lutikov, found today in the Yekaterinburg Hotel Angelo. As the source told the source, the director of the Ural Pelmeni drove into the room of August 2 and since then almost did not leave the hotel building. At the same time, dozens of alcohol bottles are found in the room.

According to the source of the Life, the men did not find traces of violent death on the body. At the same time, the investigation will check all possible versions of the death of Lutikov. Including those that may be associated with the results of a protracted neurosis. The fact is that the man has been the plaintiff for almost six months for the right to use the "Ural dumplings" trademark.

The activities of the popular current show are managed by two firms: "Ural Pelmeni Production" and "Ural Pelmeni" . Lutikov worked as the general director of the company "Ural Pelmeni Production". "Creative Association" before the fall of 2015, Sergey Netheyevsky was led by the former "dumplings".

Netievsky removed from the post in 2015 as a result of the meeting of the participants (on constituent documents, all members of the team have the right to vote, in one degree or another in the company). At the same time, Netievsky continued to perform in the rooms as an artist. Officially, then the Lutikov said that the displacement of Netievsky is a simple managerial stroke for improving the efficiency of the show.

Netievsky, however, did not surrender and in June 2016 challenged his own dismissal in court. The court pleaded by an invalid protocol of the meeting, based on the results of which Netyevsky was removed. As a result, Netievsky was restored as director.

Deliviated "dumplings" not only for posts, but also for trademarks. In March 2016, Lutikov, together with the actors, filed a lawsuit in the metropolitan arbitration to the company Nethe's "Fest Hand Media". At one time, "Pelmeni" concluded an agreement with it on the provision of exclusive rights to the "Ural dumplings" trademark. However, in his claim, the actors and buttercups asked to recognize the contract invalid.

Lutikov after the departure of Netievsky stated that he had assigned the exclusive rights to the verbal trademark "Ural dumplings": the brand, he specified, should belong to the team.

In July, the parties almost recalled. The lawyer of Nehtyevsky reported that his principal was ready to go to the settlement agreement. However, the final decision was not accepted: lawyer Lutikova said that it was necessary to consult with the client. As a result, the court postponed the case until October 2016. At the meeting in the fall, Lutikov's opinion was presented as an plaintiff regarding the settlement agreement.

On the eve of the Director General of the SHOW "Ural Pelmeni", Alexei Lutikov found dead in the hotel room in Yekaterinburg. The news shocked the whole team of the project. The hotel has lived from the second August. Lutikov's body discovered the maid. For a long time, none of the Ural Pelmeni commented on this tragic news, and the publications only quoted a hotel worker who found the corpse. The investigation is currently checking on death.

Jewelsecperts managed to find out the cause of the death of Lothikov. For some information, the man died due to dilatation cardiomyopathy, the version of violent death was excluded. For a long time, he suffered from myocardial disease, which caused a stretching of the heart cavities. Also, Alexey developed heart failure and violation of the heart rhythm, which was the cause of thromboembolism, which caused the death of a former KVN participant.

Representatives of the Sverdlovsk police found a huge amount of empty bottles from alcohol near Lutikov's body. The general director of the Ural Pelmeni did not leave the room more than a week, and the plate was hanging "Do not disturb".

In addition, in Lutikov's room, drugs were found to reduce pressure. The investigation conducts a check of all drugs discovered in the hotel room.

As it became known, alcohol caused aggravation of problems with the heart. In the last minutes of life, according to, a man was near the table on which a glass glass was standing. Because of the cardiomyopathy, he lost consciousness and fell on the table, leaving about the glass. It was these wounds initially brought to the idea that the man was killed as a result of violent death.

In the official group of show "Ural Pelmeni", a post appeared today in which the team honored Alexey's memory. Fans of creativity of the KVN team leave the condolences to the native deceased Lutikov.

"We inform you that the general director of the company producing the show" Ural Pelmeni ", Alexey Lutikov, has passed away. Alexey passed uneasy, but an interesting life path. He was a successful KVN team captain, and a top manager of large industries, and a talented leader in the field of tele-industry. Alexey did a lot for the project "Ural Pelmeni". He invested in the show all his skill and accumulated experience, brought him to a new level, and, thanks to his efforts, the project had the opportunity to freely and independently develop, received a second breath, the second life ... ", the report says.

Recently, Alexey had problems with the previous director of the Ural Pelmeni. According to Lutikov, Sergey Netyevsky earned much more than artists. Alexey himself answered the activities of the team in Moscow. As reported, Netievsky filed to the court and won the case. According to some reports, the ex-captain KVN even pursued for debts.

Lutikova has a wife and two children. According to the wife of a former participant in KVN, he really suffered because of heart problems. The team of "Ural Pelmeni" also notes that the busy schedule undermined the health of the director and caused his sudden death.

Alexey Lutikov actually led the "Ural dumplings."

The director of the Ural Pelmeni Prodmeni, Alexey Lutikov, was found dead in the room at the Angelo. This information was confirmed by the site by the head of the press service of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs Valery Boreh.

- Such an emergency has occurred. The first alarming message about it was enrolled in the duty unit of the Police department No. 6 at 14:20 from the maid, which discovered a dead man. It is known that he was in her room in underwear. And at the entrance there was a sign "Do not disturb". In the place of emergencies, the investigative investigative group of territorial ATC is working, "said Valery Borenekh.

According to him, the detectives of the criminal investigation have established that Alexey Lutikov lived in this room from August 2. Police officers quickly contacted his wife and interviewed it.

- The woman said that her husband complained about the heart several times. In addition, the room has signs of drinking alcoholic beverages. During the visual inspection, the employee of the Department of Internal Affairs did not discovery. However, only the experts of forensic medical examination will be installed the exact cause of death. More detailed reasons will be installed during the test, said Valery Borenekh.

It should be noted that Alexey Lutikov was the director of the company "Ural Pelmeni Production". In fact, all the financial flows were walking through it after parting with the previous leader of Shaw Sergey Nehyyevsky.

- Alexey in 2014 came to me at First Hand Media to the post of executive producer. And I instructed him the production of the show "Ural Pelmeni", taught and showed how and what to do, shared secrets and experience of creating a show, which was accumulated in five years. He was in the company until autumn 2015. But then we had disagreements with him, because I did not arranged the quality of his work on creating a new project "Fathers and these," - told

Alexey Lutikov was 42 years old. He became known to the general public, being the KVN team captain "Service Login". In 2006-2011, worked at Comedy Club Production. In October 2015, he headed the company "Ural Pelmeni Prodmeni".

Recall that scandals accompany the Ural dumplings from the fall of last year. Then the director was changed in the team.

In March, "Ural Pelmeni" they require an invalid agreement on the alienation of exclusive rights to a verbal trademark No. 333064. It is under this number that the trademark "Ural dumplings" is registered.

In response to this, Nethevsky filed a lawsuit against the "Ural Pelmeni" demanding him to restore him as director. In early June, the Arbitration Court began to consider the case. As a result, he fell on the side of Netievsky and in early August.

Text: Sergey Panin

Alexey Lutikov, whose biography is presented in the article, was one of the most vivid participants in the game in KVN. After leaving in 1997, the "Service Login" command, it disappeared from the screens. His fate was a little known to the average man, until in August 2016, the media did not report his death at the Yekaterinburg Hotel.

Path in KVN.

The native of a small town Fate (Kursk region), Alexei Lutikov appeared on 2.06.1974. He was born with a holy lip and subjected to ridicule and the bullying of peers. Already then there were problems with the heart, for the boy could not help but worry because of children's cruelty. School KVN became salvation, on the stage of which he caused a deafening laughter of the auditorium. But it was a different laughter - the reaction to witty jokes without reloading over its appearance. A fascinating game has become his fate.

The young man suffered five of the most complicated operations on the face, but the consequences of the innate anomaly remained noticeable until the end of days. Having developed for myself the principle that it is possible to rely in life only by yourself, Alexey Lutikov, KVN for whom he became a vocation, entered the Pedic Institute of the city of Kursk. Having received the profession of a social psychologist, in 1993, the young man became a member of the Kuryan team "Service Login".

Frontman team KVN.

The young men will not be successful to their success. Already in 1997, they got to the semi-finals with brilliance, beating the popular team of Ural Pelmeni in full-time meeting in the 1/8 finals. Among them, the captain was distinguished by Alexei Lutikov, pronounced jokes with an absolutely serious expression of the face. He watched with interest, was quoted:

  • "This is a country for Jews, and for us - half-wings."
  • "We work apart sponsorship bread."
  • "KVN treats corn!".

After the team did not pass the semifinal stage, the frontman left the team due to disagreements with the guys. They were considered the leaders of the 1998 season, but without their captain flew out at an early stage, failed to go further into a professional level.

Subsequent activities, personal life

Lutikov managed to cling to Moscow, but he no longer went out on stage. He early created a family, so he needed to put on his feet. Since 2006, Alexey Lutikov began to cooperate with Comedy Club, leading the direction of regional development. Its responsibilities included the creation of the branches of the stand-club in the field. From 2013, he began cooperation with the "new channel", and in 2014 it turned out to be an executive producer of FIRST Hand Media, who led Sergei Netyevsky. He headed the humorous show "Ural Pelmeni" created in the 2009th.

By this time, Lutikova had two children: the son, born when Alexei was only 20, and a daughter successfully engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. A little later, she will enter the youth team. Never miss her responsible starts, in August 2016 this tradition for some reason broke Alexei Lutikov.

"Ural dumplings" - the last project of Showman

"Ural dumplings" needed a professional who would not know the Moscow Show Business. In the summer of 2015, the team had a conflict with the head of Nethevsky, whose firm belonged to the trademark of the creative team. Despite the fact that he brought the guys at the CTC and did a lot for the team, disagreements arose about the further development of the project. The leadership took over and affairs in Moscow was a certain. So in the "Ural dumplings" Aleksey Lutikov appeared.

He is credited with guilt for inflaming the conflict and litigation, as a result of which Sergey Netyevsky returned his position to the show. There was a process to return trademark founders. By studying financial affairs, Lutikov presented the guys documents, of whom it followed that the income of the head was significantly different from the fees of artists. Be that as it may, he himself went to work with his head, concluding an unprecedented contract for the team - 12 performances in Sochi in the summer of 2016. Upon returning from the tour 2.08.2016, he had to fly to the family to Moscow, but for some reason from the airport returned to Angelo Hotel.

Causes of death

His corpse on August 10 discovered the maid of the hotel. All week he spent in the room alone, empty a minibar, and then orders brandy from the restaurant. Suffering from heart failure, the body could not cope with the abundance of alcohol. Presumably, the showman died from thromboembolism, falling with the loss of consciousness head on the table. As a result, the face turned out to be flooded by fragments of glass from a glass, so the version of the violent death was originally advanced. The family of the artist refused to initiate a criminal case, recognizing the fact of death from natural reasons.

It remains a mystery, why Showman did not fly to Moscow. These days, his daughter participated in demonstrations, and for the first time the Father was not in the hall. What did Alexey Lutikov think about the last clock? "Ural Pelmeni" in the official appeal recognized its contribution to the development of the creative team and expressed condolences to the family and relatives. And in the press they crawled rumors about the possible debts of Lutikov and the proposed termination of the contract with him.

The real fans of KVN really sorry that once a talented captain Kurayan decided to leave the scene.

In one of the rooms at the Angelo Hotel, located near the Koltsovo airport, discovered the body of the Ural Pelmeni director Alexei Lutikov, reports with reference to eyewitnesses. The press service of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region confirmed the information and clarified that, according to preliminary data, death did not have a violent nature.

Valery burners, head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region:

In place there are investigators and police officers. At the moment there is an inspection of the room. More information will be available later.

According to the publication, a source in law enforcement agencies, bodily injuries on the man's body were found not, and all valuable things remained in the room. It is possible that death has come as a result of a dose of alcohol: in the Number of Lutchikov found a large number of bottles.

We note, Alexei Lutikov was 42 years old. In 1993, he became the captain of the KVN team "Service Login". From 2006 to 2011 He was the development director, a member of the Board of Directors and the personal adviser to the General Producer Comedy Club Production. In 2013, he became the director of his own production of the "New Channel".