Presentation on the topic and with Griboedov. Presentation "Griboedov A.S." Presentation to the lesson in literature (grade 9) on the topic

Presentation on the topic and with Griboedov. Presentation
Presentation on the topic and with Griboedov. Presentation "Griboedov A.S." Presentation to the lesson in literature (grade 9) on the topic

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Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich 1795-1829 Mind and your deeds are immortal in the memory of Russian

A.S. Griboedov was born 4 (15) January 1795. Griboyedov's parents were rich landowners, owned two thousand fortress shower. Children's and youthful years of Griboedov spent in Moscow in the house of the mother in Novinsky Boulevard, 17.

Having received an excellent home education, in 1806, eleven years from the family, he entered the Moscow University Noble Pension, and at the end - to the university. By 1812, he passed the three faculties - verbal, legal and mathematical, in addition, owned by French, German, English, Italian, independently studied Latin and Greek, and subsequently studied the Persian, Arabic, Turkish.

Service. Petersburg. With the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, Griboedov leaves scientists and enter the Moscow Hussar Regiment. The military service (as part of the reserve parts) reduced him with D. N. Begichev and his brother S. N. Begichev, who became a close friend of Griboedov.

After resigning (beginning 1816), Griboedov settles in St. Petersburg, determined by the service in the colleague of foreign affairs. It leads a secular lifestyle, rotates in theatrical and literary circles of St. Petersburg (comes closer to the circle of A. A. Shakhovsky), he writes and translates for the theater.

The consequence of "ardent passions and powerful circumstances" (A. S. Pushkin) was a sharp change in his fate - in 1818 Griboedov appointed secretary of the Russian diplomatic mission to Persia (not the last role in this kind of link he played his participation as a second duel . P. Zavadsky with V. V. Sheremetev, who ended with the death of the latter).

Masterpiece of the Russian Classic History of Creating a Comedy "Mount Mind" After three years of service in Tavriz Griboedov, Tiflis was written in Tiflis. These were written 1 and 2 acts "grief from the mind", their first listener was the Tiflis colleague of the author V. K. Kyhehelbecker. By autumn 1824 comedy completed. Through censorship, it was possible to hold only passages printed in 1825 F. V. Bulgarin in the Almana "Russian Waist" (the first full publication in Russia - 1862; the first statement on the professional scene - 1831).

Museum autograph, sheets of the 1st and 3rd comedy "Woe from Wit"

The success of the Griboedovskaya comedy, who took a strong place in a number of Russian classics, is largely determined by the harmonious compound in it of an ominous bonding and timeless. At the same time "grief from the mind" - an example of the artistic synthesis of traditional and innovative: giving tribute to the canons of aesthetics of classicism (the unity of time, place, actions, conditional role, names -Maska)

Nevertheless, Griboedovsky creation immediately became an event of Russian culture, spreading among the reading public in handwritten lists, the number of which was approaching the books of the time of time, in January 1825 I. I. Pushchin brought Pushkin to the Mikhailovskiy List "Griever".

The accuracy and aphoristic tactfulness of the language, the successful use of free (multiple) Yamba, transmitting the element of spoken speech, allowed the comedy text to maintain sharpness and expressiveness; As Pushkin predicted, many lines "burning from the mind" became proverbs and sayings ("Fresh legend, but hardly", "do not observe happy hours," etc.).

Through the brilliantly drawn the picture of the Russian society of the pre-pectacies, "Eternal" topics are guessed: a conflict of generations, a drama of a love triangle, an antagonism of the personality. Griboedov "revives" the schemes taken from the life of conflicts and characters, freely introduces lyrical, satirical and journalistic lines into the comedy.

"Woe from the mind!

In the fall of 1825, Griboedov returns to the Caucasus, but already in February 1826 it turns out again in St. Petersburg - as a suspect in the case of the Decembrists (there were many grounds for arrest: at interrogations of the 4th Decembrist, including S. P. Trubetskaya and E. P. Obolensky, called Griboedov among members of the secret society; in the papers of many arrested people found the lists of "grief from the mind", etc.). Warned Yermolov about the upcoming arrest, Griboedov managed to destroy part of his archive. As a result, he categorically denies his involvement in the conspiracy. In early June, Griboedov is liberated from arrest with a "cleansing certificate." Under arrest and consequence

The diplomatic field on returning to the Caucasus (autumn 1826) of Griboedov takes part in several battles of the Russian-Persian war. Reacing considerable success on the diplomatic field (according to N. N. Muravyov-Kara, Griboedov "replaced ... a single person with a twenty thousandth army"), is preparing at all. The Turkmanchai world favorable for Russia.

Conclusion of Turkmancago Treaty (with lithography Moshkov)

Bringing documents of a peace treaty to St. Petersburg (March 1828), receives awards and a new appointment - Plenipotentiary Minister (ambassador) to Persia. Instead of literary classes, which he dreamed of devoting himself, Griboedov is forced to take a high position.

The last months of the last departure of Griboedov from the capital (June 1828) was painted with gloomy premonitions. On the way to Persia, he stops in Tiflis for a while. Enters the plans of the economic transformations of the Transcaucasus.

In August, he marries the 16-year-old daughter A. G. Chavchavadze - Nina, and with her departs to Persia.

The tragic death of other cases, the Russian minister deals with the departure of captive subjects of Russia. Appeal to him for the help of two female Armenians, which came to the harre of noble Persity, was a reason for massacre with an active and successful diplomat. On January 30, 1829, the crowd, incited by Muslim fanatics, defeated the Russian mission in Tehran. Russian Messenger was killed.

The remains of Griboedov were transported to the Russian limits extremely slow. Only on May 2, the coffin arrived in Nakhichevan. And on June 11, not far from the fortress of Gerrhera, there was a significant meeting described by Pushkin in the "Travel in Arzrum": "I moved across the river. Two oxes, pronounced in the armpue, rose across a cool road. Several Georgians accompanied the arma. "Where are you from?" - I asked. - "From Tehran." - "What are you driving?" - "Music".

A.S. Griboedov buried in Tiflis on the mountain of St. David. On the gravestone, the words of Nina Griboyedova: "Your mind and your deeds are immortal in the memory of Russian, but why did my love experience?".

Monument on the Mogileau A.S. Griboedov at the foot of the Church of St. David.

This presentation can serve as a doctactic material when conducting an introductory lesson by creativity A.S. Griboedov. The presentation contains basic information from the biography of the writer, as well as the history of creating his central work - the comedy "grief from the mind." Information about life Alexandra Sergeyevich Griboyedov can be supplemented by an oral story about his origin. Griboedov is a famous Russian writer, poet, playwright, a brilliant diplomat, a Stat adviser, the author of the legendary play in the verse "grief from the mind," was the descendant of an old nobility. Born in Moscow on January 15 (January 4, under Art. Art.) 1795, from an early age he manifested itself extremely developed, and a diversified, child. Provided parents tried to give him beautiful home education, and in 1803 Alexander became a pupil of the Moscow University Noble Pension. At the eleventh age, he was already a student of Moscow University (verbal branch). Becoming in 1808 by a candidate of verbal sciences, Griboedov finishes two more offices - moral and political and physical and mathematical. Alexander Sergeevich became one of the most educated people among his contemporaries, knew about a dozen foreign languages, was very good musically.

With the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, Griboedov joined the ranks of volunteers, but he did not have to participate directly in hostilities. In the rank of Kornet Griboyedov in 1815, he served in the cavalry regiment, which was in reserve. By this time, the first literary experiments include the comedy "Young spouses", which was a translation of the French play, article "On Cavalry Reserves", "Letter from Brest-Litovsk to the publisher."

In early 1816, A. Griboyedov is resigned and comes to live in St. Petersburg. Working in the Foreign Affairs College, he continues to work on a new writer's writer, makes transfers, poured into theatrical and literary circles. It is in this city that fate gave him an acquaintance with A. Pushkin . In 1817, A. Griboyedov tried forces in drama, writing a comedy "his own family" and "student".

In 1818, Griboedov appointed the secretary of the royal attorney, who led the Russian mission in Tehran, and this radically changed his further biography. The expulsion of Alexander Sergeyevich is expelled as a punishment for the fact that he spoke in a second fatal scandalous duel. Staying in Iranian Tabriz (Tavriz) was indeed painful for a beginner writer.

In the winter of 1822, Tiflis became a new place of Griboedov, and the new boss - General A.P. Yermolov, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Tehran, Commander of Russian troops in the Caucasus, in which Griboedov was secretary in the diplomatic part. It was in Georgia that he wrote the first and second act of comedy "grief from the mind." The third and fourth acts were already composed in Russia: in the spring of 1823 Griboedov left the Caucasus on vacation to their homeland. In 1824, the last point in the work was put in St. Petersburg, the path of which was a thorny. The comedy could not be published due to the ban on censorship and diverged in handwritten lists. Only small fragments "slipped" to print: they were in 1825 included in the almanac of the Russian Waist. Griboedov's brainchild got a high rating of A.S. Pushkin.

Griboedov planned to take a journey to Europe, but in May 1825 he had to urgently return to the service in Tiflis. In January 1826, in connection with the case of Decembrists, he was arrested, kept in the fortress, after which they were taken to St. Petersburg: the name of the writer emerged several times at interrogations, besides, during searches, there were handwritten copies of his comedy. Nevertheless, the lack of evidence of the investigation had to release Griboedov, and in September 1826 he returned to the fulfillment of official duties.

In 1828, the Turkmanchai peace treaty was signed, which corresponded to the interests of Russia. He played a certain role in the biography of the writer: Griboedov participated in his conclusion and delivered the text of the agreement to St. Petersburg. For merit, a talented diplomat was awarded a new position - the Plenipotentiary Minister (ambassador) of Russia in Persia. In his appointment, Alexander Sergeevich saw the "political link", plans for the implementation of numerous creative designs collapsed. With a heavy heart in June 1828, St. Petersburg leaves Griboedov.

Getting to the place of service, for several months he lived in Tiflis, where his wedding with a 16-year-old Nina Chavchavadze took place in August. In Persia, he left with a young spouse. In the country and abroad existed forces that did not suit the increased influence of Russia, which cultivated in the consciousness of the local population dislike to its representatives. On January 30, 1829, the Russian embassy was in Tehran underwent a cruel attack of the rustered crowd, and A.S. became one of his victims. Griboedov, who dismissed to such an extent that was identified only by the characteristic scream on his hand. The body was taken to Tiflis, where the end of his chapter was the grotto under the church of St. David.

Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich

Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov ( January 1795 , Moscow -January 30 [ February 11th ] 1829 , Tehran) - Russian diplomat , poet , playwright , pianist and composer , nobleman . State Councillor (1828) .

Griboedov is known as homo Unius Libri. - writer of one book , brilliantly rhymed plays " Mount from Um ", Which still very often put in the theaters of Russia. She served as a source of numerous winged phrases .

Origin and early years

Griboedov was born in Moscow in a secured informant family. His ancestor, Jan Grzibovsky ( polish. Jan Grzybowski.), at the beginning of the XVII century, moved from Poland. to Russia. The name of the author Griboedov is nothing but a kind of translation of the surname Grebovsky . With the king Aleksa Mikhailovic Was discharge dyak and one of the five compilers Cathedral Casting 1649 Fedor Akimovich Griboedov .

Father writer - retired second major Sergey Ivanovich Griboedov (1761-1814). Mother - Anastasia Fyodorovna (1768-1839), in Major also Griboedov.

According to the testimony of relatives, Alexander was very concentrated in childhood and is unusually developed. There are information that he had to be a grandmother's nephew Alexander Radishchev (It thoroughly hidden the playwright itself). At the age of 6, fluently owned three foreign languages, in his youth already six, in particular perfectly english , french , german and italian . Very well understood latin and ancient Greek .

IN 1803. He was given to B. Moscow University Noble Pension ; Three years later, Griboedov entered the verbal branch Moscow University . IN 1808 received the title of verbal science but did not leave learning, but he entered the moral and political department, and then on physico-mathematical department .

On September 8, 1812, the Kornet of Griboedov fell ill and remained in Vladimir, and, presumably, until November 1, 1812, because of the disease did not appear in the arrangement of the regiment. In winter, during Patriotic War 1812 When the enemy appeared on the territory of Russia, he joined the Moscow Gusar Regiment (voluntary irregular division) of Count Peter Ivanovich Saltykov, who received permission to form it. Arriving in place of service, he got into the company "Young cornets from the best noble surnames" - Prince Golitsyn, Count Efimovsky, Graph Tolstoy, Alyabyev, Sheremeteva, Lansky, Shatilov Brothers. With some of them, Griboedov was related. Subsequently, he wrote in a letter to S. N. Begichev: "I live in this squad for 4 months, and now the 4th year I can't get on the right path" . Begichev answered it like this:

But barely begun the formation, as the enemy entered Moscow. The regiment this received the command to go to Kazan, and on the exile of the enemies, at the end of the same year, he was prescribed to follow in Brest-Litovsk, join the broken by the Irkutsk Draghun shelf and take the name irkutsk gusarsky S. N. Begichev

Until 1815, Griboedov served in rank cornet. under the command of General from Cavalry A. S. Cologryvova . The first literary experiments of Griboyedov - "Letter from Brest-Litovsk to the publisher" , feature article "About cavalry reserves" and comedy "Young spouses" (Translation of the French Comedy "LE SECRE") - refer to 1814 in the article "About cavalry reserves" Griboedov spoke as a historical publicist.

The enthusiastic-lyrical "letter ..." from Brest-Litovsk to the publisher "Bulletin of Europe" is written after awarding Cologryov in 1814, "the Order of Holy Equal-Apostolic Vladimir 1st degree" and the holiday on June 22 ( 4th of July) In Brest-Litovsk, in the cavalry reserves, about this.

In the capital

In 1815, Griboedov arrived in Petersburg where I got acquainted with the magazine publisher "Son of the Fatherland" N. I. Ceing and the famous playwright N. I. Khmelnitsky.

In the spring of 1816, the novice writer left military service, and in the summer I published an article "On the analysis of the free translation of the Lenora burgle ballad" - a review for critical comments N. I. Glotich About ballad P . BUT. Katrenina Olga. At the same time, the name of Griboedov appears in the lists of real members of the Masonic lodge "Les Amis Reunis" ("United Friends").

In early 1817, Griboedov became one of the founders of the Masonic lodge "DU BIEN". In the summer, he entered the diplomatic service, taking the position of the province secretary (from the winter - translator) of the Foreign Affairs College. This period of the literature also includes his acquaintances with A. S. Pushkin and V. K. Kyhehelbecker , work on the poem "Lubchki Theater" (answer to criticism M. N. Zagoskin addressed "young spouses"), "Student" comedies (together with P. A. . Katenin), "Feigned infidelity" (together with A. A. Zhanro), "Own family, or married bride" (in collaboration with A. A. Shakhovsky and N. I. Khmelnitsky)


Main article: Four duel

In 1817, the famous "Four Duel" of Zavadovsky-Sheremeteyev and Griboedov-Yakubovich took place in St. Petersburg. The reason for the duel gave precisely Griboedov, bringing ballerina Istomine to the apartment of his friend Count Zavadovsky (Griboedov at that time was 22 years old). Cavaliergard Sheremetev, Lover Istomine, called Zavadovsky. Griboedov, Sheremeteva became a second of Zavadovsky - Kornet Life-Ulan Regiment Yakubovich .

Griboedov lived at Zavadovsky and, being a friend of Istomine, after the presentation brought her to himself, naturally, in the House of Zavadovsky, where she lived two days. Sheremetev was in a quarrel with destroying and was away, but when he returned, then inflamed by A. I. Yakubovich, called Zavadovsky for a duel. Yakubovich and Griboedov also promised to fight.

The first came to the barrier Zavadovsky and Sheremetev. Zavadovsky, excellent shooter, mortally wounded Sheremetyev in the stomach. Since Sheremetyeva had to immediately drive to the city, Yakubovich and Griboedov postponed her duel. He took place in the next, 1818, in Georgia. Yakubovich was translated into Tiflis In service, there was a passage and Griboedov, heading with a diplomatic mission in Persia .

Griboedov was wounded in the brush of the left hand. It was on this injury that was subsequently identified by the disfigured corpse of Griboedov, killed by religious fanatics during the defeat of the Russian embassy in Tehran .

(excerpt from comedy) (1817) 10) Serchal and It is 625) 11) Student (comedy in three actions is written together with P. A. Katenin) (1817) Youth of the belong (sketch) (1823) "Width \u003d" 640 "

Works Griboedova A. S.

Magnoyedov's drama: 1812. (plan and scene from the drama) (year not known) 1) Gore from the mind (Comedy in four actions in verses) (1824) 2) Georgian night (excerpts from the tragedy) (1826 or 1827) 3) Dialogue polovtsian husbands (excerpt) (no earlier than 1825) 4) Who brother who is sister, or deception for deception (NEW OPERAYA WATERVAL IN 1 Action) (1823) 5) Young spouse (comedy in one action, in verses) (1814) 6) Feigned infidelity (comedy in one action in verses) (1818) 7) Try intermedia (Intermedia in one action) (1818) 8) Rhodamist and Zenobia (tragedy plan) (year not known) 9) Your family, or married bride " (excerpt from comedy) (1817) 10) Serchal and Final (1825)11) Student (comedy in three actions, written together with P. A. Katenin) (1817) Youth of the beloved (sketch) (1823)

Publicistics Griboedov: (1824-1825) About cavalry reserves (1814) On the collection of free translation Burgerova ballads Lenora » (1816) My character uncle Private cases of St. Petersburg flood (1824)

Alexander Griboedov "David"

Not glorified in the brethren of izmlade, the youth of the Father I was, the shepherd of the parental herd; And CE! Suddenly, the body of the body was created by their hands, the psalrty was staged the fingers, oh! Who am to the high altitude to the Lord will excreat sounds! The Lord Creator himself heard! CHILD OF ANGEL: and the light-grade from heights flies for dollais; Took from parental sheep; The best of the goodness of heavenly anointed me. - Well, this is my great brethren? Kichley Fortress Body! But in them the Spirit of God, God forces, the Spirit did not distinguish the Spirit! Incapture, not with them, far fear I am excluding, I took my point: he cursed my idolmi; But I posted a sword on him, I struck him and beheaded and the shame of the Fatherland led, the sons of the sieves glorified!

Alexander Griboedov "Sorry, Fatherland"

Not a pleasure of life goal, not a consolation is our life. ABOUT! Do not be deceive, heart, oh! Ghosts, do not carry! .. We are incompletely embarrassed by the chain of sullen posts. When the light of happiness is penetrated into the corner, as unexpectedly! How dally! "We are young and believe in paradise," and chase and followed and away for a weakly shaking vision. " Wait! And there is no it! Ogaslo! - Deceived, tired. And what since then? - We wisely became, the foot measured five feet, built a dark coffin, and they were slammed alive in it. Wisdom! Here is her lesson: strange laws to bear the yarm, freedom to sorcerate into the grave, and faith in their own power, in courage, friendship, honor, love !!! - We will deal with the right oldest, as people have fun in battle when they captive them with themselves so deceptively and nice!

Mermontov told Lermontov about our places in its work "Taman". At this time, Taman was a small seaside finite point of a bumpy road from Temryuk. From here Lermontov had to go to Gelendzhik. The poet accidentally fell into the house of smugglers, which served as a material for writing a story.

I.P. Pokhitonov - Kuban Magnifier Artist The famous Kuban artist Ivan Pavlovich Pavlovich Pokhitonov was very talented, but amazing what he did not end the academy or even an art school: he was self-taught. In 1901, Pokhitonov bought a manor in Belarus, where he created dozens of picturesque miniatures. He receives an order from the Russian government - to write ten paintings from the history of the liberation war in Bulgaria. For these works on October 25, 1904, he is elected by an academician of painting, and in 1904 it becomes a member of the "Movement Partnership".

The revolution in 1905 knocks him out of the rut and he leaves for Belgium. After the renunciation of Nicholas II, it is served south, in Ekaterinodar. At first he was struck by the city himself with endless streets, with an amazingly small number of large buildings. Yes, and the center seemed to him imperceptible, everyday: few good shops, no solid hotels, no restaurants - more and more coffee shop. For the winter, the artist leaving a hot key. His paintings are known "courtyard under the snow", "hot key". In Ekaterinodar, Pokhitonov began his friends with F.I. Kovalenko, who, loving art, broke on the purchase of paintings. From February 10 to March 10, 1919, Kovalenko held a personal exhibition of Pokhitonov. After the exhibition, Pokhitonov left the city and went to Ukraine, where later and died.

Creating the first Kuban newspaper on March 30, 1863, the first issue of the Kuban Vedomosti newspaper was published. It was printed on two grades of paper - gray and white, which was why the price of an annual subscription differed. The room consisted of the official and unofficial part. The latter included Kuban news and reprints from the St. Petersburg newspapers. In 1864, there was a delay with the release of the newspaper. The next issue was released only on April 4. After a few years, the newspaper began to be called "Kuban regional statements". With the appointment in 1873, the Karmaline, Vedomosti, in 1873, becomes more interesting. From the nineteenth number 1897, the editor of the unofficial part was E.D. Felitsyn - selfless, tireless researcher. With it, the rubric of the generalistic knowledge and information is introduced, no outstanding event remains unnoticed. The newspaper becomes a topical.

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The first literary experiments. The first literary experiments. The beginning of their isniversate years. Once he read the passages from the comedy, and, according to his listeners, it was already the first sketches of "grief from the mind." His, Nastasya Fedorovna, did not approve the passion for the Son and stamped him in the presence of outsiders. Early literary experiments Griboedov is also a comedy "Young spouses" (1815), "its own family" (1817, in collaboration with A. A. Shakhovsky and N. I. Khmelnitsky). In the Comedy "Student" (1817, together with P. A. Katenin), the future realist-satir is already visible. Magnia of Griboedov in 1812 could not be carried away by the general patriotic enthusiasm. However, even here the influence of relatives was affected, he came with a cornet to the hussar regiment of Saltykov.

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Here Griboedov began writing a comedy "grief from the mind", the plan of which arose, apparently, back in 1816. Work completed on the play in St. Petersburg (1824), where Griboedov came to the atmosphere of the Decembrist conspiracy. K. F. Yelelev, A. A. Bestuzhev, Kyheelbecker, A. I. Odoyevsky were close friends. Like the Decembrists, Griboedov hated an autocratic-serf system, but skeptically referred to the possibility of success of a pure military conspiracy. In 1825, Griboedov returned to the Caucasus, but was soon arrested and delivered to St. Petersburg in connection with the uprising of the Decembrists. However, the involvement of Griboedov failed to prove to the conspiracy and he returned to Tiflis. Here Griboedov began writing a comedy "grief from the mind", the plan of which arose, apparently, back in 1816. Work completed on the play in St. Petersburg (1824), where Griboedov came to the atmosphere of the Decembrist conspiracy. K. F. Yelelev, A. A. Bestuzhev, Kyheelbecker, A. I. Odoyevsky were close friends. Like the Decembrists, Griboedov hated an autocratic-serf system, but skeptically referred to the possibility of success of a pure military conspiracy. In 1825, Griboedov returned to the Caucasus, but was soon arrested and delivered to St. Petersburg in connection with the uprising of the Decembrists. However, the involvement of Griboedov failed to prove to the conspiracy and he returned to Tiflis.

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"The grief from the mind" "grief from the mind" in it was reflected in the whole historical "grief from the mind" - the main work of Griboedov. Epoch. The Patriotic War of 1812 and caused by it the national-patriotic rise was exacerbated and strengthened the anti-refrete moods in the people's masses and among the advanced part of the noble society. It is no coincidence that Griboedov, apparently, shortly after the end of the comedy, was conceived by the People's Tragedy "1812"

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(Excerpts were published in 1859), the hero of which was to become a fortress peasant - militia, who chosen death after the end of the war instead of slavery. The intention "grief from the mind", the content of the comedy is connected with the ideas of the Decembrists. The dramatic conflict of the comedy was an expression of the struggle of two public camps: a feudal-serpentine reaction and advanced young people, from the environment of the Decembrists came out. In the comedy, it was also given by saying the words of Pushkin, "... a sharp picture of the morals" of the Barskoy Moscow. "Century the last" pharmaceous hostile culture, educational, social and spiritual progress. (Excerpts were published in 1859), the hero of which was to become a fortress peasant - militia, who chosen death after the end of the war instead of slavery. (Excerpts were published in 1859), the hero of which was to become a fortress peasant - militia, who chosen death after the end of the war instead of slavery. The intention "grief from the mind", the content of the comedy is connected with the ideas of the Decembrists. The dramatic conflict of the comedy was an expression of the struggle of two public camps: a feudal-serpentine reaction and advanced young people, from the environment of the Decembrists came out. In the comedy, it was also given by saying the words of Pushkin, "... a sharp picture of the morals" of the Barskoy Moscow. "Century the last" pharmaceous hostile culture, educational, social and spiritual progress. (Excerpts were published in 1859), the hero of which was to become a fortress peasant - militia, who chosen death after the end of the war instead of slavery.

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Directed in April 1828 by the Plenipotentiary Minister of the Resident (ambassador) in Iran, Griboedov took this appointment as a political link. On the way to Iran, Griboedov again spent several months in Georgia; Tbilisi married Nina Chavchavadze, her friend's daughter, Georgian poet A. Chavchavadze. As Ambassador, Griboedov conducted a solid policy. "... Respect for Russia and its requirements, here I need it," he said. Fearing the strengthening of Russian influence in Iran, agents of English diplomacy and reactionary Tehran circles, dissatisfied with the world with Russia, sketched a fanatically tuned crowd into a Russian mission. During the defeat of Mission, Griboedov was killed. He was buried in Tbilisi on Mount St. David, at the request of Griboedov himself, directed in April 1828 by the Plenipotentiary Minister of the Resident (ambassador) in Iran, Griboedov took this appointment as a political link. On the way to Iran, Griboedov again spent several months in Georgia; Tbilisi married Nina Chavchavadze, her friend's daughter, Georgian poet A. Chavchavadze. As Ambassador, Griboedov conducted a solid policy. "... Respect for Russia and its requirements, here I need it," he said. Fearing the strengthening of Russian influence in Iran, agents of English diplomacy and reactionary Tehran circles, dissatisfied with the world with Russia, sketched a fanatically tuned crowd into a Russian mission. During the defeat of Mission, Griboedov was killed. Buried in Tbilisi on Mount St. David at the request of Griboedov himself