Jews are the smartest people in the world. What nations are considered the most smart in the world

Jews are the smartest people in the world. What nations are considered the most smart in the world
Jews are the smartest people in the world. What nations are considered the most smart in the world

Dispute about who is the smartest people in the world continue, but now they came to new level. Subjective assessments are inferior to the place of research, and the comparison criteria are becoming increasingly impartial. But P. the conductors applying for objectivity in counting the level of intelligence of peoples still not so much.


In the counting of the level of intelligence of peoples, it is taken into account first, the average level of IQ, and secondly, the number of scientific discoveries committed by representatives of the people during history, thirdly, the number of laureates of scientific awards, primarily Nobel.

In terms of IQ, the Russians take today far from the first place in the world, ranking only 34 space in the ranking. This is partly due to the fact that testing is still not in our country recognized and relevant type of research. This is a historical explanation: in 1936, a decree "On pedological perversions in the People's Commissarposses", which forbade any tests, was published in the USSR. The ban was removed only in the 1970s.

In count nobel Laureaatov Russia is also not ahead of the planet of the whole (23 laureate against 356-and in the USA). But the Russians made a huge contribution to the intellectual piggy bank of humanity, thanks to the discoveries and inventions of their scientists. So, the Russian engineers of the apple and Lododagin invented the world's first light bulb, Alexander Popov invented the radio, Vladimir Zhorikin is considered the "father of television", Alexander Mozhaysky created the first aircraft, Igor Sikorsky created the first helicopter, the world's first bomber, Alexander understood the world in the world VCR, Prokudin-Gorsky made the world's first color photographs, Andrei Sakharov created the first hydrogen bomb, Gleb Kotelnikov - the first Range Parachute, Vladimir Fedorov developed the world's first automatic machine, Nikolay Lobachevsky made a revolution in mathematics ...

This list could be continued for a long time. If you remember such a shone of science as Dmitry Mendeleev, Mikhail Lomonosov, Ivan Pavlov, Ivan Sechenov, then doubts that Russians are one of the most famous peoples in the world disappear by themselves. And this is excluding the contribution to world culture Our Writers of Classics.

Peoples south East Asia And the Japanese

In the leaders in terms of intelligence, countries of Southeast Asia are stably provided. Professor Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen (University of Olster), the authors of the study "Intellect coefficient and the wealth of peoples" and "intellect ratio and global inequality" believe that this is due to high competition among students, with strict Asian discipline. Scientists also found a beneficial factor for the development of intelligence diet with large quantity Vegetables and seafood.

The first place in terms of intelligence among Asian countries is occupied by China, and its especially Hong Kong region, where they have developed special conditions For the growth of indicators in natural and accurate sciences. So, special popularity in Hong Kong in lately Acquisition of schools in which the disciples are recommended in free from studying time ... study. Such a lot of knowledge brings fruit. In the Education Rating, Hong Kong gave way to Finland. Average level IQ in Hong Kong - 107 - first place in the world.

In second place after Hong Kongs in terms of IQ - Koreans. The Korean education system is considered one of the best and most effective in the world, students in Korea are ready to spend on education 14 hours a day. However, she has a significant minus: the examination period in this country accounts for a wave of suicide.

Speaking about smart asian peoples, It is impossible not to mention the Japanese, which are recognized leaders of the sphere of high technology. Scientific leap began in Japan after the war, today, Tokyo University is one of the best in Asia and comes to the rating of 25 the best universities The world, the level of literacy among the Japanese is 99%, the level IQ - 105.


Peter Kapitsa said that the level of intelligence of the nation can be assessed by scientific discoverieswho made her representatives. Considering the achievements of the peoples, the scientist concluded that the unforgettable nation today is the British. The British really contributed and continue to make a huge contribution to world science. The names of such scientists as Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Rutherford, Turing, Fleming, Hawking are known to the whole world. Great among the British and the number of laureates of the Nobel Prize, British scientists receive a premium almost every year since its foundation. 121 English scientist received "Nobelka".

In terms of the development of science, the United Kingdom is ranked first and today, the index of the citation of British scientists is the first among the peoples of the old world.

However, it must be said that since the late 1980s system english education And science, leaving the regulation and strict control by the government, began to lose positions. Education has ceased to be elite, and the money began to be distributed to such studies that the pound would not be given before. From here today we have such meme as "British scientists." Thanks to good financing, English scientists conduct a lot of studies, the need for the development of science is doubtful.


The contribution of Jews to world science and culture is difficult to overestimate. Despite the fact that the Jews are only 0.2% of the population of the Earth, according to 2011, from 833 laureates of the Nobel Prize of 186 Jews. Thus, a million Jews account for 13.2 laureates of Nobeli. At the next Swiss and Swedes, this indicator is 3.34 and 3.19, respectively. The Jews became 32 times with laureates in chemistry, 30 times - in economics, 13 times - in literature, 47 - in physics, 55-in medicine, 9 times received the Nobel Prize of the World. From three hundred and a half US Nobel Prize laureates for almost forty percent - 36.8 - Jews.


Germany since the time of the mediauvean was the center of European scientific thought. Here, the first universities and scientific centers were opened, for education to Germany drove from all ends of Europe. Johann Gutenberg, Rudolph Diesel, Johann Keppler, Max Planck, Gottfried Leibniz, Conrad X-ray, Carl Benz is known to everyone. German philosophers Kant, Hegel, Schopenhawer became classic philosophy. By the number of Nobel Prize laureates, Germany ranks third, lagging behind only the United States and the UK.

A dispute about who is the smartest people in the world continue, but now they have reached a new level. Subjective assessments are inferior to the place of research, and the comparison criteria are becoming increasingly impartial.


Indicators applying for objectivity in counting the level of intelligence of peoples still not so much. This is, firstly, the average level of IQ, secondly, the number of scientific discoveries committed by representatives of the people during history, thirdly, the number of laureates of scientific awards, primarily Nobel.

In terms of IQ, the Russians take today not the first place in the world, ranking only 34 space in the ranking. This is primarily due to the fact that testing is still not in our country recognized and relevant research. This is a historical explanation: in 1936, a decree "On pedological perversions in the People's Commissarposses", which forbade any tests, was published in the USSR. The ban was removed only in the 1970s.

By the number of Nobel laureates, Russia is also not ahead of the planet of the whole (23 laureate against 356-and in the USA). But the Russians made a huge contribution to the intellectual piggy bank of humanity, thanks to the discoveries and inventions of their scientists. So, the Russian engineers of the apple and Lododagin invented the world's first light bulb, Alexander Popov invented the radio, Vladimir Zhorikin is considered the "father of television", Alexander Mozhaysky created the first aircraft, Igor Sikorsky created the first helicopter, the world's first bomber, Alexander understood the world in the world VCR, Prokudin-Gorsky made the world's first color photographs, Andrei Sakharov created the first hydrogen bomb, Gleb Kotelnikov - the first Range Parachute, Vladimir Fedorov developed the world's first automatic machine, Nikolay Lobachevsky made a revolution in mathematics ...

This list could be continued for a long time. If you remember such a shone of science as Dmitry Mendeleev, Mikhail Lomonosov, Ivan Pavlov, Ivan Sechenov, then doubts that Russians are one of the most famous peoples in the world disappear by themselves. And this is excluding the contribution to the global culture of our Classic writers.

People of Southeast Asia and the Japanese

In the leaders in terms of intelligence, countries of Southeast Asia are stably provided. Professor Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen (University of Olster), the authors of the study "Intellect coefficient and the wealth of peoples" and "intellect ratio and global inequality" believe that this is due to high competition among students, with strict Asian discipline. Scientists also found a beneficial factor for the development of intelligence diet with a large number of vegetables and seafood.

The first place in terms of intelligence among Asian countries is occupied by China, and its Hong Kong region, where special conditions have developed for the growth of indicators in natural and accurate sciences. So, a special popularity in Hong Kong has recently acquires schools in which in their free time, students are recommended to engage ... studies. Such a lot of knowledge brings fruit. In the Education Rating, Hong Kong gave way to Finland. The average IQ level in Hong Kong - 107 is the first place in the world.

In second place after Hong Kongs in terms of IQ - Koreans. The Korean education system is considered one of the best and most effective in the world, students in Korea are ready to spend on education 14 hours a day. However, she has a significant minus: the examination period in this country accounts for a wave of suicide.

Speaking about smart Asian peoples, it is impossible not to mention the Japanese, which are recognized leaders of the sphere of high technologies. Scientific leap began in Japan after the war, today Tokyo University is one of the best in Asia and is included in the ranking of 25 best universities in the world, the level of literacy among the Japanese is 99%, the IQ level is 105.


Peter Kapitsa said that the level of intelligence of the nation can be assessed by the scientific discoveries that their representatives made. Considering the achievements of the peoples, the scientist concluded that the unforgettable nation today is the British. The British really contributed and continue to make a huge contribution to world science. The names of such scientists as Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Rutherford, Turing, Fleming, Hawking are known to the whole world. Great among the British and the number of laureates of the Nobel Prize, British scientists receive a premium almost every year since its foundation. 121 English scientist received "Nobelka".

In terms of the development of science, the United Kingdom is ranked first and today, the index of the citation of British scientists is the first among the peoples of the old world.

However, it must be said that since the late 1980s, the English education and science system, leaving the regulation and strict control of the government, began to lose positions. Education has ceased to be elite, and the money began to be distributed to such studies that the pound would not be given before. From here today we have such meme as "British scientists." Thanks to good financing, English scientists conduct a lot of studies, the need for the development of science is doubtful.


The contribution of Jews to world science and culture is difficult to overestimate. Despite the fact that the Jews are only 0.2% of the population of the Earth, according to 2011, from 833 laureates of the Nobel Prize of 186 Jews. Thus, a million Jews account for 13.2 laureates of Nobeli.

We decided to figure out where the most countries live smart people. But what is the main indicator of the mind? Perhaps the human mental development coefficient, more known as IQ. Actually, on the basis of this quantitative assessment and compiled our rating. We also decided to take into account the Nobel laureates living in a particular country at the time of receipt of the award: after all, this figure indicates what place the state is occupied on the intellectual arena of the world.

a place

ByIQ: Administrative region

In general, a non-one study was carried out on the relationship of intelligence and peoples. So, according to the two most popular works, the "intellect ratio and global inequality" and "intellect ratio and the wealth of peoples" - ahead of the planet of the entire inhabitants of East Asia.

In Hong Kong, the level of human mental development coefficient is 107 points. But here it is worth considering that in the administrative area is very high density population.

The United States is ahead of other countries by the number of Nobel Prize laureates with a huge margin. Here they live (and lived) 356 laureates (from 1901 to 2014). But it is worth saying that statistics here are not entirely related to nationality: in institutions and scientific centers scientist out different countries It turns out very good support, and they often have much more opportunities in the States than in their native state. So, for example, Joseph Brodsky received a premium in literature, being a citizen.

a place

IQ: South Korea

Residents South Korea Have an IQ index in 106 points. However, to be one of the most smart countries Not so easy. For example, a system of education in the state is one of the most technologically advanced, but at the same time complex and strict: the school finishes only in 19 years, and when admitting such terrible competition in university that many simply do not stand such tension mentally.

By the number of Nobel laureates:

In total, the British received 121 Nobel Prize. According to statistics, the inhabitants of the United Kingdom receive awards every year.

a place

Well, as for the laureates of the prestigious premium, then in third place is located. 104 people live here, who received award in various fields.

a place

By IQ: Taiwan

In fourth place, the country of Asia - Taiwan, is the island controlled by a partially recognized China Republic. The country known for its industry and productivity today is one of the main suppliers of high technology. The local government has great plans for the future: the state wants to turn into a "silicon island", the island of technology and science.

The average level of IQ residents - 104 points.

By the number of Nobel laureates:

Residents of France, who received the Nobel Prize, there are 57 people. First of all, they are leading in humanitarian sciences: there are many laureates in philosophy, literature and art in the country.

a place

The average IQ residents of this city-country - 103 points. As you know, one of the advanced commercial centers in the world. And one of the most prosperous and rich states, even the World Bank called best country For business.

By the number of Nobel laureates:

Well, finally, the birthplace of Nobel himself fell into a rating. There are 29 people awarded award in different areas.

a place

At once, three countries have an average intelligence level in 102 points. Well, even there is nothing to say: in Germany there has never been a lack of philosophers and scientists, in Austria there is a very disciplined and developed system of education, but the geniuses of Italy can begin to be considered since Ancient Rome.

By the number of Nobel laureates: Switzerland

The Switzerland accounts for 25 Nobel Prizes, mostly they are in the sphere of exact sciences. The country is known for the whole world with its private schools and universities with excellent levels of education.

a place

We take a look at the intellect of the Jews - this "best" of the peoples. Are there any world-class philosophers among the Jews? No, do not exist. The global philosophical Jewish thought for the rarity of the scarc and the world nothing but lies, demagogy and deception did not give. The most "strong" Jewish philosopher Karl Marx from a logical point demonstrates stupidity masterpieces, and from the point of view of the true appointment of his philosophy - just a rogue (we note that he was a puppet and fully manage Jewish rabbis). Who else? Among the world famous at the world left: Bergson A., Buber M. and Spinoza B. The significance of the first two is close to zero.

Dutch philosopher Spinoza is the most reasonable of them. The most interesting idea that is worthy of citation and consonant with the topic of this work, as follows: "The person free does not think about anything like that of death, and his wisdom consists in reflection not about death, but about life." Well done Spinoza, a wise approach to the real and future time. His approach was not typical of Jewish philosophical thoughtAnd Amsterdam Rabbi hated him for the so-called blasphemy, "they left and removed from the people of Israel" and for a long time he was pursued in every way. But the spinosa is also a philosopher not the first, not the second and not even the third level. There is no other philosophers. Compare with a huge pleate of the brilliant philosophers of Greece, Germany, France, England and Russia.

From scientists of Jews there are many outstanding people. But only three apply for the role of great geniuses: Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud and Norbert Wiener. Does this trio really were genias? Is it not the next Jewish sell? Let's look at Einstein, from which the Jews are trying to make genius of all time and one people.
He created his special theory of relativity in 1905, but he created it from scratch. Basic ideas he took from Poincaré, the mathematical apparatus borrowed from Lorentz. A decent scientist is obliged to give references to its predecessors, such as scientific ethics. In his work, Einstein did not give any links, thereby issuing other people's discoveries for his own. IN scientific World This is called plagiarism, that is, intellectual theft. This is typically none Jewish manner.

After publication special theory Relativity to Poincare, having met once Einstein, accused him of plagiarism and in scientific dishonesty. Naive Poincaré did not understand that there is no plagiarism for the Jew. Judaism argues that any ownership of Goev (including intellectual) is the ownership of the Jew, which first will capture it. Stealing someone else's and issue a typical method of Jewish genius.
The role of Slavic wife Einstein - Milest Maric (Serbki by nationality) in the creation and special and general Theory Relativity is completely silent. However, Mileva Maric was a strong physicist, and her role, to put it mildly, was not small. It is enough to notice that all three "epoch" Einstein articles were signed by Einstein-Marich co-authors (74, p. 128).
The general theory of relativity Einstein "created" in 1915 on the basis of the fundamental theory of Minkowski Pole about four-dimensional space-time. And Minkowsky just developed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe four-dimensional space of Poincaré. The fundamental formula E \u003d MS2 did not come up with Einstein, and his first Slavic wife Mileva Maric. So in the foundation of even the largest Jewish "geniuses" lie stolen other people's ideas issued for their own.

The Nobel Committee has awarded Einstein "Schnobe" Prize. Try now to ask any graduate of the university: "For what Einstein was assigned the Nobel Prize?" The answer will be almost unanimous: "For the creation of the theory of relativity." And how really? In fact, with all Jewish pressure, the Nobel Committee could not give a similar falsified version and gave the following formulation: "For the opening of the law of the photoelectric effect and for work in the field of theoretical physics." The wording is engaged. And how did it correlate with reality? That's how.

Photo effect itself was opened in 1887 by Herz. In 1888, the photo effect was experimentally tested by Russian scientists A. G. Tsenov, and they were also installed "The first law of photo effect", called the law of the Counter. The first photophobe law is formulated as follows: "The maximum photovoltaic current is directly proportional to the incident radial flow." Saletova, of course, no nobelevskaya premium awarded. Einstein was installed "The Second Picture of Photo Effect" - "Einstein Law": "The maximum energy of photoelectrons linearly depends on the frequency of the incident light and does not depend on its intensity." That's all the "epoch" content of "Great Jewish genius." Einstein also attributes to clarification of the photophilization mechanism based on quantum ideas about the nature of light. But the quantum radiation theory was actually created by M. Plank in 1900.

Despite the many strong scholars of Jews, among them the fundamental thinkers of this level never appear, as the Russian giants of thought: Lomonosov, Tsiolkovsky, Mendeleev, Lobachevsky, Vavilov, Vernadsky, Chizhevsky, Losev and others. Each of these giants is a revolution in science. Thinking of these people is not without free, you can criticize them into something, but the scale of the thinking of such people with Jews in principle is not available.

Note that those Jewish scientists whose names for all on hearing were primarily the organizers and heads of scientific groups. And in the scientific team, it is very easy to issue collective achievements of a group of scientists for the opening of the leader himself. "It scientific school Abram Ivanich "- Favorite formula of Jewish propaganda. And what did this Jewish leader do in this school? He was the boss.

Talented and outstanding musicians among the Jews great many, perhaps, in any nation there is no such nation. And great composers? Composite Jews are generally units (strange, yes?), And among the noticeable world-level, it is possible to allocate something: Mendelssohn, Gershwin and Offenbach. What do they imagine? Good composers - That's all that you can say about them. No more. None of them can be compared with such, for example, ingenious Russian composers, like Tchaikovsky, Rakhmaninov, Mussorgsky, Scriabin, Roman-Korsakov, not to mention such German giants as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven.

Great german composer Richard Wagner in his book "Jewry in Music" (64) conducted an analysis of the Jewish musical creativity, including the creativity of Mendelssohn. The conclusion is very interesting - in Jewish creativity there are completely absent: sincerity, imperfection, excitement, passion, tenderness, refinement of taste. Jewish creativity is always imitative and entertainment. Only. Neutered art of cropped people.

Are there brilliant poets among the Jews? No one. Among the Jews in poets there are only four personalities: Pasternak, Heine, Mandelshtam and Brodsky. Poets of this level in each accelerant Russian town in the top ten. Only Jews and their Kholii, seeking, for the lack of the best, to call these ordinary poets, are great, seeking any Jewish mediocrity. The most interesting was Pasternak. But again, what is interesting? With its poetic translations. Translations are good. Pasternak translated from English, German and french languages The best Western European poets and tried to borrow poetic images and issue them for their own. Brodsky was engaged in similar translations and borrowings. Stealing someone else's and issue a typical method of Jewish genius. But, despite all borrowing, and Pasternak's poetry, and Broadish poetry leave a miserable impression. There is no Jews in the Sparks of God. It is not surprising that the Jewish Committee on Nobel Prize Assigned "Schnobel" awards and Pasternak and Brodsky.

Of course, nothing like that by such Russian geniuses as A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, S. A. Yesenin, A. A. Fet, F. I. Tyutchev, did not have the Jews, no and never will not be.

At one time, at the well-known Soviet Jewish poet S. Ya. Marshak, who almost one to one copied the style of the English poet Robert Burns, invented such an epigram:

With everything, with everything, moreover,
With everything, with this.
Marshak remained Marshak,
And Robert Berns Poet.

Why does Jews have ingenious or just powerful philosophers? The whole thing in Jewish education. Jews from childhood learn to love reading, and this is very well developing intelligence. But it is very important why the child begins to read. Jews begin to read almost always from Talmuda, Torah, Bible and the like of the Judas Beliberda. From this, on the one hand, the general chauvinistic idea of \u200b\u200bGod-energousness of Jews, Jewish superiority, opposition to other peoples, contempt, hate, striving for domination and desire to make other people with their slaves, are clogged into Jewish heads. Strong volitional and fighting qualities are brought up together with the introduction of the psychology of Zhulikov, thieves, liars and tyranans.

On the other hand, the reading of the Judas Books winds the brain, especially in the field of general philosophical thinking, as she teaches the absurds and impudents and creates a kaleidoscopic poorly related knowledge base. After such training, the Jews fool, become intellectual disabled or, even more precisely, bioreobot, that is, beings incapable of independent reasonable thinking. The general formula for programming the consciousness of Jews-biorobot is simple: "Kohl Talmud are studying their brains, if they fell in love with the Bible, then I was completely lost."