Lovecraft older gods. Pantheon Lovecraft gods

Lovecraft older gods. Pantheon Lovecraft gods
Lovecraft older gods. Pantheon Lovecraft gods

On the occasion of the 128th birthday of the great master Horror, Howard F. Lovecraft , I remember his pantheon creatures.

According to ideas Lovecraft About deities in their myths ...

initially were Older gods (Elder Gods) - Good and peaceful who lived at the star Bethelgeuse (or near it) in the constellation Orion. They extremely rarely intervened in earthly affairs - in the struggle of goodness with evil, which are Ancient (Great Old Ones., or, otherwise - Ancient Ones.).

Systematized "Myths of Lovecraft", better known as "Myths Ktulhu", appeared after death Lovecraft. His close friend and colleague August Derlet.(1909-1971) took the unfinished works of the "Father of Horror", edited them, summarized, something added from himself - and published in his own publishing house "ARKHAM HOUSE".


Ancient(Great Old Onees) - incredibly mighty creatures, allegedly - the peers of the universe. Members of mystical sects and cults reveal them as gods. Ancient live in other star systems or in general outside our measurement. It is very likely that many of them are disembodied, rather speaking - they are not from matter.

Their power is based on unknown humanity forces, which are traditionally considered magical. It is not limitless and has its limits, often extending to the entire planet. Ancient can affect earthly matters only under certain astronomical conditions (the special location of the stars in the sky) and only when their followers are helpful.

Ancient and external gods in comic webcase The Unspeakable Vault (of Doom)

The ancients were, the ancients are, and the ancients will be. Not in those spaces that we know, but between them. They are impurched and initial, dimensionless and invisible to us. Yogo-Sathot knows the gate. Yogi-hundred and there are gates. Yogi-speech - both the key, and the guard of the gate. Past, present, future, all - in yogle-hundredth. He knows where the ancients came from in the past, and knows where they come from in the future.

- "Horror Danvich", F. Lovekraft


In real Dagon He was the Deity of Grain and Agriculture (Dagan, Juda. - Grain), revered by the North-Western semitting tribes. Mention of him is found even in the Bible - for example, in the fifth chapter of the first book of kingdoms.

Some researchers also believe that Dagon He was a patron of fishermen and therefore was depicted as a bearded man with a fish tail instead of the legs. Last, apparently, and inspired Lovecraft to create a frightening image of the underwater deity first appeared in the novel "Shadow over Innsmut" (1936).

Along with his wife Hydro, Dagon He is a direct patron Deep-seawho respectfully refer to their father Dagon and mother Hydra. Looks like Dagon Similarly Deep-sea (Humanoid with features of fish and amphibian), but is characterized by gigantic sizes. Dagon Mentioned in several works G. F. Lovecraft, among other things, as an active person in the story "Dagging" .

Huge, resembling Polyfem.and with all its appearance, the sense of disgust, he rushed, like a monster in nightmare dreams, to monolith, grabbed him by giant scaly hands and bowed his disgusting head to the pedestal, making some unsuitable descriptions of rhythmic sounds.


Cthulhu (Cthulhu)- The most famous of monsters Lovecraftcreated by the author himself. About the pronunciation of his name exist different opinions. The writer himself said that the name of this deity is rooted in a certain ancient language, completely alien for people. The closest pronunciation option according to Lovecraft, is an: "Khlul'khluu".

Cthulhu - Angry God, who rests in the sunken city R'leh. And waiting in the wings when the stars take the right position and he will return to life to sow chaos and destruction. He is a brother Ancients And the drivers of their slaves.

Appearance Cthulhu Known to all fans of creativity Lovecraft - This is a giant (he was able to pursue the ship in the Atlantic Ocean, standing in the water) of a human-like shape with slippery scaly green leather and claws on her arms (presumably and legs). His head reminds octopus - the skull is deprived of the hair, and many tentacles grow around the mouth. To top off this cute painting, on the back Cthulhu There are two wings, like a bat.

IN Myths Ktulhu Describes an ancient religious tradition of worship (worship) Cthulhu. According to Lovecraft, worshipors of the cult are present in a variety of corners of the Earth; In particular, among the Eskimos of Greenland, and among the residents of Louisiana. During rites, employees of the cult arrange human sacrifices, and they are reading a mantra "PCH'GLUI MGLV'NAFH KTULUHU R'LEH VGAKH'NAGL FHTAGN"that approximately means "In the depths of water under R'leh, Ktulhu rests, waiting for its own hours.".

Cthulhu It is capable of affecting the mind of people, but its abilities are drunk in the thickness of water, so that only the dreams of particularly sensitive people remain subject to it. IN "Zov Khulhu" dreams, intimidated Cthulhu, terrifyingly seen them and sometimes bring to madness. The whole history of mankind is only a moment for Cthulhu. Reviews Cthulhu We are convinced of the great power of their idol, and the death of civilization seems to be very likely, although insignificant, consequences of awakening Cthulhu.

KTHULLA (Cthulla) - Mystery daughter Cthulhu. As clearly from her second name, this young (on cosmic standards) Dama is a native daughter Cthulhu. Being a complete copy of your daddy, she hides in a certain secret place called Yuth (Yth). Her destination is to revive Cthulhu In the event that he perits. In this regard, it represents a greater value for the Father - KTHULLU Carefully guard his servants.


Azatota - an affordable spirit that commands Ancientwhich Ancient (senior) gods hid from the ground in chaos, for 11 seals.

Among his epithets, there are such as "blind mad God", "the ever-cheerful Sultan demons" and "Nuclear chaos". For the first time Azatota Mentioned in the work "Somnambulic search for unknown kadat" .

... The last relaxed nightmare in the Chaos focus, which is clouded and boils in the very center of infinity - the unlimited Sultan of the Azatoto demons, whose name does not dare to pronounce drawn lips, who eagerly hurts in the incomprehensible, dark rest of the time under the deaf, driven crazy The drums and quiet monotonous sobbies of the damned flutes, under whose grumble and the lengthy duplicate slowly, clumsily and bizarrely danced the giant absolute gods, lackless, lackless, dark, insane other gods, whose spirit and the messenger - creeping chaos Nonyarlatotep.

This god almost might worship only the crazy - in fact, so it is, because the few coughing, who ventured to elect him with their patron, paid for this reason, body and soul. The term "nuclear" was used Lovecraft to designate a central role Azatota In our universe, and not for the sake of a hint of his radioactivity.


Nyarlathothep (Nyarlathotep) - Creeping chaos, messenger Azatota, Black man. This deity is very different from his fellow. Unlike Hasturaliving on stars or CthulhuSleeping in the sea depth Nyarlathotep Full of life and actively interferes with the fate of the universe.

His favorite appearance is a tall man with dark hair and a good sense of humor. He speaks on the usual human language, does not have his own cult and serves as a messenger Azatota, I realize his will on Earth.

Nyarlathep often associate with the ancient Egyptian god Sethas well as Aztec deities: Teckatlipoye ("Smoking mirror") and Ksaip Tovkom. ("Man without skin").


Hastur (Hastur) - unprofitable; One who can not be called. Lovecraft borrowed him u Ambroza Birsa (story "Shepherd Gaita" ), where Hastur was a patron of shepherds - a purely good entity, unlike the evil creature, which appeared on the pages of the story Lovecraft "Whispering in the darkness" .

Howard Lovecraft, read "Yellow Sign" Chembers In 1927, highly appreciated the story and decided to combine the symbolism used by the British writer with his myths of Cthulhu. As a result, he created "Classic" image Hastura as one of Ancient Gods, which is in the guise of a black vortex and capable of abducting the soul and reason to see him.

Probably the only work Lovecraft, in which Hastur acts directly - this is a story "Food in the darkness" , where, in addition, it is mentioned about the cult of his followers and some of their sacred subject - the "sparkling trapezoededer" capable of calling Hastura. Also the name of this deity is found in the story "Whispering in the darkness" where again refers to the existence of the cult of his admirers and casually mentioned Yellow sign From the story of the same name Chembers. Lovecraft did not describe the role Hastura In the invented pantheon, any detail.

According to myths Ktulhu, anyone could cause HasturaBy saying his name three times (hence all the above nicknames). The appearance of this deity is amorphne, but in front of people, he appears in the standard "Ktulkhian" form - something resembling a giant octopus.


Yog-Sothoth (Yog-Sothoth) - All in one; One who is outside; He who opens. Best of all about this Divine said himself Lovecraft:

Unlimited Being embodied all-in-one and one, in all, about which he told the waves. It concluded not only time and space, but also the entire universal with its immeasurable scope that does not know the limits, and superior any fantasies and calculations of mathematicians and astronomers. Perhaps, in ancient times, the priests of secret cults called him a yoga-hundredth and whisper were transferred from the mouth of the mouth of this name, and it was known for cancers from Yuggota, he was known as a near-edge. His volatile messengers with spiral-like brains were recognized on an untransight sign, but Carter understood how much these definitions are inaccurate.

- G. F. Lovecraft, "Silver Key Gate".

Role Yogo Sathot In Pantheon - neutral (false) deity, Guardian of the gate between worlds, physical embodiment of the universe. In the story Lovecraft "Silver Key Gate" The hero calls him "being". Yogo-hundred Locked outside our universe, it exists simultaneously in all times and in all space. This is a knowing God, the power of his hardly no exceeding Azatotaand wisdom - Yib-Tstlla. According to the writer Clarker Ashton Smith, Yogo-hundred In one of his incarnations he could command the time.

From Yogo Sathot Earth woman from Danvich Lavini Waitley Twins are born. In its inhuman nature son Yogi Sathot Wilber He had a scaly shell and outgoing gray-green tentacles from the abdomen with red suction cups. His inhuman twin had the shape of a huge multi-eyed chicken egg with a dozen legs and consisted of a jelly-like (Jelly) substance. In the description, the monster is compared with the octopus (Octopus) and the Centipede.

W. Yogo Sathot There were several incarnations. Among them:


Alfurgomon, on the controversial statement of some, is an embodiment Yogo Sathot. God Alfurgomon was invented by a writer Clark Ashton Smith As a sustained, revered in many nations. Alfurgomon - God of time that commands time and space. About the appearance of this embodiment Yogo Sathot nothing is known because Alfurgomon It is shown only to those who angry it, and after his appearance, the victims who did not have nothing to tell. It is known, however, that its appearance is accompanied by a blinding light. Alfurgomon - deadly enemy KSExanotaapparently one of Ancient Gods or out External Gods, also invented Clark Ashton Smith.

Tavil AT-Umr

Tavil AT-Umr (Tawil AT-U'MR), otherwise called UMR AT-TAIL, The most ancient and old out of living - embodiment Yogo Sathot. Rules over the huge spaces behind the gates of the silver key, in which there is no time, and over almost almighty Ancientliving there. Describes as a humanoid creature under a strange, foam veil. If he decides to remove the veil, then the one who will look at him will go crazy. Tavil AT-Umr considered a complacent God, unlike the evil Alfurgomon.

Inhabitant of the threshold

Based on the name, this is the main embodiment. Yogo Sathot.


Shub-Nigrugut (english .rshub-Niggurath), also the black goat of forests with a thousand offspring (otherwise the black goat with a thousand youngsters, "Iä! The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!") - the character of the mythical pantheon is classified as "deity perverted fertility "fictional Howard Lovecraft.

First mentioned in his story "Last test" ("The Last Test", 1928). At myself Lovecraft Never is described, unlike its successors, but it is repeatedly coming in spells and appeals. Shub-Nigrugut It is described as a foggy, cloud-like mass with a multitude of long, black felts, rolling mucus and short goat legs. It is accompanied by a lot of small mounted monster creatures generated by it, which she constantly spews out of themselves, and then deviates again and digested.

From all creatures of the mythical pantheon Myths Ktulhu, cult Shub-Nigrugut Describes as the most common. Perhaps because of all Ancients She is the only one who shows some favorance to her flock: for example, it was she gave priests T'yuhu. Scroll with a spell due to plunge Gatanoa. Even extraterrestrial worship Mi-Gu. Conducting a rite, you can call Shub-Nigrugut In any forest to the new moon, and sometimes it is in the image of an excellent woman.

In the work "Creator on the threshold" The main character retells the prayers of the occultists, on which he involuntarily visited:

My brain! My brain! God, Dan, as presses! From somewhere from the outside he knocks, this devil is scratched! Even now Efraim! Came! Came! Out of Shogus! Ya! Shab nigrurt! The goat with the LEGION of the junior! .. Flame, flame on the other side of the body, on the other side of life ... inside the earth, oh god!

In the work "Horror in the Museum" also used similar revolution:

It needed nutrition - and it will no longer have a lack in it. He is God, and I am the Supreme Priest in his new priest hierarchy. IA! Shab nigrurt! Almighty goat with a minion young!

Also in the work "A window in the attic" :

No vegetation, like on a dark star. Circle of worshiping stone post. Their screams: IE! Shab nigrurt!

Ghatanotoa / Gatanoa

Ghatanotoa (Ghatanothoa)- usurper, God volcanoes and the first son Cthulhu. Presumably he is buried under the mountain Warmithadet. (Voormithadreth) on Mu (The mythical continent, sunken in the Pacific). Gkhatatoa Worried inhabitants Mu For your ability to turn people into live statues.

Gatanoa - Central mythical deity Howard Lovecraft "Out of time" left on the earth aliens Mi-Gu with planet Yuggot. Long before the existence of human civilization.

Gatanoa immortal and dwells in the dungeon of the fortress, once located on the mountain Yatditch-ger, in the kingdom K'naa, on the disappeared continent Mu. Geographically, the mountain is located near New Zealand. According to the legend, anyone who sees an ancient deity or even his image falls into a state of petition, while the brain and internal organs will remain entirely and continue their vital activity until some external factor destroys the petrified shell. To avoid awakening Gatanoa, people kingdom K'naa Every year, twelve young warriors and twelve girls were sacrificed. Their bodies were burned on the fires in the marble temple at the foot of the mountain, because no man dared to rise to the fortress on the top of the mountain.

The most significant performance of a person against Gatanoa was committed by a servant of the temple Shub-Nigrgerat. by the name T'yog.what about what is told in "Unnamed cults" Frederick von Juntza. T'yog. Created a scroll who had to protect him from the devastating effect of the kind of deity, but because of the substitution of priests Gatanoa Scroll on a fake, he failed. The events described are the year of the Red Moon, which according to the version background of Juntza corresponds to 173148 BC.

According to the story series Lina Carter "Xothic Legend Cycle" , Gatanoa He is firstborn Cthulhu.


Gladaki. (Glaaki)- The inhabitant of the lake, the ruler of the dead dreams. Lives in the Valley of the Norn River near Brichrister in England. First appeared in the story Ramsey Kmestla "The inhabitants of the lake" . Gladaki. Looks like a huge slug, completely covered with metal spikes. The latter are not just a stylish accessory - they are alive and grow out of the body, like hair. Gladaki. It can produce a tentacle with eyes at the ends to look out of the water.

Not bad the character lit up on the cover of the music. Album Belgian Death / Doom Band Tyrant's Kall. The team is known for its addiction to the work of Lovecraft. Art - Paolo Giradi.

Cult Gladaki. Silen is quite enough - mainly due to the magical knowledge that this deity supplies its followers. The latter, if you believe the authors of the myths of Ctulhu, were systematized and recorded in 12 volumes of the book "Revelation Gladaki.».

People come in this cult for the sake of eternal life, which they promise them Gladaki.. The deity always holds back this promise - it sticks out its steel spike in the next beginner, fills his body poison and turns a person to a special kind of zombie - "servants Gladaki."(Another little-known creature from myths Ktulhu).

Besides already listed myths Ktulhu occasionally mention others External Gods: Davot. (Daoloth), Grotto (Groth), Hydra (Hydra), Mlandot. (MLANDOTH), Tulzucha (Tulzuscha), Baboz-Sathla (Ubo-Sathla), Vordavoss (VORDAVOSS) and Xiurn (Xiurhn).

APHOM-ZHAH (APHOOM-ZHAH)- He "Cold Flame" - a deity invented by a friend Lovecraft - Clark Ashton Smith (1893-1961). This monster is a descendant KThughi (Cthugha). Like another monster - ITHAKVA (Ithhaqua), - He sleeps in the ice of the Arctic, waiting for his "Star Hour". In the time of the ice age Aptum-Zhah Frequently visited B. Hyperboreu (Lovecraft considered such an analogue of Atlantis). For people, he looks like a huge, cold head of gray fire.

CHAUGNAR FAUGN (Chaugnar Faugn) - "God of Elephants", "Horror from the Hills" - creation Frank Belnap Longa (1903-1994).

Others (monsters - approx. Matt) conducted its origin from much darker and mysterious transmitted only from the mouth to the mouth, secret legends of antiquity - those were, for example, black, informal Tsatkhoggua, which possesses a plurality of Chatulhu's supreets, equipped with a terrible trunk of CHAUNRAR PAUGN and Other monstrous creatures familiar to selected people under the forbidden books like "necronomicon", "Books of Eibon" or labor von Yuntsta "Caught Cults".

- Howard Lovecraft, "Horror in the Museum"

KTHUGHA (Cthugha) - Created August Deretta and first appears in the story "House on Curve Street" (1962). This creature looks like a huge ball of fire. His servants - Race of fiery vampires. In the story Derletta "Food in the darkness" The main character is trying to call that he expels the embodiment Nyarlatouth (Nyarlathotep) from the forest in Canada.

Senior gods

Elder gods.- A group of supernatural creatures opposing Ancient (Great Old Ones.), as well as other, less large divine "factions" - External Bogs (Outer gods.) I. Great (Great Ones.).

Literary critics do not bind Senior Gods With the work of himself LovecraftAs they were created by his followers and, in fact, are compilation from a variety of antiquity myths.

BAST (BAST), or Bastete. - Deity, borrowed from Egyptians. Traditionally binds to the sun, fertility and prosperous childbirth in women. Bast He has two incarnations - a woman with a cat head (good entity) and a lion (aggressive). It is believed that, being in the second form, Bast It turns into sexmet - a lioness, which once almost destroyed all humanity. It was able to pacify only with the help of tricks - on the ground was spilled beer, tinted with mineral dyes in red. The lioness took this fluid for blood, drunk and fell asleep.

Hypnos (Hypnos) - Personification of sleep from Greek mythology. Mother Highness - Nix (Night), brother - Tanatos. (Death). His draws are in the cave where sunlight does not penetrate. Macs and other sleepy plants grow at the entrance. Children Highness - so called Oneroi: Morpus (dream), Fobetor, he is Iselus (nightmares) and Pyatasos (Appears in a dream in the form of inanimate objects).

Edyimion - Young shepherd, fell in love with the goddess of the moon Selena And received OT Highness A rare gift is the ability to sleep with open eyes, even in a dream, he could look at his beloved.

N'TSE-KAAMBL (N'tse-Kaambl) - Unconscious women's deity from the category Olderintroduced in myths Ktulhu writer Gary Meers. (Tale "Worm House" ). Sometimes it is identified with Minervoy (Roman goddess crafts and wisdom). There are assumptions that the name of this deity is homonym Nancy Cambell.True, the identity of this lady is unknown for anyone, except for the very Meersa.

NODENS (Nodens)- Hunter, Lord of the Great Cupid. As already mentioned earlier, he first appeared in the story Lovecraft "House on a foggy rock" . It is an elderly man with a long thick beard and gray hair. Nodenes Traveling around the world in a chariot made from a huge sea shell. His calling is hunting, and as the victims, he most often chooses the creatures belonging to Pantheon Ancients. It does not mean that Nodenes - Protector of good. Just evil monsters represent the most complicated, and, therefore, attractive prey.

Ulthar (Ulthar) - some deity mentioned Lovecraft In the novel "Somnambulic search for unknown kadat" and story "Cats Ultar" . Besides, in myths Ktulhu There is a city selected. How it is connected with this deity, is still unknown.

Not applicable creatures


Underground (CHTONIANS) - Cute little animals resembling large squids and differing from them elongated bodies covered with slippery mucus (this morphological feature allows them to easily move underground). ABOUT Underground It is known that they live thousands of years, wealously guard their offspring from people and publish the drums of sad sounds, along which it is easy to determine their approach. Read more about these creatures, you can learn from the collection of stories Brian. Lamley "From the depth" (1974).


Deep Ones) - Fish-frog-like creatures, inhabiting deep in the ocean. As amphibians, they feel good on land and sometimes go to people. In exchange for human victims Deep-sea May give gold, decoration and fill the network fish. Deep-sea Also may be paired with people, generating hybrids. In his youth, such children look completely usually, but with age, they gradually turn into Deep-sea. Their eyes become scattered, eyelids are atrophy, the head narrows, the hair falls out, and the skin is covered with scales.

Deep-sea worship Dagona and Cthulhu. Lovecraft described in detail them in the novel "Shadow over Innsmmatom" .


Older (Elder Things) / Elders - Aliens who inhabited land to people. They were a mixture of a plant and an animal. Elders They built gigantic cities on Earth and under water, fought with the gods (without much success) and probably put on the light of those creatures that inhabit the planet to this day. Civilization The oldest Died in the glacial period, their frozen city in Antarctica was discovered only in 1931. Described in detail B. "Madness ridges" .

Elders The first came from distant depths of cosmos to young land. At that time, they were highly developed in technological racial, but used their knowledge only in case of extreme need. Elders We left our planet because of the technogenic crisis. They considered their last mechanistic civilization of the harmful for the emotional sphere. Initially Elders Inhabited only underwater spaces of the Earth, but subsequently settled and on land.

Early settlers - Elders Created the first "local" living organisms on Earth, which were then evolved to a modern state, as well as artificially selected interesting species and limited the development of harmful, in terms of Startsev, species. So, the sample of a person and monkey is the result of breeding, in order to remove delicious meat and as a decorative toy. One of the unique types of organisms created Elderswere driven, creatures from protoplasm, capable of taking any form by telepathic order, and used Elders To perform various physical works.

In the course of the development of its civilization Elders were forced to fight with descendants Cthulhu, from Mi-Gu, with outstanding creators Shoggotami.

Reproduction Startsev There were disputes, but was encouraged only when the new spaces occur. Education and education Startsev It was at the highest level. As presupposes the main character of the novel "Madness ridges" , State system Startsev was socialist.

For a long time of staying on Earth, technical and physiological possibilities Startsev Ugasali. So, they have lost the initially available ability to cosmic flights and could not leave the Earth, and also lost control over shoggotami.

One of the most significant and recent famous land settlements Startsev Posted in Antarctica. Surrounded by mountains, the city flourished throughout the whole geological era, but over time, climate change (severe cooling) forced Startsev Move the cave under it warmed by geothermal waters. The ruins of the city were discovered in 1931 by an expedition to the University of Miscatavi. Judging by the detected troupers Startsev and some other signs that came out of control shoggot Still won Startsev And even the underwater Antarctic city took.


Guli (Ghouls) - creatures that have once been to people, but turned into human-like monsters hiding from the Sun underground. The cause of such metamorphosis is cannibalism. It is quite logical that guli. Keep your previous cooking addictions and feed on human corpses. Read more about them from the novel "Somnambulic search for unknown kadat" .

Variety of beings myths Ktulhu This list is not limited. In other articles, we will also talk about lower races, about numerous monsters, locations and works characteristics Lovecraft.

Even the most terrible monsters, opposing the heroes of fiction, perform prosaic functions: suddenly jump out of darkness, bite for the most sensitive place and hide at anyway. Under this pattern, vampires, wolves, ghosts and zombies fall. These creatures were born out of myths and legends, superstitions and prejudices, in a word, humanity came up with them to justify their natural fear of all unexpected and incomprehensible.

But there are other legends. Myths about incredible monsters, much more terrible than a bunch of revived dead, and much more mysterious than translucent creatures, walking along the corridors of vintage castles. Unlike European legends, these stories cannot boast antiquity. They came up with a single person - a beggar American, who suffered from nightmares. But modern fantasy (and in particular - mysticism and horrors) without them is completely unthinkable.

Music Music: Nox Arcana, Necronomicon album

Father monster

Howard Phillips Lovecraft (20.08.1890 - 15.03.1937) is considered to be one of the fathers of the horror genre. He took a lot from Edgar by And Lord Dansengi, but it was even more taken from him. Clive Barker, Stephen King, Hans Rudy Higer, Neil Geiman, Guillermo del Toro, Sam Raymi and Alan Moore do not hide that they draw inspiration in the work of a person who had invented the legend about the "Book of the Dead" - "necronomicon".

The merit of Lovecraft also in the fact that he first crossed two previously independent genres - science fiction and horrors. Howard created a large-scale pantheon from the gods, demigods and monsters - the beings of the otherworldly and at the same time real living, whether in another dimension, or on other planets, but actively interfering with people with their supernatural forces.

At the same time, Lovecraft was not crazy mystic. He treated monsters from his books with humor. Howard was an atheist and examined his creations solely as a means of earnings - by the way, very modest, barely allowed the ends with the ends.

Yes, I agree that yogo-hundredth is based on an immature concept, little suitable for truly serious literature.

Lovecraft was born in a small American town with the meaningful name Providence ("Providence"). Father - Winfred Scott Lovecraft - worked as a community. Three years after the birth of the son, he fell ill with syphilis, went crazy and was placed in the hospital.

Grandfather Wisley forced the young Howard to read the "Tales of 1001 Nights", "Birth of a fairy tale" Bulfinch, "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of Homer. In addition to this, the grandmother told him the Gothic European fairy tales each evening (not those that we know in children's books, but real, not adapted for children - where the sisters of Cinderella, not fitting in a crystal shill, chop the heels; and a wonderful prince, coming to sleeping Beauties, before you wake her, "removes the flowers of love").

In the youth, Lovecraft was constantly sick and almost did not go to school. He could not get a diploma of secondary education and entered the university. His marriage with the Ukrainian Jewish Sonya Green lasted only a few years.

Sketch of Ktulhu hand of Lovecraft. Well, did not know how to draw a writer

Although the works of Lovekraft printed and spangled well, the writer was poor. He led an unprecedented correspondence (it is believed that this is the most major author's correspondence in the world) with their colleagues, among whom were Forrest Akerman (fiction-famous USA), Robert Howard (Creator Conan-Varvara) and Robert Bloch (Psycho).

Lovecraft died of cancer and malnutrition. Fans sometimes leave an epitaph on his grave (she is quickly erased, but it appears again): "It's not dead that in eternity lives. With the death of time and death will die. "

Where did myths come from

In fact, systematized "Myths of Lovecraft", better known as "myths of Ktulhu," appeared after the death of Lovecraft. His close friend and colleague August Derlet. (1909-1971) took the unfinished works of the "Father of Horror", edited them, summarized something from himself - and published in his own publishing house "Arkham House".

August Derlet, famous photo on comic background

The single mythological picture of the world of Lovecraft is the fruit of the imagination of his followers, first of all - derrette. He diluted "Myths of Ktulhu" Christianity, turning them into a description of the traditional struggle of good with evil. Lovecraft itself was alien - the writer called the ethics of Cant with a joke and created in his books the universe, full chaos, nightmares and painful unknowns.

According to the representations of Lovecraft about the deities in their myths ... Initially, the elder gods were originally - good and peaceful who lived at the Betelgeuse star (or near it) in the constellation Orion. They extremely rarely intervened in earthly affairs - in the struggle of good with evil, which are ancient (Great Old Ones, or, otherwise - Ancient Ones).

AUGUST HEREET, from the preface to "Histories about the myths of Ktulhu"

At the Lovevkraft, the older gods were explicitly mentioned (except, perhaps, a very similar to them, the owner of the great abyss from the story "Mysterious house on a foggy rock"). He did not have a systematic pantheon of ancient. Yes, and the term "ancient" (Ancient Ones) is used only once - in the story of the "Gate of the Silver Key".

It should be noted that monsters from the myths of Cthulhu do not show deliberate hostility towards humanity - they are rather the indifferent and indifferent force of the universe, which can be cleaned with human foot, chance of thousands of tiny insects.


Ancient (Great Old Onees) - incredibly mighty creatures, allegedly - the peers of the universe. Members of mystical sects and cults reveal them as gods. Ancient dwells in other star systems or in general outside our measurement. It is very likely that many of them are disembodied, rather speaking - they are not from matter.

Their power is based on unknown humanity forces, which are traditionally considered magical. It is not limitless and has its limits, often extending to the entire planet. Ancient can affect earthly matters only under certain astronomical conditions (the special location of the stars in the sky) and only when their followers are helpful.

Ancient and external gods in comic webcase The Unspeakable Vault (of Doom)

APHUM ZHAH (APHOOM-ZHAH) - He "Cold Flame" - a deity invented by a friend of Lovekraft - Clark Ashton Smith (1893-1961). This monster is a descendant of Kthugha (Cthugha). Like another monster - Ithaqua (Ithhaqua), - he sleeps in the ice of the Arctic, waiting for his "Star Hour". At the time of the ice age, the Aptum-Zhah often visited the hyperboreu (Lovecraft considered such an analogue of Atlantis). For people, he looks like a huge, cold head of gray fire.

CHAUNRAR PAUGN (Chaugnar Faugn) - "God of Elephants", "Horror from the Hills" - the creation of Frank Belnap Long (1903-1994).

Others (monsters - approx. Matt) conducted its origin from much darker and mysterious transmitted only from the mouth to the mouth, secret legends of antiquity - those were, for example, black, informal Tsatkhoggua, which possesses a plurality of Chatulhu's supreets, equipped with a terrible trunk of CHAUNRAR PAUGN and Other monstrous creatures familiar to selected people under the forbidden books like "necronomicon", "Books of Eibon" or labor von Yuntsta "Caught Cults".

Howard Lovecraft, "Horror in the Museum"

KTHugha (Cthugha) - created by August Honor and for the first time appears in the story "House on Curve Street" (1962). This creature looks like a huge ball of fire. His servants - Race of fiery vampires. In the story of Droteta "Food in the darkness", the main character is trying to call for Khhughu so that he expels the embodiment of the nyarlat owp (Nyarlathotep) from the forest in Canada.

Cthulhu (Cthulhu) - the most famous of Lovecraft monsters, created by the author himself. As for the pronunciation of his name (in general, about the names of creatures at Lovekraft, you can fully say the "language will break") there are different opinions. The writer himself said that the name of this deity is rooted in a certain ancient language, completely alien for people. The closest pronunciation variant, according to Lovecraft, is: "Khlul'hluu".

As already mentioned above, Cthulhu is an evil God, who rests in the sunken city of R'leh and is waiting for his o'clock when the stars take the right position and he will return to life to sow chaos and destruction.

Famous Portrait of a Cutulhu Raymond Balesse

The appearance of Cthulhu is known to all fans of Lovecraft creativity - this is a giant (he was able to pursue the ship in the Atlantic Ocean, standing in the water) of a human-like shape with a slippery scaly of green leather and claws on her hands (presumably and legs). His head reminds octopus - the skull is deprived of the hair, and many tentacles grow around the mouth. To top off this cute painting, on the back at Ktulhu there are two wings, like a bat.

And the Eskimo sorcerers, and the marsh priests from Louisiana sang, referring to the externally similar idols, the following: "PH'NGLUE MGLV'NAFH KTULUHU R'LEH VGAH'NAGL FHTAGN" ("In his house in R'leh, the dead Ctulhu sleeps, waiting for his hour ").

Howard Lovecraft, "Call Ktulhu"

August Honor in his stories slightly changed the role of Ktulhu, making it far from the most important figure in the pantheon of the proceedable beings. The championship in the hierarchy of the ancients belongs yoga-hundred (yog-sothoth) and Azatoto (Azathoth), but the cult of Ktulhu, nevertheless, is the most common (and most influential) on earth.

The main opponent of Cthulhu, according to the kestur, is his single brother Hastur (Hastur) living in the star cluster of Giada (Hyades) Constellation of the Taurus. Interestingly, the story "The Return of Hastura" (1939) describes the physical, real contact of these two deities.

KTHULLA (Cthulla) - Mystery daughter Ctulhu. As clearly from her second name, this young (on cosmic standards) lady is the native daughter of the most famous monster from Lovecraft books. Being a complete copy of your daddy, she hides in a certain attile place under the title (YTH). Her destination is to revive Ctulhu if he perits. In this regard, it is of great value for the Father - Kthoullu carefully guard his servants (including the deep-water, which will be mentioned below).

Some believe that Dagon should be similar to deep-sea and look something like that.

Dagon (Dagon) - Another "superstar" of the myths of Ctulhu. In reality, Dagon was the Deity of Grain and Agriculture (Dagan, Juda. - Grain), revered by the North-Western semitting tribes. Mention of him is found even in the Bible - for example, in the fifth chapter of the first book of kingdoms.

Some researchers also believe that Dagon was a patron of fishermen and therefore was depicted as a bearded man with a fish tail instead of the legs. The latter, apparently, inspired Lovecraft to create a frightening image of the underwater deity, first appeared in the novel "Shadow above Innsmut" (1936).

Dagon in Jeff Rimmer's Presentation

The appearance of Dagon is not known to anyone, as well as the details of its existence are unknown. We only know that it is impossible to be called good and human-loving. Yes, he really can patronize fishermen, but the fee for successful fishing will be, to put it mildly, excessive.

Ghatanotoa (Ghatanothoa)- UsurPator, God volcanoes and the first son of Ktulhu. Presumably, he was buried under the Mount of Voormithadreth on the MJ (the mythical continent, sank in the Pacific). Gkhatanotoa was revered by the inhabitants of MJ for their ability to turn people into live statues.

Glaaki (Glaaki)- The inhabitant of the lake, the ruler of the dead dreams. Lives in the Valley of the Norn River near Brichrister in England. For the first time appeared in the story of Ramsi Kmestla "The inhabitants of the lake." Gladaki looks like a huge slug, completely covered with metal spikes. The latter are not just a stylish accessory - they are alive and grow out of the body, like hair. Gladaki can produce tentacles from her eyes at the ends to look out of the water.

The Glaca cult is quite strong - mainly due to the magical knowledge that this deity supplies its followers. The latter, if you believe the authors of the myths of Ctulhu, are systematized and recorded in 12 volumes of the book "Revelation Glamki".

People come to this cult for the sake of eternal life, which Glaaki promises. The Deity always holds back this promise - it sticks out its steel spike in the next beginner, fills his body poison and turns a person to a special kind of zombie - "servant Glaika" (another little-known being from the myths of Cthulhu).

Hastur (Hastur)- unprofitable; One who can not be called. Lovecraft borrowed him from the Ambroza Birs (the story "Shepherd Gaita"), where Hastur was the patron saint of shepherds - a purely good entity, unlike the evil creature, which appeared on the pages of the story of Lovekraft "whisper in the darkness".

Hastur, rice. Artist Nuberoja.

According to the myths, Ktulhu, anyone could call the Hastura, uttering his name three times (hence all the above nicknames). The appearance of this deity is amorphne, but in front of people, he appears in the standard "Ktulkhian" form - something resembling a giant octopus.

Repetition of the words "Hastur, Hastur, Hastur" - just entertainment and cannot harm you. However, the editors of the "World of Fiction" is not responsible for the possible consequences.

Hciollquoigmnzhah (Hzioulquoigmnzhah)- The Divine, invented by Clark Ashton Smith, for one name of which the author should put a monument. It is no particularly different creature. According to some vague mentions in the myths of Ktulhu, it is a long-range relative of Ktulhu and Hastura. It does not have a permanent habitat. It can be found in the world of KSOT (Xoth), on Yaksh (Yaksh, he is the planet Neptune), and on the cycrane (Cykranosh - Saturn).

ITHAQUA - Running wind, the God of cold white silence, he is Windows (in the tales of North American Indians - the Terrible Spirit-cannibal). The indigenous people of the northern regions of the planet (Siberia, Alaska) worship this terrible deity, asking him by human victims. It is believed that Musatva attacks people in a snowy buran. Later they are found dead and lying in such poses, as if they fell from a high height. The features of the face are distorted by the wild grimace of agony, some parts of the body are absent.

NIGHTA (Nyoghta) - The thing that should not be, the inhabitant of red abyss. Describes in the book of Henry Cattler "Salemskaya Horror" (1937). He lives deep underground in voids, occasionally appears on the Leng Plateau (on a dialect of the Chinese province of Fujian - "Cold") - a fictional location in Central Asia. You can drive it back under the ground only with the help of the "Your Virai" spell and Elixir Tikkun.

UIG (yig)- Father snakes. The deity in itself is not evil, but rather irritable. Punishes its offenders, sending snakes to them. Interestingly, in the early 1990s, this character (or rather, his name) became the subject of a real cult. In Connecticut (USA), teenagers took into fashion to scare passersby, jumping out on them with the scream "Wig!", And shouting followed so loud as possible. However, such a fun quickly ceased to be fashionable. Now there are only 2-5 cases of "Wigging" per year.

* * *

This is only a brief list of the ancients, which are stated in the myths of Ktulhu. If you wish, you can find information about the other "colleagues" (for convenience only the original names are called):

Atlach-Nacha, Baoht Z'ugga-Mogg, Bokrug, Bugg-Sash, Byatis, C'Thalpa, Cynothoglys, Dweller of the Gulf, Eihort, Gloon, Gol-Gorgoth, Hydra, IDH-yaa, iod, Juk-Shabb, Lloigor, L'Rog'g, M'Naglah, Mnomquah, Mordiggian, Nag and Yeb, Oorn, Othuum, Otuyeg, Rhan-Tegoth, Saa'iTii, Sfatclip, Shathak, Shudde'mell, Tsathoggua, Vulthoom, Y'Golonac, Yhondeh, Ythgotha, Zhar, Zoth-Ommog, Zushakon, Zvilpoggua, Zustulzhemgni.

External gods

We will not stop in detail on beings called in myths Great Ones (Great). They live in a special world - Dreamlands, and much more weak (in magical), rather than ancient or older gods. Their intellectual abilities also leave much to be desired.

External gods (Outer gods) are much more interesting. Unlike others, they are not specific creatures, but rather, universal principles of being. That is why their strength does not have physical borders.

Abhoth (abhoth)- source of uncleanness. Lives in the underground kingdom of N'Kai (N'Kai) and appears in front of people like a disgusting gray mass of live flesh. Of it, various monsters are born, but Abhote produces a tentacle, grabs their children and devours them. This God is zinica, angry and mad. It has strong telepathic abilities that allow him to communicate with others.

Azatoth (Azathoth)- Sultan demons, boiling nuclear chaos. This god stands at the head of the Pantheon myths of Ktulhu. Lovecraft describes in detail it in the novel "Somnambulic search of an unknown kadat", the "dreams in a witch house" and "whispering in the night". If you believe the author, azatotot - blind god idiot, not having a particular physical form (although it can be embodied in the creature of the XADA-NGLA).

Azatot, artist Mika Stone

The term "nuclear" was used by Lovecraft to refer to the central role of Azatota in our universe, and not for the sake of a hint of his radioactivity. This god can worship only crazy - in fact, so it is, because few cough, who ventured to choose him with their patron, was paid for this reason, body and soul.

Nyarlathothep (Nyarlathotep)- Creeping chaos, Poslanda of Azatota, black man. This deity is very different from his fellow. Unlike the Hastura living on the stars, or Ctulhu, sleeping in the sea depth, Nyarlathhotep is full of life and actively interferes with the fate of the universe. His favorite appearance is a tall man with dark hair and a good sense of humor. He speaks in the usual human language, does not have his own cult and serves as the Messenger of Azatota, realizing his will on Earth.

Nyarlathotep is often associated with the ancient Egyptian god Seth, as well as the Aztec deities: the Tskatliply ("smoking mirror") and Ksaip Tovkom ("man without skin").

Nyarlathhotep, artist Douzen

Shab Niggrath (Shub-Niggurath) - Black goat from forests with a thousand young. As such, this monster in Lovecraft novels was not found, but his name could be found in several spells (IA! SHUB-NIGGGURATH) - see "Whispering in the darkness", "dreams in a witch house", "Nightmare in the Museum". Externally, this creature looks like a huge shapeless mass, destroyed by tentacles, slumping mouths - and all this moves on curves of goat legs.

Shub-nigrapite, rice. Khannea Suntzu.

Yogo-hundred (YOG-SOTHOTH) - all in one; One who is outside; He who opens. Best of all, Lovecraft himself said about this Divine:

Unlimited Being embodied all-in-one and one, in all, about which he told the waves. It concluded not only time and space, but also the entire universal with its immeasurable scope that does not know the limits, and superior any fantasies and calculations of mathematicians and astronomers. Perhaps, in ancient times, the priests of secret cults called him a yoga-hundredth and whisper were transferred from the mouth of the mouth of this name, and it was known for cancers from Yuggota, he was known as a near-edge. His volatile messengers with spiral-like brains were recognized on an untransight sign, but Carter understood how much these definitions are inaccurate.
G. F. Lovecraft, "Silver Key Gate"


In addition to the already listed, the myths of Ctulhu occasionally mention and other external gods: Daoloth (Daoloth), Grotto (Groth), Hydra (Hydra), Mlandot (Mlandoth), Tulzucha (Tulzuscha), Ubbo Sathal (Ubo-Sathla), Vordavoss ) And xiurhn.

Senior gods

Elder gods. - A group of supernatural creatures opposing the ancient (Great Old Ones), as well as other, less large divine "factions" - External Gods (Outer Gods) and Great (Great Ones).

Literary criticships do not associate older gods with the work of Lovevkraft itself, since they were created by his followers and, in fact, are a compilation from a variety of antiquity myths.

BAST (BAST), or Bastet is a deity borrowed from the Egyptians. Traditionally binds to the sun, fertility and prosperous childbirth in women. Bast has two incarnations - a woman with cat head (good entity) and a lion (aggressive). It is believed that, being in the second form, Bast turns into sexmet - a lioness, which once almost destroyed all humanity. It was able to pacify only with the help of tricks - on the ground was spilled beer, tinted with mineral dyes in red. The lioness took this fluid for blood, drunk and fell asleep.

Hypnos (Hypnos)- Personification of sleep from Greek mythology. Mother Holness - Nix (night), Brother - Tanatos (death). His draws are in the cave where sunlight does not penetrate. Macs and other sleepy plants grow at the entrance. Children of hypnos are the so-called Oneroi: Morpheus (dreams), fobetor, he is Iselus (nightmares) and phantasos (appears in a dream in the form of inanimate objects).

Edyimion"The young shepherd fell in love with the goddess of the moon of Selena and received a rare gift from Hynos - the ability to sleep with open eyes to even in a dream he could look at her beloved.

N'TSE-KAAMBL (N'tse-Kaambl) - An insignificant female deity from the discharge of the elders, introduced into the myths of Ktulhu writer Gary Meers (the story "Chervy House"). Sometimes it is identified with Minerva (Roman goddess crafts and wisdom). There are assumptions that the name of this Divine - Omonym Nancy Cambell, however, the identity of this lady is unknown to anyone, except for Myers himself.

Novoden, artist Mark Foster

NODENS (Nodens)- Hunter, Lord of the Great Cupid. As it was already said earlier, for the first time he appeared in the story of Lovecraft "House on the Misty Rock." It is an elderly man with a long thick beard and gray hair. Nogenes travels around the world in a chariot made from a huge sea shell. His vocation is hunting, and as victims, he most often chooses the creatures belonging to the pantheon of the ancients. This does not mean that Novodens is a protector of good. Just evil monsters represent the most complicated, and, therefore, attractive prey.

Ulthar (Ulthar)- A certain deity mentioned by Lovecraft in the novel "Somnambulic search of an unknown kadat" and the story "Cats Ultar". In addition, the city is present in the myths of Khulhu. How it is connected with this deity, is still unknown.

According to the "Unknown Cadatur" there is a rather curious comic

Not applicable creatures

In addition to terrible monsters with tentacles and shapeless creatures from the dark depths of distant space, the myths of Cthulhu boast a good collection of simpler and accessible understanding of creatures.

Underground (CHTONIANS) - Cute little animals resembling large squids and differing from them elongated bodies covered with slippery mucus (this morphological feature allows them to easily move underground). About the underground it is known that they live thousands of years, wealically guard their offspring from people and publish the drums of sad sounds, for which it is easy to determine their approach. You can learn more about these creatures from the collection of Bryan Lamly's story "From the depths" (1974).

Chtonian, painter Borha Pinda

Deep Ones) - Fish-frog-like creatures, inhabiting deep in the ocean. As amphibians, they feel good on land and sometimes go to people. In exchange for human victims, deep-sea can give gold, decoration and filling the network fish.

Deep-water. 3D model of the artist Stefano Bernardi

Deep-sea can also be paired with people, generating hybrids. In his youth, such children look completely usually, but with age, they gradually turn into deep-water. Their eyes become scattered, eyelids are atrophy, the head narrows, the hair falls out, and the skin is covered with scales.

Deep-sea worship Dagon and Ktulhu. Lovecraft described them in detail in the novel "Shadow above Innsmut."

Deep-water from the film "Dagon", very free, but not bad adaptation of "Shadow above Innsmut"

Elders (Elder Things)- Aliens who inhabited land to people. They were a mixture of a plant and an animal. The elders built gigantic cities on the ground and under water, fought with the gods (without much success) and, probably, carried out the worlds that inhabit the planet to this day. The civilization of the elders died in the glacial period, their frozen city in Antarctica was discovered only in 1931 (Roman Lovecraft "Madness Ridge").

Elders, Hood. Jeff Remmer.

Guli (Ghouls)- creatures that have once been to people, but turned into human-like monsters hiding from the Sun underground. The cause of such metamorphosis is cannibalism. It is quite logical that the Guli retain their former culinary addictions and feed on human corpses. More details about them can be found in the novel "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath".

Among other, less colorful monsters of the myths of Cthulhu can be called tyndalos dogs (Something resembling Langolors Stephen King), mi-Gu (crustacean aliens living on Pluto), shogpre. (creatures from protoplasm) and pSU (Small elphoveless creations living in the world of Dreamlands).

Scary, already horror!

You have been presented not all representatives of the "Warring" myths of Ctulhu, but this is enough to make several important conclusions. The first thing you probably think for a long time - so he could write only hereditary schizophrenic. The second conclusion is more serious - that these creatures have become the foundation of all modern genre "mystery of horror."

Necronomicon became the plot basis of the entire series of "sinister dead"

Nowadays, such monsters may seem monotonous, boring and even funny, and legends associated with them are at least naive. But we should not forget that at the beginning of the 20th century such stories were read by a bang and were the most real action-thrillers of that era. To the myths of Ktulhu can now be treated in different ways, but only one thing is indisputable: this is a classic that sustained the hardest test - time.

For those who do not know who is such a Cthulhu;)

Ancient gods

Ancient (Great Old Onees) - incredibly mighty creatures, allegedly - peers of the universe. Members of mystical sects and cults reveal them as gods. Ancient dwells in other star systems or in general outside our measurement. It is very likely that many of them are disembodied, rather speaking - they are not from matter.
Their power is based on unknown humanity forces, which are traditionally considered magical. It is not limitless and has its limits, often extending to the entire planet. Ancient can affect earthly matters only under certain astronomical conditions (the special location of the stars in the sky) and only when their followers are helpful.

APHUM-ZHAH (APHOOM-ZHAH) - He "Cold Flame". This monster is a descendant of Kthugha (Cthugha). Like another monster - Ithaqua (Ithhaqua), - he sleeps in the ice of the Arctic, waiting for his "Star Hour". During the time of the ice age, the Aptum-Zhah was often visited in a hyperboreu. For people, he looks like a huge, cold head of gray fire.

KTHUGHA (Cthugha) - this creature looks like a huge ball of fire. His servants - Race of fiery vampires.

Cthulhu (Cthulhu) - an evil God, who rests in the sunken city of R'leh and is waiting for his o'clock when the stars take the right position and he will return to life to sow chaos and destruction. This is a giant (he was able to chase the ship in the Atlantic Ocean, standing in water). His head reminds octopus - the skull is deprived of the hair, and many tentacles grow around the mouth. To top off this cute painting, on the back at Ktulhu there are two wings, like a bat.

The main opponent of Cthulhu, is his single brother Hastur (Hastur) who lives in the star cluster of Giada (Hyades) Constellation of the Taurus.

KTHULLA (Cthulla) is a secret daughter of Ctulhu. As clearly from her second name, this young (on cosmic standards) the lady is the native daughter of the Khulhu himself. Being a complete copy of your daddy, she hides in a certain attile place under the title (YTH). Her destination is to revive Ctulhu if he perits. In this regard, it is of great value for the Father - Kthullu carefully guard his servants.

Dagon (Dagon) - in reality, Dagon was the Deity of Grain and Agriculture (Dagan, Jew. - Grain), revered by the North-West Semitic tribes. Mention of him is found even in the Bible - for example, in the fifth chapter of the first book of kingdoms.
Some researchers also believe that Dagon was a patron of fishermen and therefore was depicted as a bearded man with a fish tail instead of the legs. The appearance of Dagon is not known to anyone, as well as the details of its existence are unknown. We only know that it is impossible to be called good and human-loving. Yes, he really can patronize fishermen, but the fee for successful fishing will be, to put it mildly, excessive.

Ghatanotoa (Ghatanothoa) is a usurper, God volcanoes and the first son of Ktulhu. Presumably, he was buried under the Mount of Voormithadreth on the MJ (the mythical continent, sank in the Pacific). Gkhatanotoa was revered by the inhabitants of MJ for their ability to turn people into live statues.

Glauaki (Glaaki) is the inhabitant of the lake, the ruler of the dead dreams. Lives in the Valley of the Norn River near Brichrister in England. Gladaki looks like a huge slug, completely covered with metal spikes. The latter are not just a stylish accessory - they are alive and grow out of the body, like hair. Gladaki can produce tentacles from her eyes at the ends to look out of the water.
The Glaca cult is quite strong - mainly due to the magical knowledge that this deity supplies its followers. The latter, if you believe the authors of the myths of Ctulhu, are systematized and recorded in 12 volumes of the book "Revelation Glamki".
People come to this cult for the sake of eternal life, which Glaaki promises. The Divine always holds back this promise - it sticks out its steel spike in the next beginner, fills his body with poison and turns a person to a special kind of zombie - "servant glada".

Hastur (Hastur) - unprofitable; One who can not be called. According to the myths, Ktulhu, anyone could call the Hastura, uttering his name three times (hence all the above nicknames). The appearance of this deity is amorphne, but in front of people, he appears in the standard "Ktulkhian" form - something resembling a giant octopus.

Hzioulquoigmnzhah (hzioulquoigmnzhah) - nothing special does not differ. According to some vague mentions in the myths of Ktulhu, it is a long-range relative of Ktulhu and Hastura. It does not have a permanent habitat. It can be found in the world of KSOT (Xoth), on Yaksh (Yaksh, he is the planet Neptune), and on the cycrane (Cykranosh - Saturn).

ITHAQUA (ITHAQUA) - Running Wind, the God of Cold White Silence, he is Windows (in the testes of the North American Indians - the Terrible Spirit-cannibal). The indigenous people of the northern regions of the planet (Siberia, Alaska) worship this terrible deity, asking him by human victims. It is believed that Musatva attacks people in a snowy buran. Later they are found dead and lying in such poses, as if they fell from a high height. The features of the face are distorted by the wild grimace of agony, some parts of the body are absent.

Nioghta (Nyoghta) - The thing that should not be, the inhabitants of the Red abyss. He lives deep underground in voids, occasionally appears on the Leng Plateau (on a dialect of the Chinese province Fujian - "Cold") - a place in Central Asia. You can drive it back under the back only with the help of the "Your Virai" spell and Elixir Tikkun.

Wig (yig) - Father Serpent. The deity in itself is not evil, but rather irritable. Punishes its offenders, sending snakes to them.

External gods

External gods (Outer Gods). Unlike others, they are not specific creatures, but rather, universal principles of being. That is why their strength does not have physical borders.

Abhote (abhoth) - source of sewage. Lives in the underground kingdom of N'Kai (N'Kai) and appears in front of people like a disgusting gray mass of live flesh. Of it, various monsters are born, but Abhote produces a tentacle, grabs their children and devours them. This God is zinica, angry and mad. It has strong telepathic abilities that allow him to communicate with others.

Azathoth (Azathoth) - Sultan demons Boiling nuclear chaos. Azatotot is a blind god idiot that has no particular physical form (although it can be embodied in the creature of the XADA-NGLA). This god almost might worship only the crazy - in fact, so it is, because the few coughing, who ventured to elect him with their patron, paid for this reason, body and soul.

Nyarlathotep (Nyarlathotep) - Creeping Chaos, Poslanda of Azatota, Black Man. This deity is very different from his fellow. Unlike the Hastura, living on the stars, or Ktulhu, sleeping in the sea depth, Nyarlatotep is full of life and actively interferes with the fate of the universe. His favorite appearance is a tall man with dark hair and a good sense of humor. He speaks in the usual human language, does not have his own cult and serves as the Messenger of Azatota, realizing his will on Earth. The blocks often associate with the ancient Egyptian god of the network, as well as the Aztec deities: the Tskatliply ("smoking mirror") and Ksaip Tov ("man without skin").

Shab-Nigrurt (Shub-Niggurath) - a black goat from the forests with a thousand young. Externally, this creature looks like a huge shapeless mass, destroyed by tentacles, slumping mouths - and all this moves on curves of goat legs.

Yog-Sothoth (Yog-Sothoth) - all in one; One who is outside; He who opens. Best of all, Lovecraft himself said about this Divine:
Boundless Being embodied All-in-One and One-in-all of which he told of the wave. It concluded not only time and space, but also the entire universal with its immeasurable scope that does not know the limits, and superior any fantasies and calculations of mathematicians and astronomers. Perhaps, in ancient times, the priests of secret cults called him a yoga-hundredth and whisper were transferred from the mouth of the mouth of this name, and it was known for cancers from Yuggota, he was known as a near-edge. His volatile messengers with spiral-like brains were recognized on an untransight sign, but Carter understood how much these definitions are inaccurate.
G. F. Lovecraft, "Silver Key Gate"

Senior gods

Older gods (Elder Gods) are a group of supernatural creatures opposing the ancient (Great Old Ones), as well as other, less large divine "factions" - external gods (Outer Gods) and Great (Great Ones).
Literary criticships do not associate older gods with the work of Lovevkraft itself, since they were created by his followers and, in fact, are a compilation from a variety of antiquity myths.

Bastet (Bast), or Bastet - divinity, borrowed from the Egyptians. Traditionally binds to the sun, fertility and prosperous childbirth in women. Bast has two incarnations - a woman with cat head (good entity) and a lion (aggressive). It is believed that, being in the second form, Bast turns into sexmet - a lioness, which once almost destroyed all humanity. It was able to pacify only with the help of tricks - on the ground was spilled beer, tinted with mineral dyes in red. The lioness took this fluid for blood, drunk and fell asleep.

Hypnos - Personification of sleep from Greek mythology. Mother Holness - Nix (night), Brother - Tanatos (death). His draws are in the cave where sunlight does not penetrate. Macs and other sleepy plants grow at the entrance. Children of hypnos are the so-called Oneroi: Morpheus (dreams), fobetor, he is Iselus (nightmares) and phantasos (appears in a dream in the form of inanimate objects).

Endimion - a young shepherd, fell in love with the goddess of the moon of the moon in Selena and received from Hynos a rare gift - the ability to sleep with open eyes to even in a dream he could look at her beloved.

N'Tsey-Kaamble (N'tse-Kaambl) is an insignificant female deity from the discharge of the elders introduced by the writer Gary Meers. Sometimes it is identified with Minerva (Roman goddess crafts and wisdom). There are assumptions that the name of this Divine - Omonym Nancy Cambell, however, the identity of this lady is unknown to anyone, except for Myers himself.

NODENS (Nodens) - Hunter, Lord of the Great Cupid. It is an elderly man with a long thick beard and gray hair. Nogenes travels around the world in a chariot made from a huge sea shell. His vocation is hunting, and as victims, he most often chooses the creatures belonging to the pantheon of the ancients. This does not mean that notenes is not a protector of good. Just evil monsters represent the most complicated, and, therefore, attractive prey.

Ultar (Ulthar) is a kind of deity mentioned by Lovecraft in the novel "Somnambulic search of an unknown cadade" and the story "Cats Ultar". In addition, the city is present in the myths of Khulhu. How it is connected with this deity, is still unknown.

Not applicable creatures

Underground (CHTONIANS) are cute animals resembling large squids and differ from them elongated bodies covered with slippery mucus (this morphological feature allows them to easily move under the ground). About the underground it is known that they live thousands of years, wealically guard their offspring from people and publish the drums of sad sounds, for which it is easy to determine their approach. Learn more about these creatures can be found in a collection of stories by Brian Lumley "From the depths" (1974).

Deep (Deep Onees) - Fish-frog-like creatures, inhabiting deep in the ocean. As amphibians, they feel good on land and sometimes go to people. In exchange for the loss of human life can give Deep gold ornaments and fill the nets with fish.
Deep can also be paired with people, generating hybrids. In his youth, such children look completely usually, but with age, they gradually turn into deep. Their eyes become scattered, eyelids are atrophy, the head narrows, the hair falls out, and the skin is covered with scales.
Deep worship Dagon and Ktulhu. Lovecraft described them in detail in the novel "Shadow over Innsmmatom."

The oldest (Elder Things) are aliens who inhabited the Earth to people. They were a mixture of a plant and an animal. The oldests built gigantic cities on earth and underwater, fought with the gods (without much success) and, probably, made the worlds that inhabit the planet to this day. The civilization of the oldest died in the glacial period, their frozen city in Antarctica was discovered only in 1931.

Guli (Ghouls) is the creatures that have once been to people, but turned into human-like monsters hiding from the sun under the Earth. The cause of such metamorphosis is cannibalism. It is logical that the ghouls retain their previous culinary habits and feed on human corpses. You can learn more about them from the novel "Somnambulic Search of Unknown Cadat".
tuta Siberian

Mythology Howard Lovekraft: Myths Ktulhu

Greetings to you, dear readers of my blog!

After a prolonged break, I continue a series of publications about the work of Howard Phillips Lovekraft. In this issue, I will try to summarize information on the mythology created by the author and make a brief guide to his work. To begin, let us remember what the author wrote, and how to define the genre of his work.


Modern literary criticists to determine the creativity of Lovecraft are distinguished by a separate skew literature - the so-called "Lovekravutov horrors". Unlike the science writers of the beginning of the 20th century, who wrote about the superiority of a person, technical progress and the conquest of other worlds, Lovecraft shows the insignificance of a person in the face of powerful and alien beings from other worlds. The works of Lovecraft are full of fear in front of the unknown, madness and the oppressive doomes of the apocalypse. The core of the creativity of the author became "Cthulhu Mythos", works, united by a common mythology. An important element of the myths of Cthulhu is the ancient gods - powerful creatures that have arisen long before the emergence of a person and dwelling in other galaxies and measurements. The author himself characterizes the ancient gods as follows:
" In the darkness, it is possible that reasonable essences are taking away and, possibly, the essences beyond the limits of any reason. These are not witch or sorcerers, no ghosts or goblins, once frightened primitive civilization, but the essence is infinitely more powerful".
Ancient gods can be attributed to the following beings: Azatotot, Yogi-Sathot, Ctulhu, Dagon, Nyarlathhotep, Schub-Nigrurt and Hastur. Let us more detail on each of them, and I will tell you about the main works in which they appear.
Cthulhu (Cthulhu)

The most recognizable image created by Lovecraft, which has become an Internet meme. For the first time, Ktulhu is mentioned in the story " Call Khulhu ", written in 1928. Cthulhu also applies to the ancient gods and looks like a humanoid obesity with underdeveloped interfluent wings behind the back and octopus, instead of the head.

" Through some moments, this darkness broke out, as smoke after a centuries-old sharpening, and as he floated into the wrinkled humpback heaven on the clapping interfachable wings, the sun began to fade in his eyes. From the discovered depths, a completely unbearable SMRArad rose, and Hawkins had a disgusting crushing sound, which came from the bottom. And then, clumsily thunder and source of mucus, it appeared in front of them and began to squeeze her green onto the touch, jelly-like immenseness through a black doorway in a spoiled, poisonous atmosphere of a crazy city."

P. Lovecraft, "Call Ktulhu"


The story tells about the sleeping at the bottom of the ocean of the Cthulhu, affecting the brain of sleeping people and drive them crazy. A group of sectarians with the help of sacrifices is trying to wake an ancient God. As a result, they succeed in it, but awakened by Ctulhu faces a steamer and pour into sleep again.Cthulhu is still mentioned in the novel " Range madness "But there is more about the population of the ancient gods of the Earth and the alien civilization of the elders.

The smaller deity in the pantheon of the myths of Cthulhu, along with the wife of Hydro is a patron saint of a distance of deep-sea. For the first time Dagon Mentioned in the same story created in 1917. Dagon is described as giant sizes Hybrid human fish and frogs.

"The huge, reminiscent of the polyfem and all his appearance, causing a feeling of disgust, he rushed, like a monster in nightmare dreams, to monolith, grabbed him with giant scaly arms and bowed his disgusting head to the pedestal, making some unfoned descriptions of rhythmic sounds".

P. Lovecraft, "Dagon".


In addition, Dagon is mentioned in the story " Shadow over Innsmut ". In the story, the main character falls into the city, populated Deep-sea - creatures that combine the features of man, fish and frogs. Deep-sea began to be widely used in a variety of fantasy, for example, Murlocks are written off in the Warcraft Universe.


The incarnation of chaos, the envoy of the ancient gods in the world of people. Nyarlathotep It appears in the stories of the same name and describes how a high dark man resembling ancient Egyptian pharaoh.

"And then Nyarlathhotep came out of Egypt. Who he, no one knew, only he was an ancient native blood and looked like Pharaoh. Fellahi fell into NIC, envy him, although no one could say why. Nyarlathhotep said that he rebelled through the darkness of twenty-seven centuries, and that his hearing is available from this planet. In the land of civilization came Nyarlathotep, swarthy, slender, and sinister ".

P. Lovecraft, "Nyarlathhotep".


In the story, which is "the poem in prose," describes that the end of the world came and appeared on the ground Nyarlathhotep, leading surviving people behind himself in the "invisible puchin of an unimaginable." By the wordsNyarlathepa, it has thousands of accrements, and its true form looks like a constantly raging and changing shape of the black. In the world of people, he comes, carrying an omnation of the end of the world, like one of the riders of the apocalypse.Nyarlathhotep is mentioned in Stories "Somnabulic Search of Unknown Kadat", " Jewish Algazred", And the most fully revealed in the work" inhabiting in the dark ". In the town of Providence (the native city of Lovekraft), there are unscrewed rumors about the old church of the unclean strength. Young writer Robert Blake, who are interested in these rumors, decides to explore the church and finds in her records about Satanian cult. By chance, Robert calls on our world avatar Nyarlathotep, which lives in darkness and does not endure sunlight.Nyarlathotep pursues Robert and after switching off the electricity in the city kills him.

Otherwise, called "Black Forest Goat with a Thousand Young" (Ya! The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!). Shub-NiGurit is the deity of perverted fertility and looks like a certain mass with goat legs and with a lot of supreets and mouths. He creates a lot of monsters, which devours and gives rise again. For the first time, Shub-Nigrurt is mentioned in the story " Last experience"(Some translations use the name" Last test "). A mysterious epidemic is broken in San Francisco, known as" Black Fever ". The local doctor and his assistant are looking for a medicine from a new deadly disease. It turns out that the doctor's assistant is a creature from another. The world, whining the mind of the doctor and brought with him a new disease. Also, Shub-Nigrurt is mentioned in the stories of the "creature on the threshold", "horror in the museum" and "window in the attic". In the computer game "Quake" one of the bosses is called a fur coat Nigrgenit, however, looks like a kind of tree that generates monsters.


Hastur (Hustur)
Lovecraft borrowed the image of the Hastura from other writers and in the myths of Ktulhu, he paid little attention. Also known as the "king in yellow", Hastur is first mentioned in the story of the Ambroza Birca "Shepherd Gaita". The initial image created by the Birscus is not a negative color, but mentioned as a mysterious and friendly character. Later another writer, Robert Chember, borrowed the name "Hastur" for his story "Yellow Sign", in which Hastur is called "King in Yellow" and has an ominous color. Lovecraft, impressive after reading the story of Chember, created the "classic" image of the Hastura, including him in the pantheon of the gods of the myths of Cthulhu. Unfortunately, everything ended with the development of the image, write a separate work of Lovecraft did not have time. Hastur looks like a black whirlwind, kidding me and soul anyone who sees him. It is usually mentioned together with the ancient damn city of the carcosium. The image of the carcose was created by ambrosis by Birsc in the story "resident of the carcose", and then refined by Chebers and Lovecraft. Lovecraft Hastur is mentioned in the story "Whispering in the darkness". Also, its image is used in the TV series "This Detective" as the God of the Dark Cult.


In addition to the ancient gods, Lovecraft has other characters worthy of attention. First of all, it is an alien race of reasonable mushrooms Mi-Gu and underwater residents referred to Deep-sea. In addition to them, I will tell about the less well-known representatives of the Lovecraft Universe: Flying Polyps, the Great Rasse of Yit and Elders.

Myth alien race of reasonable mushrooms, who flew to our sunny system from a distant space and settled on the planet Yuggot, identified with Pluto. For the first time, Mi-th is mentioned in the sonnet of Lovecraft " Mushrooms from Yuggota", written in 11929. More fully, their image is revealed in the story" whispering in the darkness ". Although Mi-go are mushrooms, they look like a mixture of insect and crustacean.


" These were the pinkish creatures of about one and a half meters long; with crustaceans and pairs of large spinal fins or webbed wings and several segic limbs; In place of the head they had a fresh ellipsoid with a lot of short mustache".

P. Lovecraft "whispering in darkness".

Mi is a high-tech race mining rare minerals on Earth. They move in space without aircraft using their own wings. Clean lifestyle and have great knowledge in biotechnology. For example, Mi-th is able to put the human head into a special container and pick up with you to the yuggot. At the same time, the human brain and consciousness will continue to function separately from the body. Myth is also mentioned in the novel "Madness Ridge", as one of the first residents of the Earth.

Rasa Reasonable Amphibianslooking like a hybrid man, fish and frogs. First described in the story "Shadow over Innsmut" and, then, in the story " Room with clipped shutters".

"It seemed to me that in their mass they were grayish-green, but with white belly. Most of them glistened and seemed to be squished, and the edges of their spin were covered with something like scales. With our outlines, they only remotely reminded Anthropoids, while the heads were definitely fish, with convex, even scolded eyes that were never closed. On the side of their necks, the trembling gills were visible on their necks, and there were stretched membranes between the processes of long paws, they jumped up, pushing out that two, and then all four limbs, and I somehow even delighted that they had only four of them. Their hoarse, barking voices, clearly created for some similarity of speech, carried in themselves a lot of terrible and gloomy shades, with more than compensated by a small expressiveness of their muzzle."

P. Lovecraft, "Shadow over Innsmut".

Deep-sea worship Father Dagon and Mother Hydra, considering them their progenitors. As follows from their name, deep-sea dwells at the bottom of the ocean in underwater cities. About their culture and customs are known little, obviously, this is a small people having problems with reproduction. Otherwise, to explain their desire to mate with people and replenish their ranks at the expense of born hybrids, which over time turn into amphibians. It is known that deep-sea mining gold is made from it bizarre jewelry and give them to people in exchange for sacrifice.

Flying polyps Flying Polyps)

One of the oldest races in the Universe is mentioned in the story "Beyon of Times." Polyps are semi-material creatures that have other sense-famous people. Billions of years ago, they arrived at the land from distant galaxies and began to fight with elders and yit. Flying polyps were defeated and sharpened under the ground.


"They could not be called completely material - in our understanding of matter; By the type of their consciousness and ways of perception, they reconciled from any of the earth's organisms. For example, they did not have such a category as vision - the world existing in their consciousness was a strange non-physical image system. They, however, were most materially to allow them to be completely real funds in those areas of space, where these funds were available; In addition, they needed a constant home, even if somewhat peculiar. Although their feelings could penetrate through any physical barriers, the material elements of their creatures were not capable of this; It was possible to destroy them only by the impact of certain types of electrical energy. Despite the absence of wings and other special devices, they could freely move through the air".

P. Lovecraft, "Beyond Times."

Great Race Yit Great Race Yith)

Ancient and highly developed races of cosmic aliens who can travel in time. When traveling in time, Yitians moved their minds in the body of creatures living in another time. For his ability to travel in time, they are called the Great Race. For the first time, together with the flying polyps, they are mentioned in the story "Beyond the Times". The story talks about a certain professor, whose mind attacked the aliens, which led to the complete loss of memory. Sumy, in the end, to regain his memory, the professor understands that aliens Yit aliens, leaving their memories of Earth for billions of years before the appearance of a person on it.


Arriving on Earth, Yit began a war with flying polyps, who could not put together in whose bodies, and therefore they were afraid of them. Yitians look like a three-meter cones with tentacles upstairs.

"These creatures themselves appended to be huge folded cones up to ten feet high, the head and some other bodies of which were placed at the ends of thick elastic processes that came out of the top of the cone. They were expressed their thoughts through the clicking and scrubbing sounds issued by huge paws or clamshells twisted two of the four mentioned processes, and moved the expansion and compression of the lower part of the cone, covered with some kind of adhesive enzyme".

P. Lovecraft, "Beyond Times."

Two-meter refigble "wings" of the same color found folded, go from the furrows between the folds. They are brighter, tubular cable, there are small holes at the ends. In the disclosed state - on the edges of the gear. In the center of the body, on each of the five vertical, riveting, folds - light gray flexible tentacles. They are currently engaged around the body, they are capable of acting to items at a meter distance - as a primitive marine lily with branching rays. Separate tentacles at the base - eight centimeters in diameter, after fifteen centimeters, they are members' prankshaby, each of which, after twenty centimeters, branches the as much thin, taverged by the end of the suprek-mustache - so that on each "ground" they turn out to be twenty five. The torso light gray, bloated, like from the gills, "neck," on which the yellow five-pointed yellow star sits, similar to the head of the head "head", crouched with rigid multi-colored hairs in eight centimeters. Flexible yellowish tubes with a length of eight centimeters hang from each of the five ends of the massive (about half a meter in the circumference) head. In the very center it is a narrow slit, possibly the initial part of the respiratory tract. At the end of each tube, spherical thickening, tightened with a yellow film, which hides a glassy ball with a rainbow shell of red - obviously ".

P. Lovecraft, "madness ridges".

The elders are famous for the creation of a shogde - reasonable mass of protoplasm, capable of taking any image. Shogging were created to serve as an elders, but, as it often happens, rebelled and destroyed their creators. In addition to the shogging, the elders have created a man, they conducted many experiments with genetics, trying to artificially withdraw beneficial organisms. The man has become something like a fun toy for them, and on another version - a delicious delicacy.

By fantastic creatures, Lovecraft has created two more signs - the city Arkhem Book Necronomicon. Let's talk about them in more detail below.

Fictional city in Massachusetts, located north of Boston. Through Arkhem, the Muskatonik River, served as the name for the famous Muskatonik University. Obviously, the Moscow University is a reference to a real existing (MIT). Unlike a real educational institution, a different occult books, telling how to call demons are kept in the library of the Muskatonik University. For example, it stores the famous necronomicon. In American culture, the University of Muskatonik is a meme and a source of many jokes. For example, in the US, you can buy a "real" diploma on the end of the Muskatonik University, as well as badges and other symbolism with him. An appropriate analogue for Russia will be some Institute for Borschevaria, which hints of poor human education.

image: Book of dead. The Egyptian book was a guide to travel in the afterlife and fastened to the tomb, in the calculation that the deceased would wash her after death. No rituals for calling demons, of course, it was not described in it. Necronomicon unites various works of the author, it is possible everywhere where you can. This is a kind, Deus Ex Machina is a tool for artificially promotion. Interestingly, many readers believed in the truth of the necronomicon, and, apparently, got the author so much that he had to write several official refutations of his existence.


In modern culture, necronomicon is synonymous with an ancient occult book and is widely converted into cinema. For example, in the trilogy "ominous dead".

I think for one record of this more than enough and it's time to finish. In conclusion, I want to bring a list of references recommended for those who want to familiarize themselves with the work of Lovekraft. He has a big bibliography and read all the work makes no sense, so I will indicate only the most, in my opinion, meaningful and interesting things. Call Khulhu(Cotulhu cult) , Shadow over Innsmut (Deep-water) Range madness (Elders and history of the world in Lovecraft), Whispering in darkness (Mi-th) Creature on the threshold (Shub-Nigrgenit), Food in darkness (Nyarlathhotep), Beyond time (Great Race Yit and Flying Polyps).

The next issue will be devoted to artistic films shot on the work of Lovecraft, and today I have everything. Thank you for attention!

The American writer Howard Lovecraft is known not only as a source and an unsurpassed master of Gorror genre, he is also the creator of one of the most unusual mythologies in modern literature, known as "Miphs of Cthulhu." Lovecraft himself and his followers created a great many mysterious creatures, gods and other things that inhabit the endless worlds of their works. In this selection of the most famous and unusual creatures from the myths of Cthulhu.


Elders - Race of highly developed alien creatures. Once, a long time ago, they were the first to come from the distant depths of the cosmos to another young land. His native planet elders had to leave due to a technogenic crisis. Therefore, on Earth, they did not apply their knowledge without extreme necessity, considering their own last civilization of the harmful for the emotional sphere. It was the elders in the mythology of Lovekraft created everything alive on earth, including the samples of a person and monkey, which were brought out for the sake of tasty meat and as a decorative toy. The reproduction of the elders occurred by disputes, but was encouraged only when setting up new spaces. Initially, the elders had the ability to fly through the interior spaces with their wings. But subsequently they lost these skills and could not leave the Earth.


These are shapeless tremendous protoplasm bubbles. Shoggots are capable of moving and form temporary authorities to perform the necessary actions. Their size indicates the fact that if the shoggot takes a spherical shape, then its diameter will be equal to five meters. Shogus created elders to perform utility and requiring great physical efforts of work. Shoggots did not possess their own consciousness and under the action of hypnotic suggestions could take any form and perform any actions. However, later, the drivers found the will and intelligence, they learned how to memorize hypnotic teams and based on them to independently manage their shape. The natural result of this was a fierce war between the elders and the drivers, which the shoggots lost, conquering elders. However, during the next or one of the following wars, the elders were defeated and the googles found freedom.


The central mythical deity in the work of "out of time". It is known that Gatanoa left on Earth the aliens of the Mi-th from the planet Yuggot long before the onset of the existence of humanity. Gatanoa by nature is immortal and dwells in the dungeon of the fortress, once located on Mount Yadedith GHO, in the kingdom of K'naa, on the disappeared continent of Mu. Geographically, this mountain is located not far from New Zealand. The legend states that anyone who will see an ancient deity or even his image will fall into a state of petition, while the brain and internal organs will remain entirely and will continue physical activity until some external factor destroys the petrified shell. To avoid the awakening of Gatanoa, the people of the kingdom of K'naa each year sacrificed twelve young warriors and twelve girls. Their bodies were burned on the fires in the marble temple at the foot of the mountain, because no man dared to rise to the fortress on the top of the mountain. Once a servant of the Schub-Nigrgerat temple by the name T "School created a scroll who had to protect him from the devastating effect of the kind of deity and was removed to enter the fortress. But Gatano's priests replaced the scroll to the fake and he failed.


One of the smaller deities of the Pantheon myths of Cthulhu. Dagon and his spouse Hydra are direct patrons of the Rass of deep-sea, which respectfully referred to their father Dagon and the mother of Hydra. Like deep-water itself, Dagon looks like a human form with features of fish and amphibians, but is characterized by gigantic sizes.


Hugges are huge giants living in the underworld of the country of dreams. A distinctive feature is a huge, vertically opening mouth and front paws separating in the elbow. Curse of the gods limits their diet with terrible gastters and does not give to leave the underground world. Nevertheless, the meeting with the Google is deadly for a person. But it is known that the goads are silent by Vurdalakov, although they surpass them in force repeatedly.

Hounds of Tindala dogs

They were created by Tyndal - one of the ancient gods. But after the Tyndal drowned Dagon, the pieces adopted Shub-Niggra. She taught them hunting skills: tricks, dexterity, strength and, naturally, cunning. But after a few thousand years, the dogs kidnapped Khulhu and moved them to R "Laich. Since then, he began to use dogs to find his victims. Because of their connection with spatial-temporal intersections, the dogs can penetrate the material world through the angle between two any planes, if it is 120º or less. When the hound penetrates our world, he begins to smoke the smoke from the corner, gradually placing in the head, followed by and the body. They say that if a person somehow gives it to these creatures, Hounds of Tyndal's dogs will follow their victim through space and time unlimited long, until finally have reached. Time travelers risk attracting the attention of these creatures.


The legend says that in the black abyss, N`Kai dwells the disgusting and mighty Tsatoggua. About him knows a little, despite the frequent mention in the works of the ancients. Externally, Tsatioggua is like a huge black toad, sitting on the throne in the darkness of the huge caves surrounded by a retinue. According to other sources, he does not rule in the abyss, and is bullied and waiting for his hour. It is also known that he was worshiped in Hyperborney, where he was one of the supreme deities. He also had fans among other races: there was a cult in Atlantis, as well as the Civilization of Yota, known as the children of Jig.


Perhaps the most famous of all creatures created by Lovecraft. Ktulhu is a deity, the beast of the worlds, sleeping at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, but, nevertheless, capable of influencing the mind of a person. On the view of Khulhu with different parts of the body is like octopus, dragon and man: the monster has his head with tentacles, a humanoid body, covered with scales, and a couple of rudimentary wings. Cthulhu belongs to the genus of the ancients. He lies in a dream, similar to death, at the top of the underwater city of R'Lih in the midst of the Pacific Ocean. "With the right position of the stars", R'layh appears above the water, and Cthulhu is released. Cthulhu is able to influence the mind of human beings, but its abilities are drunk the thickness of water, so that only the dreams of particularly sensitive people remain subject to it. In the "call of Ktulhu" dreams, hugged by Ktulhu, horrify them very much, and sometimes bring to madness. Ktulhu is an alien, completely alien to human nature, and the whole history of mankind is only a moment of his sleep.


Azatotot is the Supreme Deity of the Pantheon myths of Cthulhu. According to legend, Azatota lives in the very center of the universe, and the younger gods are dancing around him under the sounds of the beasts. Among his epithets, there are such as "blind mad God", "the ever-cheerful Sultan demons" and "Nuclear chaos". It is believed that he himself does not even understand what he himself creates. Definitely Azatoto is the most monstrous essence in the whole universe. He does not leave his throne, but comes to many heroes in dreams or insane visions, and only one sound of his name makes them shudder from horror. As it should be, Arab Arab Abdul Alhazred in his necronomicon wrote about him.


Yogi-Sathot is the all-terrible God of the Pantheon of the ancient gods. Despite the fact that the most powerful of the Supreme gods is Azatotot, yogle-hundredth is like above all. He is named guardian of the gate between the worlds and is a physical embodiment of the very universe. Yogo-hundredthly locked outside our universe, it exists simultaneously in all times and in all space. This is a knowing God, the power of his hardly not superior to the statement, and the wisdom is Yiga. In one of his incarnations, yogh-cells could even command the time.