Personal life of Russian stars. Show Business Stars

Personal life of Russian stars. Show Business Stars

The life and creativity of actors, singers, directories, writers and other well-known people always cause great interest in the viewer. Their views, aspirations and fate are a whole world filled with vivid events, struggle for recognition, personal happiness and self-realization in creativity. Touch this distant universe helps transmission about stars of show business, art, sports and great politics.

A few decades ago, "stars" called the most popular actors, singers, ballet artists. Such personalities like Greta Garbo, Vivien Lee, Marlene Dietrich, Rudolph Nuriev or Frank Sinatra, were on an inaccessible for the "simple mortal" height. Their names themselves were called - and still cause - a reverent fan. Only coming to a living performance or buying a ticket to the cinema, you could touch their radiance at least a droplet.

The personal life of the stars was often shrouded in a dense curtain of secrets, and it was even more separated by the audience from their idols. To the joy of fans of the talent of famous personalities, times have changed. Now the latest news about the favorite screen heroes can be found from the mass of interesting telecasts, which are created with one goal - to satisfy the inexhaustible curiosity of the audience.

About celebrities

Modern stars of show business do not make secrets from their lives, with pleasure share with accomplishments and plans with grateful fans. And if previously television programs about celebrities were a big rarity - the viewers were waiting for them, afraid to skip the time of the ether, - now you can see the concert or interview the star online at any time.

Telecasts in which the story of the life of Ceboribritis is intertwined with the stories of people, personally with them familiar with them, are particularly popular. It is always curious to learn what is the one or another famous personality in an ordinary life, what is her character, habits, how to combine creativity with the life and search for personal happiness. A look at this angle allows you to open a star with a new, sometimes very unexpected side.

Personal life without taboo

In modern show business reigns a colossal competition. The recognized actors and musicians constantly feel that they are literally "on his heels" yesterday's graduates of theatrical schools and not yet very popular performers. To survive in such violent conditions, you have to warm up the interest of the viewer, communicating with him, and sometimes provoking.

Many celebrities are not bent and "black PR". They themselves launch the global network of fresh "fried" facts, causing a splash of interest to their own person. Famous people are ready to share the most intimate with a huge audience, for which truly fabulous times have come true. Now you can easily learn about favorites exciting news and fresh gossip. And not to miss all the most exciting help the archive of video and gear from television channels.

New TV broadcasts about stars

The so-called "homely" format of the gear about Celabritis won great popularity when the celebrities invite the film crew to visit themselves and in an informal setting talk about their own life. While at home, surrounded by the usual things and native people, the heroes are revealed in a new way. One of them detects unusual hobbies, others have secret passions.

Watching such television shows are always very interesting. In addition, in 2017 there were a lot of them. Now there is no need to miss the evenings, sorry that the interesting release of the favorite program was missing. A huge video and TV archive is always at hand. Simple navigation will help quickly choose the desired plot and enjoy it in a relaxed home environment. The stars have long become closer, clearer and warmer. The viewer remains only to make a couple of clicks to make sure that personally.

The life of celebrities, their actions, words - all this causes genuine interest of the press. However, the stars themselves are happy to positive and give interviews to reporters that make up the secular news of the Russian show business.!

If you read about the life of celebrities, then in a magazine publishing reliable facts. The lighting of the secular chronicle is special art, and our correspondents really own them. The secular news of the business show of Russia appear in a journal with enviable regularity, while the articles are supplied with interesting photos and interviews. Star marriages, awards at film festivals, birthdays, tired of star couples - reading our magazine, you will learn about everything first.

News of the secular life of Russia

To get to the closed party or to be at the prestigious film ceremony can not everyone. But to find out about everything in detail and without excessive gloves can easily be able to every Womanhit magazine. Slebny news are not taken out of the air, we get their first-hand - from the most famous and influential persons of the show business. Often, the stars themselves invite media representatives to visit visitors - in economically communicating over a cup of tea, we will learn "hot" news and interesting details. You can read about them in the heading "visiting stars."

Receiving reports from weddings, festivals, filmmaster, we immediately publish them. This is how it creates secular news about the stars of Russia.

Online magazine for modern women is only useful articles and only the latest secular news of the Russian show business. Living interesting and brightly, our readers do not get tired to rejoice, wonder, dream!

Recent gossip and rumors about celebrities, news show business from Russia read on our website. As the official site of the journal "Antenna", we are the first to publish rumors about the pregnancy of stars, scandalous photos of paparazzi, videos and exclusive interviews for 2018. Our editorial office holds a hand on the pulse, in order for the news of the show business of Russia and Western countries to consist not much of the scandals, but also told Celabriti's personal life in a good sense of the word. The Hearst Shkulev Media Publishing House is recognized as a leader in the field of glossy fashion and the latest secular news in show business, which allows readers to be one step ahead, learning the first about future trends, fashion collections and fashion-collaborations. To be aware of fashion, culture, cinema, music and getting prizes for it, follow contests in the show business news section, leave your comments and win prizes! Within some, the news of the show business is considered to be the yellow news of the press, unconfirmed rumors about the personal life of celebrities. Fortunately, not all publications adhere to the course: "The worse you write about the stars, the more readers you have." We publish news about the stars from reliable sources, without adding and without detraining their merit, and our Circling Circle is wide. The only criterion is your response, which is measured by your comments, social signals and letters to the editor. Now you know how and hard work on our pages is published today's news news from all over Russia, we are glad that you are our permanent reader! Let's go through the history of show business in Russia. An interesting fact is that show business in Russia, as such, originates in 1854, when the Directorate of Kaznaya Theaters began to organize ideas. But then the mechanism of the spread of posters was not debugged, there was no gramography and cinema. Over the years, the industry has developed, PR technologies and stars appeared, not leaving the headlines of newspapers and magazines (New Mazeker - the news of the news show business and movies, which is most often mentioned in news headlines). Now that the Russian show business, television news and Internet publications are one coordinated mechanism, we are seeing his penetration in the social network. In the era of digital technologies, the cost of creating content in show business decreased significantly. Self-founded independent performers appeared, who do not even remove the clips, and in popularity are not inferior to high-cost dinosaurs of show business. The current newsale meters are with daily minor news through instagram, and on the mention of their behalf in social networks Facebook and VKontakte are counting on who was the most popular person of the year. But there is also the reverse side of the medal who almost soared the entertainment media market. All content can be downloaded for free on the Internet. It may well, that with our films and albums, copyright infringement occurs less frequently. Thanks to this, today show business is alive not only on scenes, but also in news, sports and cinema. On our site there are news show business in the mobile version, and in social network groups, you can subscribe to the daily update and watch celebrities through the Friend Rent.

It seems we know about the show business. All bones are placed, dirty underwear is processed. But this is an absolute misconception.

The new project of NTV "Secret Show Business" is a look at the entertainment industry at an unexpected angle. What happens behind the scenes of our show business is similar to a confusing detective whose heroes are people with character, with a dense, with a double bottom and often with the dark past. In fact, show business, like chess: there shadow players cleverly manipulate those whom we call the stars.

We used to notice only what on stage, the show itself, and the business remains there, behind the scenes. What legs does this closed world live? Who are they - Gray Cardinals of Entertainment Klondiac? NTV will first show the opposite side of the fairy tale and tell the genuine history of the Russian show business.

The program was created in the best traditions of investigative journalism. No emotions and rumors are only specific evidence and documents. There are no housekeepers and offended fans - only people who really make decisions in the world show business. At the same time, the spectacle promises to be exciting: the facts will be set forth in the form of a detective story with brilliant surveys and reconstructions and action-scenes.

In the role of the "Special Incident", the next confusing history, the leading program of Dmitry Shtokolov will perform - an experienced journalist with connections in the field of show business. He does not hide: "This is really a closed world, about which we know little. Real matrix. And we show only what we want to see, even when we are how they are allowed for the scenes. What is actually happening there is a conventional viewer can enter into a shock state. Moreover, most of those who manage this to all, never fall into the lens of the camera. And in order to stay incognito, they are ready for everything ... "

Live ether and all issues of the program, see NTV.Ru.

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  • Show Business Stars

    Want to be aware of the most relevant news about the stars? Do you like to watch celebrity photos? On our portal you will learn all the most interesting: photos of celebrities, personal life of stars of show business, star tips, interviews, photo reports from the latest events. The stars of show business every minute are in sight of everyone, but it is always interesting for us to learn a little more about them. Here you will find the most recent information and you can always keep your hand on the events' pulse. We hear about the stars of show business: radio, television, internet and glossy magazines simply die about the life of our idols. However, this topic still remains interesting to us. Reading such news is not just a way to pass time and distracting a little from pressing problems. The life of the stars of show business is a kind of example for each of us. Someone will try on themselves advice on proper nutrition from his beloved actress and, maybe, inspiring her example, will discover yoga or kickboxing. Someone will take for an example of the stability of the character of the famous actor. Someone will decide to become like her idol and finally take up their style in clothes. Someone will be interested in comparing photos of celebrities in real life and in glossy processing, as well as pictures on which the perfect heroine of the secular chronicle is posing without makeup, and it will be a reason to think about whether we are not too idealizing stars and strive to be like them ? After all, they, in essence, ordinary people, and should not stupid themselves for the fact that your figure is not similar to the forms of Kim Kardashian or hair are not so magnificent, like the faith of Brezhnev. However, with photographs of celebrities, you can learn new ideas for your own life. Everyone will find what to inspire and how to start changing your life for the better. Our site will be in this great help, because we are publishing even a photo of naked celebrities with red tracks! Here you will find the biographies of actors of film, famous TV presenters, singers and singers and other representatives of the world show business. On our portal you can read the biographies of both the most famous secular entries and information about the lives of those who prefer not to devote the public to the details of their personal life. With us you will find and stories that have made a lot of noise, and little-known facts that take attention. Read the biographies of actors and actresses, and perhaps you will find something interesting for yourself. This will allow you to open new faces in your idiot, learn your "pet" closer, and maybe you will find a few more unfamiliar characters worthy of your attention? Perhaps you want to watch movies with their participation? Read books written by them? Move the features of their style? All this will expand your own horizons - and without any effort. And maybe someone else's tragic experience will help you find a way out of a difficult life situation? In some cases, the experience of other people can become very illustrative and can contribute to the development of your own life experience. The biography of actors in this regard is just a storehouse of information, and most importantly - use it with benefit. To read the biographies of movie actors - it is also an extremely exciting process, from which it is impossible to break away. To find out who was the first love of your idol, how was the fate of the forgotten now, but so popular artists who looked like the rich and famous world of this in childhood, what did they dream about, what did they seek? How do you live now? What are you dreaming about? What principles are followed in the raising of children? How do relationships retain with their second half? How do they cope with stress, which in view of their dense graphic is simply inevitable? All of this you will learn on our portal. Stars of show business are people whose life is always under the suce's dozen cameras. However, on our portal you will always find something new and interesting. We publish the most pressing information: the latest news, reports from photo shoots and, on the contrary, to anyone unknown photographs of past years, details of personal life, as well as few people who are famous facts, star tips on their care and, in general, about life, detailed biographies And the lot of interesting things - it is impossible to tear off!