Wit and its attitude to the unconscious. Miscellaneous Watch what is "wit" in other dictionaries

Wit and its attitude to the unconscious. Different look what is
Wit and its attitude to the unconscious. Miscellaneous Watch what is "wit" in other dictionaries

Wit - this is not such a frequent quality in humans. If you are expressed by the vocabulary, then this term is called the sophistication of thought and ingenuity, manifested in original, funny and successful expressions. But this is too summarized definition.

Wit as a lifestyle

Surely each of us has a friend who is characterized by this quality. Such people tend to look confident, relaxed and satisfied with life. They burn their eyes, and if you look at their view, you can, figuratively speaking, notice the thought. It would seem that here is the appearance and quality related to psychology and sociology? And despite the fact that a person is always reflected on how he looks like.

The wit is a quality that always imposes its "imprint" per person, which is not surprising. After all, wit is a fold of mind expressed in a bright verbal form. This quality empowers a person with the ability to repay almost all conflicts using the phrase label. Person's wit demonstrates her mind, education and skillful speech possession.

A person who has this quality is able to express any idea that it will understand each. Thanks to this, he is always confident in its capabilities and power. And a person possessing this quality has every chance of being heard. So is it possible to consider wit's life style? Definitely.

Turning to Freud.

In 1905, the famous Austrian psychoanalyst published quite interesting work. It is known as "wit and its attitude towards the unconscious." If you familiarize yourself with this work, it can be understood that Sigmund Freud identifies with this concept of humor. That is, the intellectual ability to allocate funny and ironic sides in certain phenomena.

Freud assumed that humor (in the same way as dreams) is associated with human unconscious. Psychoanalyst assured - the joke is born at that moment when the person is trying to express the thought that is inexcusable or forbidden in society. But what is called above-I am - responsible for religious and moral installations, allows the human ego to express one thoughth in humorous form.

"The wit and its attitude towards the unconscious" is a volume of labor. It is described in interesting thoughts, and it is useful to familiarize yourself with this work. But if briefly, according to Freud, wit is a mental sublimation. That is, thanks to which the internal voltage finds the output.

Work on yourself

The wit is the quality that is very difficult to develop. This opinion is held by many people. There is a special predisposition. Perhaps the gift. It is quite suitable for the word "charisma". After all, it is, in fact, not only any external features that make a person's appearance more interesting. Charisma is also an exceptional personality in intellectual terms. But still many people are interested in how to develop wit. Well, everything is real.

First, you need to become ironic in relation to yourself. If you are constantly joking over the others, you can not have a witty personality, but a malicious sharp. But a person who knows how to ironically "picker" himself causes its location. Such people seem straight, friendly and open.

Secondly, jokes should be sophisticated. In the company of close friends, of course, let's say humor from the category "below the plinth". However, in society you need to be able to express beautifully, but funny.

Thirdly, you need to be less serious. People who even look strained on vacation, few people like. It is necessary to learn to feel the fun humor and try to be such yourself.


This is not all regarding how to develop wit. However, the most important thing is necessary to tell separately. In view, there is, of course, vocabulary.

You can replenish it (and necessary) in different ways. Books, films, informative programs, interesting people - there are countless unique sources of information around us. We can adopt your favorite words, phrases, manners and even lifestyle. People puzzled about how to learn witness, it is necessary to assimilate it.

Vocabulary in humans is like equipment in a car: what it is wider - the better. The man himself will begin to feel confident. And in any company and the Society layer, it will be like fish in the water, if he is known for various styles of speech, manners of presentation and behavior. This manifests itself a versatility.

Lack of framework

This is another feature, which is distinguished by a witty person. After all, in fact, there are boundaries and frames? This is what helps everything under the standards, which in the modern world too much. And what are the standards? This is boredom, lack of originality, uniqueness.

Cause of witty people see the world differently. They study our reality throughout its diversity, taking into account any trifle, and remembering the most interesting, unusual, which is then applied by them in life. Examples of wit are numerous in this manifestation. In a particular thematic conversation, when you need to answer, a person can make an expressive pause and ask if his opponent has heard of a certain phenomenon? After that, contact him, tell why he remembered this, demonstrate the connection, make arguments. Were wit is not only a sense of humor. This is also the ability to find a conversation.

Original humor always in price

Above, there was a lot of talk about wit unconscious and the ability to use this gift. Well, it is worth bringing a few bright phrases that demonstrate it.

In the first half of the 20th century, such a well-known American actor, like Oscar Levan, lived and acted. He owns such a phrase: "I decided to deal with myself. I quit smoking and drinking, sat on a diet, refused hard food. And in two weeks I lost 14 days. " It is difficult to argue with the originality of this saying. Levant was a witty and charismatic personality, and it is possible to declare with confidence that he became the actor and comic, for the most part, thanks to this quality.

Yury Nikulina also owns many interesting expressions. They, like the previous example, are not meaningless. Here, perhaps, the best of what has been said: "Never take birth to suit people. Just become happy. And they will not survive it. "

No need to be afraid to be absurd

This is the last rule that should be followed if you want to become witty. The absurdity is sometimes very relevant. So the famous American writer Mark Twain believed. He belongs to the phrase, which to this day causes a smile even with those who heard it. And she sounds like this: "Throw smoking is easy. I threw 50 times. " In this case, the absurdity is derived through exaggeration. You can use and increase. In the "dead souls" of Gogol, by the way, such examples are also often found.

Wit - the sophistication of thought, ingenuity in finding successful, bright, colorful or funny expressions, as well as successful solutions, actions.
Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov

The witty man besides the ability to create "sharpness", should have another important quality: to be able to critically evaluate them immediately after the moment of their creation, but until the moment they become known to others. A person who does not know how to "brake" the unsuccessful sharpness can hardly be truly witty.
Official Site Uncle Zorach | www.zorych.ru.

  • The wit is a storage of mind expressed in a bright verbal form.
  • The wit is the ability to repay any negative manifestations with the help of a word.
  • The wit is a way to interact with the surrounding, which attracts them like a magnet.
  • The wit is the ability to enjoy life and generously share his joy.
  • The wit is a good combination of mind, education, sense of words and feelings of measure.

Benefits witty

  • The wit gives unlimited possibilities - in the expression of thoughts.
  • The wit gives joy - from communicating with others and from life.
  • Witness gives freedom - from despondency, pessimism and loneliness.
  • The wit provides an influx of energy - it focuses sincere admiration for others.
  • Witness gives confidence - in own forces and opportunities.
  • The witness gives an advantage - always being heard.

Manifestations wit in everyday life

  • Communication. In everyday life, in communication, people stretch to a witty interlocutor; It is witty that the "soul of the company" can make a person.
  • Discussions. The more rake, bright and witty it is, the more supporters appear in the dispute from her author.
  • Epigram. Many poets make up epigram; The epigrams are more inseparable - the longer they remember them. Until now, its wit (but, indeed, the epigrams of the Russian poet of Alexander Pushkin are famous for its truth.
  • Proverbs of the peoples of the world. Each proverb - what would not be mentioned in it - differs in short, gloss and witty, because of the century.

How to achieve wit

  • Reading. The more educated by a person, the wider his lexical stock and thinner mind - the closer he is to wit.
  • Training rhetoric. The ability to properly build your speech before the public is one of the foundations, without which the manifestation of wit becomes impossible.
  • Communication. Communicating with people of different views, social layers, different ages and nationalities - a person gets the ground for the development of his own wit.
  • Hearing. The more attentive listener of successful (witty) sleep, speeches, reports and speeches is a person - the more developing a sense of humor develops in it, and consequently - and wit.

Golden mean




Winged expressions about wit

Clean bird recognize on the beak, a person with a sharp mind - according to. - Kalmyk Proverb - the withered one who is joking with taste. - Aristotle - since it came out of the custom wearing a sword on the side, it is absolutely necessary to have a sharp tongue. - Heinrich Heine - brevity - the soul of wit. - William Shakespeare - the wit must be used as a shield, and not as a sword to hurt others. - Thomas Fuller - TIT MACCS Float / Selected comedies To feel witty as a virtue of Roman, the study of the Comedy of Tita will be very useful. The book includes eight comedies of an ancient Roman comedian, including the "boastful warrior" and "slave-deceiver." Terentities / Comedy. The book from the series "Library of Antique Literature" dedicated to the work of the ancient Roman playwright of the Terentation. It is he who is the ancestor of the household comedy genre.

The wit is the ability to make a job to use words and extinguish with any negative. The wit can be called the "muscle" of the sense of humor, and therefore, if it is not "pumping", no one will talk about you as a good joker or comic. I want you to know how to develop wit, Therefore, it picked up for you useful tips and exercises for training this "muscle."

To develop the sharpness of the mind, you will have to make a lot of effort, but I am sure that you will succeed. My useful tips will be a good helper:

  1. Expand the horizons. Read as many books of writers who have introduced humor and irony into their works. For learning, I recommend the humorous literature of the following authors: Ilf and Petrov, Zoshchenko, Chekhov, Bernard Shaw, Bulgakov. You can listen to audiobooks or read, but most importantly - to notice jokes and witty phrases. It does not prevent, of course, watching humorous films, TV shows and programs.
  2. Practice. Without practices, it is impossible to develop wit. Try to joke sharply and subtle as soon as possible. Do not forget that the joke is well triggered if there is a surprise effect in it.
  3. Laugh over yourself. Yes, I agree that this is not the most pleasant, because we all have our own complexes. But it is this technique that the famous comedians that make the hall laugh to tears. Yes, they are witty, due to the fact that they use self-irony.
  4. Forget about stereotypes. A witty person finds very quickly what to say, and you will have to learn to abandon the stamps and stereotypes in society. To develop wit, you need to use imagination and speech, search for associations, turn over the usual situations and see funny in them.
  5. Live with humor in life. A man with a sharp mind can not be sullen and boring. If you have a good wit, you will always have a focus on any company, you will have many friends, and you will be for advice. Look in a new way to the usual and find funny, then you will also say that you have congenital talent to be squeezed in any situation.

Remember that for every joke there is your time, so little learn to write jokes, squeeze and go, it is important to learn how to do it at the right moment. As exercises, I recommend you to play in the association and apply basic techniques for developing zero.

Wit - muscle sense of humor

  • explore the anecdotes and funny phrases;
  • use metaphors and phraseologisms;
  • do not show negative emotions in humans;
  • look for the relationship between people, animals, plants and various situations;
  • learn to draw cartoons;
  • laugh over a joke, even when you are not very funny.

Of course, jokes should not pour your stream, because you are not clown! Recall the saying: "Rarely, but apt". That is how you should do you, inserting some kind of sharp phrase into the conversation. I spend special training on the development of a sense of humor and wit, and I can say with confidence that any skill can be developed. You can read in more detail about learning at the Comedy School humor you can read in the section.

How to develop wit: basic techniques

If you want to become a truly witty person, learn to look at the world around the world differently. You have to break patterns, stereotypes, play in the association and even perhaps visit my trainings and webinars. The goal is to learn to watch people, beat any situation, quickly find a suitable word, translate all the above or what is happening.

Generate ideas and develop zero wit

I also picked up the top 5 cool humorous techniques that develop witness:

  1. Captive.
  2. Direct meaning.
  3. We confuse words and letters.
  4. New values \u200b\u200bof phraseologism.
  5. Hyperbolization.

So that you can use these techniques for the development of wit, I will give a few examples of each of them.


Proverbs and sayings are the best tool for developing wit, because you can change the phrase in some places or independently invent their end.

Repetition is the mother of the teaching. Stuttering is an exception.

And sheep are intake, and wolves are full ... and the shepherd is eternal memory.

That the sober on the mind, then drunk in practice.

One head is good, and two is a genetic deviation.

Direct meaning

In Russian, we often use words and expressions with a double meaning. Your task is that you are writing down the circumstances and perceive the phrase literally.

The wife says to her husband: "Support me." The husband answers: "What do you fall?"

- Drink aspirin and you will be fresh on the morning like a cucumber.

- What is green and in the pimple?

Confuse words and letters

Change letters in words or words in suggestions - a good exercise for the development of wit and sense of humor. You can bring this skill to automatism so that the jokes are in your daily speech.

Example 1. Snow Maiden - Fight.

Example 2. Shop - Hamazine.

Example 3. Girlfriend - Food.

Example 4. Labor feeds man, and Linen spoils - laziness feeds man, and work spoils.

Example 5. Coffee with milk - Moffe with Kolak.

Believe in your head a lot of witty phrases

New values \u200b\u200bof phraseologism

Kazan orphan - Russian orphan

Glue flips - glue Uggs

Knut and gingerbread - hammer and bagel

Stone for the sinus - bucks per bump

The cow lied with a tongue - a neighbor linked his tongue.


This technique implies a strong exaggeration or understatement of what is happening. A witty person quickly finds what to answer, exaggerating or understood the truth.

I was so frightened by this noise that even my neighbors were seen.

She weighs so much that her husband had to go to proper nutrition.

That day he got so drunk that the headache was even near the neighbors.

I hope you understand what is the main techniques for the development of wit. Now as an exercise, try to remove the famous phraseologisms, proverbs and sayings. You can find them in books or on the Fraze.ru website. If you are difficult to practice yourself yourself, sign up for me on the webinar and we will develop wit and sense of humor together.

I passed several courses for the development of a sense of humor and withered from American teachers and realized that people laugh would not be spontaneously. It's all about the special twigs of laughter, which are involved in a properly written and told joke. All the basic techniques that I described above use famous comedians, and you are laughing. So why not learn to witness yourself?

How to develop wit: exercises

Any muscle becomes more and stronger thanks to regular training. I suggest you a little exercise to develop your own wit. Only 7 exercises will help you become a more witty person.

Exercise 1. Find analogy.

This exercise is built on the basis of "linguistic pyramids" that help train the skills of generalization, disobeds and analogies. What is "Linguistic Pyramids"? This is what you build yourself, based on what you see around.

So let's see around. The first thing I saw is a plate. The plate itself is just a plate, but if you think about a little, then it belongs to the dishes. Here we already have the basis of the pyramid and the first branch from it. Now find some other subspecies for a plate. In the photo you can see examples of branching linguistic pyramid.

On the photo an example of developing wit with a linguistic pyramid

And now complete this exercise for the development of wit. To do this, invite a friend and decide who will lead, and who will be led. After that, the slave should show for some subject, and the presenter will show that you can do with it. Remember that you need to generalize the subject to a higher level or up to the lower. Task Perform within 5 minutes with one item, you can only with the help of gestures that it is better to agree in advance.

Exercise 2. We learn as much as possible about the subject.

This exercise is great for the development of wit and speech creativity, as you have to use your imagination and creative abilities. Look around and find some object again. After that, set the timer for 5 minutes and tell everything that you know about this subject, even if it seems to you that you carry nonsense.

What can I tell?

  • name;
  • appointment;
  • about application;
  • on new application;
  • about popularity;
  • story.

In general, it can be anything, the main thing is that you have something to say for 5 minutes.

Exercise 3. Interesting story.

And now you have to turn into a storytellor of exciting stories. To do this, you will have to assemble a company of 4-5 people. Try first to experiment on your family members, and then go to friends. Tell me, what you want to develop wit, so you need to train.

Your viewers must ask the topic for conversation, and your task is to talk about this topic for 5 minutes. Even if you do not understand the subject, because then it will be even easier to use humor. If you have no viewers yet, I will ask you the topic:

  1. How to choose a steam generator.
  2. Why women face in the morning.
  3. How to change the diaper to the child.
  4. Secrets of proper whipping chicken eggs.

I think that the stories you should get interesting, and you can write your first joke.

Exercise 4. Comparison of something with something.

If you learn how to create unusual analogies, you can develop your wins much faster. For a successful exercise you need assistants. Ask one person to call the animal, the second is an inanimate object, and you yourself try to find something in common between the animals and this subject.

This method of finding an analogy is based on the riddle of the famous writer L. Carrol, on which no one has found the answer so far. You can use it for this exercise for the development of wit: "What is like a raveron?".

Try a little complicate the execution of this exercise, but accelerate the development of wit. Find general not only between animals and objects, but also between emotions and objects, situations and animals.

Exercise 5. Creativity in speech.

And now pick adjectives to the noun. Let me remind you that the adjective answers questions: "What, what, what, what?". Those you select the words describing the characteristics of objects.

For example, take a noun "bed" and select 5 adjectives that we usually do not use to this word in our speech.

  • sour bed;
  • bed curve;
  • quick bed;
  • swamping bed;
  • lightning bed.

So we endowed the bed with new characteristics. For the development of wit, you need to perform this exercise at least 10 times a day and after a week you will notice that you begin to think creatively and talking with jokes.

Exercise 6. Fantasize.

A witty person quickly finds a way out of any situation and does not focus on problems. You also need to learn this! Ask a friend / wife / employee / husband to tell you about some kind of problem. Your task is to help find a solution to this problem, but quite unusual way.

Develop witness using fictional characters or objects

Your speech must be creative, so invent some kind of assistant who can solve this problem. Of course, it should be a non-existent character! After that, come up with this character. Try to fantasize the maximum! Forget about reality and use imagination. Best of all write down the course of this character. Now read this story, but ... in an unknown language. Yes, confuse letters, hover words as you can. It turns out quite ridiculous and incomprehensible, but this is how you use new mechanisms in your brain and learn to think witty and creatively.

Exercise 7. Journey to unreality.

To develop wit, one more exercise is useful to you, which is also better to perform everything with a partner. It's a little bit like the game, so you can train on your children or other family members. So, take the partner's eyes and take it into the room. Explain that the real world consists of atoms and molecules, but you go to the unreal world, so everything consists of socks. Yes, of socks, or hats, or rats, or cats, or balls, in general, what you want.

To perform this exercise, explain in detail to your partner, as some item consists of socks or something else. Those, you bring a person blindfolded to the TV and say: "This TV and it consists of socks. The screen is made according to modern technologies, so engineers used kapron socks, but the hull is made of knitted grandmother's socks. "

All these exercises help develop wit, but to fulfill them, you need a lot of effort. If you doubt your abilities, then I suggest you to go through special training at Comedy School. Agree, because it is important not only to learn how to squeeze, but also be able to not hook a person's feelings. You do not want to cause anger and tears instead of laughter.

How to develop wit: books

Want to generate ideas on the go, joke and remember more? Then you should read books for developing wit and workout brain.

  1. "How people think." D. Chernyshev.
  2. "Brain Development. R. Sayp.
  3. "Brain Rules. D. Medina.
  4. "Awareness." M. Williams and D. Pengman.
  5. "Flexible consciousness." K. DUK.
  6. "To remember everything." A. Dumchev.
  7. "An invincible mind." A. Likerman.

The main mistake of the thinking of many people is that they believe that such abilities, as wit, sense of humor, imagination, speech creativity are given from birth. These books will help you understand how the brain is arranged, and discover talents.

Explosion test

Led notebook jokes for developing wit

Test on wit:

What is equal to x?

Answer Write in the comments, but do not forget that after reading this article, you passed a lesson for the development of wit and not mathematical abilities.

The wit is the ability to find successful expressions and add some humor to them. It is necessary to develop this quality to every person, because today more and more people suffer from depression, feel oppressed and compacted. A witty person will find a way out of any situation, and will also always find what to say to the offender and how to turn his own lack of a joke. Sign up for my nearest webinar, where we will just discuss how to develop wit and.

The sharp mind is a magnifying glass; Written - diminutive.
Georg Lichtenberg
With witty things are the same as with music: the more you hear it, the more subtle sounds you want.
Georg Lichtenberg
Alien wit quickly bores.
Luke de Voshang
In wit, as in the game, you need to be able to stop in time. It is impossible to win for a long time. Talleyran was the sharply no more than once a day.
Alber Morua
Never fight the weapon of wit with unarmed. You need to squeeze and take money suddenly.
Modified Heinrich Heine
Good was Adam! If he happened to successfully make sure, he could be sure that he did not repeat other people's jokes.
Pereprassed Mark Twain
I laugh at all your sharpness, but that which I will say now.
Jules Renar
Short - shower wit.
William Shakespeare
Roughness - wit fools.
Andre Morua
Kalambourg - the lowest form of wit, so jokes are usually built on kalaburas.
Ayra Gershvin
Word game - cheap? Looking at what stands on the horse.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.
I did not have time to open your book, as I went from laughter. Someday I will certainly open it.
Gracho Marx
If the angels were witty, I would believe in the defeat of Satan.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.
(cm. Jokes), ( cm. Irony), ( cm. Jokes), ( cm. Humor)

(Source: "Big book of aphorisms." Doshenko K.V. Published. 5th, corrected. - M.: Publishing house Eksmo-Press, 2001 .)


(Source: "Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of wisdom." WWW.FOXDESIGN.RU )

Summary encyclopedia of aphorisms. Academician. 2011.


See also in other dictionaries:

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    WIT - wit, witty, mn. No, cf. 1. Distractors. SUD To witty. Inturam jokes. 2. The sophistication of thought, ingenuity in finding successful, bright, colorful or funny expressions, as well as successful solutions, actions. Inexhaustible wit. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

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    WIT - wit, I, cf. 1. Inventiveness in finding bright, successful, funny, or ulcer expressions. Inexhaustible about. 2. Invention and the subtlety of the mind. Show about. In solving the issue. Caution is not deprived of wit. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

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    WIT - (sharpness) in the literature, inventive and lapidarically pronounced judgment that its surprise and paradoxically causes a comic effect. Often, sharpness is closed with a paradox and irony (stylistic). Considered as ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Wit - cf. 1. The sophistication of the thought, the sharpness of the mind. 2. Inventiveness in finding successful, bright, colorful, funny or stinging and taking expressions, as well as successful solutions and actions. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

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