New composition of Aria. Historically significant departure of Kipelov from the legendary group

New composition of Aria. Historically significant departure of Kipelov from the legendary group
New composition of Aria. Historically significant departure of Kipelov from the legendary group

Why did Kipelov left the aria? The answer to this question cannot be unequivocal, since the adoption of such a serious and responsible decision is rarely a consequence of an emotional impulse. There was no exception and care of the soloist of the Aria.

The decision to leave the team appeared in Kipineov long before the final gap with Aria: the reason for this was a difficult relationship as with the leadership of the team and between the musicians themselves. The composition of the Aria changed repeatedly: the cult rock group experienced a lot of shocks and splits. Care Kipelova, who became the "face" of Aria, meant the birth of a completely different team.

From the history of rock ensemble

1. The basis of the future rock group was the vocal instrumental ensemble "Singing Hearts", director of whose director of which was created to create a fundamentally new team that meets modern listeners.

For this purpose, young musicians began to be invited to the ensemble, who were provided with complete freedom of creative self-realization and the use of the technical potential of the team. In 1983, Vitaly Dubinin came to the new ensemble for a while, subsequently left him in order to obtain vocalist qualifications in the famous "Gnesinka".

2. Two years later, a canvastin (canvas) and Granovsky (Alik) came to the ensemble, and after the collapse of the vocal-instrumental ensemble, "Pole, the song" he acquired a new vocalist Valery Kapirelov.

It was Granovsky and Holvlyinin (former accompanying musicians of the group) belonged to the initiative to create a parallel group, which trial in the stylistry of Hevi-metal. At this point, Vohextein still remained director and manager of a new team.

3. The name "Aria" appeared thanks to the canvasin, which for three days it studied a dictionary of foreign words in search of the definition, ideally reflecting the essence of the music executable.

The word Aria, on which he chosen his choice, won it not only with sound, but also by the fact that it can be written both by Russian and Latin font. For ambitious young musicians, recognition of not only domestic, but also foreign fans was extremely important.

4. The first studio album, the work on which was completed on the last day of October 1985, marked the birth of a new group. It is this date that is considered the official day of its creation.

5. On February 5, 1986, the first speech of the Aria group took place. The musicians first worked on the heating of the public, performing new compositions in the style of Hevi-Metal, and in the second branch of the concert there were already as parties to the group "Singing Hearts".

6. 1986 brought the Aria's success at once on two rock festivals: "Lituanic-86" noted the speech of the group with a special prize. Rock Panorama-86 honored the Aryans at once two awards: technical support and anti-war compositions received a high assessment.

7. Soviet television could not stay aside from the emergence of a new interesting team and included a piece of the Aria festival program to the popular youth program "Funny guys". So Aria first appeared on television screens.

Double life "Aryans"

Almost half a year of an aria that does not possess official status and does not have the approval of the Committee on Culture, was at a semi-legal position. On the bills, the ensemble "Singing Hearts" was concerned on the billboard, and two different teams played at concerts.

The first branch was given to the compositions of Aria, and during the second the same musicians accompanied by Antonina Zhmakova. Such metamorphoses were possible only during the tour in provincial towns, in which there was no hard ideological control characteristic of the capital. Of course, such trials were conjugate with a huge risk (both for the musicians themselves and for the director covering them).

The name of the group and the program of its solo concerts were officially approved by the Commission of the Ministry of Culture in September 1986, largely due to the tricks of the Amextein director.

One of the hectares of Vixedin was a framing with the asscription authorship. The author of one of the compositions was announced a member of the Union of Composers David Tukhmanov, and the lyrics of Torroo was allegedly written by Federico Garcia Lorca.

History of conflicts and splits

Dissatisfaction of musicians (associated with financial issues and disagree on the compositions executed by them) accompanied the group throughout the entire period, while the leadership of the team remained versatility.

In the fall of 1988, Aria is fully leaving Verstein and goes to the manager Yuri Fishkina. Aria did not fall due to the position of Kipelov, which decided to preserve the integrity of the collective and cede the strict requirements of the Guitarist of the Canvyanin and Vocalist of the Dubinin, who created the composition for the new album to this point.

In 1994, the Group performed a two-week tour of Germany. Due to the auditory organization, as a result of which the musicians did not even have the demolition conditions of residence, "Aryans" did not receive a penny. The scandal broke out about this, originally addressed against the organizers of the trip, led to the next split of the team.

After the German tour of Kipelov received an invitation to the master group and speaking some time with her. It was a forced step aimed at solving financial difficulties. Forever to leave Aria Singer at that time did not plan. However, the rest of the "Aryans" painfully took his care and as a replacement took to the group of vocalist Alexei Bulgakov. This circumstance was the reason for the complete cessation of relations between the Kipel and Aryans.

For some time, Kipelov appears in a pair with Gitarist Sergey Maurine left from Aria. The basis of the program "Back to the Future" was the songs of Aria and the Caver version of the compositions of foreign rock bands.

In the summer of 1995, Bulgakov leaves Aria, as a result of which the group remains again without a vocalist. Alexander Morozov (whose company signed a five-year contract with Aria) demanded the return of Kipelov to the team under threat of paying a major penalty for the contract breakdown. Taking part in the record of a new album, the singer reunited with the group.

When did the group lose the soloist?

By the end of 2001, the relationship between the Aryans was so intense (recording the album "Chimera", the musicians recorded and minimize their parties separately) that Kipelov proposed to temporarily dissolve the group and give solo concerts.

Canvynin (canvas) and Dubinin (Oak) flatly refused this proposal, arguing this by the fact that the new songs for the next album are almost ready. In response to this categorical, Kipelov refused to participate in this record.

Farewell tour of the old composition of Aria (called "Green Mile") passed in the summer of 2002. The final concert of Aria took place on the last day of August at the stadium of Luzhniki. His name ("Judy Day") was symbolic, since it was after him from Aria who left Kipelov (kip), Manyakin (Manya) and Terentyev (loss).

On September 1, 2002, the musicians who left Aria created a new group of Kipelov. Sergey Mavrin and Alexey Kharkov joined them.

Canvynin tried to return Valery Kipelova in Aria. Negotiations took place, but ended with nothing, because Kipelov agreed to return only with Terenttev and Manyakin, and they were denied return to the group.

Final care from the scene

Why did the Aria group dispensed?

The leading role in the final split of the team belongs to Rena Lee (who became the administrator of the group of Kipelov). Her arrival in Aria was marked by the scandalous dismissal of the former director. The aria of that period has already treated the number of cult groups, but the rates of her speeches were extremely low.

A year later, Harley-Davidson proposed a group of sponsorship support. At the same time, the producer Yuri Sokolov begins to work with the group, with a light hand of which one of the Aria compositions becomes a song of the year after scrolling on the "New Radio". As a result of this cooperation, the team rating significantly rose. Musicians received from Sokolov offer to sign a contract.

The contract with Sokolov loosen the position of Rena Lee, therefore, using close relationships with Kipelov, she led a double game. After anchlagic concerts in a number of large cities and three triumphal performances in Moscow Luzhniki in the summer of 2002, she persuaded Terentyev and Manyakina to take part in a new project.

The final departure of Kipelov from Aria was due to conflict with one of the leaders of the group, the guitarist canvas.

A significant role in the collapse of the team also played and permanent financial conflicts arising both between the group participants and in relations with the administrative group.

"Aria" is rooted in the youth of its future participants, when they were students of the Moscow Energy Institute. The test team created by the future musicians "Aria" lived for a short time and soon collapsed. When, finally, Vladimir Holystinin and Alik Granovsky, under the ready leadership of Viktor Verkhstein, formed their own team, luring towards Kapirellov, Lviv and Pokrovsky, and recorded their first studio album "Mania Major" in 1985, then the legendary group was born.

A little later, Bolshakov came to "Aria", and Molchanov replaced Lviv on the drums. The first time the band led a few underground lifestyle, but since 1986 active tours starts and recording a new album "with whom you?" in the current composition. The group is gaining popularity, conquering and radio.

By the next year, the composition changes again. Rows of "Aryans" replenish Vitaly Dubinin and Maxim Delov - a new drummer group. Mavrine also comes. The group writes the vinyl record "Hero Asphalt".

In 1988, filming the first clip "Aria", on the song "Rose Streets". Before burning the next album, the team goes to large-scale overseas tour to Germany and Bulgaria. Inside the team, the conflict is exacerbated due to discontent of the musicians by Viktor Verkhetin's policies. As a result, the band is forced to part with his manager. The "Aria" also occurs transformations, and their fourth album team records with the new drummer - Alexander Manyakin.

Dubinin and Mavrin leave for Germany for several months, and at this time the group successfully touches with session musicians. Later, the most famous albums are becoming a consequence of the painstaking work: "blood for blood" in 1991, then "night shorter day" 1993.

1994 marked for "Aria" a large contract with Moroz Records. Old group albums are reprinted. In 1996, the first concert album "Aria".

Next year, musicians are engaged in solo projects. In 1998, the group is going again to record the next record - "Evil Generator". In 1999, the team records the best ballads and cavities in a single collection "2000 and one night".

The beginning of the new century "Aria" meets the new album "Chimera" 2001, as well as the first performance at the Festival "Invasion". Valery Kipelov leaves the group along with Maurin and Manyakin. Further work occurs in the following composition: Dubinin, Holvestin, Berkut, Delets and Popov.

By 2006, "Aria" is gaining increasing popularity, the release of singles and giving numerous concerts. Comes the following album of the group - "Armageddon".

In 2008, for a large-scale tour dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the Album "Hero of Asphalt", the team unites with Kipel and Maurines. It was a sign event for both groups. In 2010, Aria gives a lot of major concerts in different cities of Russia.

In 2011, a new vocalist joins the group, which Mikhail Limitsky became. In such a composition, the group records its eleventh album - "Phoenix", continuing to exist to this day, pleaseing his fans.

Contribution to the development of Russian rock music

"Aria" is a unique team with many years of history. This group is among the ten most popular Russian rock bands. She made a considerable contribution to the development of the musical direction of the heavy metal in its traditional, English manner.

Former members of the team created their own musical projects and successfully engage in creativity of a similar direction. These are such groups as: "Kipelov", "Mavrin", "Master", "Arthur Berkut" and "Artery".

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Biography, Life History of the Aria Group

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a group that plays an uncompromising Heavy Metal, was born from Vladimir Colassinin for a long time, while his collaboration with Sergei Sarychev and Alpha Group.

In Alp, Vladimir met Alik Granovsky. Sharing its ideas, Vladimir found a like-minded person in him, and soon the guys started working on their first album. By the beginning of 1985, most of the material was ready, the question of the recording studio and vocalist remained open. At this time, Alik and Vladimir get acquainted with Viktor Vikthein - hearing the material, he decides to become a manager of the future group and provides the guys their studio to record the album. Vocalist found quite quickly - they became Valery Kipelov.

The name of the group was invented by Vladimir Holyninin - the word "aria", except for the shortest possible writing, both in Russian and in English, carried a certain meaning: the fans and musicians of the group immediately began to call "Aryans".

Alexander Lviv (drums) and Kirill Pokrovsky (keyboards) took part in the record of the first album. A professionally played album turned out to be so unlike all Rock, who performed at the time in the USSR, that the group was immediately noticed and evaluated fans of serious, heavy music.

On the album, all the parties were recorded by one guitarist, but for the speech at the concerts, the second was needed. Andrei Bolshakov became them. Igor Molchanov (played with Vladimir and Alkom in Alpha), replaced Alexander Lvov for the drums. The first concert of Aria took place on February 5, 1986 in DC MAI. Most of those present agreed that the group is very promising, but it was enough ill-wishers. Pessimistic forecasts were not justified - soon Aria became the winner of the "Rock Panorama-86" laureate, and at the Festival "Leanique-86", held in Vilnius, receives a prize for professionalism. And although the press persistently bypassing a group of silence, Aria continues to rapidly go up, collecting the full halls.

In November 1986, the group releases its second album "with whom you?". By the time of his release in the group, a real split, the reasons of which were both dissatisfaction with the administrative policy of Viktor Verkhstein and the disagreements of musicians in the question of the further style of the group. After a tour of the tour in January 1987, Aria leave, expressing the desire to play another music, Alik Granovsky, Andrei Bolshakov, Igor Molchanov and Kirill Pokrovsky.

Continued below

Soon Vitaly Dubinin (friend Vladimir is still on the institute and colleague on the "Magic Twilight") comes to the Bass Gitarist (friend of Vladimir), Sergey Mavrin is becoming the second guitarist, and Maxim Delets is becoming the second guitarist. The last to Aria played together in the "Black Coffee" and "Metal Cord".

The first large speech of the updated Aria took place in April 1987 at the concert, which opens the Festival "Melodies of Friends". This annual festival passed through the capitals and the largest cities of the USSR and lasted about a month. Concerts proved that Aria, despite his rumors, did not die. After the Festival, Aria went to the concert tour, which was continued until August. During him, in the breaks between performances, the musicians worked on songs for a new album.

In August 1987, the Panel began to record their third album, finishing the work during the month. After the output of the "asphalt hero" (initially the album was to be called "in the service of the power of evil") it became clear that the change of the composition went to the team benefit. Many characterize the album as one of the best disks of the group. A tour in support continued for two years with anchlamp at every concert. Published a year later, more than one million vinyl smoked instantly, after a year to find it on the shelves was almost impossible.

A clip was removed on the song "Rose Street", in which the group fans of the group took part. Directors of the clip were Dmitry Mamatov and Sergey Komarov, the clip appeared on the screens in the program "Music Elevator" and immediately took the first place in the charts.

In winter, Aria is sent to its first foreign tour, Berlin. By giving a few successful concerts, the group receives an invitation to the Wall Days Festival in the summer of 1988, where he performs in front of an audience of 120,000 people.

All this time, relations continued to be gone up with management, another conflict has emerged, the musicians seriously thought about the departure from Viktor Vixtein. The first could not stand Maxim Delov. In October 1988, he leaves, and in November, Alexander Manyakina is accepted in his place.

In January 1989, the Group, already without the support of Victor Verkhstein, starts recording the fourth album - "game with fire." Yuriy Fishkin (familiar canvasinin and Dubinin in the "Magic Twilight" group becomes the Aria manager.

The album is published in April 1989. After his release and shooting clip on the song "Give the heat!" (director Evgeny Pakhomenkov), the group went to a long tour of Russia and Germany. Aria took part in the Berlin Festival "Rock Summer" and played very successful concerts in four major cities. In the spring of 1990, Vitaly Dubinin and Sergey Mavrin sign a contract with the Lion Heart group and leave Munich, but in August, finding the opportunity to break the contract return. Aria, noting his five-year anniversary with concerts in DK Zil, begins to prepare his fifth album to record.

"Blood for blood" comes out in the fall of 1991 at the company "Sintez Records". With the "blood for blood" by the design of albums of the group, the artist Vasily Gavrilov is engaged in the beginning of the 90s, the number of speeches sharply decreases (as well as many other groups).

The concert tour "Blood for blood", in which Maxim Delkov participated as a sound engineer, recorded only 9 cities into his luggage. Musicians decide to go on a well-known way - to create their own recording studio. So in mid-1994, "Aria Records" appears.

In the same year, Aria enters into a five-year contract with the company "MOROZ RECORDS", one of the results of which is the publication in the summer of 1994 of all five early albums of the group (including not published by the "mania of greatness" and "with whom you?").

In the summer of 1994, the group starts to record the next album (the first sketches for him appeared already at the end of 1992, and the new song "Angel dust" recorded in 1993 was published on the collection "Russian Metal Ballads Vol.1" released in early 1994 by the company "Moroz Records "). In September 1994, writing the strike of the drums, Aria in the fourth time is sent for two weeks tour of Germany, giving concerts in seven cities and in the legendary Berlin Hard Rock Cafe. At the end of the tour there were serious friction with the organizers, which was the cause of the tension of relations within the group itself. After returning to Moscow, Valery Kipelov never appeared in the studio, where work was on the album in full swing. A month later, it became known that he was performing with the Master group. "Aryans" began searching for a new vocalist, continuing to record the instrumental parties to the album. In December, Alexey Bulgakov (soloist of the group "Legion") will be attended to the place of Kipelova. And in January 1995, Sergey Mavrin leaves the group, stating that he does not believe in success with a new vocalist.

As a session musician, Sergey Terentyev, who later remains in the group, take the session musician to Mavrin. The problem with the vocalist decides Alexander Morozov, president of the company "Moroz Records", threatening penalties per failure of the contract. As a result, Valery Kipelov returns to the group and records vocal parties to the album "Night shorter day", seen the light in September 1995.

After the release of the new album, the video is removed on the song "Take my heart" (director Dmitry Zagyakanov). At the same time, Sergey Zador, who, having collected a powerful administrative group, becomes the Aria's manager, who collected a powerful administrative group, organizes a series of concerts in Moscow and other cities. During this tour was recorded and released a double concert album "Made in Russia", unexpectedly, but firmly and for a long time, which took high places in the charts.

On August 20, 2004, Aria has played the last concert of the "Baptism of Fire" tour and immediately began to record a new one, already the tenth album, the material for which the group began to prepare in the spring and summer.

However, in contrast to past studio sessions, "Aryans" are not going to lock in their studio until the creative process is completed. In confirmation of this, in October, the group is again sent to the road, with an updated concert program, conditionally named "Best". Until the end of 2004, Aria went on stage almost 30 times, visiting Ukraine at the beginning, and then driving in his native country from Astrakhan to Orenburg and back. We completed the same year by a real festive matinee - the traditional pre-New Year concert in the Moscow CDK Mai, who, beyond any doubt, became the most original speech of Aria of the outgoing year!

The week earlier, remembered and remembered the most memorable event of the year of 2003 - after a little more than a year after the grandiose act in the "Luzhniki", finally went on sale a double concert album and a double DVD "Live Fire", which captured a historic show.
The coming 2005th year for Aria is an anniversary, and for her fans - a very promising: in addition to the new, by the way, the tenth of the studio album, which is expected before the onset of summer, and the subsequent tour in support of the disk, is expected to have a lot of surprises. To the 20th anniversary of the legendary team! So, the story continues !!!

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Soon there was a concert activity for which the second guitarist Andrei Bolshakov was invited, and Igor Molchanov became the shock instead of Lviv.

However, "Concert Activity" - it says loudly, for a long time the group could not appear on the stage. Officially: on the poster was the "Singing Hearts" group, and "Aria" performed in one concector.

In this question, it is necessary to pay tribute to the Vostene to producer, what only the tricks he did not go to the team to receive the status of the official, even the authorship of the songs was attributed to members of the Union of Composers and Classics.

But the works were not in vain, and the first concert was approved.

Conclusion: To achieve the goal, all means are good and appropriate if they do not harm others.

Not without problems

During this time, the Bolshakov who came to the group began to actively offer his ideas that were consonant with the ideas of Granovsky, as a result of which there was a wonderful tandem.

The album practically consists of Bolshakova songs. But the canvasin turned out to be practically detached from creating songs than was extremely unhappy. In the group is brewing inner split.

In addition, despite the active concert activities, part of the musicians is growing displeasure activities of Vestein. Especially not satisfied with their low earnings, excessive guardianship (the lack of opportunity to interview journalists) and interference in the creative process.

After the tour of Bolshakov, Pokrovsky, Granovsky and Lviv leave the group, despite the fact that some of their claims were performed. This composition is born a new team "Master", in 1987, she produces the first album with the same name

Conclusion: look for a compromise and consider the interests of colleagues

New stage

But the following problem appears - the group is deprived of the opportunity to perform the most popular hits, because Bolshakov, who passed from the group, forbidden to do it.

There is a need to record a new album, which was to be called "in the service of the power of evil", but was changed in accordance with the requirements of the company "Melody", which released it, the texts were also corrected, changes were made regarding the cover. The result was the album popular and to this day.

During 1987-88, the group actively touches the USSR and even leaves to Germany. The public appreciates Russian musicians.

Conclusion: You have a thousand opportunities, I'll take advantage of them

Another crisis

Success and popularity does not contribute, nevertheless, rapprochet the collective. Udalova does not suit the created music, and he wants a cardinal change, a double and canvas accumulated material and want recording a new album, and Kipelova and Maurine suits the current position, while Verbstein wants to continue touring and writing an album in a similar key.

As a result, Mavrin and Kipelov are in front of the choice: either with canvas and tubinin leave Vecourtne and write a new album or stay with a producer, but without written material.

It was decided and "Aria" goes to Yuri Fishkina. Soon there is their third album -. The drummer becomes Alexander Manyakin.

In the early 1990s, the economic crisis comes in the country, the revenues of musicians are sharply reduced, and they are forced to work.

But after the celebration of the five-year anniversary, as well as several living concerts, the group begins work on the album, which was released in 1991.

Conclusion: Thieme to overcome difficulties and make rational solutions

And again conflict

After an extremely unsuccessful two-week round in Germany in 1994, a new conflict was called. Kipelov at the proposal of Granovsky worked and performed songs along with. Dubinin and canvasin decided that this could be considered the departure of Valery from the group and began to select it to replace it. Alexey Nelidov was invited to the Vocalist's place, and then Alexey Bulgakov.

Conclusion: do not make hasty conclusions, able to listen


Several months performed with a program consisting of the Caverits of the songs of Western groups and songs "Aria" - "Back to the Future".

In the "Aria", in the meantime, the question of the vocalist asked again, because With Bulgakov, the relationship did not work out.

Plus, Moroz Records considered that the future album could be successful only if Keellov had been available on vocals. And in 1995, the album was recorded. After that, Valeria received a proposal to return to the group.

Because Sergey Mavrin planned a project with a long departure to the United States, Kipelov agreed. The question of the return of Mavrin to the team did not stand, because His place was already occupied by Terentyev.

Conclusion: I will be able to forgive

Together again?

In this composition, several concerts were held, after which Kipelov and Mavrin were again united to record the album, and the Dubinin and Holvestin created their project - "Alarm".

Interesting fact that the albums were written in parallel at one studio

In 1998, Aria produces another album "Evil Generator", in 2001 Album "Chimera". This period can be called very calm and successful in the group's activities. Popularity grows, their songs sound on radio stations and cover a huge range of audience. The group acts as a chadliner at the "invasion", and on the cover of the album for the first time the famous Zhorik appeared, invented by the artist Leo Hao. Valery Kipelov actively gives interviews and becomes the face of the group.

Conclusion: I will be able to rejoice in your victories

Not long, happiness lasted ...

Already when recording "Chimeras", the musicians began to emerge disagreement, the conflict was increasing and the creation of the next album of Kipelov refused, and Dubinin and Holvestin stated with confidence that they would find a new vocalist, and Terentyev with Manyakin were against the group leaders.

In 2002, the final split occurred.

I got up question about the rights to the name, there were assumptions that no one would use it, but everything happened differently ...

Conclusion: do not make final conclusions until you are sure


The updated composition looked like this: vocalist - Arthur Berkut, guitarist-Sergey Popov, and Maxim Delets was invited as the drummer

The group had to be not easy, because after the care of Kipelov, many fans were extremely negatively configured to a new vocalist. But they were all overcame, and the album returned the popularity group.

In 2006, the album was recorded for the name "Armageddon". A tight touring schedule, a twenty-year anniversary and many other positive moments were during this period, but ...

Everything is good once ends

And in June 2011 announced the departure of the Berkut. The vocalist himself did not know about the dismissal, his colleagues were explained by the fact that to record a new album they needed a vocalist of another plan.

Probably everything was prepared in advance, only here Arthur warned forgotten ...

Conclusion: Be honen

The fight continues

The artist warmly was met by fans of "Aria" for his professional and beautiful voice and powerful energy on stage, and what will happen next - time will tell.

Conclusion: Believe in success

What do we get in the end?

  • Never retreat
  • To achieve the goal, use all possible funds that do not harm others.
  • Look for a compromise and consider the interests of colleagues
  • Remember that you have a thousand opportunities - use them all
  • Claim to overcome difficulties and take rational solutions
  • Do not make fast conclusions
  • Quality to forgive
  • Claim to rejoice in their victories
  • Do not make the final conclusions until you are sure
  • Be honest
  • Believe in success

"Aria" is a Russian group that plays music in the style of British Hebi-Metal. This is one of the most successful and oldest metal groups in Russia. In 2007, she was the Fuzz Prize laureate as the best Live group. The participants of the "Aria" have created many well-known groups (Mavrin, "Master", "Artery", "Kipelov"), which make up the name of whose name "Family of Aria".

Most texts for the group wrote poets: Alexander Elin and Margarita Pushkin.

Prehistory. :

An acquaintance of the future musicians "Aria" Vladimir Golavynin and Vitaly Dubinin took place during her studies in MEI, where the amateur rock band "Magic Twilight" was created. Initially, Dubinin acted as Basist, then Arthur Berkut became a vocalist. In 1982, Dubinin left the group to finish education. After a time to the place of vocalist, Berkut was invited to the popular Art Rock group, and "Magic Twilight" broke up.

Bass Guitarist Alik Granovsky and Hollynin became parties to the Alpha Group, which performed hard rock. I extended a group of just a few years. In 1982-1984, when the struggle against amateur groups was carried out, the musicians were forced to look for work in official VIA. In 1985, Dubinin, Holvestin and Granovsky joined the "Singing Hearts" ensemble. Valery Kipelov was switched back there from the disintegrated ensemble "Piya, Song". A few months later, the Dubinin left the group "Singing Hearts" to study at the Academy of the name of Gnesins on Vocalist.

Early History :

In parallel with participation in the "singing hearts", Granovsky and Holvestin, created a sid-project, which meant the creation of a group that performs hevi-metal. Victor Vestein, who was the director of "singing hearts" became the artistic director and manager of the new group. He provided his studio to musicians. The name of the group came up with a canvasin.

Subsequently, the musicians and fans of the group began to call "Aryans". Canvynin, Vixedin and Granovsky took up the selection of the group composition. During this period, a vocalist Nikolai Soskov, guitarist Sergey Potemkin, Keyman, Keyman, Alexander Butchestnikov, were tasted in the group. The permanent vocalist of "Aria" was approved in February 1985, Valery Kipelov became it. The place of the drummer took Alexander Lviv, who was a sound-engineer of "singing hearts", and Kirill Pokrovsky became a back-vocalist and keyboard player.

On October 31, 1985, it is considered the birthday of the group, it was on this day the first studio album of the group called "Majoria". The material that was released by samisdat on the magnetic cassette was traditional heavy metal in the spirit of fashionable on that period of American and English groups such as Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden. This album was recorded with just one canvas guitar player. But for concert activities, the second guitarist Andrei Bolshakov was invited. In addition, behind the shock Lviv, who remained the group's sound operator, was replaced by Igor Molchanov.

On February 5, 1986, the first Aria concert was held in DC Mai. They played the heating of "singing hearts." In the same year, the group participated in the festivals "Lituanic-86" and "Rock Panorama-86". "Aria" met at the festivals very approvingly, and the group had even conquered several premiums and underground popularity.

Next year, Aria recorded the second album called "Who are you with?". Unlike the first, this album had an awesome sound. Most of the compositions wrote Bolshakov, who was a fan of Judas Priest, so in his compositions there was a style of this group. For most songs, the texts wrote Alexander Elin (with the exception of "without you" and "Memory of ..." - Margarita Pushkin), because of which the album had an acute social and anti-war topics ("Stand, the fear of overcoming", "Will and Mind" "Games are not for us", "Who are you with?"). In the role of the sound engineer, Alexander Lvov again spoke, who was in the drummer group.

After a number of private concerts in the group between Managers, Viktor Vikthein and the new guitarist Andrei Bolshakov, there was a conflict. In addition to Kipelova and Holvlyinin, all other members of the group fell on the side of Bolshakov and broke up relations with Victor, but the rights to the name Victor retained. Molchanov, Granovsky, Pokrovsky and Bolshakov created a group "Master", and their first album eponymous, in which there were several Aria songs, was released in 1987.