Population of Bashkiria: the number, national composition, religion. Bashkira

Population of Bashkiria: the number, national composition, religion. Bashkira
Population of Bashkiria: the number, national composition, religion. Bashkira

Samulation - Bashkort, the people in Russia, the indigenous population of Bashkiria (Bashkortostan). In Russia, according to the All-Russian Census of 2010, 1,584,554 Bashkir lives, including 7290 people in the Samara region. They live in the south-east of the Samara region, mainly in the Tortyrovsky and Bolshalshitsky districts. Due to the fact that the main range of traditional settlement of the local Bashkir is located in the Valley of the River Big Irgiz, often in historiography they are referred to as "Irgiz's Bashkirs". Part of the Bashkir is resettled in the cities of the Samara region, primarily in Samara and to Togliatti.

They speak the Bashkir language of the Turkic group of the Altai family. Common Russian, Tatar languages. Writing on the basis of the Russian alphabet. Believers Bashkirs are Muslim Sunnis.

In the formation of Bashkir, the Turkic cattle breeding tribes of Southernibirsk-Central Asian origin played a decisive role, which, before joining the southern Urals, the considerable time was made in the Priaral-Syrdarya steppes, entering into contacts with the Pechenezhsky-Oguz and Kimak-Kypchak's tribes; Here they are recorded in the 9th century writing sources. From the end of the IX - early X centuries. lived in the southern Urals and adjacent steppe and forest-steppe spaces.

In the X - early XIII centuries. Bashkirs were under the political influence of Volzhsko-Kama Bulgaria. In 1236 were conquered by Mongol-Tatars and are attached to the Golden Horde. In the XIV century accepted Islam. After the fall of Kazan (1552), the Bashkirs adopted Russian citizenship (1552-1557) and stated the right to own on the initial principles with their lands, live by their customs and religion.

The traditional type of farm Bashkir is a semi-oral cattle breeding (mainly horses, as well as sheep, cattle, in the southern and eastern regions of the camel). They also were engaged in hunting and fishing, borrothetic, the collection of fruits and roots of plants. There was agriculture (millet, barley, shepherd, wheat, cannabis). Agricultural tools - Wooden Plow (Saban) on wheels, Later Sokh (Huka), Frame Harrow (tyrma).

Since the XVII century, half-pastoral cattle breeding gradually loses importance, the role of agriculture increases, baking beekeeping develops on the basis of Brunette. At the beginning of the 20th century, the transition of Bashkir to the mainstream agriculture was completed, and the semi-surround cattle breeding gave way to the shepherd. Garden appears.

Home processing of animal raw materials, hand weaving, wood treatment. Bashkirs knew blacksmith crafts, flooded cast iron and iron, in places the development of silver ore; Decorations made from silver.

After joining the Russian state, the social structure of the Bashkir was determined by the weakening of commodity-monetary relations with the remnants of the patriarchal-generic life. Based on the birth and tribal division (there were about 40 tribes and tribal groups: Burzyan, Usorgan, Tyaman, Yurmaty, Tabin, Kipchak, Katay, Ming, Elan, Ene, Bull, Salet, and others, many of which were the fragments of the ancient tribal Both ethnopolitical associations of steppes Eurasia) were formed by parish, which were divided into generic units, which united the groups of related families (Aimak, Tyuba, Ara), who were inherited from the generic community of the customs of exogamy, mutual assistance, etc.

The ancient Bashkir existed a largest community. In the XVI-XIX centuries, large and small families existed in parallel, the latter were gradually approved as prevailing. Family life Bashkir was built on the worship of the elders.

Traditional type of settlement - Aul, located on the banks of the river or lake. In the conditions of nomadic life, each aul had several settlement locations: winter, spring, summer, autumn. Permanent settlements arose with the transition to settling, as a rule, in the places of winter.

Traditional dwelling Bashkir - Felt Urta with a prefab lattice frame. In the steppe zone, clannitis, reservoir, samanny houses, in the forest and forest-steppe zone - cutting huts with hay. The Russian and neighboring peoples of the Ural Volga region were greatly influenced by the Bashkir construction technique.

Folk Clothing Bashkir unites the traditions of steppe nomads and local sedentary tribes. The basis of women's clothing was a long cutting on the waist dress with ruffles, apron, camisole, decorated with ancient and silver coins. Young women wore chest decorations from corals and coins. The headdress of women is a coral nets with silver pendants and coins, with a long, leaning on the back of the blade, embroidered beads and cauric sinks; The girl is a helmet hat, also covered with coins, also wore caps, handkerchiefs. Young women wore bright head covers. Outerwear - Swing Caftans and Chekmena from color cloth, trimmed by pose, embroidery, coins. Decorations - various kinds of earrings, bracelets, ribs, cakes, clashes - made of silver, corals, beads, silver coins, using turquoise inserts, carnelian, stained glass.

Men's clothing - shirts and pants with a wide step, lightweight bathrobes (straight and folded), Camzoles, Tulup. Headwear - Tubetakes, Round Fur Happers, Malahai, Closing Ears and Neck, Hats. Caps of fur beast worn and women. Boots, leather shoes, Ichigi, booties, and in Ural, and Napti were widespread.

Meat and dairy food prevailed in nutrition, used food, fishing, honey, berries and herbs. Traditional dishes - fine-cut Konified or lamb with broth (Bishbarmak, Cullama), dried sausage from horse meat and fat (Kaza), various types of cottage cheese, cheese (short), porridge from millet, barley, cavity and wheat cereals, interopolo. Popular noodles on meat or milk broth, cereal soups. Bread (cake) used fresh, in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Sour bread spread, potatoes, vegetables entered the food diet. Low-alcohol drinks: Kumys (from the mare milk), a buzz (from the sprouted megrims barley, the shelf), the ball (a relatively strong drink from honey and sugar); Drinking also diluted sour milk - Ayran. For dessert, a strong tea with milk or cream, and to it - honey, chuck-chuck, a trust, a baursaki, urami, a cat is served.

The main folk holidays were celebrated in springtime. After arrival, the rods arranged Carga Tui ("Gracy Holiday"). On the eve of the spring field work, and in places after them they held a feast of Plow (Sabantui), which included a common meal, fighting, horse racing, competitions in running, archery, compete with a humorous effect. The holiday was accompanied by prayers at the local cemetery. In the middle of the summer, Jõyn passed, a holiday, common to several villages, and in more distant times - parish, tribe. In the summer, girlish games on the lap of nature, the curtain tea rite, in which some women participate. In the dry time, a rite was carried out by raining with sacrifice and prayers, pouring each other with water.

The leading place in oral-poetic creativity is occupied by Epos (Ural-Batyr, Akbuzat, "Idukai and Muradim", "Kusk B.", "Urdas Bi with Tollov", "Alpamysh", "Kuzy-Kurpic and MAYANHYLU, "" Zaleyulyak and Huhuylu "). The fabulous folklore is represented by magical, heroic, household fairy tales, animal fairy tales.

Speed-musical creativity developed: epic, lyrical and domestic (ritual, satirical, humorous) songs, chastushki (takmak). A varied dance melodies. Dances are peculiar to narration, many ("cuckoo", "Trorone Innoden", "Baik", "Perovsky") have a complex structure and contain elements of pantomime.

Traditional musical instruments - Kurai (kind of swirls), Domra, Kumyz (KOBZ, VANGAN: Wooden - in the form of an oblong plate and metallic - in the form of a handicap with the tongue). In the past there was a bow tool Kyl Kumyz.

Bashkirs retained elements of traditional beliefs: reverence of objects (rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, etc.) and phenomena (winds, bosenov) of nature, heavenly luminaires, animals and birds (bear, wolf, horses, dogs, snakes, swan, Crane, Berkut, Sokol, et al., The cult of rules was associated with the cult of ancestors, dying and coming nature). Among the numerous hosts-hosts (ae), a special place is occupied by the house (Yort Eyje) and the Water Spirit (Hyu Eije). The Supreme Heavenly Deity of the Tenr merged afterwards with Muslim Allah. The forest spirit of Shuraile, the house is endowed with the features of Muslim Shaitanov, Iblis, Jeans. The interlacing of traditional and Muslim beliefs is observed in rites, and in epic and fairy tales.

People of various nationalities live in the Russian Federation today. Each of them has their own traditions and customs. One of the most numerous peoples - Bashkirs. The people have a rich centuries-old history and has its own traditions and customs. In order to get acquainted with the nationality and get better to understand its representatives, you need to get acquainted with current information on the topic.

A little about Bashkortostan

Monument to Salavat Yulaevu

The most numerous peoples have their own entities that are part of Russia. So, the Republic of Bashkortostan is located in the PFO. It belongs to the Ural Economic District. On the border with the subject are:

  • areas: Sverdlovskaya, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg,
  • edges: Perm,
  • republic of Udmurtia and Tatarstan.

The city of Ufa was chosen as the capital of Bashkortostan. The subject was allocated as part of Russia on a national basis, having received such a right among such autonomy. This happened in 1917.

The main population of Bashkortostan - Bashkirs. For them, this republic is the main place of residence in the Russian Federation. However, representatives of nationality can be found in other corners of Russia and even beyond.

Who are Bashkirs?

To date, more than 1.5 million ethnic Bashkir live in Russia. The people have their own language and writing, which up to 20 V. Based on the basis of Arabic characters. However, during the USSR, writing was first translated into Latin, and then to Cyrillic.

A factor that allows representatives of nationality to preserve community, is religion. The prevailing number of Bashkir is Muslims-Suit.

Plunge into the past

Bashkirs are very ancient people. Modern scientists argue that the first representatives of nationality were described by Herodotus and Ptolemy. In historical records, people call argippey. If you believe manuscripts, representatives of the nationality dressed as Scythians, but they had their own adverb.

China's chroniclers in a different way interpret Bashkir. Scientists of the past ranked nationality representatives to the Gunnov tribe. In the book of Sui, which was created in the 7th century, 2 people are mentioned, which modern specialists interpret as Bashkir and Volga Bulgar.

Travelers from the Arab States moving through the light during the Middle Ages, allowed more clarity into the history of the people. So, in about 840, AT-TARJUMAN SALAMI came home to the homeland of nationality representatives and described in detail their life and customs. According to his characterization, Bashkira is a people who dwell on both slopes of the Ural Mountains. Its representatives lived between 4 different rivers, among whom Volga was also present.

Representatives of nationality were distinguished by freedom and independence. They were engaged in cattle breeding, but at the same time he had a half-blood lifestyle. Bashkirm past was inherent in militancy.

In antiquity, representatives of nationality professed animism. 12 gods were present in their religion, the main of whom was the spirit of the sky. In ancient beliefs there were elements of totemism and shamanism.

Move to Danube

Gradually, good pastures for livestock began to miss, and representatives of different nations began to leave the usual places, going on the road in search of the best places for life. There was no such fate and Bashkir. In the 9th century, they left their usual places. Initially, the people stopped between Dnipro and the Danube and even formed a country here, which was named Levedia.

However, a lot of time Bashkira did not spend in one place. At the beginning of the 10th century. The people began to promotion to the West. Nomadic tribes headed Arpad. It was not without conquest. Overcoming the Carpathians, nomads managed to capture the pannonia and founded Hungary. However, the representatives of different tribes could not work together for a long time. They were divided and began to live on different shores of the Danube.

As a result of the outcome, faith Bashkir changed. The people are Islamized in the Ural. His faith was gradually completely changed by the only one. In the ancient chronicles it was said that Bashkira-Muslims were located in the south of the Kingdom of Hungary. The main city for representatives of nationality at the time was Kerat.
However, Christianity always prevailed in Europe. For this reason, Islam could not so much long. Over time, many nomads who arrived here and living in the area changed faith and became Christianians. At the 14th century In Hungary, representatives of Muslim did not remain.

Faith before the exit from the Urals: Tengrianism

To better understand the representatives of nationality, it is worth paying attention to religion. She wore the name of Tenga, which was received in honor of the Father of the whole and Supreme God of the sky. According to the presentation of the ancestors of modern residents of Bashkortostan, the universe was divided into 3 zones:

  • land,
  • all that is above the ground
  • all that is underground.

Each of the zones had an explicit and invisible part. At the highest celestial tier, Tengri Khan was located. Nomads at that time did not know about the state management device. However, the clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe vertical authority they already had. The rest of the gods of nationality officials ranked power over nature and its elements. All the gods obeyed the Supreme Divine.

The ancestors of the Bashkir people believed that the soul was able to rise. They did not doubt that the day would come when they reappear in the body and continue their way further in accordance with the usual stuff.

How did the connection with the Muslim faith occurred?

At 10 c. On the territory where the people lived, missionaries preaching Islam began to come. Nomads entered a new faith without fierce protests and rejection from a common people. Bashkirs did not oppose the teachings due to the fact that their initial faith coincides with the concepts of one God. Tengri began to be associated with the people with Allah.

However, Bashkirs continued to honor the "lower gods" for a long time, which were responsible for natural phenomena. The past of the people left the trail and in modern times. Today in proverbs and customs you can find a lot of ties with the original belief.

Features of the adoption by the Bashkir people Islam

The first burials of Muslims, which were found on the territory of modern Bashkiria, are dating 8 c. However, experts argue that the deceased was not natives of the terrain. This is evidenced by the items that were found along with the remains.

The appeal of Bashkir in Muslim began to occur in 10 V. During this period, missionaries of brotherhoods were greatly influenced by Nazxbadia and Yasaviya. They came to the ground Bashkir from Central Asia. Most of the immigrants were from Bukhara. Thanks to the actions of the missionaries, it was predetermined what religion representatives of nationality confess today.

Most Bashkir accepted Islam at 14 V. Religion remains basic among nationality representatives and today.

Connection process with the Russian Federation

Bashkiria's entry into the Moscow kingdom occurred when Kazan Khanate was defeated. The exact moment is dated 1552 g. However, local elders did not comply with finally. They managed to negotiate and got the opportunity to maintain some autonomy. Her presence allowed Bashkirs to continue to live in their own ways. Thus, representatives of nationality retained faith and their lands. But the final independence did not work. Thus, Bashkir Connection took part in battles with the Livonian Order in the Russian army.

When Bashkiria officially became part of Russia, cults began to penetrate the territory of autonomy. The state was sought to take believers under their control. For this reason, in 1782, the muffritis was approved in the current capital of the republic.
The dominant, which occurred in the spiritual life of representatives of the people, led to the split of believers, which occurred in the 19th century. Muslims of Bashkiria were divided into:

  • traditional wing
  • reformed wing,
  • isaanism.

Unity was lost.

What faith are modern Bashkirs?

Mosque in Kantyukovka

Bashkirs are a militant people. Representatives of nationality could not accept the capture. For this reason, from the 17th century. In the edge begin to be held uprising. Most of the protests fall on the 18th century. Attempts to return the former freedom were severely suppressed.

However, the people united religion. He managed to defend the rights and save the existing traditions. Representatives of nationality continued to confess the selected faith.

Today Bashkortostan has become a center for all people confessing the Muslim faith living in Russia. There are more than 300 mosques in the subject and there are other religious organizations.

What is said in cultural cultures about religion?

It is noteworthy that both the beliefs that are present before the adoption of Islam have been preserved at the Bashkir. If you familiarize yourself with the rites of representatives of nationality, you can clearly trace the manifestation of syncretism. Tengri, which once believed ancient ancestors, became Allah in the consciousness of the people.

Idols also turned into spirits

An example of syncretism in religion Bashkir can serve as auble. They are made of teeth and claws of animals, however, often complement the sayings from the Quran written in Bereste.

In addition, the people celebrate the border holiday of Kargatuy. He retained the obvious traces of the ancestors culture. Many traditions showing that paganism has been confessed in the past, and during other events occurring in the life of a person.

What other religions are present in Bashkortostan?

Mosque Lyal Tulip.

Despite the fact that the republic received its name through the prevailing people living in its territory, ethnic Bashkirs make up only a quarter of the total population living in its territory. For this reason, there are other beliefs in the subject of the Russian Federation, which are confessing other nations. Representatives of the following religions live in the republic:

  • orthodoxy, who came to the subject with Russian migrants,
  • old Believers
  • catholicism,
  • judaism,
  • other religions.

This variety contributed to the multinational population of the republic. Her indigenous people are very tolerant of other religions, while continuing to honor their traditions. Tolerance allows representatives of different nationalities to peacefully coexist each other, creating a unique color of Bashkiria.

Material prepared: Socialist, Candidate of Historical Sciences Mostakovich Oleg Sergeevich

The origin of Bashkir still remains unsolved secret.

This problem is interested in both of us and in other countries. His heads of Europe, Asia and America broke over her. This, of course, is not an imagination. The Bashkir question, consisting in the desperate-combat history of the people, in his (people) is an unmatched character, original culture, in his neighbors a kind of national face, in his history, especially in ancient history, as it is immersed in which it takes a kind of mysterious riddles, Where every solid riddle generates a new one, - all this, in turn, generates a common question for many peoples.

A written monument in which for the first time the name of the Bashkir people was mentioned, they say, left the traveler Ibn Fadlan. In 922, he, as secretary of the Messengers of the Baghdad Caliph al-Muktadir, passed through the southwestern part of the ancient Bashkortostan - through the territories of the current Orenburg, Saratov and Samara regions, where on the bank of the r. Irgiza lived Bashkirs. According to Ibn Fadlan, Bashkira - the Turkic people, live on the slopes of the Southern Urals, inhabit the extensive territory from the west to the coast of the Volga; Their southeastern neighbors are refugee (Pechenegi).

As you can see, Ibn Fadlan is already in that distant era set the values bashkir landsand bashkir people. In this case, it would be notable if possible to broadly explain in translation of the reports of Bashkira.

Already closer to the Emba River, the missionaries are beginning to disturb the shadows of Bashkir, from which it is clear that the messenger of the Khalifa travels on the ground Bashkir. Perhaps he was already heard from other neighboring peoples about the militant masse of the owners of this country. During the crossing over the Khagan River (Sagan, River in the Orenburg region, on the shore of which Bashkirs still live) Arabs are about what were disturbed by:

"It is necessary that the detachment of fighters, having a weapon with them, before they crush something from the caravan. They are a vanguard for people, (next) behind them, (for protection) from Bashkir, (in case) so that they (i.e. Bashkirs) have not captured them when they are crossing. "

Through the fear of Bashkirs, they are transferred across the river and continue their way.

"Then we drove a few days and crossed the Jaha river, then after it the Azhan River, then across the Badja River, then through Samur, then through the core, then through dry, then through KA (H) Jalla, and now we arrived in the country of the people Julius called al-Bashbird. Now the path of Ibn-Fadlan is known to us: already on the bank of Emba, he began to warn the courageous Bashkir; These fears pursued him during the whole path. Running through the fast yabs near the mouth of the Sagar River, it passes on the roads of Uralsk - Buguruslan - Bugulma, is transferred in the order itself through the Saga River (Zhaga), which flows into the River Bezavok near the modern village of Andreevka, Tanalyk River (Azhana River ), then a small week ("bookzha") near Novoaleksandrovka, Samara (Samur) near the city of Bess, then Borovka ("Cablod" from the word boar), Mal. Kyun Yula ("dry"), Bol. Kyun Yulia ("Cannel" from the word Kyun-Yul, Russians write Kinel), reaches the area, densely populated by the people of Al-Bashbird Bugulmina Hills with a picturesque nature between the Rivers Agidel, Kama, Idel (now the territory of the Republics of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and Orenburg Regions and Samara). As you know, these places are the western part of the Pranodina of the Bashkir people and referred to as Arab travelers such geographical names as ESK Bashkort (internal Bashkortostan). And the other part of the Bashkir Pranodina, stretching through the Ural to Irtysh, was ordered Tyshki Bashkort - external Bashkortostan. There is Mount Jarenel (Ramil), allegedly, which occurred from the phallus of our deceased Ural-Batyr. Famous from the myths, the EM-UB "Vagina-elevation of Our ESE-Howa - Mother of the Sky, which is the continuation of the southern ridge of the Urals and towering over Caspian, sounds like Mugajar-Emba, still beats the key in this place. Emba (Ibn Fadlan walked past it).

Funcashers could go to the open international Bashkir city-bazar Bulgar through the Ibn-Fadlan path, in the southern edge of the inside. Bashkortostan. The penetration of the Sacred Mountains is the "body of Schulgan-Batyr" and "the Body of Ural-Batyra" and others - on the mountain of the gods - forbidden a fatal taboo. Those who tried to break him, as warned by Ibn Fadlan, must comply with the heads (this strict law was broken after the Tatar-Mongolian invasion). Even the force armed to the teeth of 2 thousand caravans could not keep the traveler from the hanging threat to be devoid of heads:

"We were stirred up with the greatest caution, because these are the worst of the Turks, and ... more than other encouraging murder. Meets a man of man, hesitates his head, takes her with him, and his (himself) leaves. "

Ibn-Fadlan, all over his way, tried in more detail about the indigenous peoples, attached specifically, who had already adopted Islam and who owns the Arabic-Bashkira well, who had even asked: "What do you do with the login, after you catch it? " It seems that Bashkir turned out to be Pluto, who decided to make a touch of a touch of a traveler, "And we separate it and eat it." After all, one and a half thousand years old to Ibn-Fadlan Bashkira to the question of the same curious traveler of Greek Herodota, they say how to extract the mare milk from the udder, so they drove to the Birch curve (in other words: joked, deceived): "Very simple. We insert into the backs of the mare's cane kouchy and all together to inflate her belly, under the pressure of the air Milk in itself begins to splash out of the udder in the bucket "... anyway, not an imaginary in the trick of Ibn-Fadlan hurried to literally fix the answer to his way notebook as there is. "They shave their beards and eat lice when some of them will be caught. Some of them explore in detail the seams of their jacket and rank in their teeth. Indeed, one of them was with us, which was already accepted Islam, and which served with us, and so I saw one in his clothes, he crushed her his novel, then ate her. "

In these rows, it is rather a black seal of that era, rather than truth. What remains to be expected from the servants of Islam, for whom Islam - there is a true faith, and confessing it - Favorites, all the rest for them are not fatty; They who did not accept the Islam pagan-Bashkir they called "evil", "eating their lice", etc. The same dirty label hangs on his way and on other nations, who did not have time to join the righteous Islam. By the bucket - the lid, on the epoch - views (opinions), it is impossible to be offended today on the traveler. Here is a kind of other definition: "They (Russian. - Z.S.) the dirty of the creatures of Allah, - (they) are not cleaned of feces, nor from urine, and are not washed from sexual uncleanness and do not wash their hands before and after Food, they are as wandering donkeys. They arrive from their country and make their ships on Attile, and this is a big river, and build big houses from the tree on her shore, and they are going (of them) in one (such) house ten and (or) twenty, less and ( or) more, and each (of them) the bench on which he sits, and with him (sit) girls - delight for merchants. And one (of them) is combined with his girlfriend, and his comrade looks at him. Sometimes many of them are connected in this position alone against others, and the merchant comes to buy a girl from any of them, and (in this way) causing him combined with her, and he (Rus) leaves her, or ( Satisfy) partly your need. And they necessarily wash our faces every day and their heads through the most dirty water, which only happens, and the most unclean, namely, that the girl comes every day in the morning, carrying a big laughter with water, and brings her Mr.. So, he washes her both hands and his face and all his hair. And he washes them and makes them a crest in Lohan. Then he blows his noise and spits in her and leaves anything from the dirt, he (all this) makes it into this water. And when he graduates what he needed, the girl carries Lohan to the one who (sits) next to him, and (this) does not like how he makes his comrade. And she never ceases to tolerate it from one to another until he won't be all those in (this) house, and each of them blows his face and spits and washes her face and her hair in her. "

As you can see, the messenger of the Khalifa, as a devoted son of the era, assesses the culture of "kafyr" from the height of the Islamic minaret. He sees only their dirty Lohan and he has no matter before the condemnation of the future generation ...

Let's come back to the memories of Bashkarah. Surviving for the "lower" people, devoid of Islamic faith, he sincerely writes the following lines: "(But) the opinion evading (from the truth), each of them cuts a piece of wood with Fall and hangs it on himself, and if he wants to go on a trip Or he will meet the enemy, then kisses him (a piece of wood), worships him and says "Oh, Mr., make me that something and that." And so I told the translator: "Ask any of them, what is the excuse (explanation) to this and why did he make it his master (God)?" He said: "Because I got out of this and I do not know about myself of my own creature, except for this." Of these, someone says that he has twelve gentlemen (gods): Winter Mr., Summer, Suman, in the rain Mr., in the wind of Mr., in the trees of Mr., in humans, in the horses, Mr. Mr., at night Mr., in the day, Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr., and Mr., who in the sky, the biggest of them, but only he unites with them (the rest of the gods) in agreement, and each of them approves what he makes his companion . Allah is greater than what they say wicked, height and greatness. He (Ibn-Fadlan) said: We saw how (one) group worships snakes, (another) group worshiped fish, (third) the group worshiped cranes, and they reported to me that they (enemies) turned them (Bashkir) to escape and What cranes shouted behind them (enemies), so that they (enemies) were frightened and themselves were turned to flight, after they turned to flight (Bashkir), and therefore they (Bashkirs) worship the cranes and say: "These (cranes) are our Mr. Since he turned to the flight of our enemies, "and therefore they worship them (and now)." The monument of worship of Uryruzganz-Bashkir is an identical myth and a gymnical song-melody "Sisonrau Torn" - ringing crane.

In the chapter "On the peculiarities of the Turkic languages" of the two-volume dictionary of the Turkic peoples of M. Kashgari (1073-1074), Bashkir is brought in the number of twenty "main" languages \u200b\u200bof Turkic peoples. Language Bashkir is very close to Kypchak, Ogzu and other Turkic languages.

The Turkic people of Bashkhara also reports a prominent Persian historian, the official chronicler of the Changis-Khanovsky courtyard, Rashid-Hell Dean (1247-1318).

Al-Maxoudi (x in.), Al-Balkah (x.), Idrisi (XII), Ibn Said (XIII), Yakut (XIII), Kazvini (XIV) and MN. All argue that Bashkirs are turks; Only the place of their location indicate in different ways - then near the Khazarov and Alanov (al-Maxoudi), then the state of Byzantium (Yakut, Kazvini). Al-Balkah with Ibn Said - Urals or Some Western lands are considered the lands of Bashkir.

Western European travelers also wrote a lot about Bashkira. As they themselves are recognized, they do not see the difference between Bashkirs and the ancestors of the current Hungarians of the UGR tribe - they consider them alone and the same. Another version is directly added to this - the Hungarian story recorded in the XII century an unknown author. It is told about how Hungarians, i.e. Magyars, moved from the Urals in Pannonia - Modern Hungary. "In 884, it says in it, who generated by our God seven generators called Hetta Moger left from the West, from Earth Szit. Together, the leader of the Almus Son is left with them and the leader of the Magoga king with his wife, the son of the Arpad and other allied nations. Having passed on the flat lands of many days, they overwhelmed ethyl and did not find any roads between the villages, nor the villages themselves, did not eat food, cooked by man, however, before Suzdal, before reaching Russia, fed to meat and fish. From Suzdal headed to Kiev, then in order to master the inheritance left by the ancestor of the Almus Atilla, through the Carpathian mountains came to Pannonia. "

As you know, the Magyar tribes settled in Pannonia for a long time could not forget their ancient homeland of the Ural, in their hearts they kept a story about their branching tribesmen. With intentions to find them and help to get rid of paganism and browse to Christianity, westing on the journey Otto, Johanka Hungary. But their trip failed. In 1235-1237 With the same purpose, one more missionaries under the leadership of the Bolden Hungarian Julian arrive to the shores of the Volga. After a long weary and deprivation on the way, he finally reached the International Trade City of Bashkir Great Bulgar in the inner Bashkortostan. There he met a woman born in the country he is looking for, and married in the local land, which he has references about her homeland. Soon Julian finds his tribesmen on the shore of Big Itil (Agidel). In the chronicles it is said that "they listened with great attention to what he wanted to talk to them - about religion, about other things, and he listened to them."

Carpini's plan - traveler XIII century, Messenger Pope Innokenti IV to Mongola - in his work "History Mongol" calls the country of Bashkir "Great Hungary" - Hungaria Major. (Interestingly: in the Orenburg Museum of Local Lore Museum, a bronze ax, found on the banks of the R. Sakmary in the village of Der.Senek-Biktorkim in the village of Major. And "Major" - the changed "Bashkort" seems to be as follows: Bazhgard - Madjar - Major ). But what he writes by the Gilome de Rubruk who visited the Gilland: "... After the 12-day path from Ethia was held, we went to the river called Yasak (Yaik - Sovar. Ural. - Z.S.); She flows from the north of the lands of Paskatirov (that is, Bashkirov. - Z.S.) ... Language of the Hungarians and Pascatins is the same ... Their country from the West rests on the Great Bulgarians ... With the lands of these Pascatins they came out, later Hungarians, and this is the Great Hungary "

After the Bashkir Earth is rich in natural resources, "in his will" joined the Moscow state, the people's uprisings broke out there for centuries forced the royal autocracy to look at Bashkir on another. Apparently, in search of new opportunities for conducting colonial politics, a careful study of the life of the indigenous people begins - its economy, history, language, worldview begins. Official historian of Russia N.M. Karamzin (1766-1820), relying on the regurgitation messages, concludes that the Bashkir language was originally, it was necessary to think, they began to talk on the "Tatar": "They adopted him from their conquerors and because of long coexistence and Communication, forgot your native language. " This, if not to take into account the work of M. Kashgri, who lived a century and a half before the invasion of Tatars and considered Bashkir one of the main Turkic peoples. However, there are still controversy among scientists of the world that Bashkirs in their origin of the Türki or Uigur. In addition to historians, lingowns, ethnographers, archaeologists, anthropologists, etc. are also involved in this battle.

V.N. Tatishchev: "Bashkort" - means "Bash Bour" ("Main Wolf") or "Thief".

P.I. Schkov:"Bashkort" - "Main Wolf" or "Thief". According to his opinion, Bashkir was like nugaytsy (that is, Bashkir's fragments of Uryruzganz-Bashkir) for the fact that they did not move together with them to Kuban. However, Ibn-Fadlan, in 922, recorded "Bashkir" in their own name, the time of resettlement of Uryrugants-Nugaytsev to Kuban dates back to the XV century.

V.Yumat:"... They call themselves" Bash Court "-" beekeeping ", wilts, the owners of bees."

I.Fisher: This is an ethnonym, called in medieval sources in different ways "... Paschair, Bashkort, Basharta, Madjar, are all the same meanings."

D.A.Hvolson: Etnonyms "Madjar" and "Bashkort" originated from the root word "Bazhgard". And the "Bazgalds", in his opinion, lived in the Southern Urals, later decomposed and were used to name the tribes of the thieves. According to the assumption of this scientist, one of the branches went to the West and there formed the ethnonym "Bazhgard", where the title "b" is transformed into "M", and the final "D" is lost. As a result, "Majgar" is formed ... It, in turn, is in "Magizhar", which is consequely reincarnated in Madjar (as well as in Mishar, we add!). This group managed to maintain his tongue and laid the beginning of the people of Madjar.

The rest of the second part "Bazhgard" turns into Bashkhard - Bashkarta - Bashkort. This tribe urged and amounted to the core of the current Bashkir.

F.I. Hordev: "Etnonym "Bashkort" must be restored as "Bashkair". Hence the following is formed: it is quite possible that "Bashkair" was formed from several words:

1) "IR" - means "man";

2) "UT" - goes back to the endings of the plural -T.

(Due, Tә) In Iranian languages, reflected in the Scythian Sarmatics ...

Thus, the ethnonym "Bashkort" in the modern language is called the people, inhabiting the banks of the River Baska (USA) in the Ural region.

H.G. Gabasi: The name of the ethnonym "Bashkort" occurred as a result of the next modification of the words: "Bashku Uigyr - Bashhar - Bashkort." The observations of the gabashi are interesting, but modifications in reverse order closer to the truth (Bashkort - Bashyre, Bashchir - Uigyr), because, according to history, the ancient Uygura is not modern Uigurs, and not the UGR (because they are ancient Uryrugants).

Determining the time of formation of Bashkir as the people in the history of the Bashkir themselves still remains, as not unleashed by Gordiyev, a knot, not untatalized by the ball, and everyone tries to unravel him from the height of his minaret.

Recently, in the study of this problem, the desire to deeper into the interlayer of history is observed. We note some thoughts regarding this sacrament.

S. I. Rodenko, Ethnographer, author of the monograph "Bashkirs". From the ethnic side of the "Ancient Bashkir, regarding Sev.-Zap. Bashkiria, you can connect with the greenery massagets and, relative to the vehicle. territory - with Savromat and Iirikia. Consequently, the Bashkir tribes of history have been known from the times of Herodotus in the XV century. D.N.E. "

R.G.Kuseev, Ethnographer. "We can say almost all researchers in their assumptions do not take the last stages in the ethnic history of Bashkir, and they are actually important in the formation of the main ethnic signs of the Bashkir people." Apparently, R.Kuseyev on the issue of origin Bashkir himself is guided by this point of view. According to his basic idea, the tribes of Burzen, Tungur, Uryergan make up the basis for the formation of the Bashkir people. He argues that in the process of complex self-education of the Bashkir people, numerous generic groups of Bulgarian, Ugro-Finnish, Kypchak association participated in the process of the Bashkir people. To this ethnogenesis in the XIII-XIV centuries. The Tatar-Mongolian Horde with the Turkic and Mongolian elements came to the South Urals. According to R.Kuzhev, only in the XV-XVI centuries. The ethnic composition and ethnic signs of the Bashkir people are completely identified.

As you can see, although the scientist is open and denotes that the basis of the Bashkir people, his ridge is the ancient strong tribes of Burzen, Tungur, Uryergan, nevertheless, in the course of their reasoning, he for some reason evades them. A scientist somehow misses out of sight, bypassing a side of a resting reality that the above-mentioned tribes existed before AD, and already "from the time of the prophet nuha" they were turkyady. It is especially important that the tribes of Burzyan, Tungur, Uryergan still make up the kernel, the center of the nation, moreover, in all monuments of the IX-X centuries. Bashkort is clearly designated as Bashkort, Earth - Bashkir Earth, Language - Turkic. For not a reason for us, the reason is concluded that only in the XV-XVI centuries. Bashkirs were formed as a people. Decent attention these stuck in the eyes of the XV-XVI!

The famous scientist, apparently, forgets that all the basic languages \u200b\u200bof our continent (Turkic, Slavic, Thro-Finnish) in ancient times were a single primasuit, developed from one barrel and one root and further formed various languages. The times of the Pri-language could not be treated as he thinks to the XV-XVI centuries, and to very far, the ancient times BC.

Another opinion of the scientist is just opposite to these statements. On page 200 of his books "Bashkir Schjere", it is about the fact that Muitan-Bay, the son of the toxoba, considered the Praded not all Bashkir, and the Bashkir kind of Ucyrgan. The mention of Shejere about Mutean (Pradede Bashkir) is of interest in the ancient ethnic relations of Uryrugian Bashkir. Bashkir Rod Uusrygang, according to Kuzhev, in the second half of the first millennium was ethnically connected with the most ancient layer of the Muitan tribe in the Karakalpak people.

As you can see, here the main root of the Bashkir people, through Ucyrgan-muitan is transferred from the alleged scientist period (XV-XVI centuries) to one millennium earlier (deeper).

Consequently, we grabbed the deep roots of Bashkir called Uusrygan, got the opportunity to trace it to continue to the end. I wonder what depth is the fertile soil that gave rise to Ucyrgan? Immainlessly, this mysterious layer extends from the ancestor of Praodina from the Urals to Pamirs. The path to him may be laid through the Bashkir tribe of Uryergan and Karakalpanian muitan. According to the allegations of the famous Karakalpak scientist, L.S. Tolstoy, perhaps, at the beginning of our era, the historical ancestors of Muitanov, which make up the main part of the modern Karakalpak people, entering the confederation with Massagetti tribes, lived on Aral. The ethnogenetic connections of Muitanov, continues the scientist, on the one hand, lead to Iran, Transcaucasia and neighboring Asia, on the other hand, - to the north-west to the shores of the Volga, the Black Sea and Sev. Caucasus. Further, as Tolstoy writes, Karakalpaksky Rod Muitan is one of the most ancient birth of the Karakalpak people, with its roots deepened in the distant century, goes beyond the framework of the study of ethnographic science. The problem of the most ancient roots of this kind is very complex and controversial.

In this regard, two things cleared for us:

first, the oldest roots of the Muttinsky kind (we will assume that Uryergans) lead us to Iran (the Bashkir language of Iranian elements is widespread in the hydrotopronism of the Bashkir language), in the Caucasus and to the countries of neighboring Asia, to the Black Sea to North. Caucasus (mean related to the Turkic peoples living in these parts) and to the banks of the Volga (consequently, to the Urals). In a word, entirely to our ancient ancestors - to the world of sak-skif-massagets! If you explore more in-depth (from the point of view of the language), then the intuitive thread of the Iranian line of this branch is extended to India. Now we have the main root of one surprisingly huge "tree" - "Tirek": its spreading in different directions strong branches from the south cover p. Gang, from the north r.ident, from the West, the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea, from the east - the sandy Uygur Steppes. If we assume that this is so, then where is the barrel connecting these spreading mighty branches in one center? All sources are primarily leading us to Amu DRA, Syrdarya, and then to the location of the roots and trunk - in the ground between the Urals and Idel ...

Secondly, as L.S. Tosla says, it becomes clear that the tribes of Ucyrgan - Muitan with their roots rise in the depths of the centuries (until the creation of the world), go beyond ethnographic research, the problem is very complex and controversial. All this confirms our first conclusions, the dispute and complexity of the problem only doubled inspiration in its research.

Is it really, the people living in Orhon, Yenisei, Irtysh, according to Bashkir Schjere and legends, were "Bashkorts"? Or are those scientists who argued that the ethnonym Bashkort occurred in the XV-XVI centuries.? However, if the time of origin Bashkir belonged to this period, it would have disappeared the need for spending words and forces. Therefore, it should be applied to scientists who eaten not one dog in the study of this problem:

N.A. Majitov: The middle of the first thousand AD. - The threshold of the Bashkir people on the historic arena. Archaeological materials indicate that at the end of the first. thousand AD. There was a group of related tribes on the South Ural, we have the right to argue in the broad sense of the word that they were the people of the country Bashkir. According to the scientist, only when setting the issue, it is possible to understand the records of M. Kashgarari, etc. Later authors who speakers Bashkhara as the people inhabiting both slopes of Yuzhn.

It is very careful to the problem of trucks, but still against Uryergan confirms the date given by R. Kuzhev. Moreover, he confirms the periods specified by the last scientist and with respect to other tribes of the Bashkir people. And this means the shift in the study of the problem for two steps forward.

Now let's turn to scientists to anthropologists studying about the typical features of the structure of the human body, their similarities and differences in nations.

M.S.Akimova: According to the studied chain of signs, Bashkirs stand between the European and mongoloid races ... For some signs, the Uryrugants stand closer to the Chelyabinsk Bashkirs ...

Zauralskiy Bashkirs and Uryruzgans on their own qualities, argues a scientist, stand closer to the southeast neighbors - Kazakhs and Kirgizam. However, their similarities are determined only on two signs - in the height of the face and growth. According to other important signs of Bashkir Zauralye and the southern areas of Bashkortostan, on the one hand, stand in the middle between the Kazakhs, on the other hand, between Tatars, Udmurts and Mariers. Thus, even the most Mongoloid group of Bashkir is more different from the Kazakhs with a pronounced mongoloid complex, especially Kyrgyz.

Bashkirs, according to the scientist, also differ from the thieves.

And as a result of the research of the Moscow scientist, the following was identified: at the end of the first millennium BC. And at the beginning of AD. The northern part of the current Bashkortostan inhabited the people with the smallest content of the mongoloid mixture, and the people of the southern part belong to the European-like type with a low face.

Consequently, firstly, the Bashkir people, being the most ancient and in their modern signs, and the anthropological type, occupies one of the leading main places among other peoples; Secondly, on all paleoanthropological signs of their roots rise to the interval between the end of the first millennium BC. and started AD That is, to the annual rings of the slicer of the trunk, which determines the age of world tresh-tirec, is added another ring of the first millennium. And this is another one - the third is a step in promoting our problem forward. After the third step for the traveler, this journey begins.

On the path of our following there are no direct roads with distance pointers, bright traffic lights and other road signs and devices: we must feel the right way in the dark.

Our first searches for the touch stopped at the turn of Ucyrgan - Muitida - Karakalpak.

The etymology of the word "Karakalpak" seems to us as follows. At first there were "Kara AK ALP-AN." In ancient times, instead of the current "punishment" - "Caras AK". "Alp" still exists in the meaning of the Giant, "An" - the end in the hardware case. Hence the name "Karakalpan" - "Karakalpak".

"Caracalpan" - "Karakalpak" - "Caraban". Wait! Sure! We met him in the book "Ancient Khorezm" S.P. Tolstoy. It was discussed about dual-generic organizations and secret primitive associations in Central Asia. "Karaban" is just one of these associations. In the urabs, the records of the ancient authors who came to us can be found very stingy information about the Karabany - about their customs, traditions and legends. Among them, it is interesting for us to hold the holiday of the New Year - Nauruza in Firgar. In the Chinese monument "History of the Tang Dynasty" this holiday is described as follows: At the beginning of each new year, the kings and leaders are divided into two parts (or divided). Each party chooses one person who, having dressed in military clothes, begins to fight the opposite side. Supporters supply it with stones and cobblestones. After the extermination of one of the parties, they stop and looking at it (each of the parties) determine bad or good will be the next year.

This, of course, is the custom of primitive peoples - the struggle between two phratries.

Famous Arabic author Akhman-At-Taxim Fi-Marifat Al-Akalim Al McDisi (x in.) In his records, it is reported on how on the east coast of the Caspian Sea in the city of Gurgan (name from the optional pronunciation of Ulyurgansky ethnonym Uһurgan\u003e һ Turgan\u003e Gurgan ) Udeargana conducted a rite of struggle on the occasion of the Muslim holiday Kurban-Bayram, when "in the capital Gurghana can be seen as the two sides defeat the head of the camel, for which they wrap each other, beat each other ... In matters of burning in Gurghans often there are scuffle among themselves and among the people of Babbad : on a festive day there are fights for camels. "

Here we are talking about the scuffle between the residents of the urban Posads of Shaharystan and Babbada (between Uryergana and Bashkirs), located on both sides of the Gurghana River and the bridges interconnected. Many sources often encounter lines that tell us about the hostility and cruel sweatshirts that converted into the ordinaryness between the two sides of the citizens of Central Asia (by the way, in the scuffle of the early spring between the Bashkir boys of the upper and lower parts of the village, you can see the otlovka of this ancient custom. - Y.s .).

In the previously mentioned history of the Tang dynasty, there are valuable information about the people of the city - the state of Kusya, which in the New Year seven days in a row are having fun, watching the battles of the Baranov, horses, camels. This is done in order to find out, good or bad will be a year. And this is a valuable find in our journey: here they are directly connected by the bridge said custom "fight for camels" and "Fergansky Nauruz"!

Close to these customs is also annually conducted in ancient Rome rite of sacrificing a horse, which begins with the chariot competition. The hardened on the right of the horse, who came first in one Oglochal in a pair on the other, kill the spell of the spear. Then the inhabitants of both parts of Rome - the Sacred Road (Kyun-Ufa roads?) And Subarams (not related to ASA-Ba-Er with the name of the city and the Tribal of Suvar in the Urals?) - Began to fight for the right to possession of the cut-off head of the killed horse. In the event of the victory of people from the sacred road, then the heads were suspended on the fence of the Tsarist Palace, and if the Subarovtsians won the victory, then Malimat was put on the minaret (Small-At? - Literally in Russian sounds: "My cattle is a horse"). And molding of horse blood to the royal palace threshold, and storing it to spring, and mixing this horse blood with a calf, who was sacrificed, then for the purpose of charging the legend of this mixture of fire (Bashkir also preserved the custom of protection against misfortunes and misfortunes Blood and skin!) - All this, as S.P. says. Tolsts, enters the circle of rites and customs associated with land and water, in ancient firgin, Horosan and Kus. And according to the traditions of Central Asia, and according to the traditions of ancient Rome, the king always occupied an important place. As you can see, the scientist continues, the complete similarity makes it possible to assume that the ancient Roman customs helps to solve the riddles of the very scoop described traditions of the ancient Central Asia.

Now in science is indisputable that there was a close relationship between states of CP.Azia, ancient Rome and Greece and there are many actual material proving about their comprehensive relationships (culture, art, science). It is known that the capital of Greece Athena founded the ancestors of Ucyrgan, honoring the Wolf Bero-Asak (Belo-Asak). Moreover, the ancient legend is also the fact that the ancient legend about the founders of Rome Romulule and Remese, sucking Berome Asak (Fig. 39), transferred to ancient Italy from the East; And the twin boys (Ural and Schulgan) and fed up the ancestor of Uusyrgan Wolf Berou-Asak - the central bunch of the Bashkir myth (in our opinion, in the ancient original Epos "Ural-Batyr" Brothers - Gemini. - Y.S.).

In the ruins of the destroyed city of Calai-kahkha, the ancient state of Bactri, now the territory of the CP. Asia, the painted wall was discovered on which the twins are depicted, the girl (Schulgan) and the boy (Ural) (Fig. 40) - exactly as in the famous sculpture in Rome! The distance between the two monuments from Bure Asak is the distance of so many peoples and years, a distance of thousands of kilometers, but what a striking resemblance! .. The similarity of the traditions described above only strengthen this amazing community.

The appropriate question arises - is there today the influence of those ancient customs, if there is, then what kind of peoples?

Yes there is. The direct "heir" is the custom "cozer" ("Blue Wolf"), which exists today in various form and under the different name among the peoples of Wednesia among the Kazakhs, Turkmen, Uzbeks, Karakalpakov. And among the Bashkir at the end of the XIX century, PS Nazarov stumbled upon it. "And now and now in some places the rite of the Kozeadder dominates. It consists in the following: Bashkir riders are collected in a certain place, one of them trimps the lighting goat on himself. According to a certain sign, Bashkir, who brought the goat on his horse to jump, while others should catch up and take it from him. Children's game "Return, Gusi-Gus!" It is the echo of this ancient custom. Moreover, it is possible to give examples proving about the links of Bashkir custom with ancient Roman:

1) The Romans sacrificed the horse, immediately after the horse, the Bashkir also had a tradition before cutting the cattle, previously forced him to jump out (it was believed that it improved the taste quality of meat);

2) Romans smeared the palace threshold by blood sacrificed a horse (healing, sacred blood), the Bashkir also has a custom today, when immediately after sprinkling the skin of the cattle, smeared the face with pair fat (protects against various diseases);

3) The Romans solemnly highlighted the head of the sacrificial horse on the palace wall or on the bell tower, the Bashkir still has a custom hanging on the external fences (from the street) horsepower skulls (protects from all sorts of misfortunes).

These similarities are an accident or they testify to the relationship-unity of the ancient Romans and Bashkir?!

The story itself makes clarity into it.

We have already spoken about the unity of the twins swollen by the Wolf. As two drops are similar to each other, and the enmity between them is to destroy each other (Romulus - Rema, and Shulgan - Urals). Consequently, there is some reason that requires clarifying things, so far former mystery.

It is known that based by the legendary Romulosh and Rem to 754-753. BC. "The Eternal City of Rome was standing on the banks of the Tiber River. It also became known that this river during the two brothers was called Albal (K). This is not a latice. But then what is this language? Latin-speaking authors translated it from Romulus and Remisses as "Rose-Alaya River." Consequently, the word consists of two words (twisted word), "Al-Bula (K)", in addition exactly in our opinion, in Bashkir, where "al" - pink color, "Bulak" - river, like the river Dogwood, that in the Urals! .. It should be remembered that the changed word "Bulak" as a result of the modification of "P" in "L" in its original form was "Bukura" ("Bur" Wolf ") and after the modification retained its Value (Bulak - Volk - Wolf - Volga!). As a result of the actions of the Language Law, the name "Bureg-ER" (i.e. "Bur-Ir" - Wolves-Uryrugantsev turned into "Burgar\u003e Bulgar".

Thus, it turns out that the founders of the city of Rome Romul and Rem said in our way. And the ancient Roman historians all in one voice wrote that they were not really an Indo-Europeans (it means the Ural-Altai Turks!) That they came from Scythia, located in the north of the Black Sea, which in their inference, they are - "Enotra, Avona, Pelasgi." Based on the specified similarities of Bashkir and ancient Romans, we can correctly read the names of childbirth distorted on someone else's (Latin) language: Bashkira-Oguza (OGUZ - from the Word of Falling 'Byk'), admiring "Enotra" - INE-TORA (cow-goddess) ; "Avony" - Abaz-en - Bajeneki-Bashkirs; "Pelasgi" - Pele Eseki - Bur-Asaki (Wolf), i.e. Uryergana-Bilyar.

The state structure of Rome's times of Romul rule is also instructive: the people of Rome consisted of 300 OGOs (childbirth); They were divided into 30 "smokers" (cows-circles), each of which consisted of 10 labor; 30 clans branched to 3 tribe (Bashka. "Turba" - "Tirma" - "Yurt") of 10 cows (Bashk. K'or - community). Every race headed "Pater" (Batyr), these 300 bays were the Senate Aksakalov near Tsar Romulus. The election of the king, the announcement of the war, interdicate disputes were solved on the nationwide barks - Yiyynh - on "Coire" (from here Bashkir Kurultay - Corrett!) By voting (every Cor - one voice). There were special seats for Kurultayev, Ashakalov meetings. The royal title sounds like "(e) Rex" that in our language corresponds to "Er-Kys" (Ir-Kyz - a man-woman - the type of imir-hermaphrodite, i.e. the owner itself and the owner), unites both Wings of the genus (man, woman - Bashkort, Uryergan). After the death of the king, before the election of the new, the representatives of 5-10 cows (communities) were temporarily pretended on the throne. These barks elected by Senate (Bashkirski һanat) Aksakalov, were the most chapters of 10 cows. Romulus had a powerful path and equestrian army, and the personal Guard (300 people), saddling the best horses, was called "Cherler" (Bashk. Elemer is a swift horse).

The rites and traditions of the Romula people also have a lot of similarities with Bashkir: everyone should know the genealogy (six) of their ancestors to 7 knees, in marriage it was possible to consist only with strangers bypassing seven generations. The sacrificial cattle in honor of the gods was cut by a non-iron knife, but a stone - this custom existed among the Ural Bashkis: which is confirmed by Land Ilbuldin Fasghetdin, in the Ulyrgan village of Bakatar by stone finds - tools of sacrifice.

As for the land issue, the king Romulus each genus endowed the land called "Pagos" (Bashk. Bagus, Bucks - Garden, Garden), and the head of the site (tank, Bay, Bai) was called Pag-AT-Dir - Bhadir, i.e. . Bogatyr. The value of the partial separation of state land, the protection of the territory was as follows. When there was a need for God, who is God to grind the earth, as a way of grinding grain, this God called "Term" (Bashka. Tyrmen - Mill) ... As we see, the life of ancient Romans and Bashkir are similar and therefore understandable. In addition, we should not forget about the perpetuation of the name of our ancestor of Romulus in the Urals Bashkortostan in the form of Mount Jaremel (and Ramel - E-Romulus!) ...

Italians of the middle of the first thousand AD, perhaps recognized the historical unity of Bashkir and the ancient Romans, as well as the right of Bashkir on the land. Because after the cunning defeat in 631 in the Bavaria of the Usyrgan-Bourzian Ariecleard under the leadership of Alsak-Khan, the Allies Franks, the remaining part of the troops runs to Italy and in the Duchy of Benevento (this city still exists) near Rome, where it lays the foundation cities Bashkort. , famous for the same name in the XII century. Byzantine historian Pavel Deacon (IX century) knew those Ucyrgan-Bashkir well and wrote that they were well talking to Latin, but they did not forget their native language. If we consider that the images of the winged horses common in the myths and epos of the Greeks, as well as the peoples of Wed. Asia in the form of an Akbuzat and Cookbook, constitute a central ligament in the Bashkir folk epic, then it remains to recognize that these similarities are not an accident, the connection with the ancient Junitsa (Greece) we see in one of the main six Bashkir in "Tavarich NEE-Bulgar" Thahtina Yalsygul al-Bashkhardi(1767-1838):

"From the father of our Adam ... There are thirty-five generations to Kasur-Shaha. And he lived on the earth of Samarkand ninety years, he died to adhering to the religion of Jesus. The ruler named Socrates was born from Kasur-Shaha. This Socrates came to the Greek region. At the end of the life being the ruler under Alexander the Macedonian-Roman, expanding the borders of the ownership, came to the northern lands. Burner founded. Then the ruler Socrates married a girl from Bulgaria. They with Alexander Macedonian nine months stayed in Bulgaria. Then they went to the unknown in the direction of Darius I (Iran). Before leaving the country of unknown Darius I, the ruler Socrates died in the country of unknown Darius I. From the title girl was born a son. And his name is known "...

If you eliminate one inaccuracy in the names, inserting the leader of his aristotle's teachings, instead of the ruler, then the mentioned information in the Bashkir Schjere coincides with the records of the historians of the old world. Since the ruler Socrates (470/469) - 399) died even before Alexander Macedonsky (356-326), he could not be a second teacher, and from history it is known that his teacher was Aristotle (384-322). It is known that Aristotle was born in the city of Stagir on the outskirts of Frakia in Scythia (the country of our ancestors!) And, as Socrates from Bashkir Schjere, in search of exercises (education) went to the capital of Juno to Athena. Also, the story is silent that Alexander teacher married the Bulgarian girl and that Alexander himself was married to Rukhsan - Daughters of Oxyartha, Uryergano-Bourziansky Beck, conquered Bactria. There is also information that the son of Alexander was born from this marriage. And in the future, the Macedonian, and not Socrates or Aristotle died by His death. It may also be said "made Motherland Bulgar" in the event that it is not about the city at Kame Volga, but the city of Balhare (now Belh) on the banks of the Balh River in Bactri (Northern Afghanistan). Therefore, it turns out that Alexander Macedonsky married the Uryergano-Bourzian girl Rukhsan and from their marriage, the son of Alexander was born ... All cities and states called Balhare, Balcar, Bulgar, Bulgaria, founded Bashkir Uryergano-Burzian (or Bulgarian) tribes, Because just mentioned cities mean a "Wolf" ("Uusrygan-Bourzian).

Meanwhile, the origin of the Bashkir people and ethnonym barkar / Bashkort. (Bashkir) Very clearly "recorded" by our ancestors in the main Tep of the genus Uryergan (Fig. 41), where the chief myth of the origin of mankind is encrypted:

Fig.41. Tamga Roda Ucyrgan is the origin of Bashkir (the first-enders of mankind).

Deciphering the pattern, where the fat (solid) line is indicated by Tamga of the kind of Uryergan, dotted by the path of resettlement of the first-enders to the place of the first Tirma (Yurts):

1. Mount Kush (Umai / Imai) 'Maternal Chest Imir'.

2. Mount Yurak (Hieer-AK) 'Cow-Milk' - Northern Breast Northern Breast, there was a Kormilitsa Wolf, and Cow-Kormilitsa led a newborn first-class Bashkir and all mankind of the Ural Patera.

3. Mount Shake's 'Mother-Wolf Kormilitsa' (destroyed by Sterlitamak soda combine) - Nipple southern chest, there was a born cow-kormilitsa, and the Kormilitsa's Wolf led there a newborn first-hand of Bashkir and all mankind of Schulgan Mother.

4. Mount Nara 'The Semenist of the Men's Half Praopredka Imira', there, with the help of the "obean grandmother", the born of the cormilitsa born the Ural Pater and was given to the mountain of Yurak (their path is shown by dotted cars).

5. Mount Mashak 'scrambled eggs of the female half of Praopredka Imira', there, with the help of the "obean-handed grandmother", the Kormilitsy Wolf was born Schulgan-Mother and was given to the mountain shake (their wayposen dotted).

6. Atal-Asak 'Fire Fire and Mother-Water', a place of combination (marriage) Patterna Patter (Father-Fire) with Schulgan Mother (Mother-Water) for living (initial crust / circle), By forming the initial (bash) circle of people (Cor), that by joining these two words "bash" and "kor" began to be called Bash-Cor\u003e Bashkar / Bashkir, that is the beginning began human society. Term bakkor. by joining the indicator of the plural number "T" took the form bashkor-T\u003e Bashkort 'Man from the original circle of people'. At this place, where the first round Tirma (Yurt) of the first family was allegedly stood, now the old village of Talas (name from the word A [ tal AS]aK 'Fire-Fire - Mother-Water'), from the same word there is a name for the Great Bashkir River Atal / Atil / Idek (Agidel-Belaya).

7. River Agidel.

8. Point of intersection (knot) of sacred roads of Mount Toon (the word Toucan\u003e Tun means "node").

Routes 3 - 8 - 4 -2 - 6 There is the road of the cow and the Ural Patera; 2 - 8 -5 -3 -6 - Wolf and Shulgan Mother.

The present version of the origin of the nationwide ethnonym "Bashkort / Bashkir" reflects the last stage of the development of world mythology, but the version-based version on the first stage remains also in force. In short, in the first stage of the addition of world mythology, the formation of the main two ethnonyms, it seems to me, it was associated with the names of the totems of two phratris, since the primary association of people was understood as the "People of the Bizon-Cow tribe" and "People of the Wolf Tribe". And so, in the second (last) stage of the development of world mythology, the origin of the main two ethno is rethought in a new way:

1. Title animal name: Boz-AnaC 'Ice Cow (Bison)'\u003e bazhanak / Pecheneg ; From the abbreviated version of the same name "BOS-AN" the word was formed: BOZAN\u003e Bizon 'Ice Cow'. The variant name of the same totem gives: Boz-car-ab 'ice-snow-air' (bison)\u003e Boz-cow 'Ice Cow (Bison)'; What in abbreviated the form gives: Boz-car\u003e bashkar / Bashkir , and plural: Bashkar + T\u003e bashkort. .

2. Totem name: Asa-Brere-Kan 'Mother Wolf-Water'\u003e Asaurgan\u003e ucyrgan . Over time, an ethnonym-term asa-Bure Can began to be perceived simply as es-Er-Ken (water-land-sun), but this does not change for the same content, because by the Mythology of Bashkir Kan / Kün (Sun) could go down to the bottom and run through water-land (ES-ER) in the image of the same Wolf ES ERE\u003e SERE (Gray)\u003e Soro / Zorro (Wolf). Consequently, the authors of Orhon - Selengin ruunic monuments under the term "er-su" meant the earth-water in the form of a wolf.

When you go along the main tract from Sterlitamak in Ufa (mythical "the abdication of the gods"), on the right side along the right bank of the river. Agidel Shine Magnificent Mountains-Shikhana: Sacred Torau-Tau, Shake-Tau (Barbarusky destroyed Sterlitamak soda combine), double-headed Kush-Tau, Yuryak Tau - just five vertices. We, Uryruganz-Bashkir, from generation to generation a sad myth is transmitted from the generation, associated with these five vertices and annually in the first decade of April, with a harsh snow buran "Bish Kunak" 'five guests': supposedly from the far side followed us five Guests (Bish Kunak) and, without coming to the goal, were subjected to the named seasonal buran, from the jersey all the stolen, turning into the snow-white mountains - so this Buran was called "Bish Kunak". Obviously, we have a fragment of some epic legend, which is in a more complete version preserved in Iranian-Indian mythology (from the book G. M. Bourd-Levin, E.A.Grantovsky. From Scythia to India, M. - 1983, page . 59):

The bloody war between Pandava and Kauravai ended with the victory of the Pandavas, but she led to the extermination of entire tribes, the death of many heroes. Everything was empty around, mighty Ganges molded quietly, "But the appearance of those great waters was silent, dull." It was time for grant doubts, deep disappointments in the fruits of aimless hostility. "Tommy Crucian", the righteous king of Yudhishthira grief about the dead. He decided to renounce the throne, handed the throne to another ruler "and the travel began to think about his brothers." "Jewelry dropped in the house, wrists, dressed in Rogozh. Bhima, Arjuna, Gemini (Nakula and Sakhadeva), the Presucha Daruai - they were all also put on Rogodh ... and moved on the road. " The path of the wanderers lay to the north (to the country of the gods - Bashkortostan. - Z.S.) ... The terrible difficulties and tests fell to the share of Yudhisthira and his five satellites. Moving north, they passed mountain ranges and finally saw ahead of the sandy sea and "the best of the vertices - the Great Morce. They headed for this grief, but soon the forces left Draupadi. I didn't even look at her Yudhishhir, the best of Bharatov, and continued my way silently. Then one after another fell on the ground courageous, strong attacks, righteous and wise men. Finally, the Tigr-Man fell - mighty bhima.

One left Yudhishhir, "left, without glancing, the hardy grief." And then the God of Indra appeared in front of him, he ascended the hero to the mountain abode (to the Urals - the country of the gods of Bashkortostan. - Z.S.), in the kingdom of bliss, where "Gandharva's gods, Aldi, Apsear ... you, Yudhishthira , wait in the glittering clothes, "where" Tours-People, Bogati, who are detached from anger, are. " So tell the latest books "Mahabharata" - "Great Exodus" and "Ascension to the Sky".

Pay attention to the five satellites of the king - frozen in the snowy beran and turned into five vertices of the sacred mountains of Schikhan along the road leading to the habitat of the Ufa's gods: Torau Tau (Bhima), Shake Tau (Arjuna), Kush-Tau / Gemini (Nakula Both Sahadeva), Yuryak-Tau (Draupadi) ...

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Persons of Russia. "Live together, remaining different"

The multimedia project "Persons of Russia" has existed since 2006, telling about the Russian civilization, the most important feature of which is the ability to live together, remaining different - such motto is especially relevant for the countries of the entire post-Soviet space. From 2006 to 2012, within the framework of the project, we have created 60 documentaries about representatives of different Russian ethnic groups. There were also 2 cycles of radio broadcasts "Music and the songs of the Peoples of Russia" - more than 40 gears. In support of the first series of films, illustrated almanacies were released. Now we are halfway to the creation of a unique multimedia encyclopedia of the peoples of our country, a snapshot, which will allow residents of Russia to know themselves and to descend to leave a picture of what they were.


"Persons of Russia." Bashkirs. "Bashkir Honey"


Bashkira - People in Russia, the indigenous population of Bashkiria (Bashkortostan). According to the 2006 census, 1 million 584 thousand Bashkirs live in Russia, in the republic itself Bashkortostan - 863.8 thousand people. Live Bashkirs also in the Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Tyumen regions and in the republics of the neighboring countries.

Bashkirs themselves call themselves Bashkort. According to the most common interpretation, this ethnonym is formed from two words: the General "Bash" - the head, the chief, and the Türko-Ogzovsky "Court" - Wolf. For the polar star, Bashkir also has its own name: Timer Tsazyk (iron count), and two neighboring stars with her - it's horses (bucks, sarat), tied to the iron cola.

They say Bashkirs on the Bashkir language of the Turkic group of the Altai family dialects: South, East, the North-Western group of Govorov is standing out. Common Russian, Tatar languages. Writing on the basis of the Russian alphabet.

Believers Bashkirs are Muslim-Sunnis.

Bashkir National Hero Salavat Yulaev was the leader of the poor rebels in the Peasant War of 1773-1775.


Mountains stone, man-head

Is it possible to determine how many brightest proverbs as they compose? The task is not easy, but performing. "The hero gives birth to the battle." "A good horse is torn forward, good well done returns with glory." "Glory to Batyr - in battle." "Listen to - Look forward." If the hero and die - Glory will remain. " If we take into account that in this set of proverbs, horses, batyrs, mountains, as well as heroic acts, then the feeling immediately arises that they are born by representatives of the Bashkir people.

In the southern of the Urals

In the formation of Bashkir, the Turkic cattle breeding tribes of Southernibirsk-Central Asian origin played a decisive role. Before joining the Southern Urals, Bashkirs have naochesed a considerable time in the Priaral-Syrdarya steppes, entering into contacts with the pechenezhsko-Ogzi and Kimako-Kypchak's tribes. Ancient Bashkirs are mentioned in written sources of the IX century. Later, they moved to the Southern Urals and the adjacent steppe and forest-steppe spaces. Rained in the Southern Urals, Bashkirs were part of the part of the Local Finno-Uranian and Iranian (Sarmato-Alansky) population as part of the South Urals. Here, they apparently came into contact with some anodian-haired tribes. For more than two centuries (from X to the beginning of XIII), Bashkirs were under the political influence of Volzhsko-Kama Bulgaria. In 1236, they were conquered by Mongol-Tatars and are attached to the Golden Horde. In the XIV century, Bashkirs accepted Islam. During the Mongol-Tatar dominion, some Bulgarian, Kypchak and Mongolian tribes joined the Bashkir. After the fall of Kazan (1552), Bashkirs adopted Russian citizenship. They stated the right to own on behavior principles with their lands, live by their customs and religion. Tsarist officials subjected to Bashkir various forms of operation. In the XVII and especially in the XVIII century, the uprisings were repeatedly broken. In 1773-1775, the resistance of Bashkir was broken, however, their victim rights to land were preserved. In 1789, the spiritual administration of Muslims of Russia was established in Ufa. In the XIX century, despite the plundering of the Bashkir lands, the economy of Bashkir is gradually being established, restored, and then the number of people increases noticeably, exceeding 1 million by 1897. At the end of the XIX - early 20th century there is a further development of education and culture. Now it is no longer a secret that the twentieth century brought Bashkirm a mass of tests, troubles and disasters that led to a sharp reduction of the ethnos. The pre-revolutionary number of Bashkir was achieved only by 1989. In the past two decades, national self-consciousness has been activated. In October 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic adopted a declaration on the state sovereignty of the Bashkir ASSR. In February 1992, the Republic of Bashkortostan was proclaimed. It is located in the southern part of the Urals, where the mountain range is divided into several revolts. Here, fertile plains, turning into the steppe spread. According to the 2002 census, 1 million 674 thousand Bashkirs live in Russia, in the republic itself Bashkortostan - 863.8 thousand people. Bashkirs themselves call themselves Bashkort. According to the most common interpretation, this ethnonym is formed from two words: the general "bash" - the head, the chief and the Turko-Ogzovsky "Cort" - Wolf.

The earth himself will not bow - she will not come to you

About what was the world of Bashkir to the scientific and technological revolution, you can learn from the heroic epic "Ural-Batyr". For a long time, this work existed only in oral version. It was transferred to the paper in 1910 by the collector of the Bashkir Folklore Mughameschy Buragulov. Heard and recorded from the People's Sweater-Sesan Habita from Aul Indris and in Aul a small yel from Sesan Khamita. In the Russian language "Ural-Batyr" in the translation of Ivan Kychakov, Adelma Mirbadalieva and Achyara Khakimov was published in 1975. The "Ural-Batyr" Epos has three tiers, three spheres. It includes heavenly, earthly, underground (underwater) space. Heavenly king Samrau, his wife, the sun and the moon, the daughter of Humai and Aikhyl, who take the appearance of the birds, then beautiful girls. People live on Earth, the best of which (for example, Ural-Batyr) want to get "live water" for the people to make it immortal. Under the ground (underwater) live bad devices (diva), snakes and other dark forces. Through the feats of the Ural Batyr, the views of the Bashkir about good and evil are actually revealed. This warmer overcomes incredible tests and, in the end, finds "living water". There are cosmogonic legends in Bashkir folklore. They preserved the features of ancient mythological ideas about the "connections" of stars and planets with animals and people of earthly origin. For example, the stains on the moon are always chasing on each other at the other of the root and wolf (in other versions - a girl with a rocker). The constellation is a big bear (Etygen) - seven wolves or seven beauties girls who rose to the top of the mountain and found themselves in heaven. The polar star Bashkis was called an iron cola (Timer Tsazyk), and two neighboring stars with her - horses (bucks, sarat), tied to the iron cola. Wolves from the constellation of a large bears can not catch up with horses, since with dawn they all disappear to appear in the sky at night.

In one heart, two love do not fit

Riddles - a popular folklore genre. In the riddles, the Bashkir people creates a poetic image that it surrounds: items, phenomena, people, animals. Riddles are one of the best and most effective means for the development of imagination. It can be easily ensured in this. Communicate, comes up - the ravis runs away. (Lightning) stronger than the sun, weaker wind. (Cloud) Over the roof of the house I have a multicolored skiing. (Rainbow) There is no fire - burning, no wings - flies, no legs - runs. (Sun, cloud, river) Minor loaf, and everything is enough. (Moon) Bashkira, although they adopted Muslims, retained in their culture a lot of elements that are rooted in the pre-aslant ideas and rites. This, for example, reverence of the spirits of the forest, mountains, winds, crafts. In healing used ceremonies of medical magic. The disease was sometimes expelled with the help of witchcields. It looked like this. The patient was going to the place where he seemed to him, fell ill. Immediately there was a bowl with porridge. It was believed that the evil spirit would certainly come out of the body and pounce on porridge. And in the meantime, the patient will run away from this place by another road and hides so that he will not find him an evil spirit. Many Bashkir holidays are associated with those or other moments of public life, economic activity and change in nature. The most remarkable of them, perhaps, three holidays: Kargatui, Sabantuy and Jean. Kargatuy - Spring Female and Children's holiday arrival of Graci (Karga - Ruch, Tui - holiday). The main treats on this holiday was a barley porridge, welded from common products in a large boiler. When the collective meal ended, the remains of cereals were scattered around, treating and routine. All this was accompanied by games and dances. Sabantuy (Sabay - Plow) - spring holiday, which symbolized the beginning of the pack. There was a custom before the start of the spring plowing to throw into the furrow of the egg, asking for the sky of fertility. On the summer holidays - Gina, common for several villages, were arranged not only than feasts, but also a competition in running, archery, jumps, struggle, mass games. Mostly, the weddings were brought together for the summer, which included three main points: walling, wedding ceremony and wedding feast. Among the many Bashkir proverbs and sayings, a whole group of statements can be distinguished, in which family wisdom and morality is concentrated. Many of these phrases are not outdated and to this day: "A good wife husband cares, a good husband in the world cares." "Beauty is needed at the wedding, and the rammer is every day." "In one heart, two love do not fit."

- The Turkic people talking on the Bashkir language. The total number of approximately 1.6 million people. One of the title peoples of Russia. The main population of the subject of the Russian Federation is Bashkortostan, which is located in the south of the Urals. The formation of the republic refers to 11.10.1990. Finally, the name - the Republic of Bashkortostan adopted 11.10.1992. The total area of \u200b\u200bland of the republic is 142.9 sq. Km, that 0.79% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bRussia. The population is 4 million 052 thousand people, a density of 28.4 people. on square. km. (With density in the country - 8, 31 people. in square. km). The capital of Ufa, the population of 1 ml. 99 thousand. According to the composition of the population of the Republic: Russians - 36.28%, Bashkirs -29.78%, Tatars -24.09%, as well as representatives of Chuvashia, Mari - Al, Ukraine, Mordovia, Germany.

Culture Bashkir

The Bashkir people are the indigenous population of the Southern Urals, which led a nomadic lifestyle, began to play one of the leading roles in the agricultural device of the Russian state. Neighborhood with Russia has provided an important role in the development of the people.

The Bashkir population did not move from other locations, and formed in a very complex historical self-development. In the 7th and 8th centuries BC Theanirov tribes lived in the mountains of the Urals, according to scientists, the direct ancestors of the Turkic peoples of which came out: comi-perumets, Udmurts, Mari, and the descendants of these nations are attributed to the origin of Chuvashia, Volga Tatars, Bashkir and many others. Tribes living in the Urals and Volga region.

Bashkir's families lived in yurts, which were transported to new pastures after the herds of animals. But the people lived not only by their cattle breeding, their passion was hunting, fisheries, combatants (honey collection). Until the XII century, the Bashkir people were united by the generic communities that were going to the tribes. The tribes often knew each other for the territory of pastures, fishing, hunting. The feud among the tribes led to the isolation of marriages within the borders of the tribes and in some cases led to blood mixing. This was the reason for the decline of the generic system and significantly weakened the tribes than the Bulgarian khan used, subordinating the Bashkir tribes and forcibly imposing an Islamic religion. A nomadic lifestyle affected the originality of life, national costumes.

History of the people

Time of the Golden Horde.

In the 13th century, the countries of Eastern Europe were conquered by the Mongol-Tatar army. Bulgaria with Bashkir tribes fell under the rink of the horde. In the future, Bulgarians and Bashkirs were part of the Golden Horde under the leadership of Khan Batya with the mandatory payment of Yasak - tribute. This service included obligatory payment by fur skins, horses, wagons, concubines. This service was distributed to each family and included:
- Purchas - money collection from pastures and cattle heads;
- the skins of fur animals are at least 5 pieces;
- military, all young men since 12 years are obliged to undergo military fees;
- Underwater, delivery Supplies or kibilities for transportation of boosted in troops or transportation of chiefs.
Generic to know Bashkir was not subject to Yasakov, but it was supposed to supply an annual provisioning part of the Bashkir's military, which were in the campaigns of the Golden Horde. To know Bashkiria in gratitude for the benefits was loyal to power. In the 15th century, the Golden Horde finally broke up, but it was easier to Bashkir people. The territory of Bashkiria fell under the power of three Khanate to the Golden Horde and was divided into southern, Western and North-Western, who constantly knew each other demanding the payment of Yasaka all in large volumes.

Accession to Russia.

In the 16th century, Russia was completely freed from the Mongolian yoke and began to recruit its power. But Tataro - Mongols continued their raids and constantly ruined Russian lands capturing many captured. Only in Kazan there were more than 150 thousand Ruschi. Ivan the Terrible won Kazan, and the Khanation of the Golden Horde ceased to exist. After what Ivan Grozny appealing to the peoples of the conquered Golden Ord called them to go to Russian citizenship. They were promised protection and patronage from all external enemies, immunity of land, customs and religions. In 1557, the Bashkir lands adopted the citizenship of Russia.

Rebellion under the post of E. Pugacheva.

Further development of Bashkiria was closely related to the history of Russia. The infinite attempts to capture Russia from European states demanded a huge voltage of human and state resources from it. It was associated with the excessive exploitation of workers and peasants. 17.09 1773. The runaway Don Cossack Emelyan Pugachev declare himself to King Peter 3. read out the manifest of the forpate of the Yaitsky garrison. With a detachment of 60 people. Captured G. Yaitsk. This was the beginning of the uprising. The Bashkir people exploited by local feudals and the worst of Yasaku joined the uprising. Salavat Yulaev Certaining Manifesto Pugacheva called on Bashkir peasants to join the uprising. Soon the entire Bashkir region was covered by flames of struggle. But the nailed peasants could not withstand the government troops who arrived from St. Petersburg. Soon the uprising was suppressed. Salavat Yulaev speaking at the Katorga for more than 25 years. E. Pugachev captured and executed and executed.

Bashkiria in the Great Patriotic War.

During the years V.O.V. Bashkortostan became one of the main territories of the USSR to which enterprises and the population were evacuated. The region provided the front with weapons, fuel and safety equipment. During the war years, the republic has placed about 109 factories, dozens of hospitals, many central states. and economic institutions, 279 thousand evacuated.
Despite the fact that the workable male population is recognized in war agriculture by the efforts of adolescents and women continued to supply the front with food and animal husbandry products.