N.M.Karamzin is a famous Russian writer, historian, poet. Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin written

N.M.Karamzin is a famous Russian writer, historian, poet. Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin written
N.M.Karamzin is a famous Russian writer, historian, poet. Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin written

N Ikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin - the Great Russian writer, the largest writer of the Epoch of Sentimentalism. He wrote art prose, lyrics, plays, articles. Reformer of the Russian literary language. The creator of the "history of the Russian state" is one of the first fundamental work on the history of Russia.

"Loved to be sad, not knowing what ..."

Karamzin was born 1 (12) DECEMBER 1766 in the village of Mikhaylovka Buzuluk County of the Symbirian province. Rose in the village of Father, the hereditary nobleman. Interestingly, Karamzin has Turkic roots and comes from Tatar Kara-Murza (aristocratic estate).

About the childhood writer knows a bit. At the age of 12, he is sent to Moscow to the House of Professor Moscow University of Johann Shaden, where a young man receives the first education, studies German and French. After three years later, he begins to attend the lectures of the famous professor aesthetics, Enlightener Ivan Schwartz at Moscow University.

In 1783, at the insistence of Father, Karamzin enters the service to the Preobrazhensky Guards Regiment, but soon coming to resign and leaves for his native symbirsk. In Symbirsk there is an important event for young Karamzin - it enters the Masonic Loop "Golden Crown". This decision will play a little later when Karamzine returns to Moscow and will come down with an old familiar home - Mason Ivan Turgenev, as well as writers and writers Nikolai Novikov, Alexey Kutuzov, Alexander Petrov. At the same time, the first attempts of Karamzin in literature begins - he participates in the publication of the first Russian magazine for children - "Children's reading for the heart and mind." Four years, held in the society of Moscow Masons, had a serious impact on his creative development. At this time, Karamzin reads a lot popularly Rousseau, Stern, Gerder, Shakespeare, try to translate.

"The formation of Karamzin, not only the author, but also moral" began in the circle of Novikov.

Writer I.I. Dmitriev

Man of feather and thought

In 1789, a break with Masons, and Karamzin goes to travel through Europe. He traveled Germany, Switzerland, France and England, stopping mainly in large cities, European Enlightenment Centers. Karamzin visits Immanuel Kant in Königsberg, becomes a witness to the Great French Revolution in Paris.

It is according to the results of this trip that he writes the famous "letters of the Russian traveler." These essays in the genre of documentary prose quickly gained popularity from the reader and made Karamzin famous and fashionable writers. At the same time, in Moscow, from under the feather of the writer, a story "Poor Lisa" appears - a recognized sample of Russian sentimental literature. Many literary specialists believe that modern Russian literature begins with these first books.

"In the initial period of his literary activity, Karamzin was characterized by a wide and politically fairly uncertain" cultural optimism ", faith in the saving influence of cultural success per person and society. Karamzin relied on the progress of sciences, peaceful improvement of the morals. He believed in the painless exercise of the ideals of the fraternity and humanity, which permeated the literature of the XVIII century as a whole. "

Yu.M. Lotman.

As opposed to classicism with his cult of mind, in the footsteps of French writers, Karamzin argues the cult of feelings, sensitivity, compassion in Russian literature. New "sentimental" characters are important first of all the ability to love, surrender. "Oh! I love those items that touch my heart and make me shed tears of tender grief! " ("Poor Lisa").

"Poor Lisa" is deprived of morality, didactism, asked, the author does not say, but trying to call the reader to empathize with the heroes, which distinguishes the tale from the previous traditions of classicism.

"Poor Lisa" is because he was adopted by the Russian public with such a delight that in this work Karamzin the first one has expressed the "new word", which the Germans said to Goethe in his "vertier".

Philologist, literary critic V.V. Sipovsky

Nikolay Karamzin on the Millennium of Russia monument in Veliky Novgorod. Sculptors Mikhail Mikeshin, Ivan Schroeder. Architect Viktor Gartman. 1862.

Giovanni Battista Damon-Ortolani. Portrait of N.M. Karamzin. 1805. GMII them. A.S. Pushkin

Monument to Nikolay Karamzin in Ulyanovsk. Sculptor Samuel Galberg. 1845.

At the same time, the reform of the literary language begins - Karamzin refuses the eldersmates that inhabited the written language, Lomonosov's high polity, from the use of church Slavic vocabulary and grammar. It made the "poor Lisa" with a light and pleasant story for reading. It was the sentimentalism of Karamzin that became the foundation for the development of further Russian literature: Romanticism of Zhukovsky and Early Pushkin was repelled.

"Karamzin made Literature humane."

A.I. Herzmen

One of the most important merits of Karamzin - enrichment of the literary language with new words: "Charity", "Love", "Freeness", "Sightseeing", "Responsibility", "Suspiciousness", "refinement", "first-class", "human", "sidewalk "," Kucher "," impression "and" influence "," touching "and" entertaining ". It was he who introduced the word "industry", "focus", "moral", "aesthetic", "epoch", "scene", "harmony", "catastrophe", "future" and others.

"Professional writer, one of the first in Russia who had the courage to make literary work the source of existence, above all the independence of his own opinion."

Yu.M. Lotman.

In 1791, the activities of Karamzin-journalist begins. It becomes an important milestone in the history of Russian literature - Karamzin is based on the first Russian literary magazine, the founder of the current "thick" magazines - "Moscow Journal". On his pages there are a number of collections and almanacs: "Aglaya", "Aonids", "Pantheon of Foreign Literature", "My Trucks." These publications made sentimentalism the main literary flow in Russia of the late XIX century, and Karamzin is his recognized leader.

But soon it follows the deep disappointment of Karamzin in previous values. A year after the arrest of Novikov, the magazine is closed, after the bold Karamzinskaya OD "To the grace" of the grace of the "strong world", Karamzin himself is deprived of the mercy, hardly hitting the investigation.

"Docci citizen is deceased, without fear can fall asleep, and all your subject to highly thinking life is to have; ... Doccies everyone gives freedom and light not dark in the minds; The doctoral of attorney to the people is visible in all your matters: Dotole will be holy honorable ... The calm of your power can not be disturbed. "

N.M. Karamzin. "To the grace"

Most of the 1793-1795 Karamzin spends in the village and produces collections: "Aglaya", "Aonids" (1796). He wonders to publish something in the childbirth of the Foreign Literature "Pantheon of Foreign Literature", but with great difficulty makes its way through the censorship prohibitions, not allowed to print even demosphen and cicero ...

Disappointment in the French revolution Karamzin splashes in verses:

But time, the experience is destroyed
Air castle of young years ...
... And I see it clear that with Plato
The republics do not establish us ...

During these years, Karamzin is increasingly moving from lyrics and prose to journalism and the development of philosophical ideas. Even the "historical commendable word Empress Catherine II", compiled by Karamzin at the end of the throne of Emperor Alexander I - mainly journalism. In 1801-1802, Karamzin operates in the journal "Journal of Europe", where it writes basically an article. In practice, his passion for enlightenment and philosophy is expressed in writing works on historical topics, more and more creating a famous writer the authority of the historian.

First and last historic

By decree of October 31, 1803, Emperor Alexander I gives Nikolai Karamzin the title of historian. Interestingly, the title of historographer in Russia after the death of Karamzin was not renewed.

From that moment on, Karamzin ceases every literary work and for 22 years is engaged solely by the preparation of historical work, familiar to us as the "history of the Russian state".

Alexey Venetsian. Portrait of N.M. Karamzin. 1828. GMII them. A.S. Pushkin

Karamzin puts a task to make a story for a broad educated public, not to be a researcher, but "Choose, linked, paint" everything "Attractive, strong, decent" From Russian history. An important point - work should be designed for a foreign reader to open Russia Europe.

In the work of Karamzin enjoyed materials from the Moscow Board of Foreign Affairs (especially spiritual and contractual diplomas of princes, and acts of diplomatic relations), synodalist repository, libraries of the Volokolamsky Monastery and Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, private collections of Musina-Pushkin's manuscripts, Rumyantsev and A.I. Turgenev, who made a collection of documents of the Papal archive, as well as many other sources. An important part of the work was the study of the ancient chronicles. In particular, Karamzin discovered the previously unknown science in the chronicle called Ipatievsky.

During the years of work on the "story ...", Karamzin lived in Moscow, from where I went out only in Tver and Nizhny Novgorod, at the time of Moscow's classes by the French in 1812. Summerly spent in Ostafyev, the estate of Prince Andrei Ivanovich Vyazemsky. In 1804, Karamzin married the daughter of Prince, Ekaterina Andreevna, who gave birth to the writer of nine children. She became the second wife of the writer. For the first time, the writer married at 35 years, in 1801 at Elizabeth Ivanovna Protasova, who died a year after the wedding from the postpartum heating. From the first marriage, Karamzin remained the daughter of Sophia, the future familiar Pushkin and Lermontov.

The main social event of the life of the writer during these years was the "note of the ancient and new Russia in its political and civil relations", written in 1811. In the "note ..." reflected the views of the conservative layers of society, dissatisfied with the liberal reforms of the emperor. "Possed ..." was transferred to the emperor. In it, once liberal and "Western", as they would say now, Karamzin appears as a conservative and is trying to prove that no fundamental transformations in the country do not need.

And in February 1818, Karamzin produces the first eight volumes of its "history of the Russian state" on sale. A circulation of 3000 copies (huge for that time) is sold within a month.

A.S. Pushkin

The "history of the Russian state" was the first labor oriented on the widest reader, due to the high literary advantages and scientific scrupulsiness of the author. Researchers agree that this work is one of the first to contribute to the formation of a national self-consciousness in Russia. The book was translated into several European languages.

Despite the huge many years of work, Karamzin did not have time to add "story ..." until his time - the beginning of the XIX century. After the first edition, three more languages \u200b\u200b"History ..." were released. The last one was the 12th volume describing the events of the troubled time in the chapter "Intermoper 1611-1612". The book came out after the death of Karamzin.

Karamzin was a whole person of his era. The assertion of monarchical views by the end of his life brought together a writer with the family of Alexander I, in recent years he spent next to them, living in the royal village. The death of Alexander I in November 1825 and the subsequent events of the uprising in the Senate Square became a real blow to the writer. Nikolai Karamzin died on May 22 (June 3) of 1826 in St. Petersburg, he was buried at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

    Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich Famous Russian writer, journalist and historian. Born on December 1, 1766 in the Symbirian province; Rose in the village of Father, the Symbir landlord. The first spiritual food of 8 9 year old boy was vintage novels, ... ... Biographical Dictionary

    Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich. Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766 1826) Russian historian, writer. Aphorisms, quotes Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich. Biography as a fruit fruit and life is only sweet before starting wilting. For ... ... Summary encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich - .… … Dictionary of the Russian language of the XVIII century

    Russian writer, publicist and historian. Son of the landowner of the Symbirian province. Education received at home, then in Moscow - in private boarding house (before ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (1766 1826), Rus. Writer, critic, historian. In the early work of L. noticeably some of the influence of sentimentalists, incl. And K. The most interesting material for comparison with the contract. L. contain "secular" Tale K. ("Julia", "sensitive and ... ... Lermontov encyclopedia

    - (1766 1826) Russian historian, writer, honorary member of the St. Petersburg An (1818). Creator of the history of the Russian state (t. 1 12, 1816 29), one of the significant works in Russian historiography. The founder of Russian sentimentalism (... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Request "Karamzin" is redirected here. Cm. Also other values. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin Date of birth: 1 (12) December 1766 Place of birth: Mikhailovka, Russian Empire Date of death: May 22 (June 3) 1826 ... Wikipedia

    Historographer, genus. December 1, 1766, mind. On May 22, 1826, he belonged to the nobility, leading his origin from Tatar Murza, named Kara Murza. The father of his symbirsky landowner, Mikhail Egorovich, served in Orenburg with I. I. Neptyvyev and ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - (1766 1826), historian, writer, critic; Honorary member of the St. Petersburg An (1818). The creator of the "Story of the Russian State" (Tom 1 12, 1816 1829), one of the significant works in Russian historiography. The founder of Russian sentimentalism ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich - N.M. Karamzin. Portrait of the work of A.G. Venetianova. Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766 1826), Russian Writer, historian. The founder of Russian sentimentalism (letters of the Russian traveler, 1791 95; poor Lisa, 1792, etc.). Editor ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (1766-1826) was the largest representative of Russian sentimentalism.

At the nineteenth age, Karamzin began working in the Novikov magazine for children, and the last two years of the magazine existence was actually by its editor.

On the pages of this magazine, Karamzin published 26 translations and original works. In total, the writer created about 30 works for children in which nature, friendship and tender feelings are chanting. These topics are dedicated to the "anacontic poems", the prose sketch "Walk" and the story "Eugene and Julia". Translated Karamzin for the magazine of the Popular French Children's Writers Berken and Zhanlis, the poet of the English poet Thompson, the play, works about nature.

Karamzin continued to write for children and after closing the magazine. So, in 1792 he published a fairy tale "Beautiful Tsarevna", in 1795 - Fairy Tales "Dremucky Forest" and "Ilya Muromets"

Children's reading circle included other works of Karamzin, his poems about nature, friendship and love. Many are impregnated with tender sons love to their homeland, its expanses. Such, for example, the poem "Volga", which not one generation of Russian people from early childhood memorized by heart:

River sacred in the world

Crystal waters of the queen, mother!

Dare of whether I am on a weak lyre

You, Oh, Volga, Major! The quiet Karamzin, each of his poetic miniature, as it were, were specifically created for children. He knew how to revive the whole world, talking to his beloved Volga, with native forests, close and native creatures.

As part of the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the historian and writer N. M. Karamzin, the Children's Library - a branch of MBC "OMTSB" took part in the regional competition "Learning Russia's history in Karamzin", conducted by the ZCUNB. A.S. Pushkin for the best innovative project to promote books and reading.

Today, children began to read less, electronic media and media displacing the book. But not everything is so sad. Still enjoyed with great love in children story. She teaches a person to live, hesitates optimism, faith in the celebration of good and justice. For fiction and fiction, real human relations are hidden. From here and there is a huge educational value fairy tales. At the present stage of the life of modern society, this topic is very significant. We tried to reflect the creative legacy of N.M. Karamzin, and the significance of the fairy tale, and take the leisure of children with creativity.

As part of the celebration of the 250th anniversary of N.M. Karamzin readers of bibliography "Resting and Knowing" was invited to participate in the project "We read Karamzin's fairy tales." The project consists of several stages. At first they showed a presentation "Meeting with Karamzin", the guys were able to get acquainted with the main milestones of life and creativity, to imagine the video portrait of Karamzin. After showing the presentation, a review of the book exhibition was conducted "and there will be the name to live him in Russia forever." A book-illustrative exhibition with a multimedia presentation was helped to present the life and creativity of the Russian historian and writer.

At the next stage, our A good tradition is a loud reading for children. Young readers of bibliography "Rest and Know" listen to fascinating and useful stories, learn a lot of interesting children's literature.

Unfortunately, in the Library Fund there was no fairy tale of Karamzin, but we printed them from the Internet. "Karamzin has fairy tales?" - I wonderfully asked the guys, not finding them at the book exhibition. Together they made a trip to the magic world of Nikolai Mikhailovich's fairy tales and learned about the fate of the heroes of these fairy tales.

At the stage of the 3rd stage, they started the most creative and interesting work - illustrating read fairy tales. The guys chose the two most liked fairy tales. Discussing the read, they allocated several episodes, which they wanted to draw drawings. Since the guys were engaged in creativity in the library, this stage lasted a week. We combined the drawings, (and some guys were simply coloring) in the book - the panel of the "dense forest" and "Beautiful princess and happy Karl". They really liked the guys, they received many positive emotions, collecting fabulous panels. The work also used appliqué, and focus, and much more.

Projectcontributed to the development and disclosure of the creative abilities of children. Children studied productive interaction with each other and listen to others.

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766-1826) - Russian historian-historiographer, writer, poet, honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, the creator of the "Story of the Russian State" - one of the first undergraduating works on the history of Russia.

Briefly about the biography of N.M.Karamzin

N.M. Karamzin was born 1 (12) December 1766, Mikhaylovka (Preobrazhenskoe) village of Buzuluksky county of the Symbirian province (according to other data - the village of Bogorodskoe Symbirsk County of the Symbirian province). He was born in the family of middle-weight landowner. Having found the original formation of the house, he studied at the noble guest house in Simbirsk, then in one of the best private guest houses of Professor Moscow University, I. M. Shaden, also listened to lectures at Moscow University. Nikolay Karamzin is the author and one of the publishers of the first children's journal "Children's reading for the heart and mind." Interest in the history of world and domestic, ancient and new, events of this day prevails in publications of the first social and political and literary and artistic magazine "Journal of Europe", Published by Karamzin in 1802-03. He published here and several essays on the Russian medieval history ("Marfa Posteen, or the conquest of NOVAROGOD", "Izvestia about Martha Pos., taken from the lives of St. Zosima," "Travel around Moscow", "Historical memories and comments on the path to Trinity" etc.), testifying to the intent of large-scale historical work. In 1801 Nikolai Karamzin married E. I. Protasovoy, who died in a year. The second marriage Karamzin was married to a consolidated sister of P. A. Vyazemsky, E. A. Kolyvanova (1804), with which he lived happily before the end of the days. In October 1803, Karamzin has achieved from Alexander I destinations with a historist with a pension in 2000 rubles. For the composition of Russian history. Libraries and archives were opened for him. Until the last day of life, Karamzin was busy with the Scripture of the Story of the Russian State, which had a significant impact on Russian historical science and literature, allowing to see one of the noticeable cultural and formative phenomena in it not only of the 19th century, but also 20. Starting from ancient times And first references to the Slavs, Karamzin managed to bring the "story" to troubled time. This amounted to 12 volumes of the text of high literary advantages, accompanied by more than 6 thousand historical notes in which historical sources, compositions of European and domestic authors were published and analyzed.
Detailed biography of N.M. Karamzin here, here, here

Articles about life and creativity N.M.Karamzin

10 Links

  • Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin - Biography
    Detailed biography
  • Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich
    Article in literary encyclopedia
  • What do Pushkin heroes read?
    On the story of N.M. Karamzin "Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter"
  • M.P.Alekseev. English translations
    Early experiences wider and systematic familiarization in England with new Russian literature refer to the beginning of the XIX century. One of the first Russian writers at the same time, whose works were repeatedly attracted by English translators, became N. M. Karamzin
  • Belinsky V.G. The history of the state is Russian ...
  • P.I.Shalikov. About the syllable of Mr. Karamzin
    The syllable of Mr. Karamzin was a new era in Russian, and Karamzin acquired the flight name of the author of the classic.
  • N.V. Shlegunov. Attempts by Russian consciousness. Sen ...
  • G. P. Makogonenko. Nikolai Karamzin and his "Pi ...
  • "Journal of Europe" N.M.Karamzin. 1802-1803
  • N.N.strakhov. Sigh on the coffin of Karamzin
    Letter to the editor of "Dawn"

Portrait of N.M.Karamzin

Artist Tropinin. (1818, Moscow, Tretyakov Gallery) Source

Works N.M.Karamzin

3 Links

  • Full list of works by N.M.Karamzin
  • List of separate journal steps N.M.Ku ...
  • Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin "Letters Ivan � ...
    Reprint of the unique book of 1866, references to which the literature and Karamzin and Dmitriev are flooded.

N.M.Karamzin "Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter"

In 1792, the story of N.M. Karamzin "Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter" was published in the Moscow Journal. As many researchers of Karamzin's creativity noted, this story was the first experience of the artistic reproduction of the Russian historical past. According to Rezanov, the "Karamzinsky flow" is characterized by "the trend of processing the plot taken from the same Russian antique, simply and with the possibility of compliance with loyalty or at least the probability of historical" about the story

N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa"

In the 18th century, a lot of wonderful people worked in the field of literature, among them - writer and historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. His peru belongs to such a story like Poor Lisa. In the center of the story two characters: the peasants of Lisa and the nobleman of the Erast. The characters of the heroes are manifested in their attitude to love. The story begins with the description of Moscow, where the author refers to its gallant, with the description of the ... Inova of the Monastery, not far from which they later buried Lisa. Continued

N.M. Kakarazin Poor Lisa

Illustration for the story "Poor Lisa" Mstislav Dobuzhinsky
A source

The features of sentimentalism in the story of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" essay
Topics, ideas, images of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa". The writing
The main problems of love in the story of Karamzin Poor Lisa

Russian Animation- Poor Lisa Poor Lisa (N.Karamzin), Part1

Soyuzmultfilm, 1978.

1 video

Musical "Poor Lisa" in the theater in Nikitsky gates

N. Karamzin
Producer: Mark Rosovsky
Artists: Belis Desnaitskaya, Stanislav Fedorchuk, Galina Borisov, Margarita Ratary, Yuri Saltov, Sergey Lazutkin, Maxim Zausalin, M. Leonova and others
About the play
The director made us look at the story of Karamzin's story. Mark Rosovsky composed his "poor Lisa" together with the talented poet Yuri Ryashetsev, known to all of us for the songs of "Three Musketeering" and the Metro musical. Songs on the words of Ryashentsev confirmed or forced to doubt the sincerity of the heroes, commented on or ridicule, were explained in love. (From reviews about the play)

N.M.Karamzin "Letters of the Russian Traveler"

The "letters" was based on a real journey committed by Karamzin on Western European countries (Germany, Switzerland, France and England) from May 1789 to September 1790. These are the extreme dates of the "letters", designated in their text, but probably not entirely relevant to the real chronology of Karamzin journey.
"Letters ..." is the original modification of the most European literature in the sentimentalism of all European literatures of the tour about the journey, which combines at the same time two types of narration and two genre travel varieties. Continued

Title leaf "Letters of the Russian Traveler" N. M. Karamzin in ed. 1797 (Moscow).

Frontispis to "Letters of the Russian Traveler" N. M. Karamzin in the German publication of 1800
A source

N.M.Karamzin "History of the Russian State"

Amazing the fate of the main creation of Nikolai Mikhailovich
Karamzin - "Russian State History".
During the author of the author it
read hardly all the misbeecable Russia read even out loud
Salons, exchanged impressions about the dramatic events described by the workshop of the historian's hand, the most sensitive shed tears. Complete on the testimony of the hot fan of the talent of Nikolai Mikhailovich A.S. Pushkin: "All, even secular women, rushed to read
The story of his fatherland, the Dotole is unknown. She was for them a new discovery. "What the attractive force has become immortal
Overactions of Karamzin? Why only for the second quarter of the XIX century "the history of the Russian state" beat six times? Continued

N.M.Karamzin The history of the Russian state

Edition of the "Story of the Russian State" 1850
A source

The history of the Russian state, the first series "Rurik"

1 video

The history of the Russian state, the third series "Askold and Dir"

1 video

The history of the Russian state (Series 245)

1 video

Yu.M.lotman. Poetry Karamzin

To the number of writers sent at one time the development of culture, but distant from the aesthetic ideas of the modern reader, belongs to Karamzin. Even the educated person of our days knows Karamzin only as the author of the sensitive and archaic "poor Lisa", and his "story" remembers several Pushkin epigram. Canonized by gymnasium and school textbooks "Mirny" The image of Karamzin contradicts what we know about the historical fate of his heritage. Continuation of the article
Streams N.Karamzin here, here, here

N.M.Karamzin - about happiness

In 1797, a small brochure was published in Moscow N.M. Karamzin "Talk about right (2nd ed. 1802), in which the concept of happiness for the Russian version of sentimentalism is presented in the form of conversations of the Filaletta and Melodorah. It is largely focused on the disputes and theories, which turned around this presentation in the European Literature of the XVIII century. We will try to determine the originality of the Karamzin view on this problem. Karamzin believes that life is carried out in a circle, like nature (Wed. Poems 1789 "Anthem", Translation from Thomson). Of the opposition of a moving time and the predomantic opposition here and there (Wed, the poem of 1787 follows "Happiness is truly stored ...".) In poem "Peace and Glory" (1797) Karamzin argues with Rousseau, believed that under the influence of science and arts, a person has confused the values \u200b\u200bof "peace and liberty", and, therefore, happiness.
Details of Karamzin's views