Hermitage Theater (Hall on Arbat). Hermitage Theater (Hall on Arbat) Hermitic Theater Scheme

Hermitage Theater (Hall on Arbat). Hermitage Theater (Hall on Arbat) Hermitic Theater Scheme

Theater "Hermitage" for the first time declared himself back in 1959, but then he was called differently - Miniature Moscow Theater. At the initial stage of existence, his acting troupe consisted of only 12 young people who graduated from theatrical universities. The director at that time was V. Polekov. And in 1987, under the leadership of M. Livitin, the theater has changed its name for the "Hermitage" and was referred to the author.

Many performances of this theater delivered in those days were sensation for theatrical capital. At the posters, the audience saw not only the names of the forgotten writers, on the works of which the performance was put, but also the original and extraordinary Libytic form.

Today, the Theater "Hermitage" successfully spends each performance. He often tours in the country and beyond. And over the past few years with the work of this theatrical platform, residents of the United States, Paraguay, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Poland, Uruguay, France, Israel, Colombia, Cuba, Germany and other countries became acquainted. Criticism in Russia and in the West notified the relationship between the aesthetics of the theater and the traditions of the avant-garde of our country, which refers to the 20th G.G. last century. Therefore, it was not for nothing in Switzerland "Hermitage" awarded the title of the most exquisite theater site, despite the fact that he was called "Absolute theater" in Spain.

Today on the stage of "Hermitage" you can see diverse performances, each of which is distinguished by the liveliness, dynamism and an individual approach. And among the abundance of productions in the repertoire of this theatrical platform, each viewer will pick up a performance in his beloved genre. And to view the poster for the coming days you can on the pages of our site. Here, by selecting the play, you can buy tickets at any time convenient for you and do not stand in long queues of the Hermitage ticket office.

During its existence, the Hermitage has repeatedly replaced his appearance. In 2016, the main building was closed on overhaul. Instead, guests receive a new large hall on Arbat.

Although the building itself is not very large, there is enough space in the hall for everyone. The high rise and good organization of space allows you to enjoy watching performances from any place in the hall. A unique feature is a circular scene, thanks to which all the action does not occur somewhere on the side, but directly in the center. This allows the viewer to even go deep into what is happening and feeling not an extraneous observer, but by the acting person.

Guests characterize the atmosphere as home. The hall has a wardrobe, and the buffet sell delicious cakes and buns that can be born during an intermission.

In addition, viewers note:

  • clear sound;
  • unsurpassed actors' game;
  • comfortable chairs;
  • light championship;
  • an interesting repertoire.

If you want to see the theater in full understanding of this word, then the Hermitage is what you need.

How to order tickets to Moscow Hermitage at Kassir.ru?

Thanks to our service, you can tickets in advance and without leaving home. The order is simple enough. It is only necessary to choose a performance and a place in the auditorium, as well as specify a convenient method of payment and receipt of the ticket. You can order the delivery of a ticket to the house, pick up at the box office or get an electronic version on your mailbox.

We also provide installments service, thanks to which you no longer need to save on a ticket and postpone its purchase. Book places today, and pay tomorrow so that you no longer have reasons to postpone visiting the premiere.

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The Theater "Hermitage", in the building of which repair is maintained, on December 2 will begin to give his performances on the new platform (earlier it was rented by the "Helikon-Opera"). The room is transferred to the theater by the Department of Urban Property of Moscow. On the new Arbat, 11, p. 1, the corresponding signs have already appeared. Meanwhile, work continues in the historic building "Hermitage": recently the beams of a unique design were installed above the large hall.

The fact that the Theater "Hermitage" will move to a new Arbat at the time of repair, it became known in the summer. Initially it was assumed that the first performances on this scene would be seen in September. Now the exact date of the premiere - December 2 has become known. It will pass a month after the "Helikon-Opera" moved from Arbat and opened the season in his restored mansion on a large Nikitskaya street.

In 2011, expertise showed that in the building of the Hermitage Theater, located in a kareny series, there are several serious problems. One of the main - the supporting structures of the large hall is overloaded by 30%, as a result of which they are saved by half. Even then it was supposed to be made by the temporary platform of the "Hermitage", the room at the new Arbat, where the performances of the "Helikon-Opera" had the performances, and work was also carried out in whose building. But the restoration of the Opera Theater was delayed. The performances of the "Hermitage" walked on a small scene and sometimes on other sites. In February 2015, the building building fully closed for repairs.

"Now work is underway to restore the repertoire, rehearsals. But we are very pleased that we have a permanent platform in the center of Moscow. I think we will restore all your repertoire. Especially since the "Et Cetera" theater also was located in the building on the new Arbat, and then the "Helicon Opera", therefore, for example, from the point of view of sound - everything is fine. But, of course, something has to be converted to himself, "said Dmitry Khovansky editor of the literary and dramatic part of the Hermitage Theater. He noted that thanks to Dmitry Bertman, the art leader of the Helikon Opera, and the Department of Culture of Moscow, all the questions were quickly resulted in favor of the theater. By the way, two years ago, Victoria Pavlova, the deputy artist "Helikon-Opera" said that in her presence in the Department of Culture, a wish was made to make a backup site for theaters in the new Arbat.

"Scene and a visual hall, each room and dressing room, every centimeter of walls, gender and the ceiling of our theatrical building on Arbat gradually absorb the atmosphere of" Hermitage ", - so characterize in the theater what is happening now. In the fall, on the new stage, the first rehearsal of the play on the play by A. V. Sukhovo-Koblin "Wedding of Krechinsky" was held. On December 2, viewers will be able to see the recent premiere - "S. S. S. R. "- a performance based on Soviet operetta, each of which is related to a certain period of history. Also, on Arbat, you can see the performances that the theater could not put for a long time due to the repair.

In a historic building, work is now actively going. As previously reported in the press service of the Moscow Construction Committee, they are planned to be completed in 2017. The builders will have to repair the facades and the interiors of the building, recreate the lost elements of decoration, renovate parts of the front entrance, as well as create comfortable conditions for people with disabilities. It is also necessary to increase the level of energy efficiency of the building and landscaping the territory. This fall, the builders ended up one of the most important stages of the repair of a historic building - new beams of a long almost 17 meters of a unique insanitious design were installed over the large panel of the theater.

The Hermitage Theater Building is the oldest garden of the same name, the historical monument of the late XIX century. On October 26, 1898, a Moscow artistic publicly available theater was opened in the premiere of the play "Tsar Fedor John", under the leadership of K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. On the same scene, the premieres of Pieces A. P. Chekhov "Seagull" and "Uncle Vanya". On September 13, 1959, the Moscow Theater Miniature was founded. In October 1987, the theater was renamed "Hermitage".

History of the Theater "Hermitage"
The Moscow Theater "Hermitage" was created by the director and writer Mikhail Levitin. The theater leads its history since 1959, when the Moscow Theater of Miniatures, headed by Vladimir Polyakov, appeared in the very center of Moscow, in the Hermitage Garden. The history of the building in a kareny series remembers the great leaders of the arts of the 20th century: it was here on October 14, 1898 a Moscow Art Theater opened, in 1913 - the free theater of Marjanov, where Alexander Tairov's first meeting and Alice Koonen took place. At the beginning of the 20s, on this scene, Sergei Eisenstein implemented his first production - the play "Mexican" ... The building "Hermitage" remembers many of many others. Currently, the historic building of the theater in a register row is closed for repairs and reconstruction. Therefore, since 2016, theater temporarily settled on the other site at the address of New Arbat 11.

Repertoire Theater "Hermitage"
"Hermitage" - the author's theater, re-excited by Mikhail Levitin, breathing in him a new life and special author's aesthetics. The theater is bright and sometimes eccentric, named after the "most elegant avant-garde" theater in the country. The repertoire of performances on the most complex prosaic texts that spoke first on the theatrical language, and the premieres of the famous classic plays of the world repertoire. Among the authors - Daniel Harms, Yuri Olesha, Alexander Vvedensky, Alexander Pushkin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Evgeny Schwartz, William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes, Bertolt Brecht, Gabriel Marquez and many others. For performances "Hermitage" wrote music Alfred Schnitke, Vladimir Dashkevich, Julius Kim and Andrei Semenov. Decorations created artists David Borovsky and Alexander Borovsky, Boris Messer, Harry Gummel, Sergey Barkhin.

Mikhail Levitin - Russian Theater Director, Writer, Teacher, People's Artist of Russia, Artistic Director of the Moscow Theater "Hermitage". The author of numerous publications in periodicals and nineteen prose books. Creator and leading author's cycles of television programs on the TV channel "Culture". Cavalier Order of Honor and twice the laureate of the Moscow Prize in Literature (in 2010 - for the book about Alexander Tairov and in 2017 - for the book about Peter Fomenko).

His directorial path began with a diploma performance "On how Mr. Mokinpott from his Zloschams got rid of", furnished in 1969 in the famous theater at the Taganka Yuri Lyubimov. After that there was a number of bright performances in Moscow, Riga, Odessa, Leningrad, Omsk, Novosibirsk and other cities; Almost every of these productions, created in the difficult conditions of Soviet censorship, became an event in the theater world.

In the Moscow Theater "Hermitage" (then the theater of miniatures) Mikhail Levitin since 1978. On this scene, he put such famous performances as "Harms! Charm! Shardam! Or school clowns "according to D. Harms (1982)," Beggar, or the death of Zanda "on Yu. Olese (1986)" Evening in a crazy house "by A. Vvedensky (1989) and many others - only more than sixty performances. From the recent Premier Theater - "My Shadow" E. Schwartz (2013), Lire King W. Shakespeare (2014), "Wedding of Krechinsky" on Novy Arbat 11 "A. Sukhovo-Koblin (2016)," Don Quixote " According to M. De Cervantes (2017) and many others.

During the artistic guide, the Theater "Hermitage" Mikhail Levitin gathered around him a unique creative team and created a truly author's theater, whose performances appreciated not only the Moscow public, but also the audience of many cities of our country, as well as countries of Europe and Latin America, In which the theater visited the tour.

How to get to the scene on the Arbat Theater "Hermitage
The theater building is within walking distance of Arbatskaya metro. After you leave the subway, you will need to go through the road to the underground transition and go straight along the pedestrian Arbat.

The Garden "Hermitage", in which the theater of the same name is located, was founded in 1892 by Yakov Schukin. He issued a lease with the subsequent purchase of private ownership in a kareny row, becoming a source of a whole theater complex. Here for the first time in Moscow, the invention of the Lumiere brothers - cinema was presented. At the theatrical stage of the Schukinsky Theater shone the opera troupe of Prince Tsereteli, the benefits were carried out by F.I. Shalyapin. A variety of talented artists of that time was drawn to decoration decoration in the theater (Roerich, Vrubel, Vasnetsov, Levitan, Serov, Korovin Balmont, etc.). The Moscow Art Theater (MHT) conducted the first seasons on the stage of the Schukinsky "Miniature Theater". The theater complex has preserved and retained, even after all historical incidents as a revolution and a coup, his theatrical function was conceived and created - Yakov Shchukin.

After many years in 1987, Levitin became an artistic director of the Schukinsky "Theater Miniature". In the same year, the theater is renamed and given the name - "Hermitage". The first performances delivered here were dramatically changed the direction of the theater, thereby expanding the circle of viewers. Levitin is not only a director-writer, but also a director-writer, which makes his theater truly copyrighted, unique. A lot of performances Levitin put in its own staging and plays. They are still in the repertoire of the "Hermitage" theater such as "Leokady and Ten Shameless Scenes", "Monster", "Anatomical Theater of the Enovo Azepa", "Snapshot of God", "Secret Notes of the Secret Counselor", Moscow Theater "Hermitage "There is also a lot of tours both in Russian cities and in foreign countries. Learning abroad, such countries such as USA, Paraguay, Holland, Canada, Germany, Uruguay, Brazil, France, Spain, Colombia are visited. The critics of Spain were called the Theater "Hermitage" - "Theater Absolute". The title "The most exquisite theater" was awarded in Switzerland.

The repertoire of the theater is very wide and diverse and is ready to offer a wide range of performances as a scenario and by genres. The performance excellently played for no time "Harms! Charm! Chardam! Or a school of clowns" does not cease to surprise the public.

On the purchase of tickets to the Moscow Theater "Hermitage" you can contact by phone or fill out the order form on our website.