Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock" plan-abstract lesson in the Russian language (grade 3) on the topic. Abstract lesson

Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock" plan-abstract lesson in the Russian language (grade 3) on the topic. Abstract lesson
Give examples of using these phraseologism in speech: two-limit Janus; King for a day; Lose one's temper; Keep powder dry;

High Flight Bird; Sphinxes.
riddle; Put in chapter angle; Rat race; Last spoke in the chariot;
Bump in a flat place; King for a day; Sing the diffilams; Tours on wheels; Smoking

№1 Explain the value of phraseological expressions and winged words. Ahilesska Fifth, Crocodile Tears, Calif for an hour, White

crow, first violin.

Find errors caused by violation of lexical standards. Make the stylistic editing of the proposals.

Translation of broadcasting is postponed to the late period. The window was revealed during the wind. The investigators of the prosecutor's office conducted very professional actions. The whole country from small to the Great rose to the defense of the Motherland. The girl has brown eyes. The enemies approached closer.

. Find errors caused by a violation of morphological norms. Make the stylistic editing of the proposals.

The teacher especially noted three student. VAT this year has not changed. The cocktail includes fragrant kiwi. The decisive battle was given by Russian troops under Borodino. The meeting discussed a number of important issues. A thousand students receive a scholarship. The disciples met by Roman Vladimir Wornovich.

Arrange the missed letters and punctuation signs.

How many people ... Lieuner honeycomb smoked and noisy and lived in the city. Beautiful ... in frost and fog on the mountains above the Dnieper. For all day screws came from Be ... number (N, NN) pipe smoke to the sky. The streets smoked the haze and creaked a shot down gian ... Sky snow. And five and six and seven floors were piled up at home. In the afternoon, their windows were black and at night r ... Eague rows in dark (blue) cast. ... kidneys have enough eyes like drag (n, nn) \u200b\u200bstones shining electric balls highly overstand (n, nn) \u200b\u200bon the rags of gray long pillars. In the afternoon, trmvas with yellow straw (H, NN) chilli samples were running with a pleasant smooth buzz. From a slope on the scat, shoved smoked ... Chiki and dark collars fur silver and black made female face mysterious and beautiful. (According to MA Bulgakov).

. Insert the missing letters. Arrange the missing punctuation signs. Pay attention to the registration of direct speech.

On the introductory E_Zames in the noble instinction here, I will lege Marya Fedorovna initially of that kindergarten P_NSON, where I will Nach_nal Maud_n_Nescent on the damned path of science.
Before Inst_Tutti E_Zames, we are scary with her. E_Intentive in the assembly hall. I have not yet seen such a draft. It reflects_sh_a as in the mirrors in trins on a big cover. And how old is it as ice on Chernopudsky to TKA. I have already flopped twice.
Today, E_AMEN on D_Catant. Marya Fedorovna whispering to me toly sit on the desk at the window of the winding in K_r_Dor. Is she sob_re_
Consider? It's incredible! The boss itself n Nion! An important lady with l_urns and hair white as a s_lkin. Harsh like with_ldat on the clock lips_nat_rsk palace. Should she prompt me like Alesha Grinevich whom she herself becoming a nose for it?
I p_chu d_ctant. Heart l_d_a-icicle and in the head of Chad as in the kitchenette at Mitya Bee, where every day is heat-drying on the cannabis molt pancakes. My Mitets and I often gave me two pancakes. And I will give him a sandbro_ with in_tchin and sandbro_ with the Swiss cheese that I have a half-order breakfast in P_NE. Bald ped_Gog to a whiry man with an unbelievable SCR BUM Voice Detacarly D Ktuets So that I do as much mistakes of the Bird of God H_ knows about the care of H_ Labor ... "Where to write" not ", where" Need "I suffer, but how to write "Bruit"? With mild m sign or without soft? " All hope for Marwe Fedorovna. It's my salvation! But in the act of the hall all the lower windows of dairy, impexable! And Marya Fedorovna is still not a giant, even on his fetal, k_blu-kakh. "Maybe she is dog_dad and empty_t on the t_pochka thoughts_no I pray for me to see if what a nightmare is TV_RAK in my notebook?"
And suddenly her saving l rhubbned over the milk glass. L d izuska in
My chest is postponed from my chest. But what is it? Eyes Maryia Fedorovna from horror crawled out of orbit. Over the glass, the hand is on the hand in the first circle of the pemplete. A dry finger gives me some incomprehensible signals and signs. From all this clear one I made a mistake. "Where? What? " I will re-read the first from the fear and incomprehensible instructions of the finger. And I find. I wrote an "bird" without a soft sign. Rados about the priests and the Cind of Bonochildly, the liberty rising on Marwe Fedorovna rising on C_. And she with an artist_m_m from horror face in a department grasniy grabs the head and puratively departure from the window.
"Fool! Old fool! I swear I even suggest how it should not be! " Her a_toric is hopelessly Pada_T in my eyes and I will boom and still the head of P_NSON for dt_kant, I got the top three. But I was still accepted as all other items I passed five. From the autumn, I will already have a break in chief Sukon's trousers and Dolgoptol Mundir_ with a red duft_kom as a nobility. (By A. Maryengof) Explain the setting of signs before the Union as.

Please copyright and arguments



i can not find the author's problem in the text "Sad holiday" recently I visited the sad day of birth of my friend Igor. Usually his house on this day is full of interesting people, everyone is happy, dance, chat. But this time everything was different. I was late for an hour, but, to my surprise, turned out to be the first. Guests clearly did not hurry. We were sadly sitting at a large table, which was broken from treats. For the whole of evening, Igor went all over a couple of guests and those not long ... I sincerely did not understand what happened. Couldn't all numerous familiar friends refuse to come to him for a birthday? Closer to Night, Igor told me about the reasons that the holiday turned into a dreary meeting. It turns out that this year he decided to call only those who congratulate him in person or by telephone. And here is the result. In social networks, in ICQ, in Skype, we remind us about the birthdays of our acquaintances - close and distant. As a result, we comes a huge number of congratulations from everyone who was not too lazy to draw a couple of lines. They write people with whom we almost do not communicate, classmates, with whom I didn't even greet the school ... We throw down the dates from the head in the hope of the Internet. Previously, when there were no "reminders" was not, the memory itself gave out those who need to congratulate, people were afraid to divide their loved ones, they thought out the gifts that they would please them. And there was something good in it, something real ... Igor's friends such a test did not pass on strength. I think he will remember this birthday for a long time. But maybe it was not worthwhile to behave so categorically? After all, people have good reasons why they cannot congratulate a friend personally, and they do it not with evil and not because of forgetfulness ...

Put a colon and dash

1. The wind of the mountain destroys the word peoples raises.
2. I opened the window My room was filled with the smell of flowers.
3. He looked back the white space almost covered the light of the lantern.
4. After dinner, the soldiers went to sleep hurt so strained last day.
5. I squinted my eyes on the clock. The glowing numbers showed eight.
6. The yard fell on the courtyard in the house cool.
7. In the windows of the house there was a fun light, we were waiting for me to dinner.
8. Everything around the shadow has changed the shadows of steel black, the fire brighter sounds muted.
9. I rushed to the window and an eye under the window really stood beautiful.
10. Always knew inside live free Cossack spirit.

a) greeting

Hello children! I am very glad to see you!

Long-awaited dance call -
The lesson begins.
Mind and heart in work
Every second in labor is valid.

b) instruction word

Check your jobs. We will need it in the lesson: the handle, a simple pencil, a notebook for creative works and a draft and cards for working with text.

c) message themes and lesson goals

- Guys, today at the lesson we will learn to think beautifully, speak and write. And the great writer will help us in this, the Master of the artistic word L.N. Tolstoy. We will write a summary of his story "Sparrow on the clock", which he wrote specifically for children.

What is the presentation?

We write a compressed presentation today.

What do you think is a compressed presentation?

What does it differ from other types of presentation?

In contrast to the detailed presentation, which implies detailed reproduction of the content of the text, the compressed statement requires a brief, generalized transmission of the content of the source text, but without losing the main idea and the sequence of text events

d) text type, genre, text style.

The text of our presentation is the narration.

What is the text-story?

Let's remember his scheme:


Tie junction

What happened?

What happened?

Words, what part of speech, are the main in such text?

a) story about childhood L.N. Tolstoy

L.N. Tolstoy was the fourth child in a large noble family. His mother died when there was no two years in Tolstoy, but in the stories of family members, he was well represented her: some features of the mother (excellent education, love for art) and even the portrait similarity of Tolstoy gave the heroine of his work. Lion's father Nikolayevich, who remembered by the writer with a good-natured-mocking character, with love for reading, to the hunt, also died early. The rapid relative was engaged in raising children. Children's memories have always remained for the thick of the most joyful: family legends, the first impressions of the life of the noble estate "Clear Polyana".

Later, L.N. Tolstoy will open a school in the village for peasant children, will help arrange more than 20 schools in the vicinity of the Casual Polyana, and this occupation will ensure that he will go abroad to meet the schools of Europe. Tolstoy travel a lot, was in England, Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium. He was confident that the basis of learning should be "freedom of a student" and the refusal of violence in teaching. Later, he prints his own book for learning children to read - "ABC". With some stories, vigorous and fables from that alphabet, you get acquainted in the literary reading lessons.

Let's remember some of them.

b) reading were "kitten"

To which genre is taken tolstoy this work?

What is happening?

What does this work teaches?

C) installation on the perception of text

Task: Imagine pictures of what is happening in the story L.N. Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock"

a) reading text

Sparrow on the clock.

Here the hawk appeared. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk is flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow saw the villain and watches him.

a) answer to the task

- What pictures of what is happening did you see?

Sign them with the text scheme - narration.

b) emotional evaluation conversation

What feelings caused your text?

When did you get harmful?

When did you get joyful?

c) lexical work

Let's try to explain the lexical meaning of some words.

The villain is evil, wanted to kill chicks.

Lut (enemy) - Grozny, angry.

Watch (worship) - watchman, security guard.

Sparobyat - Pickles Sparrow.

Old Sparrow - Sparrow Grandpa.

After once (hid) - quickly, instantly.

Watch - observes.

d) work with text content

Name the characters of the story?

Where did this case occurred?

What did Sparrow do?

How did an old sparrow behave?

Who prevented the Games Sparrow?

How did an old sparrow warned them about danger?

What ended the attack of the jast?

e) text work

Name the main theme of the text.

What is the idea of \u200b\u200btext?

What are the keywords in the text confirming the idea of \u200b\u200bthe text?

Read the title.

How do you understand it?

How many parts is the text?

a) vocabulary symatic work

Jumped - fun, carefree jumping along the path

Anxiety - full of excitement, alarm for sparrow.

Quiet and silently - sneaks unnoticed.

Write down these words to the draft.

b) structurally - composite compilation of the plan

What, the first part ends with the words?

How briefly, excluding too much, tell what happened in the first part?

Use in your response verbs transmitting the course of events.

How are you called?

What, words begin the second part?

What, the words end the second part?

Tell us briefly what happened in the second part?

How are you called?

What, the words begins the third part?

What, the third part ends?

Tell us briefly what happened in the third part?

How are you called?

What, the last fourth part begins in words?

Tell us briefly what happened in the fourth part?

How are you called?


1. The old sparrow guards the sparrow.

2. A hawk appeared.

3. Anxiety!

4. Sparrow again on the clock.

c) spelling work

1. Read words. Explain the writing of the stressed vowels.

Recall the rule that we must remember to prevent errors.

Okhr and nyal- ...

lE TIT -...

the villain-…

young- …

s closer - ...

h and owl- ...

st about milling ...

wC and gave - ...

In the garden- …

2. Children, and now find a word from the word in the word. Read them. Remember their writing.

3. Pick up verification words:




4. Why is writtenb in words: sparrows, Sparrow.

5. There are difficult words in the text, whose writing you have not yet been taught. Remember their writing.

Behind him, without noise, closer, stupid, quietly, again.

d) punctuation work

Let's remember the rules for recording proposals and text.

Find a sentence in the text of the proposed schemes:

1) O and O.

2) Oh, O.

e) text work

Now we will learn to "squeeze" the text that is, to allocate the main thing in the text, find keywords so that when compressing the text, the main idea and course of events are not lost.

Words, what part of speech are more often used in the text-narration?

The main mechanisms for compressing text are to summarize, replace with one word, allocate keywords and exclude unnecessary.

Before you are the cards that we will fill out, first together, and then try to finish it yourself.

Original text

Compressed text

In the garden on the tracks jumped young sparrows. And the old sparrow sat highly on the branch and guarded the kids.

On the tracks jumped the sparrow. And the old sparrow guarded them.

Here the hawk appeared. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk is flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow saw the villain and watches him.

Here the hawk appeared. He is the enemy of birds. Hawk flies without noise. But the sparrow saw him and follow him.

All closer hawk. Loudly and anxiously stuck sparrow. Sparrow disappeared in the bushes.

All closer hawk. Sparrow stuck loudly. Sparobyat disappeared into the bushes.

A hawk flew away. Fun jumped chicks. Again the clock will fit them.

A hawk flew away. Jump the chicks again, and the clock will fit them.

What are the key words in the first part, what is possible to remove?

What is the main thing in the second part, what key words? What can I exclude?

Try to find keywords yourself and exclude superfluous in the third and fourth parts and fill the cards.

Let's jump in parts and listen that we did.

a) re-reading text and comparing it with the resulting text

What is the difference in the source text and the one that turned out from us.

Really the text turned out to be much poorer on emotional color, it happens when the text is compressed. We needed to transfer the sequence of occurring events.

a) checking the resulting text on cards

b) rewriting in a notebook

Russian language 4 class

Topic: Outline L.Nolstoy "Sparrow on the clock"

Purpose: Forming the ability to retell text with a support on the plan.


- forming the ability to work with the text, to determine its main idea, divide the text on the part, to draw up a rendering plan

Continue to develop skills, solve spelling tasks, determine the lexical meaning of words

Rail the ability to listen and hear the student, teacher, yourself.

Formation of UUD.


    The ability to put the learning task of the lesson.

    The ability to plan a sequence of academic actions with the task.

    The ability to compile an action plan on the task and fulfill it.

    Ability to act according to plan.


    The ability to work with new information.

    The ability to apply logical actions (to determine the genre, the main idea, divide the tex on the part, to determine the main thought of each part)

    The ability to build an argument based on a problem.

    The ability to compare and conclude.

    The ability to select information.

    The ability to logically solve the tasks of the lesson.


    The ability to express your point of view.

    Skill retell text and hear classmate

    The ability to correct and explain the error.


    Introduction to the topic.

What is this bird? (Slide 1) Who is a sparrow?

What can you say about him?

Sparrow is a small bird of the family of sparrows. Sparrows are the most famous feathers who are greatly affected by a person.

Sparrows lead a settling lifestyle by choosing the territory, nest. The grown offspring remains next to the parents, thus the sparrows form large flocks. This promotes the high fertility of the sparrow, the abundance of feed due to the proximity of human settlements.

    Formulation of the problem.

What types of text do you know?

1. Narration - What happened (events, actions).

Narrative is a message about the actions of the subject in a certain sequence, that is, an action (tie, the development of action, its climax and an omission) develops. (Sweet 2)

2. Description - What? What? (Signs of the subject).

Description - a message about simultaneous or timeless signs of the subject or phenomenon. As a rule, the overall impression of the described object is given, then significant and secondary signs can be indicated, the evaluation of the described one may indicate. You can describe the appearance of a person, its character, nature, the surrounding situation, and so on.

3. Reasoning - Why? (causes, proof).

The reasoning explains any facts, events, relying on causal relationships. At the same time, the thesis is first put forward, any statement. The following are arguments or evidence in favor of the point of view or against it, and then examples are given and the conclusion is made from the foregoing.

    Work on the heading "Sparrow on the clock"

    Reading the text of the teacher's presentation and its visual perception of children. (Slide 3)

L.N. Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock"

In the garden on the track jumped up young sparrows. And the old sparrow sat highly on the branch and guarded the kids.

Here the hawk appeared. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk is flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow noticed the villain and watches him. Hawk closer and closer.

Loudly and anxiously stuck sparrow. Sparrow disappeared in the bushes.

A hawk flew away. Chicks are fun jumping along the path. And the clock again in the post.

    Content analysis.

What new learned?

What surprised?

What is the text?

Model text




The beginning of each part


    Main part


VII. Text division into parts.

How many paragraphs in the text?

And parts in the text story?

What shows that 2 paragraph - 2 part. (Here ..)

And where is the beginning of 3 parts? (Flew ...)

Who goes about the text?

VIII.. Highlight keywords.

Determine the characters of the text.

Highlight in each part the keywords. 2-3 words from each part.

Model text




The beginning of each part


    Start who? Where? When? What started?


sat downguarded

Sparrow, old sparrow, hour

    Main part

Once, suddenly what happened?

Bodied enemy without noise, watches, noticed stupidembed

Young sparrows, Kids, Sparobyat


who? Where? When? What ended?

Flew away jumpagain on the post

Hawk, Villain, Lyut Enemy

IX. . Planning.

Make a text plan.

Model text




The beginning of each part


    Start who? Where? When? What started?


sat downguarded

In the garden

Sparrow and Sparrow

Sparrow, old sparrow, hour

    Main part

Once, suddenly what happened?

Bodied enemy without noise, watches, noticed stupidembed



Lyuti enemy

Young sparrows, Kids, Sparobyat


who? Where? When? What ended?

Flew away jumpagain on the post

Again on the post

Hawk, Villain, Lyut Enemy

X. . Reduction text.

What words can we start every part?

Model text




The beginning of each part


    Start who? Where? When? What started?


sat downguarded

In the garden

Sparrow and Sparrow

In the garden…

Old Vobobay ...

Sparrow, old sparrow, hour

    Main part

Once, suddenly what happened?

Bodied enemy without noise, watches, noticed stupidembed



Lyuti enemy

Here ...



Young sparrows, Kids, Sparobyat


who? Where? When? What ended?

Flew away jumpagain on the post

Again on the post

Leet ...


Lyut's enemy ...

The villain…

Hawk, Villain, Lyut Enemy

XI . Reading the resulting text.

In the garden, the old sparrow guarded chicks.

Suddenly a hawk appeared. This is a bodily enemy of birds. Old sparrow noticed a villain. He is loud and anxiously stupid. Sparrow disappeared.

A hawk flew away. The hour is again in the post.

XII. . Writing the presentation.

XIII. . Self-test.

Abstract of the lesson of the compressed presentation of the "Sparrow on the clock".
Theme of the lesson: a compressed statement by the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock."
Type of lesson: development of speech.
Purpose: Teach writing a compressed presentation.
Tasks: familiarize with the type of text. Compressed statement of the narrative text; repeat information about the text; about the type of text narrative; form the ability to draw up a plan; briefly retell to the source text; Learn to use author language products; learn to prevent speech errors; bring up interest in the work of L.N. Tolstoy; Developing: enrich the vocabulary of the child; Development of oral and written speech; Memory, attention, creative abilities.
Equipment: Didactic drawings, texts, notebooks, drafts.

Stage lesson Teacher's activities Activity student

I.ORG.Klassa to work.

II. Preparation to the primary perception of text

III. Formerly perception of text.

IV. Analysis of the primary perception of text.

V. language preparation.

VI. Top playback of the text

VII. Creating a written statement.

1st lesson. Preparation of children to a brief summary of the story.

A) greeting
-Hello guys.
b) instruction word.
- Tell you check if we are ready for today's lesson. You have a notebook, draft, the text of the story, and drawings to the text.

C) message theme and objectives of the lesson.
- Today you will write a compressed statement of the story "Sparrow on the clock". Slide 1.
To better write the presentation, each of you will make a plan for the story. The plan will write on leaves, and then, when you take notebooks, put the leaflets in them.
- What is the presentation?

At the beginning of the lesson, I said that we will write a compressed presentation. What do you think it means compressed?

What three main parts are in any presentation?
- And each part of the presentation must be written from the Red Row.

So, in one word, we will write text.
What is text? What types of text do you know?

Let's repeat their main signs.
-In the description there is no plot, events, pictures of nature, phenomena, objects, portraits are depicted;
-In the text of the argument uses various arguments, examples, evidence;
- The narrative outlines the sequence of events, the text has a plot of acting characters.

D) text type message.
-We with you will write the text of the narrative in a compressed form. The presentation will be a fairy tale letter in the genre. Name the genre features of the fairy tale.

A) Conversation about the author and his work.
With the work of Leo, Nikolayevich Tolstoy, we are familiar with the first class. And this year already read his works.
L.N. Early lost his parents. At the age of 16 he entered the Kazan University. Was in military service. But he devoted his life to literature, defended the interests of the peasants, organized a school for children from poor families, wrote for them stories and fairy tales. Tolstoy said that only one who works could be called a person doing well to other people; Ashamed, unworthy man live someone else's labor.

B) What works were we already read this year? Let's remember and briefly retell them.

C) Installation on the perception of text.
The teacher hangs on the board pictures with the image of the sparrow, and then the hawk. Main.

What is the bird?
-Where could you see Sparrow?
-Who knows a riddle about Sparrow?
- Name the signs of Sparrow.

What birds are sparrows: wintering or migratory?
-Vorobi friendly birds?

What is this bird?
The teacher makes a riddle:
"The birds of prey will fly from above and grabs sharp beak."

Look at the pictures and list the challenges of the hawk.
-Well also see the hawk as Sparrow?

How do the hawks fly (one or aid or flocks)?

What is the bird hawk?
"Hawks are acute vision, thanks to which they manage to look out for their victims from above.

Now listen to the story for which we will write a compressed presentation. And tell me what pictures you presented, listening to this story. Slide 2.
Reading text teacher.
"Young sparrows jumped in the gardens in the garden. And the old sparrow sat highly on the branch and guarded the kids.
Here the hawk appeared. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk is flies quietly without noise. But the old sparrow saw the villain and watches him.
All closer hawk. Loudly and anxiously stuck sparrow. Sparrow disappeared in the bushes.
A hawk flew away. Fun jumped chicks. Again the hourly wakes them. "

A) - How many pictures did you submit?
-What pictures presented?
Consider the scheme.

B) Emotional-valued conversation.
-What feelings caused a story?
-When you were alarming?
-When you worried most?

C) lexical work. (Words write on the board and in drafts)
Lyuty-terrible, angry
villain-one who wanted to eat
Sparrow-Little Picks Sparrow
Once - all together
d) Content work or work with text.
-Who main actors?
-What happened to them?
-What did it all start?
- What is the main event happened?

D) text work
-What is the text?

What is the topic of text?
-What is Tolstoy writing this text for children?

Who did you think of reading this text?

What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthis text?
-Catch header.
What does it correspond to the topic or idea?
- How many parts is the text?

Work on the form of the text (dictionary-analytical work).
a) What can be transferred by the words?

B) drawing up a plan.
- I will read the story in parts. Try to imagine what it is said in every passage to prevent the presentation. And highlight the support words.
Reading teacher of the first part.
Slide 3.
-What says in this passage?
-Where did the action happen?
-Where was the old sparrow?
-Why did he sit high?
Slide 4.
At the same time the table is filled:
Plan support words
1.The results.

2. Predator value.

3. Pake Sparrow. On the tracks, jumped, sat down, highly guarded, kids.

Appeared, a latter enemy, flies quietly without noise, see the villain, follows him, watch
Fucking, fun jumping, clock, wigs.

What is the main thing you need to convey when you write this part?
- Install the title to the first part in my leaves.

Reading the second part of the story. (From the words "appeared").
Slide 5.
-What must be transferred in this part of the story?
- Install the title to this part. Headers are checked as indicated above.

Reading a third part.
-What happened to the hawk?
-What did the chicks do?
- who compared the old sparrow in this part of the author?
Slide 6.

Write a title to this part. Check the headers and their learning.

C) spelling work.
Children ask the teacher as they say the words they need. If these are words to the rules unknown to children, such as: chicks, loud, anxiously, the teacher writes them on the board without any explanation; If the student asks about the word for the term passed, then students choose verification words to him:
An hour and hour, road traffic, hawks, hawks, enemies, saw, sparrows, wrapped.

And in the same case, the student who proposed a question, pronounces a difficult word in syllables.
The teacher writes on the board.
d) punctuation work.
- How many parts will be in our presentation?
-What part is written from a red string.
- Each new offer with a capital letter.
- What type of presentation will we write?
-What is the compressed statement from the detailed?
-If this statement is compressed, the proposals must be short and in every part of no more than two-three offers. But the idea of \u200b\u200btext must be unchanged.

Now I will again read the whole story so you remember it better. After each part of the story I will do a small stop and we will once again identify the main thing, the main thing in each part.
Slide 7.

2nd lesson. Letter output. (They write on the same day in the next lesson).

A) Recording text on draft (20min).

B) check written.

C) rewriting to the Castovik.

Children check on the scores the presence of the teacher listed.

This is when the text needs to remember and write it down; To tell what I read about, in your own words, etc.

Write will be briefly, but the main one.

Entry, the presentation of the main

Text is a few sentences on one topic. It happens the text of the story, the text reasoning and text description.

Entertainment and entertainment. In the story, Sparrow has human qualities.

"Shark", "Jump", "Leo and Doggy".
Children briefly retell texts.

Everywhere, everywhere.
1.This Little Ptashka wears a gray shirt, picks up quickly crumbs and saves from the cat.
2. Loudly jump and fly, bread and grains to peck, instead of "Hello" used to talk to everyone "Chick-Chirik"!

Serious, small, nimble birds.

Yes, friendly. They always fly and peck with flocks.

This is a hawk.

No, rare. And we see it mostly in the summer.
Anyone. They track down their prey-one's birds.

Children listen, writing the verbs, events.

Children verbally draw pictures.

In the story there is a tie of events,
Climbing moment and junction.

Oral responses of children.

Children explain the words using the teacher's help.

Sparrow and hawk.

Responses of children.

About how old sparrow guarded the sparrow.
Love parents for children.
So that the children know that parents will always come to their aid.

From three.

Events occurring.

(Jump, guarded, quietly without noise, saw the villain).

About how little sparrows played, and the old sparrow guarded them.
In the garden.
High on the branch.
Guarded sparrow.

How carelessly jumped the sparrow along the paths, knowing that they guarded by the old sparrow.
Children write:
"Sparrow", "Sparrow on a walk".
Three-four student read their headlines. (Unsuccessful are briefly discussed and straightened.

How the hawk appeared to grab the sparrow. But the old sparrow was attentive and did not give a predator to suddenly attack the sparrow.
"Predator's attack", "Fight", "Attentive Sparrow".

He flew away.
Chicks have fun jumped.
With clocks.

"The trouble passed", "the enemy is defeated", "Victory Sparrow".

Pupils write in drafts.

Compressed presentation is a compressed leakage of text.

Children listen and after reading each part briefly retell it.

They write off the date of the date, the name of the work and the title of the story:
... February.
Sparrow on the clock.

They read words written on the board, and plans for their leaves. Then remember the whole story. Layers with plans are placed in front of them and, without wringing them in the notebook, the presentation is written.
Then check the presentation twice. The first time he reads his work, following the way he put his thoughts correctly, did not miss the words, whether the necessary punctuation marks set. For the second time, the student reads all the words of presentation by syllables and checks the work by spelling.

The material presents the text to train students in 3 classes with written retelling of the text. The text introduces students with the life of plants and animals, with a careful attitude towards nature. The text is attached to the content, an approximate plan for the presentation of the text, tasks for dictionary - spelling preparation.



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And the sparrow zoom on the clock in the story of L. N. Tolstoy

What pictures of what is happening did you see? - Relate them with the Text scheme - narration.

Tie what was? In the garden on the tracks jumped young sparrows. And the old sparrow sat highly on the branch and guarded the kids.

Culmination What happened? Here the hawk appeared. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk is flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow saw the villain and watches him. All closer hawk. Loudly and anxiously stuck sparrow. Sparrow disappeared in the bushes.

Did the discorder end? A hawk flew away. Fun jumped chicks. Again the clock will fit them.

What feelings caused your text? -When you have greatly worried? - When did you get joyful?

Corne the word arrows and its value of the villain (enemy) of the hour sparrows at once (hid) watches n born chicks Sparrow, the terrible, evil watchman, guard - angry, wanted to kill chicks quickly, instantly

Work on the text content read the title. - How do you understand it? - Name the characters of the story? - Where did this case occurred? - What did the sparrows do? - How did an old sparrow behave? - Who prevented Games Sparrow? - How did an old sparrow warned them about danger? - What ended the attack of the hawk?

P LAN 1. The old sparrow guards the sparrows. 2. A hawk appeared. Anxiety! 4. Sparrow again on the clock. Jumping - fun, carelessly jumping on the track quietly and silently - sneaks unnoticed. Anxiety - full of excitement, alarm for sparrow.

Recall the rule that we must remember to prevent errors. OKHR A N'AL- ... LE TIT -... Evil about Dei- ... young- ... Slid - ... h and the owl ... stubo ... hp and gave - ... in C and Du- ... OKH on p ol o tz l o m o lod, they say about the daughter's week about rye, stor

Pick up the checkpoint of the Warrebreaker of the Enemy Doro Wa, Yaster B s in RA G and

Remember Writing: Sparrobe and Sparrow I am so for him without noise Pozh e z a h and rick a l quiet about dreams

Find a sentence in the text of the proposed schemes: 1) O and O. 2) Oh, O. 1. Loud and alarmingly stuck sparrow. And the old sparrow sat highly on the branch and guarded the kids. 2. The hawk flies quietly, without noise.

Sparrow on the clock. In the garden on the tracks jumped young sparrows. And the old sparrow sat highly on the branch and guarded the kids. Here the hawk appeared. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk is flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow saw the villain and watches him. All closer hawk. Loudly and anxiously stuck sparrow. Sparrow disappeared in the bushes. A hawk flew away. Fun jumped chicks. Again the clock will fit them.

sparrows Hawk