Bashkirs in the world. What faith are modern Bashkirs? Myths and legends Bashkir

Bashkirs in the world. What faith are modern Bashkirs? Myths and legends Bashkir
Bashkirs in the world. What faith are modern Bashkirs? Myths and legends Bashkir

Bashkirs - ancient peopleliving in the south of the Urals for at least 12th centuries. Their history is extremely interesting, and it is surprising that, despite the surroundings of strong neighbors, Bashkirs retained their uniqueness and tradition so far, although, of course, ethnic assimilation makes its business. The population of Bashkiria for 2016 is about 4 million people. Not all residents of the region are native speakers and ancient culture, but the spirit of the ethnic volume is preserved here.

Geographical position

Bashkortostan is located on the border of Europe and Asia. The territory of the republic is just over 143 thousand square meters. km and covers part of the Eastern European Plain, mining system Southern Urals and Zuraloga Hills. The capital of the region is Ufa - is the largest settlement of the republic, the rest of the population and the size of the territory are greatly inferior to it.

Bashkortostan relief is extremely diverse. The highest point of the region is Zigalga Range (1427 m). Plains and hills are well suited for agriculture, so the population of Bashkiria has long been engaged in cattle breeding and crop production. Republic is rich water resources, There are pools of rivers such as Volga, Urals and Ob. 12 thousand rivers proceed along the territory of Bashkiria different sizeHere there is 2,700 lakes, mainly spring origin. Also created 440 artificial reservoirs.

The region has large mineral reserves. So, here deposits of oil, gold, iron ore, copper, natural Gas, zinc. Bashkiria is located in the zone of moderate belt, on its territory a lot of mixed forests, forest-steppes and steppes. Here are three large reserves and several natural reserves. Bashkortostan borders with such constituent entities of the Federation as Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions, with Udmurtia and Tatarstan.

History of the Bashkir Nor

The first people in the territory of modern Bashkiria lived another 50-40 thousand years ago. Archaeologists found traces of ancient parking in the cave of Imanai. In the era of Paleolitis, Mesolith and Neolithic, the tribes of hunters and collectors lived here, they mastered local territories, tamed animals, left pictures on the walls of the caves. The genes of these first settlers became the base for the formation of Bashkir nation.

The first mentions of Bashkara can read the works of Arab geographers. They say that in the 9-11 centuries, the people named "Bashkort" lived on both sides of the Ural Mountains. In the 10-12th centuries, Bashkirs were part of the state from the beginning of the 13th century, they felt violently with the Mongols who wanted to capture their lands. As a result, a partnership agreement was concluded, and for 13-14 centuries, the Bashkir people are part of the Golden Horde on special conditions. Bashkirs were not the people, crowning tribute. They retained their own social device and were in the kagan in military service. After the collapse of the Golden Horde, Bashkirs was part of the Kazan and Siberian Horde.

In the 16th century, a strong pressure on the independence of Bashkir on the part of the Russian kingdom began. In the 1550s, Ivan Grozny called on the people to voluntarily enter into his state. Negotiations were conducted for a long time, and in 1556 an agreement was concluded on the entry of Bashkir to the Russian kingdom on special conditions. The people retained their rights to religion, administration, army, but paid the Russian tag, for this to receive assistance in the reflection of external aggression.

Until the 17th century, the terms of the contract were observed, but with the coming to power of the Romanov began to encourage the sovereign rights of Bashkir. This led to a whole series of uprisings of the 17-18th centuries. The people suffered huge losses in the struggle for their rights and independence, but was able to defend their autonomy in the composition Russian EmpireAlthough still for certain concessions to go.

In the 18th-19 centuries, Bashkiria was repeatedly subjected to administrative reform, but in general reserved the right to accommodate in historical borders. The population of Bashkiria throughout its history was excellent warriors. Bashkirs actively participated in all the battles, which Russia led: in the war of 1812, the first and second world wars. The losses of the people were great, but also victories of Slavs. Among the Bashkir, there are many real heroes-warriors.

At the time of the 1917 coup, the Bashkiria was first on the side of the resistance of the Red Army, the Bashkir army was created, which defended the idea of \u200b\u200bthe independence of this nation. However, for a number of reasons in 1919, the Bashkir government has passed under the management of Soviet power. As part of the Soviet Union, Bashkiria wanted to form the Union Republic. But Stalin stated that Tatarstan and Bashkortostan could not be allied republics, as they are Russian enclaves, therefore the Bashkir Autonomous Republic was created.

In Soviet times, the region had to survive the difficulties and processes characteristic of the USSR. Here were collectivization and industrialization. During the war in Bashkiria, many industrial and other enterprises were evacuated, which were the basis of post-war industrialization and recovery. During the years of restructuring, in 1992, the Republic of Bashkortostan was proclaimed with its constitution. Today, Bashkiria is actively engaged in revival national Identity and original traditions.

The total population of Bashkiria. Dynamics of indicators

The first Bashkiria was held in 1926, then 2 million 665 thousand people lived on the territory of the republic. Later, the estimate of the number of residents of the region was carried out with different periodicity, and only from the end of the 20th century, such data began to be collected annually.

Before the beginning of the 21st century, the dynamics of the number was positive. The greatest increase in the number of residents fell at the beginning of the 50s. During the remaining periods, the region has steadily increased by an average of 100 thousand people. A small deceleration of the increase was recorded in the early 1990s.

And only since 2001, a negative annually, the number of inhabitants was reduced by several thousand people. By the end of the 2000s, the situation corrected a bit, but in 2010 the number of residents began to decrease.

Today, the population in Bashkiria (2016) stabilized, the number is 4 million 41 thousand people. While demographic and economic indicators do not allow to expect to improve the situation. But Bashkortostan's leadership puts its primary task to reduce mortality and increase fertility in the region, which should have a positive impact on the number of its inhabitants.

Administrative division of Bashkortostan

Starting from the mid-16th century, Bashkiria as part of the Russian Empire combined around Ufa. At first it was a Ufa County, then the Ufa Province and Ufa Gubernia. In Soviet times, the region survived several territorial administrative reforms related to consolidation, then with crushing to areas. In 2009, today's division of Bashkortostan on territorial units was adopted. According to republican legislation in the region, 54 district, 21st city, of which are 8 - republican subordination, 4532 rural settlements. Today, the population of Bashkiria cities is gradually growing mainly due to internal migration.

Distribution of the population

Russia is a predominantly agricultural country, about 51% of the number of Russians live in rural settlements. If you evaluate the population of Bashkiria cities (2016), then you can see that about 48% of the population lives in them, i.e. 1.9 million people from total in 4 million. That is, the region is stacked in the all-Russian tendency. The list of cities of Bashkiria in terms of population is as follows: The largest settlement is Ufa (1 million 112 thousand people), the rest of the settlements are much smaller in size, in the top five, Sterlitamak is also included (279 thousand people), Salavat (154 thousand), Neftekamsk (137 thousand) and Oktyabrsky (114 thousand). Other cities belong to the number of small, their number does not exceed 70 thousand people.

Age-Poland Population of the Bashkiria

The all-Russian indicator of the relationship of women and men is approximately 1.1. And at an early age, the number of boys surpasses the number of girls, but with age the picture changes to the opposite. Considering the population of Bashkiria, you can see that this trend is preserved here. On average, each thousand men account for 1139 women.

The distribution of the population as follows in the Republic of Bashkiria is as follows: younger than able-bodied - 750 thousand people, older than able-bodied - 830 thousand people, working age - 2.4 million people. Thus, on 1000 people of working age accounts for about 600 people of young and elderly. On average, this corresponds to all-Russian trends. The sexually agreed model of Bashkiria allows the region to the aging type, which indicates the future complication of the demographic and economic situation in the region.

National population population

Since 1926, monitored national composition residents of the Bashkir Republic. During this time, the following trends were identified: the number of Russian population gradually decreases, from 39.95% to 35.1%. And the amount of Bashkir increases, from 23.48% to 29%. And the ethnic Bashkir population of Bashkiria for 2016 is 1.2 million people. The remaining national groups are represented by such numbers: Tatars - 24%, Chuvashi - 2.6%, Mariers - 2.5%. Other nationalities are presented with groups of less than 1% of the total population.

There is in the region a big problem Conservation of small nations. So, the population of Kryazhenov over the past 100 years has grown, Mishari is on the verge of extinction, and the referee completely disappeared. Therefore, the leadership of the region is trying to create special conditions To preserve the remaining small subethnos.

Language and religion

In national regions, there is always a problem of preserving religion and language, no exception and Bashkiria. The religion of the population is an important part of national identity. For Bashkir, the original faith is Islam Sunni sense. In Soviet times, religion was under an unlaxed prohibition, although the intrameal estimation often was still built on Muslim traditions. In post-transfers in Bashkiria, the revival of religious customs begins. For 20 years in the region, more than 1000 mosques were opened (in Soviet times there were only 15), about 200 orthodox churches and several religious institutions of other denominations. And yet the dominant religion of the region remains Muslim, this religion has about 70% of all churches of the republic.

Language is an important part of the national self-consciousness. In Bashkiria, there were no special language policies in Soviet times. Therefore, part of the population began to lose their native speech. Since 1989, special work has been conducted in the republic to revive the national language. The school has been introduced in the native language (Bashkir, Tatar). Today, 95% of the population is owned by the Russian language, 27% own Bashkir, 35% - Tatar.

Economy Region

Bashkortostan is one of the most stable in the economic plan of regions of Russia. Bashkiria's subsoil is rich in minerals, so, the Republic ranks 9th in the country for the extraction of oil and 1st - for its recycling. The regional economy is well diversified and therefore well overcomes the complexity of crisis times. Several industries ensure the stability of the development of the republic, this is:

The petrochemical industry, represented by large combines: Bashneft, Sterlitamak Neftechimzavod, Bashkir Soda Company;

Mechanical engineering and metallurgy, including a trolleybus plant, Nephtemash, Kumertau airline, enterprise for the production of all-terrain vehicles "Vityaz", Neftekamsky Automobile Plant;

Energy industry;

Processing industry.

Agriculture has great importance for the economy of the region, Bashkir peasants are successfully engaged in animal husbandry and growing plants.

In the region, the trade and scope of service are well developed, which negatively affects the decline in the incomes of the population (2016) in Bashkiria, but still the situation in the republic is much better than in the subsidy regions of the country.


In general, the population of Bashkiria is in more good economic conditions than the inhabitants of many other regions. However, in 2016, unemployment growth was recorded here, in half a year the figure rose by 11% compared with last year. Also, there is also a decline in trade and consumption of services, reducing wages and real incomes of the population. All this leads to another clutch of unemployment. First of all, young professionals and graduates of universities will fall under the blow without experience. This leads to the fact that the outflow of young people and qualified employees from the region begins.

Infrastructure of the region

For any region is important which allows residents to experience satisfaction from accommodation in a particular place. The population of Bashkiria for 2016 quite highly appreciates the living conditions in its region. In Bashkortostan, many forces and means are invested in repair and construction of roads, bridges, health facilities. Transport and tourist infrastructure develops in the republic. However, definitely, there are problems, in particular with the security of the population, institutions of education and culture. The region has obvious difficulties with ecology, numerous production enterprises negatively affect the purity of water and air in the area of \u200b\u200blarge cities. However, urban infrastructure is significantly better developed than rural, which leads to an outflow of the rural population in the city.

Demographic characteristics of the population

According to demographic indicators, Bashkortostan is beneficial from many regions of the country. So, fertility in the republic is a bit, but the last 10 years is growing (only 2011 was the exception, when a decrease of 0.3% occurred). But, unfortunately, mortality is also growing in recent years, although less pace than birth rate. Therefore, the population of Bashkiria shows a small natural increase that is uncharacteristic for the country as a whole.

Southern Urals, Southern Pre- and Zauralye. Number 1 million 673 thousand people. In the number of Bashkira occupy the fourth place in the Russian Federation after the Russians, Tatars and Ukrainians. They speak Bashkir. Believers - Muslim Sunnis.

The great historian S. I. Rudenko in the fundamental work "Bashkira" relates Bashkir with tribes that lived in the Urals in the second millennium BC. In the Urals, judging by written sources, the ancient bashkirsky tribes lived more than a thousand years ago, as evidenced by the messages of travelers. By -X centuries, the first written information about Bashkira. About 840 g. Bashkir visited the Arab traveler Sallam At-Tarjun, who pointed out the approximate limits of the country Bashkir. Another Arabic author is Al-Masidi (died about 956), a narrative of wars near the Aral Sea, Bashkir mentions among the warring peoples. Other authors wrote about Bashkarah as the main population of the Southern Urals. Ibn Ruste (903) reported that Bashkirs were "the people of independent, which occupied the territory on both sides of the Ural Range between Volgo, Kamou, Tobol and the Upper Tower of Yaik." Reliable data about Bashkhah contains the book of Ahmed Ibn Fadlan, who in 922 in the embassy of the Baghdad Caliph visited the Volga Bulgaria. He describes them as militant turkic peopleworshiped by various forces of nature, birds and beasts. At the same time, the author reports, the other group Bashkir confessed the higher form of religion, including Pantheon from the twelve-spirits led by the Heavenly God of Tengri.

Territory modern Bashkortostana there was a zone of interaction of Finno-Ugric, Turkic and indo-European peoples. The most common etymology of self-discharge "Bashkort" - from "Bash" - "Head" and Turko-Otelkogo "Gurt", "Kurt" - "Wolf" (the influence of the Oguz tribes (Pechenegi) in the ethnogenesis of the ancient Bashkir is undoubtedly). Ibn Fadlan, who left the first reliable information about Bashkara, clearly points to the Turkic belonging of Bashkir.

Epoch Golden Horde

Adopting Moscow citizenship

The establishment of Moscow suzerita over Bashkirs was not a one-time act. The first (in the winter of 1554), the Moscow citizenship adopted the Western and Northwest Bashkirs, subject to the previously Kazan Khan. Following them (in 1554-1557), the Bashkirs of the Central, Southern and Southeast Bashkiria, which coexisted then on one territory with the Nogai Horde, were established with Ivan Grozny. The Zaral Bashkirs were forced to go to the agreement with Moscow in the 80s-190s of the XVI century, after the collapse of the Siberian Khanate. The size of Kazan, Ivan Grozny appeals to the Bashkir people with a call to voluntarily come under his highest hand. Bashkirs responded at the People's Public Assembly, they decided to switch to Moscow vassalitet based on an equal agreement with the king. It was a second case in their centuries-old history. The first was a contract with Mongols (XIII century). In agreement, the conditions were clearly stipulated. The Moscow Sovereign kept all their lands for Bashkirs and recognized the faithful right of them (noteworthy: besides Bashkir, no people who adopted Russian citizenship did not have the imaginary right to land). Moscow king also promised to maintain local government, not to oppress the Muslim religion ("... Given the Word and swore Bashkir, professing Islam, never rape into another religion ..."). Thus, Moscow went to the serious concessions to Bashkir, which, naturally, responded to its global interests. Bashkirs, in turn, have pledged to carry military service At your own expense and pay the treasury Yasak - to file a lot.

The collection of taxes from the territory of Bashkortostan was instructed by the order of the Kazan Palace. The territory of Bashkortostan in the XVI-XVII centuries. In the royal documents, it was designated as "Ufa County", which was divided into Nogai, Kazan, Siberian and Osinsk roads (Darugi). The Zaral Bashkirs were as part of the Siberian road. The roads consisted of tribal volosts, which, in turn, were divided into childbirth (aimaki or tubes).

In 1737, the Zaral part of Bashkortostan was attributed to the newly created Iset Province, the territory of which covered the modern Kurgan, the northeastern part of the Chelyabinsk, South-Tyumen, East - Sverdlovsk regions. In 1744, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, the highest decree commanded "to be in Orenburg province and refer to the Orenburg province and to be the governor of the secret advisor to Neptevu." The Orenburg province was formed as part of the Orenburg, Ufa and Isetian provinces.

Bashkir uprisising

During the lifetime of John the Terrible Terms of Agreement, they were still observed, and he, despite his cruelty, remained in the memory of the Bashkir people as kind, "White" king. With the coming to power of the house of Romanov in the XVII century. The policy of tsarism in Bashkortostan immediately began to change in the worse. In the words of the authorities, Bashkir was assured in their loyalty to the terms of the agreement, in fact they stood on the path of their violations. This was expressed, first of all, in the plundering of the victims of the Bashkir lands and the construction of the stamped, the sews, Slobod, Christian monasteries, lines. Seeing the mass rejection of his lands, violation of the original rights and freedoms, Bashkirs rose to the uprisings in 1645, 1662-1664, 1681-1684, 1705-11 / 25. Tsarist authorities They were forced to satisfy many demands of the rebels. After the Bashkir uprising 1662-1664. The government once again officially confirmed the fixed right of Bashkir to Earth. During the rebellion of 1681-1684. - freedom of confession Islam. After the uprising of 1705-11. (Embassy from Bashkir again swore to the loyalty to the emperor only in 1725) - confirmed the defendant rights and the special status of Bashkir and held trialended with condemnation for exceeding the powers and execution of government "prominent workers" Sergeeva, Dohova and Zhikhareva, who demanded Taxes not provided for by law, which served as one of the reasons to the uprising. In the course of the uprisings, Bashkir detachments reached Samara, Saratov, Astrakhan, Vyatki, Tobolsk, review Kazan (1708) and the Caucasus Mountains (with the unsuccessful assault on its allies - the Caucasian mountaineers and Russian Cossacks-Raskolniki, the Tereg town, was captured and later executed one of the leaders of the Bashkir uprising 1705-11, Sultan Murat). Human and material losses were huge.

The most severe on the losses for the Bashkir themselves is the uprising of 1735-1740, during which Khan Sultan Gary (Karasakal) was elected. According to the estimates of the American historian A. S. Donnelly, every fourth person died from Bashkir. The next uprising broke out in 1755. The reason was rumors about religious persecutions and the abolition of light Yasaka (the only tax to Bashkir; Yasak was taken only from the ground and confirmed their record status landowners) with the simultaneous ban on free salt mining, which Bashkirs considered their privilege. The uprising was brilliantly planned, but was broken because of the spontaneous premature performance of Bashkir, the genus Burzyan, who killed a small official - a bribe and a violence of Bragin. Because of this ridiculous and tragic random, plans for the simultaneous performance of Bashkir of all 4 roads, this time - in the Union with Mishairs, and, perhaps, Tatars and Kazakhs were torn. The most famous ideologue of this movement was Ahong of the Siberian Road of Bashkiria, Mishar Gabdulla Galiev (Batyrusha). Captive Mulla Batursha wrote his famous "letter to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna", which came to the present day as an interesting example of the analysis of the causes of Bashkir uprisings by their participant.

The last Bashkir uprising is considered to participate in the Peasant War of 1773-1775. Emelyan Pugacheva, hero of this uprising Salavat Yulaev also remained in popular memory.

The result of these uprisers was the establishment of the status of the Bashkir.

Bashkirs in the Patriotic War of 1812

Before the start of the war: The 1st Bashkir regiment was as part of the Cossack Corps of Ataman Platov, located in the city of Grodno, the Bashkir Regiment entered the 1st Brigade of Colonel Ilovai 12th, 5th Cavalry Division, the 2nd Western Army. The Timirovsky Cossack Regiment He entered the avant-garde of the 3rd infantry building of Lieutenant General Tuchkov 1st. Radant about the beginning of the war, Bashkirs immediately formed the 3rd, 4th, 5th Bashkir regiments of volunteers.

Cossack Corps of Platov, covering the waste of the Army of Bagration, 15 (27) of June 1812, accepted the fight under Grodno, in which the 1st Bashkir regiment actively participated. The ordinary Buranai Chuvashbaev, Uzbek Akmurzin, Esaul Isan Abubakirov, Khorunjy Gilman Hudayberdin, were especially distinguished.

Familiar battles of the cavalry of Platov with French avant-garde on June 17 (July 9). A team of General Touro from the six regiments was broken down by headlong. In this battle, together with the Don Cossacks, Bashkir Conneels fought. Again, distinguished ordinary Uzbek Akmurzin for this fight was produced in the ledges.

1 (13) July Corps of Platov arrived in Romanovo2 (14) July, seven cavalry regiments of the enemy were met by the Cossacks, Bashkirs, Kalmyks and after a stubborn battle. Having received a reinforcement, the enemy took the second attack, but, when he came across a persistent defense, was forced to re-retreat. Again, the distinguished office of Buranai Chuvashbayev for an excellent service and manifested bravery was produced in the ledges.

Borodino. The 3rd battalion of the Ufa infantry regiment was particularly distinguished.

in Bashkiria, and from Bashkir adjacent counties of the Perm and Orenburg province, 28 (including 6 repairs) Bashkir, 2 Mishar (Meshcheryak) and 2 Tortyrine Cossack shelf were formed.

On August 15, 1812, Bashkira, Tytyari and Mishari donated 500 thousand of the then full-time rubles of the royal chasing in favor of the army.

Every regiment had his banner. The banner of the 5th Bashkir Regiment of Volunteers is still holy in the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Bashkiro-Meshcheryak army. Cantonian control system

The most significant of reforms in relation to Bashkirov conducted by the Tsarist Government in the XVIII century was the introduction of a canton system of the management system, acting with some changes up to 1865. By decree of April 10, 1798, the Bashkir and the Mishar population of the region was transferred to the military service and necessarily to bear the border service on the eastern borders of Russia. Administratively created cantons. The Zaralsk Bashkirs were part of the 2nd (Yekaterinburg and Shadrinsky County), the 3rd (Trinity County) and the 4th (Chelyabinsk County) of Cantons. The 2nd Canton was in Perm, 3rd and 4th - in Orenburg provinces. In 1802-1803 Bashkirs of Shadrinsky county were highlighted in an independent 3rd canton. In this regard, the ordinal numbers of cantons have changed. The former 3rd Canton (Troitsky County) became the 4th, and the former 4th (Chelyabinsk county) - 5th.

Large changes in the canton control system were undertaken in the 1930s of the XIX century. From the Bashkir and Mishar population of the region, a Bashkiro-Meshcheryak army was formed, which included 17 cantons. The latter were combined in guardianship. Bashkirs and Mishari 2nd (Yekaterinburg and Krasnoufim district) and the 3rd (Shadrinsky county) Cantons were included in the first, 4th (Trinity County) and the 5th (Chelyabinsk County) - in second guardianship with centers, respectively, in Krasnoufimsk and Chelyabinsk. The law "On the accession of the black and bobbers to the Bashkiro-Meshcheryak tska." Of February 22, the Tshotarsky shelves were included in the canton system of Bashkiro-Meshcheryak troops. The very name was changed to the Bashkir army by the law "On the naming of Bashkiro-Meshcheryakgago troops by the Bashkir army. October 31, "

Proclamation of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Education Agreement

After the revolutions of 1917, the Allbizhkarsky congresses (Kurultai) are held on which the decision is made to create the National Republic in the composition of federal Russia. As a result, on November 16, 1917, the educated Bashkir regional (Central) Shuro (Council) proclaims the creation in territories with mainly Bashkir population of the Orenburg, Perm, Samara, Ufa Province of the Republic of Bashkhardistan.

Theories of Ethnogenesis Bashkir

Ethnogenesis Bashkir is extremely complicated. The southern Urals and the adjacent steppes where the formation of the people occurred, has long been the arena of the active interaction of various tribes and cultures.

In the 20th century Research Rudenko, R. G. Kuzeva, N. K. Dmitriev, J.K.Kyekbaeva, etc. The point of view is justified, according to which, in the origin of Bashkir, the formation of their ethnocultural appearance was played by the Turkic tribes of Southernibirsk-Central Asian origin with the participation of local ( Uralsky) Population: Finno-Ugorsky (including Thro-Magyarsky), Sarmato Alansky (Anneransky). The ancienturk ancestors of Bashkir, who experienced the influence of Mongols and Tunguso-Manchuri on the ancestors, before joining the South Urals, nomaded in the south Western Siberia., in Kazakhstan, then in the Priaral-Syrdarya steppes, entering into contacts with the Pechenezhski-Ogzi and Kimako-Kypchak's tribes. With con. 9 - in Nach. 10 V. Bashkirs live on Southern Urals With adjacent from the West, the South and East steppe and forest-steppe spaces. From 9 c. It becomes a famous ethnonym "Bashkort". According to many researchers, he originates on behalf of the well-known sources of the military man holder Bashkhrd, under the leadership of which Bashkirs united into the military-political union and then began to master the modern territory of the settlement. Another name of Bashkir ("ICTEK" / "EXEC") was also allegedly anthroponym. In the southern Urals, Bashkir was part of the part of the Aboriginal (Finno-Ugric, Iranian) population, partly assimilated, came into contact with Kamsko-Volzhsky Bulgarians, sedentary tribes of the Ural Volga and Western Siberia.


Turkic theory

Theory of complex origin

Traditional classes and crafts

The main occupation of Bashkir in the past was nomadic (Jaylyaouight) cattle breeding; Hunting, bortar, beekeeping, poultry farming, fishing were spread. Gathering. Crafts - weaving, highlight felt, production of lounge carpets, chalee, embroidery, skin treatment (leatherworking), wood treatment.

Kurgan Bashkira

Kurgan Bashkirs - Ethno-territorial group of the Bashkir people, compactly residing in the west of the Kurgan region. The total number is 15470 people. Remainted mainly in Almenhevsky, Safakulevsky, Schuchansky districts of the region. The largest settlements With the predominance of the Bashkir population in the Kurgan Prural - Dangkulovo, Sart-Abdravo, Sharipovo, Subbotino, Sulemanovo, Suleimanovo, Peace, Yulamanovo, Azulino, Tungui, and others. The absolute majority of Kurgan Bashkir - rural residents. Believers - Muslims (Sunni)

The Language of Kurgan Bashkir refers to the Yalano-Katai subpoeor of the Eastern dialect of the Bashkir language. There are quite a few rusism in the feed. Most Kurgan Bashkir also owns Russian.

Anthropological types, common among Kurgan (Yalano-Katai), Bashkir occupy an intermediate place between the European and Mongoloidary Big Races (Yuzhnosibirskiy, Subural, Pamiro-Fergana, Pontic, Light Europeoid)

The folk culture of this group of Bashkir is characterized by the greatly preservation of many elements of traditional family ritual, vintage folklore samples, folkwear. Characteristic in traditional clothes are women's breastplant jewelry "Yaga", head covers "Kushuyuzyk".

Not most of The immigrants from Kurgan Bashkir are now residents of Cities Chelyabinsk, Surgut, Ekaterinburg, Kurgan, Tyumen. Some families since 1960-1970 (as a result of migrations) also live in the regions of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Orenburg Bashkira

Bashkirs of the Orenburg region are considered indigenous inhabitants. According to the 1989 census, Bashkirs lives compact in the following areas - Krasnogvardeysky (5378 people), Gayi (2734 people), Saraktashsky (1881 people), Kuvandyksky (1864 people). In general, Bashkirs live in all areas of the region, as well as in cities - Orenburg (6211 people), Orsk (4521 people), Mednogorsk (2839 people), Guy (1965 people), etc. In Orenburg, there is a monument of history and culture of the Bashkir people Caravan -Saray (KarauanHaray), built in 1838-44 on the initiative of representatives of Bashkir birth under the guardianship of the Military Governor Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky. Orenburg region gave the Bashkir people outstanding people - Mukhametshchez Turangulov (People's Sensen, the famous folklorist, for the first time the manuscript of the Bashkir oral folk epic epos "Ural-Batyr", "Akbuzat", "Karasakal and Salavat", and others, from Verkhne-Ilyasovo village Krasnogvardeysky district), Give Yulta (writer, from the village of Yultievo Krasnogvardeysky district), Sagit Agish (writer, master short stories, from the village of Iesyangildino Charlyak district), Ravil Bikbaev (poet, from the village of Verkhne-Kunakbaevo Pokrovsky district), Gabdulla Amante (writer, from the village of Verkhne-Ilyasovo Krasnogvardeysky district), Khabibullah Ibragimov (Dramatourg and Composer, from Orenburg), Valiulla Murtazin Imansky (actor, director and playwright, from the village of Imanguilovo Oktyabrsky district), Amir Abdrazakov (actor and director, from the village of Kaipkulovo Aleksandrovsky district).

Perm Bashkira

The Bashkir Runoplexian Gaine Organization in the XIII century occupied extensive territories along the shores of Kama - from the mouth of the Siva River to the mouth of the River Ochra, and then the border of the land went along the Sylva River to the top course then r. Irginka went to the upper reaches of the river rapid tanyap.

After the defeat of Kazan, the king Ivan Grozny in 1552, Bashkira-Gainnants in 1557 adopted his citizenship and received from the King "Owning diploma", according to which they remained the owners of land between the Kama River, Syll and Belaya. Later, they, like the rest of Bashkirs, were defined in a military estate like the Cossack, paid a small community tax, for they should have protected the border and participate in the wars, which Russia led. When the canton system was installed, the Guinnings entered the 1st Bashkir Canton. The most famous for them was to participate in the war against Napoleon (France). 13 Perm Bashkir for military merit in the war were awarded a silver medal "In memory of the war of 1812".

After receiving the Gainnants of the Moscow citizenship, the government began to pursue the policies of the colonization of the region. At first, hanged Gainnans from the indigenous lands, built a new-Nikolskaya Sloboda, which later turned into an Osinsky fortress. In 1618, Andrei Krylov is building a cottage, which then turned into with. Walleo. In 1739, the Shermeika River General-Annef Alexander Glebov builds a copperlative plant. Gainnants raised more than once to preserve their territory, but the uprisings were brutally suppressed. Gainnants participated in all Bashkir uprisings. According to the testimony of Batyrshi, during the uprising period of 1735-40. 400 Gaining warriors destroyed the 1000th team of "Wolitsa" at 4 guns and "only after the truce gave guns." During the period of 1755, they had a very important role in them, but the performance of Bashkir Gaine was in the embrying of the powerful Tarkhan Gaininsky Bashkir, the Rudo-industrialist and the elderly Tuktamysham Ishbulatov (in the future - a deputy from Bashkir in the Ekaterininsky laid commission and Pugachevsky Colonel). The most significant uprising was their participation in Pugachev Uprising 1773-1775, where more than 9,000 Gainnitsev participated. They gave this war of 9 colonels, 7 atamans and 16 hiking elders. After that, their land remained within the Guinean parish.

The famous people appeared among the guynans of that time. This Ismail Tasimov, on the initiative of which the first mining school was opened, now the Mining University. The second bright representative of the region was Tuktamysh of Izhbulatov, who was the head of the head of the commissioned commission for 20 years, was a member of the commissioned commission, and 3 times came out at the Commission meetings. The third representative was Mansur Gata-Hazret, deputy of the State Duma, who opened the progressive madrasa in p. Sultanai.

Bashkirs Samara region

Bashkirs began to settle in the Samara region since the XVIII century, they were founded by village now located in the territories of the Trucks and Bolshalshitsky districts of the Samara region (earlier the Imaleeval parish of the Samara Province). They are also known as the Irgiz Bashkirs, since most of their villages are located in the Valley of the Irgiz River. Samara Bashkirs Despite their remoteness from the historical homeland, they speak on the literary Bashkir language, as their ancestors are immigrants from the southeast of Bashkortostan, and not from the Tatar-speaking North-West. Samara land gave the Bashkir people a number famous people. These writers are Rashit Nigmia (1909-1959, from the village of Dinghesbayevo Trucregovsky district), Hassan Bashar (1901-1938, from the village of Utyakaevo Trucachina (1905-1954, from the village of Khasanovo Trustshin (1893-1938 , from the village of Tashbulatovo, now Tash-Kutanianovo Bolshablushitsky district), his cousin, Language Gabbas Davletshin (1892-1937, from the same village), participant of the Bashkir national liberation movement, Akhmad Zaki Validi Charis Yumagulov (1891-1937, from the village of Khasanovo), Fatima Mustafina (1913-1998, from the village of Dinghesbayevo) Minister of Enlightenment Bolstered (1955-1971).

Bashkirs Chelyabinsk region

More than 166 thousand Bashkir live in the Chelyabinsk region. The Bashkir population is presented in most areas of the region. Compact settlements of Bashkir are available in Argayash, Kunashak, Sosnovsky, Kusinsky, Krasnoarmeysky, Nazinetrovsk, Oktyabrsky, Castinsky, Chebarkul, Uysky, Kizilskiy, Agapovsky, Ashinsky, Kyshtym and some other areas of the region. To the Great Patriotic War on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region there was Argayash National District Notes

The Russian federal republic is a multinational state, here are also living, and the representatives of many nations are working, one of which are Bashkirs living in the Republic of Bashkortostan (the capital of Ufa) on the territory of the Volga region Federal District. It must be said that Bashkirs live not only in this territory, they can be found everywhere in all corners of the Russian Federation, as well as in Ukraine, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Bashkirs or how they themselves call themselves Bashkorts - the indigenous Turkic population of Bashkiria, according to statistical data on the territory autonomous Republic About 1.6 million people live this nationality, a significant amount of Bashkir lives in Chelyabinsk (166 thousand), Orenburg (52.8 thousand), about 100 thousand representatives of this nationality are located in the Perm region, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions. Their religion is Islamic Sunnism. Bashkir traditions, their life and customs are very interesting and differ from other traditions of the peoples of Turkic nationality.

Culture and life of the Bashkir people

Until the end of the 19th century, Bashkirs conducted a half-blood lifestyle, but gradually became saddled and mastered agriculture, Eastern Bashkirs practiced from summer nomads for some time and in the summer they preferred to live in yurts, over time, and they began to live in wooden logs or global huts, and Then in more modern facilities.

Family life and celebration of the folk holidays of Bashkirov almost until the end of the 19th century was susceptible to strict patriarchal polls, in which the customs of the Muslim Sharia were present in the complement. The influence of Arab traditions, which implied clearly dividing the Rodance line to the maternal and fatherly part, was necessary, this was subsequently necessary to determine the status of each family member in hereditary issues. The right of Minrata (the advantage of the right of the youngest son), when the house and all the property in it after the death of the father passed to younger SonThe older brothers had to get their share of inheritance during the lifetime of the Father, when they married, and daughters when they got married. Previously, Bashkirs rather early gave their daughters to marry, the optimal age for this was considered to be 13-14 years old (bride), 15-16 years old (groom).

(Picture F.Rubbo "Hunt Bashkir with falcons in the presence of Emperor Alexander II" 1880s)

The rich Bashkorts practiced polygamy, because Islam permits to have up to 4 wives at the same time, and there was a custom to discharge children even in the cradle, parents drank baht (koumiss or divorced honey from one duly) and thus concluded a wedding union. When marriage to marriage, it was customary to give Kalim, which depended on the material state of parents of newlyweds. It could be 2-3 horses, cows, a few outfits, a pair of shoes, painted handkerchief or a bathrobe, the mother of the bride was given by the fox fur coat. In the marriage relationship old traditions, operated the Levirat rule ( younger brother Must marry the senior wife), sorrot (widower marries the younger sister of his late wife). Islam plays a huge role in all spheres of public life, from here and the special position of women in the family circle, in the process of marriage and divorce, as well as in hereditary relationships.

Traditions and customs of the Bashkir people

The main festivities of the Bashkir people spend in spring and summer. The people of Bashkortostan notes Kargatuy "Gracy Holiday" at the time when the gri in the spring, the meaning of the holiday is the celebration of the moment of waking nature from winter sleep And also, the reason to turn to the forces of nature (by the way, Bashkirs believe that it is the rules that are closely connected with them) with a request for the well-being and fertility of the upcoming agricultural season. Previously, the female and the younger generation could be involved in the festival, now these restrictions were removed, and men can also drive dance, to eat ritual porridge and leave her remnants on special boulders for rods.

Sabantui Plow festival is devoted to the beginning of work in the fields, all residents of the village came to an open area and participated in various competitions, they fought, competed in the race, rolled down on horseback and dragged each other on the ropes. After determining and rewarding the winners, a total table with various eats and treats was covered, usually it was a traditional beshbarmak (a dish of crumbling boiled meat and noodles). Previously, this custom was held with the goal of backing the spirits of nature so that they make the land fertile, and she gave a good harvest, and over time it became the usual spring holidaymarked the beginning of heavy agricultural work. Residents samara region The traditions and the grace of the holiday and Sabantua were revived, which they celebrate every year.

An important holiday for Bashkir is called Jein (Yiyyn), residents of several villages attended him at once, during his holding various trading operations were held, parents agreed on the marriage of children, passed fair sales.

Also Bashkis Chew and celebrate all Muslim holidays, traditional for all Izlam's adherents: this is both Uraza-Bayram (End of the post), and Kurban-Bayram (Hazzha's celebration, in which it is necessary to sacrifice the ram, camel or cow), and Maulid -Baires (the prophet Muhammad is famous).

The Russian Federation - multiethnic country. The state is inhabited by various peoples whose beliefs, culture, traditions. There is such a subject of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Bashkortostan. It enters this subject of the Russian Federation borders with Orenburg, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions, Perm region, Republics as part of the Russian Federation - Udmurtia and Tatarstan. is the city of Ufa. The republic is the first autonomy on the national basis. It was formed back in 1917. In terms of population (more than four million people), she also ranks first among autonomy. The republic is inhabited mainly by Bashkirs. Culture, religion, people will be the topic of our article. It should be said that Bashkirs live not only in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Representatives of this nation can be found in other parts of the Russian Federation, as well as in Ukraine and in Hungary.

What kind of people are Bashkirs?

This is an autochthonous population of the historical area of \u200b\u200bthe same name. If there are more than four million people, then the ethnic Bashkirov lives only 1172287 people (according to the last census of 2010). In the whole of the Russian Federation there are one and a half million representatives of this nationality. About a hundred thousand left abroad. The Bashkir language stood out from the Altai family of Western-Ukrainian subgroup for a long time. But writing up to the beginning of the twentieth century they had on the basis of Arabic Vizia. In the Soviet Union "Decree from above", she was transferred to Latin, and during the reign of Stalin to Cyrillic. But not only the language unites the people. A fastening factor that allows to preserve its identity is also religion. Most believers Bashkir are Muslim Sunni. Below we will look at their religion in more detail.

History of the people

According to scientists, the ancient Bashkirs described even Herodotes and Claudi Ptolemy. "Father of History" called them argippey and pointed out that this people dress in Scythian, but speaks of a special adverium. The Chinese chronicles rank Bashkir to the Hun tribes. In the "Book of Sui" (seventh century), the nations of Bay Dean and Bo-Khan are mentioned. They can be identified as Bashkir and Volga Bulgar. Most clarity make medieval Arab travelers. Approximately 840 Sallam At-Tardzhun visited the region, described its limits and life of residents. He characterizes Bashkir as an independent people living on both slopes of the Ural Range, between the rivers Volga, Kama, Tobol and the Yik. These were semi-courses, but very militant. The Arab traveler mentions the animism that professed the ancient Bashkirs. The religion of them implied twelve gods: summer and winter, wind and rain, water and land, day and nights, horses and people, death. The main thing was the spirit of the sky. In beliefs, Bashkir also included elements of totemism (some tribes worshiped caravals, fish and snakes) and shamanism.

Great outcome to the Danube

In the ninth century, the foothills of the Urals in search of the best pastures left not only the ancient Magyars. They were joined by some Bashkir tribes - Cessa, Eni, Yurmaty and some others. This nomadic confederation first asslaved on the territory between Dnipro and Don, forming the country to Levedi. And at the beginning of the tenth century, under the leadership of the Arpad, she began promoting further to the West. Pass through the Carpathians, nomadic tribes won Pannonia and founded Hungary. But it should not be thought that Bashkirs quickly assimilated with the ancient Magyars. The tribes were divided and began to live on both shores of the Danube. Believers of the Bashkir, who managed to Islamined in the Ural region, began to be gradually replaced by one-hour. The Arabic chronicles of the twelfth century mention that Christian Hunkars live on the northern shore. And in the south of the Hungarian kingdom, Bashgird Muslims live. The main city they had Kerat. Of course, Islam in the heart of Europe could not exist long. Already in the thirteenth century, most Bashkirov passed into Christianity. And in the fourteenth Muslims in Hungary did not turn out at all.


But back to early times, before the outcome of the part of the nomadic tribes from the Urals. Consider more detail beliefs, which then confessed Bashkirs. This religion was called Tengri - by the name of the father of all things and God of the sky. In the universe, according to the ancient Bashkirov, there are three zones: the earth, on it and under it. And in each of them there was an explicit and invisible part. The sky was divided into several tiers. At the highest Tengri Khan. Bashkir, who did not know the statehood, was, however, a clear concept of all the other gods were responsible for the elements or the phenomenon of nature (the change of the time of the year, thunderstorms, rain, wind, etc.) and the Tengri Khan was unconditioned. Ancient Bashkirs did not believe in the resurrection of the soul. But they believed that the day would come, and they would come to life in the body, and would live on the Earth with a worldly mistake.

Connection with Islam

In the tenth century, Muslim missionaries began to penetrate the territory inhabited by Bashkirs and Volzhsky Bulgars. Unlike the Baptism of Russia, who met the fierce resistance of the pagan people, the nomads-Tengrians adopted Islam without excesses. The concept of the religion of Bashkir was ideally connected with ideas about the United Body, which the Bible gives. Tengri began to be associated with Allah. Nevertheless, the "lower gods" responsible for the elements and natural phenomenahave been honored for a long time. And now the trail of ancient beliefs can be traced in proverbs, rites and rituals. It can be said that the Tengryanism was ordered in the mass consciousness of the people, creating a kind of cultural phenomenon.

Taking Islam

The first Muslim burials on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan are dated to the eighth century. But, judging by the subjects found in the burial ground, one can judge that the deceased, most likely, were the arrivals. At an early stage of the deployment of the local population in Islam (the tenth century), the missionaries of such fraternities like N Naxbandia and Yasaviya played a major role. They arrived from cities Central Asia, mostly from Bukhara. It predetermined what religion to confess Bashkirs now. After all, the Bukhara kingdom adhered to Sunni Islam, in which the Sufi submissions and the Khanafi interpretations of the Quran were closely intertwined. But for the Western neighbors, all these nuances of Muslims were incomprehensible. Franciscans John Hungary and Wilhelm, who lived continuously for six years in Bashkiria, was sent in 1320 such a relational to the general of his order: "We found the sovereign of Baskardia and almost all of his households with completely infected Sarazinsky delusions." And this suggests that in the first half of the fourteenth century, most of the region's population took Islam.

Accession to Russia

In 1552, after the fall of Bashkiria, he became part of the Moscow kingdom. But local elders stated the rights to some autonomy. So, Bashkirs could continue to own their lands, confess their religion and live by the same way. Local cavalry participated in the battles of the Russian army against the Livonian Order. Religion from Tatars and Bashkir had several miscellaneous. The second accepted Islam much earlier. And religion became a factor in the self-identification of the people. With the accession of Bashkiria to Russia, dogmatic Muslim cults began to penetrate. The state wishing to keep under the control of all believing countries, established in 1782 in Ufa Muftiat. Such a spiritual domination led to the fact that in the nineteenth century, the believers split the edges. There was a traditionalist wing (cadymism), reformist (jadidism) and the iszanism (suffered sacred base).

What is the religion of Bashkir now?

Starting from the seventeenth century, the uprising constantly passed against the powerful North-Western neighbor. They especially become frequent in the eighteenth century. These uprisings were brutally suppressed. But Bashkirs, whose religion was a fracting element of the self-identification of the people, managed to preserve their rights to beliefs. They still confess the Islam of the Sunni sense with the elements of Sufism. At the same time, Bashkortostan is a spiritual center for all Muslims of the Russian Federation. There are more than three hundred mosques, the Islamic Institute, several madrasas in the republic. In Ufa there is central spiritual administration of the Muslims of the Russian Federation.

The people have retained early associate beliefs. Studying Bashkir rites, you can see that amazing syncretism appears in them. So, Tengri turned into the minds of the people in a single God, Allah. Other idols became associated with Muslim spirits - evil demons Or favorably located to Jeans people. A special place among them is occupied by Yort Eije (an analogue of the Slavic House), Hyu Eyah (Water) and Shurale (Leshel). An excellent illustration of religious syncretism is auble, where along with the teeth and claws of animals, from the evil eye they help written in the Bester of saying from the Quran. The grace holiday of Kargatuy is traces of a cult of ancestors, when the ritual porridge was left on the field. Many rituals practiced during childbirth, funeral and commemoration, also testify to the pagan past of the people.

Other religions in Bashkortostan

Given that from the entire population of the republic, ethnic Bashkirs constitute only a quarter, and should be mentioned about other religions. First of all, it is Orthodoxy, which penetrated here with the first Russian settlers (end of the XVI century). Later, the Old Believers passed here. In the XIX century, German and Jewish masters arrived in the edge. Lutheran chicks and synagogues appeared. When Poland and Lithuania became part of the Russian Empire, military and exile Catholics began to settle at the edge. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Colony of Baptists moved to Ufa from the Kharkiv region. The multinationality of the population of the republic served as the cause and diversity of beliefs to which the indigenous Bashkirs are very tolerant. The religion of this people, with syncretism inherent in it, still remains an element of self-identification of the ethnic.

Bashkirs or Bashkirts are the people of the Turkic tribe, they live mainly on the Western slopes and the foothills of the Urals and in the surrounding plains. But in the second half of the 16th century, they, in small exceptions, belonged to the whole earth between Kama and the Volga to Samara, Orenburg and Orsk (then not yet existing) and east on Miass, Heasi, Pyshma, Tobol and Irtysh to Ob.

Bashkir cannot be considered by the aborigines of this extensive country; There is no doubt that they are aliens who embalted some other people, of origin, maybe Finnish. This indicates the fossil monuments of the country, the names of rivers, mountains and a broken, which are usually preserved in the country, despite the change of tribes, in it inhabited; This is confirmed by the legends of the most Bashkir. In the names of rivers, lakes, mountains, a lot of words are found quite a lot of words of the Türki root, for example, Samara, Sakmar, Ufa, IR, Mis, Isior, Ilman and others. On the contrary, the rivers, lakes and arug of the southern Orenburg and Kyrgyz steppes often wear Tatar names or, for example, Ilec (sieve), YIK (from the yikmak - expand), Irtysh (IR - Husband, Tych - appearance), etc.

According to the legends of the Bashkir themselves, they moved into their present possessions for 16-17 generations, that is, for 1000 years old Territory, as at present, it is, on both sides of the Ural Range, between the Volga, Kama, Tobol and the Upper Tower (Urals).

A. Masidi, Writer of the beginning of the 19th century, speaking of European Bashkhara, mentions the tribe of this people living in Asia, that is, remaining at home. The question of the tribal origin Bashkir is very controversial in science. Some (Stallenberg, Humboldt, Uymfalvi) recognize them for the people of the Thro-Finnish tribe, only subsequently accepting the type; Kyrgyz call them to the Estay (Ostyak), of which also bring the conclusion about the Finnish origin; Some historians produce them from Bulgar. D. A. Wollynson produces Bashkir from the Vogulian tribe, which makes up a branch of the Ugric group of peoples or part of the Great Altai Family and considers them to be the Rodonarchists of Magyar.

Having taught the new edge, Bashkirs divided the land by childbirth. One got the mountains and forests, another driving steppes. Passionate hunters to horses, they kept and countless herds cattle, and steppe - and camels. In addition, forest Bashkirs were engaged in hunting, and beatow. Dashing riders, they differed courage and limitless removal; Total above put personal freedom and independence, were proud and hot-tempered. They had princes, but with very limited power and meaning. All important things were decided not otherwise as in the People's Assembly (Gyin), where every Bashkir enjoyed the right to vote; In the event of war or a raid, Jijn did not force anyone, and everyone went on a good wax.

Such were Bashkirs to Batya, they were left after him. Finding in Bashkiria tribesmen, Baty gave them Tamga (signs) and various advantages. Soon with Khan Uzbek (1313-1326) in Bashkiria, Islam was approved, which was repeated here. Later, when the Golden Horde broke up into individual kingdoms, Bashkirs paid Yasak to various sickresses: Some who lived in the White and Iku rivers - the kings of Kazan, others, nomaded by r. Upper, - the kings of the Astrakhan, and the third, inhabitants of the mountains and forests of the Urals, - Khanam Siberian. Collecting one Yasaka and limited the relationship of the Ordans to Bashkirs; Internal life and self-government remained inviolable.

Mountain Bashkirs even more developed their strength and fully retained their independence; Steppes appealed to peaceful nomads: and those of them that have come across Bulgarians from the Tatar pogrom (Volzhsky), began to even get used to settle down. With Russian Bashkirs came to contact still long before the conquest of Kazan. There is no doubt that enterprising Novgorod has brought trade relations with Bashkirs, since the neighboring Vyatka country began to settle down by Novgorod people in the XII century, and the rivers of Vyatka, Kama and Belaya served as the best natural way for intercourse between nations, inhabited. But that the Novgorodians had permanent settlements on the banks of Kama - it is doubtful.

Then there is news that in 1468, in the reign of John III, His governor, "Villachi Kazan Places", walked to fight and in white Volga, i.e. penetrated to p. White. After the campaign of 1468, there are no instructions so that the Russians invaded Bashkiria, and only in 1553, on the conquest of Kazan, the Russian rhe was pacified by the peoples who depended from the Kazan kingdom, and ruin the Tatar dwellings to the remote limits of Bashkir. Then, probably, Bashkirs, close raids of Kyrgyz Kaisakov, on the one hand, on the other hand, seeing the growing power of the Moscow king, voluntarily adopted Russian citizenship. But accurate historical data on the fact that they appear in Moscow with a petition, as did the Orsk people and the meadow Cheremis did not. Be that as it may, in 1557, Bashkirs have already paid Yasak, and John Grozny in the will, written in 1572, instructs the Son to his Kazan kingdom already "with Bashkirdo".
Shortly after the adoption of the Russian citizenship of Bashkira, finding the burdensome to deliver Yasak in and suffering from the raids of the neighboring tribes, asked the king to build a city on their land. In 1586, Ivan Nazhoy began the foundation of the city of Ufa, which was the first Russian settlement in Bashkiria, except for Elabugi, built on the very border of Bashkir lands. In the same 1586, despite opposition to Prince Urus, was built by Samara. In Voevodsky Agolase, 1645 is mentioned about Ostrogneck Menzelinsk; In 1658, the city for covering the Slobod, spread over the p. ISET; In 1663, earlier the existence of Birsk is being built to the fortified fort, which occupies the middle of the way from Kama to Ufa.

Bashkirs were separated on parish, which formed 4 roads (parts): Siberian, Kazan, Nogai and Osinskaya. According to the Volga, Kama and the Urals, there was a network of fortified places that we called the names of cities, sources, wintering. Some of these cities were made by the centers of county or regional governance, which were subordinated to the forefronts attributed to this ear. Bashkirs became part of the counties of the Kazan, Ufa, Kungur and Menzelinsky.

In 1662, an uprising broke out under the leadership of Seita. His ultimate goal was the revival of Muslim independence in the entire Kazan Territory and Siberia. In 1663, Governor Zelenin suppressed the uprising. Behind the assimilation should be strictly revealed to oppress Bashkir with the prescription "Keep with them affection and hello" and "their sovereign by the mercy of encouraging." Calm in the edge of Washworn, but not long. In 1705, the uprising flared up even more stubborn.

In 1699, the Nevyansky plant was launched, presented by Peter in 1702 by the enterprising Demidov; Then the factories of Uktussky, Kamensky, Alapaevsky, Sysertsky, Tagil, Isetsky, and others; Ekaterinburg arose - the place of the main management of mountain plants. By the end of the reign of Peter, with some kind of government factories there were 5422 male souls. All these plants lay outside the Bashkir lands, but they have already approached them. In 1724, Bashkirs were limited in the right of ownership of forests, which were divided into protected and unaffordants. In the construction of the city of Orenburg, they saw a further measure of imprisonment of their land ownership. They decided to resist.

In 1735, an uprising was broken under the leadership of Kilmäk-Abyza. On the first rumors about the uprising, Alexander Ivanovich Rumyantsev was appointed to go to pacify him. In June 1736, most of the Bashkiria was burned and ruined. By decree 1736, the Russian land was allowed to acquire Bashkir lands, and the Meshcheryakov, which remained faithful and in the riots did not participate, was granted the ownership of those lands that they were rented from Bashkir-Buntovshchikov.

In 1742, the Commander of the Orenburg Expedition, called the Orenburg Commission, was appointed IV. Yves. Nepnev statesman Petrovskaya school. First of all, it was not necessary for the development of military settlements, the importance of which Peter pointed to the uncertainment of the region. The center of these settlements was chosen by Orenburg, who was notple for p. Ural, where he is currently. According to his ideas, the Orenburg province was established in 1744, and all the lands were included in her, and the Orenburg Expedition was introduced, and in addition, the Ifima province with the Zararal Bashkirs, Ufa Province with all cases, as well as Stavropol County and Kyrgyz steppes.

By 1760, 28 factories had already operated in Bashkiria, including 15 copper and 13 iron, and their population reached up to 20,000 male shower. In total, by this time of the progress, there were 200,000 shower of both sexes in Bashkiria. The spread of factories, which had the inevitable consequences of the exercise of land, which Bashkirs considered their inalienable property, met the strong opposition on their part.

According to the position of February 19, 1861, Bashkirs in the rights and obligations are not different from the other rural population of the Empire. For business, Bashkira make up rural societies, which are owned by public land on the basis of communities, and for the nearest management and court are connected to the parish (yurt). Rural public administration consists of a rural gathering and rural headlights, and the volost (yurt) management is from a volost (yurt) gathering, a volost (yurt) senior with a volost board and a volost court. The volost board is formed: the volost ears, rural elders and collectors of the filings of those rural societies in which they are available.

At the end of the 19th century, Bashkirs, among 575,000 people lived between 50-57 °. shir and 70-82 ° Vost. debt. In the provinces of Orenburg and Ufa, everywhere in the counties of the Bugulminsky and Buzuluk Samara Province, Shadrinsky, Krasnoufim, Perm and the Osinsky Perm lips. and the glazing and Sarapulsky Vyatka lips.

The beginning of the 20th century is characterized by lifting education, culture and ethnic self-consciousness. After February Revolution 1917 Bashkirs entered into an active struggle for creating their statehood. In 1919, the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed. By the end of 1926, the number of Bashkir was 714 thousand people. Negatively affected the number of Bashkir consequences of drought and 1932-33, repression of the 1930s, large losses in the Great Patriotic War 1941-45, as well as assimilation Bashkir Tatar and Russians.

The share of Bashkir, living outside Bashkiria, in 1926 was 18%, in 1959 - 25.4%, in 1989 -40.4%. Specific gravity Gorozhams among Bashkir amounted to 42.3% by 1989 (1.8% in 1926 and 5.8% in 1939). Urbanization is accompanied by an increase in the number of workers, engineering and technical workers, creative intelligentsia, the strengthening of cultural interaction with other peoples, an increase in the share of interethnic marriages. In October 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic adopted a declaration on the state sovereignty of the Bashkir ASSR. In February 1992, the Republic of Bashkortostan was proclaimed.

Currently, the main mass of Bashkir is resettleve in the valley of the r. White and in her tributaries: Ufa, rapid Tanypa - in the north; Deme, Ashkadar, Chermação, Karmação - in the south and south-west; Siema, Inzer, Zilima, Nuguha - in the East and Southeast, as well as in the upper reaches. Ural, by average river. Sakmara and her right tributaries and rivers Large and small dogwood, Tanalyk. The number in Russia is 1345.3 thousand people, incl. In Bashkiria, 863.8 thousand people.