List of interesting Ermitage exhibits. Hermitage masterpieces

List of interesting Ermitage exhibits. Hermitage masterpieces
List of interesting Ermitage exhibits. Hermitage masterpieces

- Well, drove where for the weekend?
- Yes, in St. Petersburg was.
- Walked to Hermitage?

It looks like this dialogue with friends familiar, isn't it? :) and not in vain ...
- The largest artistic and historical and cultural museum of the world! The date of the foundation is considered to be 1764, when Catherine Great acquired a collection of 255 paintings in Berlin. To date, the Hermitage has about 3 million exhibits and displays culture and art. different countries and nations. It is said that if you spend 1 minute to spend an inspection of one exhibit, then you will need to study 11 years.

The main building of the Hermitage - Winter Palace Decorate main staircaseNamed Jordanian. Got such a name, because on her during the holiday of baptism descended procession To the Neve, where the burger was cut down to consecrate the water, the so-called Jordan. Previously, the staircase was called the Embassy.
It takes the space of the entire height of the building.

Plafond "Olymp" is a picturesque illustration of 200 square meters.

Rising to the second floor we get into Feldmarshal Hall. A luxury chandelier rushes into the eyes. In common, portraits of Russian Feldmarshals are placed than and the name of the hall is explained.

Petrovsky (Small Trone) Hall. Dedicated to Peter I.

In a niche designed in the form triumphal Arc. There is a throne, and above it - a picture "Peter I with the Goddess of Misdom Minerva".

Herbal Hall It was intended for solemn receptions. One of the largest edge facilities of the Hermitage. In the center of the hall there is a bowl of Aventurine.

At the entrance to the hall is the sculptures of ancient Russian warriors with banners.

The hall surrounds the colonnade, carrying a balcony with balustrade

Karl Rossi was created in honor of the victory of the Russian Empire over Napoleonic France.

On the walls of the gallery, 332 portraits of generals were posted, which participated in the war of 1812 and foreign campaigns of 1813-1814. The authors of the paintings are George Dow, Poles and Golike. In the center - a large portrait of Alexander I riding a horse, written by the Berlin court artist Kruger.

Left portrait of Kutuzov in full growth.

Georgievsky Hall or Large Timing Hall. Official ceremonies and techniques were held here. Above the throne place is the bas-relief "Georgy Victorious, striking the dragon's spear."

The large imperial throne was executed in London on the order of Anna John.

Crossing into a small Hermitage go to Pavilion Hall. In the performance of the interior are connected various architectural styles: Antiquity, Renaissance and East motifs.
Marble columns are striving to go to the stucco lace in the Golden Cut, where gilded chandeliers hang out.

Four marble fountains - copies of "Fountain of Tears" in Bakhchisarai Palace , decorate the walls of the hall.

Reduced by twice a copy of the Roman mosaic found during the excavations of the term in 1780 in the city of Okrikulum. Here are the characters antique mythology: In the center of the head of the Gorgon-Jellyfish, the God of Neptune and the habitat of his maritime kingdom, fighting Lapiph and Centaur.

Gilded clock.


The main attraction of the pavilion hall is the watch "Peacock". Printed their prince Potemkin for Empress Catherine. The author of the machine was James Cox - the Jeweler's famous in those year and the inventor of complex mechanisms. Brought in St. Petersburg hours disassembled. Collected their Russian master Ivan Kulibin. An important feature These watches are that they still work: Owl is knocked heads, chlorides eyes and with the help of bells, which are fixed on her cell, the melody is playing, Peacock disrupts the tail and puts the audience, and the rooster is quacket. All figures move as alive.

Hanging garden Before the pavilion hall. Let me remind you that we are on the second floor.

On the Soviet stairs. The name is explained by the fact that the first floor there were premises of the State Council. On the top platform there is a malachite vase created in mid XIX. century in Yekaterinburg.

Rembrandt Hall. In the photo, the painting "Dana", written in motifs ancient Greek myth. God Zeus In the form of golden rain, Danae, who was imprisoned, after which she gave birth to Persea.
At this picture in 1985 an attempt was made. A man poured over her sulfuric acid and cut the picture twice with a knife. The attacker explained his act with political motives, but the court admitted him to the soul and placed in a psychiatric hospital.

Big Italian Light. The hall presents the exposition of Italian painting XVII-XVIII centuries.

Element of countertops from low-hectic XIX century.


The sculpture "death of Adonis." Based on the ancient Roman poem "Metamorphosis".

Maitolika hall.

One of the two masterpieces of the hall is the picture of Raphael "Madonna Concreate", written in 1504.

Knightly - One of the large front interiors of small Hermitage. The richest weapon collection is presented here, there are about 15 thousand items.

Main staircase New Hermitage.

Panther B. hall of Dionysuswhich was created for the exhibition ancient sculpture.

Aphrodite - the goddess of beauty and love (Venus Taurishetic) II century. It was found when excavation in Rome at the beginning of the XVIII century. And brought it to St. Petersburg Peter I. The sculpture was decorated with the Tauride Palace, from where the name went.

Hall of Jupiter.
Sarcophag "marriage ceremony". On all the walls of the marble roman sarcophagus depicts embossed figures that reveal the plots of weddings, hunting and life. And the lid is dedicated to the gods of Olympus.

Statue of Jupiter, end of the i century. It is one of the largest antique sculptures preserved in the museums of the world. In the height it is 3.5 meters.
In the right hand, Jupiter holds the figure of Victoria - the goddess of Victory.

Hall of large vase. Locked with a stucco decor, the hall is decorated with arched loggias and columns from white marble. Even before facing the walls, an artificial marble was established by a Kolyvan vase from a jasper with a height of more than 2.5 m. And weighing 19 t. Work on its creation, due to its huge size, was carried out right on the quarry of the whole 12 years. In 1843, the VAZ was completed. It was brought to Petersburg first on land, where there were up to 160 horses in the harness, then 770 people worked on the installation to the hall.

Hall of Ancient Egypt. It was created in 1940, on the site of the buffet Winter Palace. The name of the hall speaks for itself: the exposition is presented here dedicated Ancient Egypt, covering the period from IV thousand to our era before the turn of our era.

Bas-relief in the corridor between the halls.

Twenty-column gym. Two rows of monolithic columns from Serdobolsky granite divide it into three parts. The painting of walls and mosaic floor is made in the style of ancient tradition. In the hall there is a collection of art Ancient Italy The end of the IX - II B. BC.

IN Big Dvor The winter palace is exposed to the sculpture of the "Snow Tower" - the image of a boy on the crutches carrying a house on the back, whose belt is choking him. The author Enrique Martinez Selaya says that the main theme is an "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe loss of children's ability to perceive the brilliance of the surrounding world and the appearance of spiritual lightness, which is always accompanied by disappointment"Also in sculpture reveals an emigrant theme.


Oh no, one time goes to the Hermitage is not completely insufficient! After the first visit, it is created only general concept Museum devices. It seems to me that Hermitage is like "War and Peace" - the book that you need to read several times in different ageto appear every time new meaning. Only go to this museum of global scale is needed much more often and every time to discover something new!

State Hermitage She took the first line of the rating of the best museums of Europe, which was a popular tourist portal TripAdvisor. The list was formed on the basis of reviews and reviews of 509 cultural institutions World. In Rating, Hermitage bypassed the Orsay Museum in Paris and the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence.

To date, the collection of the museum has about three million works of art and monuments of world culture, starting from the Stone Age to our century. In order not to get lost in such a "treasury", the site was three routes - for an hour, three hours and all day - which will help tourists not to get lost in the halls of the best museum of Europe.

Express: Hermitage per hour

It is impossible to bypass all the halls of the modern Hermitage for an hour, even if you run, without looking around and not stopping at pictures and sculptures. However, sometimes visitors to the museum post such a task - most often it is guests Northern capitalWith which in a couple of days you need to go to Peterhof, and at the theater to go, and on the Neva on the boat ride.

Restricted in one hour, you will have to deny yourself the pleasure of a slow walk. To easier to navigate in the corridors and halls, you can download the official app of the museum on the smartphone - so you can move freely without a sightseeing group.

If you have at all small quantity Time, it is best to choose a few brightest exhibits and pave the optimal route with one of the information and reference kiosks - the machine itself will select the shortest path between the selected points and gives you a printed map with text navigation. Here are the most popular museum exhibits.

"Madonna Litta"

"Madonna Litta" - a picture on which tourists from around the world come on. Photo:

One of the two paintings by Leonardo da Vinci in the Hermitage. Exposed in the Hall da Vinci on the second floor. "Madonna and Baby (Madonna Litta)" was written in 1490-1491 in Milan. One of the masterpieces of Renaissance. The picture entered the Hermitage in 1865 from the Assembly of the Duke Antonio Litta in Milan. Preparatory drawing Hermitage canvas stored in the Louvre.

"Madonna Benua"

Madonna Benua is also known as "Madonna with a flower". Photo:

The second masterpiece Leonardo in the Hermitage Collection. The painting "Madonna with a flower" entered the meeting from the Beno'a family, with which its commodity name is connected. Written in 1478, she became one of the first independent works of the young da Vinci. In one of the neighboring rooms, you can admire the famous "Danay" of Titian.

"Return of the Prodigal Son"

Rembrandt often used biblical and mythological scenes. Photo:

The picture is stored in the Rembrandt Hall along with 23 other cloths of the Great Dutch Master. The canvas dates back to 1668-1669 and tells about the evangelical parable. This plot artist has used more than once, and the Hermitage picture wrote shortly before death. Also in this room on the second floor of the Winter Palace you can see other webs: "Flora" (1634), "Dana" (1636), "Abraham Sacrifice" (1635) and "Removing from the Cross" (1634).


"Vakh" is one of the paintings by which the expression "Rubensovsky forms" appeared. Photo: Creative Commons

FROM dutch painter Against the masters of Flanders, and one of the most famous - Peter Paul Rubens. In the Hermitage Collection, 22 paintings and 19 sketches made by the artist are stored. All familiar "VAKH" dates back to 1638-1640 and entered the museum in 1772 from the Pierre Croze collection in Paris. With "Vakhoma" next to you will see the paintings of the Earth and Water Union (1618), "Perseus and Andromeda" (beginning of the 1620s) and "Country Agricts" (about 1620).

Three hours and three million

In the State Hermitage more than three million exhibits - in order to thoughtfully see them all, it will be necessary to walk not one month and drive around not one building. Therefore, even having in stock three hours for a free visit to the Hermitage, it is better to think over the items in advance, mandatory for visiting. It is easiest to choose one of the floors - it will correspond to him historic period. A short route through the chairs will help pave all the same information and reference kiosk.

There is another option - choose the most interesting collection and focus on it. As a rule, after the halls of Da Vinci and Rembrandt, most of all wishing - at the entrance to the Hermitage Gallery of Jewels. True, there you can get only with the excursion group.

The jewelry gallery was named as even with Catherine Great. It consists of gold and diamond pantry.

Golden pantry includes about one and a half thousand gold items from Eurasia, ancient Black Sea and East, manufactured from the VII century. BC. by the XIX century AD Here are the most interesting of them:

Pretty bluff in the form of a deer figure (about 600 BC)

Animalistic motifs are characteristic of Scythian art. Photo: Creaitve Commons / Sailko

Refers to the Collection of Gold Scythians. Detected in the village of Kostroma during the excavations of the Kostroma Kurgan. At the heart of the collection - finds from Kurganov Kubanja, Pometros, Crimea. Another pearl of the collection, which entered all history textbooks is a gold comb with the image of fighting warriors (the end of V - the beginning of the IV centuries. BC), found in the Kurgan of Solokha in Dneprovye.

The king's burial mask (III century) - One of the brightest exhibits of the Golden Storeroom Greek Hall. It was discovered in Kerch, in the necropolis of Pantika. There are also a couple of Golden Seryg with figure of Artemis (325-300. BC), horn with a tip in the form of a dog semi-phigure (middle V c. BC), Diadem with a heraklov node (II century to AD) and much more.

Also in the "Golden Storeroom" you can see the masterpieces of the Gunnian jewelry art of the times of the great resettlement of peoples (decorating clothes and head remove, the decoration of horse gear), luxurious utensils, vessels, the weapon of the East.

The second part of the gallery is "Diamond Storeroom" - is devoted to the development of jewelry. Here are decorations from Byzantium, Kievan Rus and medieval Europecreated from the III millennium BC until the beginning of the 20th century. In particular, the items created by European jewelers in the XVI-XVII centuries and the XVIII-XIX centuries, and, finally, the work of St. Petersburg jewelers - items from everyday life imperial family. In the assembly of the pantry, monuments of church art are kept, diplomatic gifts to the Russian court, products of the legendary company Karl Faberge.

Bouquet of flowers (1740), Master Jeremiah Pozone. Yashma, agate, tiger eye, flint, almadine, beryl, turquoise, coral, opal, kerunda, aquamarins, topaz, amethyst, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds. Mentioned among things Catherine II.

The precious bouquet was pounding to the corset. Photo: Creative Commons / Shakko

Day in winter

To spend all day in the Hermitage - a fairly common practice among tourists traveling outside the group and ready to freely dispose of time. Petersburgers so generously refer to their time less often, but the 250th anniversary of the Great Museum can be an additional incentive to devote a whole day with the favorite works of art.

You can start from the first floor - the Egyptian gods, sarcophages and vases are waiting for you there, history Antique World And the mummy of the Scythian leader.

The Egyptian hall is one of the favorite places in the excursions from schoolchildren. Photo: Creative Commons / Thomas Ault

Then, in the Jordanian stairs, you can climb the Feldmarsh Hall and wrap in the portrait gallery of the Romanovs. Next - Malachite Hall, Library of Nicholas II and the exposition "Russian interior of the XIX - early twentieth centuries."

In the southeastern part of the second floor, inspected the white hall, you can go upstairs to see the work of West european artists XIX-XX centuries and separately - about 250 canvases french impressionists. Here you are waiting for seven paintings of Claude Monet - from "Ladies in the garden" (1867) to the "Bridge of Waterloo" (1903), two Parisian species Pissaro, three scenery sisty, pastels degi. Here - Cezanne and Gaugugen, Van Gogh and 37 Women of Henri Matisse, among which "dance" and "music" (both 1910). Nearby - 31 Picasso painting, from an early "absinthe lover" (1901) to "Women with Fan" (1908).

Hermitage presented 37 Walls of Henri Matisse. Photo: Creative Commons

After you can go down to the second floor again and go through the royal chairs for solemn techniques - the coat of arms, the gallery of 1812 and the St. George Hall. Then you can visit the Small Hermitage and at the end of the day, when the flow of visitors from the most popular halls will come, reach the legendary Titian, da Vinci, Rafael and Rembrandt. For goodbye, you can go down to the halls of Greek and Roman art.

What places tourists visit most often, arriving in St. Petersburg? Hermitage, Kunstkamera and Cruiser "Aurora".

What is the Hermitage unique?

This is the world's largest artistic and cultural museum. It is also known and popular as Louvre, British museum and Metropolitan Museum. State Hermitage stores 3 million exhibits, of which only 15 thousand numbers are numbered. It is estimated that if you pay for each museum exhibit just 1 minute, then to view all the collections of the Hermitage, it will take ... 8 years! And this is given only permanent exposures, but not temporary exhibitions. Hermitage also organizes a dozen of such. And the length of all corridors is 20 km. But the main highlight of this museum is not across and not in the number of stored historical items, but in the fact that there are originals of many masterpieces of world painting and other types of art.

Where is?

Museum location - on Palace Embankment. State Hermitage is a complex of five buildings (Winter Palace, New Hermitage, Big Hermitage, Small Hermitage and Hermitia Theater.). The main entrance is located at: 2.


State Hermitage is ready to accept visitors from Tuesday to Sunday, starting from 10.30. End of work - 18.00, but on Wednesday - 21.00. Weekend - Monday. But attention: cash registers stop selling tickets per hour before closing. It is better to plan a hike on the Hermitage on the clock to lunch and in - people less. But at the weekend, sometimes you need to simultane in line at about an hour.

Ticket price

Tickets to Hermitage relative to inexpensive. For citizens of Russia, the price will be 100 r., Pensioners, students and children - for free. Foreigners will have to pay 350 p. But every first Thursday of the month is a free day for everyone.

History of creation

In 1764, Catherine The second acquired 225 paintings from the collection of the German merchant Johanna Gotkovsky. This selection was intended for the King of Prussia Friedrich second, but due to financial problems he could not buy it. An enterprising merchant suggested this to make the Russian Empress, and she agreed without hesitation, in order to shine to the German monarch. Since Gotskovsky did not possess deep knowledge in the field of art, then the collection includes paintings rather mediocre (compared to those that came later). Mostly it was the works of the hands of Dutch and Flemish masters, as well as some work. italian artists XVII century But among them it should be noted the works of Hals and the wall.

This year (1764th) is considered the year of the founding of the Hermitage, although the museum in contemporary concept This word was not yet. Five years later, the following acquisition occurred: 600 caved private collection Graph von Brunel. There were the most valuable exhibits: "Portrait of an old man in red" Rembrandt, "Perseus and Andromeda" Rubens and others.

Another 400 paintings were purchased from the French collector Pierre Croze. Thus, in St. Petersburg, "Judith" Georgeon, "Dana" Titian, "Portrait of Camerics Infanta Isabella" Rubens, "Self-portrait" Wang Dequean.

For Catherine, the acquisition of masterpieces of world painting was primarily a political gesture to show that the Russian Empire is a developed and uncountable country that can afford such a luxury. In 1774, there were 2080 paintings in possession of the empress, but there was no total access to them. By this period, the famous phrase of Catherine is about that only she and mice admires. Although later access to the gallery was opened, but according to special permissions.

Later, the Hermitage received values \u200b\u200bexported from the mansions of nobility and other royal palaces. The museum was replenished with private collections of Yusupova, Stroganov, Sheremetyev. Also other institutions have passed their exhibits as a gift Эрмите.

Collection of painting

Thanks to the exhibits of the Hermitage, you can trace the history of world painting and watch how the art of England, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Italy, France and other countries has developed. For example, 7,000 paintings are represented in the meeting only European artists, starting with Middle Ages and ending with the past century. Besides permanent expositionsThere are also temporary exhibitions. Hermitage carefully monitors the safety of valuable cultural heritage The past, so some samples are open to wide access only a few weeks per year with the purpose of their savings.

Hall western European art Decorated in chronological and geographical principle, that is, in one collected works by the painters of a particular country throughout the specific period of time. For example, gallery italian painting The XIII-XVIII centuries can boast such masterpieces as "the Annunciation" of Madonna Benouua and "Madonna Litta" Leonardo da Vinci, " Holy Family"Raphael.

The exposition of the Flemish Flat Art of the XVII-XVIII Victory Art is very rich. The pride of the collection is 32 pictures of Rubens ("Union of Earth and Water", "Vakch" and large monumental-decorative cycles), 24 works of his student Wang-Dyak ("Self-portrait").

In the Gallery of the Spanish Painting of the XV - the beginning of the XVIII century, El Greco and Paul's canvas are kept), Velasqueza ("Breakfast"), de Goya ("Portrait of an Anthony Actress Sarat"). You can observe the development of gothic and realistic trends, as well as Caravagism.

An exceptionally richly rich collection of paintings (about 1000) dutch artists, including early and late Rembrandt.

So widely, as in the Hermitage, English painting is shown except in the Britain itself. Of great interest are the work of the court portraits. One of the world famous canvases It is the "Portrait of the Lady in the Blue" Thomas Gainesboro.

IN exhibition Hall Painting France XV-XVIII centuries The most important place is occupied by the work of the brush of classicist Nikola Poussin. A meeting of works of the second halves XIX. - The twentieth century is considered to be one of the best in the world. There is I. famous impressionist Monet ("Lady in the Garden", and Renoir ("Girl with Fan"), and Degi ("Square of Concord"). Pride of this collection - 38 Originals Matisse and 31 - Picasso.

In the hall german art Masters of the Berlin and Munich schools are highlighted. Also attract attention battle canvasDeeds Patriotic War 1812 and works by Friedrich in the style of romanticism.

Recently, the State Hermitage acquired this one of the most famous works of Russian art of the last century.

What is the conclusion? You can still tell about and about architectural monumentsand about the sculpture of the Hermitage. But reading about much less exciting than enjoying the beautiful person. Therefore, it is necessary to go without thinking and buy tickets to the Hermitage for the whole family. Will be informative.

Hermitage arose as a private assembly of Empress Catherine II, but over time, when the number of masterpieces increased, became the museum in the full sense of the word. The portal "Zagranitsa" remembered 10 significant exhibits that should be seen by walking through the halls of the famous museum


Petersburg is a global record holder in the number of mummified corpses. So, the most famous mummy - The body of the ancient Egyptian priest Pa-Da-Ista. This exhibit is located in Egyptian Hall, under a special glass case, as it is impossible to get air to the dome.

The legend is connected with the mummy: one of the climers of the hall told about the fact that a few days before the new moon, in the spring of 2004, on the left shoulder Pa-di-Ista began to twitch muscle. After a couple of days, the magnitude of walnutwhich started to "move" on the hand up and down. A week later, everything stopped - the tumor disappeared by itself. True, this or a lie - to solve you.

Pa-di-East is not the only mummified dead man in the Hermitage. In total, there are no less than five.

Photo: 2

"Madonna Benua"

This beautiful picture Called K. early work Leonardo da Vinci: It was written in the 1460-1470s. Despite the many guesses and legends on the origin of Madonna with a flower, the story of how she fell into Russia is simple: Maria Benouua, in the Maiden Sapozhnikov, received a picture of her father inheritance.

This work has become one of the key works of the master and the sample for the painters of the time: Da Vinci wrote a masterpiece oil colors - And according to his example, other artists began to use them.


"Madonna Litta"

Next to " Madonna Benois"The Hermitage is kept" Madonna Litt ", which the museum bought in the 1860s from the Italian family of Litta in the 1860s. It is believed that the author of the painting is also Leonardo da Vinci: a sketch of a female head is stored in the museum. But some art historians doubt the authorship of the Great Artist. There is an assumption that some of the paintings wrote someone from his students.

Photo: 4

Watch "Peacock"

This is a surprisingly excellent mechanical device invented James Cox and Friedrich Yuri. It fell to Russia thanks to Potemkin: he acquired a clock as a gift Catherine II. Unfortunately, the favorite of the Empress did not know if she liked her gift, as she died before the clock was delivered.

At first, the clock was exhibited in the Tauride Palace, and then transported to the winter where they are stored so far. The famous Kulibin repaired them twice (during the transportation part of the details were damaged). But in general, the unique clock was survived to this day unchanged: this is the only well-known major mechanical device of the 18th century, which has not yet been failed.

Photo: 5

"Dana" Rembrandt

Rembrandt painted immediately from two women: the first prototype of the heroine was the wife, Saskovia Van Eilenbühur, and the second is the mistress of Hergete Dirks, with which the artist contacted the Spouse's death. The picture shows the moment of the ancient Greek myth when Zeus snuck into Danae in the form of a golden rain.

In Russia, "Dana" fell in 1772, when Ekaterina II bought it. Two hundred years later, it happened with this picture known Akt. Museum vandalism: Lithuanian bronus Maigis poured it with sulfuric acid and damaged twice with a knife. As Maigis admitted later, this action was completely in political reasons.

Despite the fact that 27% of the canvas were damaged, the picture was fully restored. Since 1997, she has been in the Holland and Flanders Painting Hall, under Around Glass.

Photo: 6

"Return of the Prodigal Son" Rembrandt

Over this work, the artist worked for a very long time: the first sketches appeared in the 1630-1640s, and it was ready only to 1660. But such tremendous efforts were worth it, because the picture became one of the most famous masters in the work.

Photo: 7

"Lady in Blue" Gainesboro

It is believed that the author painted a portrait with Elizabeth Beaufort, the daughter of Admiral Boscowan. The work became a business card of the artist, it is rightly called one of best portraits Baroque era: sophisticated beauty, soft transitions of halftone, elegance and grace - all this is present in the picture. In Hermitage, she fell from Jerman Hitrovo in 1912. On the this moment This is the only work of Gainesboro in Russian museums.

Photo: 8

"Dance" Matisse

Sergei Schukin, who ordered this picture for his Moscow mansion, was called the "collector of any rubble" and not dismantling in the art of man. The author himself is Henri Matisse - the public and critics also did not spare. Now the "dance" is considered one of the greatest works Modernism.

Photo: 9

"Eternal Spring" Rodin

The sculpture was part of the composition of the "Gate of hell" and for a long time was located at the main doors of the French Museum of Decorative and Applied Art. Roden decided to repeat the part of his work by completing it in the same style. Part of the marble block for sculpture The author specially left unprocessed to give the composition a greater naturalness.


"Composition VI" Kandinsky

One of the main Russian avant-gardeists of the beginning of the 20th century, whose canvases hang in best museums The world, exhibit in the Winter Palace, emphasizing its importance for the history of world modernism. In the Hermitage there is a whole hall, dedicated to creativity Kandinsky. The main cloth - "Composition VI": bright, written by smearing strokes, perfectly reflecting the rapid beginning of the 20th century.


Walk through the halls of the Hermitage. Escape 7.

Palace Square

Five buildings related to each other on the Palace Embankment make up the Hermitage Museum Complex:

Torso Aphrodites.Rimskaya work.II century.

Eros, pulling onions

The Battle of Hercules with Nemoy Lvom. Roman copy of the original Lisippa work.

Ukhtomsky, Konstantin Andreevich - Types of the halls of the new Hermitage. Hall of IV library

Hall of Culture and Art of the Ellinism Age

Ukhtomsky. Wishes of the halls of the new Hermitage. The Hall of Antiquities of the Bospop KimmeriskiThis Hall of the New Hermitage Hall was originally intended for the antiquity of the Bospop Kimmerian. The walls and pylons of the hall are decorated with a kitty (artificial marble), the ceiling is painted with an ornamental pattern. The exposition presents works of sculpture (Roman repetitions from the Greek originals), small bronze and terracotta plastics, ceramics and jewelry art of the Ellinism (IV-I centuries. BC). Special attention deserves a collection of Tanagrian terracotta statuettes, as well as a part of the richest collection of carved stones, including the famous "Cameo Gonzag".

"Cameo Gonzag"
Cameo Gunsag, named after her Renaissance owners of Mantuan Dukes Gonzaga, one of the most famous masterpieces of antiquity.

Aphrodite with Erootom

Hall of antiquities of the Bospop Kimmerian

In 1831, the tomb was opened in Kurgan Kul-both near Kerch in the Crimea. Since that time, the ministry of the courtyard, the Hermitage has been in whose jurisdiction, began to finance the excavations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kerch Strait. Here were the Greek colonies that were in IV century. BC. Formed the Bosporus kingdom. Archaeological finds Enter the imperial museum, where the antiquities of the Bospop Kimmerian was allocated four halls. In one of them, sarcophages made of wood and marble, statues, tombstones and stones with ancient Greek inscriptions, as well as the "Tmutarakan Stone" - a marble plate with ancient Russian inscription 1068, reading the search for the ancient Russian Tmutarakani - "Paint Earth" - on the Taman Peninsula.

Ukhtomsky, Konstantin Andreevich - Types of the halls of the new Hermitage. Hall of antiquities of the Bospop Kimmerian

Culture and art of the ancient cities of the Northern Black Sea region

The hall was intended initially for one of the libraries of the new Hermitage. His arches, lines and arches are decorated with painting. Exhibits reflect the originality of the original culture of the Northern Black Sea region.

Sarcophag, found in a crypt near Kerch 2 in.

Ceramics, sculpture, decoration of the ancient cities of the Northern Black Sea region V - IV century BC.

A lion. Tombstone monument From Kurgan to Kerch. Greece I century.

Athens Hall

A hall with six monolithic columns of Serdobolsky granite was intended for one of the libraries of the museum. The floor of the hall decorates the mosaic IV century. From the Christian Basilica, found during the excavations of Chersonese in 1854
Exposition is devoted to art Ancient Greece Period high Classics (V. BC) about the work of the great brewers of this era - Mirone, the Polyklet, Fidiy - give a presentation of a copy of Roman time. Greek monuments are exhibited in the hall: red-chicken vases, among which the ISMOSNOS and Crater of the Kleofon Master, tombstones and coins are distinguished.

Athena, the beloved daughter Zeus, the goddess of wisdom and war, was one of the most revered deities in ancient Greece.

Archaic Art Hall and Early Classics

Medallions with profiles of antiquity philosophers are placed on the walls: Aristotle, Plato, Cicero. Exposure " Archaic Greece. Ancient Cyprus "represents masterpieces collection: painted vases of ancient Athens, Corinth and cities of Ionia, as well as monuments of the XXVII-V centuries. BC. (Stone and clay vessels, bronze casting, terracotta figurines, carved stones and jewelry). In The hall of the art of ancient Cyprus is exhibited - vases from clay, terracotta and stone figurines (Kon. III thousand - V century BC. er).

Ukhtomsky, Konstantin Andreevich - Types of the halls of the new Hermitage. Hall of drawings

Hall Dionysusa

Dionysus Hall in the New Hermitage was created for an ancient sculpture exhibition. His walls are decorated with a dark red car (artificial marble), against which they spectacularly stand out marble statues.

Dionysus. Bog of wine and winemaking, patron of plant forces of Nature 2 V.

Aphrodite. The goddess of beauty and love (Venus Taurishetic) 2nd.

Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreevichvids of the halls of the new Hermitage. Hall of Greek sculpture
Hall of August

The magnificent interior of the "Cabinet of Sculpture" includes the exposition of the monuments of the era of the Late Republock and the Early Empire (I B. BC - I B. N.E) - one of the most brilliant periods in the history of art Ancient Rome. The collection of the sculptural portrait is represented by the Gallery of the Governors of Rome - Octavian August and the members of his family, the emperors Tiberius and Nero.

Sitting Statue - Emperor Octavian August I century

Ukhtomsky, Konstantin Andreevich - Types of the halls of the new Hermitage. Cabinet sculpture
Hall of Jupiter

Leo Background Klenza assumed to place a new time sculpture in this hall. Therefore, medallions with profiles of outstanding sculptors are included in its decor: Michelangelo, Canova, Martos, etc. Modern name The hall gave a huge statue of Jupiter (Kon. I c.), which comes from the country villa of the Roman emperor Domitsian.


Hall of Jupiter. Stucco ceiling

Sarcophag "Achilles among the Licked daughters"

Premazzi, Luigi - Types of the halls of the new Hermitage. Hall of the newest sculpture

Library Nikolai II.

The library belonged to the personal rest of the last Russian emperor was created in 1894-1895. Architect A. F. Krasovsky. In the decoration of the library, the motives of the English Gothic are widely used. Cesemanized ceiling made of walnut wood decorated with four-sand outlets. Bookcases are located along the walls and on the choir where the staircase leads. The interior decorated with panels embedded gilded skin, with a monumental fireplace and high windows in openwork bindings, introduces the visitor to the middle ages. On the table - the sculptural porcelain portrait of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II.

Russian artistic interior

Interior of Petrovsky times. On the wall of the cholera of 1722 "Poltava battle" Philip Pleagagol.

Smoking room

Makovsky, Konstantin Egorovich - Portrait of the Great Princess Mary Nikolaevna

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Schemberg, Victor Karlovich - Portrait Baroness D. E. Grevlenice

Schtemberg, Victor Karlovich - Portrait of Sophia Mikhailovna Raevskaya

Hermitia Theater.

Hermitia Theater.

The Hermitage Theater is one of the oldest in St. Petersburg and in Russia - was built by architect Jacomo Kurengy commissioned by Catherine II in 1782-1785. On the site of the former Winter Palace of Peter I. Auditorium Theater is arranged like an antique: semicircular ranks of the bench rises from the scene of the amphitheater. Walls and columns are decorated with colored artificial marble. Apollo and nine music sculptures are located in Nighs, and the bas-reliefs with portraits are famous musicians and poets.

Foyer in the Hermitage Theater

Sketch of costumes to "tragedy about the gamlet" Shakespeare 1900 Mihai Zychi
