Mariinsky Theater Title History. Mariinsky Theater: Creating History

Mariinsky Theater Title History. Mariinsky Theater: Creating History
Mariinsky Theater Title History. Mariinsky Theater: Creating History

One of the most significant musical theaters; The most famous opera and ballet theater. Since the time of the Board, Catherine II was the Imperial Theater. It is included in the version of our site.

The history of the Mariinsky Theater began from 1783, when a large theater was erected on the order of the Empress in St. Petersburg. During the reign of Alexander II, the theater was renamed in honor of his wife - Mary Alexandrovna. In October 1860, premiere was held in the new theater - Opera M. Glinka. The old building was reserved under the conservatory.

No wonder Mariinsky is considered one of the most significant theaters in the world of opera and ballet. In the second half of the XIX century, its most important premieres in the history of the Russian opera were held: "Boris Godunov" Mussorgsky, Iolanta Tchaikovsky and many other famous productions.

In 1920, with a change of power, the theater was renamed Kirovsky. The same name was returned in 1992. The inner premises of the theater were reconstructed twice. Today, this is one of the most beautiful halls of the world, and a unique curtain, created in 1914, has long been a business card of the theater. Not far from the theater in 2013, the building of the second scene of Mariinsky was built.

The main building of the theater is located on the Theater Square of St. Petersburg. You can get to the square by public transport, or bypassing 15-20 minutes from the metro stations "Sadovaya" / "Six Square" / "Spasskaya".

In the interruptions between theatrical seasons on the main stage other teams are played.

Photo Attractions: Mariinsky Theater

Mariinsky Theater (St. Petersburg, Russia) - Repertoire, ticket price, address, phone numbers, official website.

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The Mariinsky Theater is one of the largest musical theaters of Russia, who played a leading role in the formation of Russian choreographic and opera arts. The theater orchestra under the leadership of V. A. Gergiev is among the best symphony teams of the world, while the opera and ballet troupes are rightfully considered the strongest among domestic and foreign teams. In the repertoire of the theater, along with classical productions - ultra-modern performances of progressive choreographers and world premieres of modern composers.


The history of the emergence of Mariinsky dates back to 1783, when, by decree Catherine, the Great was opened a large (stone) theater on the square, which later called theatrical name. In its place is now the St. Petersburg Conservatory. The scene in the theater was equipped with the last word of technology, and the building itself on the project Antonio Rinaldi was struck by its size and architecture. Russian troupe spoke here alternately with foreign, they walked dramatic performances, concerts were arranged. Over time, the performances of the Russian operata troupe were transferred to the scene of the Alexandrin theater and the so-called theater circus, located opposite the big one.

When in 1859 the Circus Theater burned down, the current Mariinsky was built in his place, named after Empress Mary Alexandrovna, Alexander II spouse. The opera, and later the ballet troupe moved here. On October 2, 1860, the solemn discovery of the Theater by the production of "Life for the King" Glinka. In the XIX century, the building was twice reconstructed, the acoustics of the hall and scenes were improved.

During the blockade of Leningrad, more than twenty shells fell into the theater building, but by the end of the war it was already restored. Throughout the entire Soviet period, the theater was called Kirovsky, under this name it still remembers abroad. In 1992, his historical name was returned to the theater, and now it is the Mariinsky State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. In 2006, the theater was at his disposal a concert hall on the Street of Decembrists.

Repertoire theater and festivals

The repertoire of the Mariinsky Theater today includes the classic works of opera and ballet - "Nutcracker", "Sylphide", Giselle, Don Quixote, "Bayaderka", "Sleeping Beauty", "Prince Igor", "Aida", and concert programs Symphonic music. Every year, premiere performances appear on the stage of the theater, some of them are born as a result of cooperation with the largest scenes of the world: Covent Garden, La Scala, La Phenic, Tel Aviv Opera and San Francisco, etc.

Theaters occupied an important step in the history of the formation of culture and traditions of Russia. Among the significant and prominent theaters and the unique historical and architectural landmark of the country became the Mariinsky Theater. Art connoisseurs always believed him to the date of the best. Many historians, architects, and ordinary citizens are interested in the history of the Mariinsky Theater.

She is rich in events and deserves attention. The date of the foundation and the beginning of the existence of the Mariinsky Theater is 1783, when, according to the direct order of Catherine, it was decided to open the large stone theater on theatrical square, in those days it was called the carousel square.

In the middle of the nineteenth century in 1859, built immediately opposite the well-known Bolshoi Theater Theater Circus was, unfortunately, was completely destroyed, the cause was the strongest fire. Instead of the burnt structure, a new building was erected - the building of the famous Mariinsky Theater. He received a name not by chance, it was customary to be called Mariinsky. Such a name was assigned to him no wonder - in honor of Empress Mary Alexandrovna (Alexander II spouse).

In this theater, the first theater season opened a little later only in 1860. A little later, it was decided to rebuild him, and the entire repertoire was already postponed on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater.

Each era in history left its historic imprint. In the revolutionary period, the theater changed its name to the state, and since 1920 he was renamed the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. But it was not over the renaming of the theater - in the middle of the thirties (1935 g) of the years he was assigned the name of the famous revolutionary Sergey Kirov.

Modern Mariinsky Theater.

At the moment it includes three operating sites:

- The main platform is the theater building itself on theatrical;
- the second scene was opened in 2013;
- The third scene is a concert hall, open on ul. Decembrists.

For all the years of existence on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, a huge variety of unique works were delivered. You could buy tickets to the ballet "Nutcracker", enjoy the magnificent production "Sleeping Beauty", "Peter Greims" and others.

In total, over the years of the twentieth century, over thirty operas and 29 ballets were held on his scene. This is a very high indicator. The best composers and artistic leaders of the country found their inspiration here. Today, there is a huge number of professional actors - real ASS of theatrical art.

It should be noted that the Great Patriotic War left a huge unpleasant imprint in the history of the theater itself. In addition to material damage, the team of the theater lost about three hundred artists, which, unfortunately, died at the front.

To see a unique game of talented actors to the country, a lot of guests from other states went to the country. Every year the Theater took many people who wish to get to the famous "Mariinsky" productions.

Many artists participating in popular and well-known modulations have been marked by special thanks and awards.

Hopefully, such buildings like a Mariinsky Theater are no longer threatened with fundamental changes. Due to small funding from the state, the actors have to be connected to the development of the repertoire. We can observe every year that the efforts of our ancestors were not gone - the scene of the Mariinsky Theater presented a rather large number of outstanding actors and opera performers.

In St. Petersburg? The history of the theater begins in 1783, when the decree of Catherine is great about creating an institution "to manage music and spectacle" a large stone theater is created on the square, called since then the theatrical. In the Bolshoi Theater walked all the most famous opera of the time; Italian, French and Russian troupes performed here. The theater constantly demanded reconstruction, so it was repeatedly rebuilt with various architects. In 1859, the Theater Circus located next to the large theater burned down and the Mariinsky Theater was built in his place. Architect A. Kavos created the building, as well as the auditorium of the Mariinsky Theater. For the Mariinsky Theater, the architect developed a scene, which fully corresponded to the technologies of his time. From that moment on, we can talk about the history of the creation of the Mariinsky Theater as a history of creating a whole era.

The actors of the Mariinsky Theater quickly won popularity among the public. Each director of the Mariinsky Theater sought to put the opera or ballet not worse than on the stage of the Big Stone Theater. The chief conductor of the Mariinsky Theater together with the orchestra performed the music works of Tchaikovsky, Rossini, Strauss, Borodin, Mussorgsky. In 1869, Mariius Petipa became a ballot troupe who began in the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, a ballet history with a completely new choreography. Under the leadership of Petipa, the Ballets "Sleeping Beauty", "Bayadeka", "Nutcracker", "Swan Lake" and many others are charged with actors of the Mariinsky Theater.

In 1885, a large stone theater closes on reconstruction, and most of the performances are transferred to the Mariinsky Theater. The history of the construction of the Mariinsky is renewed. At the same time, the three-storey building is attached to the Mariinsky, where the workshops of the Mariinsky Theater are located. Now the artists paint scenery, sew the costumes and keep part of the details in the workshops of the Mariinsky Theater. In 1886, the Big Theater is demolished, and all performances are held in Mariyinka. In 1894, the architect Schretter expands the audience foyer, modifies the main facade and replaces wooden rafters on steel and reinforced concrete in the auditorium of the Mariinsky Theater.

In 1917, the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg becomes state. In 1935 he receives a new name in honor of S.M. Kirov. On January 20-30, the director of the Mariinsky Theater put works by Soviet composers: S.Prokofeva, A.Berga, as well as the work of modern foreign composers, for example, R. Straus. As Wikipedia says, the Mariinsky Theater is at this time becoming the progenitor of the Russian team. But the stage of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg is put "Bakhchisarai Fountain" Asafieva, "Red Lighthouse" Gliera and others. During World War II, according to Wikipedia, the Mariinsky Theater is evacuated to Perm, where the theater continues to function. After the war in 1968-1070, the last reconstruction of the theater under the leadership of S. Gelfer, which completes the history of the construction of the Mariinsky Theater.

In 1988, Valery Gergiev comes to the post of chief conductor, and from that moment the modern era of the theater of ballets and operas begins. A museum of the Mariinsky Theater is being created, in which costumes, the scenery of famous artists and much more are being stored. The Museum of the Mariinsky Theater is held guided tours of the theater. Also under the auspices of Gergiev, the Mariinsky label is created and the construction of the second scene of the theater begins. In 2006, the theater presented a new concert hall on the Street of Decembrists 37. In addition, the theater was returned to his initial name - Mariinsky.

Opened in 1783 in St. Petersburg as a stone (large) theater, from 1860 in a modern building (arch. A. Kavos), at the same time received a modern name; In 1919 1991 State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, from 1935. S. M. Kirov, from 1992 ... ...

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