Bashkirs story. Ethnogenesis Bashkir

Bashkirs story. Ethnogenesis Bashkir
Bashkirs story. Ethnogenesis Bashkir
16/12/09, Azezayla
Yes Yes .. Bashkirov I also know. I do not know how others, but I personally met a good responsive friendly friend from Bashkiria. As a person seemed to me, he was very soft and kind. I do not know how other Bashkirs. I know that there are among them and not the best people, but there are also good, those that came across ..

05/02/10, Heavenly VAC
i love Bashkir because it is a cool people ... herself is 25% Bashkirka. Although harmful little, but still cool people

06/02/10, disciple.
What is the difference, what nationality is a person? The negative of this topic is written the fears of Nazi.

31/03/10, Kushtemo.
rugmag, in the fact - in our Bashkortostan! In your Tatarstan, no one will oppress you, and go there, if I don't like it. And then, who touches you? Live calmly, do not insult us, and everything will be fine. Tatars in Bashkiria is generally more than the title nation, so you feel sin to complain about anything.

28/04/10, Chelovek.
Stools grabs in any people! At the expense of the oppression ... Nothing like that! These are close peoples .. why quarrel? You are specifically poured for fun! Is it really incomprehensible? There are people bad, there are not much .. and it is not an envy of what nationality is a person!

10/06/10, Filchik.
because we are open, wonderful, friendly, yes there are harmful, but mostly we are just super! Yes, all the nations are wonderful, it is not necessary to allocate someone, since the main thing we live and rejoice in life! Nation is not determined by the fact that in society you had how many familiar Bashkir or another nation, each person is individual. And the nation does not affect the nature of the people!

04/08/10, Demigod.
This small folk was held back Genghis Khan 14 years old (while the hike across Russia took only 3 years) after which actually received the territorial autonomy in the composition of the Empire of Genghis Khan. They also occupied a privileged position as a people owed to kagans primarily by military service and retaining their own tribal system and management. And where did you get that nationalistically configured?

15/12/10, Tony Soprano.
I didn't particularly communicate with them with them, but my mother said that she had one familiar Bashkirk and like a normal aunt, so that it was turned out in me, in principle I do not like every nation in general, in each of them (and in my including) and normal people and criminals come across all sorts

24/02/11, Vasim
I love Bashkrok, they don't even need such such accessible to them, only a bubble would be.

03/11/11, Andros Ranger.
I am Bashkir himself half and experienced many problems and depressed with his appearance

10/11/11, Sonya Reed
I am Bashkarka. I am not Nazi, respect other nationalities. But in Bashkiria, the president is now Tatar. Tatars were delighted by HD

01/06/12, bashkord.
Good day! Guys immediately put everyone in place! I am happy that I am half a 50/50, and the son of two great cultures and peoples Bashkir and Tatars- I love and communicate with personalities in any nation and I know that there are enough ushleplles and the Nazis everywhere! So live happily, love your neighbor and treat people as you want to treat you. Bashkirs are friendly and very welcoming people! Do not forget on whose land you live! My ancestor Zaynitdinov put the genovel Taghu in the contract on the accession of Bashkiria to Russia (the fate of the Indians in reservations would be waiting for us) but if we call us off anyone with us to compare the enemy! Who does not even know japanese emperors There was a personal guard of bodyguards from Bashkir Samurai, and the French still remember Bashkir Luke and Stel. Do not try to keep two fraternal people!

06/08/12, Bashkort.
Bashkir himself because I love))

14/08/12, bashkir
Yes, friendship between nations passed probably. And why on the site all bold you try to tell me this to say about the Bashkir people. I think health will dramatically take off and see who stronger the Bashkir Batyr or some kind of cowardly savage. The courage is just enough to hurt on sites. And in life you are panties.

12/10/12, Shaolin.
From * ki on * yy come to Ufa, in virtual world We are all heroes and what is weak in real life? Tatars, etc. What can we share people on the caste ... well, of course, in life you yourself did not achieve anything and what you should do! Tell me thanks that you are still alive, in Russia you would be * Bali would already be homeless. If there is still offensive comments against Bashkir, then tell them it in the face of all H * x you dig in place. And what scheduling generally created this topic? To ban it forever !!!

30/10/12, Ale4e4ka
russians you are no better than us so go you

30/10/12, Nibelung
Never crossed with them in real life, because it is neutral, I'm quite loyal in relation to the Tatars and to many Uzbeks with Tajiks and to Armenians and Kirgizam.

19/11/12, Renato12
Bashkirs Normal people. Good people. I am Tatar. All the graters between the Tatars and Bashkirs are garbage, something like a quarrel of two little children, but what's the adults? This does not even want to comment.

14/01/13, Nega.
But really, who in the head began to create such a stupid survey? Even in the rules for posting messages and TD, it is written, in 11 points, not affect the rates. I think so to be a nationalist in fashion has become allone who is not lazy to follow the teachings of Hitler, but it neither led to good. In fact, in every people there are freaks and if you met in life not very, so let's say a person with our nationality, this does not mean that all the Bashkirs are such, the moderator fell asleep, for the removal of this survey !!!

10/05/13, vir
I am Bashkir himself. I'll think that we are talking to the dying nation at all times they say we were vassals so it is, you don't understand why it was so, yes, because my ancestors threatened with their people and loved ones. And what they say we oppose the Tatars, take it then In your Tataria, if you do not know how to appreciate the hospitality. The Russian is that the Russians themselves are grown, they still remove the tribute to us just the name is now different. And the fact that my ancestors rushed across the steppes is all the property but all nations. Yes, and they walked in their land, our entire belt was our urals, only now they came to the Domoored * Russians and selected him and Bashkirs did not understand what this land can be left to their people. Even in the battle with the French, my origins distinguished themselves no less than Russians and therefore I read them as strong people. And I regret it was not born before, I would have entered into an agreement with Hitler about the destruction of Russia with the condition of peace of life Bashkir. And if it is possible that Genghis Khan would help, because Mongols The Turkic people brothers in the language.

14/05/13, rayan.
I am Bashkir himself. Not against what you think that there are stupid among us. They have everyone. Moreover, the Russians (dirty like pigs, alcoholics are over and stupid as Putin, brought to the crisis, I did not say another choice)). I love my people and your tradition. Ready to snatch the heart to anyone who will try to take away the freedom of my people. Quite suffered from the action of the government of the Russian. Too, we are welcoming and calm.

28/10/13, Personal life
"Bashkirs are a small people, but constantly trying to deceive someone or humiliate" - give an example. Discovering Gniltsy towards Tatars, Bashkir, Finnosushrov and other indigenous peoples of Russia are chauvinists who want to destroy us. You are only our resources pump out and rob us, we have no sense from you. And most importantly, think about a minute, which will be when the indigenous peoples will rise in the time and will chase all Russians back to the historic homeland. Everything goes to this if chauvinists and nationalists will not change their attitude towards us.

15/12/13, Bashkin
I love Bashkir, because Bashkirin himself, because the rest of the nation of Loha. We are the most smart people, the most honest, the most decent, the most brave, never bring anyone and do not substitute. Everywhere we pierce the road to yourself for yourself. Always thoughts about others, so we love others to teach lives

06/04/14, istorik19
Bashkira great people With a thousand-year history. For its history, they have always been tied to the Urals, managed to bring the unique breed of the Bashkir horse, their breed of bees, Russia is obliged to Bashkir, the birth of its mining and iron processing. Always were famous for both good warriors, several centuries were guarded by the southern borders of Central Russia, participated in European campaigns of Kutuzov and Suvorov. Many Volga peoples sheltered on their territory (Tatar, Chuvash, Mordwo, Marie and others), peasants who fled from the serfdom and Muslims-Turks who fled from violent Christianization. Attempts by Heyters Reliable National Hate Ugly and Funny. The history of all Volga and Ural peoples is closely intertwined, they have long been fraternal.

12/06/14, Yulia95
I will not say that I love this people as a whole. At least, I did not love them before. In general, it's not exactly in this nation here, but in the fact that I cannot endure individuals of another nationality. But something has changed in my life. I had a guy-Bashkir. And you know, I loved him very much. Yes, he likes to download the right, he loves himself and sometimes arrogantly, but I see His love, care, tenderness. It is very good, funny. I am happy to be with him. And even in the future, perhaps married him. For besides him, no one needs me :)

09/03/15, surhan.
I am on the paternity of Bashkir. I love the culture of Bashkir, the nature of Bashkiria -LASH !!! Scientists still do not know where Bashkir race come from! There are many versions and theories) I know such places of power in Bashkiria! Such energy! Spirit captures! Bashkir honey -simal useful honey in the world! there is cave pictures in the Muradyim gorge, which means that Bashkirs ancient people Russia! Ural Mountains The most ancient mountains of the Earth! This is the spine of our Mother Earth! There is no bad nation - there are bad people) The one who says that Bashkirs are stupid, etc. - he is deeply mistaken in his ignorance) even the Tatars Mongols could not conquer almost 19 years old Bashkir ... This ancient writing reads . In general, everyone is good and love!))))

11/04/15, Gunn.
"No people shed so much blood for their freedom as Bashkirs" Lobavski (1860-1936) "If the head did not bow before the padisham, before the rest of the Bashkir, the head does not bow down" Do you have a pig to hell with my people? The only people in Russia, who had the right to land. Verdniki. The only people in Russia who fought in all wars, hikes with the Russians and at the same time put their shelves completely from the number of Bashkir. In us, the blood of Sarmatov, Gunnov, Magyar and Türkov, that we are strong.

Illustrated encyclopedia of the peoples of Russia. St. Petersburg, 1877.

Bashkirs, Bashkort (self-talent), the people in Russia, the indigenous population of Bashkiria (Bashkortostan).

Bashkirs (LG.E, 2013)

Bashkirs, Bashkorttar - the people of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Bashkirs - Autochthonic people Southern Urals and the priel. The number in the world is 2 million people. Bashkirs are mentioned in the composition of Herodotus (V century BC. Er). Bashkirs are mentioned by Gumilev in connection with the history of the Mongol-Bashkir war, which stretched 14 years. Bashkirs repeatedly won battles and finally concluded an agreement on friendship and union, after which they united with the Mongols. The war went, according to Gumilyov, from 1220 to 1234, after which the Mongol-Bashkir army conquered "five countries" in 1235: Sassium (Saksin), Fulgaria (Kamskoy Bulgaria), Merovia (Country of the North Volga, between Vetloga and Usen) , Pupil (north of Merovia to river. Sukhona), Gouda and the "Kingdom of Mordanov" (" Ancient Russia And the Great Steppe ") ...

Belisser V.N. Bashkira

Bashkirs (self-talent - Bashkort) - Nation. Make up the indigenous population of the Bashkir ASSR. Live also in the Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Saratov, Kuibyshev regions of the RSFSR and the Tatar ASSR. The number is 989 thousand people (1959). Bashkir language belongs to turkic languages. Believers Bashkirs are Muslim Sunnis. The question of the origin of the Bashkir and the formation of the Bashkir nationality is very complicated and not fulfilled in modern historical science. Being ancient inhabitants South Urals, Bashkirs were formed mainly on the basis of local tribes, but also perceived heterogeneous ethnic components in their environment, which penetrated the territory of modern Bashkiria from various places and different time. Judging by the monuments of Ananin culture and drinobor culture, the northwestern part of Bashkiria was populated by settled tribes that were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and hunting. Other tribes lived in the southwestern and southern regions (see Andronovsky Culture), close to culture to Scythian Sarmatam. The main classes were: equestrian steppe hunting, shepherd cattle breeding and only partly carrying farming. From the epoch of early iron, the tribes of the Southern Urals traced intensive bonds with Siberia, which influenced ethnic composition and the culture of the local population. In the 1st and early 2nd millennium, Turkic-speaking tribes with Altai and South Siberia penetrate on the South Urals ...

Popov N.S. Religious beliefs of the peoples of the Volga region and the Viurala

In the Volga-Uralsky region in close contact, Finno-Ugors (Mordva, Marie, Udmurts), Turkic (Tatars, Bashkira, Chuvashi), Slavic (Russian, Ukrainians) and other nations live in close contact. Ancient settlers of the region are Finno-Ugric peoples. They formed in the second half of 1 millennia BC. - In 1 millennium N. e. In the culture of ancient Finno-thieves, the influence of the traditions of the throats, Scythian Sarmatov, the ancestors of Balto-Slavs are traced. In 2-4 centuries n. e. In the Volga region they will settle, Turks have moved from Central Asia and Southern Siberia.

Jarlikapov A.A. Bashkir beliefs

Bashkirs (1345.3 thousand people. - 1989) - Muslim Sunni (see Sunnism) Hanafitsky sense. Islam to Bashkirs began to penetrate from the 10th century, completed, established himself with his adoption as a state religion in the Golden Horde at Khan Uzbek (1312). The joining of Bashkir in the mid-16th century to the Russian state did not have such serious consequences for them, as for the Tatars: they made their right to freely confess the Muslim religion and thereby avoided the violent Christianization.

Yuldashbaev A. Bashkir - Hidden Tatar?

At one time, President of Tatarstan M. Shaimiev The relationship of two peoples - Tatars and Bashkir - compared with two wings of one bird. Beautiful image ours common story, It is no coincidence that originated in the soul (according to his own recognition of the president himself in the second world Kurultai Bashkir) of the Tsnyhar - a representative of the socio-ethnic community that occupies in the language and culture is just a sidelines between our peoples.

Bikbulatov N. V., Pimenov V. V. Bashkira: Description of ethnonym.

Bashkirs, Bashkort (self-talent), the people in Russia, the indigenous population of Bashkiria (Bashkortostan). The number of 1345.3 thousand people in Russia, including 863.8 thousand people in Bashkiria. Live also in the Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Tyumen regions. In addition, Kazakhstan (41.8 thousand people), Uzbekistan (34.8 thousand people), Kyrgyzstan (4.0 thousand people), Tajikistan (6.8 thousand people), Turkmenistan (4.7 thousand . man), in Ukraine (7.4 thousand people). The total number of 1449.2 thousand people. They speak on the Bashkir language of the Turkic group of the Altai family; Dialects: South, East, allocated the North-West Group of Govorov. Common Russian, Tatar languages. Writing on the basis of the Russian alphabet. Believers Bashkirs are Muslim Sunnis.

Adutov Rafael. Tatars and Bashkirs in the country of Samurai.

Japan, during the centuries, closed for foreigners, only at the end of the 19th century is forced - after bombing of a number of its ports, the guns of American dreadnights - opened its borders. The Japanese, in the main mass ever seen foreigners, were surprised high compared to them Tatars and Bashkirs, their unusual appearance, behavior.

Universal amazement was caused by dressed boxes from the Volga region and the Urals, on bikes entering the streets of Japanese villages and immediately the crowd of its inhabitants.

1. History Bashkir

The cradle of the ancient bashkin tribes was Turkic kaganat. The first written news of the "People of Juli, called Bashkort," left the Arab authors of the IX-XI centuries. Moving in the Ural region, Bashkirs was assimilated a part of the local Finno-Ugric and Skifo-Sarmatian population.
In the X century, West Kashkir tribes fell into political dependence on the Volga Bulgaria. And in 1236, the Bashkiria entered the Golden Horde conquered by the Mongols. Under these conditions, the Bashkir people could not create their own state Education.
After taking Kazan, Ivan Grozny appealed to Bashkirs with a call to enter the Russian state.
The conditions of entry are preserved in Russian chronicles, as well as in the Bashkir Gamer (Tribal Epos). Bashkirs pledged to pay yasak fur and honey, as well as carry military service. The Russian government guaranteed Bashkirla to defense against the claims of Nogai and Siberian khans; preserved for the Bashkir people they occupied by the earth; promised not to encroach on the religion Bashkir and should not interfere in the inner life of the Bashkir society.
The royal diplomas, promising peace and calm, made a strong impression on Bashkir. In the 50s of the XVI century, the Bashkir tribes expressed the desire to go to Russian citizenship. By the way, our Ivan Grozny won among Bashkir unprecedented popularity as kind and gracious "White Tsar".
At first, the Russian authorities holy observed the terms of the contract. But from the XVII century began the infringement of the rights of local khans and biys, capturing tribal lands. The answer was a number of uprisings that caused severe damage to both sides of the conflict. The hardest for Bashkir is the uprising of 1735-1740, during which, as it is believed, not every fourth person died.
Last time Bashkirs raised weapons against Russia during the famous "Pugachevshchina". Bashkir Supporter Pugacheva Salavat Yulaev remained in the memory of Bashkir folk hero. But for the Russian population of the Volga region it was a bloody monster. According to contemporaries, the Orthodox world "moaning and crying" from hisraffers.
Fortunately, these interethnic distribution remained in the past.

2. Bashkirs in the Patriotic War of 1812

The hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 Sergei Glinka wrote in his memoirs: "Not only the Russians of Russia's Sons, but also peoples, excellent languages, Nravami, faith - and those along with natural Russians, were ready to die for Earth Russian ... Bashkirts Orenburg themselves were called by themselves And they asked the government, whether their shelves are needed. "
Indeed, Bashkir formations have become an important part of the Russian irregular cavalry. Total to help the Russian army Bashkira put 28 horse regiments. Bashkir riders were dressed in Kaftani from blue or white cloth, wide bowls in color to kaftan with red wide lamps, white felt cap and boots.
Armament of the Bashkir warrior was a peak, a saber, onions and rods with arrows - guns and pistols were rare. Therefore, the French jicely called Bashkir "Cupid". But the Bashkir used their doping weapons used virtuoso. In one modern document, we read: "In the battle, the Bashkitra moves the quiver from his back on the chest, takes two arrows in the teeth, and the other two puts on the bow and letters instantly one for another." In the forty steps, the Bashkir warrior did not give a mischief.
Napoleonic General Marbo in his memoirs wrote about one collision with the Bashkir Connection: "They rushed with countless crowds on us, but gone from a volley from the guns, left a significant number of those killed on the site of the battle. These losses instead of cooling their frenzy, only it was heated. They were rushed around our troops, exactly swari OS. They were very difficult to overtake them. "
Kutuzov in one of the relationations marked the courage with which "Bashkir shelves strike the enemy." After the Borodino battle of Kutuzov, caused a commander of one of the Bashkir regiments, kakhn-tour, and, thanks to the courage in battle, exclaimed: "Ah and well done you, kindly of my Bashkirts!" Kakhim-tour handed over the words of the commander to his connants, and Bashkir warriors, inspired by praise, composed a song, whose chorus was repeated: "Little lovers, lover, well done, well done!" This song, chasing the feats of the Bashkir uniforms who passed with the battles of the floor of Europe, and today comes in Bashkiria.

3. Bashkir Wedding

In the wedding ritual, the national and religious traditions of the people appear brighter.
The ancient custom to spite of their children was still in the cradle of Bashkir until the end of the XIX century. The boy and the girl had to bite each other for her ears, and the parents of the bride and groom as a sign of the conclusion of the marriage treaty were drinking baht, divorced honey or koumiss from one cup.
Boyed Bashkirs early: the young man was considered ripe for a wedding at 15 years old, a girl in 13. According to the tradition of the part of the Bashkir tribes, it was impossible to take a wife from a kind or parish. But another part of Bashkir was resolved marriage between relatives in the fifth and sixth generation.
Muslim peoples (and Bashkirs confess the Islam of the Sunni sense) the marriage is considered valid only when he committed in compliance with the relevant rites and is consecrated by the name of Allah. Such a wedding rite is called Nicky.
In the House of the Testa comes invited Mullah and asks whether the parties agree to marry. Silence of a woman is accepted for its consent. Then Mullah reads saying from the Quran and records in metric book.
Mullet for the transaction usually pay one percentage of Calma. Nowadays, Kalym is considered as an optional, but still the desired marriage condition.
According to the payment of all calm of the bridegroom, with his relatives went beyond his wife to the test. To his arrival, the father-in-law arranged the festival of the Tuy, which lasted two to three days. In the rich houses these days were drilled and competitions in the national struggle (Caresh).
Upon joining the home of her husband, young three times kneeling before her husband's parents and her lifted her three times. Then I was met with gifts. The next day, the young led by water, with a rocker and buckets. She took a small silver coin, tied to thread, and threw it into the water, as if sacrifice to the water spirit. On the way back, they watched whether young water does not break, which was considered an unfavorable sign. And only after this ceremony, the wife, no longer aroused, opened her face with her husband.

4. Kum

The first mention of Kumyes belongs to the "Father of History" Herodotus, who lived in the V century BC. He said that the Scythians's favorite drink was a milk mare prepared according to a special method. According to him, the Scythians carefully guarded the secret of making Kumys. Those who disclose this mystery blinded.
One of the peoples that the recipe for us is made by the preparation of this miraculous drink were Bashkirs.
Preparing kumys in former times in lime or oak ads. At first they received Zakawsk - wandered. Bashkir serves as a sour cow's milk. Wood kneaded with mare milk and gave it.
By the time of ripening, Kumys are divided into a weak (one day), the middle (two days) and strong (three days). The proportion of alcohol in them constitutes one, and a half and three percent.
Natural one-day kumys have dietary and therapeutic properties. It is not in vain called a drink of longevity and health. Well acquaintance with the life of Bashkir, the writer Sergey Timofeevich Aksakov wrote about the wellness action of Kumsa: "In the spring ... the cooking of Kumsa begins, and everyone who can drink - from a chest baby to a squirrel old man - drinks healing, fertile drink, and dively disappear all illness of the hungry winter and dively disappear Even old age, the fit of the face, the belongs are covered with pale shoulder cheeks. In extreme conditions, Bashkirs sometimes fed on one kum, going around without other food.
Even in the first half of the XIX century, the author of the "intelligent dictionary" Vladimir Dal, the doctor by education, noticed the anticiritative effect of Kums. Dahl wrote that, having accustomed to Kumsu, would surely prefer him to everyone without exception to drinks. It cools, quenching at the same time hunger and thirst and gives special vigor, never overwhelming the stomach.
According to the highest command, in 1868, the Moscow merchant Marezksky arranged the first cattle institution near Moscow (in the current Sokolniki).
Therapeutic properties of Kumsa highly appreciated many outstanding physician scientists. For example, Botkin called Kumys "an excellent means" and believed that the preparation of this drink should be a common treasure as the preparation of cottage cheese or prostrochash.
Any Bashkir will confirm that Kumys excellent alternative Beer and cola.

2) Origin bashkir people.

3) The first information about Bashkarah.

4) Saki, Scythians, Sarmati.

5) Ancient Turks.

6) Polovtsy.

7) Gengizhan.

8) Bashkortostan as part of the Golden Horde.

10) Ivan Grozny.

11) Joining Bashkir to the Russian state.

12) Bashkir uprisings.

13) Bashkir tribes.

14) beliefs ancient Bashkir.

16) Adoption of Islam.

17) Writing from Bashkir and the first schools.

17) the emergence of Bashkir Aules.

18) the emergence of cities.

19) Hunting and fisheries.

20) agriculture.

21) Bortfreaty.

22) the influence of the Civil War on Economic and public life Bashkiria

1) The origin of the Bashkir people. Formation, the formation of the people does not occur immediately, but gradually. In the eighth century BC, Ananyan tribes lived in the Southern Urals, which were gradually settled into other territories. Scientists believe that the Ananyan tribes are direct ancestors of Komi-Permyakov, Udmurts, Mari, and the descendants of Anagintsev took part in the origin of the Chuvash, volga Tatars, Bashkir and other peoples of the Urals and the Volga region.
Bashkirs like people did not move from somewhere, but was formed as a result of a very complex and long historical Development on the places of the indigenous tribes, in the process of contacts and crossing them with the arrivals of tribes turkic origin. These are savromates, Huns, ancient Turks, Pechenegs, Polovtsy and Mongolian tribes.
Fully the process of the formation of the Bashkir people is completed at the end of XV - in the first half of the XVI century.

2) The first information about Bashkarah.

The first written certificates about Bashkara are referring to the IX centuries. Especially important evidence of the Arab traveler Ibn-Fadlan is especially important. According to his description, the embassy drove a long time through the country of Oguzo-Kypchakov (Zaralya's steppes), and then in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current city of Uralsk, it crossed across the YiK River and immediately joined the "Bashkir country from among the Turuquer".
In it, the Arabs crossed themselves through such rivers as a kineel, current, sheds, and the Liberty of the State of the Volga Bulgaria began behind the river Big Chereman.
The closest neighbors Bashkir in the West were Bulgars, and in the south and east - the Grozny nomadic tribes of the puzzles and Kypchakov. Bashkirs led active trade With China, with the states of South Siberia, Central Asia And Iran. They sold their fur merchants, iron products, cattle and honey. In exchange, silk, silver and gold jewelry, dishes were obtained. Pursuits and diplomats left the stories about her through the country. These stories mention that the city of Bashkir consisted of terrestrial log houses. The Bashkir settlements arranged frequent raids of the neighbors of Bulgaria. But militant Bashkirs tried to meet enemies on the border and did not let them down close to their villages.

3) Saki, Scythians, Sarmati.

2800 - 2900 years ago, a strong powerful people appeared in the South Urals - Saki. The main riches were horses. The famous Sakskaya cavalry of rapid throws captured fertile pastures for their numerous herds. Gradually steppe of Eastern Europe From the South Urals to the shores of the Caspian, Aral Seas and the South of Kazakhstan became Sakskim.
Among Sakov were especially rich families who had several thousand horses in herd. Rich families subordinate to themselves poor relatives and chose the king. So there was a Sakskaya state.

All Saki were considered the slaves of the king, and all their wealth was his property. It was believed that even after death, he becomes king, but only in another world. Koronyi kings in large deep graves. In the pit lowered the log cabins - at home, inside the weapons, dishes with food, dear clothes and other things. Everything was made of gold and silver, so that in the underground world nobody doubted the royal origin of the buried.
The whole millennium dominated Saki and their descendants on a wide steppe space. Then they were divided into several separate groups of tribes and began to live separately.

Scythians were nomadic people steppes, immense pasture land, stretching through Asia from Manchuria to Russia. Scythians existed the separation of animals (sheep, cattle and horses) and partly engaged in hunting. The Chinese and the Greeks described the Scythians as ferocious warriors, which constituted a single integer with their rapidly eaves. Armed with onions and arrows Scythians fought riding. According to one of the descriptions, they were filmed with scalp enemies and stored them as a trophy.
Rich Scythians were covered with a complex tattoo. The tattoo was evidence of a person's belonging to a well-known genus, and her absence was a sign of commoner. The man with the patterns applied on the body turned into a "walking" work of art.
When the leader was dying, his wife and servants were killed and buried with him. Together with the leader Kononi and his horses. Many very beautiful products made of gold found in burials, talk about the wealth of Scythians.

Kochuya along the borders of the Zararal steppe of the forest-steppe, Saki come into contact with those who live there with half-blood tribes. According to many modern researchers, these were the Finno-Ugric tribes - the ancestors of Mariers, Udmurts, Komi-Permyakov and, possibly, Hungarian Magyar. The interaction of Sakov and Ugron ended in the IV century BC, the appearance on the historic arena of Sarmatov.
In the second century before our era, Sarmati won Scythia and devastated her. Part of the Scythians was exterminated or captured, others were subordinated and merged with sackets.
Famous historian N. M. Karamzin wrote about Sarmata. "Rome was not ashamed of gold to buy a friendship of Sarmatov."
Scythians, Saki and Sarmatians spoke in Iranian. In Bashkir language there are ancient Irani via, that is, the words included in the vocabulary of Bashkirov from Iranian language: kyyr (cucumber), a kamyr (dough), a clock (board), hung (glass), Bakt (wool - molting), hiking (nara) , Shishme (spring, stream).

4) Ancient Turks.

In the VI - VII centuries, new hordes of nomads were gradually moving from the steppes of Central Asia. Turks created a huge empire from Pacific Ocean In the east to the North Caucasus in the West, from the forest-steppe areas of Siberia in the north to the borders of China and Central Asia in the south. In 558, the Southern Urals were already part of the Türkov state.

The Supreme Divine in the Turks was the sun (by other versions - heaven) he was called the Tenger. The Tenger was subject to the gods of water, wind, forests, mountains and other deities. The fire, as the ancient Turks considered, cleared a person from all sins and bad thoughts. Around the Khan Yurt and the day, and night bonfires were burning. No one dared to approach Khan until he passed through a fiery corridor.
Turks left a deep mark in the history of the peoples of the South Urals. Under their influence, new tribal unions were formed, which gradually moved to a settled lifestyle.

5) In the second half of the 9th century, a new wave of Turkic-speaking nomads is held through the steppes of the South Primea and the Volga region - Pechenegs. They were ousted out of Central Asia and the priaral of the victims defeat in wars for the possession of Syrdarya and Northern Priaral Oasisis. At the end of the IX century, Pechenegs and their tribes are becoming the actual owners of the steppes of Eastern Europe. Bashkir tribes included in the Pechenegs who lived in the steppes of the Volga region and the South Prijaria. Being an organic part of the Zavolzhsky Pechenegs of Bashkira IX - XI centuries, no way of life, nor culture, apparently, did not differ from Pechenegs.

Polovtsy are Turkic nomads, which appeared in the middle of the XI century in the Steppes of the Urals and Volga. The Polovtsy themselves called themselves with cripples. They approached the boundaries of Russia. Over time, their domination steppe became called cheap-kypchak, Polovtsaya steppe. On the days of the domination of the Polovtsy sculpture - the stone "women", standing in the steppe mounds. Although these statues are called "women", among them the images of the heroes of the heroes are dominated by the villains of the Polovtsy tribes.
Polovtsy acted as the Allies of Byzantium against Pechenegs, expelled them from the Black Sea region. Polovtsy were both allies and enemies of Russian tribes. Many of the Polovtsy became relatives of Russian princes. So, Andrei Bogolyub-sky was the son of the Polovchanka, the daughter of Khan Haepe. Prince Igor, the hero "Words about the regiment of Igor", before his campaign of 1185 he was invited to the Polovtsy himself to take part in military raids on Russia.
In the XIII - XIV centuries, the territory of the Viurala and Zauralya was settled by Kypchak. They joined related ties with other tribes in the population of this area.

6) Genghis Khan was the son of the Chief of a small Mongolian tribe. At eight years he remained orphan. When Genghis Khan's Father saw a big birthmark of the baby on his palm, he considered it a sign that the Son would become a great warrior.
The real name of Genghis Khan - Temacign. His merit was that he united into one cross-banned Union little nomadic tribes with each other. He devoted his whole life to creating the empire. The war was the instrument of this construction. There were no walking warriors in the army: everyone had two horses, one for himself, the other - for booties. We lived, rummage due to the conquered population.

Cities, if their population resisted, mercilessly destroyed with all residents. True, if they gave away without struggle, they could wait for mercy. Genghis Khan and his army acquired such fame with their cruelty that many preferred to give up to him without a fight.
The troops of Genghis Khan overcame the Great Wall and captured all China soon. In 1215, Beijing was captured and all China became part of the Great Mongolian Empire.
In the 20s of the XIII century, Genghis Khan and Horde approached the outskirts of Rus. Although Russian cities were well fortified, they could not restrain the onslaught of the Mongols. After defeating the combined forces of Russian and Polovtsy princes in 1223 in the battle on Kalka, the Mongolian army devastated the territory between Don and Dnipro north of the Azov Sea.

In the thirteenth century, the numerous troops of Grozny Genghis Khan approached the Southern Urals. Forces were unequal, in several battles, Bashkirs were broken. In reconciliation, the Bashkir leader Muitan Khan, son Tuxob Khan arrived at the Mongolian Khan's bet. He brought with him expensive gifts, including thousands of cattle heads. Genghis Khan remained satisfied expensive gifts And he was awarded Hana by a diploma for the eternal possession of them and his descendants of the lands through which the White River proceeds. Extensive lands, given under the power of Muitan Khan, completely coincides with the territory of the settlement of the Bashkir tribes of the IX - XII centuries.

7) In the thirteenth century, the numerous troops of Grozny Genghis Khan approached the Southern Urals. Forces were unequal, in several battles, Bashkirs were broken. In reconciliation, the Bashkir leader Muitan Khan, son Tuxob Khan arrived at the Mongolian Khan's bet. He brought with him expensive gifts, including thousands of cattle heads. Genghis Khan was pleased with the expensive gifts and awarded Han with a diploma on the eternal possession of them and his descendants of the lands, through which the White River flows. Extensive lands, given under the power of Muitan Khan, completely coincides with the territory of the settlement of the Bashkir tribes of the IX - XII centuries.
But Bashkir's wide masses were not reconciled with the loss of independence and repeatedly climbed the war against new owners. The topic of struggle Bashkir against Mongols is most fully reflected in the legend "The Last of Sartayevo", telling about tragic fate Bashkir Khan Jalaka, who in the war against Mongols lost his two sons, all his own, but remained unoccupied to the end.

8) Left his mark in the history of Bashkortostan, the Terrible King Timur. Timur (sometimes referred to as Tamerlane) was the ruler of the Great State, and his capital was the beautiful city of Samarkand. He constantly led war against neighboring countries, capturing young men and girls, hijacing cattle.
In June 1391, Timur defeated the Mongolian king Tichtamysh near the Kundurcha River in Bashkortostan. At the Rights of the Winner of the warriors of Timur began to rake. They took away from prisoners, weapons, horses, disassembled and destroyed hundreds of Bashkir villages, dozens of cities in the Urals-Volga region. Robbee lasted 20 days.
I uncomfortable memory left Timur about myself. Here is one of the legends of Bashkir, in which the origin of Aulu is explained: "One day, Han came to the Bashkir Earth named Aksak Timur. He came and asked Bashkir to issue their girlfriend for him. They decided to give him a girl from a kind. Han generously paid for her and left. After some time, he came again to pick up his bride. But now Bashkirs unexpectedly opposed his desire. Did not give the girl. Han heavily angry. In the midst of his honor, he ruined and burned all the nomads and yurts of the local Bashkir birth. The people suffered greatly from this disturbance. For a long time they did not forget the cruel khan, they remembered curses. Later, these places began to be called UIS Aldi - revenge. It is said that the name of Ayla teaching happened from this word. "

9) On January 16, 1547, the Metropolitan of All Russia Macarius in the Assumption Cathedral for the first time in Russian history solemnly walked on the kingdom of King Ivan Vasilyevich.
The head of the king was crowned with a monomacha hat. The monoma hat after Ivan the Terrible will be married to the kingdom of all Russian kings as a crown. Boyar and in those days were conquered in front of each other high fur caps. It was believed that the higher the hat, the more reason for the genus. Simple people did not have the right to wear such luxury caps. What to say: in Senka and the hat.
With Ivan the Terrible, the territory of the Russian state increased significantly, but the very state was on the verge of disaster. The time of his rule, on the one hand, was noted by success, and on the other hand, the bloody war of the king against his people. To fight the enemies, who have experienced him at every step, Ivan the Terrible came up with an Okrichnin. The name "Okrichnina" comes from the ancient Russian word "to give" - \u200b\u200bin addition to. Okrichniki wore a special form. They were looking for the enemies of the king everywhere. Together with a person, all members of his family, servants, often even peasants were grabbed. After the brutal torture of unfortunate executed, and the survivors remained.

10) in the middle of the XV century Golden Horde broke up. Small states arose on its territory: Nogai Horde, Kazan, Siberian and Astrakhan Khanate. Bashkirs were under their domination. All this worsened the position of Bashkir.
In the middle of the XVI century, after liberation from the Mongolian yoke, the power of the Russian state begins to grow rapidly. However, it was not calm in the east. Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate to their permanent raids ruined Russian lands, widen many captured. Only in Kazan in 1551 more than one hundred thousand Russian prisoners languished. The interests of the further development of the Russian state required decisive measures against Kazan. And the king Ivan Grozny organized a military campaign. With the take of Kazan on October 2, 1952, the existence of Kazan Khanate ceased.
Ivan Grozny appealed to the peoples of the former Kazan Khanate with diplomas. In them he urged to voluntarily adopt Russian citizenship and pay Yasak (tribute). He promised not to touch their land, religion and customs, that is, leave all the gas, as it was to the Mongolian invasion. In addition, he promised protection and patronage from all enemies.
The flexible diplomacy of the White King, as they called the Terrible Bashkira, gave their results: Bashkirs met his proposal with approval. The first to take Russian citizenship at the end of 1554 the tribes of the Western Bashkortostan, who were previously part of the Kazan Khanate. In the spring of 1557, the process of entering the main mass of Bashkir into the Russian state ended.

For legal decoration Conditions were agreed: Bashkirs were obliged to carry military service - to guard the eastern borders, to participate in military campaigns along with Russians and pay Yasak.
Accession as a whole had a progressive value for Bashkir. It was finished with the domination of the Nogai, Kazan and Siberian Khanate, with endless internecine wars. All this has a positive effect on the development of the territory of the region. Bashkirs began to adopt agricultural and craft skills among the Russian peasants, and the Russians from Bashkir are some techniques of cattle breeding and Bortfrortan. Bashkirs, Russians and other nations jointly mastered natural resources the edges.
Accession to the Russian state was accompanied by the construction of fortresses and cities. Birsk was founded by the Bashkirs themselves in 1555. In 1766, sterlitamak is based as the pier. In 1762, the construction of a Beloretsky plant begins, in 1781 the status of the city receives Belebey.

11) An important place in the history of Bashkortostan is occupied by the uprisings of indigenous inhabitants against the colonial oppression of tsarism. This groove was expressed in the violent seizure of Bashkir lands, in the persecution of national culture. The position of Bashkir worsened by the fact that the royal officials were abused when collecting Yasaka, the conditions of joining Bashkir to Russia were disturbed.
To complain to Bashkir, there was nowhere to complain, so they expressed their protest with weapons in their hands. Bashkirs organized 89 armed performances against Russian colonialists.
Large armed uprisings Bashkir: 1662 - 1664 (heads of Sarah Mergen and Ishmukhamet Davletbayev); 1681 - 1683 (Seit Sadir); 1704 - 1711 (Aldar Ishyangildin and bitch of the sealas); 1735 - 1740 (Kilmayuk Abyz Nurushev, Akai Kuyumov, Bephena Trupberdin, Karasakal); 1755 (BatyrSh Aliyev); Bashkir's participation in the Peasant War of Emelyan Pugacheva in 1773 - 1775 (Salavat Yulaev, Kinzya Arslanov, Bazargul Yunayev).
About the defenders of the people, the people of the courageous leaders of armed speeches, the people accompanied songs, Kubair, legends. The National Hero of the Bashkir people was Salavat Yulaev. Salavat Yulaev combined the poet's talent, the gift of the commander, fearless warrior. These qualities reflect the spiritual appearance of Bashkir. Bashkirs, Russians, Tatars, Mishary, Chuvashi, Marie gathered under the banner of Pugachev. But the first place among them by the number of participants belonged to Bashkir. The first of the Bashkir military leaders appeared in the rebel camp Arslanov. He brought a detachment of 500 people. Being a highly educated person, he was immediately adopted in Pugachev headquarters.
The authorities decided to use Bashkir to fight the rebels, a lot of armed Bashkir gathered in the city of Sterlitamak on orders of the Governor of Orenburg. Among them was Salavat Yulaev. Salavat enjoyed huge trust among his subordinates. Already then he was known as a poet improviser. With a flame speech, he opposes the warriors, calling them to join Pugachev. All unanimously supported Salavat. He becomes the leader of the entire Bashkir cavalry.
After the departure of Pugachev from Bashkortostan, the leadership of the uprising completely turns into the hands of Salavat. He continues to fight and then when the Cossacks are issued to Pugachev authorities.
But the forces were unequal, the uprising began to decline, the detachments of Salavat were broken. Grabbed the batyr on November 25, 1774. After long interrogations, it was cruel torture together with his father on October 3, 1775, sent to Eternal Catherega to Rogervik. Here, together with other rebels, Salavat and his father Julai Aznynly worked on the construction of the Roghervik port. It was a grueling job, but they resistantly transferred all the burden. Stories are known such fact. Somehow the Swedes attacked the garrison, they interpret all the protection and began to rob everything in a row. Then they pounced the convicts. They turned into a flight of the Swedes and captured their ships. After all the happening Pugachevtsy could go to the open sea. But they raised the Andreev flag and waited for the authorities. The convicts hoped that for such a patriotic deed they mercy. However, the authorities decided in their own way: everything remains unchanged. In 1797, Yulay died. September 26, 1800 did not become Salavat.

12) Each Bashkir tribe included several birth. The number of births in the tribes was different. At the head of the genus stood Biy - a generic leader. In IX - XII centuries Biyev power became hereditary. Biy relied on the National Assembly (Yyyn) and the Council of Elders (Corrett). Questions of war and the world, clarification of borders were solved during the people's assembly. Folk assembly ended with the festivities: the jumps were arranged, the obstellers competed in poetic skills, kiraches performed, singers.
Every tribe had four distinctive feature: Stamp (Tamga), tree, bird and cry (oran). For example, Burzyan stamped was an arrow, a tree - oak, a bird - eagle, Klikova - Baisunggar.
Name of the Bashkir people Bashkort. What does this word mean? There are more than thirty explanations in science. The most common are the following: the word "Bashkort" is made up of two words "bash" means "head, chief", and "Cort" - "Wolf". This volume is associated with the ancient beliefs of Bashkir. The wolf was one of Totems Bashkir. Totem is an animal, less often - the phenomenon of nature, the plant, which ancient people worshiped as God, considering his tribe, the tribe. In Bashkir, there are legends about the wolf-savior, wolf-conductor wolf-progenitor. The word "Bashkort" according to another explanation also consists of two words "BASH" means "head, chief", and "Cort" - "bee". Bashkirs have long been engaged in Borutnsky, and then beekeeping. It is possible that the bee was Totem Bashkir, and eventually became their name.

13) Religion in ancient people was born in an attempt to explain the world. No one could explain why it suddenly comes cold or hunger, an unsuccessful hunt occurs.
Natural forces: the sun, rain, thunder and lightning and so on, caused special respect for people. All nations in early development worshiped the forces of nature and idols that were represented. For example, the main god among the ancient Greeks and Slavs was a sturperzitz, who was uncompressed by him with a lightning. The Greeks were called Zeus, Slavs - Perun. And the ancient Bashkirs were especially revered by the Sun and the Moon. The sun they represented in the image of a woman, the moon - in the image of a man. In the myth of heavenly luminaires, the Sun performs in the form of a Red Water Virgin, leaving the sea, with long white hair. Hands she takes the stars and decorate their hair with them. The moon is drawn in the form of jigita-handsome, having fun or sad looking from the sky on people.
The Earth, thought the ancient Bashkirs, rests on a huge bull and a large pike, and their television duties cause an earthquake. Trees and stones, land and water, like a person, believed the ancient Bashkirs, feel pain, offense, anger and can revenge for themselves and near, harm or, on the contrary, to help a person. Birds and animals also endowed mind. The ancient Bashkirs believed that birds and animals could talk among themselves, and in relation to a person behave as he deserves. And the fire, according to the people's ideas, was the source of two starts - evil in the form of loss and kind - as the power of purification from evil spirits and as a source of heat.
Therefore, Bashkirs behaved carefully towards the world around the world so as not to cause anger and dissatisfaction from nature.

Approximately 1,400 years ago, a new prophet appeared on the Arabian Peninsula. Magomet (Muhamed) was born in 570 to our era. In six years, he remained orphan and the receiving parents were raised.
In those days, the Arabs worshiped many gods. Like other peoples at an early stage of development, they worshiped various idols. The tribes of the Arabic nomads lived very poorly and in a constant hostility with each other. In order to combine, I needed a common faith. This faith was Islam.
Islam was a new religion, at the same time there is much borrowed from Judaism and Christianity in it. Magomet declared himself the prophet Allah, who through the Archangel Gabriel (Jabrail) opened him the truths of the new faith, later collected in the Quran.
The word "Islam" translated from Arabic means "submission". "Muslim" means "the one who obeys." The new faith proclaimed Allah by the only God, which is kind to people, but, however, will be revenge on those who are not devoted to Islam. It should be said that in the Quran many legends about the prophets who are mentioned in the sacred Jewish and Christian books. According to the Quran, Moses (Musa), Jesus (Isa) and many others are prophets.
Magomet, preaching on behalf of Allah, forced the warring tribes to unite into a single people, which subsequently led to the creation of the Arab Empire. Magomet and his followers created a new Islamic society that combined strict religious prescriptions with the commandment to defend the weak - women, orphans and slaves. Europeans often believe that Islam is a religion of militant. But it is not. By side with Muslims, the world of Jews, Christians and Buddhists lived in the world.
The conquest of Arabs led to the fact that Islam spread throughout the world. Islam played a very large role in the development of mankind. New religion contributed to the development of science, architecture, craft, trade. For example, deciding to conquer the countries with which they were separated by the sea, the Arabs became beautiful navigators. Today, Muslims are more than 840 million people.

15) Adoption of Islam.

Islam began to penetrate the Bashkir society in the X-X1 centuries through the Bulgarian and Central Asian merchants, as well as preachers. The Arab Traveler Ibn-Fadlan in 922 met one of Bashkir, confessing Islam.
Already in the XIV century, Islam becomes a dominant religion in Bashkiria, which is evidenced by mausoleums and Muslim burials.
The spread of Muslim religion was universally accompanied by the construction of prayer buildings and mausoleums over the "graves of saints", which are currently samples of the ancient Bashkir architectural architecture. These art monuments at Bashkir are called "cachener". In the modern territory of the republic there are three mausoleum, built in the XIII - XIV centuries, of which two in Chishminsky, and the third - in Kagurgi areas.
One of them Mausoleum-cachene Husain-Beck is on the left bank of the Demy River, on the outskirts of the Chishma station. Cachene is constructed over the grave of Husain-Bek, one of the active Muslim preachers.
The building in its original form is not preserved to this day. The base of cachene is built of large rough stones, and specially processed and well-fitted stones are used to build the dome.
The entire appearance of the building resembles the form of "TirME", is an architectural image, at that time, dominated in the steppes of Bashkortostan.

16) Bashkira, like many Turkic peoples, before the adoption of Islam used Runic writing. The ancient runes resembled Bashkir Taggie Tanga. The material for the letter from Bashkir in ancient times a stone served, sometimes beret.
With the adoption of Islam, the Arab letter began to enjoy. The letters of the Arab alphabet wrote poems and poems, the appeals of the batyr, pedigrees, letters, tombstones.
Since 1927, Bashkirs are moving to Latin, and in 1940 to Russian graphics.
The modern alphabet of the Bashkir language consists of 42 letters. In addition to 33 common letters with Russian languages, 9 more letters have been adopted to designate the specific sounds of the Bashkir language.
The first schools in Bashkiria arise in the second half of the XVI century. They copied the traditional religious school of Islam - Madrasa (from the Arab "Madrasa" - "a place where teach").
In the madrasa focused on religious and moral education of children. Students also received some knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, classical Arabic literature.
Since the end of the XVIII century, the network of mektebov ( primary schools) And the madrasah in Bashkiria is rapidly expanding. And in the first half of the XIX century, Bashkiria turns into one of the centers of education on russian East. Particularly famous were Madrasa in the village of Sterlibash (Sterlitamak County), Seitov Posad (Orenburg County), Trinity (Troitsky Uzedid).
Madrasa founded rich entrepreneurs who perfectly understood how important education for the people. In 1889, the Madrasa "Husaina" was opened, which was kept on the means of the Husainov brothers. Other famous Ufa Madrasa: "Humania" (1887T., Now the building of school number 14), "Gali" (1906).

17) Many Bashkir Aules are distinguished by a beautiful and convenient location. Badddlers to the choice of places for wintering (Kyshlau) and summer-wok (Yaylau) were pulled very carefully.
Bashkir Aules rose and developed from wintering. When the economic basis of life was nomadic cattle breeding, the choice of space for wintering was primarily the presence of a sufficient amount of feed for livestock. All requirements of Bashkir answered the river valleys. Their wide floors, richly irrigated during the spring flood, were covered with high juicy herbs and were beautiful winter pastures, subsequently - hayous land. The surrounding mountains defended the bullets from the winds, and their slopes were used as pastures.
The location of wintering in the water was comfortable with also because rivers and lakes served as a source of utility, and for a part of the population and main occupation - fishing.
Bashkir Aules mainly carry the names of their founders: Umitba, Aznov, Janai and others.

18) Ufa
The division of labor is one of the greatest achievements man. How did the work divided? Very simple: someone was skillful in the manufacture of dishes and other utensils from clay and other utensils, someone was a blacksmithing case, and someone most liked to treat land. So the first artisans appeared.
Gonchar, blacksmith and agriculture produced needed to exchange or sell. And it was also necessary to defend themselves from enemies. This is how the first settlements of people appeared, who have grown over time, became the center of trade in civilization.
The first cities, about which there are information, were built by the Sumerians of about five and a half thousand years ago. The Land of Sumerians was located on the territory of modern Iraq, between the rivers Tiger and Euphrates. She was called Mesopotamia, which translated from Greek means "country between rivers".
In the Southern Urals, the first cities appeared about 3 thousand years ago. One of these cities - Arkim - is located 60 kilometers from Sibaya city. The settlement was surrounded by three rows of powerful walls laid out of raw bricks, wood and jam. House-semi-mining 4x12 meters were planned so that the walls served as walls for two other neighboring dwellings. Every house had two outputs - in courtyard And on the street. The city existed a common sewer system for water drain. Such fortress facilities are the most ancient in Russia. Here, merchants stopped from distant countries, purchased metals and products from them, traded the brought goods. But the main task of such cities-fortresses was the protection of mines from the capture and destruction by their hostile neighbors. At about a thousand years ago, the person learned to manufacture the tools from iron. The culture and the device of society changed with the opening of iron. In the South Urals, two ways of life develop at this time - nomadic cattle breeding in the steppe and a sedental cattle breeding and agricultural in the forest-steppe. A major event in the history of Bashkir was the foundation of the city of Ufa. The city received his name from the name of the Ufa River, but what means the name of the river and what kind of origin does not give us any Slavic, nor Turkic nor threatened languages. In 1574, the Ufa fortress was founded. The fortress allowed Bashkir to make it easier and adherence to the burdensome obligation for Yasaka, because with the time of accession of their edge to the Russian state they were forced to carry Yasak in the distant Kazan, which was unsafe. But the Moscow kings, agreeing to the construction of the fortress, thought not only about the comforts of the indigenous population of the region, and also their benefit. The Ufa fortress was the supporting point for them, from where a favorable opportunity was created to distribute the dominion of the Moscow sovereigns farther on the south-east.
Fortress long years He lived alert, but, in general, a relatively quiet and peaceful life. There were few residents: by the beginning of the XVII century there is only 230 people. But the number of residents from year to year has grown. After 30-40 years, the population of the city reached 700 - 800 people.
In the second half of the XVII century, the Ufa Fortress entered its page in the history of the Great Peasant War under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev. Bashkiria was the area of \u200b\u200bthe most active actions of the rebels. Pugachevskaya Volnitsa from the first days tried to master Ufa, but random raids of the rebel Cossack squads and joined them Bashkir did not reach the goals. After the Terrible Events peasant war Its value as defensive strengthen is completely coming to no. The government order was kept "guns to split, and send copper to Orenburg."
Modern Ufa consists of several separate arrays, stretched from southwest to the northeast by more than 50 kilometers and occupies a territory of 468.4 square kilometers. This is a city more than a million population.


In the picturesque Valley of the River White, surrounded by the mountains of the Southern Urals, the city of Beloretsk - the oldest in the Urals and the only one in Bashkiria center of black metallurgy. Beloretsk is located in the central part of the Southern Urals, in the Mining and Forest District of Bashkiria, rich in iron ore, refractory clays, magnesites, dolomites, crystalline slates, limestones, including mramo-riding, which can be used as a facing stone. The surrounding city ridges in the past were covered with thick coniferous forests, mainly pine. All this created the conditions for the construction of a metallurgical plant when the cast iron was paid on charcoal. The emergence of Beloretsk refers to the middle of the eighteenth century. In 1747, the famous Magnetic mountain was opened with the help of local residents-Bashkir. But in the area of \u200b\u200bthis mountain, there was no forest and the plant built at a considerable distance from her, on the White River. It was Beloretsky cast iron cast iron. The plant was founded by the Raddyshev brothers on the plot of the Earth in 200 thousand tents, for which they paid to Bashkirs only 300 rubles. In 1923, Beloretsk receives the status of the city. Externally, Beloretsk has a lot in common with the old mountainous-water settlements of the Urals: in the center it is an extensive pond with a dam across the river White and metallurgical plant with speakers on the background of the sky with domain furnaces, cauquers and smoking pipes. The city of White and her influx is divided into three parts. The lower selection on the right bank is the historic center of the city. Here they built a cast-iron and iron plants, and later steelmaker and mechanical. The streets of Lower village stretch along the shore of the pond and the river Belaya and perpendicular to them. The old quarters are built up with small one-story buildings with typical Mountain Urals White Shutters.


Sterlitamak - the second largest city of Bashkortostan. It is located 140 kilometers south of Ufa, when merging the White and Ashshkadar rivers, at the mouth of the river erased. The city was founded in 1766 as a marina for alloying Iletsk Salt, which was delivered to the pier on the bass. Then she was driving onto the barges and fused on the rivers Belaya, Kame and Volga in Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of Russia. Since 1781, Sterlitamak became the city and county center. The city was assigned the coat of arms: three silver swans were assigned to the banner. Until 1917, 20 thousand inhabitants lived in it, 5 small sawmill factories, 4 mills, an alcohol plant and several leather enterprises worked. With whatever parties you do not drive up to the city, the chain of lonely chain appears in front of you, called shyhanami. Mountains give the landscape peculiar harsh beauty.
Nedra near Sterlitamak is rich in minerals: oil, limestone, marlamles, stone salt, clay. Sterlitamak is now a modern industrial and cultural center. The city is built, continues to evolve. He has great prospects. He is all in the future.

19) Rich steppes and forests allowed plenty of catching and shooting game and beasts, keeping birds of birds, catch fish with various gears. True horseback riding on horseback was suitable for mostly in autumn. Groups of people, covering broad spaces, wovel wolves, foxes and hares, shot them out of Luke, or, dodged on horseback, killed with steels and kitchens.
Collective hunting played a big role in teaching Youth Military Art - archery, speaking skills and Kiestin, Djigitovka.
Hunting prey was a big help for Bashkir. Skins walked on the manufacture of clothes. Fur fur exchanged on other foods, as well as walked on the payment of the filings. Skister proteins were monetary unit, gave a penny name in Bashkir. At the coat of arms, Ufa shows the curtain, and the wolf was one of the totem animals. Fishing was not as common as hunting. Nevertheless, in forest and mountainous areas, fisheries played a significant role. In dry years, as well as during the periods of a military time, and in the steppe zone, the population resorted to fisheries.

20) No one can definitely say when people began to engage in agriculture, but it is reliably known that 9 thousand years ago people grown wheat, barley, peas and lentils.
Initially, agriculture developed in the Middle East, on the territory of modern Iran, Iraq and Turkey. About 6 thousand years ago, the Egyptians feared the land sharpened piece of solid tree. He was pulled by bulls or slaves. The ancient Greeks and the Romans attached to the cutting part of the plow metal tip - Lemeh. Plow, made entirely of iron, appeared around 1800.
Like most Eurasian nomads, Bashkirs lit up small fields by millet and barley. Under the crops used sections free from the forest. In the forest areas, selected for arable land, the forest was cut down and burned. The ash of the burned trees served fertilizer for the soil. Such a method of agriculture was used by neighboring threat-Finnish tribes, as well as Slavs. Up until the 20th century, in Bashkiria and in the entire Russian Empire, during the harvest, the harvest was removed using iron surges and braids. Earlings on the field were binding to the sheath and overlooked in aimno or current, where shens were thickened with wooden chains to separate the grain from the straw. Thinks and horses, chasing them in a circle on a uniformly plated on the current bread. Sowing Bashkir was insignificant, as the demand for bread was satisfied due to the exchange of other products with neighbors. But the respectful attitude of Bashkir to the bread and the proceedings of the agriculture are reflected in the folk proverbs and sayings. Here are some of them: "If you don't sing on the field, you will moan on the current", "even in running filed, put the seeds - to return food will be", "Earth who knows the price; Who does not know - the grave ".

21) In the forest and mining and forest areas, Bashkir, perceived, visible from Bulgar and the Finno-Ugric population of the region. Bortfreatic existed in Bashkir in two forms. The first one came down to the fact that the Botnik was looking for a duplicate tree in the forest, in which wild bees settled, carved his generic or family Tamga on it, expanded the hole leading to the duplin and inserted the pads to her honey. The bore tree became his property. Another form is related to the flooring of artificial borough. To do this, in the forest, a straight tree thickness with a thickness of at least 60 centimeters was chosen and at an altitude of 6-8 meters hollow out the volumetric heap with holes for the input of the bees. Entrepreneuric beekeepers for the first half of the summer tried to make as many sores as possible in attractive places for bees. In the middle of summer, during the period of almost all the borders, new bees families were filmed. The practice of making artificial sores made it possible to regulate the resettlement of the beekeepers and focus the starting possessions of individuals and generic communities In limited areas most favorable for honey collection and ensuring the protection of sore bears.

22) Imperialist and civil war inflicted industry, agriculture Bashkortostan huge material damage. As a result of hostilities, food requisitions, horses, the supply, livestock conducted by "white" and "red", punitive expeditions, actions of various gangs The peasantry of the Ufa province and the Small Bashkiria was in a distinguished position. Only in the three cantons of Small Bashkiria (Tabyan, Tyaman-Katai and Yurmatynsky), 650 villages were destroyed, 7 thousand peasant farms were ruined. In Malaya Bashkiria, it turned out to be no bed, hungry and opened more than 157 thousand people. In only the Belekeevsky district of the Ufa province, more than 1 thousand farms were destroyed and burned, 10 thousand heads of horses and cattle was selected and t.
Productive forces agriculture Full decay. According to the Census of 1920, in the Ufa province, sowing areas decreased by 43% compared with a pre-war period, in Minor Bashkiria - by 51%.
The industry suffered greatly. Equipment, raw materials and plants from many factories and factories vehiclesThe mines were destroyed and flooded. In 1920, 1,055 large, medium and small businesses were inactive in the Small Bashkiria and Ufa province. Cotton production was discarded to the level mid XIX. c., Metallurgy - even further. Plants and factories immense. A part of the qualified workers and engineering workers left with the "white", the other disappeared, fleeing from hunger, terror, banditry.
In the course of hostilities, bridges, railway canvas, station and travel economy, rolling stock, telegraph lines were destroyed. Large transport losses were explained by the fact that the promotion of troops was carried out mainly on railway highways. Many business infrastructures were destroyed, traditional economic relations. The natural exchange of raw materials, food, industrial facilities has ceased.
After the end of the civil war, the inhabitants of Bashkortostan collapsed even more terrible disaster - hunger. The first reason that gave rise to malt is the destruction of the productive forces as a result of the world and civil warrior, in addition to the drought of 1921. The second cause of hunger was the Food Policy of the Bolshevik government. In 1920, there was a bastard in Kras. Despite this, bread scribe was established in the amount of 16.8 million pounds. It was decided to fulfill at any cost. By force, the entire harvest was taken, not leaving even on the seeds. By the beginning of February 1921, 13 million puddles of bread and grainifuges were requested in the province, 12 thousand poods of butter, 12 million eggs and other products. In Malaya Bashkiria, 2.2 million puddles of bread were selected, 6.2 thousand oily powder, 121 thousand heads of livestock, 2.2 thousand pounds of chalk, etc. As a result, the peasants were left without seeds and food reserves. The third cause of the hunger was the underestimation of the disaster scales by the Central Soviet institutions and the non-historicalness of local authorities.
As a result of hunger, the population of the Bashkir Republic and the Ufa province decreased by 650 thousand people (by 22%). At the same time, the number of Bashkir and Tatars decreased by 29, Russians - by 16%. It was an unprecedented hunger in the history of the land, which remained in the memory of the people as a big hunger (Zur Aslyk). Only during hunger 1891-1892. There was a decline of the population by 0.5% of the percent, and in the remaining hungry years, only decrease in population growth was observed. For two years, 82.9 thousand peasant farms (16.5% of the total) disappeared from the face of the Earth (16.5% of the total), the number of work horses has decreased by 53%, cows - by 37.7, sheep - by 59.5%. Sowing areas decreased by 917.3 thousand dec. (by 51.6%). The consequences of this hunger were felt for many years.
The industry suffered greatly. By early 1923 specific gravity The existing enterprises of the factory industry amounted to only 39%, workers - 46.4% of the pre-war level. Due to the lack of labor, raw materials and fuel, some enterprises suspended work for an indefinite time, others worked with incomplete load.
In these harder conditions, later than in other regions of the country, the revival of the national economy of the republic began. It took place on the basis of a new economic policy adopted by the X Congress of the RCP (b) in March 1921

Bashkirs, like all nomads, sincecore were famous for freedom and militia. And now they retained courage, a sharpened sense of justice, pride, stubbornness in defending their interests.

At the same time, in Bashkiria, there was always warmth of the immigrants, they actually provided the land for them, did not impose their customs and beliefs. No wonder that modern Bashkira - Very friendly and hospitable people. They are completely alien intolerance to representatives of other nations.

The ancient laws of hospitality are still honored and respected in Bashkortostan. To the arrival of guests, even uninvited, cover a rich table, and leaving - giving gifts. Unusual tradition to present rich gifts breastfish Guests - it is believed that it must be touched, because the baby, unlike his older relatives, can not eat anything in the host house, and therefore can curse him.

Traditions and customs

In modern Bashkiria, great importance is paid to the traditional way, all national holidays are celebrated on the scale of the republic. And in antiquity, rites were accompanied by all the most significant events for man - the birth of a child, a wedding, funeral.

Traditional wedding rituals Bashkir - Complex and beautiful. For the bride, the groom paid a big calm. True, the economical has always had a way out: wash your beloved. In the old days, the family was consolidated to encourage even the birth of children. And the engagement between the bride and groom (Syrgatuy) was carried out at a gentle age of 5-12 years. Later, the search for the bride began to begin only when the boy is achieved by a worker.

The bride of his son chose parents, and then sent to the selected family of the matchmaker. Weddings arranged with a scope: organized jumps, fighting tournaments and, of course, a feast. The first year, a young wife could not talk to mother-in-law and mother-in-law - it was a sign of humility and respect. At the same time, ethnographers celebrate a very careful attitude towards a woman in the Bashkir family.

If the husband raised his hand to his wife or did not provide her, then it could end the divorce.

The divorce was possible in the event of a change in the woman - in Bashkiria, they treated the female chastity.

Special attitude from Bashkir was to the birth of a child. So, a pregnant woman for a while became almost a "queen": according to custom, it was necessary to fulfill her whim to ensure the appearance of a healthy baby. Children in Bashkir families loved and rarely punished. Submission was founded only on the continued authority of the father of the family. The Bashkir family has always been built on traditional values: worshiping senior, love for children, spiritual development and proper education of children.

In the Bashkir community, Aksakals, elders, Keepers of Knowledge were enjoyed in great respect. And now the real Bashkir will never say rude words Old man or an elderly woman.

Culture and holidays

The cultural heritage of the Bashkir people is incredibly rich. The heroic episos ("Ural-Batyr", "Akbuzat", "Alpamysh" and others) force to plunge into the militant past of this nation. Folklore includes numerous magic legends about people, deities and animals.

Bashkirs loved the song and music - in the piggy bank of the people there are ritual, epic, satirical, household songs. It seems that no minute of life ancient Bashkira Did not go without a song! Loved Bashkirs and dance, while many dancing are sophisticated, narrative, Turning or in a pantomime, either in theatrical action.

The main holidays accounted for a spring-year time, during the heyday of nature. Kargatuy's most famous (graceful holiday, day of arrival of rods), Maidan (May holiday), Sabantuy (Plow day, ending sowing), which remained the most significant holiday of the Bashkir people and is celebrated with a big sweep. In the summer, Jein was held - a holiday, which was gathered by residents of several neighboring villages. Women had their own festive day - the curtain tea rite, to participate in which men were not allowed. IN holidays Residents of the village gathered and organized competitions in the struggle, running, shooting, jumps, ending with a common trapeza.

Racing has always been an important element of the festivities. After all, Bashkirs are skillful riders, in the villages of the boys taught riding from an early age. Previously said that Bashkirs were born and died in the saddle, and really - most of Their life was riding. Women were no less well keen on the horse and if necessary, could slip several days. They did not cover the face, unlike other Islamic women, had the right to vote. Elderly Bashkirki had the same influence in the community as elders-Aksakala.

In rites and celebrations there is an interweaving of Muslim culture with the ancient pagan beliefs, the worship of the forces of nature is traced.

Interesting Facts about Bashkira

Bashkirs first used Runic Turkic writing, then Arabic. In 1920, a Latin-based alphabet was developed, and in the 1940s, Bashkirs moved to the Cyrillic alphabet. But, unlike Russian, there are 9 additional letters to display specific sounds.

Bashkortostan is the only place in Russia, where Bortfreaty has survived, that is, the form of beekeeping with collecting honey of wild bees from the hollow trees.

Favorite dish Bashkir - Beshbarmak (dish of meat and dough), and a favorite drink - Kumys.

In Bashkiria, a handshake was taken by two hands - it symbolizes special respect. In relation to the old people, such a greeting must.

Bashkirs put the interests of the community above personal. They adopted the "Bashkir Brotherhood" - the care of everyone about the prosperity of a kind.

A few more decades ago, long before the official prohibition of Mata in the public space, there was no absent of an absent vocabulary in Bashkir. Historians associate it with both the norms forbidding in the presence of women, children and elders, and with the conviction that the swords are harmful to the speaker. Unfortunately, over time, under the influence of other cultures, Bashkir lost this unique and commendable feature.

If you write the name of Ufa on the Bashkir language, it will look like өf. In the people, it is called "three screws" or "three tablets". This stylized inscription can often be found on the streets of the city.

Bashkirs participated in the defeat of the Napoleonic army during the war of 1812. They were armed only onions and arrows. Despite the archaic weapons, Bashkirs were considered dangerous opponents, and European soldiers nickname them with northern amurs.

Women's Bashkir names traditionally contain particles denoting heavenly shining: ah - moon, con - sun and tang - dawn. Male names are usually associated with masculby and resistance.

Bashkir had two names - one was given immediately after birth in time to wrapping the baby in the first diapers. It was called - diaper. And the second kid received at the rite of adherents from Mullah.