Argument by nature. "About all creatures - big and small"

Argument by nature. "About all creatures - big and small"

"Martian Chronicles". R. Bradbury

Rainbow representations of many readers about the hospitality of other people's planets, completely crosses its vision of the American Fantastic Ray Bradbari problem. The author persistently warns that the elusive inhabitants of other worlds do not burn with a particular desire to celebrate the uninvited guests on their territory. In the same, who will still decide to cross this border by anything, the writer recommends to get ready for a turn of disappointments, as they will have to face a completely different world living on incomprehensible laws.

"King Fish." V. Astafiev

In this work, the well-known Russian writer introduces us with his attitude to the eternal moral and philosophical issue of the relationship between the person and the surrounding animal world. He reminds of huge responsibility that is entrusted to us by nature itself, and calls upon all their forces to strive to build the harmony of his inner world With the harmony of the world existing next to us.

"All summer is one day." R. Bradbury

Distant I. mysterious Venus. The author immerses us in his idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible conditions of the existence of the first immigrants from our planet in this alien and completely incomprehensible to them. We are talking About children who visit the Venusian school. All of them are one age, and live the only waiting for the appearance of the Venus of the long-awaited sun in the sky. The luminaire appears here only once every seven years, and the children of the nine-year-old do not remember how it looks. The exception is the only girl named Margo, which arrived on the planet later than others and did not have time to forget what the sun is and how it looks from the ground. Between it and other guys are intense and difficult relationships. They just do not understand each other. But time runsAnd the day of the sun is approaching. It will delight the habitants of the rainy planet with their presence within an hour, and then again hits for many seven years, so for the young inhabitants of Venus, this day is an event that in its solemnity and significance cannot be compared with anything.

« Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The allegorical story of the French pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery introduces us with a very touching character. This is a boy who is busy very serious and responsible business - he visits various planets, and thus knows the world. With his conclusions, he is generously divided with the reader and opens his children's vision and the attitude towards everything, with which he has to face. The young traveler unobtrusively resembles people that it is on them that they are responsible for the life of everything that they are surrounded - "We are responsible for those who have tamed", and the concern for the planet, on which we live - the unconditional and daily duty of every person.

"Grandfather Mazay and Hares." N. Nekrasov

Little village that describes famous poetis located in the forest wilderness of the Kostroma province. Every year, the spring floods turn this wonderful place in the "Russian Venice" - under water it turns out a third of the entire territory, and the forest inhabitants are horrified in search of Sushi Saving Islets. The main character This work, Grandflower Mazay, floating on his boat along the flooded forest, saw the hare-born and trembling from fear and cold. Defenseless animals, apparently, did not expect that their distress will attract whose attention, but when the old hunter began to transplant them into the boat to release in a safer place, they at least with distrust and caution, but took help from a person unfamiliar to them. This story reminds each of us that it is impossible to observe plight The brothers of our smaller, and, if possible, provide all the assistance to those who are in dire need.

"Floch". Ch. Aitmatov

The novel of the famous Kyrgyz writer is a warning addressed to each of us. Naitaria I. tragic fate the main character of this work of the Augee, open the reader that huge reservoir moral issuesthat have changed our attitude to life and others to be unrecognizable. In the novel, the contradictions of the characters who feel responsible for everything and those for whom conscience and morality have become an extra burden. In parallel with the development of the main plot, the author unobtrusively immerses us to the life of ordinary wolf family. Apparently, such a reception is chosen not by chance - natural and, inherently, the sinless life of predators is opposed to the mud, which is overflowing the relationship between people.

"The man who sled trees." J. Ziono

This story is about a person with large letters. All his life he devoted to turning the lifeless desert in a blooming oasis. His daily work For many years, he instilled hope in the hearts of people living next to him. Thousands of trees planted by the main character, brought happiness tens of thousands of others who lost seemingly last hope Survive in this cruel world.

"On all creatures - big and small." J. Harrot.

With a light humor and huge love, the author, who in his main profession was a branch and engaged in the treatment of animals, introduces me to pets, which we meet daily, but we do not know absolutely nothing about themselves, not about their attitude towards us.

"Three tickets to Edvecher". J. Darrell.

Tale famous traveler, naturalist and possessor of the rare gift of a magnificent storyteller J. Darrell, introduces us to unique nature South America And immerses readers to the world of their impressions from the expedition to this continent. Literary heritage This researcher provided the opportunity to millions of people of different ages It is completely different to perceive the world that surrounds them, and feel sorry for his problems and joy. The author in a fascinating and light manner talks about the life of rare animals - about the boxing fights of dickery, daily attendance of the slides, about the process of emergence of unique reptiles and amphibians, and about the mass of other interesting things. cognitive character. You will get acquainted with hard and dangerous labor Wild animal rescuers and significantly expand their knowledge of the world, which is in close proximity to the person, but living according to the laws, understandable only to Him.

"Do not shoot in white swans." B. Vasilyev

The very name of this story itself, contains a call to people to stop and fill in their attitude to wildlife And life at all. This is a cry of despair, which cannot leave anyone indifferent. The story of the narrative captures the reader from the first minutes and does not let go to the very union. We empathize the heroes of this story, we delve into the secrets of their minigration and at least at the time we become similar to them. The author is trying to accurate the elusive border between good and evil, addressing the fate of his characters and their daily attitude towards the world of wildlife.

"Stories about animals." E. Season-Thompson

E. Season-Thompson One of the few authors, which his manner of the story and deep reflections immerses its readers into the world of their personal relationships to the whole living. It is touching and with children's spontaneity communicates with wild and pets, with full confidence that they understand and perceive every word, and only for quite understandable reasons cannot say anything in response. He talks to them as with unreasonable children, which is available only one language of communication is the language of affection and love.

"Arktur - honey dog" Yu. Kazakov

Each dog, like a person, has its own individual character and temper. Arcturus, according to the author, was unique in this regard. The dog showed an extraordinary sublime attachment and devotion to his owner. It was true love Animal to man. The dog was ready to donate himself without any thoughtful sake, but some animal modesty and inner tact did not allow her to express her feelings fully.

Good day, dear reader! In this article, we offer an essay on the topic ". The following arguments will be used:

- Antoine de Saint-Exupery, "Little Prince"
- V. V. Mayakovsky, " Good relationship To horses "

The world around us: trees, sea, rivers, mountains and valleys - everything applies to nature, and we are part of it. Without nature, we would not exist, could not even breathe. Since childhood, every child is taught careful relationship To nature: watering plants and feed animals. Each of us must remember this and in adult life: Do not throw garbage on the street, carefully refer to natural resources, prevent cruelty towards animals. This problem raises the author.

I fully agree with his position. Unfortunately, air pollution, fur coats and the very existence of the Red Book indicate an irresponsible attitude of a person to nature.

In the work "Little Prince" known french writer Antoine de Saint Exupery and the child, and an adult will see an example of a surprisingly careful and neat attitude towards nature. The little prince alone lives on a small planet and makes order in his possessions every morning. For him there is an unconditional rule: "I got up in the morning, washed, led myself in order - and immediately bring my planet in order." The main character cleans the volcanoes and gets rid of malicious plants on their monastery so that nothing hurt her. When roses appear on the planet, the main character surrounds her attention and care. Despite the capricious character of the rose, the little prince relates to her with all patience. The ratio of the hero to the nature of their home causes respect.

In the poem of V. Mayakovsky "Good attitude to horses" describes the history of the horse. A horse falls on slippery pavement from fatigue, without having no support from people. No one is trying to help her ... People watch and laugh. The author did not join the crowd, came up and looked into the horse's eyes. The helplessness and the pain of the animal turned out in tears who rolled, hiding in wool. The author struck melancholy in the view of the animal. He tried to mentally console and support the horse. As if he felt this, the mare "rushed, got up on his feet, Rzhanul and went." Support for one person helped the animal to cope with difficulty.

Summing up, we are all connected with the nature of the bonds of centuries-old strength. Our life depends on her state. Protecting nature, we help themselves including. The task of a person is to take care of the fact that nature with such generosity gives us. The relations of man and nature should be durable and harmonious, maintain peace and peace.

Today we talked to the topic " The problem of human attitude to nature: arguments from literature“. This option You can use to prepare for a single state exam.

What role does nature play in a person

Text: Anna Teapotova

Write good essay not easy, but correctly selected arguments and literary examples Help get the maximum score. This time we disassemble the topic: "Man and Nature".

Sample wording problems

The problem of determining the role of nature in a person's life. (What role does nature play in a person?)
The problem of environmental impact on man. (What is the impact of nature on a person?)
The problem of ability to notice beauty in ordinary. (What gives a person the ability to notice beauty in simple and ordinary?)
The problem of the influence of nature on spiritual world man. (How does nature affect the spiritual world of man?)
The problem of the negative impact of human activity in nature. (What is manifested negative influence Human activity in nature?)
The problem of the cruel / good attitude of a person to living beings. (Is it permissible to torment and kill living beings? Can people relate to nature compassionately?)
The problem of human responsibility for the preservation of nature and life on Earth. (Is the person responsible for the preservation of nature and life on earth?)

To see the beauty of nature, her poetry may not everyone. There are quite a few people who perceive her utilitarian, like Eugene Bazarov, the hero of the novel "Fathers and Children." According to the young Nigilist, "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker." Calling the nature of "trifles", he is not just unable to admire its beauties, but in principle denies this opportunity. With such a position, I would not agree, which in the poem "is not what MNET, nature ...", in fact, gave the answer to all supporters of the point of view of Bazarov:

Not that Manty You, Nature:
Not blind, not a soulless face -
There is a soul in it, there is freedom in it,
There is love in it, there is a language in it ...

According to the poet, people who remain deaf to the beauty of nature existed and will exist, but their inability to feel worthy of only regret, because they "live in the world, like in the dark." Inability to feel - it is not wines, and trouble:

Not their fault: understand, kohl can
Organ life deaf and dumb!
Soul him, ah! Not alarmed
And the voice of the mother itself! ..

It is to this category of people who treat Sonya, the heroine of Roman Epopea L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Being a pretty prosaic girl, she is not able to understand beauty moon Night, poetry spilled in the air, which Natasha Rostov feels. The enthusiastic words of the girl do not reach the Sonin Heart, she only wants Natasha rather closed the window and lay down. But she can not sleep, feelings overwhelm it: "No, you see what the moon! .. oh, what a charm! You look here. Downturn, Golubushka, come here. Well, you see? It would have been squatting here, like that, she would have picked up his knees - the tightly, as possible, it was necessary to fit, "and flew. Like this!
- Full, you will fall.
The struggle and the displeased voice of Sonya was heard:
- After all, the second hour.
- Oh, you only spoil me. Well, go, go. "

The live and open world of Natasha's paintings of nature are pushing on dreams that are not clear to landed and inexcusing Sona. Prince Andrei, who became an involuntary witness to the conversation of girls at night in Otradnaya, nature makes looking at his life with different eyes, pushes to the revaluation of values. At first he experiences it on the Austerlitz field, when it lies, expired with blood, and looks at an unusually "high, fair and good sky." Then all the former ideals seem to him with small, and the meaning of life is a dying hero sees in family happiness, and not glory and universal Love. Then, nature becomes for the internal crisis of the Bolkonsky catalyst for the process of reassessment of values, gives impetus to returning to the world. Gentle foliage that appeared in the spring on the old coronal branches of oak, with whom associates itself, gives him the hope of renewal, instills strength: "No, life is not over the thirty-one," said Prince Andrei uninterrupted effectively.<…> ... It is necessary that my life was not for me for one thing. "

Happy one who feels and hears nature is able to draw power in it, find support in difficult situations. Such a gift was endowed with Yaroslavna, the heroine "Words about the regiment of Igor", three-minded to the forces of nature: with reproach for the defeat of her husband - to the Sun and the wind, for help - to the Dnieper. Crying Yaroslavans makes nature forces to help Igor to escape from captivity and becomes the symbolic cause of the completion of the events described in the "Word ...".

Communication of man and nature, careful and compassionate attitude towards it is devoted to the story " Hare Paws" Vanya Malyavin brings a hare to the veterinarian with a ragged ear and burned legs, which brought his grandfather from a terrible forest fire. The hare "cries", "moaning" and "sighs", just as a person, but the veterinarian remains indifferent and instead of helping gives the boy a cynical advice to "roar it with a bow." Grandfather and grandson are trying to help the hare, they even bear it in the city, where they say, a children's doctor of Korsh lives, who will not refuse to help them. Dr. Korsh, despite the fact that "all his life he treated people, not hares," in contrast to the veterinarian, there is mentality and nobility and helps to leave an unusual patient. "What a child is that the hare is all one", "Grandfather says, and it is impossible to disagree with him, because animals just like a person may experience fear or suffer from pain. Grandfather Larion is grateful to the hare for salvation, but he experiences guilt for the fact that one day he was not shot on the hunt of the bunny with a ribbon ear, which then brought him out of a forest fire.

However, is there always a person with regard to nature and carefully treats her, understands the value of life of any creature: birds, beast? In the story "Horse with pink mane"Shows a cruel and thoughtless attitude towards nature, when children sneak the bird, a podcalenter "Rastered ... on the shore for an ugly look". Though the guys then tried to disobey the swallow water, but "She let the blood in the river, could not swallow and died, dropping the head." Bursting the bird in the pebbles on the shore, the children soon forgot about her, engaged in other games, and they were not ashamed at all. Often, a person does not think about how damage he makes nature, however degrees the thoughtless destruction of all the lives.

In the story E. Nosov The "doll" is a narrator for a long time that has not been in native places, is terrified how unrecognizable the river richly rich in the river, as a rough, thickets: "The channel narrowed, seeded, clean sands on the rainfall was tightened with a disorder and a rigid blonde, a lot of unfamiliar chalk and brass appeared. It was not the brightness of Kulisov-Bystr, where before on the evening dawn, a river iron cast, Drinky Jazi was built.<…> Now all this uzieval attribute was sulled by Kuga and the peaks of the grains, and everywhere, where it is free from herbs, a black bottom tina, who has fusing the excess fertilizers, damaged by rains from the fields ". What happened in the Lipina pit can be called a real ecological catastropheBut what is its causes? The author sees them in the person who has changed to the human environment as a whole, not only for nature. Geannaya, a merciless, indifferent attitude of people to the world and to each other can have irreversible consequences. The old Carrier Akimich explains the storytellor that happened: "Many have been losing to thin and do not see how thin things themselves." Indifference, according to the author, is one of the most terrible defects, destroying not only the soul of the person himself, but also the world around him.

"Word about the regiment of Igor"
I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"
N. A. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazay and Hares"
L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
F. I. Tyutchev "Not that Manty You, Nature ..."
"Good attitude to horses"
A. I. Kuprin "White Poodle"
L. Andreev "Kusaka"
M. M. Svhavin "Forest Master"
K. G. Paust " Golden Rose"," Hare Paws "," Ball Nose "," Dremuck Bear "," Kvaaksh "," Warm Bread "
V. P. Astafiev "Tsar-Fish", "Vatukino Lake"
B. L. Vasilyev "Do not shoot in white swans"
Ch. Aitmatov "Floch"
V.P. Astafiev "Horse with a pink mane"
V. G. Rasputin "Farewell to Mattera", "Live and Remember", "Fire"
G. N. Treypolsky "White Bim Black Ear"
E. I. Nosov "Doll", "Thirty grains"
"Love for life", "White Fang"
E. Hemingway "Old Man and the Sea"

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  • Man's activities ruin
  • The state of nature depends on the person
  • Preservation ambient - The priority of the Company
  • The future of humanity depends on the state of nature
  • Love for nature makes a person cleaner
  • Highly people moral qualities, Protect nature
  • Love for nature changes man for the better, contributes to its moral development
  • People have forgotten that nature is their home
  • Everyone is characteristic of having his own view on the role of nature in a person's life


I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children." In the work there are two exactly opposite glances in the nature of nature in the life of people. NiHman Evgeny Bazarov perceives the world around the world as a material for practice, saying that "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop." In all, he tries to find a good benefit, and not see the beauty around. The hero considers living creatures only with material for its research. For Arkady Kirsanova, at the first time supporting the views of Evgenia Bazarov, nature is a source of harmony. He feels an integral part of the world around, sees and feels beauty.

ON THE. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazay and Hares." The story of Saving Zaitsev grandfather Mazaz is known to every person since childhood. From the poem of the great poet it is clear that our hero is a hunter, and therefore, for him, hares must be primarily prey. But Grandfather Mazay cannot hurt animals when they are absolutely helpless, are between life and death. Love for nature turns out to be the above opportunity to get lightweight prey. He shouts after saved hares, so as not to come across him in the period of hunting, but on this moment They let go.

A.I. Kuprin "Olesya". Attitude towards nature main heroine Works can be called truly correct. Oleces's life is inextricably linked to the world around it. She feels that is connected with the forest and that the forest is something alive. The girl loves all the living. Olesya is ready to protect everything connected with nature: herbs, shrubs, huge trees. Unity with the surrounding world allows it to survive at a distance from people, in the wilderness of the forest.

V.P. Astafiev "Tsar Fish". The fate of Gosha Herzheva is bright example The fact that nature can not only tolerate the attack of a person, but also actively defend themselves with its moral-punishing force. The hero, which showed consumer, cynical attitude towards the environment, is punished. Moreover, Kara faces not only to him, but also to all mankind, if it does not realize how cruel its activities. Cheerfulness, thirst for profitable, thoughtless use of achievements scientific and technological progress - All this threatens the death of society.

B.L. Vasiliev "Do not shoot in white swans." The work shows miscellaneous attitude People for nature: we see and its defenders, and enemies whose activities are only consumer. The main character, Egor Polushkin, cares about everyone alive. Often it becomes the object of ridicule, because others do not support his views on the world. Egor Polushkin, laying the pipe, decides to go down the anthill, which causes laughter and condemnation by people. When the hero needs money, he learns that the population can receive remuneration for the ureaged Lyko. However, even in a difficult situation, the hero cannot decide to destroy the living, while his cousin For the sake of profit, the whole grove is ruined. The son of Hydra Polyshkina is characterized by the same moral qualities: Kolka gives his expensive gift (spinning, which everyone dreamed of) is visiting to rescue a puppy whom the boy wanted to torture. The main hero itself is killed by evil and envious people For the desire to protect nature.

Chingiz Aitmans "Floh". In the work shows how a person own hands destroys the world around. People are mocking at saigas, because of a fire-friendly wagon die. Not knowing where to send your maternal love, the wolf is tied to the human child. People, not understanding this, shoot it, but one of them kills own son. In the death of a child, you can not blame not a wolf, but people, barbaric tearing on its territory, destroyed her children, and therefore, flexible against nature. The work of the "Floa" shows what is fraught with such a relation to the living.

D. Granin "Zubr". The main character with horror is aware that almost all people, including scientists, are confident in the infinity of nature and insignificant affected by a person. The bison does not understand how a person may approve scientific and construction projects that cause irreparable damage to everything alive. He believes that science in this case is not at odd, and in harm to humanity. The hero is hurt from the fact that almost no one has come to understand the true role of nature in a person's life, its uniqueness and vulnerability.

E. Hemingway "Old man and the sea." For the old fisherman, the sea is a breadwinner. In all the appearance of the hero, a connection with nature is visible. All the old man refers with respect and gratitude: he asks for forgiveness from caught fish. The work shows the role of generosity of nature in our lives, and the hero demonstrates truly right attitude To the world to the world - grateful.

Text from the EME

(1) with recognition of emergency importance global problems We were afraid of late. (2) 0ni found us surprise. (H) Shooting up the missed, we have become too fast and chaotic to multiply the number of these problems. (4) List some. (5) This is a refusal of wars, overcoming the backwardness of the third world countries, demography, natural resources, the world ocean, the environment, the development of the cosmos ... (6) But look. (7) Doesn't there really exist only one-only (and now the eternal) problem is ecological? (8) And isn't everyone else directly or indirectly only by its manifestation?

(9) Humanity has become the strength that has stated the existence of life at risk. (10) Now there is now such a human action that would have affected the whole life without a trace, which would not have wounded, did not kill it or did not treat it, did not increase, did not improve.

(11) "I am a life that wants to live among life, which also wants to live," says A. Schweizer. (12) This means that the environment, "the house in which we live" is nothing but a living dwelling of a living life. (13) and the law of this living housing is a multiple variety of life forms. (14) And in relation to a person, the same law requires the identification and increase in his personal and national spiritual uniqueness. (15) What a variety of life, the more likely she is immortally.

(16) We approached the edge of the abyss primarily because they lied love for life. (17) and will save us not so much repulsion from death, how much attraction to life, the revival of love for it.

(18) It is not by chance that it is heard from all sides: "Ecology of culture", "human ecology", "Ecology of the book" ... (19) a lot of ecologies. (20) This means the revival of everything that surrounds us, more precisely, the recognition of our "home" of a living life, recognition of the interdependence of all forms of life, recognition of endless living lifestyles.

(21) In a global environmental problem, the main inseparable humanities can be distinguished social aspects. (22) First, it is preserving, elongation and rehabilitation of the physical life of every person with the full realization of his unique personality, its spiritual potential. (23) Secondly, the preservation and spiritual development of every nation, each nation. (24) and most importantly - the concentration of the efforts of all mankind on the physical and spiritual development Children. (25) Without solving these eternal tasks, we can not survive. (26) These tasks are inspired and infected not only with their obviousness, realism and beauty (the combination of physical and spiritual), but also its non-alternativeness before the threat of non-existence.

(27) The absolute priority of ecology brings a truly objective basis for new ethics: "Good is to keep life, evil is to destroy life, harmful life." (28) Living life spawned a person. (29) The person raised her under the threat of death. (30) A person is called to save lives. (31) Or is it in light only "in the form of a joing sample"?

(32) We and all future generations threaten no residence. (33) This is the main thing that should combine people around the world. (34) We will try to comprehend simple and deep thought L. Tolstoy. "(35) Unity is the key that exees people from evil. (36) But in order for this key to fulfill his appointment, it is necessary that it will be advanced to the end, before the place where he annoys, and does not break himself or does not break the castle. (37) So and unity - in order for it to make inherent in good consequences, it should be the goal of the unity of all people in the name of all people in the same way recognized by all of the beginning. "

(On Y. Karyakin)


Some recent decades Humanity is increasingly thinking about the conservation problem natural resources, environmental pollution and the disappearance of the last representatives of animals placed in the Red Book.

In Russia, 2017 was declared the year of ecology in order to recall all of us that we are responsible for what will happen to our planet in the future whether the descendants will be able to enjoy the beauty of nature, as we do now.

But the concept of ecology is associated primarily with the concept of saving life - life on the planet in general.


Y. Karyakin raises the problem of ecology life space A person who is designed to maintain a person for future generations.


The author claims that humanity has raised with the solution of global problems, such as wars, backwardness of the third world countries, demography, nature resources. The awareness of the need to solve these problems came to us quite late.

Karyakin determines only one truly important problem - ecological, and everything that happens around is a consequence of this problem. Humanity has become threatened own Life with the process of multiplying its greatness.

The ecology of life is designed primarily to increase personal and spiritual growth man. the main ecological problem In the opinion of the author, three aspects: the rehabilitation of the psychological and physical condition of a person, the preservation of the culture and development of individual nations, special attention should be paid to the moral, spiritual and physical development of children.

Good is the preservation of life, evil - its destruction. Tharing the death of humanity should combine people all over the world. As an example, Karyakin leads words L.N. Tolstoy, who believes that only the unity will save people from evil. But it will be effective only when all people are able to unite for the achievement of a single goal.


The author calls everyone to unite, it is strongly worried about the situation in the world, the future of generations worries. He is confident that the main goal should be moral and physical development Children, every person individually and whole nations.

Own position

I also believe that we must protect our planet, must restore what they destroyed their own hands. Return the life where she practically fade so that our descendants could admire the beauty of nature and enjoy the charms of life.

Egoistic destruction of natural resources can very soon lead to the death of all living things.

Argument number 1.

In the story "Farewell to the Materia" V. Rasputin, on the example of a small Siberian island, Matera shows the intention of the authorities to sacrifice anything for the sake of achieving its own, often mercantile, goals.

Matera is an island on which there was a small village inhabited small quantity of people. To build a new hydropower station, you need to flood the island, destroy all the lives that there are plants, animals, housing of people. Of course, people gave the opportunity to move, but their hearts were compressed from the need to leave native land, Native houses that they cherished for decades.

Argument number 2.

In the novel B. Vasilyev "Do not shoot in white swans" is presented with a dual attitude towards nature: Some relate to her consumer who is not bent violence; Others - prefer to guard her, fearing causing harm.

Fedor Burianov, Lester, using his position, illegally cuts out the forest. His son Vovka without a shadow of pity almost to death torments a little puppy.

Brother Byrianova, Egor Polushkin, loved the nature so much that, a twist trench, with a collision with an anthill, heated him. He did not think at that moment that there were no curves.

For such a reverent attitude towards nature, Polushkin was subsequently appointed as a forester instead of dishonest Burnanov.


Our life directly depends on how we treat yourself and the nature that surrounds us. For the sake of the future, for the sake of our children, we must all together strive to achieve a unified goal - to solve environmental problems.