Nadezhda Ermakova from home 2 after the project. Nadezhda Ermakov latest news, rumors, gossip

Nadezhda Ermakova from home 2 after the project. Nadezhda Ermakov latest news, rumors, gossip
Nadezhda Ermakova from home 2 after the project. Nadezhda Ermakov latest news, rumors, gossip

The girl was born and rose in the city with proud name Eagle. Father left the family when she was completely baby and Nadya grew up with her mother.

In early childhood, the girl showed herself as a creative person constantly drawn, wrote folding poems, even tried to write his book!

She also danced a lot and participated in different urban events. The further field of activity and the profession was predetermined by the fate of Ermakov, after graduating from school, he entered the Institute of Art and Culture and wandering around, it became proud to be called "the director of the theater."

The cherished dream of a young person was to become a TV host and build a successful career, but for this I had to try myself in many roles. For example, sell clothing on the market for money money, carry out different castings in dubious agencies and so on.

Nadia was also held at home through the casting, and already in 2007 it became one of the participants, enchantingly appeared in the glade. She quite seriously stated that he wants to be a legitimate wife Rustam Solntsev and therefore now is in a wedding dress.

I lived on a TV project Nadezhda for about four years and all her novels became bright and memorable, like the girl herself.

For example, she met with scandalous Alexander Gobozov, the matter even came to the engagement! But in the most responsible moment, Ermakova asked a little thought before making such a serious step and the couple quarreled.

Because of the fact that they diverged, Sasha changed the hope of Ermakova with Olga Sokol, and they finally broke the relationship.

The next novel was relationship with Gleb Pearlovy, which is affectionately called strawberry.

The man worked very nicely, gave flowers, made permanent compliments, and in eight months their love could have been able to see ups and downs of their relationship.

Glebushka also suggested that they would be married, but this time Yermakova did not work out.

She experienced this parting very hard and fell into a depressive state. The guys on the project decided that it would be better to send it in the perimeter to the relatives and in 2011 they made it Nadya went home.

After care, she has long passed a rehabilitation, and after recovery worked in different directions. Judging by the latest data, Ermakova reappears to the house-2 - the girl got a casting manager and she seems to be everything wonderful.

Some rumors say that in addition to TNT, Nadia also works on the TV channel "home", on the air of which it prepares a new program.

In 2013, Nadezhda Ermakova was married to Ramji Dzhabiyev, the guys met in Egypt. Hope demonstrated a presented ring, but after a time the wedding did not take place. After Nadia, I do not advertise my relations to the public.

Like many members of the house2 Nadezhda Ermakova made plastic surgery, she fixed his nose. Photo to plastics can be seen above, photo after the gallery below.

In the hope of Ermakova popular instagram, where you can see personal photos and announcements about casting at home 2.

Former member of Realm House-2 Nadezhda Ermakova - a long-liver show, survived several bright novels on the site. However, it can be safely argued that the life of the girl after the project is much stronger than in the "perimeter".

Childhood and youth

Nadezhda from the Eagle, where he was born in March 1984. The name of the girl was given in honor of her grandmother. Father soon threw the family, and the Nadi's upbringing and the younger brother Artem lay on the shoulders of the mother. Creative abilities from Nadi were still manifested in early childhood: she was engaged in a dance circle, wrote poems, even intended to "release" the book of his own writings.

Creative nature influenced the further choice of education: the Higher Girl received in the Oryol Institute of Art and Culture in the direction of theatrical director. However, the Ermakov Theater did not come, Manila's dream about the career of a popular TV presenter. On the way to the implementation of ambitious plans Nadia than just did not do: I posed novice artists, traded clothes in a tent on the market, participated in the castings of modeling agencies, the benefit of the figure and growth allowed. So in the biography of the red-haired, the spring girl who received the nickname "Peppi", a popular program "House 2" appeared.

"House 2"

In the "House 2", Nadezhda came in April 2007 and left the show in June 2011, in this way in the top ten participants who lasted in reality for the longest. Since the Super Succession of the Program is the acquisition by participants of personal happiness, Ermakova decided not to tighten with this and appeared on the site immediately in the wedding dress, passing the purpose of the parish - the conquest of the heart. However, Rustam girls glows did not appreciate. But another participant began to actively seek her attention - and the intentions of the man turned out to be very serious.

Alexander made the hope of a proposal, won his beloved in the Caucasus to introduce his parents. But Ermakova did not hurry with the answer than and ruined the relationship. Gobozov switched to other participants of Telestroika, got closer to, and later a couple went over the perimeter. The novels of hope with and also ended with nothing.

After Alexander, Hope could not establish relationships with men of the project for a long time and became friends with Rome Pendzhieva. But women's friendship existed for long, the girls were seriously quarreled and even refused to communicate with each other. The stumbling block was a man, another "residents" of "House 2" on the nicknamed strawberry. At first, Rome became interested in them, but the guy wanted to meet with hope.

Young people were together for almost a year, during which the remaining participants witnessed beautiful cavities and romantic dates, as well as hot quarrels and curses. Ermakova received the expected proposal of the hand and the heart, but on the next date the couple had a serious conversation: hope, according to rumors, tried to shiminate the beloved and asked for the service.

After that, Gleb stated in the frontal spot that the point was put in the relationship, and, moreover, he was tired of jokes and "subskings" of other participants. After the gap with the pearls, Nadia plunged into depressed and sometimes behaved, to put it mildly, strange. The suffering of the girl did not find an understanding among others, above Ermakova frankly laughed.

In the summer of 2011, the life of hope in the perimeter complicated the video of the frequolous video video appeared in the network, in the signature to which her name and another girl mentioned. And although soon the viewers of the transmission came to the conclusion that the participants of the "House 2" roller did not have a relationship, it was easier for hope. And soon the female half of the participants spoke in favor of removing Ermacova from the project.

The awareness of Hope played to her hand: Yermakov was invited to the Britelki group, speaking in the style of Dubstep, in the company Karina Kleimynovova and Leisan Zakirova, but the team did not take fame.

Despite the uncertainty of relationships, during his stay on telestroy, the hope, according to her, he was experiencing strong and sincere feelings. Care from the project was a good check, which helped to identify real friends: a part that was considered as followed, and someone, on the contrary, appeared.

Personal life

For four years of life, Nadezhda did not meet her beloved, but changed outwardly. The girl did not hide that, like some other participants, resorted to the plastic - corrected the shape of the nose and increased the chest, and also turned into a blonde. Photo with conversion of appearance Nadia without constraint is divided into "Instagram".

After the show, Ermakova remained in Moscow, although he never planned to live in the capital, worked as the editor of the official site "House 2". After the position passed to, Hope was casting director and creative editor of reality. In addition, to some extent, I implemented a dream about the role of the TV presenter - acts on this quality on the TV-Mall channel, on the cable "Once-TV" in a pair with Vel show "Simply speaking." According to rumors, Nadia was preparing his own program on the TV channel "Home", but did not come to the ether.

In addition, Yermakova was responsible for the creative and content of the project "House 2. News", for which she offered the viewers to send photos and video to email. The authors of particular interesting messages promised to invite to shoot the transfer.

On vacation in Egypt Nadya met Ramji Jabiyev, a native of Azerbaijan. On the eve of the new 2013, the guy made an Ermacan offer and presented a ring. But this expected wedding did not take place.

According to hope, she never smoked, strong alcohol drinks only in cocktails, in large quantities consumes sweets, sometimes at night and sitting in bed. On weekends, the girl likes to sleep until lunch, in addition, uses energy cocktails, although it is aware of their harm, and does not come out of the house without makeup.

Nadezhda Ermakova now

In 2017, during the casting in Novosibirsk, the hope was discharged that once left the show in highly upset feelings, but found love outside the frame. Selected Ermacova - Sumor Engineer "House 2" by name Artyom. The novel developed violently, young people swore, diverged, then again converged. Nadia said that he considered normal when people marry in the first year of relationship, they are with Artyom together for more than two years.

Moreover, the blonde literally "knocked out" from the guy offer to marry: leaving on vacation and gave a month to reflections: either they diverge, or marry. Upon return, the girl received a gift - a bouquet of flowers and a ring of white gold with a diamond.

About the future Money Nadia responds as a calm, proud and consistent person. Even gifts Artem gives such that can come in handy in everyday life or in life. Whereas Ermakova, on his own recognition, a chaos man. The wedding of the young planned for the spring of 2018 and gave money to an unusual celebration - something like the thematic photo shoot, without a tomad and relatives.

Nadezhda Yermakova is well acquainted with the permanent viewers of the popular TV show "Dom-2". The girl was a rating participant of the project for several years. Here she had several bright memorable novels with young people, who, unfortunately, did not end with a legitimate marriage. After leaving the blonde from the program there are many different rumors. They say that allegedly hopefully engaged in business, married, and indeed left the capital forever. Let's try to figure out what is true here, and what - fiction.

Life to the project

Nadezhda Ermakova was born in the city of Orel on March 5, 1984. Her childhood has passed here. Brought up her mother who worked as an educator in the boarding school. It is known that Nadi has brother Artem. It was not easy for her mom to lift two children without her husband. But she tried to give them a maximum of what could. From the early years, Nadu has shown himself as an interesting study at school, she wrote poems, participated in various contests, was engaged in dancing. Perhaps this is exactly what led our heroine to the Institute of Art and Culture, which she successfully graduated in the specialty "Director Theater". Nadia, by all means decided to become a famous TV presenter. But in his youth, she had to change a lot of professions. She posed as a model to artists, worked in the Casting Department of the Advertising Agency and even traded clothes in the market in their own tent. When height 174 cm, the girl was seriously thought about the career of the fashion model. To this end, she visited many different castings. On one of them, organized by the TNT channel, were sampled for the role of participants in the popular program "Dom-2". Hopefully held him with success.

TV show "Dom-2"

The biography of Ermakova's hope is full of interesting facts. It is worth remembering at least her bright arrival on the "Dom-2" program. The girl appeared in the wedding dress and immediately announced his sympathy to one of the most rating participants - Rustam Solntsev. It was 25 April 2007. Nadu's appearance at that time was far from ideal. Her bright red curls probably remember the constant program viewers. Further, the public will observe how the girl in the literal sense of the word will turn out of the garde duckling in a beautiful swan.

Relationships on the project

In the project, Nadezhda stayed for more than four years. During this time, she had several memorable novels with young people. Relations with Rustam Solntsev immediately did not hold down. Another bright member took care of the girl, their relationship quickly turned into love. The young man had serious intentions. Having made a favorite offer, he took the girlfriend to his homeland, in the Caucasus to introduce his parents. It seemed that young people were fine. But the wedding of Hope Yermakova did not take place. She did not say "yes" immediately in response to Sasha's proposal, which soon regretted. In relations of young people began problems. Alexandra upset the girl's uncertainty. Photographs appeared on which it was captured by his meetings with beauties per perimeter. At first, Nadia, feeling his guilt, forgot the treason of her beloved. But it did not lead to anything good. The young man was soon in the arms of Olga Sokol. Subsequently, it was this girl he made a proposal. After Sasha, our heroine had several novels with guys who were also ended with nothing. It lasted until the girl met Gleb Strawberry. This bright participant was very beautifully cared for her, arranged romantic dates. Their relationship lasted 8 months. During this time, they had everything: and tears, and swearing, and parting, and reconciliation. The young man also made our heroine offer. True, this time married hope did not come. Soon the couple broke up.

Broken dreams

After a relationship with Gleb Strawberry, Nadezhda Yermakova has long come to himself. Its frequent breakdowns, "sobs in the closet", depressed has become a reason for jokes and laughter of other project participants. Women's half, having consisted that Nadya has already achieved everything that wanted to the TV show, decided to remove her on the next voting. It happened on July 1, 2011. The girl did not expect such a trick from his girlfriends. With tears in his eyes, she left Telestroyka. Nadia did not become a famous TV presenter, as dreamed. This role was given to another participant of the project - Olga Buzova. For several years of staying on the program, the girl did not meet that the only one who would take her hand and led the gate in a beautiful fairy tale. The only consolation for her was the awareness of how it changed outwardly. Now Nadya was a blond slim beauty, which all men turned around.

Return to Moscow

Nadezhda Yermakov returned to the native city after the project. 2014 was happy for her. But about it a little later. In Orel, she became famous. The girl was recognized on the streets. She began to receive interesting offers for work. But Moscow still manila her. And hope decided to return to the capital. At first she had no easy. Numerous castings and samples were unsuccessful. But soon, luck smiled at our heroine: she was invited to the role of the leading program "Simply speaking" on the "Once-TV" channel. Its colleague became unsolicited and after the appearance of the girl on the air she received a proposal to get into the PRITELKI Female Female group.

On the transfer "Let's get married"

The program "Simply speaking" is not the only one on the air of Ermakova Nadezhda. "Dom-2" is a project that brought her fame. Now it is often invited to take part in a particular show. The first time on the transfer of "let's get married" Nadia appeared in October 2011 as a bride. The girl stated that she dreams of great love, strong family and children. Of the three grooms, our heroine did not choose anyone. However, she attracted each of them. Going to the room to the bridegroom, she suggested a young man to go out and support her. According to rumors, she met this guy for a while. However, these relationships did not lead to anything. The program "Let's get married" Nadia came once more, but as a girlfriend of the bride.


Hope for happiness

Finally, our heroine has gained personal happiness. The fans of the TV show "Dom-2" hoped that this time the wedding of the blonde will take place, and her dreams will come true. Positive shifts are observed not only in the personal life of Hope Ermakova, but also in her career. Information appeared that she received a favorable offer from organizers at once two major capital strip clubs. Now Nadia will be a PR director of the following establishments: Show Girls and Golden Girls. The girl is sure that she is waiting for her success on this field. Now she will show everything that is capable.

Nadezhda Ermakova was one of the most striking participants of the Dom-2 project. Even a few years after leaving, the interest of the viewers to this outstanding girl does not fade away.

Fans are concerned about how Nadezhda Ermakov lives after the project? The ex-participant herself told reporters about a long path from depression, betrayal of friends, self-analysis to significant changes, improvements and attempts to find themselves in other TV projects.

She recently shocked the audience with news that he had made two plastic surgery at once. The girl corrected the nose shape and increased the chest. Ermakova Hope before and after plastics willingly demonstrate the results on its page in "Instagram". She is also interested in the opinion of subscribing subscribers.

She had a rather positive attitude towards plastic surgery. Hope with joy boasts the results of plastic operations. Before the changes, the girl possessed the usual appearance, clearly had some flaws, which were reflected on everything - the character, manner of behavior, style and appearance.

In June 2016, Nadezhda Yermakova, after the operation, showed a new bust in the best light and shared his feelings. Nadia wrote on her page that before her bust was asymmetric and small. Now she has become the owner of a beautiful big breast of the third size.

The nose of the hopes of Ermakova after rhinoplasty also changed a little.

The back of the nose has acquired accuracy, and the tip is refinement. The ex-participant of Telestroyka had long dreamed of changing her appearance and finally her dream came true.

She quietly answers questions on the plastic subscribers, lays out the photographs of the reducing period, shots before and after and speaks of impressions.

Nadezhda Yermakova and plastic "became friends", however, the girl received not only a sea of \u200b\u200bcompliments from fans, but also criticism. Commentators noted that the new appearance did not give the hoping of the gloss and the desired aristocraticity. But hope does not respond to criticism and continues to be improved from cosmetologists: on a page in the social network, it tells about the filling of the hyaluronic acid of nasty grooves and injections from mimic wrinkles.

In the new image, Nadezhda Yermakova feels fine, and bright photos in the social network serve as confirmation.

With this article read:

- The well-known participant of the famous Realistic Show "Dom-2". Appeared on telestroy in the distant 2007 and, despite the incredible appearance, actively tried to build relations with guys, and with the most tops.

At first, a little before the wedding, the case did not reach the case, which in Ossetia drove it, and with his parents introduced.

All viewers and participants of the reality show were firmly convinced that the wedding is not far from the mountains and Nadezhda Ermakov, the peppy long stocking of the TV project (so she called himself herself) is about to change the surname to Gobozov! It did not happen ... did not happen.

Also quickly, as the fire of love between a simple girl and hot Ossetian, as quickly and went out, despite all the efforts of Nadi Yermakova to preserve the heat of feelings.

The girl was not desperate and no less hot and hopelessly later fell in love with. Ended the pre-wedding story with Gleb Strawberry is just as unpromisingas the first. In both cases, Nadezhda Yermakova, happily believes in the love of the partner, they suffered from rudeness and a little later unfamiliarity of guys.

After leaving the project, the participant of the telestroy was not lost. She was taken to the team "House-2, where she worries and to this day. For all of his 33 years Nadezhda Yermakova almost got married 6 times. It was so much unsuccessful attempts to create a family with a restless girl. But she found her fate exactly over the perimeter of the project.

Her young man Artem noticed Ermakov then when she was still in the TV. Already then he liked the directness and openness of Nadi, her honest actions in relation to the partner.

Met guys two years ago and almost immediately began to live together. Over the years it was all: and stormy quarrels, and tender reconciliation. They even diverged several times, and, it seemed, the opposite of character would not allow them to create a family.

Artem is a calm, balanced young, serious man. He even tries to give what it will definitely be able to serve for a very long time and come in handy in everyday life: electronics, kitchenware. Hope is a hurricane of emotions and a fountain of energy! In her vision of courtship and gifts should be even useless, but so pleasant! For example, balloons all over the floor or rose petals ...

But, apparently, the truth is said that the opposites are attracted. Artem managed to make her a completely unexpected and most pleasant surprise, which Nadezhda Yermakova has already ceased to dream.

Leaning on vacation, she collapsed with her young man to eat! It seemed their relationships just went into a dead end and solving all problemsMost likely there will be the final parting of the guys. It is with such sad thoughts that the former participant of the reality show and left the beloved. And when I returned - I was met by Artem with a huge bouquet of flowers and the engagement ring!

This article is often read:

You will be my wife! - She stated her young man, - Marry me!

Nadezhda Ermakova was on the seventh heaven from happiness. And, naturally, did not argue! Modestly, and at the same time happily, replied: "Yes, I agree!".

Information that Nadezhda Ermakova married appeared in the media in 2017. Leaving on vacation she did not just collapse with her young man, but practically set him an ultimatum! Or, in the end, they give their relationship a logical conclusion and marry, or already part forever, without any hope for reconciliation! But what decision will take it to Artem, it really did not know before the latter and was very worried about this, so it turned out to be immensely glad that her boyfriend took the right decision.

For a famous magazine, she revealed another secret of their difficult relationships. It turns out that her young man really wants children and if Nadezhda became pregnant, then at the same time they would receive a cherished ring with a brilliant, and the proposal of the hand and hearts!

- But I'm not ready for the birth of children! - Girl admitted, - I plans - the development of his own career.

In the meantime, negotiations are underway about the upcoming celebration. Future married couple gave money for a wedding, which will definitely become the main event of their livelihood!

Nadezhda Ermakova plans everything in detail, has already chosen samples of two dresses for the upcoming wedding! The venue of the festival and the guest list is discussed. Time to prepare an exemplary wedding guys gave themselves exactly half a year.

During this period, future newlyweds are confident that in detail will prepare everything to the main event of their living together. Knowing Ermakov, you can not doubt it! In addition, I want to believe that at last a 33-year-old girl after so many attempts to marry, will acquire this family happiness with a 31-year-old Artem, which, like nobody fits the former participant of telestroy.

By the way, this wedding has gone to her earlier Roma. Once she told the girl that she would marry at 33 years old. We hope so it will happen!