About who, Juno and Avos, about touchy Japanese emperors and not only. Real History "Juno" and "Avos History of Juno and Avos

About who, Juno and Avos, about touchy Japanese emperors and not only. Real History
About who, Juno and Avos, about touchy Japanese emperors and not only. Real History "Juno" and "Avos History of Juno and Avos

Admit, and you also thought that the Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" is the story of love of a beautiful girl Juno and no less beautiful young people of Avosa, or is it only I was so ignorant? :-) If you, too, thought so, then I will make your hand and tell, Hu from Hu. Sit comfortably.
In short, I was lucky here, I accidentally get to the aforementioned Rock Opera, Alexei Rybnikov Theater climbed, and in our fly foams. Well what can I say? Considering that when you sit in maternity, any hike, even in the shopping center, this is a great output to the light, then hike in the theater is finally an event with a big such letter SE. What to say, of course I liked it!

For those who are not in the material (and I myself, until recently, was not strongly in the material, see above) briefly.
The plot is based on real events.
42-year-old Russian diplomat and traveler Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov after the death of his wife, continuing the case of his testing, goes to establish trade and diplomatic relations with the new light. So he meets the 15-tape-year-old daughter of the top California's commandant Maria Concepcion Arguuelo, according to eyewitnesses, written by beauty, although, judging by the portrait, can and argue, well, oh well
Well, as they say, he twisted. They began a stormy novel. And even her parents were categorically against such a development of events (which is not at all surprising), the lovers married. However, happiness was short. According to official cases, the count was necessary to leave, Copter, as usual, promises to wait for him, and he, as usual, promises to come back in a year. This is where all the famous words of the song "I will never forget you, I will never see you."
By the way, you don't get into the eyes of a small one, but the wildest discrepancy - you are going to return a year later, Comrade Count, so what Khrena "never see", and?! Well, it is so, a small non-vector retreat.
For SIM Rezanov departs in a distant race. Upon arrival, his various bureaucratic troubles are waiting, the times are changing, the bureaucracy remains among them, he hoped to overturn at the Pope permission to marry with a Catholic. Affairs do not glue, he is in a hurry to catch on time, along the way falls from a horse, in the upset feelings falls and dies.
Everhead, despite the deployment of the deaths of the beloved before it, it continues to wait for him, going every morning to Cape (now on the place of the famous Californian Golden Gate support).
She waited for him 35 (!) Years, and then, when she was informed of the exact information about the death of the count, retired to the monastery. Here is such a sad story.
And yes, you will not believe, but "Juno" and "Avos" are the names of the ships! Suddenly, yes? :-) :-)

I liked the production, I am competently delivered and the choreography is clearly worked out, the game of actors and vocals is also quite a decent level. The only thing for me was personally unusual, so it is almost a complete lack of decorations, they replaced them, I don't even know how to correctly call them, this is a piece of type of a large frame standing on the supports, throughout the perimeter whose ropes hung (most of the action That is why the ship passed).

Because of this, and because of the dark lighting of the scene, the action looked somewhat gloomy.

For my taste, I would add a little bright colors :-) The brightest and colorful moment (not for sensations, but on the design) was the ball at the governor in honor of 15-tightly take-off with all the mandatory attributes of the balls of those times (1806): ladies, As usual, in lush dresses, Cavalers, are known, in the uniforms, they used to dress, echo grasiosic ceremonial dances were played earlier, ech. In general, beauty, I love it all, Wow. I tried to even capture. That's what came out.

A separate mention, in my opinion, is worthy of a scene of several audiences Nikolai Petrovich at Count Rumyantsev, the then Minister of Commerce, which, as far as I understood, was the patron saint of Rezanov at the court, and through which all his petitions, permits and other paperwork necessary in these affairs. Almost alone with a speech, capricious intonations and impudent gestures, Nicholas Lutov, so thinly handed over the entire atmosphere of the then yard with his intrigues and fiber!

Esno, coming home, rushed to study the match. I wonder if everything really was, or embedded the authors of art for the sake of and consupping drama for!
As a result, in fact, although who now the whole truth learns everything turned out to be somewhat prose.

No, well, firstly, our count and indeed turned out to be a personally extremely outstanding and entertaining, possessing enterprise, charm and rather strong life grip. Non-sleeping combination, right? All his career is a series of takeoffs and falls, and their causes are not always clear. There was even a version that at the dawn of a foggy youth, when the young Rezanov served the Fatherland somewhere in the Crimea, his rapid takeoff on the service staircase very much contributed to the arrival of Catherine II, which was attracted by a young impressive officer who was responsible for its safety during the trip. At that time, Rezanov was only 16 years old.
Secondly, who are quite sophisticated, our Nikolai Petrovich very successfully married the 15-tape-year-old judging around, loved our graph of the young daughters of the merchant Shelikhov, whose enterprises were sent to inspect.
By the way, it should be noted, the father-in-law also was a person outstanding and enterprising. How much in this story of outstanding enterprising personalities, you do not find? :-) So shelikhi at that time was a rather successful businessman who first began trading relations with North America, moreover, thanks to his initiative, Alaska became part of Russia and the first Russian settlements were founded, for which he received even the nickname "Russian Columbus ".
This marriage was achieved from which side to see: Shelikhov went to son-in-law with a strong position at the court, his daughter got the county title, well, and our hero was a young beautiful (so again the eyewitnesses wrote) Wife with tremendous dowry.
But if you drop in the direction of mercantile considerations, then judging by the original sources, my wife loved his rezanov and he, according to his own words, "8 years of married to taste all the happiness of life," and the death of his wife after the second birth was hard for him, though In Rock Opera, this is mentioned only by passing as something secondary. After that, he remained a widower with two young children.
Six months after the wedding of the daughter of Shelikhov, being still rather unstasted, a strong man, suddenly dies, and rezans, using their position at the court, continues, and very successfully, to promote his Russian-American campaign. And the case of Shelikhova lives and flourishes, Ruta Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov!

Another interesting fact from the biography of our hero. At that very moment when he remained alone with two young children and, experiencing a loss, she was going to even leave the king to the wilderness, the king intervened, at that time it was Alexander I and sent his chamber meter with the original instruction to establish diplomatic relations with Japan, At that time in full self-insulation. The Japanese emperor took gifts, and then she pulled the ship half a year in the harbor, not to say no, nor no. As a result, in half a year of waiting, the Japanese gave the answer that they do not want to trade with Russia, the patience of the count burst, and he expressed the Japanese dignit about everything he thinks about him, his mother country, the emperor, geisha and samurai :-) figuratively Esno.
What happened next, tell, I think you do not need. The commission was faced with a crackle, it was visible that the larger Rezanov's luck had come down at that time. But not for a long time, do not worry.

By the way, another interesting fact. According to some contemporaries, the Japanese emperor was offended by the unknown gifts of the Russian side and even returned them back, such as dishes and fabrics, for which the Japanese themselves were masters themselves, and the Fur Chernobur Fox, who in Japan is considered unclean, devilish animals.
Not prepared, in general, Comrade Ryazanov, did not learn the local production and raw materials base before traveling, so to gather. I don't know whether Japanese emperors really have such a touchy people, I am not familiar with them, but here the Japanese are our charming graph, as you can see, I liked it, because in Japanese history textbooks, it is referred to as a highly intelligent and deep-allowed cargo-saved diplomat :-) In both!

In general, the rezanov for the sunny California shore, in the glorious Bay of San Francisco, arrived in a fairly grated Kalach. Here and rushed :-)

And let the lovers subsequently accuse in mercenary and pragmatic intentions. They will say that, on the one hand, the rezans in their diary too impassively and dismissed what is happening, often mentioned that this is all the needs of the Fatherland and all that (after all, precisely because of its successful fierce in California, he managed to supply Russian settlers in Alaska who are literally starved due to remoteness from Russia and the negligence of their previous supplies) and that, on the other hand, the Copter also pursued ambitious plans to become the wife of Chamber and dreamed of hanging out at the luxurious Russian imperial yard. As they say, let them say!

After all, no matter how cool, and this was still a beautiful love story, albeit without happi-indence. And most likely, if it, I am sure, would not be a graph of Rezanov, a Russian traveler, a diplomat, and just an enterprising Maine, so known to descendants, like, in fact, and the daughter of Commandant, beautiful Maria Concepcion Arguuelo. And Rock Opera, first put by the unsurpassed Mark Zakharov on the scene of the famous Lenkom with Nikolai Karachentsov and Elena Shanina, really worthy of attention, and see it undoubtedly worth it!

Not so long ago, in 2000, there was a symbolic reunification of lovers: a monument was put in Krasnoyarsk on the grave of Rezanov - the White Cross, on the same side of which it was written: "Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov. 1764-1807. I will never forget you, "and on the other -" Maria Concepcion de Arguelo. 1791-1857. I will never see you. " Sheriff Monterrey arrived at the opening and dispelled there a handful of earth from the grave of the cumshots. Back he took a handful of Krasnoyarsk land - cums.

Well, the Russian-American plans of Rezanov, unfortunately, was not destined to be realized: as we all know, after 60 years, Alaska was sold for nothing to America. But the American Admiral Van Dernds will later write such lines: "Live rezanov for ten years longer, and what we call California and American British Columbia would be a Russian territory." Everything can be, everything can be, but, as you know, the story does not tolerate the subjunctive ignition ...

Publications of the partitions of theaters

"Juno and Avos". 10 facts about the history of love

Have a dream and distances. The strength of the Spirit, which drives over the ocean in public interest and for the courage gives love. The history of 42-year-old Nikolai Rezanov and 16-year-old cumsows lives for the third century, and almost 40 years old - on the stage of Lenkom.

At first there was a word

The composer Alexei Rybnikov in 1978 showed Mark Zakharov his improvisation on Orthodox chants. I liked the music, and the director suggested that Andrey Voznesensky to create a performance on the plot "Words about the regiment of Igor". The poet introduced his version - the poem "Avos", written under the impression of the Brita Garth's "Concepcion de Arguelo". "Let me read," said Zakharov and the next day agreed.

For help in the Elohov Cathedral

Rock Opera on the Soviet scene is a real test. "Star and Death of Hoakin Murget" 1976 of the same Mark Zakharov, the Commission rejected 11 times. The science of bitter experience, Zakharov with Voznesensky, as he recalled the poet, went to the Elokhovsky Cathedral and put candles from the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which is discussed in Opera. "Juno and Avos" took the first time.

Scene from Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" (1983)

Elena Shanin as Cumberts in Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" (1983)

Premiere up to the premiere

Even before going to the scene, the performance was listened to the church of the Intercession in the films in a creative meeting with restorers. In February 1981, the dynamics were set in the temple, Alexey Rybnikov was sitting at the table and the tape recorder was. The composer uttered the introductory speech. "After that, people just sat and listened to one and a half hours. And nothing happened more. This was the premiere of the opera "Juno and Avos."

Tours from Carden

"Anti-Soviet" setting foreign tour was ordered. But Paris still saw "Juno and Avos" thanks to the French Couturier, who was friends with Voznesensky. Pierre Cardin for two months represented Russian Rock Opera in his theater on the Champs Elysées. Success was extraordinary. Not only in Paris, where the Klan Rothschilds came to the performance, Arab Sheikh, Mirere Mathieu.

Double anniversary

The premiere of rock opera on intercontinental love took place in 1975. For a half century, Nikolay Rezanov and Conception de Arguuelo met before that. In 1806, the Count ship arrived in California to replenish the food reserves of the Russian colony in Alaska. Although Andrei Voznesensky himself emphasized - the poem and opera are not at all the historical chronicles from life: "The images of them, like names, only a capricious echo of the fate of the well-known ..."

Nikolai Karachentsov as graph Nicholas Rezanov in Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" (1983)

Irina Alferova in the role of older sister Cumberts in the rock opera "Juno and Avos" (1983)

History in Museum

First Museum of Russian America in Totima. The house where the last years of the life of the seurior and the founder of the fortress Ross Ivan Kuskov. Among the documents, letters, portraits of the XVIII-XIX centuries there are a story about one of the founders of the Russian-American company Nikolae Petrovich Rezanov. About the service for the benefit of the country and the romantic history of one of the initiators of the first Russian country expedition.

First Rock Opera

As the first Soviet rock opera world fame received "Juno and Avos". But in 1975, VIA "Singing guitars" for the first time in the Soviet Union in the Opera Studio at the Leningrad Conservatory put the Zonc-opera "Orpheus and Evridika" Alexander Zhurba and Yuri Dimitrin. The bourgeois word "rock" was replaced by "prison" (from the German - "pop song"). In the Book of Records Guinness "Orpheus and Evridika", called the musical with a record of execution by one team of 2350 times.

New rows

The play "Juno and Avos" is a business card "Lenkom". Nikolai Karachentsov played Nikolai Rezanov without a dubler almost a quarter of a century. The image created by the actor was preserved in the 1983 video presentation. Now in the main male role Dmitry Singers. At the request of Mark Zakharov Andrei Voznesensky changed the final line: "Children of the twenty-first century! Your new century began. "

Other scenes

"Juno and Avos" stepped from the Scene of the Moscow Theater to St. Petersburg Theater "Rock Opera". Alexey Rybnikov noted that the "singing guitars" more accurately embodied the idea of \u200b\u200bthe creators, while maintaining the author's master's genre. About the love of the girl and the Commander told posters in Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Korean and many other languages. And in 2009 in France, the author's version of the play of the Theater Alexey Rybnikov was published. There, the main focus is on the musical parties.

Lenko Theater Performance "Juno and Avos"


Creators "Juno and Avos" Determined the genre of this performance as a "modern opera". At the heart of its plot - the fate of the Russian graph, Chamber Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, who sent in 1806 on the Sailboats "Juno" and "Avos" to the shores of California.

Spiritual suffocity, the unbearability of existence in Russia forced rezanov to look for new lands for the exercise of the eternal dream of a free country for Russian people. Rezanov is aware of the utopianity of their ideas, but stubbornly gives one petition after another with a request to allow him a trip to California.

Failures broke his will. In desperation of the rezanov, the Mother of God praying, confessing in their most intimate and frightening feeling - love for the Mother of God as a woman. Rezanov covers painful obsession and he hears an unearthly voice that blesses him. Following this, the dream of Rezanov is carried out in reality - he gets the highest journey permission.

After the hardest path through the Pacific Ocean, Rezanov comes into contact with the Spanish Francisian monks and with the governor of San Francisco Hose Dario Arguuelo. Being invited to take to the governor, Rezanov meets his daughter - sixteen-year-old conservice de Arguelo. On the Ball of the Groom, the cumshots Federico sings a sonnet about the sad fate of two lovers, and the reserna seemed in the end of the earth's embodiment of a supernatural passion.

At night, the conchs and Federico about their upcoming engagement hear in the garden of Rezanov. Unable to cope with its feeling, he penetrates the bedroom to cums. Rezanov begs her about love, and then, despite all the despair of the girl, he masters it ... And the sad, quiet unearthly voice hears again. In the soul of the Coppits at this moment, love is born, and in the soul of Rezanov, only despair and bitterness remain.

From this point on, the happy fortune turns away from Rezanov. His act makes the groom graduate from calling the chamber for a duel, during which Federico dies. Russians are forced to urgently leave San Francisco.

In his letter to Rumyantsev, Rezanov writes that his dreams about the enlightenment of human shower in new Russian colonies crashed in the dust, and he dreams of one thing: to return the ships and sailors to Russia.

After a secretly engagement with the tip, the rezans are started in the opposite way. In Siberia, he gets ill and dies under Krasnoyarsk. Copter remains faithful of his love the rest of his life. After waiting for the rezanov thirty years, she will be torn to the nun and in the dynamic monastery in San Francisco ends his days.

1806 year. Two sailing ships "Juno" and "Avos" under the Russian flag arrive in California where captain brig "Avos" Loved the local beauty with the Gasienda. Him - 46, she - 16. He is from Russia, she is from America. He is Orthodox, she's Catholic. They love each other ... But fate prepared them a heavy test ... the basis of the plot "Juno and Avos" The truthful romantic story of the love of Russian graph Nikolai Rezanov and Copies Arguello. As the story says, in 1806 Rezanov undertook a sea expedition with Alaska To the shores California on ships "Juno" and "Avos" In order to obtain a provisional for starving Russian colonies in America. Arriving B. California, he met in the Spanish colony San Francisco the daughter of the local governor, but their rapidly developed romance was interrupted by urgent departure of the graph in Russia. But, he no longer returned. Konchita waited for it 35 years until he received reliable information about him, after which he retired to the monastery

Mark Zakharov, out of doubt, managed to create a real masterpiece and mostly, thanks to a beautiful game Nikolai Karachentsov, Elena Shanina and Alexander Abdulova. This is the televersion of the well-known rock opera eponymous, put on the scene of Lenkom in 1983 and still entering the repertoire of the theater. This amazing, sad love story of the Russian traveler, graph Rezanov to the daughter of the Spanish Colonist, Cumshot , formed the basis of the plot "Juno and Avos" - The famous iconic rock opera, which became hit the day after the premiere, and continuing to collect all 30 years later!

I love this production. Especially for musical compositions. Listening to them, the body permeates the current, the heart is compressed in a lump, the soul rushes on the part. Alexander Abdulov Plays passionately. He is especially managed by characters with an unstable psyche, "difficult people." Knowing about replacement, due to famous circumstances, N. P. Karachentsova, D. Pevtsov My heart fills sadness. In my opinion, Dmitry Pevtsov Externally too young for this role. I do not want to offend Dmitry, To silence his talent, or upset his fans, I absolutely do not doubt his acting data, I respectfully and appreciate him for doing in the movie and in the theater, but still he is happy to transfer the inner power of this role. Does not reach a little. There is no feeling of a leaning longing and a painful soul of pain, as from the showing of this image Nikolai Karachentsov. What sacrificial love! Karachentsov - Magnificent and Unfortunate! Master! I can not imagine how this performance looks without Nikolai Petrovich. So play - this is not everyone given! Televersion performances N. P. Karachetsov and E. Shanina Revising with pleasure: craftsmanship, talent, love for your heroes everything is in this record of the performance. Describe - no words. This is the thing from that discharge, when he heard a hundred times not standing at once. It is necessary to see with your own eyes, hear with your ears and worry with your heart. This is something that seems quite understandable - the tragic story of love, there is little examples - but after viewing when the ability to speak and think, the question arises: "What is it? What was it, what did I see? " For such a whirlwind of emotions, feelings, experiences, which is shown in the performance, can not be submitted head. Looking at the screen, I had the impression that Rezanov - obsessed. He is obsessed with the idea, he literally burns from the inside, he is full of passion, inner strength, in it is hot, insane, mad blood. This is a volcano! Even the record produces a strongest impression. The desire to revise, listen not to quench. Beautiful fruit of the team of talents - from the literary basis Voznesensky, music Rybnikov, directed Zakharov, acting works and further on the list.

Whatever it was in the 19th century, so or not in general - the performance has long been a separate living creature, the phenomenon of art. Sure, Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov - Center for all acts. One of the most wondrous actors created an image - and revived it for millions. Do not surpass it to anyone - on sincerity, return ... throughout. And the main aria from this work "I will never forget you" , which he performs himself, his lowered baritone, bathes out and conquered forever. In the performance of other artists, this is not perceived by this great work. I can not say about the compositions that came to replace the initial actors, as I saw only the version with Dmitry PevtsovAnd this version is 83 years old. And captivating Elena Shanina, I. Alexander Abdulov, I. Mikhail Polyak. Hold the bar at the highest level. No one wants to replace any of them, all natural and only possible, as in reality.

Divine and therefore forever. Everything is love Composition "Juno and Avos" - Outside time and space. One of the strongest theatrical impressions in my life! I carry him in my heart to the last breath, through the universe

Incidentally the coming spring and the awakening of nature to life is configured to a romantic way. I want to touch something sincere, clean and true!

Today I will tell you about the musical "Juno and Avos", about the history of the creation of the musical itself, about the real events that underlie this musical performance and the creators of this wonderful creation. And at the end of the article, you are waiting for a pleasant surprise on the topic.

"Juno and Avos" Musical?

It would be more correctly to call the Rock Opera, but, the birth of this rock opera took place during the times of Soviet censorship and because at the time everything was connected with rock music would never have come to review the public. And what a loss would have suffered from us, such injustice would happen !!! Therefore, this musical performance of his cutting creators called the "modern opera". The musical is a common name for musical performances and films, we have already talked about the genre of the musical in the article. Well, it does not matter to which the genre is the performance, it is important that he turned out to be stunning-penetrating and captured for a long time our hearts captured.


The musical is based on the poem of Andrei Voznesensky "Avos", the music for the spectrum was written by composer Alexey Rybnikov, the production was carried out by Mark Zakharov on the stage of the Moscow Theater named after Leninsky Komsomol in 1981.

There is a story about how a happy meeting of the creators took place. And it was so ... A composer Alexei Rybnikov came to Mark Zakharov and presented his work, they were improvisation on Orthodox chants. Zakharov appreciated the work of Rybnikov and he had an idea about creating a musical performance, only the topic that at that time was interested in the work of labor "Word about the regiment of Igor". With thoughts to combine the improvisation of Rybnikov and the "word" Zakharov went to the poet Andrei Vosneshensky and at the meeting outlined his idea.

Andrei Voznesensky, having listened to the idea of \u200b\u200bZakharov, offered an even more audacious version for the musical performance and gave Zakharov to read his poem "Avos."

Zakharov quickly read the poem and more quickly agreed to put a performance on it.

So the creators of this unforgettable musical were connected.

History "Juno and Avos"

If you think that the heroes of the rock opera name of Juno and maybe, then you are mistaken, these are the names of sailing ships, in which our main character sailing to the shores of California.

About this in more detail. The Poem Voznesensky was written, as it is now customary to say "on the basis of real events." The biography of Nikolai Rezanov, the Russian officer, the head of the first round-the-world expedition. Reading the story about the life of Rezanov and the Mauda Diary, Voznesensky was inspired by the life of a brave compatriot. The real story was as follows: Nikolai Rezanov sailed to California in 1806 to replenish food reserves for the Russian colony in Alaska. In San Francisco, he met the cumper of Arguuelo, with which they fell in love with each other and wrapped themselves. But the rezans, on debt of the service, was forced to leave first to Alaska, and then to the courtyor of the emperor in St. Petersburg. At the courtyard of the emperor, he planned to get permission to marry Catholic. And here on the road Rezanov fell ill ... Heared heavily and died in Krasnoyarsk, never returned to his beloved. Rezanov at a meeting with the grace was 42 years old, cumming of 16 years. Died rezanov in 43.

Copter refused to believe the rumors about the death of Nikolai and waited for his return until 1842, when the English traveler George Simpson was able to tell her already accurate details about what happened with Rezanov and his death. She believed in the news of the death of his beloved only after 35 years, after which he had grown in the nun and accepted the vow of silence. She left in his life in 1857, living in the monastery for almost two decades.

This hopeless and piercing story has a small continuation in our time. In 2000, the sheriff of the city of Benish, where he was buried by Arguuel, he traveled to Russia to the city of Krasnoyarsk and at the grave of Rezanov brought to the earth from the grave of the cumshots and a rose. Through the ages, our contemporaries tried to reunite these loving hearts.

On the grave of Rezanov, there is a white cross, the words on one side "I will never forget you" and "I will never see you" on the other hand.

Such is the story of the death of Arguelle and Nikolai Rezanov, the rest is what the poet Andrei Voznesensky supplemented the poet, is a focus of this piercing history of the people living in the 19th century.

Copter and Rezanov

Even without an artistic image, the story of the Cumbouts and Rezanov is pierced to the depths of the soul! In our age of consumerism and cynical neglect to spiritual values, it is difficult to submit such devotion and all-consuming love of the cumshots, which devoted all of his life to one by only Rezanov, revoking his own desires and expectations.

The fate of Musikla

The formulation of the musical took place in 1981 and was surprising that the Commission missed Rock Opera from the first time, without changing anything in it. Voznesensky recalled that before this commission, they were in the church at the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, who mentioned in the musical, and even brought illuminated icons into their grimyr.

The first performers of the roles were rezanov - Nikolai Karachentsov, Copter - Elena Shanin, Fernando (grace of Copy) - Alexander Abdulov.

Nikolai Karachentsov played Rezanov to the very accident that happened to him.

The performance toured abroad - New York, Paris, Germany, the Netherlands, etc.

In 2010, the musical was released on the stage in a two thousandth time, it was also put in other countries Germany, South Korea, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic.

Where to see Rock Opera?

It would be nice to see the musical of the victim, but not always we do it, and therefore I advise you to see Rock Opera without leaving home.

I recommend to see the musical "Juno and Avos", in the production of Lenkom 1983, this is one of the first productions, in my opinion the most successful! For some reason, subsequent reversal always lose something impossible valuable.

As promised at the beginning of the articles I give you a surprise