Caviar Every day lightly salted capelin in sauce - “I want caviar, but not everyone can afford it for breakfast? Great alternative! Another favorite from Ashan. " Freedom is a luxury that not everyone can afford. That not everyone can afford.

Caviar Every day lightly salted capelin in sauce - “I want caviar, but not everyone can afford it for breakfast?  Great alternative!  Another favorite from Ashan.
Caviar Every day lightly salted capelin in sauce - “I want caviar, but not everyone can afford it for breakfast? Great alternative! Another favorite from Ashan. " Freedom is a luxury that not everyone can afford. That not everyone can afford.

All people, one way or another, strive for a rich and wealthy life. Some have already managed to reach certain heights, even to acquire sufficient funds to acquire things of an incredible level of luxury, for example, mansions and yachts. Among the rich, yachts are not just an investment, but also a certain "sport". Every year they "practice" in acquiring more and more interesting and expensive samples.

1. Kokomo Ailand

At the first glance at this yacht, it will be difficult to believe that this is a ship. Kokomo Ailand is much more like an oil rig. And this is really so, but unlike a tower, this structure can still move. It has everything you need to relax "in the rich", including helipads and the owner's penthouse, which rises 80 meters above the ocean.

2. Dragonship 80

From a technical point of view, this vessel is a trimaran. Despite the presence of side fins, the side has good streamlining. The yacht has three sails, as well as a huge number of solar panels, which are constantly replenished by the ship's batteries. The ship looks like a fantastic ship.

3. The Streets of Monaco

Not a yacht, but a whole floating street! The ship's design copies several well-known hotels in Monaco. There is also a part of the Formula 1 track and a huge helipad on which even the heaviest aircraft can land. The lower part of the ship has a dock for smaller ships and submarines.

4. Hareide 108

A very unusual yacht, the designer of which wanted to see as much open space on the ship as possible. At the same time, everything here also has everything that the soul of a discerning tourist can wish for. It is not entirely clear what it will be like to be on the Hareide 108 in a storm, but it may not be necessary for such an expensive yacht.

5. Tropical Island Paradise

Another super-yacht the size of a small island, which, in fact, is designed for it. There is an impromptu volcano at the stern of the ship. From the outside, the yacht looks a little strange (that's for sure - the rich have their quirks!). On the other hand, there are so many interesting and luxurious things on board the ship that you begin to understand where in this world there is paradise on the water.

6. Komorebi

An unusual yacht, the design of which borrowed many elements from the icebreaker. Of course, Komorebi cannot break the ice in the northern latitudes, but the ship has a wing, to which smaller vessels can dock, as well as small private submarines.

7. Motor Yacht A

From the outside, this vessel looks like either a US Navy battleship or a military submarine. Very little is known about what is inside the ship. But it is known that this ship belongs to the oligarchs, the Melnichenko brothers, moreover, it is their favorite yacht.

Continuing the theme, and not only.

Good day! Auchan is the most favorite store for our family. And we very often buy products of their production "Every Day". (Not only because it is cheap, although it is too. But also delicious).

Since I am a “fish man”, and my family is not very good, I often buy myself fish and fish caviar (different, for example, pollock). This time my choice fell on the classic capelin roe.

I was pleasantly surprised that the taste is quite decent for a small price.

Packaging: transparent jar sealed with thick foil.

The packaging contains all the information you need. Weight 150 grams, And composition.

The design is modest, but nothing superfluous and distracting.

The color of the caviar is pale.

Now I'll tell you about the taste: Since mayonnaise is indicated in the composition, I expected that the taste would be slightly sour or bitter (in "Auchan" they sell squid in mayonnaise sauce, this is where the taste of bitter-sour mayonnaise is exactly like that).

But fortunately for me, the taste is sooooo delicate. Eggs are hard in moderation. Soft, but not liquid consistency. Does not spread over the sandwich. No unpleasant aftertaste remains.

Perfect for a snack. Can be smeared not only on bread, but for example on pancakes.

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that you discover this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and the goosebumps.
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Anyone who is able to pull himself out of the swamp by the hair is worthy of remarkable respect. That's why site I have collected for you the apt and poignant statements of the famous Baron Munchausen, which teach you not to lose heart and treat life and yourself with irony. In our time, believe me, this is important.

  • My best friend betrayed me, my beloved denied. I'm flying light.
  • Are you tired of waiting for me, dear? Sorry ... Newton detained me.
  • After the wedding, we immediately went on a honeymoon trip: I - to Turkey, my wife - to Switzerland. And they lived there for three years in love and harmony.
  • Long live divorce! It removes the lies that I hate so much!
  • We were sincere in our delusions!
  • Tomorrow is the anniversary of your death. Do you want to ruin our holiday?
  • - You say that a person can lift himself by the hair?
    - Necessarily! Every sane person is simply obliged to do this from time to time!
  • Well, I don’t change because of every idiot!
  • Being in some nervous excitement, the duke suddenly grabbed and signed several petitions for divorce with the words: "Free, all free!"
  • I was not afraid to sound funny. Not everyone can afford it.
  • Mr. Baron has been expecting you for a long time. He has been working in his office since morning, locked himself up and asked: "Thomas," he says, "has Mr. Pastor arrived yet?" I say, "Not yet." He says: "Well, thank God!" Very much waiting for you.
  • You have a mistress - to your health! Now everyone has mistresses. But you can't be allowed to marry them. It is immoral!
  • A minute is enough to fall in love. Sometimes you have to live together for twenty years to get a divorce.
  • Is it really necessary to kill a person in order to understand that he is alive?
  • “You are allowing kings to divorce.
    - Well, kings on special occasions, as an exception, when it is necessary, say, for procreation.
    - For procreation you need something completely different.
  • - Explain to the court why everything was good for 20 years, and suddenly such a tragedy?
    - Sorry, Mr. Judge, the tragedy lasted twenty years, and only now everything should be fine!
  • My funeral alone gave me more money than my entire previous life.
  • These are not my adventures, this is not my life! She's slicked, combed, powdered and castrated!
  • - Are you all joking?
    - I quit a long time ago. Doctors forbid.
    - Since when did you start going to doctors?
    - Immediately after death ...
    - They say, after all, humor is useful, a joke, they say, prolongs life.
    - Not everyone. For those who laugh, it is extended. The one who jokes shortens.
    So that's it.
  • I understand what your trouble is. You are too serious. All nonsense on earth is done with this expression on the face ... Smile gentlemen, smile.

We very often, especially recently, talk about freedom. And we very rarely think about what it is. Are we born free or do we gain freedom through experience? Does it really have to be conquered in order to start appreciating it?

Few would argue that freedom is better than non-freedom. However, in fact, many of us are ready to sacrifice it for the sake of tranquility, comfort, traditions; in order to, in the end, sit more comfortably on your butt. And here, right off the bat, one more question - do we really want to be free people?
As many people like to repeat now, and at all times they loved, probably: "All people are born free." As for me, our "relationship" with freedom is not as simple as it seems at first glance. For me, "innate" freedom, to put it mildly, is not obvious. If only because I associate freedom with my actions, and not with myself. And as long as there are no actions, there is no point in talking about human freedom, or rather, a reason.

Freedom really means a constant choice between alternatives and, more importantly, free choice requires the creation of new alternatives ... but there is always a certain price of freedom - effort, risk, anxiety. Unwillingness to pay this price makes people not free.
Rimantas Kociunas

Freedom is those actions that we perform with a clear awareness of the consequences and a willingness to answer for them. Spontaneous idiotic decisions are not freedom. And, by the way, to act freely does not mean to do good or bad, freedom is not an evaluative category at all. So think for yourself, decide for yourself, as they say, there is only one small nuance: freedom does not exist by itself, but only in an inextricable bundle with responsibility.

Willingness to commit an act and be responsible for it is the main criterion of freedom. Freedom is an "optional" phenomenon, optional for everyone - a state to which one needs to grow, and not everyone succeeds. And it is valuable only when a person knows how to dispose of it. Unfortunately, in our Slavic traditions, this issue always remains a secondary issue: the main thing is to break everything, and what's next - it will be visible there.

It is hardly possible to talk about real and concrete human freedom, and not abstract philosophical freedom, outside the world of structured relations and mutual obligations.
Rimantas Kociunas

In our country, such a good Ukrainian word "will" is usually a synonym for freedom. And, for some reason, this will does not characterize, as one might think, a certain "core" in a person is precisely "freedom from", a spontaneous impulse, and it does not provide for any constructive continuation. In general, the struggle against any restrictions is a striking feature of our nation (which does not exclude our inherent readiness to obey - as you know, extremes are attracted).

It is possible that our stubborn pursuit of "freedom from" in the absence of "vaults for" is related to history. Serfdom was abolished only in 1861, moreover, this "freedom" was lowered from above, and not conquered from below. This is hardly the best way: there is no freedom without liberation. In our country, however, the path to gaining freedom and to the ability to dispose of it has remained largely untapped.

The vital "dose of freedom" depends on our personal history, past experience and deepest aspirations. "
Ernst Unknown

For most of us, it is important that we live better today than we did ten to twenty years ago; people will not take to the streets until their welfare is under threat (grandmothers hit on their heads, paid rallies and outright provocations are not counted). This is the generally accepted explanation of our tacit agreement even with those actions and decisions of the authorities that categorically do not suit us. Most of our people are simply afraid of independence, it is extremely difficult (and maybe impossible) for them to allow themselves to have their own opinion, and even more so to defend it.

It seems to me that most (no less than 1/3 of course) of our fellow citizens will never grow up to freedom. After all, freedom is not included in the number of basic needs (it is somewhere at the top of Maslow's pyramid tweaked somewhere), and given that it does not guarantee well-being at all, it is completely devalued for many individuals.

I value my freedom very much: I hate it when they tell me what to think and how to act. And nevertheless, sometimes I am ready to submit to discipline out of respect for others, because I clearly understand: my freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins (although, in all honesty, such philanthropy came to me at a conscious age). If everyone does what they want, anarchy will quickly set in - and I don't like this almost as much as lack of freedom)).

If my freedom does not collide with any boundaries, I become nothing. Through limitations, I pull myself out of oblivion and bring myself into existence.
Karl Theodor Jaspers

In truth, an excessive excess of freedom sometimes confuses and even worries me. The realization that I have certain obligations helps me to feel in demand and needed - and complete autonomy survives the feeling of loneliness.
Another point is interesting - we feel the maximum freedom at the moment when we decide what is valuable to us. And then this sensation begins to "deflate". Reality begins to diminish freedom - freedom is always limited by specific circumstances. It is never absolute - it is always framed by reality.

That is why responsibility is so important for freedom - you need to be able to choose and enjoy not only the final goal / choice, but also the very process of achieving it. This is a kind of constructive freedom.
Something I have already thought out ... I'll try on my fingers ... Any job would be a good example: we should like not only the salary at the end of the month, but also everyday everyday activities, conversations, procedures.

If we like everything that we do, then this is freedom of choice. It turns out that the feeling of freedom is the art of being friends with reality. We can only try to live our lives more responsibly and consciously; to be responsible for their actions and actions; think, look with open eyes at what is happening around and inside us. Be attentive, critical, do not sleep. Hear yourself, your doubts, do not rely on the opinions and assessments of others. And, no matter how paradoxical it sounds, it is then that you can feel the greatest freedom.

All people, one way or another, strive for a rich and wealthy life. Some have already managed to reach certain heights, even to acquire sufficient funds to acquire things of an incredible level of luxury, for example, mansions and yachts. Among the rich, yachts are not just an investment, but also a certain "sport". Every year they "practice" in acquiring more and more interesting and expensive samples.

1. Kokomo Ailand

It looks like an oil platform.

At the first glance at this yacht, it will be difficult to believe that this is a ship. Kokomo Ailand is much more like an oil rig. And this is really so, but unlike a tower, this structure can still move. It has everything you need to relax "in the rich", including helipads and the owner's penthouse, which rises 80 meters above the ocean.

2. Dragonship 80

High-tech vessel.

From a technical point of view, this vessel is a trimaran. Despite the presence of side fins, the side has good streamlining. The yacht has three sails, as well as a huge number of solar panels, which are constantly replenished by the ship's batteries. The ship looks like a fantastic ship.

3. The Streets of Monaco

A real city street.

Not a yacht, but a whole floating street! The ship's design copies several well-known hotels in Monaco. There is also a part of the Formula 1 track and a huge helipad on which even the heaviest aircraft can land. The lower part of the ship has a dock for smaller ships and submarines.

4. Hareide 108

Plenty of open space.

A very unusual yacht, the designer of which wanted to see as much open space on the ship as possible. At the same time, everything here also has everything that the soul of a discerning tourist can wish for. It is not entirely clear what it will be like to be on the Hareide 108 in a storm, but it may not be necessary for such an expensive yacht.

5. Tropical Island Paradise

A real paradise on the water.

Another super-yacht the size of a small island, which, in fact, is designed for it. There is an impromptu volcano at the stern of the ship. From the outside, the yacht looks a little strange (that's for sure - the rich have their quirks!). On the other hand, there are so many interesting and luxurious things on board the ship that you begin to understand where in this world there is paradise on the water.

6. Komorebi

Can moor small boats.

An unusual yacht, the design of which borrowed many elements from the icebreaker. Of course, Komorebi cannot break the ice in the northern latitudes, but the ship has a wing, to which smaller vessels can dock, as well as small private submarines.

7. Motor Yacht A

Looks like a submarine.

From the outside, this vessel looks like either a US Navy battleship or a military submarine. Very little is known about what is inside the ship. But it is known that this ship belongs to the oligarchs, the Melnichenko brothers, moreover, it is their favorite yacht.