Swimming for newborns at home. Swimming training for infants

Swimming for newborns at home. Swimming training for infants

With the birth of a child, parents try to protect the baby, because he is just beginning to get acquainted with the new world. A newborn baby cannot develop without the help of parents. And today, many options for physical exercises, developing activities that are suitable for children from the first months of life, are popular. One of these activities is infant swimming. This method of uniting a baby with water is not only popular, but also has many opponents. Parents who practice exercises in the water with an infant are convinced that if you do not start swimming with your baby as early as possible, he will quickly forget how to hold his breath under water. And then it will be very difficult to train him again. Those who oppose baby swimming argue that the first year of life is too early for swimming in the water. Whose side is the truth on? What is the benefit of infant swimming? Let's take a closer look.

What is Baby Swimming

Swimming is very beneficial for health, especially for the physical development of the child. But when exactly should you start exercising in the water? This is the question many parents ask themselves. Infant swimming supporters are sure to start as soon as the baby is two to three weeks old. Experts in early swimming say that you can wait up to a month or a month and a half, but do not delay from the beginning of classes, because the innate reflex to swim gradually fades away from the moment of birth, and is completely forgotten already at the age of three months.

You need to start classes with children up to three months of age, preferably earlier: about a month. It was at this time that the baby still remembers how to hold his breath under water.

Many parents are convinced that early swimming is necessary in order to teach your baby how to swim. This is not the case: the basis of water exercise for babies is general strengthening of the body. The baby spent nine months in the mother's belly, and was there in the water. He is familiar with this environment, his consciousness still remembers what it is like to be in water. Infant swimming experts are confident that with the help of exercises in the water, the baby will better adapt to a world that is unfamiliar to him. The child learns to stay on the surface of the water, to hold his breath while diving. These skills are familiar to him, you just need to prevent the body from forgetting them, but simply push the baby to their development.

No matter how much the parents are supporters of infant swimming, it is not recommended to decide independently the question of the possibility of training with a newborn in the water. If parents decide to start such exercises, it is necessary to consult with a number of specialists. A pediatrician, neurologist and orthopedist are a must on this list. And only after a positive answer from all three doctors can the baby be introduced to water.

The first lesson of the kid in the water - video

Benefits of Early Swimming for Newborns

Everyone knows that water is good for everyone, especially regular swimming. The question is, at what age is swimming useful? Parents and baby swimmers alike have many reasons that highlight the positive aspects of starting early with your baby in the water:

  • a newborn baby cannot perform many actions, while he is just lying in the crib or in the arms of his mother, he can move his arms and legs. Immersed in water, the child becomes 7 times lighter, so the baby can make active movements. It is much easier for him to control his body during swimming. Such exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the child without additional stress on the still fragile spine;
  • prevention of flat feet and scoliosis;
  • light hydromassage has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the baby, has a relaxing effect on the muscles. This is especially useful for children with hypertension;
  • helps to normalize intracranial pressure;
  • has a positive effect on the development of the respiratory system: water presses on the chest, so it is more difficult for a child to inhale, but to exhale is much easier. This is a kind of simulator, thanks to which all the respiratory muscles work actively: the blood supply to the lungs is improved, their ventilation is enhanced, and the capacity of the lungs increases. Doctors often recommend early swimming for children diagnosed with respiratory depression. This situation is possible after delivery by Caesarean section, or entwining the baby with the umbilical cord;
  • training and improving the work of the cardiovascular system: the water temperature during swimming is about 31-32 degrees, the vessels narrow, from which more blood flows to the heart, and this requires more active work of the heart muscle. As a result of these actions, the blood supply to all organs and systems of the baby improves. However, it should be remembered that swimming begins with a water temperature of at least 36–37 degrees, gradually reducing it to 31 degrees;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system due to the relaxing effect of water;
  • strengthens the immune system, because bathing in cool water tones the whole body as a whole;
  • hydromassage affects not only the muscles, but also the gastrointestinal tract: digestion is improved, prevention of constipation. Parents note that children who are engaged in early swimming practically do not experience infant colic;
  • the baby learns not to be afraid of water, and as he grows up, he will feel more confident in water bodies or at sea;
  • has a positive effect on the baby's sleep, because after active swimming, the baby's body needs a good rest.

Many doctors have noted the great health benefits of an infant who swims from the first months of life. In some cases, neurologists and orthopedists recommend infant swimming as one of the ways to solve congenital problems in a child.

Is there any harm?

Undoubtedly, like every medal, there is also a downside. And of course there are negative aspects of early training in the water:

  • many doctors explain the innate reflex of holding the breath in water by a protective reaction of the body, and not by skill. Those. in the pool or bathroom, parents themselves create a situation where the child is obliged to hold his breath so as not to breathe water into the lungs. And this is a great stress for the body. Many newborn babies are afraid of water and do not want to swim. In this case, it is recommended not to force the child, but to abandon such activities. After all, constant fear and tantrums negatively affect the fragile nervous system of the child;
  • the child's muscles and skeletal system may not be ready for such a load. Some orthopedists insist that swimming is not part of the baby's gradual development plan: first, the child must learn to sit and crawl, strengthen the spine, and only then can you teach him to swim;
  • the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs, such as otitis media, rhinin, throat diseases, as well as inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • there are times when diving can be dangerous for the life of an infant, because the ingestion of water into the lungs during diving is very dangerous;
  • indigestion, which is also possible after swallowing water while swimming.

Swimming from birth or not is a choice not only for parents, but also for doctors. If the doctor has forbidden your baby for any reason to practice in the pool or bath, you need to heed the recommendations of a specialist. Not all children benefit from this type of swimming. Therefore, in order not to harm a small child, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

If the child does not want to swim: screams, cries, experts recommend not to force the baby and postpone classes until a later time. After all, the fear experienced in infancy may in the future become the cause of the fear of water.

In 2010, the College of European Pediatricians conducted a study that covered countries such as Germany, France and Belgium. The study involved children under the age of two who have been swimming since birth. Doctors found that these children had a fourfold higher risk of developing respiratory diseases compared to their peers who did not visit the pool or swim in it very rarely. Pediatricians have identified the reason: chlorine is very harmful to the immature respiratory system of newborns and infants. And water in any case gets into the ears, nasal cavity, sometimes the baby can drink some water while swimming.

Activities at home in the bath and in the pool: what to choose and whether it is possible to combine

Parents who decide to teach their baby to swim early are faced with a very important question: where to start classes, in the bathroom at home or in the pool? The opinions of experts on this matter differ. Some recommend that babies up to a month or two swim at home, because in a special baby bath it is easier for a child to get used to the water, he is not so scared, and the mother feels more confident. Others argue that it is possible to start going to the pool from three weeks, so that the child gets used to the large amount of water and space.

Infant swimming coaches insist that first, the child must undergo adaptation in the bathroom: get used to the water, not be afraid to dive and dive. Indeed, at the first immersion in water, only a small number of newborns begin to work with their hands and feet. For the rest of the children, a coach or mother forms these skills. Only after getting used to the water in a small bathtub is it better to start exercising in the pool.

There are individual and group lessons where the instructor helps parents and kids adapt to the water.

Experts explain that you can combine swimming at home and in the pool. But it is always better to start with a trainer or instructor who will show you how to properly immerse a child in water, what exercises can be done, and most importantly, tell you the safety rules so that the baby does not swallow water and does not get scared.

Comparative characteristics of infant swimming at home and in the pool - table

In the bathroom In the pool
Comfort for the child A newborn child is just getting used to the new environment, therefore, it is recommended for children up to a month to practice in a special baby bath with their mother next to them. So the child will feel the presence of his mother nearby, and a small space will not cause fear. Very often, newborn babies are frightened by large water, extraneous sounds, noise. After all, not only they are engaged in the pool, but also other children. That is why it is recommended to bring children at the age of two to three months to the pool.
Classes with a trainer Doctors recommend starting early swimming exercises only in the presence of a specialist. When mom gets used to it a little, you can do it yourself. But it is often problematic and expensive to call a coach at home. In the pool, you can choose an individual schedule, choose the instructor you like and be completely sure that the classes will be carried out correctly and profitably.
Security Very often, mothers who try to engage in infant swimming on their own do not know the principles and methods of training. Water can enter the lungs of an infant, and this is life-threatening. In the pool, classes are held only under the supervision of experienced specialists, so the child and mother are completely safe.
Group exercises Very often, babies do not want to swim on their own: they are scared, not interested, etc. It is not possible to do exercises with several children at home. In a group, the child pays attention to his peers. When the kid sees that others are swimming with pleasure, he is not so scared to try new tasks and exercises himself.
Conditions In this regard, the home bath comes out on top. A mother can prepare boiled water without chlorine, wash a bath or a large bath well, and can be sure that no infections are scary for her baby. Chlorine, which is used to disinfect water, often causes allergic reactions, problems with the respiratory and digestive organs, when water is swallowed from the pool. There is a risk of catching some kind of infection.

Baby swimming in the pool - video

Basic principles of infant swimming

The main principle of early swimming is proper preparation. Indeed, the success of infant swimming depends on how, in what environment and with the help of what exercises the baby will get acquainted with the water.

  1. Time to start. You can swim when the umbilical wound has healed. This occurs at two to three weeks of age. It is this time that instructors consider optimal for starting classes. Experts are sure that the later they start to work with the baby, the more difficult it will be for him to get used to the water. Moreover, after three months the child's instinct to hold his breath under water is lost.
  2. Cleanliness is the key to health. We have known this phrase since childhood, and in this case it is very appropriate. After all, the baby's body is just getting to know the microorganisms that surround it. Therefore, the bath or pool must be absolutely clean. If parents choose to swim at home, then before each bathing, the bath should be washed with baby soap and rinsed thoroughly. If adults go to the pool with the baby, they must be sure that all sanitary and hygienic standards are observed.
  3. Water quality. At home, it is better to use boiled or purified water. But you should not add potassium permanganate or decoctions of medicinal herbs to it. After all, the baby can swallow this water and it will enter the digestive tract. In the pool, you should find out how the water is purified. Most pools use chlorine, but some have switched to ultraviolet water purification. This method is preferable because chlorine has a negative effect on the child's respiratory system.
  4. Water temperature. The optimum temperature for baby swimming is 31–32 degrees. But you can't start your first lessons in such cool water. Experts recommend starting with warm water of 36037 degrees and reducing the temperature to the required one within a month. But it should be remembered that if you put the baby in the water and he cries for several minutes in a row, and before that he was swimming with pleasure, then he is cold and so far he should not lower the temperature. If the baby, on the contrary, is too relaxed, with no signs of obvious activity, then the water is hot and the temperature needs to be lowered.
  5. Optimal time. Doctors do not recommend working with your baby in water immediately after feeding or on an empty stomach. The most correct time is forty to sixty minutes after eating.

Before starting exercises in the water, you should properly prepare the child so that he is not hungry and feels comfortable.

Popular early swimming techniques

Classes can be conducted according to specially developed methods. Some of them are radically different from each other, but all are aimed at achieving one goal - classes with newborns and children under one year old.

Zakhary Firsov's technique

It was developed back in 1978. The main goal of the lessons is to teach a child by the age of twelve months to calmly stay on the water for a long time, at least 20-30 minutes, dive to a shallow depth just like that or for a toy, jump from a low side into the pool and not panic. Classes using this technique are held gradually: first, the baby is explained that now he will swim, supporting him, is lowered into the water. After the stage of adaptation to water, the baby is transferred to a horizontal position in the water, supporting it under the back or stomach. And gradually the child learns to swim and dive.

Igor Charkovsky's technique

Very different from gradual swimming training. First of all, it was developed for premature babies who have a weakened body. Its principle is that the child is quickly and abruptly immersed in water with his head for a few seconds, then taken out of the water and immediately immersed again. At this time, the kid manages to breathe air and holds his breath under water.

The author of the technique claims that at a time when air does not enter the body, the brain is nourished in an enhanced mode. As a result, such exercises lead to faster mental and physical development of children. The duration of one lesson is at least 30-40 minutes.

Teaching the kid according to the method of Igor Chartkovsky

One of the most popular techniques, which includes four stages:

  • the first stage is designed for children up to three months old. Classes begin with massage, then gymnastics with imitation of swimming outside the pool or bath, then the baby is immersed in the pool and gymnastics takes place in the water;
  • the second stage is designed for babies from three to six months. Children are taught how to swim, supported and shown exercises. Everything is designed for talking with a child;
  • from six to nine months, the third stage begins, during which the babies already swim and even dive on their own;
  • and at the fourth stage, skills are consolidated. Babies from nine months can already swim along the bathtub or children's pool. Parents put toys in the water, and the child dives after them.

The technique of Vladimir Guterman is one of the most popular, because designed for the gradual accustoming of the child to water and swimming

Rules for conducting baby swimming at home

Before starting classes, you need to make sure that the child is in a good mood. Experts insist that tears, crying, tantrums or fear are a reason to give up swimming and postpone classes to another time or day. You can do it with a well-fed baby, because a hungry child will be capricious and ask for food. An hour after feeding, the food is already absorbed in the digestive tract, and children still do not feel hungry. This is the optimal time for classes.

It is recommended to conduct the first lessons with an instructor who will show parents how to do the exercises correctly. Another important point is that each exercise is accompanied by a voice. For example, before plunging a child into the water, you need to tell him that we are going to dive now. So the child will subconsciously memorize words and be ready for a certain action.

Swimming in the bathroom is not boring at all, as it might seem at first glance. Today, there are many devices that will help your baby to adapt in the water:

  • bath mat: special rugs are required so that the baby does not slip. They are sold as colorful animals or other images. These colors attract the baby and he will enjoy swimming in the bathtub;
  • circle: the inflatable rings are worn around the baby's neck and do not allow the head to sink into the water. Over time, when the child feels comfortable and confident in the water, the circle can be removed and diving with the baby can be practiced;
  • a hat on the head: it is put on the child and also holds the baby's head above the water;
  • special panties: you can buy diaper panties or just panties with elastic bands that fit tightly to the baby's body. Such panties are more suitable for practicing in the pool, because unpleasant surprises are unacceptable there. At home, the baby can swim without clothes.

Early swimmers - photo gallery

The cap prevents the baby from diving under the water The circle is designed to support the baby's head above the water The bath mat will prevent the baby from slipping

Circle and cap for bathing babies - video

Swimming exercises for babies at home

Before diving, make sure the water temperature is right so that your baby is not too hot or cold. Before immersion in water, you must first wet the baby's hands, let him touch the water. Then slowly lower the baby's feet and gradually the whole body. There are two ways to support your baby during infant swimming: under the chin and under the back of the head. The positions may vary depending on the exercise being performed.

While swimming, the baby needs to be supported under the chin so that he does not swallow water

  1. Splashing in water: submerge your baby in the water on your stomach. Gently support it under the chin while the baby is actively using his arms and legs.
  2. Walking along the bottom: The baby should be held vertically by the armpits so that the legs reach the bottom of the bathroom. Move the child, and at this time he will try to step over or jump in the water.
  3. Jerks: this exercise can be done both on the back and on the abdomen. Slowly lead the child to the bathroom walls. As soon as the baby feels the support, it will reflexively start to push off from it and try to swim.
  4. Motivation: support the child under the chin, he lies on his stomach in the water. At some distance from the baby, lower the toy into the water. Explain to your child to try to reach the toy. The kid will try to swim, actively moving his arms and legs.
  5. Eight: this exercise can also be done on the back and on the abdomen. The main rule is that the child should not be afraid of water, because this is a rather active exercise. Supporting the baby's head, guide him through the water, as if drawing an eight. Slowly and smoothly at first, then the pace can be increased.
  6. Diving: this is the hardest exercise. The first few times it is best done with an instructor. Before you plunge your baby into the water with your head, you need to prepare the baby. The first 10 days say the word "dive" and just blow the baby in the face. He will hold his breath. Then we move on to the second stage: after the cherished word, blow in the face and spray with water. Gradually, the child will get used to it and as soon as he hears this word, he will reflexively hold his breath even before immersion in water. And only then we proceed to full immersion: quickly lower the baby into the water with his head and take it out. This exercise can be repeated several times in a row.

Exercises must be performed regularly, only then the baby will master swimming and by the year he will be diving on his own

How to teach a baby to swim at home - video

Features of lessons in the pool

In the pool, classes are conducted both individually and in groups. It all depends on the wishes of the parents and the mood of the baby. Each child is dealt with by a personal instructor who is specially trained and parents can be calm about the safety of their child. Some parents do not want to be in the pool with their child. If the kid normally perceives the coach, the mother can watch the lessons from the side, and the kid with the instructor will swim himself. First of all, you need to collect the baby in the pool, for this you need to take with you:

  • special underpants for the baby;
  • several diapers;
  • warm towel;
  • a hat for the baby to put on after swimming;
  • baby bath or soap: after swimming in the pool, the baby needs to be bathed to rinse off the chlorinated water;
  • swimming circle, just in case;
  • some baby toys that he especially likes and is allowed in the pool.

You need to go to the pool prepared, take toys so that you can distract the baby in case he gets a little capricious

One lesson in the pool lasts about an hour and a half. First, the child will be given a massage to stretch the muscles and prepare the body for swimming. This massage lasts about 20-25 minutes. Then the baby can be immersed in water. The first lesson lasts no more than 10 minutes, gradually over the course of a month, the time increases to an hour. Exercising in the pool is the same as exercising in the bathroom, so the principle is the same.

After swimming in the pool, some parents temper the baby. To do this, instructors pour cold water over the crumbs. But children do not like this procedure, so many parents refuse this type of hardening. It is enough for the baby to dry out on its own after swimming and only then put it on. It also hardens the child's body.

Breast swimming in a group - video

When parents are fully comfortable with the new type of activity, the instructor's services can be abandoned. But for the safety of the child, if the parents are unsure of their abilities, it is better to leave an experienced coach to deal with the child.

Experts draw attention to the fact that immediately after swimming, the child should not be fed. Better to wait an hour and then satisfy the baby's hunger.

Swimming baby in the pool with a trainer - video

Modern parents are fond of all sorts of techniques with which you can start developing your child from an early age. One of the most popular destinations today is infant swimming. You don't have to buy a swimming pool to teach your kid to dive; you can do elementary lessons at home, in the bathroom. To do this, you only need a hat and a circle around your neck. Swimming for babies is fun, healthy and improves motor skills.

Not many people know that little children can swim perfectly from birth. They can hold their breath and dive, splash merrily in the bathroom. This tendency is explained by the fact that the baby has an innate reflex, because in the mother's womb he was in a liquid environment for 40 weeks.

The ability to swim disappears 3 months after birth. Pediatricians recommend doing certain exercises with the child while bathing so that he does not lose his skills to stay afloat. In addition, baby swimming is very beneficial for baby development.

Why swimming is good for babies:

  1. Regular water treatments are beneficial for anyone, especially small children. This makes it easier for the body to learn to deal with temperature changes.
  2. Systematic exercises contribute to the formation of a beautiful and even posture, strengthen the spine.
  3. Exercising in the bathroom at home helps maintain normal hemoglobin levels.
  4. Diving causes a small portion of the water to enter the baby's nose. This is an excellent prevention of rhinitis, and such "washing" removes allergens and bacteria from the mucous membrane.
  5. After bathing, the baby's heart rate improves.
  6. If you teach a child to swim from a very young age, in the future he will not be afraid of open reservoirs.

Teaching a small child to swim in the bathroom at home and dive is not such a difficult task for parents. Try to adhere to the recommendations presented as much as possible and you can get the most out of the activity.

Helpful hints:

Swimming in the bathroom at home: exercises for babies

Many parents believe that teaching little children to dive is difficult, requires a lot of nerves and is completely uninteresting. It should be noted that this is not at all the case. Here are some exercises.

  1. Jerks. Hold the baby firmly, bring him with a circle to the edge of the bathroom, so that he learns to push off.
  2. Turn the baby over onto the tummy. The cap and circle must be removed at the same time. Hold the baby by the chin, let him splash.
  3. Now we need to teach the child to swim. The starting position is exactly the same as in the previous exercise, without special attributes (circle). We put one of his favorite toys on the water in front of the baby so that he reaches out to her.
  4. After the baby is already able to swim in a straight line, you need to teach him to change direction. This exercise can be performed with or without a circle. While swimming, draw a figure eight in the water with your child.
  5. Smoothly lower the baby's body up and down, while holding it by the chin. The circle is not needed for the exercise.
  6. Now let's move on to diving. This is the hardest part of the class. Parents are afraid that their child will suffocate. However, it is worth noting that a baby from birth can perfectly hold his breath, he just needs to be reminded of this. Come up with a keyword, for example "forward", and abruptly lower the child into the water for a few seconds. Of course, the baby may cry for the first few days, but then he will get used to it. 10 days of such bathing and you will be surprised how much the child's attitude to water will change.


Unfortunately, not every child can be taught to float. Such exercises have their own contraindications:

  • congenital heart problems;
  • period of viral disease;
  • seizures and other nervous disorders;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system.

As you can see, baby swimming is fun, educational and rewarding. If you do not let the child forget these skills from childhood, in adulthood he will have problems with the fear of water, he will feel great in this environment.

Swimming will be fun and beneficial for your baby. In addition, during joint procedures, mother and child will become even closer and establish contact. You can start classes in the bathroom almost from birth. But keep in mind that children's swimming in such an early swim is not due to muscle work, but due to innate reflexes.

If you want your baby to learn how to swim in reality, continue with the classes already in the pool. The optimal age for swimming in the pool is considered when the child is 6 months old. However, today special programs have been developed that are designed for swimming with a baby in 2-3 months.

To learn to swim, you need to start with a home bath and then go to the pool. Do it in two months or after six months, it is up to the parents to decide. In any case, with regular exercises, by the age of one year, the baby will have conscious swimming skills and abilities. Swimming is a clear health and developmental benefit for your baby.

Why swimming is useful for babies

Everyone knows that swimming has a beneficial effect on the respiratory and musculoskeletal system, on the work of the heart and blood vessels. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of infant swimming:

  • Strengthening the baby's muscles, straightening the arms, legs and fingers;
  • Cool water hardens and strengthens the immune system;
  • Improving the functioning of the respiratory system of the newborn and the development of "deep" breathing;
  • Increasing resistance to colds and infectious diseases;
  • Regular swimming stimulates blood supply and stabilizes blood pressure, has a positive effect on lung function;
  • Water that is denser in comparison with air optimizes the pressure of blood vessels, facilitates the work of the heart and normalizes the heart rate;
  • Diving and holding the breath activate the brain and flush out dust and bacteria from the baby's nose. This prevents the development of allergies, is an excellent prevention of rhinitis and infectious diseases;
  • Swimming normalizes sleep and helps your baby fall asleep faster. After the procedures, the child sleeps soundly and calmly;
  • The child gets used to temperature extremes, which also has a positive effect on immunity and promotes physical development;
  • Systematic exercises will help to form a correct and beautiful posture, a strong muscular corset for the baby's spine;
  • Studies have shown that a baby in the water relaxes and gets rid of fears, becomes bolder and more confident. In addition, a child who knows how to swim almost from birth will not be afraid of open bodies of water.

Water procedures will help the newborn to quickly adapt to new life conditions. Interestingly, exercise in water is much more useful and effective than massage. It strengthens and at the same time relaxes the muscles of the legs and arms, back and neck. It stimulates and improves the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, swimming with a baby strengthens the relationship and establishes contact with the mother, which has a positive effect on the psyche and emotional state of the baby. The newborn is less capricious, worried and crying.

However, there are also contraindications for infant swimming. A child should not swim with congenital heart disease and dermatitis, with seizures and serious disorders of the nervous system. Swimming will become dangerous for children with musculoskeletal disorders who require limb fixation.

Swimming during a cold or viral illness will only make matters worse. You can resume classes after complete recovery. Before starting a systematic swimming exercise, it is best to consult a pediatrician.

Swimming rules in the bathroom

If there are no contraindications, then feel free to start training. It is important to follow the safety rules and some guidelines for swimming in the bathroom. Then you will avoid problems and easily teach your baby to swim. You can start training as early as three weeks after the baby is born.

Prepare the bath before the procedure. It is enough to wash the plumbing with laundry soap before immersing the newborn. Treat the bath with baking soda once a week, then rinse thoroughly with hot water. Do not use potassium permanganate and herbal teas. Do not forget that a child can swallow water, and these substances often cause a negative reaction.

The temperature of the water is also of great importance. Optimum indicators for newborns will be 37 - 35 degrees above zero. Then the temperature is gradually reduced. But remember that babies under three months old cannot swim in temperatures below 32 ° C!

The first baths should last no more than 15 minutes. Moreover, when the water cools down, there is no need to add hot water! The baby's body gets used to new conditions and hardens, which has a beneficial effect on the child's immunity.

Never leave your baby alone in the bathroom! Two or three seconds are enough for a newborn to drown even in a small amount of water!

How to choose a temperature for bathing babies

You need to start bathing at a temperature of 34-37 ° C, which should be reduced by 1-2 degrees every four days. But do not get carried away with hardening. Too cold water will only harm the newborn. The minimum temperature for three-month-old children is 32 degrees, and for babies up to one year old - 25 degrees.

When the temperature is not suitable for the baby, he cries when diving for several minutes. If the baby resists and is capricious, return to the previous indicators. Observe the measure and do not force to swim. When the baby is passive and does not want to move, the water is too warm. But if the child whimpers at first, but then calms down and splashes actively, you have found the ideal temperature.

To measure degrees, you can use a special thermometer or use the old “grandmother's” method by lowering your elbow into the water. The skin in this place is softer, softer and more receptive.

In addition, it is important to monitor the air temperature. Do not overheat the bathing area. A large temperature difference will not please the baby and can lead to illness.

Eight Baby Swimming Exercises

The optimal time for bathing is considered to be 40-60 minutes after feeding. Breast milk has already been absorbed, but the baby is not yet hungry. The baby should not be tired, as he will cry and be capricious during baby swimming. But if the child is calm and willing to do the exercises, you can conduct classes before bedtime.

  • Back of the head support

The child lies on his back, and the mother holds the head under the back of the head. Sometimes the smallest babies have to be supported with the other hand and under the butt. Very soon, with regular support, the baby will float on its own.

  • Chin support

In this case, the baby is tummy down in an almost vertical position. Mom supports her head so that her chin is in the palm of her hand.

  • Jerks and turns

The baby's feet are brought closer to the bathtub wall. He feels support, pushes off the side and tries to swim.

  • Splashing

Mom puts the baby on his tummy so that he is completely submerged in the water, and slightly supports his chin. Show your toddler how fun it is to splash around. Walk your hand back and forth with your child through the water. Soon the baby will splash on its own, move with its legs and arms.

  • Let's swim for a toy or catch-up

Mom puts the baby in the same way as when splashing her tummy down, supports her chin with her hand. A bathing toy is placed in front of the baby to catch up with. Gradually increase your speed and distance with each session.

  • Eight

When the baby learns to move in a straight line, they begin to swim, repeating the outline of the number 8. The exercise is performed both on the back and on the stomach. Gradually increase your movement speed and figure size.

  • Swing

The baby is lying on the tummy. Mom supports the chin and back of the head to keep her head above the water. The child is immersed and lifted with smooth movements, moved back and forth.

  • Diving

Children from birth know how to hold their breath, so do not be afraid of being completely immersed in water. Start diving after your baby is used to the water and has a little “swim”. First say "Dive" and blow in your face. Then the baby will close his eyes and hold his breath, and you dip him with his head for a couple of seconds. Repeat the lesson for 10 days. Then again, splashes are added to the key phrase and the breeze. Before you dip the child, say the cherished word, blow and lightly spray water in the face. When the infant is accustomed to the procedure, gradually increase the immersion time to 6 seconds.

If you are concerned about the safety of your baby, use a special inflatable ring for newborns or a foam hat to support the head for the first time. Then the child can easily be on the water without mother's support. But such devices will not allow diving.

Swimming pool rules

You can start swimming in the pool as early as two months. The main thing is that the umbilical wound is completely healed. It is better if you work with an instructor on a program specially designed for mothers and babies. However, you can do the exercises yourself.

Be sure to take three towels to the pool, one of which will be for the parent, the other for the baby, and the third will be used as a bedding for the changing table. It is recommended to take your baby's favorite toy, pacifiers and rattles. They can help calm your baby if needed.

The optimum temperature, as in the bathroom, should be 32-37 degrees. Start at 10 minutes and gradually work up the time. The maximum swimming time for babies is half an hour. Allow your baby to get used to the water before doing the exercises. You can spray your baby, but be careful not to get water in your eyes!

If the child is cold, take him out of the water and warm him with a towel. You can't leave your baby alone in the pool! While swimming, talk and support the baby so that he can feel the connection with mom. This will give the baby confidence.

Water surrounds the baby for all nine months of intrauterine life and during this time it becomes almost a native element for him. Therefore, it is not surprising that many modern parents immediately after birth seek to assign their baby to the baby pool. The benefits and harms of early swimming is a subject of ongoing debate between pediatricians and parents. Meanwhile, infant swimming has a long history.

Back in 1939, an Australian woman named Timerman, on the advice of her doctor, began to take a baby with her to the pool. The woman noticed that the baby from the first visit literally began to bloom in the water, and then develop much faster than its peers. Soon, Mrs. Timerman wrote a book that became a textbook for all parents who want to practice infant swimming with their baby.

We will tell you in our article about when and how to start classes in the pool with a baby, what benefits it can bring and whether harm to the child's body is possible.

When to start swimming in the pool?

Swimming in a pool with a baby can hardly be called training. Rather, it is one of the ways of early development of a child, broadening his horizons, forming important skills in him so that he can feel confident in each of the elements. Parents who have chosen this path of development for their baby often face opposition from relatives. The older generation believes that a "dirty" pool is not a place for babies, and acquaintance with it should be postponed until at least three years of age. The main thing that is required of parents is not to deviate from the intended goal and follow the chosen path.

Before bringing your baby to the pool, it is recommended to introduce him to a large home bathtub filled to the brim with water. This can be done from the 3rd week of the baby's life, that is, when the umbilical wound is completely healed. If parents are afraid or insecure, they can invite a specialist into the home. Otherwise, the uncertainty will be passed on to the baby, he may be afraid of the water, which in the future will negatively affect your plans to learn to swim quickly.

Classes in the pool for infants can be started from the age of two months, that is, when he has already completely mastered his home bath.

Water temperature and optimal exercise time

An important condition for successful swimming is the selection of the optimal temperature regime for the water. A comfortable water temperature for babies is 37 degrees. With this value, you should start your first acquaintance with the pool. It should not be much higher than 37 degrees, otherwise the baby will lie passively and will not want to move. At the same time, too cold water can cause discomfort in the child, and he will begin to cry.

It is recommended to gradually lower the water temperature from 37 to 32 degrees, and after 3 months even lower. A kid who behaves actively in the water is in water that is comfortable for him. It is enough to visit the pool for babies 2 times a week for 10 minutes. From 3 months, the time spent in the water can be increased by 15 seconds.

Uncomplicated exercises

Exercises in the pool should be started with vertical immersion of the baby in the water. During bathing, it is dipped into and out of the water several times. Only after the baby has become comfortable in an upright position can he be taught to swim horizontally.

The baby pool is where you can do a variety of exercises, both on your back and on your stomach. But you should start learning swimming with the simplest of them:

  1. Lower the baby into the water in a horizontal position and, supporting the chin with your hand, "roll" the baby along the surface, moving forward. After a few days, at some distance from the baby's eyes, you can put a duck on the water and try to catch up with it during the exercise.
  2. The next exercise is performed on the back and consists in bringing the baby in a horizontal position to the side, from which he will push off like a "frog". Such an activity will be an excellent training for future walking.
  3. For the development of the vestibular apparatus, it is recommended to perform the "swing" exercise in the pool, the essence of which is to swing the child in the water, supporting his head under the chin.

Benefits of the pool for babies

Various studies both prove the benefits of a pool for babies, and refute this fact.

The benefits of swimming for babies are as follows:

  • Swimming pool for babies is an important stage in their physical development. It has been proven that babies with whom they have been swimming since the age of two months get sick half as much, all signs of muscle tone, rickets, anemia disappear, they begin to crawl and walk earlier than their peers.
  • Swimming stimulates metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improves sleep and appetite.
  • A gradual decrease in the temperature of the water in the pool contributes to the hardening of the child, the formation of the body's resistance to temperature extremes.
  • Swimming helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and the formation of correct posture.
  • From a psychological point of view, swimming lessons bring parent and child closer together, establish a close emotional connection between them.

A child who has been swimming since childhood will never experience fear of water in adulthood and will maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout their life.

Infant swimming harm

Recent European studies prove that indoor swimming pools are harmful to the respiratory system of children. According to confirmed information, the risk of respiratory diseases in children who have been swimming in pools since infancy is several times higher than among those who did not. All the harm of the pool lies in dangerous chlorine compounds, which through the respiratory tract or through the mouth enter the baby's body, accumulating in it and causing dangerous diseases.

The pool for babies should be sterile, but since chlorine is dangerous for the unformed respiratory system, it is recommended to treat the room with ultraviolet light and filters with quartz sand. When choosing a pool, you should pay close attention to this.

  1. To avoid an "unpleasant surprise" in the pool, purchase special diapers for swimming in the pool in advance.
  2. Swimming in the pool should be in a special rubber cap, which it is advisable to purchase for the child, if necessary. This will help to make swimming as safe as possible for babies.
  3. It is recommended to visit the pool with a toddler in the morning. At this time, the water will be cleaner than in the evening.

Diving in the pool

Diving in the pool is a logical continuation of swimming. After successful training, parents can safely leave their grown child to play next to the water, without worrying about drowning.

All exercises should be performed sequentially. The main task facing the coach or parent is to teach the baby to hold his breath. To do this, the baby is first sprayed with water in the face. As a result, he holds his breath for 10 seconds. After the child learns the exercise, they begin to pour water over him from top to bottom, and then lower him under the water for a couple of seconds. As soon as the baby learns short dives, their duration can be increased.

Swimming for babies in the bathtub begins literally from the first weeks of life. Until 3-5 weeks of a child's life, it is necessary to bathe in boiled water (until the umbilical wound heals). It is very important that the first bathing takes place in a good mood of the baby and, first of all, in a good mood of the parents. If parents plan to go swimming in the future, first of all, they must get rid of their own feelings of fear. Of course, a newborn baby looks tiny and fragile, but he is quite viable, and the less your fear and uncertainty, the more successful your communication with the baby in the water will be.

Swimming for babies in the bath begins literally from the first weeks of life. Until 3-5 weeks of a child's life, it is necessary to bathe in boiled water (until the umbilical wound heals). It is very important that the first bathing takes place in a good mood of the baby and, first of all, in a good mood of the parents. If parents plan to go swimming in the future, first of all, they must get rid of their own feelings of fear. Of course, a newborn baby looks tiny and fragile, but he is quite viable, and the less your fear and uncertainty, the more successful your communication with the baby in the water will be. So, if the umbilical wound has healed, you can move on to swimming in a large bath and start swimming lessons.

Why teach a baby to swim?

When teaching a child to swim, we simultaneously solve several problems:

We increase the body's resistance to temperature changes and strengthen its immunity;
acting on the skin and small blood vessels of the child, we facilitate the saturation of tissues with oxygen and improve the blood circulation of the child's brain, contributing to its faster development;
we train the correct breathing of the child, develop his bronchopulmonary system, teach him to hold his breath;
we act on the skin of the child with a gentle massage: water is the best massage therapist for a small child, very gentle and effective.

Preparing a bathtub for bathing an infant
The room where the classes are held should not be hot, room temperature is quite enough (so that when leaving the bathroom, there is no strong temperature drop).
It is necessary to thoroughly wash the bathtub with baby soap and preferably scrub with baking soda. Then rinse well with hot water.
Prerequisites for bathing a newborn baby

Calmness and confidence in the movements of the parents;
swimming pleasure: activities should only be done if it brings joy to both you and your child;
regularity: you need to swim with your child every day, without "holidays and weekends." Preferably at the same time, 30-40 minutes after feeding;
no contraindications: you need to make sure that there are no contraindications for swimming. To do this, you need to consult with a breastfeeding consultant and neurologist.
Massage before It is imperative that you prepare your baby before starting a lesson. For this, a light massage is done (stroking and light kneading), gymnastics (movements of the arms and legs up and down, flexion-extension). The duration of the preparatory stage is 20-30 minutes.

It is necessary to immerse the child in water slowly, gradually and always in an upright position. Avoid sudden movements that can scare your baby. Calmly and calmly explain to the child that now he will be in water, will learn to swim, praise the baby.
If crying, do not forcefully submerge him in water! Try to calm the baby down with something to distract. Bathing together with the baby has a particularly beneficial effect on the baby.
Baby bathing water temperature
During the first 6-10 sessions, the water temperature should correspond to the baby's body temperature, i.e. 36.6-37.2 degrees. In the future, the water temperature gradually decreases (by about half a degree per week), and the time spent swimming with the child increases. There are many different methods for lowering the temperature of the water, but it must be borne in mind that each child is unique, and therefore the reaction to the same temperature of the water in the bath can be completely different. To determine the comfort temperature for your child, you need to take a close look at him in the first minutes of bathing:
if, when immersed in water, the child cries and does not calm down after 3-4 minutes of being in the water, then most likely the water is cold;
if the child, having cried a little, begins to actively move his arms and legs, while he stops crying, then the water is at the optimal temperature for swimming and hardening;
if the child in the water is passive and relaxed, does not want to move, then most likely the water is too warm.

Swimming newborns

Where can you learn to swim with a baby?
Swimming consultations at least once a month for each child are carried out by medical workers of the children's clinic in the water treatment room or in the home bathroom. The child's parents must receive at least 12 consultations during the year.

What You Should Know About Swimming Technique?
The swimming technique is divided into 4 levels, corresponding to the age characteristics of the development of infants - up to 3 months, from 3 to 6 months, from 6 to 9 months and from 9 months to a year. As the child grows, the exercises become more difficult and the types of supports change. The possibility of transition to new complexes is determined individually as the child masters the first lessons.

Where do the lessons at home take place and how much water do you need to pour into the bathtub?
At home, classes are held in a large "adult" bath, cleanly washed and filled with a little more than 2/3. The temperature of the water at the beginning of classes is usually 37-38 degrees, followed by a decrease. The best result will be a water temperature of 36-34 degrees. As the duration of the activity increases, the water will cool down, and this way you will accustom your baby to cooler water and train his defense mechanisms.

What are the main types of movements in the water?
The main types of movements in the water are: swimming on the back and chest with hand supports; swimming with autonomous supports; independent swimming. The nature of swimming in all cases is interval - the swim is followed by a short rest. Swimming begins on the back and alternates with swimming on the chest.

What if the baby is crying in the water?
It should be borne in mind that at the beginning of classes, most children behave wary and even cry - in this case, the child needs a longer preparatory period before carrying out standard postings - parents fix the child's head and pelvic ends and "float" with him from one side of the bath to another - so the child gets used to movement and a large volume of water. You can also offer the baby a pacifier - a pacifier, distract him with a toy.

Can my child dive?
It is possible, but you must be careful to teach your baby to do this. It is possible to immerse the child's head in water only after the child has worked out the conditioned reflex of holding the breath and "shutting his eyes" to the word "dive" (this is possible only by 6 months). Exercise helps to improve cerebral blood flow, strengthen the respiratory muscles. It is strictly forbidden to force the child to dive with his head, throw the baby into the water or press him to the bottom with his hand: the child may become very frightened and suffocate. When conducting therapeutic swimming sessions for weakened children with diseases of the central nervous system, diving is excluded, you can only try to immerse the child's mouth in water.

How to combine swimming, gymnastics and massage?
Better mastering of movements in water is facilitated by special swimming exercises on land for arms and legs in the position "on the back" and "on the chest", imitating a crawl and breaststroke, and a light massage. Massage and gymnastics should be started 2-3 weeks later than the beginning of swimming, thus observing the principle of dosing the load. In some cases, for weakened children, massage, gymnastics and swimming should be carried out at different times.

Can I put toys in the water?
The prerequisites for conducting classes in the pool of polyclinics are the colorful decoration of the place of the procedures - beautiful toys (3-4 inflatable and the same number of drowning ones), bright drawings on the walls, musical accompaniment of classes. Small rattles are needed at home, the number of toys depends on the size of the bathroom. Games and decoy toys in a wide variety of forms help create the necessary background of positive emotions and stimulate the mental development of children. How long does it take to swim? Usually the first lessons last 10 minutes and increase by 5 minutes per week. At the first sign of fatigue (overexcitement or drowsiness), classes stop.

What if the child gets sick?
Classes interrupted due to illness or other reasons should be resumed as if they were being started for the first time, with strict adherence to the rules of gradualness, only after consulting a doctor. In all cases, it must be remembered that acquired swimming skills without training are lost within 2-3 weeks.

How to teach babies to swim

Doctors say: everyone needs to swim from their birthday.

We are all natural swimmers. Indeed, before the birth of a baby, 9 months old swims in intrauterine fluid and, having been born, retains these skills. But since he is usually not given the opportunity to demonstrate and develop them, the kid very quickly forgets his experience, so that, at best, he will learn to swim again at five or six years of age. But some kids are luckier. From the first days of their lives, they have at their disposal a huge bathtub in which they can practice swimming. Victoria Alexandrovna Rybachuk, a specialist in infant swimming, told us about why a baby needs it and how to deal with it. “Swimming is necessary for all children, without exception,” says Victoria. - If we trigger reflexes, we make the brain work as well. Therefore, such activities are good not only for physical, but also for intellectual development. Cold or contrast treatments are important for training the nervous and immune systems. If this is not done "under a cry", the children sleep well, behave well, their colic decreases, and muscle tone is restored. " Swimming is possible from the first days of life. There are no contraindications for it. But, in order to clarify what the baby can do in the water and what not, you need to consult a neurologist. For example, for children who are contraindicated in the slightest stress, dousing and swimming in cold water will not work. Whatever classes you choose, carry out the first procedures only with an instructor!
PREPARATION. They start classes when the child is full, but not earlier than half an hour after eating. Before you start, the baby needs to be warmed up. For this, massage and exercises are done with an emphasis on reflex exercises. You can slightly raise the child by placing your index fingers in his palms (protecting with your thumbs), do the breeding of the legs, pulling the knees to the elbows in turn. You can roll the baby along the bed, holding the legs. But at the same time, you need to make sure that he lies flat, does not turn over sharply, and his head does not tilt. After warming up, you can start water procedures. They can be of two types: diving in cold water (while the baby swims under water) and swimming in warm water. Why is diving in cold water better than "warm"? “Cold waters have their advantages,” says Victoria Alexandrovna. - Warm water has a bad effect on mucous membranes, while cold water, on the contrary, strengthens them. After the cold water, the baby begins to see better, he seems to "sharpen".

UNDER THE WATER. This is not only swimming, but also hardening. Therefore, the bath is filled with cold water (from 15 to 17 * C). Then the baby, holding it under the arms, is lowered into the water. As soon as his legs touch the water, they put him horizontally, face down, and after one or two seconds he plunges under the water and floats. According to one method, the baby is carried out under water, according to the other, they are released, immersed in the water, and he floats on his own. Before starting, he needs to say everything that will happen. Despite the fact that the baby was recently born, he understands you perfectly. Before diving, it is necessary to inform that "now we will dive." But not in a commanding tone or in a sympathetic tone, but calmly, in a friendly way. If everything is done correctly and the baby is calm, there is no danger that the child will choke: as soon as his feet touch the cold water, he reflexively holds his breath. Many splash water on the baby's face before diving. This makes sense when diving takes place in warm water, during swimming and playing, when the baby is relaxed, carried away by the process. If, in such a situation, he is immersed in water without warning, he will hold his breath a few seconds later, have time to sip water and be frightened. The kid spends about 5 seconds under water. Then they take it out, wipe it and wrap it up well. You need to give him time to come to his senses, recover his breathing, and then, if he had time to get hungry, put it to his chest.

AND ON THE WATER. A suitable temperature for such activities is from 34 to 37 * C: at a higher temperature, the baby overheats, and this has a bad effect on the vessels. The first few sessions should also be conducted by an instructor. And then the parents can do it themselves. One hand is usually held on the child's chin, with the index finger close to the mouth. The second hand rests on the back of the head. The child can be walked on the back of the water, then imperceptibly turned over on the tummy and swim in "eights". Lying on his back, he can push off the walls of the bath with his legs. In the first months, bathing should not take more than 15 minutes. Gradually, this time can be extended, and the water temperature can be lowered. The best option is a joint bathing with mom or dad. At the end of the lesson, it is good to introduce a hardening element. It could be a douche or a cold spot. They do it like this. The tap opens and cold water pours down the side of the tub. A layer of cool water forms in this area, through which the child is led several times by the "eight". Swimming and diving should be alternated, for example, diving during the day and swimming in the evening, otherwise the baby will get tired. If you decide to swim with a newborn, first of all, banish the fear. It is better not for the "fearful" parent (as well as the superfluous spectators) to be present in the bathroom. If the child is screaming, afraid of the procedure, take a break (for very little ones for a week, for older ones - more). Mom and Dad do not talk between themselves. Full focus on the child is important here. You can and should talk with your baby. In a cheerful, joyful tone, not too loud and without sympathy.

TO LOVE ON MOTHER'S HANDS. If there are no contraindications on the part of the neurologist, swimming in warm water can be completed by pouring cold water from the tap. Or replace this procedure with diving. At the same time, it is better to hug the baby to you: this way you will minimize stress. Pour, starting from the face, so that the child will hold his breath. Then pour over the head and shoulders, again over the head, then again over the shoulders. The volume of water is from 2 to 5 liters. After that, wipe the baby well and wrap it up. If the child is very small, the diapers must be pre-warmed.

Svetlana, mother of four-month-old Katya: “I have been swimming with my daughter since the first days of my life. Back in the hospital, we started pouring cold water on her under the tap. And after being discharged, they began to swim at home. The first classes were conducted by an instructor. The girl reacted very well: she dived calmly, and after the procedure she was very balanced. And recently we were on vacation in Egypt, with Katya. In no case do I call for flying to exotic countries with a baby, the success of this event depends on many factors. But everything went great with us, and I am sure that first of all because the daughter is prepared, strong. Katya tolerated acclimatization well, and enjoyed swimming in the sea. We took her on the handles, plunged into the water, then let her go, and she swam under water. Of course, with insurance. Then she dived with us for the first time, without an instructor. We saw that she liked it. Katya is growing up as a calm child, during the four months of her life we ​​have never had to see a doctor. "

Is swimming good for babies?

Question: Nowadays, many parents, starting from 3 weeks, start swimming with their baby in the bathroom. How safe is this swimming for a baby? And is early swimming and diving really beneficial?

Answer: For many years I was engaged as an instructor in swimming with babies, I also swam with all my children. The fact that early swimming is not harmful (with the exception of children with constitutional weakness of the kidneys, and as a consequence of those suffering from otitis media and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract), I can say.

But the fact that it is useful, then you need to understand why.

If you set a goal for a child to have steep results in the future (for example, by 10-12 months he can swim on his own), then a rare baby will achieve this, but the fact that parental ambitions will harm him is for sure. But this applies to early development in general.

But if you are considering swimming in the bathroom as a gymnastics option, then why not?


What are the benefits of swimming early?
- This is a great hardening procedure that helps to strengthen the child's immunity. Moreover, it is very tough, because the temperature of the water and air will differ by about 10 degrees.
- the baby learns not to be afraid of water;
- classes in the water strengthen the health of a young swimmer, contribute to his harmonious development;
- in addition to this, classes with parents are a strong emotional factor that contributes to a closer and more trusting relationship, creating a favorable psychological atmosphere.

What can my child learn?
Exercising in water, a child with increased hypertonicity can learn to relax. On the contrary, a too sluggish baby will learn to work actively in the water. Using innate reflexes, you can teach your child to dive, which can help not to get confused in unexpected situations on the water.
However, it should be remembered that all children are very individual! Water is a medium from which everyone can benefit, but it does not forgive mistakes.

When should you start bathing your baby?
You can start classes almost from birth, but first you need to allow the baby's umbilical wound to heal.

What should be the temperature of the water?
For the first month, the child bathes at a temperature of 37 ° C. Further, it is desirable to reduce the temperature by 0.5 ° C every week, but no more than to 32-33 ° C.

When can I start my early swimming lessons?
It is better to start such exercises in the period from 1 to 3 months, after examination by a neurologist.

How many instructor-led sessions might be required?
It may take 1 to 3 sessions. Depending on what tasks the parents set.

How is the first lesson with an instructor going?
First, on land, using a toy (doll), the instructor teaches the parents the basic supports and exercises that they will have to perform while bathing the baby. Only after that, all the exercises are performed with the baby in the bath.

How long is the first lesson with an instructor?
Usually the first lesson lasts from 1.5 to 2.5 hours. The second and subsequent sessions are about 1 hour.

Who is attending the class?
The lesson is attended by everyone who takes part in bathing the baby.

My baby is over 3 months old, will he learn to dive?
It all depends on when the so-called "diving reflex" (breath holding reflex) fades away.

What is the "breath holding reflex"?
It is believed that from birth to 3 months, when water gets on a child's face, he closes his eyes and holds his breath. However, it must be remembered that not all children have it or it is expressed in the same way.

Why is my baby crying while swimming?
Usually, from birth, children are happy to perceive the aquatic environment, since it is not hostile to them. There can be many reasons for crying, the most common of which are:
- uncomfortable water temperature, in newborns it should be 37 ° C. (it is imperative to check the thermometer readings);
- the time for bathing is unsuccessfully chosen (the child must be full and not want to sleep);
- the uncertainty of the parents (the restless state of the parents is very quickly transmitted to the child);
- the child is frightened by the environment (you can try to decorate the space in which the bathing takes place with bright toys).

Can a child's ears be immersed in water?
Yes, you can. The main thing is to dry them after bathing. For this, cotton swabs with a limiter or turundochki twisted from cotton are suitable.

At what age can a child be transferred to a children's pool?
Up to 6 months, the baby can swim, play and dive in a regular home bath. After that, you can consider a children's pool with a temperature of at least 32 ° C.

How often should you have swimming lessons with your child?
It is better to deal with the baby every day, but it all depends on the parents. Classes should be enjoyable not only for the child, but also for the parents.

How long should your baby bathe daily?
Usually the duration of a lesson is 15-30 minutes. However, if you see that the baby is in a bad mood or feeling today, then it is better to shorten or cancel the time of the lesson.

Can you combine swimming with massage?
It is possible, but not desirable, since these are two independent and very "stressful" events for the child. Both after bathing and after a baby massage session, the baby falls asleep quickly enough. The fact is that he is very tired and needs rest. Swimming is hard work for a toddler.