How to draw a moment from a fairy tale. How to draw a fairy tale with a phased pencil

How to draw a moment from a fairy tale. How to draw a fairy tale with a phased pencil

How to draw fabulous animals for children from 5 years in stages with photos

Master class for children from 5 years "Fairy Tales Walk in Light"

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education of children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", Great Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The master class is designed for children from 5 years and their parents, educators, teachers of additional education.
Purpose: Interior decoration, participation in creative exhibitions, gift.
Purpose: Creating a fabulous image of the animal based on Russian folk fairy tales.
- To use the acquaintance of children with the social project "Fairy Map of Russia", uniting all the information about museums, estates and residences of all heroes of Russian fairy tales and epic.
- to draw drawing fabulous animals in national costumes (sundress, shirt);
- Written by students spatial imagination, creative thinking, aesthetic taste;
- Light interest in Russian folk fairy tales and folklore characters.

Valentina Tolkunova fairy tales walk through the light. Listen
Fairy tales walk through the light,
Night harnessing in the carriage.

Fairy tales live in glazes,
They roam a dawn in the fogs.

And the prince Snow White will love.
And the greed of food will destroy ...

But all wins good!

The world of illuminating wonders,
Fairy tales fly over the forests,

On the windowsill sit down,
In the rivers, like in the windows, look.

And Cinderella will help the fairy,
There will not be a grinding snake ...

Let evil on the tricks of tricky,
But all wins good!

Fairy tales with me everywhere
They will never forget.

It is worth the eyelashes to me -
Namig Squa Burk will dream.

And the month will light clear,
In the eyes of Vasilisa beautiful ...

Let evil on the tricks of tricky,
But all wins good!
(Music Evgenia British
The words of Mikhail Pleazkovsky
Song performed by Valentina Tolkunova)

Hello, dear friends! Today's conversation I started with the wonderful words of the song "Tales walk in the light." And after all, really not only walk, but also live fabulous heroes, on the wide and endless expanses of the earth Russian! If you go to the bookstore and ask: "Do you have a fabulous map of Russia?" In the best case, at best, we will simply smile in response. But it's in vain!
Probably there is not a single person who would not know about the Golden Rings of Russia, it is a family of tourist routes passing through the ancient Russian cities, in which the unique monuments of the history and culture of Russia, the centers of folk crafts have been preserved. But few know about the "Fairy Ring of Russia", which unites all the "magic" places of the country.

The social project "Fairy Map of Russia", which started in November 2010, is intended to unite all available information about museums, estates and residences of all heroes of Russian fairy tales and epic. The fabulous map of Russia is denoted by the habitats of the original Russian characters fairy tales. Among the cities where fabulous characters, Rostov (Tsarevna-Frog, Alesha Popovich), Moscow and the Great Ustyug of the Vologda region (Santa Claus), Kostroma (Snow Maiden) appeared on historical information. The city of Kirov (Ivan Tsarevich and Kimikora Vyatka), Vladimir region (Ilya Muromets) and many other characters of ancient legends and legends.

Fairy tales came to us from the depths of the centuries. Composed by folk patriors, wonderful stories were transferred from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. Then it's time when fairy tales began to collect and record. Some fabulous stories have reached us unchanged, and some have passed literary processing, thus becoming more afflicable and more affordable to a modern person.
According to legend, fairy tales about animals appeared in those long-standing times when the hunt was one of the main crafts. Mothers told their children about the mighty representatives of the animal world, and children, due to the developed fantasy, have already attributed human traits characteristics. Tales about animals were transmitted from generation to generation, and with each retelling, the characters acquired new features. Each person who grown in Russia can list the main animals that are characters of Russian fairy tales: fox and wolf, hare and bear, dog and rooster, goat and bull.

What do fabulous characters differ from ordinary animals?
In fairy tales of animals, they give human qualities and features. Animals live in the forest. Each of them has its own image, in literary reference, named allegories. For example, the wolf we meet in Russian fairy tales is always hungry and angry. This is almost always a negative hero. Because of their anger or greed, he often gets to see.

Fox is a trick if this animal is present in the fairy tale, then someone from other heroes to be defosed to be deceived. The prurceness, cunning and the cunning fox always did her stronger than her eternal satellites of a wolf and a bear.
Philologists and local historites of the All-Russian cultural and historical project "Fairy-Tale Map of Russia" called the birthplace of the fantastic heroine of Fox Patriyevna Novgorod region-precisely there ruled the proportion of the prince of Patrica Narimanthtovich, known for his cunning, lucavism and cunning.

Bear is the owner of the forest, king. His fairy tales usually depict the fair and wise ruler.
The homeland of the Bear of the Kosolapoy from Russian fairy tales became the Yaroslavl region, the village of Kukuba. It is in the Yaroslavl region that there is the most famous "bear corner" - very thick and dense forests of the worship, famous for the fact that the majority of bears live here. And the beast itself has been decorated with the official coat of arms of Yaroslavl land from the XVII century.

Hare is the image of cowardice. He, as a rule, is the eternal victim of fox and wolf intending to eat it.
Proud and bold rooster, under the goat with a bull all these characters are hotly loved by the Russian people. And for each hero hides their character, endowed with its human features. They live in homes, communicate, arguing, talking, quarrels, love, be friends, entangle. Behave like real people, go on the hind legs, wear human clothes. They have their own names: goat-deres, hare-feet, Mikhail Potapich or Toptygin, Fox Patriyevna and many others.

Today we will learn to draw animals of Russian folk fairy tales, and first of all you need to explore the Russian folk suit.
Traditional men's and women's clothing have similarities, the male and female suits differ only in detail, some elements of cutting, size. In women and men, the main clothes were a shirt. The men's shirt was before the knees or a little longer, and we wore it on top of the pants, the female shirt was almost up to her.
The pants among the Russians wore only men, in the old days the boys did not wear pants to 15 years, and often to the wedding itself.
In winter and summer, men and women wore a single-breasted cafetan-they were considered the upper clothes.
There were belts with a mandatory detail of the male and female costume, they were also called shocking, without a belt forbidden to wear clothes.

The national costume of Russian women was a sundress that was worn on top of a shirt.
To draw clothes to our heroes, you need to use "auxiliary" -Gometric figures that in their form will repeat the silhouettes of sundhan and shirt.
A triangular form suitable for sundhan. But with a shirt, it is a little more difficult, she submits the belt. We draw a rectangle, impose a triangle on it, in the upper part of the rectangle, we draw thick lines sleeves.

Drawing such fabulous animals is very simple, the main thing is to properly place the geometric figures, "auxiliary".
When building a drawing, it is important to be beautiful and correctly located the image on a sheet of paper, in the center, so that it is not very big and very small. We start working with auxiliary lines in the form of a frame around the list of sheet, so that we have a big rectangle.
Then, we mark the character growth lines and draw a circle of head-drawing will be a fox. From the head to the bottom of the sheer, we draw a line, forming a triangular sarafan shape.
Add triangular ears, muzzle, tail and legs.
If you want, for example, draw a bunny, then instead of the triangular ears, we paint the elongated ovals, and leave the muzzle to leave the rumble.

Now we draw a bunny boy, first we build it "skeleton". We find the center of the sheet, draw the screws that determine the hero's growth. Heads are drawing a little lower than the upper feature, as the hare has long ears. Then the line shoulder and hand, and wear a hare in a suit.

So, for work we will need materials and tools:
Still paper A3.
-Caradash simple, eraser
-wax crayons
-colour pencils
-Guest, brushes
-bank for water
Strip for brushes

Master class move:

We start working from the lines of the work framework (on each side of the sheet). Then the lung sketch of the silhouette of the bear. And draw a circle of head, we draw a bear face (wide and narrow oval).

Next Round ears, nose and eyes. And draw the top of the shirt to the line of the rectangle belt with rounded edges.

For the bottom of the shirt, we draw two arcs on the sides and combine their wavy line. Then the foot lines.

We carry the bear in peculiar boots. Draw hands, cane. Then the drawing is lit by the eraser, slightly rub.

We supply the contours of the bear shameles: brown-head-head, lapties and hands, red-shirt, black-pants and spars.

The edge of the shame is drawing the background (rub in the face of the side of the side), blue color for the sky and green for the field.

Brown pencil apart your head, paws and cane.

Enhance your head color on the edges of brown shallow. I apologize to the belt, lapties and draw a patch on the sleeve. Then we get a black chalk on the contour head, paws and cane, draw eyes and spout, and drawing on the pants and the lapties.

I paint a red pencil with a shirt, then with red shallow we apply stronger folding colors. Add violet shades to the sky (draw the shallow edge). Green shallow draw lines of hills and horizon.

On the horizon draw a blue forest haze (chalk).

This is the portrait of Yaroslavl bear from the village of Kukuba.

For older guys, the task can be complicated, fulfill a portrait of Mikhail Potapitch in Plasticine and Guaashi. Similarly, a pencil drawing is built, then proceed to work with plasticine.

Plasticine tighten the entire body shape: red, brown and white colors.

Napty perform yellow plasticine. Cane, eyes, nose-black.

Sweet sausages roll out of green plasticine, we place them on the neck of the shirt, the sleeves, and the belt-slightly flatter.

Black thin sausages lay out the outlines of the whole figure and details of the Clothing of the Bear.

For the muffin of the bear we select a lighter shade of brown plasticine, they perform earnings and testes of the bears. Making a pupil from the green flattering ball, we place two small white balls on it. Dark brown make a convex eyebrow above the eye.

Slim brown sausage place on canes. Little orange balls decorate a shirt.

Further work with paints, draw the background. Use blue, green and orange gouache.

When the paints get sick, draw white clouds.

Our work wears decorative character-white painting blades and trunks birch.

Good day to all! Today we draw fairy-tale character.

It will be sleepy, just awakened on some trivia the inhabitant of a cozy house of well or underground housing. It is obvious that I don't want to go anywhere to go anywhere, so he reluctantly holds a candle to illuminate the night MGLL, and the posture and expression of the face transmit the only desire to go to sleep as soon as possible.

Step 1

Sketch the figure of the character, on the face we denote the longitudinal line of facial symmetry and the transverse line of the eyes. Pay attention to a clearly disproportionate head and neck, which is slightly served forward.

Step 2.

This stage will be the most voluntary of the entire lesson. Here we will receive several smooth lines of the outline of the homemade bathrobe of a fabulous creature, its shoes, and also draw your eyes, ears and a cap. Look at your eyes - they must be covered with centuries half. We complete the work on the face in this step by the attachment of the cheekbone and chin.

Step 3.

Draw face The fabulous character is a fairly interesting task, in this stage we will deal with it. Pay attention to the features - a long, hooked nose, slightly sagging cheeks and phlegmatically compressed mouth. Here you also draw the inner part of the ear, and throw the line on which the home bathrobe is placed. By the way, about a bathrobe - do not forget about the collar and belt. Complete the stage of work on folds on the tissue of the night cap.

Step 4.

This stage will be the easiest, here we draw a candle and saucer in the hand of our fairy-tale character (by the way, you need to give a finished look). Also draw a belt assembly to which a bathrobe is tied.

Step 5.

That's all, it remains only to impose shadows. Strike darkened areas with a simple pencil, paying attention to the candle, which is the source of light. It will be great if the end result will be similar to the illustration of

Objectives: Continue to acquaint children with oral folk creativity, consolidate the knowledge of children about Russian folk fairy tales.
  • consolidate knowledge of the fabulous epic genre, features of the image, its appointment;
  • develop imagination, fantasy, creative independence, the ability to embody your idea in the figure;
  • learn to transfer the images of fabulous heroes in the figure with their characteristic features;
  • learning to choose the image material, build a composition of individual drawings to the episode from a fairy tale.

Materials: white paper, gouache, watercolor, brushes, wax crayons, illustrations for Russian folk tales.
Didactic games: "learn from the profile", "pick up the heroes to fairy tales."
1. Organizational stage.
Educator: At the beginning of the classes, I want to read the poem V.A. Glass
There are many different fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
But it is impossible to live in the world without them.
In a fairy tale, everything can happen
Our fairy tales ahead
The fairy tale in the door will knock -
Said Guest: "Come in."
Today we will go to an unusual journey, to the country of fairy tales. A long time ago, people have not been able to read or write, but tales already told. And how did they like to listen, and not only small children, but adults. Gather in the evening at the gatherings: crackle the lamps in the oven, closely in the hollow, all the things are busy who will spinners who knit, who embroiders, and who is just a fairy tale. I reached the fairy tale to the present day, because they told it from the generation to generation, passed from mouth to mouth. Your grandmothers told the fairy tale to your mothers and dads, your moms - you, and you already tell your children. That's from a long time and came to us a fairy tale. What fairy tales do you know? Answers: "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Three Bear", "Gus-Swans" and others. And what are these fairy tales? (Russian folk) and why are they so called? Answers: (invented and wrote the people).
Didactic games are held "learn by profile", "pick up the heroes to fairy tales."
- Well done!
- Guys, do you have your favorite fairy tales? Answers. Here are the heroes of these fairy tales we will draw with you. The selected characters of fairy tales (illustrations) are placed on flanneluga.
2. Practical part.
Look carefully on the heroes of fairy tales and you will see what they are different. Portrait art is very old. Artists when they write a portrait try to pass the character and inner world of the hero. Fabulous heroes can be cunning and trustless, kind and evil. But all of us, too, in their own kind of artists. Let's draw an illustration for your favorite fairy tales. We must try to transfer the character of the hero in the portrait, its characteristic features, moods. Do not forget about hairstyle, decorations, hats. All little things are important. They also talk about the character of the hero. It is necessary to work very carefully and carefully.
What do you think, what's the end of the fairy tale? Answers (always happy, good wins evil). Right! Well, now for work.
3. Independent work.
Children draw.
4. Summing up.
After class, the teacher highlights all the pictures in a prominent place - the children consider them and tell what a fabulous hero they painted, discuss the characters of the characters, what they are.

Many parents whose children go to school are wondering how to draw an illustration for a fairy tale? ". In the classroom, in a secondary school or at the lesson, the composition of the art school often ask fragments of fairy tales. The most difficult thing is to come up with the plot. Graphic incarnation of problems is not. The main thing is to fill your hand and arrange all the illustrations for one piece in a single style.

Features illustration

The most difficult in illustration is to choose from the work those pieces that will be depicted in the book. Artists typically paint the main parts of the novels: the beginning of the work, the culmination part and the conclusion. But, of course, you can illustrate the memorized and loving moment.

How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale as much as possible and clearer? Before creating an outline, you need to read the product at least twice. For the first time, a person meets the plot, and in the second - remembers the details that, when reading, do not catch the eye.

What you need to pay attention to, illustrating the work:

  • The appearance of heroes. Before portraying antagonist heroes, you need to remember the distinctive features of their appearance. Mind on the cheek or scar on the forehead must be drawn, otherwise the protagonist will lose its individuality.
  • Clothes of characters. Strange, but few memorize the description of the clothes of even the main actors. Therefore, before sitting at the drawing table, you need to re-read the passages once again, in which the description of the clothing is given.
  • The interiors or exteriors complement any illustration, so the description of furniture or forest is of great importance. It is worth paying attention even to such trifles like bumps under the legs of the main characters or a shabby carpet, adorning the center of the room.
  • Secondary characters need less drawing, but do not forget that the friends of the main actors should be recognizable.

Graphic illustration

How to draw an illustration for a tale in graphic style? There are several techniques here:

  • with a pencil;
  • with the help of a carcass;
  • with the help of soft material (coal, pastel, etc.)

Decide what style illustration will be performed. If you plan to painstaking hard to draw the smallest details, then take a pencil. If the drawing is more reminding the sketch, the soft material is suitable.

Graphic works are difficult to make the same spectacular as colored. To achieve a good result, you need to draw a fairy tale illustration.

  1. The first thing is made sketch of the fairy tale fragment.
  2. The second step is a layout. It is needed in order to continue all parts of the drawing into a limited canvas space.
  3. The next stage is the study of parts. This is a responsible mission and if the illustration paints children, parents must control this process.
  4. The final part is to apply light and shadow on the shapes and objects. The main thing is not to forget that the foreground with the main characters should be darker than the rear.

Illustration with paints

How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale with the help of paints? It is easy if you disassemble the whole process in stages. For example, we need to draw an illustration for the "Snow Queen" fairy tale.

To do this, we break the work on the part:

  • First of all, we find the moment to illustrate. We take the plot for example: the snow queen sits on the throne, and Kai plays her legs.
  • Decide with the appearance of the heroes: Long or short, they will have hair, whether the noses are smoky, what color eye. It is advisable to reread the description of the heroes in the fairy tale.
  • Draw a sketch. Select poses in which the snow queen and kai will sit.
  • Now the most interesting thing: Think up clothes in which the main characters are dressed.
  • The last stage of the sketch is the interior drawing. Paint the fairy tale, inspire the atmosphere of the cold palace, find the prompts.
  • After the sketch is made, transfer it to the cleanstik. Remember that on top of the pencil will be paints. This is important if the illustration will be performed by watercolor, so the pure sketch sketch with watercolor pencils.
  • The final stage is painting.

Combined machinery

If there is a desire to draw multiple materials, you will have to combine several techniques. How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale "Ugly Duckling"?

First you need to do everything by analogy with a plan for creating an illustration to the Snow Queen. When the drawing paints will be ready, draw parts and shadows. Special attention is paid to the foreground. If the fairy tale illustrate children, then it is better to leave the faces of the characters irresponsible.

Children's book is impossible to imagine without colorful illustrations that develop the imagination of kids and help them submit the actions described by the author. The illustrator is essentially co-author of the book. If the writer creates imaginary images, the artist makes them visual. The artistic centers of development of children are widely used in their work the methodology of illustration, which is the mandatory stage of the development of the creative abilities of children.

Creating the first illustrations are recommended to start with favorite Pushkin fairy tales. It is very difficult to overestimate their educational significance, because Pushkin's fairy tales join the kids to the enormous wealth of literary heritage, enrich speech, develop memory and imagination, instill moral and moral values. A peculiar Pushkin poetry captivates children with its emotionality, the simplicity of the tongue and the color of literary images.

  • The formation of skills to transmit the expressiveness of the artistic image by color and form.
  • Development of independence in the selection of the plot composition and technology of execution.
  • Terminal ability to place a plot drawing onto the entire sheet of paper, lay out the main elements and emphasize them with a color scheme, a game of light and shadow.

  • Development of child fantasy and emotional attitude to the work and characteristics of the fairy tale.
  • Fixing the skills to use various visual materials: paints, pencils, wax crayons, etc.
  • Moral education of children .

Preparatory work

Before you begin to illustrate Pushkin's fairy tales, children should handle as deeply as possible into the peculiar fabulous world. Pre-work includes the following steps:

  1. Reading a fairy tale.
  2. Listening to a fairy tale in audio recordings.
  • Familiarization with illustrations made by famous artists (Mavrin, Konashevich).

  1. Listening to passages from the same name (Golden Cockerel, "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Tale of the Pop and His Bald Worker" and others).

Illustration is a rather complicated process that requires special attention to trifles, which at first glance may seem insignificant.

  • Choose the plot. For children's drawings, it is better to choose key moments of fairy tales (transformation of the princess-swan, the old man is called the Golden Fish).
  • Do not immediately transfer the image to a large sheet of paper. Try placing the figures of characters and objects surrounding them on small leaves.
  • Before coloring the drawing, select the main color gamut, while remember that the colors most accurately transmit the overall mood of the pattern.

Kids who still do not know how to draw, but love Pushkin fairy tales, you can also add to the creation of illustrations, allowing them to color ready-made drawings. Children's coloring in Pushkin fairy tales can be bought in a bookstore or download from the Internet and print on the printer. Choose big images for the littleest children. Be sure to explain the child what is shown in the figure, you can even read an excerpt from a fairy tale corresponding to this illustration.