White Bim Analysis. The best essay on the story "White Bim Black Ear"

White Bim Analysis. The best essay on the story
White Bim Analysis. The best essay on the story "White Bim Black Ear"

The material was prepared by a well-deserved teacher of the Russian Federation Zakharchuk Alla Ivanovna literary arguments for the composition-reasoning, part of the Russian language 1), Pretopolsky. "White Bim Black Ear" Bim meets different people - Good, evil, indifferent. Such as Tolik, Matrön, Dasha help the dog. There are among people and those who betrays, are killed. Because of the human malice suffers from BIM. Ivan Ivanovich brought in Bim's kindness and faith in man. When the owner was taken to the hospital, the dog really waited for him. These two felt responsible for each other, because they were "tamed." Remembering the attitude towards himself, Bim is trusting about people when Ivan Ivanovich is taken to the hospital. 2) V. Izeznikov. "Stuffed". Moral lessons Tale: not be cruel to people, to animals and plants - to everything alive on earth; Protect your human dignity, not allow him to trample anyone and never; You need to learn to understand people, because disappointment hurts the soul. Lena Zrazseltseva in difficult trials that had fallen on her adheral years, all the time Santa saw the grandfather, felt his nature, relied on his shoulder. Nikolai Nikolayevich helped her survive and not break. Lena rated it. Yes, old people need to take care, listen to their advice, appreciate their experience and willingness to divide the trouble close man. In this lesson, all of us. The theme of teenagers in relation to their peer, not like everyone else. Lena Besseltseva became the object of ridicule in the classroom. His classmates arranged a boycott, and then committed a terrible act: burned the scarecrow, portraying the girl. The iron button, redhead, shaggy and other peers of Lena, who organized difficult tests of the girl, I think, got a lesson for life. The heroine story says to his classmates: "Honestly, I feel sorry for me. Poor you, poor people. " What did Lena Zrazseltsy mean and is she right? Yes, rights: Her peers are poor not only in the lifestyle (lack of interest, empty pastime, primitive entertainment), but also on spiritual qualities (coarse, indifferent to someone else's misfortune, envious, cruel). 3) A.Platonov. "Unknown flower." This story about a flower, which grown among stones and clay. He worked a lot, overcame the mass of obstacles to light up alive fire. The flower really wanted to live. We needed a great power of will, relentless stubbornness to survive. A. Platonov in his fairy tale claims that you need to work a lot to live and not die to shine with bright flames to others and call to yourself the silent voice of the joy of life. 4) a. Saint Exupery. " Little Prince" "The right, adults are very weird people", Following the little prince we can repeat. Often adults do not understand their children at all. Did they ourselves were not small? Why they do not always respond to children's questions, do not listen to their child? Little prince lived alone on a very small planet, on which there were only volcanoes. Every morning, the hero cleaned their volcanoes, he was stolen the land so that Baobabs did not grow. And people instead of maintaining order on their planet, cultivate their garden, decorate their home, lead wars, insult with their greed beauty of life. The little prince argues that it is necessary to restore order on its planet and work every day. Little prince goes to wander. It turns out to be on the planets, where the king and ambition, a drunkard and a business man, a lamprik and geographer live. The hero is not delayed in any of them, because he sees the vices, but does not understand and does not accept them. Plust and ambition, drunkenness and greed, fatalism and ignorance - all this prevents people to live. Only on Earth, having met the snake, flower and fox, a small prince, knows wisdom: "Zorko is one heart." The hero returns to his planet, to a rose, which has already managed to tame. This tale teaches us to be "responsible for those who have tamed", that only the heart you can feel the love that a person threatens loneliness among the crowd that the one who has no roots is doomed to loneliness. 5) Sasha Black. Story "On the Lunar Night." This story about the house, about loneliness and good luck. All heroes, except for children., Homeless and rootless. They lack happiness. And it is so necessary for everyone, because life is given to a person for happiness. The gardener dreams of how to buy a house in which he was born. Lydia Pavlovna, sitting by the sea, remembers when she was the last time insanely and just happy. But happiness is always there, you just need to be able to find it. This conclusion brings readers by the author. . I think the story is the desire for happiness, the ability to be happy in the world under the sun and the moon with other people, nature. 6) K. Pouustovsky. "Telegram". "Be a person," says Powesta. - For good pay good! " We must not forget about the closest, most native people who need your attention, care, warm, kind words, and it may be too late. So happened with the main character of the story of Nastya, which because of the eternal fuss, lacking time to write and come for three years did not see the mother. And Katerina Petrovna waited for her only daughter, but did not wait. The old woman was held on the last path, and the daughter was late for the funeral, looked away all night and left early from the village (it was ashamed of people). I did not have time to ask for forgiveness from the mother. 7) A.Grin. "Green lamp". The story that a person should build his destiny himself, overcoming difficulties, and not passively wait for good luck, not to turn into a "toy" of another person. John IV at the end of the story becomes a doctor. He managed to keep his dignity and fulfilled his dream. Yes, a person is not a toy of fate, but her Creator, if he has a desire and the will of something to achieve, if he works and believes his strength.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

Department of Education Executive Committee

Tukayevsky municipal district

XIV Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Schoolchildren named L.N. Tolstoy

Section " Creative worksDeeded by the books-anniversaries

Essay "Book of Humanity"

(According to the story of Treepolsky "White Bim Black Ear")

Work student grade 9

MBOU "Yana Bulyakskaya Oosh"

FROM tatar language Learning

Harisa Aizili Raushanovna

Leader: Teacher of Russian

Language and literature

Salahova Fluor Rafkhatovna

T. 89625718625.

2016 year

There are books that accompany us throughout life. "White Bim Black Ear" is my favorite book. This is a story that gave the Voronezh writer Gabriel Troypolsky. Written in 1971 and dedicated to A.Ttvardovsky, she gained success immediately after being published.

The book was stripped a large number of reprint translated more thanin 15 languages \u200b\u200bof the world. In 1975, for the story, the writer was awarded the USSR State Prize. In 1977, according to the title of Gabriel, Troypolsky, the director of Stanislav Rostotsky was filmed by a two-seater feature Film "White Bim Black Ear"

The first time I read it in the third grade, and then opened six times or seven. This book attracts attention interesting titleAnd when you read the first lines, then it will not come off.

The writer himself so determined the appointment of his work: "In my book the only goal - talk about kindness, trust, sincerity, loyalty. "

I want to quote the writer's words who touched me to the depths of the soul and forced to read this book: "No dog in the world considers an ordinary devotion to something unusual. But people invented to exalt this feeling of a dog as a feat only because not all of them and not so often have devotion to a friend and loyalty to the debt so that it was the root of life, the natural basis of the very creature, when the nobility of the soul is of granted state ... " .
This story - sentimental story dedicated ps., unexpectedly in trouble. Scottish setter BIM, endowed with a white color, not relevant breed standards, lives with his owner, a lonely pensioner Ivan Ivanovich, who loves his dog and systematically takes her on the hunt in the forest. The owner and dogs add up touching relations mutual respect, understanding."... Warm friendship and devotion became happiness, because everyone understood everyone and everyone did not require any more thing that he could give. In this base, the salt of friendship. "

Once Ivan Ivanovich got into the hospital, and Bim, having lost the owner, jumps out of the apartment toasting the neighbor. Traveling without supervision, Bim meets many people - good and evil, old and young. We all see them with the eyes of the dog. Bim is exposed to different respects: from pity and attempt to help before cruelty.

Friends Bima are those good and responsive people who have helped Bima on His hard way to dear friend. They spare Bima, see that the dog got into trouble. Talk to him, as with a man, pour his soul to him. They all love animals, sympathize with them, this is the feature of a good person.

Bim enemies - these are people who do not like animals, they are not capable of mercy and compassion, they are cruel and indifferent to someone else's misfortune, live only by their own interests and needs.
The author does not give ill-names of Bim names. They are not worthy of it. Bim enemies have only nicknames.

Having passed many tests and almost waiting for the owner, during the catch of dogs BIM falls into the shelter. But the owner cares on the spot only Bim's body. "... Ivan Ivanovich laid his hand on Bim's head - faithful, devoted, loving friend. Faced rare snowball. Two snowflakes fell on the nose Bim and ... not melted ... "

Ivan Ivanovich worried: after all, the dog became part of his soul, screamed his loneliness.
Each animal lover is very hard to carry separation with his pet. We are waiting for the return home that when we open the door, we will lead to the party that we charged at our time. The one who we gave a promise to always love him, take care of him, take care of all his might. No animal can deceive, hypocrite and betray. These qualities are inherent only to people, but fortunately, not everyone.

The author opens the reader inner world Dogs with all his experiences, joys, questions and misfortunes, and again and again emphasize the superiority of these animals: "A dog was standing on a yellow grass - one of the best creatures of nature and patient man." Again, it indicates that without these faithful friends, our life would be much more boring and aimlessly: "... a split personality in long-term loneliness to some extent inevitable. For centuries, a man was saved from this. "

"White Bim Black Ear" makes think about many things. For example, about the role of a dog in our life. Why is she given to man? In order for a person to be a devotee, ready to serve faithfully to the end of his days, passing through all the troubles and misfortunes. Why sometimes people are so cruel to these wonderful animals? Probably, they simply do not understand that the dog is only an externally animal, and inside it lives human soulAnd that this creature is very, very much, you need a person that without him our life will change greatly. We must take care of them, love and not betray, because the dog will never do that - something we need to learn.

This story made an indelible impression on me. She once proved to me that better friendthan a dog, we - people never find. The author showed us this on the example of Bima - the most intelligent being, stressing that all dogs are hidden in the way, in independence from the breed, age and level of pupils, loving and devotees mankind.

Although the story ends is tragic, short life Dogs reflected good on many destinies. At the father and mother of Tolika, she melted the ice of egoism, shredded Tolik and Alya; Young Ivan, one of the dog breeders, left his occupation forever. Ivan Ivanovich felt in herself, in that void, which remained after the loss of a friend, warmth. These were two boys, they led to him Bim. And they will come more than once.

Dog death is a reproach for everyone.

L.N. Tolstoy wrote: "The compassion for nature is so closely connected with kindness of character, which can be said with confidence that there can be no good one who is cruel with animals."

The cruelty of people comes from their indifference, and indifference is spiritual death; When the ability to compassion, sympathize with someone else's suffering, a person ceases to be a man.

A person always remains man, son of nature and her defender. Autumn forest Inimorate. He is a temple for thought. "In the autumn sunny forest," the author writes, "the person becomes cleaner." But is everyone? The man who came to kill ruthlessly, will not be able to feel it.

Everyone who has read this book, according to the author's thought, should look into yourself and ask: "And didn't I lose my humanity, how can I call myself the faithful son of my mother nature?"

There are works not only Russian, but also soviet literature, not to read which - it means to relax very seriously. Such books must be read, and repeatedly and in different age. They make thinking about eternal Truths and irreversive human values.

"White Bim Black Ear": summary

According to the plot, this is a very uncomplicated story. About smart PSEwhich picked up a writer and a hunter, about his life with his beloved owner. The story is conducted as if from the face of three narratives: the owner, Bima himself and the author. Moreover, the impressions of Bim also reports the author, but the style of the narrative is changing radically. Childhood, hunting, communicating with wise and selflessly loved man - here happy life Bima to the owner's disease. This dog is the White Bim Black Ear. Summary cannot give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe perception of Bim human World, about all the experiences of the dog, about all the misadventures that fell on his head.

Bim is looking for his own owner and dies literally a few hours before being written out of the hospital. If you do not read the book "White Bim Black Ear", a summary will not help to sympathize between Bima, it will remain one of the dogs, which is simply not lucky.

According to the story, a film was shot, which currently It is even better known than the work itself. We must admit that the director has repeatedly applied common melodramatic techniques. The film is a shiftlet story, while the book, if you think, also a story about the Soviet society. There are many people: lost, turned out to be homeless, abandoned because of the death of the owners or by their irresponsibility. Not all of the "lost", of course, smart as Bim, understand words, are so intelligent, but they all look at the world with the same confidence as he. In the book, Bim, of course, very much thought, he thinks and does not act on instincts, but as a person. This is exactly what causes such a strong emotional reaction.

Film "White Bim Black Ear", a brief content of which will be put into two lines, two-sector. And all this is the misfortunes of Bim, which look at one breath.

But sympathizing in Bima in the book, is they still ready to behave in life and in life? The work "White Bim Black Ear" fails and makes cry, but does it teach something? Or emotions remain in themselves and do not affect actions? Does anyone get ready to shelter a homeless dog? There are a lot of such in our cities, but almost all people they cause only irritation. The book "White Bim Black Ear", the content of which many knew from childhood, taught the kindness completely not all. Why is this happening? Why the most remarkable literature, the most exquisite do not change the person automatically, just because of the strong impression that they produced? In order to become kinder, humane, it is necessary to carry out huge internal work. Each new generation must necessarily read such books to learn how to relate to those who are near.

The story of Troypolsky "White Bim Black Ear". Punishing animals by language and mind. Check the characters with attitude to Bima, life from Ivan Ivanovich. Moral beauty of personality as special form spiritual significance. The tragity of the fate of the dog in the story.

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"The lesson of literary reading on the topic:" White Bim Black Ear "G.NTROPOL

Topic of the lesson: "White Bim Black Ear" G.NTROPOL

1. Educational: to consider the main characters of the story and their actions, continue to improve the reading technique, learn to give full answers to the questions.

2. Correctional-developing: develop common intelligent skills: Receptions of analysis and synthesis; develop the active dictionary of students; Oral monologue through answers and reasoning out loud.

3. Educational: upbringing of universal values: humanity, compassion for defenseless.

During the classes:

1. Organizing time
What is the number today? Who is not in class?

2. Language workout
- A deep breath and exhale read the consonants of one row.
B t m p in h f to n w l w z c with
K in m with p l b w r r b l s t
In m rk k t b d z z b h in n

Put the goal in front of the students: today we will read the lesson, answer questions, work with the text, to make an analysis read, express your opinion.

3. Check homework. Frontal survey.
- Who is the author of the work "White Bim Black Ear"?
(G.N. Troypolsky)
A portrait of the writer and the name of the story hangs on the board.
- Name the main character of the story.
So, the main character Tale - Bim. Today we will talk about his fate, his friends and enemies and what a trace left on Earth.
"I think that our lesson can be called like this:" Bim in our heart ... ". How do you think?
On the board is the portrait of Ivan Ivanovich and Bim
-What is he BIM? (Remember the appearance, unusual color, pedigree)
Along with other advantages, the author calls it an intelligent dog.
-How do you understand this word? Let's look in the dictionary.
Writing the word "intelligent" (excerpt from the dictionary)

Intelligent - formed, cultural.
-Why bim intelligent? (Noble in origin, delicately feels the behavior of people, a voice, faithful. He has his own dog pride: Does not eat game, does not tear podrankov. An intelligent dog can not live without a person's kindness without taking a good man).
"Is it possible to attribute the epithet" intelligent "to the owner of Bim?

What situations remind you of this? (Does not want to kill game, worries that he gave a bribe to the bus driver).
-What for Ivan Ivanovich was especially important in relationship with Bim? (Salvation from solitude: "Forgot the war, adversity, loneliness," "tired, good, affectionate after hunting", "friendship seemed to be eternal").

What are their relationships built on?
-What feelings did they experience each other? (Attachment, loyalty, friendly feelings)
-Well guys, in order, remember how Bim got to Ivan Ivanovich? (On the word plan, the words: I saw an unusual puppy, I liked, saved from death)
-It, guys, how events have developed in Bim's life.
1. Bim got home to Ivan Ivanovich.
2. Parenting Bima
3. Training hunt
4. Shoulder fragl
5. Ivan Ivanovich in the hospital
6. Bim is looking for the owner
7. Nutrition Bim: Meeting with bad people
8. Return of Ivan Ivanovich from Hospital: Search Bim
9. The death of Bima

Carefully read the story guys, well done!


4. New topic
- Today we will continue work and follow the story that happened to Bim and learn how it all ended. We will empathize and try to answer the question, who is to blame in the death of Bim?

The lesson is postponed on the board: "Who is to blame in the death of Bim?"

1) work on the text
(Selective reading)
- Find and read how the Stepanovna Ivan Ivanovich met?
- How did Ivan Ivanovich come to the news about the disappearance of Bim?
- Did he accuse Stepanovna, what did Bim disappear?
(Working in groups: Boys analyze the behavior of Ivan Ivanovich, and girls - Stepanovna)

Recording on the board:
Stepanovna Ivan Ivanovich

1. Carrying 1. With gratitude for care
Modest (shy
that her prases)
2. Operated that Bim was gone 2. Thought
3. worried 3. resolutely went
in search of bima

2) reading 2 parts "chain"

3) Analysis of the read
- Tell, follow how Ivan Ivanovich searched for his friend Bima?
- Where did Ivan Ivanovich decided to go first? (In a quarantine plot)
-Yesome days have passed, how did Bim gone from Tolik? (3 days)
"What day Ivan Ivanovich got into a quarantine site?" (on a weekend)
-Why did the watchman let Ivan Ivanovich on the plot?
-Why the watchman softened and launched Ivan Ivanovich?
-Guys, what do you think I was hoping Ivan Ivanovich see Bim?
-What people helped Ivan Ivanovich looking for Bim? (good)

4) reading 3 parts teacher

5) Content in content
-What was Ivan Ivanovich in the soul, when he went to the van? (hope)
- Did he think that Bim died? (not)
-What terrible picture saw Ivan Ivanovich in the van?
(View fragment of the death of BIMA)
-Who is to blame in the death of Bim? (bad, cruel people)
-What soul had these people? (Surge)
-What did Bima killed? (indifference, severity, human betrayal)

6) Reading the teacher of the poem "Do not be cruel"

The dog on the sideline was sitting,
Hungry, with a broken leg,
And people looked so complaints
But people went around.
The dog is complaints about
And from passersby help waited
And from hunger and pain
Was under forty degrees heat.
But people passed by,
Almost only at the puppy, looking,
Others ran hurry
And not turning the head.
I also passed by
I was very in a hurry to school,
Saving from the heat, the dog was planted under the bush,
In the hope of returning,
I said to her: "I will go from school - I will take
You, getting a little,
And feed and ask
And cure the sore leg. "
That day I was not sitting at the lesson,
All got her eyes
Migrating, asking how in the mountain in people
And a large tear rolled from them.
When the dog came up to the dog
She was already dead
In vain on people looked,
In vain from soulless help waited.
And then the girl girlfriend ran to me:
"This is the stone of Vovka Sidorov killed."
And on the flowing cobblestone showed
That all in the blood was the Spatter.
And the shout wanted loudly:
- What are you, people, so worry,
We do not help brothers smaller in the mountain,
And do not save from trouble!
Where is your humanity and good,
Il at birth did not get
Or over the years it left you,
Or does not give you doubt,
That someday here is the same, in the mountain and trouble,
Someone soulless, without constraint,
Stone malice will not put on your soul.

5. Excusted part of the lesson
The word teacher
"I hope that you understand the meaning of the work of G.N. Troyopolsky. If a person is handsome soul, he is definitely kind. The good stretch, he is rejoiced, they love him, I want to be friends with him. However, in life there are smooth, indifferent and cruel people.
- Guys, with whatever heroes you would not want to meet in life, but what would be friends with?

Write down the names of these heroes in the table.

Good bad

6.The Chelog lesson
-What feelings caused this story?
-What episode averaged you most?
- Why is the story so called?
-What would you do if you met Bim in your life?
- Bim went through a lot for his short four-year life: he
he knew the kindness and tenderness of people, studied by this human qualities. And therefore, passing through the test of tests, he did not lose the ability to love people, did not get out and everything went with the only desire to find her friend ... He believed to us, people.

Individual work.
Reading texts on individual cards.

7. Postage

8. Eassemary task

When I read the story of Treopolsky "White Bim Black Ear", I became very, very sad. Sad from what kind of evil and worry people are.

You, of course, remember that in the center of the story of the story about tragic fate Scottish Setter Bim, who remained one on one with trouble in this complex world. Ivan Ivanovich, who surrounded Ivan Ivanovich, surrounding the puppy, care and caress, Bim turned out to be powerless before cruelty and hypocrisy.

Pensioner Ivan Ivanovich - example wonderful man, not only saved by the unfortunate puppy from death (he led the whole breed, it was not worried about the color), but also became a real friend for Bim, support and protection. Good and humans, the main character brought up a puppy. And Bim turned into a good hunting dog. Naive, cheerful dog learned to understand people. But in the first part of the story was not very frustrated from the skirmishes with his neighbor hated, because there was a reliable Ivan Ivanovich nearby. And Bim perceived the world Through the prism of the intelligence of its owner, his love for nature, caring attitude towards the puppy. And Bim really appreciated all this, loved the owner, was devoted and faithful to him. Then it seemed that bright and wonderful world Around will be so always.

How terrible was the disappointment of Bim when he remained alone. I read the stages of the story, in which the clashes of a dog with heartless people are described, and cried. I was a sorry for the main character. I felt a sense of shame for the actions of adults. A sughty aunt becomes without reasons for the worst enemy of Bim. Her hatred leads a dog to tragic death. Greek greed, collector dog's officers, makes me very doubt his decency. A cowardly climate, beating a dog for disobedience, leaves to die in the forest. The tram driver is made to selling bima belonging to him.

Troypolsky shows many of these heroes, cruel, cynical, evil towards the dog. Miscelly in humans are very disappointed when you read such works.

Little Heroes Tale: Alyosha and Tolik - fell in love with a setter, but for various reasons could not leave him. Bol and resentment Bim is experiencing thanks to the attention and care of boys, her neighbor Stepanovna, Lucy girls. Fortunately, they met Bim and good people. But they could not protect him from death. The grumpy neighbor, who wants to cleanse the yard from the dog, achieves his.

Sad finals Tale teaches us mercy towards animals. After all, they are always devotees and faithful to people. Painfully look at the thrown kittens and puppies, on homeless dogs and cats. Each of them are people who are circumscribed by suffering.

The fate of the main character of the story, the Scottish setter of White Bim Black Ear reminds that people become cruel. No matter how the world has changed, there is always a place for good and good actions. And, to my great regret, our contemporaries are cruel and towards people, and in relation to animals. But people may stand for themselves! And animals? Their destinies are in our hands! You need to be merciful and humane! And do not forget that we are all "responsible for those who have tamed"!