Ancient drawings on the walls of the caves. Cave painting

Ancient drawings on the walls of the caves. Cave painting
Ancient drawings on the walls of the caves. Cave painting

") Drew images of animals on which they hunted. They are the first of the people to draw, using paints, although, probably, long before painted their bodies with an unwrapped breed of red, so-called okra.

Apparently, Crohanyonians used these drawings in rules. They believed that the drawings would protect from evil forces and will help during the hunt, the success of their existence depended. There are still no drawings made by more ancient people. Perhaps they painted or scratched something sharp on pieces of wood, which have long been rotten.

Cryanonians painted horses, bison and deer. Often, images of copies are also found in the drawings, which was due to the artist's plan, bring good luck during the real hunt.

One of the Kromanon artists put her hand to the rock, and then poured around her paint through the cane. The image of people or plants occur in the early drawings extremely rare.

An image of a woolly mammoth, carved on the wall of the cave, is clearly visible to its long-sided wool. Skatal painting often shows us what prehistoric animals looked like.

Cryanonians carved on the stone of very thick or pregnant women on the stone. They also laid statuettes from clay, after which they burned them on fire. Probably primitive people believed that such figures would bring them good luck.

Cave drawings

Circle painting

You will need a gypsum, a box of a large match box, a twine, adhesive tape and paint.

Take the segment of the twine 6 cm long and fold it in half so that it turns out the loop. Attach this loop with adhesive ribbon to the bottom of the boxes on the inside.

Mix the plaster with so that there is a root solution, and pour it into the box, there should be a layer with a thickness of approximately 3 cm. Give the gypsum to harden, then drip the box from it.

Redraw on this piece of gypsum one of the rock paintings on this page. Then color it using the same paints as the caveman: red, yellow, brown and black.

You can also reproduce and carved image of the animal. Transfer the mammoth contour shown on this page to a piece of gypsum. Then the old fork will sell lines in the gypsum over the entire contour.

Interesting and picturesque messages from the past - drawings on the walls of the caves, the age of which is up to 40 thousand years - enchant modern people with their conciseness.

What were they for people of antiquity? If they served only to decorate the walls, then why they were performed in remote corners of the caves, in those places where, most likely, did not live?

The most ancient figures found about 40 thousand years ago, others were under several tens of thousands of years. Interestingly, in different parts of the world, the image on the walls of the caves is very similar - in those days, people portrayed mainly unfortunate and other animals that were distributed in their locality.

The image of the hands was also popular: the community members put the palms to the wall and outlined them. Such pictures are really inspired by: pressing the palm to such an image, a person may feel like formed a bridge between modern civilization and antiquity!

Below we offer you interesting images made by ancient people from different parts of light on the walls of the caves.

Lime Cave Pettanere, Indonesia

Cave Pettanere 12 kilometers from the city of Marosh. At the entrance to the cave on the ceiling there are white and red hand contours - only 26 images. The age of drawings is about 35 thousand years. Photo: Cahyo Ramadhani /

Cave Shaw, South France

Images, the age of which is about 32-34 thousand years, are located on the walls of the limestone cave near the city of Walon-Pont-D-D-D-ARC. Total in the cave, which was opened only in 1994, there are 300 drawings that are striking with their painting.

One of the most famous images from the sew cave. Photo: Jeff Pachoud / AFP / Getty Images

Photo: Jeff Pachoud / AFP / Getty Images

Photo: Jeff Pachoud / AFP / Getty Images

Photo: Jeff Pachoud / AFP / Getty Images

Photo: Jeff Pachoud / AFP / Getty Images

Cave El Castillo, Spain

El Castillo contains one of the most ancient samples of cave painting in the world. The age of images is at least 40,800 years.


Cave Kovalanas, Spain

The unique cave Kovalanas inhabited people less than 45 thousand years ago!



Walls of caves located near Kovalanas and El Castillo are also decorated with numerous drawings made by people thousands of years ago. However, these caves are not so known. Among them - Las Mondas, El Pando, Chofin, Oman De La Foam, Kulalver.

Cave lacco, france

The LASC Cave complex in the south-west of France accidentally opened a local resident in 1940, a 18-year-old guy named Marcel Ravid. A huge number of pictures on the walls that are surprisingly preserved, give this complex the caves right to qualify for the title of one of the biggest galleries of the ancient world. The age of images is about 17.3 thousand years.

About ancient rock paintings.

Around the world, speleologists in deep caves find confirmation of the existence of ancient people. Shark paintings are perfectly preserved for many millennia. There are several types of masterpieces - pictograms, petroglyphs, geoglyphs. Important monuments of human history are regularly entered into the World Heritage Register.

Usually on the walls of the caves there are crowds of plots, such as hunting, battle, images of the sun, animals, human hands. People in ancient times gave painting sacred meaning, they believed that they would help themselves in the future.

Images were applied by various methods and materials. For artistic creativity, the blood of animals, ocher, chalk and even guano volatile mice were used. The special type of painting is dashest paintings, they were knocked out in stone with a special cutter.

Many caves are not sufficiently studied and are limited in visiting, and other, on the contrary, are open to tourists. However, most of the precious cultural heritage disappears unattended without finding their researchers.

Below is a small excursion to the world of the most interesting caves with prehistoric weak paintings.

Ancient rock paintings.

Bulgaria is famous not only about the seizures and the indescribable flavor of the resorts, but also the caves. One of them, with the sonorous name Magura, is located north of Sofia, not far from the town of Belogradchik. The overall length of cave galleries is more than two kilometers. The halls of the cave have colossal dimensions, each of them is about 50 meters wide and 20 in height. The pearl of the cave is a rocky painting, made directly on the surface covered by Guano volatile mice. Murals of multi-layered, here a number of paintings, neolithic, eneolyt and bronze century are presented here. In the drawings of the ancient homo, Sapiens depicted figures of dancing settlements, hunters, many wonderful animals, constellations. The sun, plants, tools of labor are also represented. Here begins the story of the festivities of the ancient era and about the sunny calendar, scientists are assured.

Cave with the poetic name Kueva de Las Manos (from Spanish - "Cave of many hands") is located in the province of Santa Cruz, exactly in a hundred miles from the nearest settlement - Cities of Perito Moreno. The art of rocky painting in the hall 24 meters long and 10 meters in height dates back to 13-9 millennia BC. An amazing picture on limestone is a bulk fabric, an isolated hand-trail. Scientists have built the theory about how they turned out to be clear and clear and clear prints of the palms. Prehistoric people took a special composition, then they gained it into the mouth, and through the tube with force, they blurted out on the hand applied to the wall. In addition, there are stylized images of a person, Nanda, Guanako, cats, geometric shapes with ornaments, the process of hunting and observation of the sun.

Charming India offers tourists not only to the delights of the eastern palaces and charming dances. In the north of central India, there are huge mountain formation from the weathered sandstone with a lot of caves. In natural shelters, once ancient people lived. About 500 housing with human habitats are preserved in Madhya Pradesh. Indians ordered rock dwellings with the name Bhimbet (on behalf of the hero epos "Mahabharata"). The arts of the ancients are dated here with the epoch of the Mesolitis. Some paintings are insignificant, and some of the hundreds of images are very typical and bright. 15 shaded masterpieces are available for contemplating those who want. Most importantly, patterned ornaments and scenes of battle are depicted here.

Rare animals are found in Serra da Kapivara National Park, and masty scientists. And 50 thousand years ago here, in the caves, our distant ancestors found. Presumably, this is the most ancient community of hominids in South America. The park is located near the city of San Raymondo Nonato, in the central part of Piaui. Experts counted more than 300 archaeological monuments here. The main preserved images are dating 25-22 thousand years before the Nativity of Christ. The most amazing thing is that extinct bears and other Paleoofaun are drawn on the rocks.

From Somalia in Africa recently separated the Republic of Somaliland. Archaeologists in this area are interested in Lasa Gal cave complex. Here are rocky paintings of the times 8-9 and 3 millennia to our era. On the granite walls of majestic natural shelters, scenes of life and life of the nomadic people of Africa are depicted: the process of grazing, ceremony, games with dogs. The local population of the drawings of the ancestors does not attach, and the caves use, as inserted, for asylum during the rain. Many of the etudes have not been studied properly. In particular, problems arise with the chronological binding of the masterpieces of Arab-Ethiopian ancient rocky painting.

Not far from Somalia, in Libya, there are also robust paintings. They are much earlier, and dated, almost until the 12th millennium BC. The last of them are applied after the Nativity of Christ, in the first century. It is interesting to observe, following the drawings, like in this area of \u200b\u200bthe Sahara, fauna and flora changed. First we see elephants, rhinos and fauna, characteristic of a rather wet climate. It is also interesting to a clearly traceable change in the style of the population of the population - from hunting to sedentary cattle breeding, then to nomadicity. To get to Tadrart-Akus, you need to cross the desert to the east of the city of Gat.

In 1994, for a walk, by chance, Jean-Marie Shaw opened the famous cave later. She was called in honor of the speleologist. In the sew cave, except traces of the vital activity of the ancient people, hundreds of wonderful frescoes were discovered. The most amazing and beautiful of them depict Mammoths. In 1995, the cave became a state monument, and in 1997 a 24-hour surveillance was introduced here to avoid damage to a magnificent heritage. Today, to take a glance at the unmatched rocky creativity of Cryanons, you need to receive a special tolerance. In addition to mammoths, admire there is something on the walls here there are both handprints, and fingers of representatives of Orignak culture (34-32 thousand years BC)

In fact, the name of the Australian National Park is not related to the famous Parrots of Kakada. Just Europeans incorrectly pronounced the name of the Gaagudju tribe. This nation has now extinct, and there is no one to fix the unstring. Aborigines lived in the park that did not change the way of life since the time of the Stone Age. For thousands of years, indigenous Australians were engaged in weak paintings. Pictures here have been drawn already 40 thousand years ago. In addition to religious scenes and hunting, stylized stylized stories are sketched here in drawings about useful skills (training) and magic (entertainment). Animals depicts extinct sampling tigers, Soma, Barramundi. All Miracles of Plateau Arnhem Lend, Kolpignac and South Hills are localized 171 km from Darwin.

It turns out that the first homo Sapirens got to Spain at 35 millennia to the Nativity of Christ, it was an early Paleolithic. They left the scattered paintings in the cave of Altamira. Artifacts on the walls of a huge cave date back to the 18th and 13th millennium. In the last period, polychrome figures are interesting, a peculiar combination of engraving and painting, the acquisition of realistic parts. Famous bridges, deer and horses, or rather, their beautiful images on the walls of Altamira often fall into textbooks for middle-class students. Altamira Cave is located in the Cantabria region.

Lasco is not just a cave, but a whole complex of small and large cave rooms located in the south of France. Not far from the caves stands the legendary village Montignac. Pictures on the walls of the cave are drawn 17 thousand years ago. And so far they are striking amazing forms, akin to modern art graffiti. Scientists especially appreciate the hall of the bulls and the Palace Hall of Cats. What the prehistoric creators left there, it is easy to guess. In 1998, the fishing masterpieces almost destroyed the mold, which arose due to an incorrectly mounted air conditioning system. And in 2008, LASCO closed to preserve more than 2000 unique drawings.


Niramin - Jun 14th, 2016

Ancient rock paintings are nothing but a chronicle of the most distant times, when the only way to transfer the impressions of the world and occurring events in it was drawings made by the most common means of labor and creativity - stone and coal.

In these simple, but sometimes very impressive plots, the daily life of a primitive person was transmitted with an amazing expressiveness, his thinking about eternity and place in the universe, about who or what he is from where it appeared and in what the meaning of his full fears and anxiety of life. The preserved petroglyphs are a dumb witnesses of everyday life of the disappeared tribes and peoples, their rituals and traditions. It is thanks to the ancient rock paintings that we can learn about the past of humanity, the ways of its development, the customs of the ancient peoples, the formation of civilizations, etc.

One of the most famous moody painting monuments is in Shaw's cave in southern France. There are pictures that are 32 thousand years old. On the walls of the cave you can see images of animals, scenes of hunting, cooking, household items, etc. The first ancient patterns are monochrome. Later, two-color images appeared, in which red oca was most often used.

Many rock paintings are very picturesque: expressive figures of people pursuing to game, scenes of rites, images of animals and plants. In the era of the cattle breeders, visual stories about the life of the shepherd came to replace the painting of hunting. During this period, images of a lot of cattle are more common on the walls, where the figures of bulls, cows, antelope, goats are carefully discharged.

The creation of rock paintings is caused by the natural need of a person to convey its understanding about the world around. This is connected with the appearance of the first images of gods, mythical creatures, masks.

Gallery photo of rock paintings:

Photo: Ancient rock figure.

Photo: Fashionable drawing - Lyasco Cave in France.

Photo: Shaw Cave in France.

See the rock paintings of the cave of Altamira in Spain:

Video: Copy of Grott Shaw - New Landmark of France (News)

Video: Folded drawings in caves by ... (UNESCO / NHK)

Video: Frame drawings in the Valley Twiphelnontein

Video: The drawings of the cave of Altamir were older

Video: Mysterious rock paintings. Ancient petroglyphs of shamans.

On December 18, 1994, the famous French speleologist Jean Marie Shaw discovered a cave gallery with ancient animal images. Nakhodka received a name in honor of his discoverer - Cave Sow. We decided to tell about the most beautiful caves with weak pictures.

Cave Shaw.

The opening of the sew cave in the south of France near the town of Pont d'Ark became a scientific sensation, which forced to revise the existing idea of \u200b\u200bthe art of ancient people: earlier it was believed that primitive painting was developing in stages. At first, the images were very primitive, and should have passed not one thousand years so that the drawings on the walls of the caves had reached their perfection. Nakhodka Shaved talks about the opposite: the age of some images is 30-33 thousand years, which means that our ancestors have learned to draw before relocation to Europe. Found rocking painting is one of the oldest samples of cave art in the world, in particular, the drawing of black rhinos from the seach is still considered the most ancient. The south of France is rich in such caves, but none of them can be compared with the cave seam neither in size nor the preservation and skill of drawings. Mostly on the walls of the cave depicts animals: panthers, horses, deer, as well as woolly rhino, Tarpan, cave lion and other animals of the ice age. In total, images of 13 different animal species are found in the cave.

Now the cave is closed to visit tourists, since the change in air humidity may damage the images. Archaeologists can work in a cave just a few hours a day. Today, the sew cave is the national heritage of France.

Nerja caves

Nerja Caves - Amazing A Series of Huge Caves near the city of Nerja in Andalusia, in Spain. Received the nickname "Prehistoric Cathedral". Were found random in 1959. Are one of the main attractions of Spain. Some of their galleries are open to visit, and in one of them that forms a natural amphitheater and has excellent acoustics, even concerts. In addition to the largest stalagmites in the world, several mysterious drawings were found in the cave. Experts believe that seals or sea seals are depicted on the walls. Fragments of charcoal were found near the drawings, the radiocarbon dating of which gave the age between 43,500 and 42,300 years. If experts prove that the images were made by this coal, the seals of the Nerch cave will be significantly ancient than the rock paintings from the sew cave. This once again confirms the assumption that the Neanderthals had the abilities to the creative imagination, no smaller than that of a sensible person.


Capov Cave (Schulgan-Tash)

This karst cave was found in Bashkiria, on the White River, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich the Schulgan-Tash reserve is now located. This is one of the longest caves of the Urals. The rock paintings of the ancient people of the Late Paleolithic Epoch, like which can be found only in very limited places in Europe, were found in the Kapovoy Cave in 1959. Images of mammoths, horses and other animals are made in the main ocher-natural pigment based on animal fat, their age is about 18 thousand years old. There are several drawings with coal. In addition to animals, there are images of triangles, stairs, oblique lines. The most ancient drawings dating back by early Paleolithic are in the upper tier. At the bottom tap of the cave are later images of the ice age. The drawings are also notable for the fact that human figures are shown without realism inherent in the beasts depicted. Researchers suggest that the images were made to take the "hunting gods". In addition, cave paintings are designed for perception not from one specific point, but at several angles of view. To preserve the drawings, the cave was closed to visit in 2012, but an interactive kiosk was installed in the museum on the territory of the reserve for all wishing to look at the drawings virtually.

Cave of Cueva de Las Manos

Cave of Cueva de Las Manos ("Cave of Hands") is in Argentina, in the province of Santa Cruz. The world fame of Cueva de Las Manos in 1964 brought studies of the professor of the archeology of Carlos Graddan, who found a lot of wall drawings and prints of a person in the cave, the oldest of which are dated to the IX millennium BC. e. More than 800 prints, overlapping each other, form a multi-colored mosaic. So far, scientists have not come to a single opinion on the meaning of the images of the hands, according to which the cave received its name. Imprinted mainly left hands: out of 829 fingerprints only 36 - right. Moreover, according to some researchers, hands belong to teenagers. Most likely, applying an image of his hand was part of the initiation rite. In addition, scientists have built the theory about how such clear and clear prints of the palms were obtained: apparently, the special composition was recaptured in his mouth, and through the handset with force was blown on the hand applied to the wall. In addition to the prints of the palms, people, Nanda, Guanako, cats, geometric shapes with ornaments, hunting processes are depicted on the walls of the cave (the drawings shows the use of Bolas - the traditional throwing weapons of South America) and surveillance. In 1999, the cave was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Cave lacco

The cave received the nickname of the "Sicastine Chapel of Primitive Painting", she has no equal in the number, quality and safety of rock paintings. It was discovered in 1940 by four teenagers near the city of Montignac, in France. Picturesque and engraved drawings that are here, do not have accurate dating: they appeared about the XVIII-XV millennium BC. e. And depict horses, cows, bulls, deer, bears. In total, there are about six hundred animal drawings and almost one and a half thousand cars on the walls. Pictures are made on a light background with shades of yellow, red, brown and black. Scientists argue that ancient people did not live in this cave, but used it exclusively for drawing, or the cave was something like a cult place. LASC Cave was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.

Andrei Matveyev worked on the article

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