Birthdays of children's writers in April. We celebrate the anniversaries of our favorite writers and famous poets

Birthdays of children's writers in April.  We celebrate the anniversaries of our favorite writers and famous poets
Birthdays of children's writers in April. We celebrate the anniversaries of our favorite writers and famous poets
Anniversary writers 2017 - 2018 academic year: list of writers to help the librarian and class teacher (by month, with explanations)

Language teachers, foreign language teachers, and librarians often refer to the list of anniversaries to decide which writers to focus on in the new academic year. We offer you a list of writers anniversaries of 2017-2018, which will help you draw up an interesting work plan for the current academic year.

Russian writers


A. K. Tolstoy , poet and playwright, author of the famous work "Prince of Silver" and a number of popularly loved romances, was born exactly 200 years ago -September 5th 1817 year.

Traveler, ethnographer, writer, author of books about the Ussuri regionV.K. Arsentiev - this year's jubilee,10 September he would have turned 145 years old.

To another author of books about nature and animals -B. S. Zhitkov (1882 - 1938) - would have turned 135 years old11 September .

And a round date in September - two centuries since the birth of the author of the trilogy about TarelkinA. V. Sukhovo-Kobylina - noted29 numbers .


All poetry lovers celebrateOctober 8 125th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding Russian poetess with a tragic fate -M. I. Tsvetaeva (1892 – 1941).

Besides,October 31 115 years ago was bornE. A. Permyak (real name Vissov) (1902 - 1982), a famous writer who created many books about children.


Poet-Decembrist, one of the publishers of the anthology "Polar Star",A. A. Bestuzhev (Marlinsky) was bornthe 3rd of November 220 years ago.

10 number 150 years ago was bornN. D. Teleshov (1867-1957), the author of stories about the life of the bourgeoisie and immigrants in Siberia, known as the author of the stories "Home", "Need", the fairy tale "Krupenichka", etc.

One of the greatest poets, playwrights and translatorsXviiicenturyA. P. Sumarokov was born exactly three centuries beforeNovember 26 (1717 – 1777).

And the next day,November 27 , two wonderful writers celebrate their anniversaries at once - the poetS. Kunyaev turns 85, and the children's writerG. B. Oster – 70.


8 poetry lovers celebrate 215th birthdayA. I. Odoevsky (1802-1839), poet-Decembrist, author of the poem "Strings of prophetic fiery sounds ..." (response to Alexander Pushkin to the message "To Siberia").

December 26 - anniversary of the poetS. Ya. Nadson (1862-1887), who was sent by V.V. Mayakovsky "somewhere on the board"; Nadson is 155 years old.


And again the hero of the day is a great children's writer -Tim Sobakin (A. V. Ivanov), he turns 60January 2 .

January 8 105th anniversary of the birth of the poetYa.V. Smelyakova (1913 – 1972).

A10 th - anniversaryA. N. Tolstoy known to both children ("The Adventures of Pinocchio") and adults ("Walking through the agony", "Peter the First", etc.); the renowned writer turns 135.

Fans of creativityV. S. Vysotsky (1938-1980) will celebrate the 80th anniversary of the birth of this outstanding poet, actor and bardThe 25th of January .


4 february all lovers of books about nature will celebrate the anniversaryM. M. Prishvina (1873-1954): the author of "The Pantry of the Sun" and "Diaries" turns 145.

235 years have passed since the birth of the greatest Russian romantic poetV. A. Zhukovsky (1703 - 1852); he was born9 February .

On the same day in 1938 was bornYu.I. Koval , author of "Nedopesk" and "The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov" - he would have turned 80 years old.


13 March would mark 130 years as a writer and teacherA. S. Makarenko (1888-1939).

17 numbers - anniversaryB. N. Polevoy (1908-1981), famous for his "Story of a Real Man", he is 110 years old.

A28 -th again a major anniversary - 150th anniversaryM. Gorky (A. M. Peshkova) - writer, publicist, public figure (1868-1936).


In April12 the 195th anniversary of the birthA. N. Ostrovsky , an outstanding playwright, author of dramas from the life of the merchant class.

15 April would be 85 years oldB. N. Strugatsky , one of the great Russian science fiction writers.


May 2018 brings us many writers' anniversariesXXcentury:

7 numbers - 115 years from the date of birthN. A. Zabolotsky , poet, translator (1903-1958).

12 May 85th anniversary of the poet's birthA. A. Voznesensky (1933-2010).

26 May - 110th birthday of the playwrightA. N. Arbuzova (1908-1986).

And on the same day he accepts congratulations on his 80th birthdayL. S. Petrushevskaya .

27 celebrating 115 years since the birth of a children's writerE. A. Blaginina (1903-1989).

AMay 28 - 140th birthdayM. A. Voloshina , poet, critic, painter (1878-1932).

Foreign writers

We study foreign literature not to the same extent as domestic literature. Nevertheless, a number of names of writers known all over the world should be remembered by every schoolchild. The event dedicated to the anniversary of such a writer will help to acquaint children with his work. What anniversaries should you pay attention to?

Let's consider only the most noticeable ones.


11 the number marks 155 years of birthO.Henry (William Sidney Porter), American writer (1862-1910).

25 th - 120th anniversary of birthW. Faulkner , American writer (1897-1962).


9 the whole world will celebrate the 470th anniversary of the birth of the creator Don Quixote -Miguel de Cervantes , Spanish writer (1547-1616).


14 children will be happy to celebrate 110 years since the birth of the creator of Carlson, Pippi Longstocking and other famous heroes - the Swedish writerAstrid Lindgren (1907-2002).

26 November is the 455th anniversary of the Spanish playwrightLope de Vega (1562-1635).

29th of November - anniversary 215 years from the date of birthV. Hauff , a German writer and storyteller (1802-1827), among whose books there are also many anniversaries of this year.

30 celebrates 350 years since the birthJ. Swift , English writer (1667-1745).


The month was marked by an anniversaryC. Perrault (1628-1703), the author of many anniversary books; he turns 390 years old12 numbers.

January 22 - 230 years since the birth of the English romantic poet, the beginning of the colossal popularity in RussiaXIXcentury,J. G. Byron (1788-1824).

23 th number - 235 years from the date of birthStendhal , French writer (1783-1842).


10 numbers worth remembering the 120th anniversary of the German writerB. Brecht (1898-1956).


13th celebrates 180 years since the birth of a writer from ItalyR. Giovagnoli (1838-1915).

20th of March - anniversary of the outstanding Norwegian playwrightG. Ibsen (1828-1906), he turns 190.


1 - 150th anniversary of birthE. Rostand , French poet and playwright, creator of the image of Cyrano de Bergerac (1868-1918).

April, 4 - 200th anniversary of the classic of adventure literatureT. Maina Reed (1818-1883).

April 30 one can recall the 135th anniversary of the creator of the image of the brave soldier Švejk, a Czech writerJ. Hasek (1883-1923).

Of course, the poles of interests change every year. And literature is no exception. Young people are switching to light reading: detectives, romance novels, science fiction. And most don't read at all. Many for one, but banal reason: there is simply no time. The older generation remembers popular Russian writers and looks with interest in calendars in search of birthdays of literary geniuses. That's why datesanniversaries of writers and poetsin 2017are in demand among loyal readers.

We celebrate the anniversaries of our favorite writers and famous poets

  • January . On a frosty January morning 85 years ago Rimma Kazakova was born. But her poems are sunny and bright.
  • Who among us has not followed with excitement the adventures of little hobbits and their friends. And the film is based on the book of the same name by Tolkien, whose anniversary is celebrated by the whole world in the second month of winter.
  • In educational institutions, the works of Moliere are studied at the lessons of Russian literature. But already 395 years passed from the birth of this satirist writer.
  • It is always interesting to know who wrote the tale about Alice Through the Looking Glass. The character, as well as the smiling Cheshire Cat, have become favorite heroes of many generations. So there is a reason to celebrate L. Carroll's anniversary.
  • The older generation literally read the works of Valentin Kataev, who was born 120 years ago.
  • February. In this cold winter month, Russians will celebrate the birthday of the writer Konstantin Fedin, and then with a very small hour interval and 135th anniversary writer from foggy Albion Charles Dickens.
  • Only the heroine of Victor Hugo Esmeralda aroused sympathy among high school girls when studying the pages of the novel "Notre Dame Cathedral" in the classroom. And in February there is an opportunity to lay flowers at his monument. Because the anniversary of this brilliant Frenchman will be celebrated by all admirers of his work - we will celebrate two hundred and fifteen years from the birthday of 2017 by monthsand their February list will be incomplete, if you do not remember N. Garin, a Russian writer who was born 165 years ago.
  • March. We celebrate in the first month of spring the round date of birth of the once popular writer Valentin Rasputin. "Eastwick Witches" - a film that conquered the female population of the planet. It was filmed based on the novel of the same name by John Aldike, 85th anniversary which very soon - in March next year.
  • April . In this changeable month, the author of Tsushima, Novikov-Priboy, was born. A book about the Russian-Japanese war. The plot is exciting. The writer very subtly follows the interweaving of the fate of the main characters of the two-volume book.
  • Antoine Prévost, French writer was born 320 years ago.
  • A wide circle of Russians knows little about Konstantin Aksakov. But the anniversary will be an occasion to get acquainted with his work. This month we will celebrate 200th anniversary publicist from Russia Konstantin Aksakov.
  • Looking through the listschildren's writers-jubilees 2017year we pay special attention to K. Chukovsky. Almost everyone knows about the cheerful and brave doctor and trusting fly-tsokotukha. Heroes were invented by Kornei Chukovsky. And now 135 years from the day of his birth will be performed by the author of his favorite children's works.
  • It was in April that Bella Akhmadulina, a poetess, was born, whose poems, put on notes, were remembered from the film "Enjoy Your Bath".
  • May. In the days of the last spring month, Igor Severyanin was born. A well-known publicist and poet with a crystal touch in his soul. In the same spring month we celebrate 140 years from birth Russian poet M. Voloshin.
  • If you single outanniversary writers 2017 for schoolchildren by month, it is necessary to remember also the poet K. Batyushkov and the writer K. Paustovsky. They are included in the curriculum of the general education school.
  • June. A century and a half ago, Constantine Balmont was born. He was a talented poet and no less talented writer. His essays won the hearts of sincere admirers of this bright talent.
  • Celebrates its 45th anniversary author of fantastic works Julia Galanina.
  • Will be noted by the Russian public and 205 years from the birth of I. Goncharov - Russian prose writer with a capital letter.
  • Songwriter Robert Rozhdestvensky was born eighty-five years ago. And much earlier - as much as 305 years the Frenchman J. Rousseau was born back.
  • July. “The Forsyte Saga” first appeared on the wide screen, but then everyone who fell in love with the film began to sweep the books of John Galsworthy off the shelves. This rather famous novelist was born this month.
  • Almost round anniversary of the creator of the work about the Royal Musketeers Alexandre Dumas (215 years old).
  • August . In all, probably, without exception, theaters of the country and the near abroad, plays written by Alexander Vampilov, one of the best playwrights of our time, enjoyed success.
  • John Galsworthy has a round date of birth too. And in Belgium they are preparing to widely celebrate 150 years from the birth of the Belgian writer and author of the Nobel Prize M. Materlinck. Recently, it is theseanniversary writers 2017. For librariesthis is a reason to arrange exhibitions of their works.
  • September. In the first month of autumn, two Russian writers were born. And for two hundred years both from birth. Is this not an anniversary? Preparations for the celebration of the birth of Sukhovo-Kobylin, the great Russian playwright who was born 200 years ago and the writer Alexei Tolstoy, will begin in spring.
  • In the same month, another literary genius was born. O. Henry is the author of works imbued with very subtle humor and sarcasm.
  • October. You can talk a lot about the adequacy or inadequacy of Don Quixote. But the fact that Sancho Panza and the Spanish hidalgo will not leave the reader indifferent is the great merit of the person who wrote the novel "Don Quixote". And the Spaniards will definitely remember their famous countryman M. Cervantes this month. Because in October it is already 470 years from the birthday of the author of Don Quixote.
  • November. Manyanniversary writers 2017celebrate their anniversaries this month. And we will publicly remember the one who is already with us and is not. Their contribution to literature and the souls of people.
  • In Russia, it will be quite widely celebrated 200 years from the birthday of publicist and writer and Nikolai Kostomarov. Swedish writer Astrid Lingren became famous for her works about the girl Pippi. This month will be 110 years from the date of birth of the writer.
  • How not to remember the jubilee of Jonathan Swift, the author of the grotesque novel, which is read with pleasure by both adults and children - "Gulliver's Adventure".
  • This month is rich in anniversaries. It is impossible not to remember that 135 years celebrated from the birthday of Samuil Marshak, a children's poet.
  • In the same month, the romantic writer Alexander Bestuzhev was born.
  • Script writer "Gentlemen of Fortune" Victoria Tokareva was born in November too 80 years ago.
  • December . Now the name of Baron Munchausen has become a household name. Is he a liar or a big dreamer? But reading about his adventures is quite interesting. It seems that the portrait was painted from our contemporary. But the novel about the baron is more than two hundred years old, and its author E. Raspa this year is a round date - 280 years from the date of birth.
  • In the last winter month exactly 220 years ago Heinrich Heine was also born.Anniversaries of poets in 2017end precisely with the date of birth of Heine.

In 2017, the literary world will celebrate dozens of anniversaries of the geniuses of the pen. Thanks to their works, everyone can plunge into the atmosphere of joy and sadness, forget about pressing problems and find answers to their questions. Literature is a citadel of knowledge and, undoubtedly, the 2017 anniversary writers made a significant contribution to the construction of this eternal wall of inspiration and celebration.

Russian writers

April 10, 1937 was born Bella Akhmadulina- one of the most heartfelt poetesses of the 20th century. Her poems were rewritten and re-covered, and collections of her works flew from the bookshelves, without having time to linger on them.

The 80th anniversary in 2017 is celebrated by a modern writer Victoria Tokareva... She is famous for the fact that she became the author of the script for the beloved movie "Gentlemen of Fortune", as well as for numerous novels and short stories in the literature of the genre of modern prose.

On January 27, 2017, the 85th anniversary would be celebrated Rimma Kazakova- Russian poet and author of many songs.

March 13 will celebrate its anniversary Vladimir Semenovich Makanin- Russian writer, known for his novel "The Underground, or a Hero of Our Time", films by Danelia and the Teacher were filmed based on his novels. His books have been translated into English, German, French and Spanish.

One of the "loudest" holidays will be celebrated by Russian literature on March 15, 2017, when the famous "village" writer will celebrate his 80th birthday Valentin Rasputin.

On June 2, the 80-year-old threshold will be crossed by the national poet Yunna Petrovna Maritz famous for her creativity for children.

August 19, 2017 to the famous Russian playwright Alexander Vampilov would have turned 80 years old. His comedy "The Elder Son" actually has a tragic background to the trust, sadness and loneliness of an adult. Vampilov's works still have a life in the production of theatrical scenes.

Poet and screenwriter Gennady Shpalikov would celebrate the 80th anniversary in September 2017.

The famous front-line poet, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, would have celebrated 95 years in 2017 Semyon Petrovich Gudzenko.

In the same month, a Russian and contemporary writer, author of "Monumental Propaganda" turns 85 Vladimir Nikolaevich Voinovich.

A romantic and a poet, whose poems sound modern today - Robert Rozhdestvensky in 2017 I would celebrate the 85th anniversary.

Famous and beloved children's writers celebrate their anniversary in 2017 - 70 years Grigory Oster and 80 years old - Eduard Uspensky.

A contemporary of Sukhovo-Kobylin and Aksakov is a talented poet Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy was born 200 years ago on September 5, 1817. This is one of the key literary figures in educational literature. He is known to schoolchildren for historical works - a cycle of three works "Death of Ivan the Terrible", "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich", "Tsar Boris", as well as the novel "Prince of Silver".

Fans of poetry in the coming year will celebrate a big date - the 150th anniversary of the birth of a poet who wrote in the genre of symbolism, one of the main figures of the Silver Age Konstantin Balmont. His contemporary and colleague in "silver" poetry - Igor Severyanin was born 130 years ago.

In 2017, the 120th anniversary will be celebrated by the playwright, author of patriotic works, student of Bunin and author of the military story "Son of the Regiment" - Valentin Petrovich Kataev.

Russian writer celebrates 165 years on 20 February Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky.

The same month is marked by the date of the 125th anniversary of Konstantin Fedin- a controversial writer of his time, who persecuted Pasternak and advocated a ban on the publication of Solzhenitsyn's novel Cancer Ward. His famous works are the political novel “The Abduction of Europe”, memoirs “The Writer, Art, Time” and “Gorky Among Us”.

140 years old in March Alexey Silych (Silantyevich) Novikov-Priboi, who was awarded the Stalin Prize for his novel Tsushima.

110 years since the birth of March 10, the poetess celebrates Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya- the daughter of a renowned writer. In the same month, her father - the great children's poet and publicist - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky turns 135.

Soviet and Russian writers

Anniversaries of 2017 in the field of literature are talented Soviet, Russian prose writers and poets.

November 25 celebrates the 300th anniversary of the genius, in the words of Belinsky, and the one to whom "Solemn praise is rushing to him," as Pushkin wrote about him - the writer Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov. April 10, the 200th anniversary of the Russian prose writer, poet, publicist, author of the study "Lomonosov in the history of Russian literature and the Russian language", which earned him a master's degree in Russian literature - Konstantin Aksakov. 200th Anniversary Writer 2017 - Nikolai Ivanovich Kostomarov.

The great Russian playwright, creator of the "Pictures of the Past" trilogy and a man of difficult fate - Alexander Vasilievich Sukhovo-Kobylin was born 200 years ago on September 29, 1817.
In 1912 - 105 years ago, a Russian poet and playwright was born Alexander Gladkov.

Anniversary of 2017 - Maximilian A. Voloshin, which would have turned 140 years old.

A contemporary and favorite of Pushkin, whose verses he idolized - Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkov was born 230 years ago. In the same year 220 years ago, a common friend of the poets, a classmate of Alexander Sergeevich, a Decembrist was born, who spent 15 years in prison, wrote his famous works "Death of Byron" and the piercing poem of the school curriculum "The fate of Russian poets" - Wilhelm Karlovich Kuchelbecker.

Russian poet and prose writer will celebrate 120th anniversary in 2017 Petra Oreshina.

In October, the world of poetry will celebrate a big date - 125 years since the birth of one of the most beloved, heartfelt and subtle poetesses - Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva.

November 3 would have turned 130 years old as a children's writer Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, four times awarded the Stalin Prize and once the Lenin Prize for books for children.

Anniversary writer 2017 - Vikentiy Vikentievich Veresaev- Laureate of the last Pushkin Prize for translations of ancient Greek poetry, author of the novels "Sisters" and "In a Dead End", January 16 marks the 150th anniversary of his birth.

Foreign writers

The works of foreign writers of the 18th-19th-20th centuries left a significant imprint in the literature, influencing the work of many domestic creators, and also being modern and in-demand material among readers to this day. Many anniversaries among foreign writers and poets in 2017.


January 3 - 125 years old - John Ronald Ruel Tolkien- "The Lord of the Rings", "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again"

January 15 - 395 years old - Jean Baptiste Poquelin- known as Moliere "Tartuffe", "Don Juan", "The Miser", "Bourgeois in the nobility"

January 24 - 285 years old - Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais- "The Barber of Seville", "The Marriage of Figaro", "Tarar"


February 2 - 135 years old - Charles Dickens- "The Adventures of Oliver Twist", "David Copperfield"

February 11 - 100 years old - Sydney Sheldon- The Downside of Midnight, author of hundreds of bestsellers

February 26 - 215 years old - Victor Marie Hugo- "Notre Dame Cathedral", "Les Miserables"


March 18 - 85 years old - John Updike- "Eastwick Witches", Bunny Novels, Beck Trilogy


April 1 - 320 years - A ntoine François Prévost- "The Story of Chevalier des Grieux and Manon Lescaut"


July 14 - 150 years old - John Galsworthy- "Silver Box", "Forsyte Saga", "Grotesques"

July 24 - 215 years old - Alexandr Duma- (father) Author of numerous novels about the Three Musketeers

July 20 - 190 years old - Theodore Henri de Coster- "The Legend of Til", which was used to stage M. Zakharov's play "The Passion after Til"



October 3 - 120 years old - Louis Aragon Roman- "Rich Quarters", a collection of poems "Eyes of Elsa"


November 14 - 110 years old - Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren- Children's writer, author of stories about Pippi Longstocking


Anniversaries of writers in 2017 are a great occasion to remember their work or read for the first time novels and poems for which there was not enough time or desire.

“Be kind!<…>Become higher than yourself; make yourself courageous! Then your face will change. You will be clear, and your face will become clear ... It may be ugly, but it will be cute. "

A.S. Green "Jesse and Morghiana"

Anniversary Writers (October 2017)

October 1 106th anniversary of the birth of Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov (1912-1992), Soviet and Russian scientist, historian-ethnologist, doctor of historical and geographical sciences, poet, translator from Persian

Ro-dyl-Xia October 1, 1912 in Tsarskoe Se-le near Pe-ter-bur-g in the family of famous poets An-ny An-dre-ev -we Ah-ma-to-howl and Ni-ko-bark Ste-pa-no-vi-cha Gu-mile-va. In 1914, their marriage fell apart, and Leo was given to mother of fresh blood, Anna Iva-novna Gu-mile-voy. “I remember my childhood very much, but I just can't say anything about him. All that is known to me is that I was immediately transferred to the hands of the ba-bush-ke - Anna Iva-novna Gu-mile-voy, taken away to Tverskaya gu- ber-niyu, where we had a dream-cha-la house in the village, and then we lived in the go-ro-de Be-zhets-ke, in which I ended middle nude school. At this time, I was carried away by is-that-ri-she, and carried away by-shaking-sa-yu-shche, because I did not read all the books on is -to-rii, who-were-were-in Be-zhets-ke, and according to the child's young pa-m-ty I very much remembered a lot "- pi-sal he poses the same in av-to-bio-graphics.

In 1921, when Leo was 9 years old, his father, Ni-ko-lai Ste-pa-no-vich, was discovered to participate in the white-guard for-go-in-re and ras-shooters. Later, this fact has more than once served in-house for the poli-ti-che-no-ny "sy-na-enemy-ga-ro-da".

In 1929, after the windows of the de-vya-to-go class, I went to ma-te-ri in Leningrad. About his arrival, he later recalled: “When I returned back to Le-ning-grad, then I became a car-ti Well, very much for me, I’m not very good. In order to baptize in Les Ning gras, I stayed in school for one more year, which was only good for me, since I could no longer for-ni-mother-si-koy, hee-mi-her, ma-te-ma-ti-coy and other things were-known), and for-not-a-small-that I was the main thing about the use of this the sisters of the German language, who are going to the Hertsenov institute ".

Namely, in the Ped-da-go-gi-che-sky institute-here them. A.I. Ger-tse-na, he gave do-ku-men-you in 1930. But he was not admitted to the entrance-food ek-za-me-us as a kind of two-ryans and “the son of the enemy on-ro-da”. In order to get the right-to-work-in-va-va-th-you-re go-yes ra-bo-tal black-no-ra-bo-chim in the tram-vay-nom par-ke , la-bo-run-tom, kol-lek-to-rum in geo-log-gi-ti-ti-yakh in Za-bai-ka-l'e, Sa-ya-nah, na Pa-mi -re, in the Crimean caves, sa-ni-ta-rum at the mala-rii station in Ta-ji-ki-stan.

In 1934, I went to the is-to-ric fa-cult of the Leningrad uni-vers-si-te-ta.

But soon the glue-mo "sy-na enemy-ga na-ro-da" was so-lo know about himself: Leo Gu-mile-va not-but-times-but-are-hundred-you-va- whether and is-key-cha-whether from the uni-vers-si-te-that, but he continued to learn-to-be-self-one-hundred-i-tel-but, mastered several Türkic languages.

In No-ril-la-ge, he started working on his first book "Hun-nu".

In the autumn of 1944, the good-ro-vol-cem went to the front, in-e-shaft on the First Bel-lo-Russian front-those. Participation-in-shaft in the assault on Ber-lin.

In 1946, the ex-ter-num passed the exam-men, and graduated from the university-vers-si-tete. In the same year, he became an as-pi-ran-tom of the Leningrad-th department of the Institute of the Institute-tu-ta East of the USSR Academy of Sciences THE USSR. He defended the dis-ser-ta-tion of kan-di-da-ta is-to-ric-n-uk, accepted by scientific co-work-no-one in Mu- zey eth-no-gra-phii of the USSR ro-dov. 7 no-yab-rya 1949 was sentenced to 7 years In la-ge-ryah, pro-long-pressed on-uch-ny work-bo-that. Fully re-a-bi-li-ti-ro-van and liberated-day in 1956.

Since 1956, he has been working bib-lio-te-k-rem in Er-mi-ta-the same. In 1961 he defended his doctoral dissertation on history "Ancient Türks", and in 1974 he defended his doctoral dissertation -cer-tation on geo-graphics "Et-no-ge-nez and bio-sphere of the Earth". Until you-go-yes to pen-siyu in 1986-do worked-bo-tal in the Na-uch-no-is-sl-do-va-tel institute-sti-tu-te geo-gra-phii at the Leningrad city state-of-the-art uni-ver-si-te-te.

He died in 1992.

In August 2005, in Ka-za-ni “in connection with the days of St. le-tii go-ro-da Ka-zan "Leo Gu-mile-wu was put on a pa-mint-nick, on-a-hundred-men-those co-ro-go you-bi-you words: "Russian man-ve-ku, all my life I have been protecting-shchav-she-mu ta-tar from cle-ve-you." By personal ini-tsi-a-ti-ve pre-zi-den-ta Ka-zah-sta-na Nur-sul-ta-na Na-zar-ba-e-va in 1996 -zakh -skoy capital-person-tse Astana, the name of Gu-mile-va, was named one of the country's universities, the Eurasian National University. In 2002, a ka-binet-mu-zey L.N. Gu-milev was created in the walls of St. Petersburg University. In Pe-ter-bur-ge, at the house where L. N. Gu-milev lived (Ko-lo-men -skaya st., 1), al-naya dos-ka.

  • Yur-kov, A. Why did Gu-milev call the fire on himself? [Text]: [about Leo Gu-mile-ve, man-ve-ke, ko-ro-go-go-ko lo-ma-la life] / A. Yur-kov // Ro- Dina. - 2015. - No. 9. - S. 77-79.
  • Bo-ro-vi-ko-va, L. Step-noy sweep of rya-do-vo-go Gu-mile-va [Text]: [about the fate of Lev Ni-ko-la-e-vi- cha Gu-mile-va (1912-1992), you-yes-yu-shche-go-Xia Russian scholar, sy-na An-nah Ah-ma-to-voy and Ni- ko-laya Gu-mile-va] / L. Bo-ro-vi-co-va // Chu-de-sa and attachment. - 2014. - No. 7. - S. 82-85.
  • Ku-li-chen-ko, N. Lev Gu-milev: gen-ni-al-ny scientist, son of gen-ni-al-ny-ets [Text] / N. Ku-li-chen-ko // New library-lyo-te-ka. - 2012. - No. 19. - S. 11-29.
  • Kra-lin, M. Vos-in-mi-na-nia about Leo Ni-ko-la-e-vi-che Gu-mile-ve [Text] / M. Kra-lin // Our modern-men-nik ... - 2002. - No. 12. - S. 269-273.

October 170th anniversary of the birth of Louis Henri Boussinard (Henri-Louis-François-Hilaire) (1847-1910), French writer, author of adventure novels

Ro-dyl-Xia 4 October 1847 in a small French village Ekrenn. The father was the manager of the emergency lock-com, the mother was ra-bo-ta-la in the same castle of ka-ste-llyan-shei and the mountain-nich-noy.

Louis graduated from a local school, from-whether-cha-I diligently studied.

Po-lu-chil gu-ma-ni-tar-noe-ra-zo-va-tion in pan-si-one Bo-ryo in go-ro-de Pi-ti-vie, after windows-cha -niya ko-to-ro-go, po-stu-drank on the medi-tsin-sky fa-cult of Para-rizh-sko-go uni-vers-si-te-ta. From a young age, his love for nya-ti was-la-hu-that, and, returning to ka-ni-ku-ly in Ekrenn, he loved to go on-lam with a gun and with-ba-coy.

During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. was in the capacity of half a doctor called into the army. There was an eye-witness of the raz-thunder of the French troops under Wee-sam-bur-g and Rey-sho-fenn. The g-speech of the wishing for the rest of his life remained in his heart, and the theme of the war later became one of his themes in his work.

After the war, he worked as a village doctor. But on-I-s-t-he-call-no-he-was-l-te-ra-tu-ra.

Having broken off with med-di-qi-noy, Bus-se-nar ra-bo-tal re-por-tё-rum, chro-ni-kё-rum in para-riga ga-ze-takh, with -work-ni-chal with hedgehog-not-del-ni-kom "Zhur-nal pu-te-steps and priklyu-che-ny on the land and on the sea." Here were published his first romances "Through the whole of Austria" and "The cool-light journey of the young pa-ri-zha-no-na ", about-glorifying av-to-ra.

The special knowledge of Bus-se-na-ru was brought by the roman "Ka-pi-tan So-rvi-go-lo-va" (1901), in Boer war (1899-1902) for the independence of two Boer republics-pub-lick, Trans-va-a-la and Oran-va against the Angliysk ko-lo-ni-to-moat.

From 1902 to 1910, Bus-se-nar pi-sal in the pro-vin-tsi-al-ga-zetu "Ga-tine" a cycle of articles we are under the general na-na-va-ni "Letters of the cross-ni-na". And under-pi-sy-shaft these epi-sto-ly - Fran-s-wa De-vin. De-vin - means-chit, "yeah-let". Such a simple re-bus. And why Fran-s-wa? Yes, in something that, according to met-ri-ke, the full name of so-chi-ni-te-la is An-ri-Louis-Fran-s-wa-Hilaire! That is, for part of the pseudo-no-ma, Bus-se-nar chose one of his personal names. "

According to-but-for-the-shcha-niyu Bus-se-na-ra, all personal boo-ma-gi and ru-co-pi-si his pro-from-ve-de-niy were with -zhzhe-us.

In Russia, about-from-ve-de-nia Bus-se-na-ra were-very-tea-but-popular-and appeared immediately after you-ho-yes of his new books in France. In 1911 there was a gathering of concordances in 40 volumes. Also, some of the pro-from-ve-de-nia pe-re-from-da-wa-lied in the Soviet years. In France, the peak in popularity of its pro-of-ve-de-ny came on a period between two world-ro-you-mi howls mi.

  • Vic-to-ri-na [Text]: [Louis An-ri Bus-se-nar]: [vic-to-ri-na, in-sacred life and creativity of Louis An -ri Bus-se-na-ra] // Ko-ster. - 2012. - No. 10. - P. 23.
  • Go-len-ko-va, N.V. Around the light on the pages of the books: Li-te-ra-round-ny, in-sacred L.A. Bus-se-na-ru for students of 6-7 classes [Text] / N. V. Go-len-ko-va // Chi-ta-em, we study, play-ra- em: Journal-nal-collection of scenes-na-ri-evs for bib-lio-tech and schools. - 2007. - Issue. 6. - S. 14-16.

October 8 (September 26) 125th anniversary of the birth of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), poet of the "Silver Age"

Ro-dis October 8 (September 26-rya) 1892 in Moscow in the in-tel-li-gent-noy family. Father was a pro-fes-co-rum Mos-kov-sko-uni-ver-si-te-ta, os-no-va-te-lem and the first di-rek-to-rum Mu-zeya izyash art (now the Museum of Fine Arts named after A. Pushkin). Mother pro-is-ho-di-la from ob-ru-sev-shey Polish-German-coy family, was-la ta-lant-li-voy pi-a-nist-coy, ton-coy tse-ni-tel-ni-tsey by-e-zii, without-me-ni-ni-ni-ni-tsy mu-zhu in the de-creation of mu-zey. Mari-na Iva-nov-na in jest na-zy-va-la Mu-zey of fine arts of his “gi-gant-skim younger brother”. Mother vi-de-la Ma-ri-nu pi-a-nist-coy: she had an ab-so-lute ear and good-ro-conscientiousness, - three-year-old my Ma-ru-sya walks around me and all the words in the reef-we, - maybe, I will be ? ".

Ma-ri-na Iva-nov-na po-lu-chi-la pre-red-no-ma-ma-zo-va-ni: ma-ma uchi-la de-tei mu-zy- ke, chi-ta-la kni-gi not only in Russian, but also in German and French, ras-say-zy-wa-la about everything that anyone bi-la, and than zhi-la.

Tsve-ta-e-va studied in the Moscow private gymnasium M.G.Bryu-ho-n-ko, in the French pan-si-one in Lo- zanne (Switzerland), in the German ka-to-li-che-sk pan-si-one in Germany. Very much for-pa-la in the doo-shu being-do-oo-etes-se German-kaya li-te-ra-tu-ra: “I have a lot of souls. But my main do-sha is ger-man-sky ”, - pi-sa-la-o-na.

In 1906 go-do Tsve-ta-e-va pe-re-ve-la into the Russian language dra-mu Ed-mo-na Ro-sta-na "Or-le-nok". And soon-re na-pi-sa-la own message “Four-and-four”. In 1909 I listened to a course of lectures on the hundred-rofran-tsuz-ly-te-ra-tu-re in Sor-Bonn.

In 1910, on his own money Tsve-ta-e-va from-da-la, his first collection of sti-khs "Ve-cher-niy al-bom" - his -th kind of "po-e-ti-di-nik", disclosure of children's understanding of the world, the feeling of a wave the sheb-st of life, ne-re-whether-you fan-ta-zii and re-al-no-sti. Kni-ga-lu-chi-la so-sensual responses of Mac-si-mi-li-a-na Volo-shi-na, Va-le-ria Bru-so- va, No-ko-barking Gu-mileo-va.

So in the Russian li-te-ra-tu-ru, a new po-et went, one after another you-go-dyes cycles of sti-khov: “Verses about Moscow”, “ Bes-sleep-ni-tsa "," Sten-ka Ra-zin "," Sty-hee to Blo-ku "," Ah-ma-to-howl "," Don Ju-an "," Ko-me- dyant "and others, as well as pies" Cher-vo-ny va-let "and" Me-tel ".

1917 year. Sim-pa-tii in etes-sy on the side of the white guard, which is the swarm of the cycle "Le-be-di-stan", for the first time published co-van-ny on Za-pas de in 1957.

Since 1922 Tsve-ta-e-va lived together with his son Ge-or-gi and daughter Ari-ad-noy in emigres in Berlin , in Pra-ge, Pa-ri-the same. This period, especially "Czech", was especially bad for her. Pro-ho-di-whether creative-che-che-ra, were-whether on-pi-sa-ny books: "Re-mes-lo", "Psi-heya" (1923), " Mo-lo-dets "(1924)," After Russia "(1928), tra-ge-diy on anti-tic syu-zhe-you:" Ari-ad-na "(1924), "Fed-ra" (1927), es-se about po-etah "Living about living" (1933), "My Push-kin" (1937), me-mu-ar-nye sketches " House at Old Pi-Men "(1934)," Mother and Mu-zy-ka "(1935)," News of So-ch-ke "(1938)," Po-e- ma Go-ry "," Po-e-ma Kone-tsa "(1926), ly-ri-che-sa-ti-ra" Kry-so-lov "according to my-ti-you" Bro-dya- sneeze rats "by Henri-ha Heine (1925-1926), anti-fa-shist cycle" Sty-khi to Che-khiya "(1938-1939).

In 1939, the family returned to the USSR. In the same year, the daughter and husband were-were-sto-va-ny. Ser-gay Efron ras-stre-lyan in 1941, Ari-ad-na after five-to-twenty years re-press re-a-bi-li-ti-ro-va- on in 1955.

Sa-ma Tsve-ta-e-va could not find a living, nor a slave, the sti-hee did not pe-cha-ta-lis. Okay-zav-shis in na-cha-le Ve-Li-koi Patriotic war in eva-ku-a-tion in Ela-bu-ge, without-successfully py-ta- I tried to get support from pi-sa-te-lei. On August 31, 1941, life ended with self-murder. Po-ho-ro-ni-li on Pet-ro-pav-lov-skom treasure-bi-shche in Ela-bu-ge, but the exact place for-ho-ro-not-nia is not West-but.

  • Schweitzer, V. A. Life and existence of Mary-ny Tsve-ta-e-voy [Text]. - Moscow: Young Guard, 2009 .-- 591 p., Fol. silt - (Life of noteworthy people. Series of bio-graphics. Issue 1380 (1180)).
  • Bi-ke-e-va, V. “I thirst right away - all the way! .. [Text]: [the life and work of the Russian poet M. I. Color-ta-e-howl] / V. Bi-ke-e-va // Holiday at school. - 2017. - No. 7 (July). - S. 59-93.
  • Sa-za-no-vich, E. Mari-na Iva-nov-na Tsve-ta-e-va. "One of all - for all - against all! .." [Text] / E. Sa-za-no-vich // Youth. - 2016. - No. 8. - S. 81-83.
  • Ste-pa-no-va, M. "Books gave me more than people ..." .Cve-ta-e-howl about li-te-ra-tu-re, art and creativity, supplied with in-pro-sa-mi, can become a the right point for the or-ga-ni-za-tion of judgments and writing-men-works of the senior-class-nikov at the lessons of li-te-ra -tu-ry.]. Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2016. - No. 4. - S. 62-63.
  • Ob-raz-ko-va, T. A. Tsve-ta-ev-skiy koster in se-le Ti-ma-she-vo: kon-course-fe-sti-val [Text]: [in se -le Ti-ma-she-in the Sa-marsky region-la-sti every year it goes "Tsve-ta-ev-skiy koster" - me-ro-pri-y-tie , in-sacred creativity of Mary-ny Tsve-ta-e-voy] / School library-te-ka. - 2015. - No. 7. - P. 67-75.
  • Bi-ke-e-va, V. Through every heart [Text]: [li-te-ra-round-naya com-po-zion, in-sacred life and to the creativity of Mary-ny Tsve-ta-e-howl. Is-pol-zu-yut-sya do-ku-ment-tal-ny film "Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-va" from the series "Genii and evil dei ear epo-hi ", slides with pho-to-gra-fi-i-mi and other vi-deo-ma-te-ri-a-ly, za-pi-si pe-sen na sti-hi in-etes-sy, vos-in-mi-na-niya modern-men-nikov, sti-khi M. I. Tsve-ta-e-voy] / Bi-ke-e-va // Holidays nickname at school. - 2015. - No. 2. - S. 3-28.
  • Zo-zu-la, L. A. “We were a mu-zy-koi in the ice ...” [Text]: [about the life and work of N. Gu-milo, va and A. Ah-ma-to-howl, M. Tsve-ta-e-howl, M. Volo-shi-na and B. Paster-na-ka] / L. A. Zo-zu -la // Chi-ta-em, learn-sya, play-ra-em. - 2014. - No. 10. - S. 83-88.
  • Mal-tse-va, O. V. “I burned with red-nostyu rya-bi-na ...” [Text]: [about the life and work of Russian poetry -sy MI Tsve-ta-e-voy] / OV Mal-tse-va // Chi-ta-em, we learn, we play. - 2012. - No. 7. - S. 27-31.
  • Ku-t'e-va, L. V. "Na-chi-na-et-sya crying gi-ta-ry ...": Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-va and mu-zy-ka [ Text] / L. V. Ku-t'e-va, E.B. Fro-lo-va // Russian language-weight. - 2004. - No. 1. - S. 64-78.
  • Ku-t'e-va, L. V. "I, with a call-vom, but-shu-sh-tso ...": Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-va and Ser-gay Efron [Text] / L. V. Ku-t'e-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra in school. - 2003. - No. 9. - S. 12-17.
  • Vos-ko-boy-nikov, V. The life of the-me-cha-tel-children: When Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-va was-la-lazy [ Text] / V. Vos-ko-boy-nikov // Pu-te-water-naya star-da. - 2003. - No. 2. - S. 60-63.
  • Mar-ryan-chik, V. A. Tay-na ana-gram-me [Text]: [sti-l-sti-ch-a-lis of sti-ho-to-re-nia of Mari-na Tsve -ta-e-howling "Little home-like spirit ..."] / V. A. Marian-chik // Russian language at school. - 2015. - No. 6. - S. 59-63.
  • Ryzh-kov-va, T. The myth of Don-Zhu-an and Kar-men in the li-ri-ke Tsve-ta-e-voy [Text]: [analysis of the cycle-lovs of the sti-khov “Don-Zhu -an "and" Kar-men "M. Tsve-ta-e-voy at the lesson of li-te-ra-tu-ry in the 11th class] / T. Ryzh-ko-va // Li-te -ra-to-ra (PS). - 2013. - No. 2. - S. 11-14.
  • Ma-ka-ro-va, B. A. “My name is Ma-ri-na, I am a perishable pe-na-sea-sky” [Text]: [scene-na-rii-te-ra- round-th-th ve-ra, sacred to the creativity of M. Tsve-ta-e-voy for 7-11 classes.] / Game-ro-vaya bib-lio - there you go. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 50-61.
  • Ryzh-kov-va, T. V. Ha-da-nie about birds [Text]: [lesson of li-te-ra-tu-ry in the 11th class on the cycle-lu sti-ho-tv-re -niy M. Tsve-ta-e-voy "Le-be-di-ny stan"] / T. V. Ryzh-ko-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra PS. - 2012. - No. 3. -S. 46-47.
  • Stri-ge-no-va, A. Ko-sha-whose te-ma Mar-ri-ny Tsve-ta-e-voy [Text]: [cats in pro-iz-ve-de-ni-yakh Mary-ny Tsve-ta-e-voy] / A. Stri-zhe-no-va // Friend. A magazine for lu-bi-te-lei ko-shek. - 2012. - N 1. -C. 36-38.
  • Or-lo-va, O. A. Two sti-ho-to-re-nia - two worlds: A. Ah-ma-to-va and M. Tsve-ta-e-va [Text]: [ two sti-ho-to-re-nia about love] / O. A. Or-lo-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra in school. - 2008. - No. 3. - S. 6-9.
  • Bor-shchev-skaya, M. "Pro-ho, stay-but-hang!": Ma-te-ri-a-ly to the study of the work of Mary ta-e-voy [Text] / M. Bor-shchev-skaya // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2008. - No. 6. - S. 21-32, 27-28.
  • Ba-khor, T. A. "And something-mu-wiped cold ...": any li-ri-ka M. Tsve-ta-e-voy [Text] / T. A. Ba-khor // Lessons-ki-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2007. - No. 6. - S. 14-16.
  • Priy-ma, E. Li-ri-che-ge-ro-i-nya Mari-ny Tsve-ta-e-voy [Text] / E. Priy-ma // Li-te-ra-tu -ra. - 2004. - No. 12. - S. 14-15.

9 October 470th birth anniversary of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616), Spanish writer, poet

Ro-dyl-sya October 9, 1547, in the family lunch-next is-pan-sko-two-rya-no-na. In in-search for-work-bot-kov, the father de-lo pe-re-ez-sting from city-ro-da to city-rode, and together with him pe-re-ez-zha -la se-my. Such a hundred-yang-nye pe-re-ez-dy on-to-mi-whether little-lazy-to-go Mi-ge-la with na -noy life of simple people.

At ten years old, Mi-gel went to the number of Jesu-and-tov, where he received an average nie. Uchu-bu pro-dol-lived in Mad-ri-de y from-west-no-is-pan-sko pe-da-go-ha and gu-ma-ni-sta Hu-a-na Lo -pe-se de Hoyo-sa. Mi-gel is beautifully-red-but mastered la-tyn, already at school-le-pi-sal on her sti-hi. But because of the misfortune, I had to quit my studies. The Is-pan-sky dwellers from the dinner-nev-shih families had three ways: to serve the church-to-vi, to serve in the presence of a couple or in the army. Ser-van-tes you took service at two. According to the protection of de Hoyo-sa, Mi-gel was admitted to the service through-tea-but-mu on behalf of Pa-pia V. Five years at the service, do-whether-whether-whether-to-sow the largest ita-lyan-skie go-ro-da: Rome, Mi-lan, Bo-lo-new, Ve-ne- tion, Pa-ler-mo and os-no-va-tel-but-to-know-to-mit-Xia with the way-house of the Italian life. He not only mastered the Ita-Lian language, but also expanded the knowledge that was acquired in the Madrid school. Having a lot of time for reading, Ser-van-tes is familiar with it-lyan-ly-te-ra-tu-roy and phylo-so-fi, chi-tal ant-tich-nyh av-to-ditch - Go-me-ra, Ver-gilia, Go-ra-tion, Ovidia and others.

In 1570, he joined the Is-pan regiment Mi-ge-la de Mon-ka-dy, ras-quar-ti-ro-van-ny in Italy, and served little-lazy co-rab-le "Mar-ke-za". Was-la war-on with the Ottoman im-per-ri-she. On October 7, 1571, there was a naval battle at Le-pan-to. On that day, Ser-van-tes bo-lel li-ho-rad-coy, but it was necessary to allow the decision to participate in the battle: “I pre-read , yes, I’ll be sick and in zha-ru, fight, as it is, and do-ba-em good-ro-mo sol-da-tu ... and not hide under the protection of the pa-lu-would. " After receiving three r-no-nia, he was sent to the state-pi-tal, and, you-p-s-av-sis, did not leave the military service. Returning from Italy to Is-pa-nia, I was taken prisoner by the al-zhir-pi-ra-where I had been for five years, the mo- na-ha-mi-tri-no-ta-ri-i-mi, I was able to return to ro-di-nu.

Out-of-the-box, I got involved with a lot of plays, but they didn't have success on stage. But the ro-man "Ga-la-teya", published in 1585, has a success with chi-ta-te-lei.

The world-wide knowledge was brought to him by the ro-man "Hit-ro-smart idal-go Don Ki-hot La-Manch-sky". Kni-ga-doo-we-wa-las, like a pa-ro-diya on ry-tsar-ro-mans. The main idea of ​​ro-ma-na is the image of anti-falsehood of ide-a-liz-ma and action. Ro-man was composed of two parts, which came out with a re-ry-vom in ten years and in any-biv-shih-chi-ta-te-lyam. Ro-man is not-but-multiple-but-re-from-da-val-sya and was re-trans-ve-den to other Western languages.

In the pre-di-words to the following-not-mo roman-nu "The Country of Per-si-les-sa and Si-hiz-moon-dy" Ser-van-tes pi-sal: “Sorry, hello! Excuse me, for-ba-you! Forgive me, great friends! I am dying in the future at a speedy and happy meeting with you in the other world. "

  • Are-fin, S. Pi-sa-tel, all my life is-kav-shiy priklyu-ch-niy [Text] / S. Are-fin // Chu-de-sa and pri-klyu-ch-tion ... - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 12-13.
  • Ma-ka-ro-va, B.A. we learn, we play. - 2012. - No. 7. - S. 20-26.
  • Mi-gel de Ser-van-tes [Text]: // Children's ro-man-ga-zeta. - 2008. - No. 11. - S. 10-11.
  • Shenk-man, V. Don Ki-hot without Tse-re-te-li [Text]: [pa-myat-ni-ki Ser-van-te-su and his li-te-ra-round-ny- ro-yam] // V. Shenk-man // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2007. - No. 23. - S. 40-41.
  • Si-ma-kov, V. Don Ki-hot as the image of Christ [Text]: [analysis of the image of Don Ki-ho-ta from the most glorious point of view -nia] / V. Si-ma-kov // Fo-ma. - 2016. - No. 12. - S. 82-83.
  • Heroes for all time [Text]: [some facts from the history of the creation of the famous books “Ro-bin-zone Kru- zo "and" Don Ki-hot ", as well as pa-mint-ni-ka Ru-sa-loch-ke in Ko-pen-ha-gene] // Es-kiz. - 2015. - No. 3. - S. 6-7.
  • Help Don Ki-ho-tu! [Text]: [li-te-ra-tour-naya game on the book of Ser-van-te-sa "Don Ki-hot"] // Chi-tai-ka. - 2012. - No. 10. - P. 2-3 [incl.].
  • Ro-gozh-kin, D. Who wants to become Don Ki-ho-tom? [Text]: 465 years since the birth of Mi-ge-la Ser-van-te-sa: [about the book ve-li-ko is-pan-sko pi-sa-te -lya Mi-ge-la Ser-van-te-sa "Don Ki-hot"] / D. Ro-gozh-kin // Chi-tai-ka. - 2012. - No. 10. - S. 2-5.
  • So-lo-vey, T. "Zo-vi-te me-nya - I will come!": Study of "Don Ki-ho-ta" Ser-van-te-sa in 8 class / T. So-lo-vei // Lessons-ki-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 2-15.
  • Va-nyu-she-va, N. Enthusiastic “Don Ki-ho-tom” [Text]: [about Ser-van-te-sa's romance “Don Ki-ho”, there is a sti-ho -things about this romance] / N. Va-nyu-she-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2008. - No. 19. - P.6-10.
  • Mas-lak, N. V. Ry-royal roman Mi-ge-la Ser-van-te-sa Sa-a-ved-ra "Hit-ro-clever idal-go Don Ki-hot La Manche ": Grade 6 [Text] / NV Mas-lak // Lessons-ki-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2008. - No. 6. - 1-3, 5-10.
  • Be-la-e-va, N. Chi-ta-em "Don Ki-ho-ta" [Text]: [out-of-class reading lesson for grade 6, questions to the heads of ro-ma-na, vic-to-ri-na po ro-ma-nu] / N. Be-la-e-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2007. - No. 23. - S. 12-14.

15 (3) October 120 years since the birth of Ilya Arnoldovich Ilf (real name Fainzilberg Iekhiel-Leib Arievich) (1897-1937), Soviet writer

Ro-dyl-Xia 15 (3) ok-tyab-rya 1897 in Odessa in the family of the Bank-kov-th servant. Se-mya zhi-la on Sta-ro-por-to-frankovskoy street - then the longest street in Odessa. On it, the "School-la-la-ga-las" was raced, "School-la re-local pupils", ku-da-da-s-d-dr-d-s-s-tel. The boy loved to read very much, and during the lessons he hid under the par-that book Re-d-yar-da Kip-lin-ga, N. VA, R.L.Ste-ven-so-na, A.P. Che-kho-va. But I graduated from school with ot-li-chi-it, and received di-plom under-ma-ste-rya.

Ra-bo-tal in the drawing bureau, at the telephone-fon-station, at the aviation-ci-on-n-z-in-de and the factory-ri-ke of hand-gras -nat. His first "pro-of-ve-de-no-I-mi" were a hundred-ti-ti-ti-ti-t-you. In 1917, he worked as a traveling columnist. His head-nickname is a friend from the West in this E. G. Bagrits-to-go - S. G. Be-re-zov later recalled: “Po -Ilya has appeared. He went out to different sections of the Ru-myn-front, and then he composed such reports that my neighbor The natural beginning could not hold back the surprise: "What do you have, pi-sa-tel?"

Le-Tom 1919 in the period of the civil war began mo-bi-li-zation to fight De-ni-ki-ny, Fine- Zil-berg appeared at the collection point with a book under his arm. It was the ro-man of Ana-to-la Fran-sa "Gods are waiting." Pi-sa-tel aided: “I knew the fear of death, but I was silent, I was silent and didn’t help. I remember myself lying in the wheat. Sun-tse pa-li-lo in the back ".

After the thunder-ma de-ni-kin-tsev, in Odessa, it was built-but from-de-le-nie GROWTH (Russian-si-si-tele-le-graph- new agency), where Fine-zil-berg began to work as a journalist. Then Ilya, so now they began to call him, went to the prod-mission of Oprod-com-lip to the post of writing-men-no-go bot-no-ka. Co-ser-viv-tsa-mi there were people with unusual fa-mi-li-i-mi: Ber-la-ha, Ku-kush-kindt, La-pi-dos, Pru-jean-sky. Later, he used these fa-mi-lii for na-pi-sa-nia "Zo-lo-that-go calf."

And soon I joined the club "Number of lectures on-ets", among the participants-kov-ro-th were Yuri Olesha, Vla-di-mir So- su-ra, Edu-ard Bag-rits-kiy, Se-myon Hecht. In the large quarter-ti-re of the local-go avan-tu-ri-sta Mi-ti Shir-mahe-ra chi-ta-li have their sti-chi. Namely, on such li-te-ra-round-th-t, his first speeches were made.

In 1923, Ilf moved to Moscow, got a job at work in the gas-zeta "Gu-dock". In the re-dac-tion, he was the li-te-ra-round ruling of the fourth-best in-lo-sy. The gov-schi-ki from the slave-ko-rov-skie pi-sem co-became-la-li yaz-vic-tel-nye evil-b-day-fel-le-to-ny.

In 1925, he was familiar with the pi-sa-te-le Ev-he-ni Pet-ro-v. In 1928, in the magazine "30 days", their first joint production was published - the ro-man "Two-for-twenty stu- lions ", who in the same year came out from the del-noy book. Even before the first publication of the price-zu-ra from a number of-but-so-kra-ti-la ro-man. Ro-man was res-to-wives-but met-chi-ta-te-la-mi, but cold-but-accepted-received by the crit-ti-ka-mi.

After you-ho-da ro-ma-na Il-fom and Pet-ro-vy were-na-pi-sa-ny, according to "Light-barking personality" (1928), 1001 day, or New Shahe-re-za-da "(1929), fe-l'e-to-nas for Prav-dy and Li-te-ra-tur-noy ga-zeta."

In 1931, the second joint ro-man "Zo-lo-that te-le-nok" came out, in which-rum av-to-ry vos-cr-si-li the main hero of the swarm is Osta-pa Ben-de-ra, who was killed in "Two-for-dtsa-ti-ti-l'yah".

In 1935-36, Ilf and Petrov co-ver-shi-li pou-te-march in the USA, re-zul-ta-tom ko-ro-go became-la kni-ha " One-storey Ameri-ka ".

In 1937, Ilya Ilf died from tu-ber-ku-lyo-za.

Books have been repeatedly screened in the USSR and abroad. On the most famous Odessa street, De-ri-ba-sov-skoi one hundred and every visitor can sit on it. Udo-sto-i-lis p-myat-nikov in different cities and books, especially Ostap Ben-der. Aste-ro-id (7113) Ostapbender is named after him. In 1992, in Saint-Pe-ter-bur-ge, fe-sti-val yumo-ra and sa-ti-ry "Zo-lo-toi Ostap", trans-for-mi -ro-vav-shiy-sya in 2005 in the festi-val ko-mediy-no-go ki-no and humor “Zo-lo-toi Ostap”.

  • Mir-go-rod-skaya, T. Ilya Ilf and Mary-ru-sya Ta-ra-sen-ko: Me-lo-diya for two voices [Text]: [history of life no and love-vi Russian so-vet-sko pi-sa-te-la Ilya Il-fa and Mar-ru-si Ta-ra-sen-ko] / T. Mir-go-rod -skaya // Ka-ra-van is-to-ri. - 2017. - No. 8. - S. 176-191.
  • Pro-ko-fie-va, E. "And we will always be together ..." [Text]: [about the life and creativity of the known vet-sko-pi-sa-te-la and zhur-na-list-sta Ilya Il-fa and his love for the soviet hu-dog-ni-tse Ma-rii Ta-ra-sen -ko] / E. Pro-co-fie-va // Gala Bio-gra-phia. - 2016. - No. 4. - P. 24-38.
  • Grud-ki-na, T. V. Ilya Ilf and Ev-geny Pet -rov [Text] // Grud-ki-na T. V. 100 great masters of pro-zy / T.V. Grud-ki-na, N.P. Ku-ba-re-va, V.P. Meshche-ryakov, M.N. Ser-bul. - Moscow, 2006 .-- S. 320-324. - (100 ve-li-kih).
  • Kol-gin, M. V. View of Ma-la-hee-to-vuyu-zhu [Text]: [li-te-ra-round quest for my books I. Il-fa and E. Pet-ro-va "Two-for-dtsat students"] / M. V. Kol-gin // Chi-ta-em, we learn, we play. - 2015. - No. 11. - S. 51-55.
  • Shenk-man, V. Ben-de-ri-a-na in stone and bron-ze: (pa-myat-ni-ki Osta-pu Ben-de-ru and other-gim li-te-ra-tur- nym ge-ro-yam Ilya Il-fa and Ev-genia Pet-ro-va) [Text] / V. Shenk-man // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2007. - No. 20. - S. 38-39.
  • Bez-no-sov, E.L. Soviet-style action in the rom-ma-nah of I. Il-fa and E. Pet-ro-va [Text] / E.L. -no-sov // Li-te-ra-tu-ra. - 2004. - No. 43. - S. 25-30.
  • Go-len-ko-va, N.V. Between two-on-dtsa-ti-ti-lev. Ve-cher humor for 8-9 classes [Text] / N. V. Go-len-ko-va // Chi-ta-em, we learn, we play. - 2001. - No. 1. - S. 106-114.

October 23 85th anniversary of the birth of Vasily Ivanovich Belov (1932-2012), Soviet, Russian writer, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art)

Ro-dyl-sya 23 October 1932 October in the peasant family in the village of Ti-mo-ni-ha Kha-rov-sky paradise-on-on-on -lo-year-sky region-la-sti. Even the boy began to work in the number of ho-z, to help ma-te-ri under-the-mother of the youngest four-and-a-ry children. After seven years of study at the de-re-vienne school-le, he-re-went to the town of So-kol in the Volo-god region. Studied at the school of factory-riche-no-za-vod-training, where he learned the specialty of mo-to-ri-sta-di-ze -li-hundred, elek-tro-mon-teo-ra.

In 1952-1955 he went to the service-bu in Les Ning-gra-de. In the ga-ze-te Le-ning-grad-sko-go-en-no-go okrug were published his first sti-khi “On the same Ro -di-ny ". After the army, he ra-bo-tal at the go-ro-de Mo-lo-to-ve (now Perm).

In 1956, he was ver-zero on the ro-di-well, and became a co-work-no-one ha-ze-you "Kom-mu-nar". Along with-ve-tu pi-sa-te-la-zem-la-ka Alek-sandra Yashi-na sent sti-hi to Li-te-ra-round institute-here im. A.M. Gorky, and passed the creative competition.

In 1958, the first sec-re-ta-rem Grya-zo-vets-to-go paradise-to-ma com-so-mo-la was taken out. But, not pro-work-bo-tav and, yes, he gave a statement about ear-de in connection with the call for study at the institute. For five years I have blessed you by the ray of li-te-ra-round-no-go ob-ra-zo-va-nia. At this time - in 1961, were you a collection of poetry "De-re-veen-ka my forest-naya" and the message "De-rev-nya Ber-dyay-ka ". In 1963 the book of rass-ska-zov "Znoy le-to" was published. In the same year he was admitted to the Union of pi-sa-te-lei of the USSR.

After the windows of the institute-tu-that returned to Vo-log-du, but the native tree-rev-nu was not forgotten. Zi-my came-ez-sting, for-tap-li-val the Russian stove, he lived like a long-gu, here he wrote a book. Ge-ro-em his ras-ska-call most of all there was a resident of the north si-bir de-rev-no, tru-to-lo-bi-vy, zhi-woo -she is in agreement with the nature. Russian living speech, everyday life, way of de-Vienna life.

The news brought him the message "Pri-vych-noe de-lo", published in 1966. Its main hero, cross-stya-nin Ivan Af-ri-ka-no-vich, go through the war-well, a simple sol-da-tom, lives in his native north noah de-jealous. His understanding of life, he speaks out in words: “Good luck. And everything is good, everything is fine. Okay, what is ro-dyl-sya, okay, what is the child ro-dyl. Live, it is, live. " According to the announcement of the approval-di-la behind him, the rep-po-ta-tion of one of the ro-do-na-chal-nikov and li-de-rov “de-re-vien- Shl ". The rep-poo-ta-tsion was-la-simpl-che-to-go-home according to the "Carnal races."

“Okay. Essays on the people-native es-te-ti-ke "(1979-1981). The main theme is the people-native culture, folk-lore, everyday life and hu-do-zhiv-otstvennye pro-thoughts de-re-ven of Russia.

The cycle "Vos-pi-ta-nie according to the doc-to-ru Spo-ku" criti-ku-et city life.

About the life of the northern de-rev-no in the West-woo-yut roman-ny "Ka-nu-ny (the end of the 20s)", "Go -dy pe-re-lo-ma "," The Sixth Hour ", connected by one plot line.

Creativity of Be-lo-va from the me-che-but of the State Prize of the USSR, the order of the Tru-to-do-to-the-red me-ni, Or-de-nom Le-ni-na, Li-te-ra-round-noy pre-mi So-yu-for pi-sa-te-lei of Russia named after Lev Tol- hundred-th and Or-de-nom blah-go-ver-th-prince Da-ni-i-la Mos-kov-sko III step-ni, All-Russian-si-is -te-ra-round-noy pre-mi-her name Ak-sa-ko-va. In 2002, he was lied to Or-den Pre-like-add-no Ser-gy Ra-do-nezh-go III degree.

In 2003, the pi-sa-tel received the Or-den "For the service to the Fatherland" IV degree. In 2004, he was given the State Prize of the Russian Fe-de-ra-tion in the region-la-sty li-te-ra tours and art. In 2008, Belov was nominated for the order of the Po-Che-that “for his great contribution to the development of the fatherly-ian-noy-te-ra-tu -y and many-years-nyu-creative activity. ”In 1997, pi-sa-te-lyu was given the title Po- even-no citizen-da-no-on-go-ro-da Vo-log-dy.

In the Central Children's Library in the city of Vo-log-dy, April 26, 2005, there was a great opening -the Center-tra pi-sa-te-la V.I.Be-lo-va, on which there was a pi-sa-tel himself, a guest from the administrator stra-tion ob-la-sti and go-ro-da, pi-sa-te-li, hu-dog-ni-ki, bib-lio-te-ka-ri, chi-ta-te-li, children -skie creative kol-lek-ty-you. On the day of opening, the fund of the center made up you-sy-chu units of storage. In the Center of Be-lo-va, one hundred-yan-but, there are creative meetings with pi-sa-te-la-mi, or-ga-ni-zo-va- we are sacred lives and creativity pi-sa-te-la ex-kurs-sii for pre-school students and school students. He is one hundred-yang-but-half-nya-sya but-you-mi ma-te-ri-a-la-mi and ex-po-na-ta-mi, ras-shi-rya- ets chi-ta-tel audi-to-rya. In 2007, in the village of Ti-mo-ni-ha, a li-te-ra-round tour-rut ", Pre-zen-ta-tsion of ko-ro-go was-la-uro-che-na to 75-years-old yubi-leu pi-sa-te-la.

  • Mi-ne-ra-lov, Yu. I. Russia gla-z-mi Va-si-lia Be-lo-va [Text] / Yu. I. Mi-ne-ra-lov // Is-that -riya of the Russian ly-te-ra-tu-ry of the 90s of the twentieth century: Educational aid. - Moscow, 2004 .-- S. 51-56.
  • Va-li-ko-va, D. Vasi-liy Iva-no-vich Belov (born 1932) [Text] / D. Va-li-ko-va // I'm going to a lesson -ra-tu-ry. Modern Russian lit-te-ra-tu-ra 1970-1990: A book for a teacher. - Moscow, 2001 .-- S. 28-31.
  • Mel-ni-ko-va, A. Khro-ni-ka V. I. Be-lo-va [Text] // I'm going to the lesson of li-te-ra-tu-ry. Modern Russian lit-te-ra-tu-ra 1970-1990: A book for a teacher. - Moscow, 2001 .-- S. 219-229.
  • Tru-shin, O. "Ti-haya ro-di-na" Vasi-lia Be-lo-va [Text]: [about se-le Ti-mo-ni-he, little ro-dine rus -sko-go pi-sa-te-la Va-si-lia Be-lo-va] / O. Tru-shin // Children's Ro-man-ga-zeta. - 2015. - No. 4. - P. 23-25.
  • Fe-dyakin, S. Pri-vych-noe de-lo against the background of eternal [Text] / S. Fe-dyakin // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2007. - No. 20. - S. 4-5.
  • [Vasi-liy Iva-no-vich Be-lov] // Li-te-ra-tu-ra in school. - 2017. - No. 9. - pp. 2-14, 23-30, 31-35 Ko-resh-ko-va, O. "Ti-haya my ro-de-na ...: Lesson on the book of V.I. . White-va "Lad". 6-7 classes [Text] / O. Ko-resh-ko-va // Lessons-ki-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2010. - No. 7. - P. 7-11.
  • Sharalev, A. M. "He felt that there was a trouble": V. I. Belov "Skvor-tsy": ma-te-ri-al to lesson [Text] / A. M. Shuralev // Li-te-ra-tu-ra in school. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 39-40. Glu-sha-ko-va, P.S. nii: By the 70th anniversary of Va-si-lia Iva-no-vi-cha Be-lo-va [Text] / P. S. Glu-sha-ko-va // Beginning school ... - 2002. - No. 10. - S. 100-102.
  • Bon-da-ren-ko, M. A. Creativity Va-si-lia Be-lo-va in school [Text] / M. A. Bon-da-ren-ko // Lie- te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2002. - No. 9. - S. 32-38.
  • Pass-tu-ho-va, L.N. "We take it out, we are obliged to do it ourselves in the pain that the world has carried it ...": Chi-ta-tel -skaya conference on race-skaz V. I. Be-lo-va "Mal-chi-ki" [Text] / L. N. Pas-tu-ho-va // Uro- ki li-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2002. - No. 6. - S. 6-8.
  • Shi-ro-ko-va, L. V. In on-is-kah home. Li-te-ra-tur-naya kom-po-zi-tion [Text] / L. V. Shi-ro-ko-va // L. V. Shi-ro-ko-va // Chi-ta- eat, learn, play. Scenes for library-lyo-tech. - 2002. - No. 4. - S. 20-25.
  • Bon-da-ren-ko, M. A. Creativity Va-si-lia Be-lo-va in school: The message "Accidental de-lo" [Text] / M A. Bon-da-ren-ko // Li-te-ra-tu-ra in school. - 2001. - No. 6. - S. 42-46.

Mel-ni-ko-va, A. Khro-ni-ka Va-si-lia Be-lo-va "Ka-nu-ny" [Text] / A. Mel-ni-ko-va // Li-te -ra-to-ra. - 2000. - No. 34. - S. 2-3.

Bon-da-ren-ko, M. A. Creativity of Va-si-lia Be-lo-va in school VIII grade [Text] / M. A. Bon-da-ren-ko // Li-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2000. - No. 6. - S. 96-101.

October 31 (18) 115 years since the birth of Evgeny Andreevich Permyak (real name Vissov) (1902-1962), Soviet prose writer, children's writer

Ro-dyl-sya 31 (18) ok-tyab-rya 1902 in Per-mi, spent his childhood in Vot-kin-sk with his aunt. “G-dy, spent at my aunt-carcass at the Vot-kin -sky plant, - help-mi-nal pi-sa-tel, - you can call first-in-source-no-one of my childhood and adolescence ... In the March-the-nov-stove for a glance earlier than in primer. With that-by-rum, young-lo-tom, zu-bi-lom, with in-stru-men-ta-mi in-general, in a friend-lived-up to familiarity with the tab- the face of cleverness. " In Vot-kin-sk, he studied at the church-no-parish school, pro-gim-nazii and gim-nazii. Ev-ge-niy, in time of study, would have mastered five-re-mes-la-mi: hundred-lyar, sl-sar-ny, sa-pozh-nym, kuz-nech-ny and that-kar-nym. After school, ra-bo-tal kont-tor-schi-com at Ku-pinsk my-so-punk-te, at the Permian candy factory "Re-kord ". At the same time, pro-bo-val-sya in the quality of the public cor-re-spon-den-ta in the “Zvez-da” newspaper and "Red Pri-ka-mye" (Vot-kinsk). Their ras-ska-zy and sti-chi pod-pi-sy-shaft "Master Neprya-khin". Was re-zhis-ser-rom in a drum-circle with a work-more-than-klu-ba name of Tom-sko.

In 1923, he received a cor-re-spon-dent-bi-year in the name of Vis-so-va-Neprya-khi-na. In 1924, I went to the Perm University of the Universitet at the so-qi-al-no-eco-no-mi-che-de-de-le-nie pe-da- go-gi-che-go fa-cult-te-ta. In the student years for-not-a-little-a-club-work, actively participate in the or-ga-ni-zation-popular but at that time the circle of Live Te-at-ral-noy Ga-zeta (ZhGT).

After the windows of the university, the si-te-ta ne-re-went to Moscow, and became a drama-tour-gom. His plays "Les shu-mit" (1937) and "Pe-re-kat" (1939) were performed in all the countries of the country. During the Great Patriotic War, together with the Moskovski li-te-ra-to-ra-mi he lived in Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg). At that time, Ev-he-niy Viss-sov, out of love, to the native land, changed the fa-mi-lia to Per-myak. Sverdlovsk pi-sa-tel-skuyu or-ga-ni-zation of the head-lal Pa-Vel Pet-ro-vich Ba-zhov. Ev-he-niy Per-myak was often his guest.

In 1942, the book “Er-ma-co-you le-be-di. Ge-ro-and-che-representation in 4 acts of Ev-genia Per-me-ka according to one-named ska-zu P. Ba-zho-va about Er-ma-ke Ti-mo-fe-e-vi-che, his brave esa-u-lah, faithful neve-st Ale-nush-ke and about ve-li- com go-su-da-re Ivane Va-si-le-vi-che. " Then the same appeared for-we-sat down the book "Who to be". Book-ha-one-hundred-a-la of 12 plot-but-over-top chapters (tet-ra-dey), in-my-ha-yu-shih to the young-mu chi-ta-te - I want to know what kind of "work" and ras-say-zy-va-yu-sih about profes-si-yah. Kni-ga pol-zo-wa-l had great success with the soviet chi-ta-te-lei, and was-la pe-re-ve-de-na in many languages peoples of the USSR, including on ko-mi-per-myats-kiy.

Not less in-te-res-were-whether for children in-uch-but-in-popular books: collection-nickname of tales “De-dush-ki-na-ko-pyl -ka "and" The Tale of Gas "(1957)," From Ko-st-ra to the cauldron "and" Tale about the country Ter-ra-Fer-ro "(1959)," Za-mok without a key -cha "(1962); pub-li-ci-sti-ch-ch-ch-gi on eco-no-mi-ch-sk and poly-li-te-ch-we-we: “About se-mi b-g-ty-ryah "(1960)," Az-bu-ka our life "(1963). Books on-ka-zy-va-whether the value of labor, the need-need for adherence to it from childhood. At the same time, fan-ta-ziya and you-dum-ka Per-me-ka-ka-close-zia-na to real life. Ge-roi pro-of-ve-de-nii do not seek help from magic forces, the main magic is work and knowledge.

The next book Per-me-ka - "One thief without obi-ny-kov" (1977) - in-saintly-on-the-mice-le-ni-yam about the live life.

  • Ko-val-chuk, T. Za-ni-ma-tel-naya game [Text]: [life and work of children's pi-sa-te-la E. A. Per- me-ka] / T. Ko-wal-chuk // Holiday at school. - 2017. - No. 8 (August-August). - S. 117-127.
  • Per-myak, E. How Ma-sha became big: [story-tale] [Text]: [for reading and discussion with children] / E. Per-myak // Do-school-le-nok. - 2016. - No. 2. - P. 8.
  • Bo-ri-so-va, A.S. "... s-s-eat as-s-pok ... s-reap ha-rak-ter ..." ): moral values ​​in pro-z E. Per-me-ka [Text]: [scene-na-riy me-ro-pri-i-tiya on the creativity of childhood sko pi-sa-te-la E. Per-me-ka] / A. S. Bo-ri-so-va // Books, notes and ig-rush-ki for Ka-tyush- ki and an-dryush-ki. - 2015. - No. 7. - P. 36-38.
  • Mi-ro-no-va, N. What are they - my ro-di-te-li? [Text]: the image of the family in the Russian li-te-ra-tu-re of the XX century: hear-sha-em, make sense of-if-va-em, discuss-judge-yes-em: [about za-nya-ty-yah with children under-go-to-see-tel-noy to the school group for creativity E. Per-me-ka and I. Di-ka, before -la-ha-yut-Xia vo-pro-sy for discussion] / N. Mi-ro-no-va // Pre-school education. - 2013. - No. 5. - S. 67-71.
  • Glu-bo-kov-sky, M.V. [Text]: to the 110th anniversary of the birth of E. Per-me-ka / M. V. Glu-bo-kov-skikh // Books, notes and ig-rush- ki for Ka-tyush-ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2012. - No. 11. - S. - 19-21.
  • Shai-hul-l-na, G.R. Per-my-kov-sky readings [Text] / GR Shai-hul-l-na // Chi-ta-em, we study, we play. - 2002. - No. 4. - S. 13-17.



3 - 125 years since the birth of Tolkien (Tolkien) (1892-1973), English writer, philosopher, historian of language, author of fairy tales "The Hobbit", "The Lord of the Rings".

6 - 145 years since the birth of A.N. Skryabin (1872-1915), Russian composer

15 - 395 years since the birth of Moliere (Jean Baptiste Poclein) (1622-1673), French playwright, creator of the genre of the so-called high comedy .

18-135 years since the birth of Alan Alexander Milne (1882-1956), English humorist, playwright, classic of English children's literature.

23-185 years since the birth of Edouard Monet (1832-1883), French impressionist painter.

24 - 285 years since the birth of Auguste Caron de Beaumarchais (1732-1799), French playwright.

27-185 years since the birth of Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), English writer, professor of mathematics at Oxford University.

28 - 120 years since the birth of V.P. Kataev (1897-1986), Russian writer.


7 - 205 years since the birth of Charles Dickens (1812-1870), a classic of English literature.

10 - Day of memory of A.S. Pushkin. 180 years from the date of death (1799-1837).

20 - 165 years since the birth of N. Garin (N. G. Mikhailovsky) (1852-1906), Russian writer.

26-215 years since the birth of Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer.


15 - 80 years since the birth of V.G. Rasputin (1937), Russian writer.

31 - 135 years since the birth of K.I. Chukovsky (1882-1969), Russian writer, critic, literary critic.


10 -80 years since the birth of B.A. Akhmadulina (1937), Russian poet.

April 10th - 200 years from the birthday of the Russian writer, publicist Konstantin Sergeevich Aksakov (1817-1860)

12 - 90 years since the birth of Harper Lee (1927), American writer.

19 - 115 years since the birth of V.A. Kaverin (1902-1989), Russian writer.

22 - 110 years since the birth of I.A. Efremov (1907-1972), Russian science fiction writer.

28-110 years since the birth of Z.I. Voskresenskaya (1907-1992), Russian writer.

13 -80 years old Roger Zelazny (Zelazny) (1937), American novelist, one of the leading authors of science fiction in the United States.

16 - 130 years since the birth of Igor Severyanin (1887-1941), Russian modernist poet, translator, memoirist.

22-145 years since the birth of Teffi (N.A. Lokhvitskaya) (1872-1952), poetess, writer of the Russian diaspora.

28 - 140 years since the birth of M.A. Voloshin (1877-1932), Russian poet, critic, artist.

29-230 years since the birth of K.N.Batyushkov (1787-1855), Russian poet-lyric poet, representative of sentimentalism.

29 - 120 years since the birth of I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov (1892-1975), Russian writer.

31-125 years since the birth of K.G. Paustovsky (1892-1968), Russian writer.


1 - 85 years since the birth of B.A. Mozhaev (1932-1996), Russian writer, publicist.

15 - 150 years since the birth of K.D. Balmont (1867-1942), Russian poet, critic, representative of Symbolism in Russian poetry.

18-205 years since the birth of I.A. Goncharov (1812-1891), Russian writer.

20 - 85 years since the birth of R. I. Rozhdestvensky (1932-1994) Russian poet.

21 - 220 years since the birth of V.K. Kuchelbecker (1797-1846), Russian poet, friend of A.S. Pushkin.

28 - 305 years since the birth of Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), French writer and philosopher of the Enlightenment, a representative of sentimentalism.


1 - 110 years since the birth of VT Shalamov (1907-1982), Russian writer, poet, author of "Kolyma stories".

24 - 215 years since the birth of Alexandre Dumas (father) (1802 - 1870), French writer


8 - 90 years since the birth of Yu.P. Kazakov (1927-1982), Russian writer.

20 - 85 years since the birth of V.P. Aksenov (1932-2009), Russian writer.


5 - 200 years since the birth of AK Tolstoy (1817-1875), Russian poet, writer, playwright, author of the historical novel "Prince Silver".

10 - 110 years since the birth of V.I. Nemtsov (1907-1993), Russian science fiction writer.

11-135 years since the birth of B.S. Zhitkov (1882-1938), Russian children's writer.

21 - 70 years since the birth (1947) of Stephen King, American writer.


1 - 105 years since the birth of LN Gumilyov (1912 - 1992), Russian historian, geographer, author of the work "Ethnogenesis and the biosphere of the Earth".

8 - 125 years since the birth of M.I. Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), Russian poetess.

9 - 470 years since the birth of M. Cervantes (1547-1616), Spanish writer of the Renaissance.

31 - 115 years since the birth of E. A. Permyak (1902-1982), Russian writer.


3 -130 years since the birth of S.Ya. Marshak (1887-1964), Russian poet, translator, classic of children's literature.

6 - 165 years since the birth of D. N. Mamin - Sibiryak (1852-1912), Russian writer.

14-110 years since the birth of Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002), a famous Swedish writer, author of 87 books, translated into 76 languages ​​of the world.

22 - 50 years since the birth of V.O. Pelevin (1967), Russian writer.

29 - 215 years since the birth of Wilhelm Hauff (1802-1827), German writer and storyteller.

30 - 350 years since the birth of Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), English satirist.


13 - 220 years since the birth of Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), German poet and prose writer.

13 - 115 years since the birth of Evgeny Petrov (E.P. Kataev) (1902-1942), a Russian writer, co-authored with I. Ilf.

22 - 80 years since the birth (1937) of Eduard Uspensky, Russian writer, author of stories and stories for children.

31 - 280 years since the birth of Rudolf Erich Raspe (1737-1794), a German poet, historian, author of stories about Baron Munchausen.