Draw a wolf family. How to draw a spelling wolf pencil gradually

Draw a wolf family. How to draw a spelling wolf pencil gradually
Draw a wolf family. How to draw a spelling wolf pencil gradually

The wolf has a similar body with a dog, because they have the same "ancestors", but the wolf has a number of differences. Before opening, the wolf has more pronounced signs of a wild animal. Wolf fangs are longer than the dog, the tail is more fluffy, and large claws on thick "powerful" paws. And even a tamed wolf always pays danger to a person, so they are not tamed in the "clean" breed, and in the cinema always the role of the wolf "play" the dogs. Probably, not everyone knows, but the wolf, who grown even in captivity, will never be a bustling, he can only grow out angrily and swell.
The wolf in the drawings is most often depicted with tempered to convey its aggressive character. If you can, draw on your drawing also a predatory, cold view of the wolf. The wolf has another feature - his body is a little more powerful than the dog, but only an experienced person can notice it. These all features need to be accurately reflected in the picture so that the wolf is not like a dog. In this lesson, we will learn draw wolf Phased pencil.

1. Draw a common wolf contour

To make it easier for you to draw a wolf, you can share your future drawing into squares. Such marking will help you correctly draw primary contours. Draw at first the contours of the body and the circle for the head. Then add several paw strokes and move on to the next step.

2. Add details in the picture

At this stage, we draw a wolf's approximate contour of its body and tail. But first draw the paws. The front paws will draw quite easily, but the rear is a bit more complicated. They always bent for wolf and resemble cats.

3. How to draw a head

Since the general outline of the wolf, we have already drawn, then you can remove the preliminary marking and start drawing your head, but at first we will only make an approximate outline of the wolf's head without a detailed drawing. First draw the contours of the ears, and then draw the contour of the "muzzle". Try to do this item as accurate as possible so that the wolf is not like your fox or dog.

4. Drawing of a wolf head in detail

In any drawing, including the animal, the audience, first of all, pay attention to the head or face if it is a drawing of a person. So need draw wolf So that as soon as possible convey his predatory expression so that instead of the wolf it does not work out. First, remove unnecessary contours from the head pattern and draw the nose. Now you can draw your eyes, add other small details. In general, it is not so difficult to draw a wolf in stages and almost at this step, the overall drawing of the wolf will be completely finished. You will only choose, draw it further with a simple pencil or paint with paints or colored pencils.

5. Draw wool

If you decide to draw a wolf only with a pencil, then use my shadow application scheme. The most difficult thing to draw wool wolf. To do this, in contours, apply numerous fine pencil strokes as on my drawing. Try not to paint the skin in one color. The shadows give the volume and besides in life, the wool's wool has different shades, especially during molting.

6. Figure Wolf on Tablet

Coloring the drawing of a wolf with colored pencils and the more paints are not easy. It is not enough that it is very difficult to choose the desired color, so still coloring the wolf has different shades. A dark band passes on the back. Stripes with a dark tint will meet on the neck and on the belly of the wolf. The bridge and forehead of the wolf should also be darker. To emphasize that this is a wolf, not a dog, pictures in the picture plot. For example, draw a wolf surrounded by hunting dogs, or draw a wolf on the forest glade. Then minor inaccuracies will not get into the eyes and it will understand that this figure Wolf..

Almost nothing different is the drawing of a wolf from a dog's drawing, especially if the dogs are the same as a wolf, so all the wolves shot in the movies are dogs. And only the "cold" view of the yellow eye of the wolf can give it.

Fox, very similar to his relatives - wolf and dog. It has a similar body structure with them and only slightly less than the size. But the fox has their differences. She has a very magnificent tail required to her not only for beauty, but also things, for example, to notice their own traces in the snow or warming in a strong frost.

Tigers dwell in the seaside taiga, and you can only see them in the circus. Tiger is a very smart and inherited animal and avoids a meeting with a man. In nature, he has no enemies (except for a person) and even a wolf for him, like a mouse for a cat.

The drawing of a wolf or bear requires a certain preparation, animal drawing practices. The fact is that it is necessary in the figure to reflect the nature of the bear of a fierce and dangerous beast, perhaps even more dangerous wolf. Especially dangerous is considered to be a meeting with a bear surrounded by cubs, in this case, even the tree will not save from her anger.

A good scene for a wolf pattern can be a horse running away from the wolf. The wolf alone will not hurt to attack the horse, it beats too much with hoof, but the article can drive a weaker horse.

Our task today is to understand how to draw a wolf pencil, evil and terrible gray, which in piglets knows. And it is necessary to do it so as to understand his nature.

But first I will define! Wolf, who is it for us, the hero of fairy tales or a predatory beast, living in the forest? Accordingly, choosing its role, we will portray this character. That is what I'm going to teach my son.

Find character character

For children, the wolf seems often as a character from the cartoon "Capital", "there was a dog", "wolves and sheep" and others. Therefore, I must introduce my son with what role this predator performs, living in its natural conditions.

So we start working to portray the wolf pencil in stages. We read books, mostly encyclopedia, carefully consider pictures together, which are there. We discuss them together. We learn about the nature of this Sanitary Forest.

We are interested to get as much information as possible. This time is not in vain and for my son, and for me. We are interested in communicating. But we also get acquainted with the world around us. And finally, we understand how we want to draw a wolf in a phased pencil. Start.

Work on preparation

All that we learned helps to choose a suitable drawing, which will be the basis of our work, we took it for drawing. Our beast is calm, knowing that nothing and no one threatens him, because he is a threat!

He is a predator. He has a calm, but attentive glance, directed somewhere far, probably to follow the animals of the forests, which are still moment, and can become prey, as well as to foresee the appearance of a hunter - the only threat of wolves.

So how to draw a wolf gradually? We prepare everything you need:

  • Paper;
  • Colour pencils;
  • Eraser;
  • Simple pencil.

Why do we need color, if you are familiar when the Wolf is black and gray? And his predatory eyes, which is so litto the bright green. Sometimes they paint an open mouth, for this you need a red color. The inside of a white-pink beast. And the tip of the tail in some representatives of this family is white. Therefore, we will use this whole set.

Portrait of a brutal portrait

7 steps of the phased painting of the wolf. From simple lines we will reach to get the image of the beast.

Step 1

Draw a circle. And under it the figure, similar to the shape of the egg. She is a bit aside. And the narrow part of it further from the circle.

Step 2.

We connect both figures with a concave line on the right side. 4 lines depart from the lower figure, they will have the beast legs.

Step 3.

Perhaps a child needs some help here, because such details on the face, like nose and ears drawn.

Step 4.

We depict the neck, eyes and front paws. Much lighter than kids and beginners to portray a phased wolf pencil. So every detail is drawn with a picture for drawing. And therefore is depicted more accurately.

Step 5.

We pay attention to the hind legs. We remove all the extra details. The beast drawn by us is already becoming more similar to those pictures that I looked through the baby before the start of work.

Step 6.

Moving step by step, we did not notice how almost everything did. It remains to draw the tip of the tail, which is visible, circling the image, not forgetting that the Mother has a strong neck with a clutch, short wool, which will turn in all directions and strong paws. Drawing with a pencil for beginners looks quite worthy.

Step 7.

Painting. Here we are not only our beast by the paints, but also give it naturalness. To be able to fine with the sample. You need to give any image of your character. It should be clearly visible on posture and face expression.

We got a great picture. And my son already know how to draw a wolf, a predatory and beautiful beast.

And some more options:


And cartoon wolf:

Fans of Makushi! Here I appeal to you so that you sometimes threw the wishes for lessons, and thank you for the already received requests. Today I draw wolf! IN rage It will be fun and epic at the same time, we will learn to draw volkov And give them a real action and emotions. Not hurry, step by step, together with you will learn to draw beautiful from animals. The steps are as simple and understandable to achieve success in drawing. Several tips on the basics of the anatomy of wolves in this fierce position. Earn pencil, paper and eraser to start a lesson with me. It may take several attempts to achieve an acceptable result, especially if you are new to drawing, but wolves This is part of this art. Immerse yourself in this lesson drawing to the world wolf And maybe you will learn several methods for your further growth as. Thanks for watching and good luck!

Step 1.

First, this step is very important. Do not miss this step in no way, as it will reduce your chances in the development of accurate moments of the future drawing in the form of the head of the lever wolf. Try to make these basic steps as you as possible.

Step 2.

Then simply draw the eyebrow and part of the muzzle in the form of the nose and the top of the grazing, the bridge is folded in the voltage in the form of folds. The nose is similar to a small heart.

Step 3.

Then we can easily cope with further detail for the muzzle. Note the barely prominent thin fold line. With a variety of thickness and depth, lines can be achieved more interesting effect. The drawing will be more spectacular and powerful.

Step 4.

Now I want to emphasize that there is a few folds on the naming, only three or four on the face. For more successful details, I increased the drawing of the muzzle wolfSo that you consider the accurate transfer of anger on his face.

Step 5.

Now we will draw a vigorous jaw together with gums and fangs. We draw individual teeth like hills with peaks from major fangs. The gums are similar.

Step 6.

But still give advice more. Be accurate in the amount of gums and wolf teeth. The gums are visible only in the utmost yarerty W. animal!

Step 7.

Now draw the bottom jaw on our drawing of an angry and lever wolf. I know that it will seem too complicated, but you will succeed in one breath. Slightly notice the mouth of the mouth first and then add your teeth or language. Then do it.

Step 8.

Now we will deal with drawing the shape of the chin and wool for the shape of the head and ear. Unlike dogs, the wolf is a larger and plump head. This is a harsh survival condition in the wildlife in the mountains, cold forests of Canada or Siberia.

Step 9.

We draw an eye with a scar, making sure in a noticeable distance from eyebrow blades. We add a fold for the shape of the jaw and ear.

Step 10.

Use fast and simple bar for the rest of the body, leaving the distance between your head and body. Challenge yourself and draw entirely. Stress the stroke wool and body shape wolf.

In this lesson, it will be described in detail how to draw a wolf Phased pencil. Step-by-step pictures of a wolf with detailed recommendations will make the drawing process simple and understandable. For even more relief of the task, I will deal with the drawing into two large stages:

  • Drawing a head - Here you will learn how to draw a face, ears and a wolf neck.
  • Body drawing - In this stage, we will deal with the drawing of the entire body of the wolf.

Stage 1.

We will start drawing from the wolf head. We will need to draw his face and ears. Let's start.

Step 1

First of all, we need the basis for drawing. If you remember how the head of the wolf in the profile looks like, then it can be understood that it consists of some of the two parts - an oval part of the head and an elongated part of the muzzle. That is why for the foundation we will need to draw the following figure.

Step 2.

As you can see, the bottom line is slightly shorter than the top. We connect these lines so that there are no harsh transitions, and the angles were soft. Almost at the very end oval, we begin to draw the ears of the wolf - one of them, which is closer to us, apparently completely, and the second mostly hidden.

Step 3.

Now draw the face of the wolf. The tip of the muzzle is limited to the line, it will be a nose, we divide the middle of the stretched part - as the wolf howls, his mouth should be a little ajar. We also do not forget to draw a wolf's eyes.

Step 4.

It's time to draw a wide neck. We do not draw it smooth, as our wolf is covered with gray wool. The neck must be drawn in the form of a directional wool.

Step 5.

You need to give the ears of the wolf "Fluffiness", that is, add separate elements as shown below. All unnecessary lines should be washed during the drawing process.

Stage 2.

So, we figured out the painting of the head and the muzzle of the wolf, now you can proceed to a no less complex part, that is, the body.

Step 1

As always, in drawing complex objects, we begin with simple forms. We need to draw something like this - the body of the seated wolf is narrowed to the neck, and to the bottom we see a significant distance between the paws.

Step 2.

Now we start specifying the form, I will work with breasts and front paws. Focusing on the initial contours, draw wool on the chest and the paw lines. At the ends of the paw I add claws.

Step 3.

Go to the next part. We start from the back, draw a small bend there. Add a paw lines and wool on the stomach of the wolf. Be sure to draw the tail.

The art of drawing is a talent that is not given to everyone. So consider many of us. In fact, to create simple drawings can almost everyone, of course, subject to a certain practice. In this article you will learn how to draw a wolf phased pencil. For beginners, we picked up light master classes.

We understand that it is much easier to tell how to learn how to draw than actually get to work. Nevertheless, before you arrive at direct classes, read several recommendations:

  • Use soft stylist pencils for drawing. Such lines barely noticeable on paper and easily erased by eraser. And if you accidentally spend an extra direct, remove it will not be difficult.
  • It is easier to learn how to draw when an example is the finished drawing. And for reproduction on paper own fantasies, it will still need some practice.
  • Do not push the pencil strongly. Make light lines on paper, because even serious error will be easier to fix.

Who said that the wolf can not be kind?

In terms of its structure, the wolves are very similar to dogs, as they occur from one line of the genus. Very often in the pictures there are beings that all species express their aggressive character. But if you decide to draw a wolf to a child, his face can be given very pretty grinding. And how to do it, you will now understand yourself.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • pencil.

Process description:

How to draw a wolf from the cartoon "Well, wait!"? This question is very often asked by the parents of kids from 2 to 4 years, because not only in our youth this cartoon was very popular, but today they love his children. Follow our instructions, and everything will turn out.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • the pencils.

Process description:

Wolf in natural habitat

What do wolves most often do? War on the moon and chase after hares. Draw an animal in a natural habitat - the task is not easy. But it can be mastered by a novice artist. This master class tells in detail how to draw a wolf in all the details.