The pregnant wife Andrei Malakhov interrupted silence. The first photos of the pregnant wife Andrei Malakhov appeared

The pregnant wife Andrei Malakhov interrupted silence. The first photos of the pregnant wife Andrei Malakhov appeared
The pregnant wife Andrei Malakhov interrupted silence. The first photos of the pregnant wife Andrei Malakhov appeared

Andrei Malakhova's wife Natalia stated that he was not pregnant. "I want to tell you that i am not pregnant and replenish in the near future we do not expect. The page that allegedly leads in Instagram Andrei Malakhov, fake. He has an account only in Twitter. And I want to warn everyone in advance: when we will really expect replenishment, we will officially inform about it in all, and we will not make a secret from this, "the edition of the" Around TV "quotes Natalia Shkulev.


We will remind, the news that Andrei Malakhov and Natalia Shkuleva would soon become their parents, are obliged to instagram. It was there, in an account, which supposedly belongs to a popular TV presenter, a picture was published on which the showman hugs his beloved spouse. In the commentary to the photo stood a signature: "We have a big love and will soon be a little happiness!". Fans of the couple were indulcing, deciding that Andrei's wife would soon give him her firstborn.

By the way, stubborn rumors about pregnancy Natalia went last year after dinner of the Cartier jewelry brand. Schucheva attracted attention to the paparazzi with his figure. Reporters noted that the TV presenter's spouse recovered in those places that usually indicate a "interesting position". Natalia chose a bright dress to the floor with open shoulders. The attacked outfit stressed the blurred waist of the hollow and her full hands. However, Andrei denied this newspaper duck and advised his fans to not succumb to the provocations of media representatives.

Previously, the sharks of the pen, barely seeing a free dress and a hint of the rounded belly of Andrei's wife, immediately rushed to write that she was pregnant. but tV presenter associated himself for marriage back in June 2011But rumors about the soon replenishment in his family have not yet been confirmed.


We publish important news from the life of the popular Russian TV host Andrei Malakhov. Recently it became known that the TV presenter's wife Natalia Shkuleva survived the miscarriage several years ago, and the words of the famous numerologist and psychics were not embodied in life. Read more further in our material.

The TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, who was on the air of the First Channel, organized the real funeral, and in 2014 the firstborn should be born. However, his spouse Natalia Shkuleva could not bear the child.

Andrei Malakhov and his wife pregnant 2017 photos, what sex of the child: "We were waiting for a child": Malakhov spoke about the tragic pregnancy

The network continues to discuss the scandalous dismissal of the TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from the "First Channel", where he conducted the transfer "Let them say."

As noted earlier, one of the versions of the quarrel between the Malakhov and the producers of the show was a male leave, which supposedly a TV presenter asked in view of the fact that after a few months his wife Natalia Shkuleva gives birth to a child and she will need help.

According to the source, Malakhov admitted that he dreamed of becoming a father for the last six years, who live in marriage with the glue. In 2014, she became pregnant, but the birth of the baby, the star couple did not wait.

Andrei Malakhov and his wife pregnant 2017 photos, what sex of the child: the wife of Andrei Malakhov survived the miscarriage: the words of psychics about the child were not confirmed

It should be noted that one of the main news of the last time was the fact that Andrei Malakhov will be for the first time by the Father. Popular TV master who allegedly leaves from the first channel, together with his wife Natalia Shkuleva waiting for the firstborn. But, as it turned out, they experienced failures on this path.

Back in 2014, the TV presenter Andrei Malakhov was supposed to become a father : This was spoken by the famous numerologist Clara Kuzdenbayev A year before. But her words did not come true and only after a while they learned everyone, why.

"My forecast did not come true, and hitted: they say, the forecast for Malakhov was incorrect. And in 2015, in the anniversary of the hope of Babkina, we crossed the Andrey. I went to Malakhov and asked:" Andrew, I had to have in the past year. A child is born? "Malakhov suffered - it was clear that he was very worried. Then he replied:" Yes, we waited for a child, but he was not born. There was a miscarriage ... "" I said to him then: "Andrei, do not worry, still ahead!"

Andrei Malakhov and his wife pregnant 2017 photos, what sex of the child: the first photo! Pregnant wife Andrei Malakhov interrupted silence

It is worth noting that Andrei's spouse specially photographed so that the fans could not see her rounded belly. "As has changed ... The girl is waiting!", "Such touching, and the future motley recovered already", "happiness! Nice to look at you, "write followers of the spouses.

Joint photos of Natalia with TV presenter was made in Italy, where the star couple flew several days ago. Malakhov with a pregnant wife rest on the "Isle of billionaires". On Sardinia, by the way, now spends a vacation and 70-year-old Sophia Rotaru with his son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

In November 2017, Andrei Malakhov and his spouse Natalia Shkulev first became parents. Natalia gave birth to the firstborn in one of the clinical centers of the Moscow region "Lapino". According to one source, this happy event occurred on November 15, others indicate the date of the day later.

Births passed without complications, mom and kid feel good. The young dad in childbirth was not with his wife, but I looked forward to a happy event in the ward of a clinical hospital. Star Couple Fans almost immediately found out that Andrei Malakhov was born a son: Natalia Shkuleva gave birth. Known and details about the baby.

The well-being of a newborn baby

Malakhov and Shkuleva became parents. The boy was born on time, a real war. Its growth is 54 centimeters, weight 4,020 kg. He was born late in the evening. At night, Mom and the child rested, and the first feeding was already scheduled.

Happy dad after childbirth met with her son in the ward. Now he is looking forward to the moment when he can change the diaper himself.

Andrei Malakhova was born a son - photo from the hospital

The name of the baby pair has not yet chosen. Andrei suggests that you need to look at the nature of the child.

The news that Andrei Malakhov was born a son that Natalia Shkuleva gave birth was not a surprise. The fans knew that the firstborn must be born in November in November. Even despite the fact that future parents hid the interesting position of Natalia until the very moment it did not become apparent. In August 2017, fans of the emerging photographs in the network realized that Natalia was in a position and even correctly determined the term rounded tummy.

Andrei Malakhov and Natalia Shkulev very happy in marriage

In November, everyone was looking forward to the happy news. And here the couple pleased the fans with the news about the replenishment in their family. Andrei Malakhov for the first time became a father in 43 years old. Natalia at the moment is 37 years old. They finally, after six years of waiting, became happy parents.

Malakhov and his wife: Wife, Children

Recall that Andrei and Natalia became her husband and wife back in 2011, registering their relations on June 4th. On this day there was no magnificent holiday. Only the closest people gathered. But later the couple arranged a real celebration on this occasion in Versailles, which happened on June 13th.

Andrei and Natalia at work became acquainted, and they have twisted a real official novel. Andrew beautifully worked and made the proposal chief standing on one knee in the chic restaurant of New York. When happy Natalia accepted the offer, the staff of the restaurant and all the guests are loudly applauded. Many said that the newlyweds played a wedding only because Natalia is waiting for the baby. But, as obviously, rumors were not confirmed.

Andrei Malakhov did not hide his family happiness. He constantly spoke in an interview that he love his wife.

It is said that there was not one unsuccessful pregnancy. Despite this, after several years, Natalia delivered her husband to the news that they would soon become their parents. When it became apparent to others, Andrei said in his interview that he was looking forward to the moment when he was his father. They and Natalia only talked about the upbringing of the future heir.



Fans of the popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov considered the rounded belly of his spouse on one of the fresh photographs. 38-year-old Natalia only in November last year gave birth to Andrei Parabinets.

Birth took place in one of the elite near Moscow clinics. Malakhov after the birth of a son announced a vote for the best name for his child on the broadcast "direct ether". The leaders in the voting were the names of Nikolai and Alexander. As a result, Malakhov, together with his wife, stopped on behalf of Alexander.

And from the moment more than six months have passed. But now network users began to suspect the second pregnancy of Andrei Natalia's wife. The woman placed on the eve of his microblog in his microblog, at which the subscribers saw the "tummy". At the same time, the message in instagram was devoted to a completely different topic. Natalia simply showed how walking with his spouse, who tells her the latest news. But the subscribers more interested in the possible position of the wife of the famous TV presenter: "Natalia, are you pregnant? Admit "," Waiting for a child again? Congratulations! "," The stomach is clearly rounded, apparently this is the second pregnancy. "

But confirmation or refutation of this information from the wife of Malakhov or from him the most not yet followed. It is known that Andrei was very happy to appear his firstborn. He confessed that he regularly changes the son of diapers, and his parents (grandparents and a newborn baby) buy a variety of toys. The TV presenter claims that his heir is particularly very similar to Father Natalia.

The other day, Andrei also gave a great interview, which summed up the results of the left television season and announced a new one. Malakhov stated that he would no longer answer questions about his care from the first channel. He advised everyone to focus on the present and the future. In a new television season, he said, the audience is waiting for several surprises. But the more specific details did not disclose. Malakhov confessed that he was very good on the channel "Russia 1". He praised the team gathered here, called them in large professionals, and also separately noted his new TV show "Hello, Andrei!". The TV host claims that only in the studio of this musical tele show can relax and laugh, remembering various funny stories and cases.

August 25, 2017.

Natalia Shkuleva will be a mom in November.

The 45-year-old TV presenter Andrei Malakhov and 37-year-old Natalia Shkuleva this fall will first become parents. All six years of marriage of the TV presenter with the publisher of glossy media magazines with a periodicity once a year wrote that the couple would soon have a child. And here's a happy event happened! In November, Natasha and Andrei will become parents.

Malakhov glows from happiness, he dreamed so long ago to become dad. True, now he will rarely appear at home: Andrei became not only the lead project "Andrei Malakhov. Direct ether, but also producer. He also prepares several new prime ministers. Natasha patiently awaits her husband's husband in the evenings, and during the day he supports his messages and MMS.

In the Studio of the "Direct Ether" program, Natalia Shkuleva came to support her husband: attended her husband's makeup, helped to collect before the ether. The rounded tummy of the famous publisher is already noticeable, despite the free outfits. Immediately after the air, Natasha reversed the shoes on high heels and went home in comfortable slippers.