Eurovision rules. Eurovision winners by year

Eurovision rules. Eurovision winners by year
Eurovision rules. Eurovision winners by year

The story of Eurovision has been here for 59 years. This became a reason for the enlargement of Eurovision in the Guinness Book of Records as the most long-playing song contest. How was the competition, what are the rules of participation in it and what does it give to their winners?

Eurovision: History of Competition

By the name, it is possible to guess that the initiators of the contestation of the competition were the countries of the European Union, which were included in the first time or less clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe competition voiced in the 50s. Marseille Besancon, who at that time was the director of Swiss television. His initiative was supported by all participants of the ESU - the history of Eurovision began.

In May 1956, the first concert was supposed to be held in Switzerland. The first "Eurovision" was quite modest: in the main hall of the Little Theater Kursal gathered on one performer from 7 European powers. Participants could submit 2 songs at the competition at once. The winner chose the jury, not the audience. It was the only contest where such rules operated.

The first triumph of the famous competition was the Swiss performer Liz Assia with the song "Refrain".

Eurovision: Requirements for participants and songs

The story of "Eurovision" has since developed by seven-year steps. In 1957, 10 countries took part, then the number of new participants only grew. The usual rules have become introduced: for example, on a song that should last no more than 3 minutes, or on exclusively "live execution" of its numbers by performers.

Given the annual experience of holding a competition, its creators constantly improved the set of rules. For some time, there is such a requirement that at the scene during the performance of the room should be no more than 6 people, including dance and backing vocals.

Songs should be absolutely new to the qualifying round on Eurovision not to appear on the ether and not posted on the Internet. Previously also operated the rule that the competitive song should be executed by a representative from the country exclusively in the state language. But since 1999, each participant can sing a song in any language, which wishes.

Eurovision finalists get a big trump card in hand to develop their careers. Participation in the competition is an excellent chance to get out of the music market of other countries and strengthen your position in the domestic show business.

Eurovision countries

Despite the fact that the European Competition, the number of participating countries is not limited to those states that are located in Europe. The story of Eurovision showed that there are depreciated attention in all countries of the world to the competition, so the creators of the competition decided not to be limited to geography.

All countries that come to the European Broadcasting Union can participate in the competition today. This rule allows you to participate in the competition to such countries as Australia, Azerbaijan, Armenia or Israel, which do not belong to European territories even remotely.

In total, in all the time of the existence of the competition, 51 countries participated in it. Some countries do not send their representatives to the event constantly, and from time to time they miss the competition, justifying it with economic or political reasons.

Eurovision finalists will soon be able to enjoy and take into their ranks of new participants from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan and other Asia countries.

As you know, there for a long time between the culture of the West and the Soviet Union for a long time "Iron" curtain. Not exception has become Eurovision. The history of the competition is not chosen by the event that representatives from the Soviet Union participated in the event.

And even in the times of Gorbachev's restructuring, Georgy Velova's initiative about the fact that "one could send a Soviet artist to the European Competition," was not supported. Allegedly, Valery Leontyev could be expected to be. However, the Communist Party rejected this proposal by calculating that such a turn of events would be too radical.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, his former 15 participating countries, one after another, rushed their views to Europe. Only Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan still did not make their way into the live ether of Eurovision, the rest of the country participate almost annually, and some of them are very successful.

Russia regularly participates in Eurovision, since 1994. During this time, such performers were visited at the competition as Masha Katz, Alsu, Dima Bilan, the team "Buranovsky grandmothers", Polina Gagarin, Tatu and another group of Max Fadeev - "Serebro". The most enchanting performance was the number of Bilan "Believe", which brought the victory of Russia in 2008, the speeches of Philip Kirkorov, Alla Pugacheva, Mumiy Troll, Prime Minister and Yulia Savicheva were successful.

In 2001, Estonia defeated the competition, in 2002, the first place was won by Latvian, in 2005, Eurovision moved to Kiev, and in 2011 the duet of "Ell & Nikki" from Azerbaijan turned out to be winners.

Records "Eurovision"

There are also their records that were established at the Eurovision contest. The history of the victories of the Ireland state just takes the first place in this record table, since the Irish returned to the victory home 7 times; 3 victories from seven were obsessed one after another in 1992, 1993 and 1994

Following the Irish on the Pedestal of Recordsmen, Sweden was firmly strengthened, which won 6 times in the competition. The Spain contest was not longer than all, which was the last time in the triumph in the distant 1969.

The faster of all won the "Eurovision" Ukraine: Representatives from the country began to participate only since 2003, and already in 2004, Ruslana turned out to be in the first place in the competitive table.

Never won the contest of Portugal, despite its numerous attempts. Record number of points received a member of Norway in 2009 - Alexander Rybak.

And the most young participant who won the Eurovision at 13 years old became Belgian Sandra Kim.

Criticism competition

For some time, the competition is amenable to a very tough criticism from not only the participating countries (for example, Italy boycotted the competition for 14 years), but also musical figures, as well as viewers.

For example, many Eurovision participants face that the competition is as if they are not assessed by their executive skills, but a policy that their state holds. Moreover, good estimates set by "neighboring", often pretty sweat the audience competition "Eurovision". Voting has become so predictable that any little, a wonderful person can be predictable with an error in one score, which country how much will put points.

However, at the Eurovision Contest, the vote is not the only reason to laugh in plenty. The overall level of performers fell very noticeably, who refuse to show their own individuality and trying hard to copy the winner of the previous year. For example, it was possible to note the naked eye that after the Ruslana show with the drums in 2004, in 2005 only the lazy did not pull some ethno-drums on the scene and did not work out into the skin. It's amazing that after the victory, the endings of the Wurst on the scene did not come out with beards.

Winners who have made a storm career: Frida Bokcara

Nevertheless, the performers from all countries seek to get to the competition, because the participants of Eurovision (in the event that the performance is successful) have obvious advantages in building further career. However, not everyone can correctly use the chance.

Frida Bokcara did not miss his chance. After she won the competition in 1969, her popularity was held at a high level for long years. The singer became the owner of two gold and one platinum disk. However, the popularity of the performer was at a high level before the competition: in 1966, Bokkara even came to tour in the USSR.

In the Soviet Union bought over a million singer plates. The performer even released two songs in Russian - "White Light" and the famous "tenderness", the music to which Alexandra Pakhmutova wrote, and poems - Nikolay Dobronravov.


Eurovision contest, the history of the victories of which is great, still did not see in its ranks a more legendary and popular group than "ABBA". In 1973, the Eurovision Commission broke and rejected the song "Ring" of the young Swedish team. In retaliation, the group participants recorded a song in several languages, launched it into radio ester countries, like Holland, Sweden, Austria, Belgium and even South Africa, and led foreign charts.

In 1974, the group still wins on Eurovision with the song "Waterloo". And since then it has been almost impossible to stop it: in charts around the world, including the United States, the Swedish team occupied leading places. Even in the Soviet Union, in which foreign artists did not feel very much, "ABBA" was a completely legal group, the plate of which could be calmly bought in the store. Soon, documentaries about the participants of the collective, who still became a legend began to appear on the screens.

The songs "ABBA" are still spinning on the radio stations of the entire globe.

Toto Kutuno.

Over time, not only the competition, but also various Eurovision ratings, the story of Eurovision became unusually popular. The winners of the song contest received more and more privileges on the World Music Show Business arena.

Toto Kutuno took advantage of all them completely and unconditionally, becoming in the end of the star of the 80s. Toto Kutunio is also a talented songwriter and collaborated with pop stars as Ricchi E Poveri, Adriano Celentano, Dalida and Joe Dasssen.

Kutuno was widely known not only in Europe, but also in the Soviet Union. Until now, everyone remembers his unconditional hit "L'Italiano".

Nowadays, Toto Kutuno is the constant and unchanged guest of retro concerts that organize "Autoradio". They collect a complete alllands and are broadcast on the central television channels of Russia.

Celine Dion

There is another world star, which once won the competition than the story of Eurovision can only be proud of. The winners, as mentioned earlier, did not always know how to properly use the chance provided. But which with the triumph ranked first in 1988, was able to build a successful career and after the hype around her victory subsided.

After Eurovision, Celine moved from French songs to English-speaking, signed some successful contracts and already at the beginning of the 90s achieved world glory and recognition.

Until now, Dion is one of the highest paid performers in the world. A woman is famous for its vocal technique and a powerful voice. Surprisingly, even in the late 80s, the performer has a voice problem during one of the tour. The doctor has diagnosed according to which the Dion does not know how to properly use his ligaments. As a result, the singer passed a course of treatment, and then re-taught singing from one famous American teacher.

In 2004, she even managed to get the World Music Awards award as the most sold singer of all time. The singer's repertoire itself still remains the hit "My Heart Will GO ON" from the movie "Titanic".

General provisions
  • No more than 45 countries of active members of the European Broadcasting Union take part in the competition.
  • In the final of the competition, it is guaranteed to participate to 5 countries: the country-organizer and founding countries of the competition - Germany, Spain, France and the UK.
  • All participating countries are their own national qualifying contests. The rules of their holding establishes the TV company participating in Eurovision at its own discretion. It is necessary to ensure proper transparency of the process.
  • No more than 40 countries can take part in the semifinals of the competition. The organizing committee of the competition with the help of a draw determines how these countries will be divided into two semifinals.
  • 25 countries take part in the competition final.
  • The order of performance in all concerts is determined by the draw. From each semi-final for 10 countries will be released in the final of the competition.

Song Requirements and Speech

  • The Song (Text and Music) Competition (Text and Music) should not be issued or publicly executed until October 1, preceding the competition.
  • The maximum duration of the song should be 3 minutes.
  • During each performance on stage, there are the right to be up to 6 people not under the age of 16.
  • It is forbidden to release animals on the scene.
  • The choice of the language of execution is free.
  • All artists must perform a song live, accompanied by a minus phonogram.
  • The lyrics and performance should not create a negative reputation of the competition.
  • Songs containing political statements or advertising, swearing or obscene expressions are not allowed to competition.
  • Artists are not allowed to represent more than one country in Eurovision in the current year.


The song can be disqualified for the following reasons:

  • If the artist, a member of a delegation or a representative does not fulfill the requirements of the television company of the Organizer or the Executive Director of the EBU and can prevent their actions to hold or show the show.
  • If the performance of the artist differs from the planned and shown on the general rehearsals and thereby interferes with the organization or show show.
  • If participants (television company or artist) are trying to violate the rules for holding a competition at any stage of its preparation or conduct or plan to break them during the show themselves.

The decision on disqualification is made by the Organizing Committee of the Competition on the recommendation of the Executive Director of the ESU.

Sanctions can be applied to the television company, up to the elimination of participation in subsequent show in case of violation of the rules or withdrawing an application after December 14 of the year preceding the holding of the competition. Such a sanction cannot be imposed on more than 3 years.

  • In the final and semi-finals of Eurovision-2010, the voting will be carried out among the viewers and professional jury out of 5 people. TV viewers and jury will have 50% of the weight in determining the results of the competition.
  • The best tens of total voting in each of the semi-finals will be released in the competition final.
  • During the semi-finals and Eurovision-2010 finals in Oslo, the voting will be open from the moment of the first song started and will last another 15 minutes at the end of the fulfillment of the last song.
  • Vote for the country of own location is not allowed.
  • In the case of a technical or other malfunction in television, only the results of the voting of the national jury will be taken into account.

Definition of the winner

The winner of the competition is the song that scores the most points upon completion of the voting.

In the case of a draw in the last place in the semifinals, which gives the right to enter the final, or for the first place in the final, the winner becomes the song that received points from the largest number of countries. If this quantity is also the same, the country becomes the winner who received the greatest number of 12-point estimates. If this quantity is the same, then 10 point rates are considered, etc.

If in the semi-final of the above procedure, it was not possible to identify the finalist, the right to enter the final will be given to that country that performed before (in order) in this semifinals.

In the final, if this procedure does not help determine the winner, both songs are proclaimed by the winners of the competition.

What rules are Eurovision contest?

Editor's response

Sisters Tolmachey Presented Russia at Eurovision 2014. In the final of the competition held in Copenhagen on May 10, Anastasia and Maria performed the song "Shine" ("Shine"). One of the authors of the composition was Philipp Kirkorov. talks about how the winner of the show is chosen.

About the emergence of "Eurovision"

Eurovision Song Contest was first held in Switzerland in 1956 as an alternative to the Italian festival in San Remo (this festival leads its history since 1951, with minor breaks, it is carried out annually up to the present time). So, the organizers of the new competition decided that only representatives of countries belonging to the European Broadcasting Union (EED) can participate in it, therefore, it is not entirely true to call "Eurovision" with a competition of exclusively European countries, because representatives of Israel, Cyprus, Egypt also participate in it et al. countries that geographically refer to other parts of the world.

Sisters Tolmachevyov will present Russia at Eurovision. Photo:

General Rules for the Competition

In all his history, Eurovision rules changed only a few times, the last time the changes touched the principle of voting for the song favorite. The key aspects of the current edition of the rules are as follows:

Due to the large number of participants, the competition takes place in several stages: first - semi-finals, which are obliged to pass by representatives of all countries, except the country hosting the competition, as well as the "Big Founders" of Eurovision Foundation Countries - Great Britain, Germany, France, Spain and Italy.

Representatives of those countries that in the semifinals took from the first to the tenth place are allowed to the final of the competition. In total, 26 countries are submitted in the final of the competition - 20 leaders of semi-finals, five members of the big five and a representative of the country host.

Eurovision 2014 Final will be held in B & W Halls, in fact, an industrial building. Photo:

Rules of the audience voting

It is not always clear how exactly the points between the participants are distributed. In fact, everything is not so difficult.

Voting takes place in every country that sent his participant to the competition. According to the results of the voting, the number of votes given for one song is calculated. The song that received most of all votes, receives 12 points - and this is the maximum evaluation. The second song of the song gained 10 points, the third - 8 points. Then the songs in descending are obtained 7, 6, 5 - and so right up to one point each.

Until 1997, the voting took place only among the specially selected national jury. However, it was decided to carry out an experiment and allow TV viewers to vote for the composition you like. So since 1998, in all countries, televisor was introduced using SMS messages or phone calls, while they were all paid. The national jury from nowend did not participate in the distribution of points, but played the role of "insurance" so that if a technical failure occurs in any country - to put points to contestants on their own. After the end of the vote, each country in turn is invited to announce the results.

Due to the large number of participating countries, only higher points (12, 10 and 8 points) are called, and the distribution of other points of the audience is seen on an interactive scoreboard.

If it happens that several participants receive the same number of points in the final or semifinals of the competition, the winner is determined by the results of only the public voting: the song that has received more points from the viewers becomes the winner.

If in this case the winner will not be detected, then they look at the evaluation of the jury - the song, which was higher than the members of the jury from all countries, becomes the winner.

Song contest Eurovision (Eurovision) is a song contest, which is held annually for more than 50 years. Although part of the "Euro" contest name among the participants there are representatives of countries that are outside Europe, because the competition is carried out within the European Broadcasting Union (EMU).

The purpose of the Eurovision competition

The main idea was to conduct an entertainment event, inspiring and contributing to cultural union of Europe. An example of such a program was a musical festival in San Remo, which to this day is held in Italy. It was this festival that was as the basis for more than 50 years ago, and turned into one of the most anticipated and prestigious events in the musical life of Europe. The popularity of the competition around the world has grown so much that every year more than 100 million viewers follow this event.

Every country participating on Eurovision Represents one participant with one composition. The winner of the competition is determined by voting viewers and jury from each participating country. For the first time, the musical competition was held in Switzerland in 1956. Seven countries participated in the first competition. Each participant represented 2 songs, and it was the first and last time. The following year adopted the rule that was still preserved: participants can represent only one song. Each participant must submit only a new song (the composition should not be in commercial rotation until September preceding the competition). The winner of the first Eurovision Fixed Switzerland. Won a Liz Assia contest with the song "Refrain".

The first rules and the first winners

Wishing to take part in the competition became more and more. Simultaneous listening to performances of all participants has become Difficult. Therefore, firstly, it was customary to remove the country from the competition, which turned out to be in the last place in the previous year. Secondly, since the airtime of the final of the competition is limited, since 2004 Eurovision The semifinal appeared, giving the opportunity to everyone to participate in the competition. After the semi-final in the final, there are only 10 member countries, of which five countries (founders and major sponsors of the competition) - United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Italy, France - have the right to put their performers directly in the final part of the competition.

For many decades, Eurovision remained mainly Western European due to the closed borders of the USSR, but after the fall of the communist regimes, it became a truly pan-European, expanding and uniting, as was conceived in the distant 1956, the cultural borders of Europe.

Around the competition Eurovision There are a regular disagreement regarding the quality of the song material, the original purpose of the voting methods for winners, excessive politicization - but some scandalivity turns into a good PR as in the press and the Internet, only increasing interest in the competition.

Ireland became the most successful country party, having received a reward 7 times, the United Kingdom in second place, although the British were held 15 times, France and Luxembourg with 5 victories. The youngest winner Eurovision Steel 13-year-old Sandra Kim from Belgium, who won the competition in 1986. According to the new rules, contestants should be over 16 years old. Therefore, the very young winner of the XXI century was 23-year-old Elena Paparis from Greece, and the 23-year-old Norwegian of Belarusian origin Alexander Rybak, and the older herself - 38-year-old Serrtab Erene, a representative of Turkey.

Music theme, sounding before and after the broadcasts of the song contest Eurovision (and other Eurovision broadcasts) is a prelude to TE DEUM brand Antoine Charpathier.

It should be noted that participants representing a certain country do not necessarily have to have citizenship of this country. For example, Katrina Leskanish was born in America, and performed with the WAVES group from Cambridge. Another example was Ozzy Gina J., which represented the UK at the competition. Grekunka in 1963 and Belgian in 1988 advocated Luxembourg. And the victory of Switzerland in 1988 brought the Canadian singer. And it should not be noted that it was the victory at this competition that turned to anyone a non-famous singer in the real star.

Conditions for Eurovision

It is held annually in mid-May in the country who won the competition in the previous year. Symbol Eurovision is a word "Eurovision" with a heart instead of the letter "V", within which the flag of the country hosts the competition and the winning in the previous year. Who will represent the country at the competition chooses a television company having rights to broadcast EurovisionAnd also a voting of viewers or both options simultaneously.

The countries that have fallen in the previous competition in the Top 10 on the scored points automatically go to the competition final (without selection in semifinals). The competition also has certain rules for participants: it is forbidden to use the phonogram, the duration of the performance should not exceed three minutes. Group speeches were permitted since 1970, but at the stage there may be no more than 6 people (including back vocalists and dumplings). Winner Eurovision Signs a contract with the obligations of speeches and visits to events planned by the European Broadcasting Union.

The international music competition called Eurovision, the rules and conditions of the contest of which we describe next is the largest competition that over the past few years has become a long-awaited show. Each time, participants and voting results surprise the audience, and no one knows what the project end next year.

Eurovision - the history of the appearance of Australia there

The Eurovision project as an international song competition for the very first time was organized in the mid-fifties of the last century in Switzerland. At that time, he became an alternative option of a similar event held in Italy, the festival of San Remo (still held by the Italians, but not so regularly).

The organizers decided to invite only representatives of those countries that enter the European Broadcasic Union to participate in it. In this regard, it is incorrectly called the project exclusively European, as musicians from Israel, Egypt, Cyprus and other states, geographically not related to Europe (for example, are also among the participants (for example. Australia).

Why does Australia participate in Eurovision? The decision that the representative of this state that is not related to the territory of Europe or the members of the European Broadcasting Union will participate in the competition, was adopted in February 2015. The reason for such an exception was two factors:

  • First, the competition itself among the audience from Australia is of great popularity, as Mark Ebeid, director of the SBS channel noted;
  • Secondly, 2015 marked the sixty-year-old Jubilee of Eurovision, and the invitation for him from distant Australia became a kind of festive surprise for the whole world.

In the same year, Australia at the competition was represented by a charming singer named Guy Sebastian, who came to the final without participation in the preliminary stages of the competition with the song Tonight Again ("Tonight again").

Eurovision rules

Despite the fact that Eurovision contest has been there several dozen years, the rules for holding it in history just a few times. The extreme changes were associated with the principles of choosing the best song.

To date, the key rules of international musical competition look as follows:

  1. The country of the participant represents one singer who prepared a single song;
  2. The execution is carried out by a live, timing, allocated to the speech, is not more than four minutes;
  3. The competitive song can be demonstrated by listeners only since September of the previous year;
  4. The age of the participants of the competition - from sixteen years, the singers may act within the framework of a similar project for children - " Children's Eurovision»;
  5. A representative of the member country can be absolutely any singer, regardless of nationality and even citizenship (the audience often have questions, why, for example, the Ukrainian or vice versa came from Russia);
  6. The order of speeches is determined by the draw;
  7. Regarding the show itself: on stage, at the time of the participant's speech, there may be no more than 6 people, it is prohibited by animals.
  8. Spectator voting begins with the first moments of the first speech and ends in fifteen minutes after the last.

From the end of zero, in addition to the vote of the audience, the vote of a professional jury was attracted to the formation of the results. The purpose of such an innovation is to avoid the "neighboring" principle for which friendly countries usually gave the voices for each other. A group of professionals is formed as follows: Five people are from each country from such areas of activity, as a composer, authorship of lyrics, musical produce, "DJ" on the radio, as well as artistic art. Together they constitute a final rating of songs.

Points are folded and built in order. The winner becomes the country that scored the greatest number of points. She, in turn, gets the opportunity to hold a new contest in his country. The singer receives a contract with the European Broadcasting Union and undertakes to participate in all events, they are organized.

Since every year in Eurovision is about fifty countries, in each of which the most decent representative must be chosen, the competition is divided into several stages. Semifinals are organized for all countries with the exception of the host and so-called "big five." In the final, those countries that at the previous stage took place from 1 to 10. The total number of participants represented in the final - 26. Of these, twenty are the leaders of the semi-finals, five - members of the "big five and one - from the host country.

Spectator vote on Eurovision

The vote of the audience became possible only since 1997, when the organizers decided to conduct a kind of experiment, giving the right to the audience to choose a favorite. Prior to this, the competences were only members of a professional jury. Since 1998, the voting format was paid SMS and phone calls, and the National Jury responded to the role of "Safety" in case of technical failure.

Voting has the right to each country that sent its participant to Eurovision. As a result, all the votes received for a particular song are counted. The scores are distributed as follows:

  • 12 points - the presentation that received the largest number of audience votes;
  • 10 - second in recognition;
  • 8 - Third and then to one point.

In order for the already long-term event, it was not stretched overnight, the leaders declare aloud only the participants who scored the maximum number of points - from 8 to 12, the rest can be traced on an interactive scoreboard.

You can also be the one who will solve the fate of the countries you like in Eurovision, having decided to vote for your favorite. Today it can be done by sending SMS or by calling.