The strangest private collections. The origins of our museums: Russian private collections Rare historical photos from private collections 2

The strangest private collections. The origins of our museums: Russian private collections Rare historical photos from private collections 2
The strangest private collections. The origins of our museums: Russian private collections Rare historical photos from private collections 2

Exhibitions of private collections always cause interest in me. At least because there are few such exhibitions. This collection focuses on conceptual art and overlooks a changing person of portrait from the beginning of the last century to the present day through photos, drawings, sculpture, video installations and paintings of leading international and Israeli artists.

The collection of Igal Ahuvi consists of more than 1500 works, and is the largest in Israel. The fifth series of exhibitions presents the works of Diana Arbuse, Andy Warhol, Marlene Duma, Richard Prince, Amadeo Modigliani, Frank Aurbach and many others.

All works are delivered not only aesthetic pleasure, but also inspire. For example, seeing a photo of Music Ingmara Bergman Liv Ulman, I immediately wanted to revise the film with her participation "person", because it is impossible to adversely.

It is worth noting that the venice visit not only people of art, but also local representatives of secular society, which is rare for such events. Among the guests it was possible to meet the producer of the Motion of the Rife, model Galit Gutman, as well as Anna Cushchen and Mikhal Anki.

And, despite the fact that there were many people around, we managed to meet and ask a few questions to the Curator of the exhibition Matana Daube.

Matan started his career as an art critic portal Timeout Tel AvivAnd then took direct part in the creation of the Art Fair.

- Tell me a little about your way.

- Currently, I am most of the time in London and I work with the largest and most prominent private collection of works of arts in Israel. I am also one of the permanent organizers of the Fresh Paint Fair.

- When did the collection begin to form?
- Only in 2004. Currently, the collection is exhibited in Tel Aviv, London and Geneva. We are not worth a task to promote art, we want to diversify the life of the Israeli viewer.

- Where will the next exhibition go?
- I do not know somewhere in the world.

- What should be the first step of the curator who wants to make an exhibition?
- The first thing he needs to understand, for whom he does, who will come to her, and who can get pleasure from her.

- Do you personally collect artwork?
- Yes, I collect, basically, artists and galleries, with whom I work.

One of the painless ways to be famous, pleases on the page of the Guinness Book of Records, - collecting anything that no one has collected before you (or collected, but not seriously). Choosing objects for the collection, you need to make sure that these are not chelicle for the back or covers for umbrellas, not petrified and not miniature, from which we will start this review.

Collection of microstolev

In the late 1990s, American Barbara Hartsfield came up with a hobby for weekends. They were not just a shopping, but the search in the stores of the chairs of a miniature size - this, on whom it is not destiny, but not doll. By 2008, Barbara collected three thousand interesting miniatures. Now lovers of tiny furniture have the right to see the accumulated museum accumulated in the Created Collection, in the city of Stone Mountain (Georgia), paying 5 dollars per ticket. The museum works in a specially renovated old-fashioned house with three exhibition halls. The exposition presents, for example, chairs inside bottles and chairs-feeders for birds, chairs made of toothpicks and microelebel from Coca-Cola.

Collection of covers for umbrellas

So far, the reverse, a resident of the American state of Maine can be considered the only inspired collector of umbrella covers in the world. Nancy Hoffman's name is Nancy. In 2012, the Guinness Book of Records enriched in the head about her collection, which included 730 covers of various colors and styles of 50 countries. And since 1996, Mrs. Hoffman's house serves as a museum, open for all curious. And, while visitors are surprised by a unique exposition, Nancy, an unmarried musician, playing for them on the accordion song "Let your umbrella become a smile" - the official anthem of the private museum.

Collection of petrified cocaine

George France is Indiana Jones on the part of an ancient shit, in his possession stay 1277 samples of so-called coprolytes, valuable for paleontologists of natural history items that have not smell like a long time. In the summer of 2016, a collection of 37-year-old Francesaea landed into the Guinness book, after which it was handed over to the South Florida Museum for the thematic exhibition, which is worth a visit - that the exposition will last until October.

Guests of the museum can admire petrified pooping from 8 countries of the Earth and 15 states of America. Of particular value is the national heritage - a two-kilogram excrement of a prehistoric crocodile, jokingly called "our beauty" (remember Hollum). Crocodile uncleanness at least 6 million years, found this jewel in South Carolina.

Collection of hotel requests

One of the widespread habitat characters in the hotel is the "Do not disturb" sign ("Do Not Disturb"), which the guests striking to privacy hang on the door door. Tourists such signs are familiar well, than not souvenir? However, travelers prefer to bring the long-night countries to bring the ravis T-shirts with pictures, key chains or fridge magnets. But there are happy exceptions, among which is a citizen of Germany Rainer Wehrt.

Hero of the Guinness Book of Records, Herr Wihert goes a lot in the light and adores the mentioned signs of "Do Not Disturb" from the places overnight stays. The hobby started in 1990, and in 2014 there were no less than 11,570 plates from 188 countries brought from hotels and aircraft in the Rinner collection, as well as passenger ships. The pearls of the collection are a sign from the 1936 Olympic Village (Berlin) and 107-year old antiquity of the sign from the Canadian Hotel "General Brock Hotel".

Collection of Chesch for Back

Manfred S. Rottene works by a dermatologist, he has his own clinic in North Carolina. Patients who come to a reception to Dr. Rottene with a pimple or scabies are free to overlook the most rich collection of garliches for the skin of the back, assembled by the Eskulap in 40 years of practice. Patients like it, even very.

In 2008, the Guinness Book of Records noted that 675 samples of various, comfortable and not very, ridiculous and serious peoples made in 71 countries of the world are carefully contained in the dermatologist's collections. These pieces are decorated with the corridors of the doctor of Dr. Manfred Rottein, her offices and viewing rooms. The selection includes a blanca made from the crocodile paw, and its cowboy "colleague" from the paved manually buffalo ribs. There are three electrical models dating back to the 1920s and a specific thing under the trade name "Chestel for bearish ass." Once the doctor collected various medical antiquities - old drugs and creams, wonderful dishes and containers, but the love of chellices became a hobby for life, and grateful patients send Rottene exhibits from various parts of the Earth - from Japan to Ireland, from Russia to Palau. At the same time, the Medic himself does not like to scratch his back and considers his passion for "professional".

Collection of road cones

With the help of 500 road cones can be arranged for another Bardak. Fortunately, in the resident of England David Morgan there is no such vile plans - it just collects these cones. The obsession with plastic columns originated when Morgan worked at Oxford Plastic Systems, which manufactures road cones in huge quantities - most of all in the world. In 1986, the competing company stated that people in Oxford stole the design of the cone from her. To prove that this design idea is not new and for competitors, David is a rare boring - it was looking for a search for identical cones on the roads of the country and ... fell in love with their diversity, at the same time winning the court. Collecting road cones has become hobbies for life. It should be noted that not a single column from his collection Mr. Morgan stole, only because these items are designed to ensure security. Now hundreds of such subjects are surprisingly decorated with a garden of a 74-year original.

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