Ancient symbols of the peoples of the world and their meaning. Symbols in the worldview of different peoples

Ancient symbols of the peoples of the world and their meaning. Symbols in the worldview of different peoples

The main function of the state symbol is to express the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe state, its formula, its DNA. The founder of Tradiomalism Rene Heon believed that symbols could act by themselves, regardless of our consciousness. Russians have four such symbols.

George Victoronec

The first officially documented evidence of the appearance of St. George as a state symbol refers to 1497. Then the rider-zmeekes appeared on the front side of the press of John III.
I must say that the speaker on the press was identified as St. George only after several centuries later - no modern instructions in the era of John III, that this is precisely Georgy Victorious, not found.

Many historians have doubts that in the press of the Moscow sovereign 1497 depicted Saint George.

Thus, a number of researchers argue that, most likely, the rider of pressing is the ArchReart Mikhail, who since Ivan Kalita was the patron of Moscow princes.

The iconographic plot "Arkhangel Mikhail, the Terrible Forces of the Voivode", where the ArchRerette is riding on a spear eating the devil, appeared in the Russian Orthodox tradition only at the end of the XVI century.

Prior to that, Archangel was depicted in Russia with a sword or a spear in his hand. In addition, according to Canon, the archrest is depicted with wings and with a nimbal (by the way, as well as St. George), but there are no these attributes on the seal of the Grand Duke.

The use of the rider's image, affecting the snake, was not a clean innovation of John III. So, this image used the prince of Moscow Vasily Dark, Father John, in the first half of the XV century.

True, the prince minted a spear on the Moscow coins, a rider with falcon on his shoulder appeared on the princely press. The image of the speaker on the coins also does not indicate that he is holy.

Moreover, if on one side of the coin the plot corresponds to the history of the George of the victorious, striking the snake with a spear, then on the reverse side we see the rider, swinging on the snake with a sword, which does not correspond to the iconographic canon.

Who then is this rider, if neither Holy George, nor Archangel Mikhail? A number of historians insist that this is the prince himself. As in the case of the coins of Dark Vasily and, in the case of the seal of John III.

After the death of John III, Vasily III, John Iv, Fedor Ioannovich, Boris Godunov, Fedormry, Vasily Shuisky, Mikhail Fedorovich, Alexey Mikhailovich, Fedor Alekseevich, Peter I, but not anyone of these monarchs did not appear in documents in documents Like George Victorious.

As the Russian kings "Personified" one of the main images of their power, for us will remain a mystery. Only in 1730, when approving 88 coat of arms of Russian cities, the nameless Zmeekes received the name of St. George

Two-headed eagle

For the first time as a heraldic symbol of Russia (then another great Moscow principality), a two-headed eagle appeared in 1497 with John III. Then the eagle decorated a large state seal.

Where did the two-headed eagle "arrived" from the state heraldry of Russia?

Most historians explain his appearance in Russia's marriage of John III with the Byzantine princess of Sofia Paleolog, who brought this heraldic sign as a "dowry".

Moscow needed serious ideological senses (today it is called a brand) for international recognition.

The double-headed eagle gave the Moscow princes the opportunity to create more civilized positioning in the international arena, demonstrating the western community a brilliant "genealogy" - the succession of power from Rome and Byzantium. Subsequently, with Tsar Vasily III, it will develop into a serious religious and political concept "Moscow - Third Rome".

There is also a version that the double-headed eagle came to Russia not from Byzantium, but from the Hamsburgs, who used this symbol for half a century before the appearance of a fantastic pennate to Zwanwy Ivan III.

By the way, the Byzantines never used this ornithological symbol in state seals (unlike the imperors of the Sacred Roman Empire). In addition, it is unknown why, but the eagle as a "dowry" appeared in state press in almost 20 years after the marriage of John III and Sofia Paleolog.

Another version of the appearance of a double-headed eagle is from Mongol-Tatars. Golden Horde for some time coins coins with an image of a double-headed eagle. Of course, John III kept in the hands of Tatar currency.

At the time of his reign, the Golden Horde was experiencing a period of decay, until in 1483 he had not yet ceased to exist.

Perhaps the great Moscow prince wanted to play a map of the succession of the once mighty state, why and put a symbol, familiar to other "Tatar Khanate," formed after the collapse of the Horde.

There is another version - alchemical. Alchemists have a double-headed eagle symbolized the philosopher's stone, as well as the process of obtaining it, which is called Magnum Opus, or "Great Delating". Since at the court of John III there were many foreigners, then probably one of them practiced alchemical experiences. For example, Lekari, Pharmacists, which, as you know, are crowned in those days were passionate about the production of philosophical stone. From them could Moscow Sovereign to adopt the "magic symbol" as a personal press.

It must be said that at the end of the XV century, the use of a double-headed eagle was a fashion trend in the old world. Perhaps John III, "View" an ornithological sign as a press in some foreign contract, decided to follow trends.

Five-pointed star

A five-pointed star also came to Russia from abroad. At the end of the XVIII - early XIX century, five-pointed stars appeared in the French army on the epolutes and heads of officers and the generals, which determined their chin. This tradition was torn to the times of ancient Rome, where a five-pointed star was a symbol of the God of War - Mars - and denoted Lily from which he was born.

In 1827, the Russian emperor Nicholas I adopted the French experience and introduced the stars on the ecols of officers and the generals of the Russian army.

We are talking about gold wrist stars. 27 years later, in 1854, the emperor introduced his epaulets in the Russian army, as well as the shied stars on them.

After the February Revolution, the royal signs differences in the army were canceled. On April 21, 1917, the order for the fleet and the maritime department No. 150 of the Military and Maritime Minister of Temporary Government Alexander Guccov should have been replaced by violating signs of differences, and a new kokard was introduced. On it, a five-pointed star was placed on an outlet with anchor.

As a heraldic symbol, the Army Red Star had his interpretation. In the first years of the Earls of the Red Army under it, the unity of the world proletariat of all five continents of the Earth was meant: the five ends of the stars are five continents of the planet.

The red color is the color of the proletarian revolution, he had to combine all five continents a single goal and a single start.

In a later period, the Red Star was interpreted as a symbol of warriors, guarding peaceful labor protecting workers from hunger, war, poverty and slavery.

Why the symbol of Soviet power was the five-pointed star is not known, but it is known that this symbol lion Trotsky lobbied. With the official approval of a five-pointed star by order of drug addiction of the Republic No. 321 dated May 7, 1918, she received the name "Marsov Star with a plow and a hammer."

The order also encountered that this sign "there is an affiliation of persons consisting in the service in the troops of the Red Army."

Seriously interested in Esoteric, Leo Trotsky knew that the star, the pentagram, possesses a very powerful energy potential and is one of the strongest symbols.

The symbol of the new state could well be the swastika, the cult of which was very strong in Russia of the beginning of the 20th century.

The swastika was depicted on Kerenki, the swastika drew on the wall of the Ipatiev house Empress Alexander Fodorovna before execution, but almost the sole decision of Trotsky Bolsheviks stopped on a five-pointed star. The history of the 20th century will also show that the "star" is stronger than the "swastika" ... the stars shone over the Kremlin, replacing the double-headed eagles.

Hammer and sickle

Sickle and hammer are the most famous symbol of the Soviet Union. Separately and the sickle and hammer were used in Heraldry long before the birth of the USSR. The hammer was one of the gluing sims of the working movement in Europe in the middle of the XIX century, later Russian revolutionaries were borrowed.

The sickle was shown before the revolution on the coat of arms of many cities as one of the main agricultural tools.

The author of Sickle and the hammer as a single symbol was the artist Evgeny Camzolkin. He worked on the creation of a poster for the celebration of the Day of Solidarity of Workers in 1918. Thought to the artist came spontaneously. The moment of creating a symbol was so described by Sergey Gerasimov, the author of the famous canvas "Mother Partizan":

"Standing with me Evgeny Camzolkin, thinking, said:

And what if you try such a symbolism? - At the same time, he began to walk around the canvas. - This is how I will depict the sickle - it will be the peasantry, and inside the hammer it will be a working class.

Sickle and hammer on the same day sent from Zamoskvorechye to the Mossovet, and all other sketches were rejected there: a hammer with anvil, a plow with a sword, a spit with a wrench.

Further, this symbol was transferred to the state emblem of the Soviet Union, and the artist's name was forgotten for many years. They remembered it only in the post-war time. Evgeny Camzolkin lived a quiet life in Pushkino and did not claim the author's deductions for such a quoted symbol.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the most famous symbols of humanity, many of whom you will probably decipher and without our tips.

Yin Yang

Circled black and white "fish" - one of the most popular characters. There is a lot of interpretations, but each of them is true in its own way. Black halves embodies dark, earthly, northern or women's start, and White is the opposite.

We know this symbol from Taoist philosophy, but in fact the harmony of dark and light came from Buddhist culture. Yin-Yang became the personification of Eastern teachings and Chinese medicine.

The most common interpretation is the balance, harmony between female and male beginnings, good and evil.

Magen David (David Star)

Although today we perceive this symbol exclusively as Jewish, it appeared in India about the bronze age. Then he meant Anahata - Chakra, which reveals everything beautiful and responsible for love.

By the way, even today this symbol is found in different cultures. For example, in Islam, the same six-pointed stars are shown on the bedspread, which covers the main shrine in Mecca.

To tie the star David with Jews has become already in the Middle Ages, although at that time this symbol could be more often found in Arab treatises.

Since this symbol was depicted on the head of the coat of arms of King David who lived in Iran, the star was named Magne David. Herrich Heine, who signed his articles in this way. The Rothschild family also included this sign in his coat of arms. Subsequently, Magen David became a symbol of the Zionists.


This is one of the oldest characters that was used in the ritual rites of ancient Egypt. By the way, its value is interpreted differently depending on the application. In ancient Rome, this sign was a symbol of inviolability, in the occultism - a sign of secret knowledge and a key to him. But in the USA in the previous century, Caduceus was distributed as a medical emblem.

But the most common value of Caducea is his interpretation as a symbol of trade, wealth and prosperity. A torch with curly snakes is found on the emblem of the Chamber of Commerce, customs or tax service, ships and even some cities.
The torch is interpreted as the axis of life, and the intertwined snakes symbolize the movement, the struggle of good and evil, the unity of God and man, as well as many other phenomena and concepts.


This symbol is one of the most religious symbols of Christians. He is known as a monogram of Christ, that is, Christ is the interweaving of the two first letters of his name. Although chrism is one of the characters, which were traditionally depicted on the struts of the Roman Empire.

There is a interpretation for which this ancient symbol of the Sun in some religions. That is why many Christian trends do not recognize this sign.


Ancient sacred for Hindus symbol, which means the Divine Triad. He personifies the creation, maintenance and destruction, being the despercy of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

Mantra "Ohm" is mantra of strength, mind and eternity. This is one of the characters that has become popular in pop culture and cinema.

Bowl of Hygieu

Who did not see this meal symbol of the medicine sign? This emblem came to us from ancient Greece, where she meant the struggle for health and strength. For the first time, the doctors were used even during the times of Roman conquests, and later this sign became a generally accepted symbol of medicine. Although the WHO emblem is slightly different - this is a snake, wrapping staff. But we still know that ASPID with a bowl means a medical drug or an institution.


Graphic silhouette of fish with inscribed abbreviation in Greek "Jesus Christ - the Son of God" was used by the first Christians during the persecution period. Fish is a symbol of Christianity, apostles and religious teachings.

Today, the abbreviation itself is more common, although these crishes can be found on ancient cult facilities.

Rose of Wind

Rose of winds is a symbol-charm for sailors. They believed that this sign would help them return home and not to get off the way. But in some occult teachings there is a similar symbolism that personifies the angel essence.

Wheel with 8 spokes

In different religions and religious rites, this symbol meant differently. But the most common interpretation is the sun, movement in a circle, fate, fortune.

In use, the expression "Wheel of Fortune" firmly secured. It went from this symbol.


The devouring sketch of snakes personifies the cyclicality of life and death. But with the arrival of Christianity, where the snakes is an evictance of evil, Uroboros became a symbol of the struggle of good and evil.

Hammer and sickle

Regarding the "young" symbol that came to the world with a communist movement. It was invented in 1918 and meant the peasantry (SERP) and the working class (hammer). Today is perceived as a symbol of communism.

Heraldic Lilia

Sign of royal power. Especially widespread in France, although the flower initially was interpreted as a symbol of purity and innocence. In the Renaissance Epoch, this sign symbolized mercy and compassion. Many believe that heraldic lily is a stylized flower of Iris.


Initially, the crescent was the personification of the night deity. On some images from ancient Egypt, we can see the headwear on the gods with a crescent. But today it is the most established symbol of Islam. Crescent meets both in Christianity, there he symbolizes the Virgin Mary and Paradise.

Two-headed eagle

In the ancient Sumer, the double-headed eagle was a solar symbol, personifying the sun and light. During the formation of the first states, the double-headed eagle became one of the most common symbols of empires. Popularity The symbol acquired as the coat of arms of the Roman Empire, the Paleologists dynasty (Byzantium) and the Golden Horde. Today it can often be found in the coat of arms of many states.


Since ancient times, this is a symbol of protection. Appeared long before the emergence of world religions. But each of them found their interpretation of the Pentagram. For example, in Christianity, this is a symbol of five wounds on the body of Christ. But more sign is known as the seal of Solomon.

The pentagram is found in different values. It is used both as an occult symbol, and as religious. An inverted pentagram is treated as a symbol of evil.


Today, this symbol is associated with evil and fascism, fully lost its original value. Moreover, in some countries, this symbolism is prohibited by law.

But the history of the swastika begins another 10 thousand years ago. Initially, she was interpreted as a wish of good luck and well-being. In Decolumbovy America, a swastika meant the sun, life, movement.

All-seeing eye

The sign of truth, teachings and patronage. It is found in ancient Egypt and in the modern world. For example, it can be seen on US currency banknotes. Usually used in a pair with a triangle symbol or pyramid. The sign is found in both religious and occult flows and in the symbols of the Masons.


Initially, the cross symbolized life and the sun. It was used by the priests of ancient Egypt, India and other ancient civilizations.

With the arrival of Christianity, the cross somewhat changed their meaning, becoming a symbol of death and resurrection. Today is the most common sign of Christianity.


One of the most common symbols, which came up with the emblem of movement for nuclear disarmament. But gradually his initial meaning was transformed into universal reconciliation and rejection of the use of military force. Now this sign is an international symbol of the world.

Olympic rings

The most famous sports symbolism. He has several interpretations: five rings - five continents, five rings like five skills that each participant of the competition should own. There is another meaning in which five colors mean five elements surrounding a person.

Circle and Nagolnik

The symbol that has always been attributed only to the Masonic bed. But the interpretation is quite diverse. The circulor means the sky, and the land as symbolizing the unity of spiritual and earthly. Often in the resulting rhombus depict the letter G, which is interpreted as a man's soul.


The most popular online symbol that has only one value - have a happy day. Initially, the smile was the emblem of the advertising campaign, but very soon a sign joined any message that wanted to give goodwill.

Dollar sign

This sign indicates not only American currency, but also any other that has the name "dollar". But the origin of this symbol remained a mystery. There is a interpretation that the dollar is a reduction from the peso currency, because the Spaniards were dominated initially on the continent. By another version, this is a graphic designation of the path and the Hercules pillars.

Mars and Venus signs

This symbol appeared during antiquity. The circle with a strip down means Venus, which admires its beauty in the mirror. And the circle with the arrow up means the strength and courage of the militant Mars.

It's no secret that the concept of beauty is not constant, and even very subjective. All your taste and concept of beauty, nevertheless, cinema, Fashion industry, the world of music and other directions of show business dictate certain standards.

Let's go back for one age ago and let's see how beauty standards acted in decades?

1900 - 1910

The controversial period when the addicted moods were traced in everything. In fashion, tomotoy, pallor and tragedy. Anna Pavlova is famous in the jet of this style, the first performer of the "dying swan" Anna Pavlova. Its light and air image for a long time became a symbol of beauty of that period.

1910 - 1920.

This time can be called a period of origin of the androgic type of beauty. Of course, not in the concept that we see with you, but it is the sex character of the 20s of the 20th century Greta Garbo became the legislator of this direction.

Its cold, stylish, a little outmade woman, mixed with a threshable lady in pants, instantly became popular.

1920 - 1930

A short passage of time, a sip of peaceful air allowed the world of show business to break in the light of sofits. Luxury, sophisticated beauty, the golden era of the movie became the impetus to the popularity of Jin Harlow's actress, the appearance of which was seriously different from all previous stages of beauty development in this age.

This platinum blonde always looked flawlessly, was sensual and attractive.

1930 - 1940.

Not only a turning point in fashion for beauty made a star of Cinema Rita Hayworth, which appeared in all magazines and on all covers. With her arrival, under the influence of the historical situation, the image of a strong confident brunette was popular, which in anticipation of the war did not wear silk dresses and lace, and tried to keep up with men.

Thin, sensual, but at the same time decisive and confident image of Rita contributed. It was after her photo on the bomb "The concept of" sex bomb "was widely used.

1940 - 1950

When the world rose a little from his knees after the war, the fashion was returned for a luxury and an external gloss. During this period, a bright and unrestrained blonde Marilyn Monroe broke into the life of people. Her spells stretched along both sides of the ocean.

It was this beauty that became a spherical driver of a stereotype of a blonde without a hint of intelligence, but with incredible sexuality.

1950 - 1960

It is during this period that the former stereotype begins to break and a new one is born. At this time, the appearance of the most unexpected beauty belt - Barbie dolls. Her thin long legs, small breasts and a flat stomach introduce fashion for teenage beauty.

In honor of women with such gentle and as if not to the end of the body shaped outlines. It was during this period that an incomparable bridget Bordeaux appeared. Its provocative and unbridled sexuality knocked. She admired and condemned at the same time.

Instead of styling - disheveled hair, instead of thin arrows - wrinkled smoky ice, jeans, shirts on a bare body and no complexes. She created the image of young and windy, which instantly entered the fashion and left the trace in the history of beauty for a long time.

1960 - 1970

The era of the nucleation of hippies, unacted nudity in all its manifestations, free love and other attributes of that time became an excellent platform for climbing a new star Jane Fond.

She was not afraid to be frank and self-sufficient, to have his own opinion and opinion, and on the screen she continued to surprise completely different roles. During this period, the focus was made not so much on appearance, but on the fullness of this appearance ...

1970 - 1980

New standards - taut, thin and high woman. The sexual revolution led to a wide appearance of feminism, fashion fashion, attention to her body, and during this period she appears on the screens - Kim Bacisinger.

She became a legislator not so much beauty, but also sexuality and canons of sex, who for a long time rooted in the minds of people.

1980 - 1990.

Here it is, the period of the occurrence of the mathematical formula of beauty 90-60-90. During this period, the cinema came to a kind of decline, and a fashion was released on the forestella of the world of beauty.

Before that nameless women in beautiful outfits suddenly became stars, they began to know them, they began to be equal. Models began to eclipse not only outfits that showed, but also fashion designers.

During this period, the glory of such famous models like Linda Evangelist, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Camble, Claudia Slate. The brightest of them became Cindy Crawford, whose face with the famous flour was decorated with more than 600 magazines.

1990 - 2000

At the beginning of the new century, the shine of super-models loses its relevance and returns the cultory role of cinema. During this period, there is a mixture of flavors and cultures, the image of a woman with African-American chubby lips, straight long hair and a thin European nose.

This fashion falls on the peak of the popularity of the famous actress Angelina Jolie, the appearance of which becomes a fetish for many women and make money for plastic surgeons.

2000 - our time

At the beginning of the new century, when the era of plastic surgery flourished, it was very difficult about the elements of beauty. Women threw out extremes from the extreme, unnaturally large chubby forms or the desire for painful hoodurb have no longer reminded of beauty standards.

Each culture of antiquity left behind a large number of characters. They arose as a way of image of the deities, supernatural and ordinary phenomena in the life of the people. Most often, the symbols were directly related to the religion, with which the carriers of a particular culture knew and explained the world around them. Intricate images were used in various rituals. Many of them were solved by historians and archaeologists only after long research.

Ancient Slavs

They are known for their love for various images. The ancient symbols of this nation can be found in a huge territory from the Volga to Germany and the Balkans. Even before he was divided into tribal unions and groups, general drawings appeared in everyday life. This is including the symbols of ancient Russia.

The sun played great importance in the images. There were several signs for him. For example, it was a range. He was mostly worn by men who wanted to gain wisdom in battle and everyday life. The God of Kolyada answered in the Slavic worldview for the constant renewal of the world and the victory of the world over darkness.

Establish-grass was used as a guard from evil lower spirits. She was worn on clothes, armor, weapons, etc. The symbols of the ancient Slavs included the ratition. It was a warrior sign for which the most important thing was courage, courage and honor. It was believed that Ratiborus grants these qualities to everyone who sincerely and dust loves their homeland and the house. Most often, it was depicted by engraving - art in which Slavs knew well. Like many other ancient symbols, the ratition was a solar sign, a little similar in the sun. In this row, the swastika, denoting the eternal cycle of the universe, is especially allocated. Wearing her man recognized his citizenship to the highest forces of nature.

The symbols of the ancient Slavs were identified with the family - the smallest cell of any society. It was a wedding, who meant the merger of the body, the soul, conscience and the spirit of those who enter into the marital union.

Symbols of elements from the Slavs

Many ancient symbols came from the tradition of worshiping fire as the greatest element. There can be several such. Yarovrat was worn by the admirers of God to Yaro, who managed the weather with the help of fire, and hence he was heading and harvest. Therefore, you wanted to get a large number of cultures used this sign. Dukhobor also symbolized the fire, but only the fire is internal. It was the designation of a flame of life. If a person sick in the tribe, it was covered with dressings with a dukhobor. The Grobood helped protect the temples and houses from bad weather, thunderstorms, storms and other cataclysms.

The symbol of the Earth in the ancient Slavs is Solore. The soil also was associated with the cult of motherhood, which was practiced in some tribes. The prosperity of the Earth meant a stable food growth and feed life of the genus.

Runic alphabet

Scandinavian runes were used by numerous German tribes. They had developed mythology with their unique images associated with the harsh living conditions of this people. The runes were not only symbols, but also written signs. They were applied to stones to convey this or that message. They are written epic sagas telling about the history and myths of the Germans.

However, each sign, if we consider it separately, also had its meaning. Runic alphabet consists of 24 runes, divided into three rows of 8 each. About 5 thousand surrendered inscriptions at this amazing language have been found in the world. Most of all these artifacts are found in Sweden.

Examples of runes

The first rune, fah, meant domestic cattle, and in a broad sense - any personal property of the German. Uruz symbolized bull or bison. Thus, the difference between the first and second sign was that in one case there was a pet, and in the second - wild and free.

Tourisas marked with a sharp spike or hammer Torah - one of the main gods of the German Pantheon. It was used in order for the wearest person to accompany the luck, as well as security from hostile forces. Ansus - an image of open mouth, that is, replicas or wisdom said. In addition, this is a sign of caution, as the Scandinavian peoples believed that a clever man would never be reckless.

Rido is a wagon or path, the upcoming wanderer. Ancient symbols and their importance among Germanians often had a double meaning. Kenaz - fire sign. But this is a flame friendly. Most often, such a fire indicated the torch that heating a person and would give him a feeling of comfort and home comfort.

The following two runes symbolize joy. Gebo is a gift and generosity. He was depicted as a sign of good intentions. If the runes were used in fortune tells, then the fallen Gebo was a great success for a person who had a pleasant surprise in the future. Ancient signs and symbols and now often become material for the occult ministry of neo-language. Woney means joy. It was often used in a bundle with GEBO. If he was written next to another rune, this meant success or good luck in the sphere that the neighboring sign symbolized. For example, WUNO and FEHU were an omen of a large addition in the home livestock.

Some runes were synonymous with natural elements, their presence can be found almost in all peoples and cultures. For example, Laguz is a symbol of water, lake or even intuition in a figurative value.

Development of a runic letter

Interestingly, over time, common runes broke up into several alphabet variants for different peoples, from the limits of the Roman Empire to the extreme Polar North North of Norway. The most common is the so-called Prakandanidavine version, from which all followed. It was used before the VIII century AD, which corresponds to the Iron Age in these territories. Most often, such runes are found on ancient weapons, armor and roadside stones. Such symbols were used in magical and religious rituals and later. Sacral and memorial inscriptions meet now in necropolia and fewer.

In Eastern Europe, the gothic runes brought here from Scandinavia received distribution. They can be found even in Ukraine and in Romania. After some Germans settled on the British Islands, they had their own variation of this writing. It was connected with an isolated from the former homeland and assimilation with the Aboriginal - Angles, Saksami, etc. They had new runes, many of which began to denote double sounds in writing (linguists call them difthongami). Such remained even in modern German.

Special exotic is considered to appear on the distant island, which was then considered to be the north-western edge of the world. They are characterized by the use of dotted lines. These runes were in everyday life until the XIV century. As for the Scandinavian signs, they disappeared with the advent of Christianity in the kingdoms of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The use of runes was considered heresy and cruelly punished by the authorities.

Ancient Egypt

One of the most famous symbols of ancient Egypt is anch. This is a cross, which is topped with a ring. He symbolized life and eternity. There are also interpretations of the cross and rings as signs of the rising sun, male and female connections. The anne was used in the burial rituals, as the Egyptians believed that the funeral with Anchi in the sarcophage would receive an eternal afterlife.

In everyday life, the rounded cross also meant well-being and happiness. He was often worn with her as a guard and talisman for good luck. Anh was used to protect against dark magic. In addition, its images were even found on the walls of river channels. The Egyptians were very depended on how the Nile will be broken, how will the harvest be. That is why the anch was drawn inside the channel so that it did not happen to the troubles, and the natural elements remained friendly to residents.

It is curious that after the ancient Egyptian culture went into oblivion, Anhu managed to preserve. For some time on the banks of the Nile, an antique culture triumphant, and later came Islam. But in the first centuries, our era appeared here Christians who founded their Coptic community. They adopted the anch because of his external similarity with the cross.

Oko Mount

Another important Egyptian symbol is an all-seeing eye. The image of the painted eye is a reference to God the mountain, which is the owner of the sky. A spiral that drew under the eye meant the eternal movement of energy. This symbol was often used as a guard against troubles and evil spirits.

In the mythology of Egypt, there is a plot of the Battle of Mountain and Seth. This is a common metaphor of good and evil. Since the mountains was the personification of the whole world, then his sign began to use the characteristics and priests in order to treat patients and victims in battles. Also, the Egyptians have developed mathematics. Oko Mountain and here found its application - it marked the fraction.

Scarabs and Isida

Another popular symbol of ancient Egypt is a scarab. Beetles who lived in manure and sculpted balls from him, personified hardworking. In addition, they were associated with the God of the Sun, which, like insects, moved this source of light every day. Scarabs were popular talismans, seals and even medals for merit before the pharaoh. Figures of the beetles were used in the afterlife ceremonies. They were invested in the sarcophagus to the dead or even laid at that place where the heart used to be (all organs were cut and decomposed into separate vessels). Ancient symbols often had such a dual application - in everyday life and at the funeral. Residents of the coast of the Nile had a reverent attitude to death.

The figures of the goddess Isis often came across treasurers in the treasury. It was a symbol of land, fertility and prosperity. Isis is one of the most revered gods of this pantheon. The symbol of water in Egypt meant life. And it is not surprising, because this culture was founded on the banks of the Nile, outside of which was a dead and ruthless desert.

The symbols of ancient Egypt were entered into a modern culture after a fashion appeared at the art deco at the beginning of the 20th century. In the 20s, all Europe and the United States, holding his breath, followed the discoveries of archaeologists. These were the pyramids and hidden tombs, the most famous of which are left on the walls as plots and omens.


The Roman Empire was built around her capital. For many centuries, the capital was a symbol of the center of the ancient world. Therefore, in Roman Pantheon there was a special cult of this city. His symbol was the Capitol Wolf.

According to myth, the founders of Rome, the Broth Romulus and Rem, were royal children. After their uncle came to power during the coup, he ordered to throw babies into the river. This was done, but they survived, after they found the Capitol Wolf, who focused them. When children grew up, Romulus founded Rome and became the king of the new state, which existed for another millennium.

That is why all the characters of the ancient Rome fade in front of the Wolf. Her bronze sculpture stood on the metropolitan forum, where the most important state decisions were taken. The image has become cult, it was often used by the townspeople.

In Rome, ancient symbols and their importance were often associated with the authorities. For example, when it was also a small republic, magistracy played a big role in it. It was a selection post for one year. The lictor had a symbol of power that highlighted it from the total row of citizens. These are fascia - bundles of birch or ledge rods, covered with a belt or cord. As a symbol, an ax was also used, which meant that he could carry his person could execute the defendants.

Ancient Greece

Roman mythology was largely formed under the influence of another Great Culture - Greek. Therefore, some ELDA designations were relevant for Italians.

For example, the symbols of the ancient Greece include the image of the priest Asclepia - God of medicine and healing. According to legend, he was called by Cretan who asked him to resurrect the prematurely deceased son. Asclepius walked into the palace with a staff in his hand. At some point he attacked the snake, however, a man killed her with his stick. The second reptile, who had grass in the mouth was followed. With her help, she resurrected a snake. Then Asclepius took this plant with him to the palace and helped Minos. Since then, staff with the snake has become

Another variation existing in modern times is a gygea bowl with a snake. This girl was asclepia daughter. The symbol became an international medicine sign.

Another image of the staff, common in Greece and passioned by Rome, - Caduceus. It was used by the heralds, which reported to terminate the war between states (for example, between Athens and Sparta). Therefore, Caduceus became both Greeks and Romans. The image was swinging and in the medieval European heraldry.

Ancient symbols of love Greece included a butterfly. This beautiful insect was associated with family harmony and happiness.

Slavic characters are patterns of traditional embroidery and decoration of houses, as well as objects associated with the Slavic gods. Slavic characters worth knowing for the right choice of the overag. Understanding the symbols of magic items helps to understand Slavic mythology, in customs and signs.

For what you need to know Slavic characters

Slavic symbolism is amazingly rich. Look at the embroidery adorning traditional clothes. Everything in it is no coincidence, every turn of the pattern, the sign, inscribed in the overall embroidery pattern - everything has its meaning. However, for the uninitiated person, the embroidery remains just an outdated way to decorate the outfit, the mystery of Slavic characters remains hidden.

Slavic symbolism should be examined for what:

  • For understanding Slavic myths and legends, their visual perception.
  • To understand the worldview of our ancestors.
  • To be able to read Slavic symbols on clothes, household items, housing decorations, identify the purpose of ritual items.
  • To be able to choose a charm for yourself and loved ones.

Sources of knowledge about Slavic symbolism

There are disputes about the origins of Slavic characters. Some sources are attributed to our patterns of ancient roots, see them sophisticated schemes describing the device in the world. Others, on the contrary, with distrust relate to Slavic symbols, even such a famous as Kolovrat or the Star of Russia, calling them a novodel.

Where is the truth? It is enough to look at the old handmade vintage outfits in the northern homes, richly decorated with Slavic symbolism to make sure that she arose many centuries ago. However, grandparents, still know how to embroider and cut traditional patterns, do not completely associate their meaning with space, with complex calculus, do not explain the origin of the patterns in confusing theories.

True, we consider all Slavic characters that we meet in the decoration of houses, folk embroidery, overalls found on the excavations of old cities. And the explanation is looking for a simple, close to nature associated with our myths. But simple does not mean primitive. It is in the simplicity of the Slavic pattern, in the ability to explain even a small child the value of traditional patterns and there is deep wisdom.

What Slavic characters are known to us?

Share Slavic symbols for groups can be in different ways. For example, in relation to the Slavic gods. Then the loudo will be row, he is a thunder cross, and a forged toporist. Both signs turn to the Slavic God of Thunderstorm Perun.

We can split signs by their execution. Then we highlight the Slavic characters, which are depicted on the overalls, embroider on clothes, cut out on the decoration of Slavic Lords, and objects-items. For example, a star of Russia with sharp tips, and the hammer, a symbol of the Kuznez, will become the sign of the Svary.

Some gods have Slavic symbols associated with animal images. Most of all such signs belong to God Veles. Among his symbols we celebrate a serpentine, the seal of the Veles in the shape of a paw bears and a wolf. Even the sign of Veles, in the form of an inverted letter "A" otherwise the "Bull Head" is called.

The most universal is the division of signs in their form.

Circular solar symbols

Swastical solar symbols

Other solar symbols

Symbols based on a human figure

Slavic symbols based on a square or cross

Symbol "Summer Spit Cross"

- The sign of another daughter of the Lada, the goddess is alive. This sign is dedicated to the goddess of summer and life, because he brings confidence that everything is bad behind, "winter" ended in life. Read more about this sign and the influence of the goddess alive in the article "Live - the Great Goddess of Life, Goddess of Summer."

Slavic star-based symbols

Sign "Lada Star"

frequently confused with the "Star of Svarog". Signs of spouses, parents of Slavic gods are not accidental. However, the "Lada Star" sign is softer. Externally, it differs from the "Star of Svat" by rounded tips. Read a big article: