Portrait of an actress Maria Fedorovna Andreva. Colored Glasses Leonid Andreeva Portrait of Leonid Andreeva in good quality

Portrait of an actress Maria Fedorovna Andreva. Colored Glasses Leonid Andreeva Portrait of Leonid Andreeva in good quality
Portrait of an actress Maria Fedorovna Andreva. Colored Glasses Leonid Andreeva Portrait of Leonid Andreeva in good quality

"Andreev lived on Kamennoostrovsky, in the house scary dark: a huge room - an angular, with a lantern, and the windows of this lantern are located in the direction of the islands and Finland. You will come to the window - and run away the lanterns of the Kamennaostrovsky chain into the wet Dal. Leonid Andreev, who lived in the writer Leonid Nikolayevich, was infinitely alone, not recognized and always faced by the face of the Black Window. In such a window and came to him the last guest in a black mask - death. "

Alexander Blok. Memory Leonid Andreeva

Andreev, Leonid Nikolayevich was born on 9 (21) August in Orel in 1871 on the 2nd Pushkin Street. His father, Nikolai Ivanovich, son on the blood of the greener of the nobility and a fortress girl; Mother, Anastasia Nikolaevna - from the family of a ruined Polish landowner. They just just got out of poverty: Amerlember Taxator Andreev received a place in the bank, acquired a house and began to acquire the economy. Nikolai Ivanovich was a noticeable figure: "Pushkari, Licented Heads," respected him for the extraordinary physical strength and a sense of justice, who did not even change him even in his famous drunken practices and regular fights. Leonid Andreev then explained the hardness of his character (as well as craving for alcohol) heredity from the Father, while his creative abilities attributed entirely to the maternal line. Anastasia Nikolaevna, nee Pazkovskaya, although it happened, as they believed, from the russia and impoverished Polish nobleman, was a woman simple and poorly educated. The main advantage of her was selfless love for children, and especially to Lenoha's primary; And she also had a passion for fudge: in the stories, no one could separate it from Nobody.

Childhood Leonid remembers "Clear, carefree." At the age of six, I learned to read "and I read extremely much, everything that came to hand."

He studied at the Oryol classical gymnasium (1882-91) and, on its own directions in a small autobiography, " he studied in perfectly, in the seventh grade for a whole year wearing the title of last student and did not have over four for the behavior, and sometimes three". In the gymnasium opened Andreevand the gift of the word: writing off the tasks from friends, he wrote the writings for them for them, vourishing the manners with passion. The tendency to stylization was manifested later and in literary experiments when, viewing the works of famous writers, he tried to fake "Under Chekhov", "under Garshina", "under fat". But in the gymnasium years, Andreev about the writer did not think and seriously engaged only ... drawing. And since there was no painting in Orel in Orel, then it was limited to barren dilettantism"And more than once later the famous writer about the undeveloped artist's talent was crushed, - talent, then the matter was forced to throw him a pen and take for a brush or pencil. I read a lot, mainly, fiction. Huge impression " What is my faith " Tolstoy .

"I bought" He is also in Gatman and Schopenhauer; The latter studied very thoroughly, making large extracts from it and constituting extensive abstracts, and the "world as a will and the view" remained one of his favorite books and had a noticeable impact on his work.

Under these influences, from 15 - 16, he began to suffer "damned questions" to such an extent that, wanting to experience "fate", lay down on the rails. "Fate" turned out to be favorable. The steam locomotive had a highly raised firefoot this time, and the train who was coming over the young man did not harm him.

At the age of seventeen, Andreev made a significant record in his diary, known in the retelling V. V. Bruyanin. The future little worker promised himself that " their scriptures will destroy the morality and established human relations, destroy love and religion and finish its life with all".

In the senior grades of the gymnasium, the loves of Andreeva began. However, the word "passion" does not give the idea of \u200b\u200bthat fatal strength, which he from youth and until the very last day he felt in himself around himself. Love, like death, he felt thin and sharply to pain. " As for some, words are needed, both for others work or struggle is needed, so for me I need love,- recorded L. Andreev in his diary. Like air like food, like a dream - love is a necessary condition for my human existence.".

After graduating from the gymnasium, Andreev entered the law faculty of the University of St. Petersburg. By this time, the material conditions of the family were extremely deteriorated. Father died, and had to need much, even starve. The first story is written on this topic. about the hungry student. I cried when I wrote him, and in the editorial office, when I returned the manuscript, laughed". The literary debut is a story "in the cold and gold."

In 1893, excluded for non-payment from the University of St. Petersburg, transferred to the Law Faculty of Moscow University in which "materially lived better": helped comrades and committee. "But" in other respects" is he " with great pleasure recalls St. Petersburg University. " At the same time, he, according to the rules, undertakes "Do not take part in any communities, as, for example, econditions, and the like, but not to join even the society permitted by the law, without permission in each individual case of the nearest bosses."

In the summer of 1894, on vacation in Orel, the most severe and long-term from the experienced Andreev heart drams begins. "July 22, 1894 is the second day of my birth," - he recorded in his diary; But reciprocity was short. His beloved responds to the refusal to the offer of Andreev to marry him, and again he tries to commit suicide. In 1894, he was "unsuccessfully shot; the consequence of an unsuccessful shot was church repentance and heart disease, not dangerous, but stubborn and annoying."

Brother Leonid Andreeva recalls: " I was a boy, but then I understood, I felt what a big grief, which big longing he carries in himself "

In 1895, his widowed mother with 5 junior brothers and sisters Andreev moved to Moscow, the poverty and walnia period began: August 1895 - Prechistensky Boulevard, 25 (the house was not preserved); From January 1896 - Small Nikitskaya Street, 2; Spring 1896 - Spiridonevskaya Street, 2 (the house is not preserved); Autumn 1896 - Small Nikitskaya Street, semi-base floor d. 20; January 1897 - Grenade lane, 20, square meters. five; December 1897 and January 1898 - Corner of the Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street and Malaya Nikitskaya Street, 136/41 (BELETAZH OUT WASHING AREA). Andreev-student gave lessons, was announced the work of the Moscow Museums for the Russian Word newspaper. The tendency to the political activity of Andreev did not show; Relations with Orlovsk region supported (for which he fell under the supervision of the police): together with other "old men", which came to general conspiracy meetings, ridiculed "reformists" who studied and promoted Marx. "Golden pastime", which Orlovsk "old men" They opposed political self-education, described by Andreev in the play "Days of our life" and "Gaudeamus" ("Old Student"). Characters and events were almost not specified.

Reading, in particular, the philosophical, even more removed Andreev from the malice of the day. Whole nights, according to the testimony of the brother, Susisi Leonid over the writings of Nietzsche, whose death in 1900 he took almost as a personal loss.

Attempts to get into the seal did not succeed; But we successfully walked painting. He "drew to order portraits of 3 and 5 rubles. Improved, began to receive for a portrait of 10 and even 12 rubles."

In May 1897, Leonid Andreev unexpectedly successfully passed state exams at the university; And, although his diploma was only a second degree and gave the title not "candidate", but a "valid student," it was quite enough for the beginning of the law career: Soon he signed up in the assistants of the jury at the Moscow lawyer of the Moscow Judicial District. LivenswonHe performed a defender in court and treated this activity very seriously.

"Contact with the printing stack" consisted of initially the fact that Andreev supplied the "newspaper" of the newspaper "Russian word" amented materials in several lines: "The Chamber of Boyar Romanovs is open on such days ..."

Suddenly, receiving the proposal of a familiar lawyer about the place of the judicial reporter in the Moscow Bulletin newspaper for writing essays "from the courtroom", Andreev A few days later brings its first judicial report to the editor. "He was written by a good literary language, very vivid ... There was no pathetic entry that the meeting was happening then, and the indictment set out in the form of a story"- recalled the employee of the Moscow Bulletin.Andreevprotection in court combined With anonymous publication in the journal. C.for two months, he moved to report in just a founded Moscow newspaper in the courier newspaper. There, he begins to print Faken, which signs "James Lynch" and "L.-EB" and stories. Later, K.11 Andreev achieved fame, some publications, although something to give from the workfashion writer, began to reprint Fakes Jems Lynch.

For the Easter issue of 1898 at the request of the editorial office of adrev "Under the influence of Dickens"whom he loved, reread "TEN"; Posted by the story "Bergamot and Garaska". He solved the fate of Andreeva, as bitter attention paid attention to him. Young writers got together and together with novice writers with a wicker, Bunin, TV, the singer Shalyapin formed a close literary and artistic community. Gorky helped Andreev's advice and business, introduced him to the book publishing partnership "Knowledge", established by the group of young writers in order to maintain and develop the social and realistic traditions of Russian literature of the 19th century.

From 1900 Andreev led in the "courier" of the woven waters "impressions" and the anniversary essay "Moscow. Melivo life." The attention of the great public Andreev drew on the "life" of 1901 by the story "lived-was." In the same year, in September, the first volume of stories in the St. Petersburg Publishing House "Knowledge" was published on Gorky's funds, which included a little angel, a big helmet, a lie, silence and lived.

February 101902 In the Church of Nikola Shvantsky on the street Arbat, the wedding of Andreeva took place with Alexandra Mikhailovna Veligorsk - the grandchildren of T. G. Shevchenko. Andreevy removed the apartment on the middle forehead (now Zamorovna Street, 34), in which the literary Mondays were held.

Leonid Andreev with his wife, 1903

From December 1902 Andreev - Editor of the Fictional Department of the Courier; With the help of Gorky, he attracts Serafimovich to cooperation, prints the first works of Remizov, Zaitseva, Chulkov ...

After marriage beganthe most calm and happy period in the life of Andreev. But, He continued not for long. In January 1903, he was elected a member of the Society of Russian Literature Amateurs at Moscow University. Andreev continued literary activities, and Bunctary motives appeared in his work. After publishing In January 1904. The story "No forgiveness", which was directed against the agents of the royal guard, newspaper "Courier" closed.

Leonid Andreev. Portrait of the work of Ilya Repin, 1904.

An important event is not only literary, but also public - the anti-war story Andreeva "Red Laughter". The writer with delight welcomes the first Russian revolution, is trying to actively promote her: it works in the Bolshevik newspaper "Fight", participates in the secret meeting of the Finnish Red Guard. IN February 1905. He comes into drink againiCT with the authorities, speaking for the provision of apartments for meetings of the Central Committee of the RSDLP. After that, he enclosed in a single camera. Only thanks to the pledge made by Savoy Morozov, he manages to get out of prison.

In spite of everything, Andreev does not stop revolutionary activities: in July 1905, he along with Gorky acts on a literary and music evening, the collection of which is coming in favor of the St. Petersburg Committee of the RSDLP and families of the Baste workers of the Putil Plant. From the persecution of the authorities now he has to hide abroad: at the end of 1905 the writer leaves to Germany.

In Germany, Leonid Andreev survived one of the most terrible tragedies of his life - the death of his beloved spousewith the birth of the second son of Daniel. At that time, he worked on the play "Life of a Man", which Figner later wrote about the faith: "Thank you for your feedback about the" life of a person ". This thing is a very way to me; And now I see that it will not understand. And it is very pain Obii like me, not like the author (I do not have pride), but as a "man." After all, this thing was the last thought, the last feeling and pride of my wife - and when they disassemble it cold, it is scorn, then I canthere is some kind of enormous insult. Of course, what a matter of critics before the fact that the "wife of a man" died, - but it hurts me. Yesterday and today the play is placed in St. Petersburg, and I feel sick about it. " In December 1907, Andreev met with Gorky to Capri, and in May 1908, somehow recovered from grief, returned to Russia.

Leonid Andreev continues to promote the revolution: Supports the illegal fund of prisoners of the Shlisselburg Fortress, shelters revolutionaries in his home. The writer works as an editor in Almana "Roshovnik" and the collection "Knowledge". Invites Alexander Blok to "knowledge", which is highly appreciated. The block, in turn, responds to Andreev: "It finds something in common with Edgar by. It is up to a certain extent true, but a huge difference is that in the stories of the city of Andreeva there is nothing "extraordinary", "strange", "fantastic", "mysterious." All simple everyday cases. "

However, the writer had to go From "Knowledge": Gorky strongly rebelled against the publications of the block and the straw. Delval Andreev and with "Rosehip" After he rejected printed Savinov and Sologuba novels.

Anna Andreeva, the second spouse of the writer, Marseille, 1910. The picture was taken by Andreev.

The most, perhaps, the significant work of this period was the "Judas Icyariot", in which Andreev rethinks the famous biblical plot. The disciples of Christ appear by cowardly ordinary people, and Judas - an intermediary between Christ and People. The image of Judah is dual: formally a traitor, and in fact - the only devotee to Christ Christ. He betrays Christ, to figure out whether any of his followers are able to sacrifice the sake of saving the teacher. He brings the apostles a weapon, warns them about the threatening Christ of danger, and after the death of the teacher followed him. In the mouth of Judas, the author invests a very deep ethical postulate: "The victim is suffering for one and shame for everyone. You took the whole sin. You will soon kiss the cross on which you crucified Christ! .. Did he forbade you to die? Why are you alive when he is dead? .. What is the truth itself in the mouth of traitors? Is it not going to lie? ". Andreev described this work as "Something on psychology, ethics and practices of betrayal."

A snapshot that means as a self-portrait. Leonid Andreev in front of the person performed a copy of Francisco Goya drawing. 1912, Nammelsuu

Leonid Andreev is constantly engaged in search of style. It develops techniques and principles not visual, but an expressive letter. At this time, such works are born as "the story of seven hanged" (1908), telling about government repression, the "Days of our life" (1908), "Anatema" (1910), "Ekaterina Ivanovna" (1913), Roman " Sasha Zagulev "(1911).

After 1905 Andreev standsmostly Vzhanna drama. His first play for the stars appeared in 1905 and before 1917 he made no less than one play per year.

Veresaev and L. Andreev, 1912

The first world war of L. Andreev was welcomed as "the struggle of democracy of the whole world with Cesiasarism and Despotia, which is a representative of Germany." He was waiting for all the figures of Russian culture. In early 1914, the writer even went to Gorky to Capri to convince him to abandon the "affected" position and at the same time restore the shackled friendships. Returning to Russia, he began working in the newspaper "Morning Russia", the body of the liberal bourgeoisie, and in 1916 he became the editor of the newspaper "Russian Will".

Enthusiastically welcomed Andreev and the February Revolution. He even allowed violence if it was used for the achievement of "high goals" and served as a folk good and a celebration of freedom.

However, the euphoria declined as the Bolsheviks strengthened their positions. In September 1917, he wrote that "the" Lenin Conqueror "steps" on puddles of blood. " The opponent of any dictatorship, he could not accept the Bolshevik dictature. In October 1917, he left for Finland, which was actually the beginning of emigration (in fact, thanks to the sad curiosity: when the border between Soviet Russia and Finland was established on the sister river, Andreevs with his family lived in the country and the Will-Neils turned out to be "abroad" ).

March 22, 1919 in the Paris newspaper "The common cause" his article was published "S.O.S!", In whichh addressed the "noble" citizens for help and encouraged them to unite to save Russia from "European savages who rebel against hercultures, laws and morality ", which turned it" in ash, fire, murder, destroy, Cemetery, Tomnov and Crazy Houses. "

Andreev was exhibited in St. Petersburg in 1913 on the "exhibition of independent" and received the approval of Repin and Roerich.

Andreev. Artist Repin.

The turbulent state of the writer affected his physical well-being. On December 9, Leonid Andreev died from the paralysis of the heart in the village of Newal in Finland at the cottage from a friend, writer Valkovsky. His body was temporarily buried in the local church.

This is TVthe belt "period continued until 1956, when his dust was reburied in Leningrad on the Little Mosts of Volkova Cemetery.


"When thousands kill one, then that means that one won."

"And what for the great liar who knows how to deceive only others? Solges yourself so to believe, this is an art. "

"But is the pious people know how to distinguish false from the present? Only fraudsters can do it. "

"Wisdom of words is needed only by poor spirit, the rich - silence s. "

In 1930, the last collection of the stories of Leonid Andreeva, and - Long Years defaults.

The second "discovery" of Andreeva's creativity, as part of the foreverthe literation literature, occurred in our country in 1956, with the release of the collection of "stories". Discovery it continues more than thirty years, but also the current shthe estitomic essay assembly is only the stage of comprehending this wonderful writer.

At the Moscow Premiere will present the screening of Leonid Andreeva's story. The painting "Judas" of the young director Andrei Bogatyreva on the story of Leonid Andreeva "Juda Iscariot" entered the main program of the Moscow Premiere festival - "Magnificent Seven MK. And a little earlier participated in the Moscow International Film Festival, where Alexei Shevchenkova, who played Jude, awarded "Silver George" for the best performance of the male role.

This is the second Russian film version of the work of Leonid Andreeva after the "desert" Mikhail Kats, filmed in 1991 with the participation of actors Sergei Russkina and Nikolai Pastukhov.

Life term Leonid Andreev was released to the hurt small. Only 48 years old. And there was no calm among them, just swing, up-down. Instant literary glory after the debut collection of stories in 1901, the recognition of L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, M. Gorky - and almost complete oblivion of the agreed Soviet government. Attempts by suicide on the soil of unhappy love - and two happy marriages (the first wife died in childbirth) who gave him five talented children. The enthusiastic greeting of the first Russian revolution (he managed to sit in prison for her ideals) - and complete rejection of the ideas of Bolshevism.

And, like a very talented person, he is talented in many ways. He was a beautiful navigator (his fleet yacht on the Baltic), an artist (Ilya Repin and Valentin Serov praised him) ...

He was in a hurry to catch everything.

When a group of tourists from England came on the excursion once, they were already delighted with the threshold: oh, we know, know, Andreev, the famous photographer! - Smiling Tatyana Bridin, headed by the Museum of Leonid Andreev in Orel. "After all, he was one of the first in Russia to make a color photo in the Avtochrom technique *. This is, simply speaking, the image on the glass.

- And where does the British know about this?

The fact is that the director of the Russian archive in Leeds Philologist Richard Davis from his youth was a big fan of Russian literature (he himself studied in Leningrad) and very loved the work of Andreev. It so happened that most of the writer Archive after the death of Leonid Nikolayevich in 1919 was in Argentina. There lived and in 1970 his son Savva died. Huanit's widow was ready for a symbolic fee to sell the archive of Russia, but the bureaucratic wires dragged the case, and then Richard Davis went to Argentina ...

- Captured?

Rather, made a good deed. Then the world and learned that Leonid Nikolaevich is not only the writer of the first magnitude, but also a master of color photography. Now in Leeds, about 400 images of Andreev, 56 are stored in Orel, in our funds, with a dozen in Pushkin's house in St. Petersburg, something in the Goverrian archive ... By the way, we shared with Davis with their collections and other children Leonid Andreev.

We must pay tribute to Davis, he was well advertised Andreeva-photographer: I published luxurious (in four languages, unfortunately, there is no Russian among them) the photo album, let out the sets of cards, used the works of Andreev in the manufacture of posters. Davis came to the eagle several times, was in our museum. And in the 90s, he even drove our "autochromas" to England for restoration, since no one in Russia was taken to work with them. And renovated for free.

- Is it known who Leonid Nikolayevich taught the art of photography?

No one. He mastered everything alone. Since 1903, he made black and white pictures, and when a color photo came to Russia - it was 1907 - he began to engage in "auto". I removed the "codacom" - pleasure for that time was not cheap, but the writer Glory Andreeva brought huge fees. His granddaughter Irina, who helped us very much in the formation of the museum, recalled that he was the only prosaika who was paid line by line as poets. The fees were higher than that of Gorky ...

I can not boast: Most recently, the grandeer Andreeva Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Ksenia Aleksandrovna Abulkhanov presented us with Andreevsky stereoscope - the device that allowed the surround image when viewing. And several black and white pictures made by Leonid Nikolaevich. He began with them as a photographer.

The question is essentially

* What is "autochrom"?

The mechanism for obtaining a color image on raster plates is quite simple. High-quality potato starch is carefully sifted and divided into three equal handhes. Each color is in its color: orange-red, purple and green. The bugs are then dried and mixed. A gluing layer is applied to the glass plate, and the powder is distributed on it, which is rotated with soot from above. Say, pressing, rolled along the plate, and in the dark room from above covered the photoemulsia. Then the plate was inserted into the instrument and filmed, getting a color photo.

In fact, a combined (three-color) light filter appeared between the photosensitive layer and the base (glass), which gave a very high-quality image as a result.

Colleague view

"I could not believe that this is a photo ..."

Chukovsky root writer:

"It seemed that not one person, but some kind of factory working non-stop, in a few shifts, made all these innumerable piles of large and small photographic pictures that were filled with him in the office, stored in special grats and boxes, hung on the windows , closed tables. There was no such angle in his dacha, which he would not remove several times. Other pictures were able to be excellently - for example, spring landscapes. I could not believe that this is a photo, - so much in them was Levitan Elegy music.

During the month, he made thousands of pictures, as if performing some kind of colossal order, and when you came to him, he forced you to consider all these thousands, so-confident that and for you they are the source of bliss. He could not imagine that there are people for whom these glasss are not interesting. He touchingly stacked everyone to do color photo.

At night, walking on a huge office, he spoke monologues about the great lumiere, the inventor of color photography, about sulfuric acid and hurt ... You were sitting on the couch and listened. "

(From the memories of Leonid Andreev)

The editors thanks "Oryol United State Literary Museum I.S. Turgenev" for help in preparing this publication.

You can see this gallery of stereo photography just as contemporaries Leonid Andreeva watched it. To do this, you will need a smartphone and virtual reality glasses. Mixed simple, made from Cardboard Google Cardboard VR, can be purchased for 100-200 rubles or do yourself according to the instructions fromGoogle . Open the gallery on the smartphone - insert it into points and enjoy the surround color picture from the 1910s.

The Silver Age presented the Russian literature many bright names. One of the founders of Russian expressionism Leonid Andreev with his peculiar style by right takes place in the pleiad of the talents of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.

Childhood and youth

On August 9, 1871, in the family of Ambarer-Taxator Nikolai Ivanovich and the daughter of the Polish landowner Anastasia Nikolaevna, the Boy nee, was born. Todded Leonid called, and it was him that he was destined to write in the future works, still touched hearts, hiding the hidden strings of the human soul.

Andreevs lived in the city of Orel on the 2nd Pushkar street - the one on which the writer was set aside with the characters of one of the first of his stories "Bargamot and Garaska". By the time of the birth of the child, the family of Ambarer finally gained at least some financial stability.

Leonid's father was respected by the neighbors for a firm character and love of justice. Unfortunately, Nikolai Ivanovich loved to drink, and drinking to fight. Leonid Andreev later said that he was inherited from his father, alcohol. And from the mother, albeit poorly educated, but with a rich fantasy, is a creative gift.

In the Oryol classical gymnasium, the future prose leaned his sleeves and even remained for the second year. That he was well managed, so these are the writings that he often wrote for his classmates. Then Leonid manifested the instrument talent - he could easily "fake" style, for example, or.

In school years, Leonid was fond of drawing. Alas, in your hometown there was no opportunity to obtain fundamental knowledge on painting, which writer then repeatedly regretted. And from time to time it was still taken for a brush - to part of his own works Leonid Andreev himself created illustrations.

Writing has grown from reading. Leonid read a lot: Tolstoy, Gartmanna,. The latter had a great influence on the work of the writer, especially the book "Peace as a Will and the presentation", one of Andreeva's favorite books. Under the influence of favorite authors in 15-16 years, the young man began to suffer "damned questions."

Then Andreev gave himself a promise to destroy his own works by love, morality, religion and "finish their life with all-time." This phrase has become known to descendants thanks to the Russian writer, the contemporary of Andreeva Vasily Bruzynin.

Andreev did not know how to live calmly, in his biography there are many sharp corners - attempts to suicide, long-term ribs, endless love hobbies. In general, the word "passion" is impossible to fully characterize the painful and subtle senses of the writer. Love for him was a driving force, natural necessity.

As a student of the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg University, Leonid has forced to study because of the failed suicide on the basis of unreserved feelings. Another reason for leaving the university was the death of the Father. The financial situation of the family has sharply shaken, and, as a result, disappeared the opportunity to pay for their studies. Then Andreev began to drink - and write. The first story about the hungry student appeared precisely then, but he did not accept him in the editorial office.

He continued his student writer at the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow University. Leonid earned his life and his orphaned family with teaching. He also wrote portraits to order. In the student of the young man was not fond of politics, unlike young people, but imbued with philosophy.

Especially close to him were the ideas of the meaninglessness of the life and value of the person in itself. Being at home on vacation in 1894, Leonid fell in love again, and again unsuccessfully. Another attempted suicide followed. After that, Andreev received a chronic disease (heart disease), which eventually thugged him.

Successfully finishing the university in 1897, the writer was engaged in lawyer activities until 1902. At the same time, Andreev worked as a journalist in Moscow editions - "courier" and "Moscow Bulletin".


In 1898, the story of Andreeva "Bargamot and Garaska" was printed in the courier for the first time. And the glory came to the writer in 1901, after the publication in the magazine "Life" the story "lived." Soon Leonid Andreev left the attorney and closely took up literature.

Sounded literary evenings, brought acquaintance with, and other writers, absorbed as a sponge criticism and advice. The writer's work was noted and helped to release the first collection of stories, and the large circulation. It was four times reissued due to popularity.

"Lived,", "Angel", "Valya", "Kusaka" - the uncomplicated and at the same time bright sketches of the surrounding reality, encouraging compassion written by living language. The characters of the stories live nearby - yes on the same 2nd Pushkin in Orel.

Stories published in 1902 caused hot spores. The author was talking about what was considered to be silent, "about the dark side of the human soul, about the fear, about the instincts, which in the stressful situation easily prevail over the human mind, as, for example, in the story" Abyss ".

The famous "Red Laugh" Andreeva, the picturesque events of the Russian-Japanese war of 1904, especially terrible. The writer himself did not fought, but there were enough newspaper reports and stories of eyewitnesses, so that the rich imagination of the writer and the artist gave rise to terrible paintings of the madness of the war.

At the next stage of the creative life of Andreev created bulk works - plays, novels, Tale: "Diary of Satan", "The one who receives slap", "Juda Israbi", etc. "Juda Israariot" caused a lot of disputes and displeasure believers, because in this story the apostles - ordinary people, not alien vices, and - an unfortunate man. The story was published in German, English and French, survived several shields.

The feature of the creativity of Leonid Andreeva from the point of view of literary critics is the inability to attribute the writer's works to a certain direction in the literature. Too different artistic methods used by the writer, the style is too unusual.

Personal life

In 1902, Andreev was combined with a marriage with Alexandra Veligorskaya, the grandchildren, and in the same year, the pair was born firstborn Vadim. In 1906, the son appeared on the light, and Alexander died from the postpartum heating.

In 1908, Leonid Andreev married the second time - on Anna Ilinichna Denisevich (Karnitskaya). From the second marriage born sons of Sava (1909) and Valentine (1912) and the daughter of Vera (1910). All five children were, like the Father, Creative People.

Not many know an interesting fact from the life of the writer: Leonid Andreev was not a joke to the color photo. He is still considered one of the best masters in the world who worked in the Avtorshrom technique. I invented this technique, and until 1935 it was the only way to get color photos.


The October Revolution of 1917 did not accept the writer, the Bolsheviks caused him a sharply negative attitude. In the year of receipt of Finland independence, Leonid Andreev lived in this country and thus was in forced emigration. There, in the town of Mustami, September 12, 1919, Leonid Andreev died. The cause of sustainable death was the vice of the heart. Buried the writer nearby, in Marikah.

In 1956, Andreev's dust was reburied in Leningrad on a wolf cemetery. Unfinitely forgotten in the homeland of the writer remembered, and since 1956 his selected works often reprinted. The legacy that the writer left, includes 89 stories, 20 pieces, 8 stories and novels. The thoughts invested by the author in the mouth of heroes or first-person written by the quotes. Since 1991, Leonid Andreeva House Museum has been working in Orel.



  • 1906 - to the stars
  • 1907 - human life
  • 1907 - Savva
  • 1908 - King Hunger
  • 1908 - Black Masks
  • 1909 - Anatama
  • 1909 - days of our life
  • 1910 - Anfisa
  • 1910 - Gaudeamus.
  • 1911 - Ocean
  • 1912 - Ekaterina Ivanovna
  • 1912 - Professor Storitsyn
  • 1913 - Beautiful Sabineans
  • 1913 - do not kill
  • 1914 - thought
  • 1914 - Samson in Okovas
  • 1915 - the one who gets slap
  • 1915 - Requiem.
  • 1917 - Cute Ghosts
  • 1922 - Dog Waltz

Novels and Tale

  • 1903 - Life of Vasily Fewan
  • 1904 - Red laugh
  • 1907 - Juda Israariot
  • 1908 - My Notes
  • 1908 - Story about seven hanged
  • 1911 - Sasha Zagulav
  • 1916 - Igo Wars
  • 1919 - Diary of Satan

Ilya Efimovich Repin is an outstanding master of historical, domestic and portrait genres. Portraits make up an important part of the repincial heritage. Deep psychological characteristic, the ability to convey the unique individuality of the model, the picturesque skill make Repin one of the best portraits of their era.

In the collection of the Omsk Museum there is one web brush of Repin - Portrait of Leonid Andreeva. Earlier, he was kept in the gallery of the famous collector I.E. Tsvetkov. The portrait was filled in the summer of 1905 in Kookkale, where Repin lived constantly since 1903 in his own estate, called "Penates". Works written at this time differ from its earlier work. They were associated with the general course of the development of the art of the XIX - XX century. The Repin of this period is interesting as a painter, in whose work artistic searches of time was reflected, because by nature, his artist was a converter, a reformer, sharply feeling the spirit of change.

In the Repinsky "fenats", where the artistic intelligentsia was constantly going, often Writer Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev. According to Alexander Blok, it was a man, "wearing, or rather, who has dragged world chaos in himself." Using the techniques of symbolism, Andreevs sought to express public ideas and sentiment in an allegorical form. His stories caused a feeling of acute concern and discontent with life.

Repin wrote Leonid Andreeva twice. The first portrait created in 1904 and famous called "Portrait of Leonid Andreeva in the White Rubach", is kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery. This portrait, a light colorful gamma of which is built on thin gradations of white, transfers the character soft, nature, spiritually rich, but devoid of energy action. The created image did not satisfy Repin, and he received from Andreeva agreement to pose again.

A year later, Repin writes the second portrait of a writer - a handsome man "with a dark-eyed, decorative face", sitting, spreading his hands on a garden bench. Ease, the discrepancy of the posture is combined with almost the royal majesty. No wonder Repin called Andreeva "Duke Lorenzo". The portrait got the name "Summer holiday". But the first impression of him is deceptive. It is violated by all the portrait portrait, which is aimed at the dynamization and even dramatizing the image.

A diagonal cruciform composition, a combination of contrasting and additional colors (red and black, red and green), turn the head of the model in three quarters create internal dynamics, emotional tension and deep psychologism in the transmission of the image portrayed. Green and red colors make each other sound stronger. The figure, despite the black-free modeling, is perceived as a stain, and the background approaches the plane rather than to the deep illusory space. The resulting some decorative portrait of portrait connects it with the works of Modern - the styles of the stroke of the XIX - XX century.

Andreev Leonid Nikolaevich

Biography Andreeva Leonid Nikolayevich. Youth.

Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev was born on August 9, 1871 in the Orel in the family of Ambarer and Taxator, the son of the greener of the nobility and a fortress girl. Andreeva's mother, nee Pazkovskaya, originated from the genus of Polish landowners.
Andreeva's childhood, he said, was "clear, carefree." At the age of six, he learned to read "and read extremely much, everything that came under hand."
In 1882-1891, Andreev studied in the Oryol classical gymnasium. Already during the years of study, he opened a literary talent in himself, which first manifested itself in writing essays for coarticles, and later - and first stories. Andreev grew impressionable, prone to expressive actions by a young man. At seventeen age, deciding to test the power of will, he lay down between the rails in front of the approaching locomotive; Fortunately, the "experiment" did not lead to the death of the future writer. By the same time, the entry of Andreeva in the diary, claiming that he would destroy my writings and morality and established human relations, destroy love and religion and finish her life with all the development. "
At the end of the gymnasium in 1891, Andreev entered the Faculty of Faculty of St. Petersburg University. At that time, Andreeva's father dies, the mother's material situation worsened so much that Leonid was hungry for some time. In St. Petersburg, he creates his first stories (literary debut - the story "in the cold and gold", 1892), not adopted by the editor. For the non-payment of Andreev was expelled, but without losing determination to continue education, he now entered the Faculty of Law now Moscow University. In Moscow, his financial situation improved.
In 1894-1895, the student and novice writer Leonid Andreev intended three times to put the point in his biography, taking suicide attempts due to unhappy love.
Successfully graduating from the university in 1897, Andreev after a while got a job in a lawyer; He was engaged in the law in 1902. In parallel, Andreev begins to work in journalism, cooperating with the newspapers "Moscow Bulletin" and "Courier". His first works are fekelons; Leonid Andreev signed by the pseudonym James Lynch. In 1898, his story "Bargamot and Garaska" was printed in the Courier. This story attracted the attention of Maxim Gorky. The result of the rapprochement of young writers was the creative association, which also included the beginners of Ivan Bunin, Nikolai TV and singer Fyodor Shalyapin in those years. From 1900 Andreev led in the "courier" of the woven waters "impressions" and the anniversary essay "Moscow. Melivo life."

Biography Andreeva Leonid Nikolayevich. Mature years.

Genuine fame comes to Leonid Andreev after the publication in 1901 in the magazine "Life" the story "lived." In the same year, the first book of the story of Andreeva comes out in the "Knowledge" publishing house. At this time, he creates new works - "laughter", "wall", "abyss", "thought", "in the fog", the story "Life of Vasily Fewish" - appeal to the biography of the priest, revealing the depths of human psychology, the novel "Red Laughter »Based on the events of the Russian-Japanese war.
The beginning of the century gave the writer not only the realization of the talent, but also a new love. In 1902, he marries A.M. Veligorskaya, the grandchildren of Taras Shevchenko's niece.
In 1905, Andreev takes part in revolutionary activities for the first time, shelting members of the RSDLP on his apartment. On February 10, 1905, he was arrested, but was released from prison on bail made by Savoy Morozov. In connection with these events, Andreev leaving in 1906 to Germany. Here Andreeva is born the son of Daniel (afterwards - the author of the treatise "Rose of the World"), but the wife of the writer dies from childbirth. Andreev moves to Italy and settled on Capri at Gorky. His passionate revolution is replaced by disappointment, since 1907, Leonid Andreev rises with revolutionary circles. By the same period of time, his first experiments include the playwright (the first play of Andreeva "To the Stars" was established in 1905).
In 1907, Leonid Andreev creates a story "Juda Israariot and others." This is a free statement of gospel events, one of the first attempts in the literature of the 20th century in a new way to read the "biography" of Jesus Christ and the Apostles, give a new interpretation of the events set out in the Holy Scripture.
In 1907-1910 Andreev actively cooperates with the modernist almanacs of the Publishing House "Roshovnik". Since 1908, he lives in his own home in VMMels (Finland) - an Adans Villa, who gained its name because it was built on the funds from the publishing advances. Leonid Andreev welcomes the beginning of the First World War; There is a number of his statements of this time in the antighermanic spirit. Shortly before the February Revolution of 1917, he carries a member of the editorial board of the newspaper "Russian Will". October revolution Andreev does not accept; His latest works, such as an unfinished story "Satan Diary" show Soviet power in a negative key. He continued to live with his family in Finland, in the village of Neivala near Mustami; After the release of Finland, the Russian Empire was in emigration.
On September 12, 1919, Leonid Andreev died suddenly from the vice of the heart. The writer was buried in Marika. In 1956, his remains were reburied in Leningrad on a wolf cemetery.
A bright representative of the Silver Age, Leonid Andreev in his work reflected both the bright and dark sides of this period of Russian culture. Nikolai Konstantinovich Ryerich, Ilya Efimovich Repin, was positive about the work of Andreeva, Ilya Efimovich Repin (he created the portrait of Leonid Andreeva), Vikenty Vikentievich Veresayev, Alexander Aleksandrovich Block, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Andreev, despite the suicidal inclinations of youth, life challenged in his works: "Let the all-standing life - an illusion, but I believe in it, and the unfortunate of this day does not take away my faith in the future day," he wrote. "Life will win - how many hands would have affected her how many madmen would neither try to stop her. And isn't it smarter: to live, praise life, rather than scolding her - and still live! "

See All portraits

© Biography Andreyev Leonid Nikolaevich. Biography of the writer Andreeva Leonid Nikolayevich. Biography of the poet Andreeva Leonid Nikolayevich