What is the name of the excavation of the grave. Excavations of burials - our opinion

What is the name of the excavation of the grave. Excavations of burials - our opinion
What is the name of the excavation of the grave. Excavations of burials - our opinion

In which we participated.
Excavations were carried out in front of the church of St. Nicholas known from the XIV century. (More about him -), and the city is first mentioned since 1228. The cemetery appeared long before the construction of an existing church. Probably in the x century, because In another part of the burial ground there were burials for the rite of cremation, and in "our" the disappeared bones from the troves - archaeologists are called their calcined. Subsequently (from the middle of the XVI century), the church belonged to Protestants. Accordingly, in the cemetery of centuries buried the inhabitants of the city. In about the XVIII century, the cemeteries began to endure the city and burials here ceased.

We joined the work at the end of September. Archaeologists of Opoli University led by prof. Magdalena PrzysiężNa-Pizarska) for this time worked no first month and led rescue excavations. This is due to the fact that there are active construction and restoration work that preceded preventive studies.

This trip took place within the framework of the Cooperation Program of Novgorod State University with the University of Opoli. In the summer, a group of archaeologists of the Institute of History of the University of Opole University, and in the fall, we brought them a retaliatory visit to the excavation.
Prior to that, only two of us have repeatedly participated in the study of necropolia in Veliky Novgorod, the old Rousse and other items of Novgorod, the rest did it for the first time.

In principle, the research technique is not very complex. Before moving to the story about the necropolis, I will try to describe the technique in two words (in principle I already wrote about it - but I repeat).
Initially, thin layers remove the earth until the burial appears.

Then carefully clears the skeleton with the help of Sockeys, workshops, knives, spoons, toothpicks and other tools. Try at the same time to identify the contours of the pit and the remnants of the burial structures.

It is necessary to work in flavors, carefully choosing a place where you can sit down or put the leg -

After that, the burial is drawn and photographed -

On a sunny day for a photo, you have to create a shadow with a screwdriver -

Once I had to be distracted from work to give interviews to local journalists -

The backbone disassembles and packaged in the box. All soil is visible and moved. In addition, at the request of colleagues, we worked with a metal detector, checking the dump. As it turned out, they did not use them at all, and we work with him constantly.

Soil here is sandy and dry, therefore the safety of organic materials is rather bad. Often, only a pipe remained from the bones (Polish colleagues explained the specific preservation of several bones, decomposed to the flour stage, the fact that the buried bones suffered from tuberculosis).

The cemetery can tell a lot about the city and its inhabitants.

First of all, it should be noted that this is a city cerebral cemetery, so numerous burials walked layers. This is due to the fact that the territory is small and the new graves dug in the place of old, destroying them. Accordingly, most of the burials reached us not completely.

The inventory in the burials was practically absent. This is due to the fact that the Christian does not take anything with him into the afterlife, so he except Savan and the coffin is nothing unnecessary.

Very rarely, coins were found in the burials, which were probably the role of the "Oola of the Dead" -

Most often, the safety was deplorable. Although there were readable coins -

One of the most curious findings was a fake coin made of iron-coated iron.
Occasionally there were beads. This is, for example, bone beads, from chomethok -

And this is glass -

Numerous metal parts of coffins are found - nails (almost every burial) or such a handle -

Quite often met bronze pins that fastened the Savan. A lot was small (up to 3 x 3 mm) shapeless bronze fragments, very strongly oxidized in the layer.

Despite the lack of items, human remains can tell a lot about life and death in antiquity.

Here, for example, one of the burials -

Completely baby. Freaks remained from the coffin, the bones were also practically thinned. If you increase the photo, you can see the coin lying in the population and thin bronze pins that fastened the pelleys.

In general, it should be noted that in the Middle Ages (and in other times in the New Time), children's mortality was very high, so there are many children's cemeteries, and especially infant burials. Often they are much larger than adults. And not curious in childhood, exceeding 50%. So if someone says that everything used to eat only natural food, breathe was breathing with clean air, they moved a lot and therefore were healthy and lived for a long time - do not believe in his eyes. Just this man never squandered a medieval cemetery.

High was also mortality among women during pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, double burials are not uncommon. At the same time, the baby was most often put on the feet of the mother.

Like here, for example -

In principle, this picture is practically no different from the medieval cemeteries of Novgorod and the old Russ.
But we met and many unusual.

For example, the position of tel. Almost all Christians are styled on his back, head west. For our entire practice, we only once met the burial oriented otherwise - head east. And then, this is most likely due to the fact that the dead man was buried in a closed coffin and confused the headboard with a squaring.

In the cemetery in the bullish part of the burials oriented otherwise.

There were bones oriented north-south. The part was buried by face down.

How, for example, here -

The burials are arranged crosswise, and one of the dead lies face to the bottom, and even their hands behind his back.

And then the body seems to be dropped into the overall grave of persons down. The hand of one lies on the back of another

Unusually and this group burial -

On two bones, you can see the stones that were put on the throat of the dead in the burial -

This is not an accident.

There are such stones in other burials (but not in all). What it means is unclear, but you can guess that the inhabitants were afraid that the dead man could stand out of the grave (in Slavic mythology they were called - the beddows are also trying to prevent him from. The most amazing thing is that there are such stones even in children's burials.

This custom was quite widespread in the past in Poland, and indeed in Europe
Here is the burial of the XVI century. with nested brick, excavated in Pisa (Italy) -

But a completely unusual burial discovered in Poland in the cemetery of the XVII-XVIII century. - Woman buried with sickle at the throat -

What caused this custom? There are no uniform opinion, but the authors of the articles (the images of which are given above) believe that the rocks pressed the dead of the dead from infectious diseases (plague or cholera, for example). Obviously, those who did so, considered such dead victims of the "vampires", "walking dead" (or what other non-cords, see for example -

Incredible facts

We tend to believe that archaeologists are "dusty" experts who explore people and their culture with the help of artifacts and human remains.

But sometimes they are more like ancient narrowers who, with help found antiquities They tell the most interesting plots, magically carry us in distant times and places.

In the stories presented below, we will be transferred to the ancient worlds for long forgotten children. Some stories touch for the soul, others are just mysterious, and some terrible.

10. Revival of Oriens

In October 2013, at one of the fields of Lestershire, England, the treasure hunter with the help of the metal detector found meter Coffin Roman Baby. In order not to talk about a child in the third person, the scientific community decided to call him "Orienses", which means "to go up" (like the Sun).

It is believed that the Oriennes was buried in 3-4 centuries. More unknown, how old was the child, but the bracelets in their hands suggest that it was a girl.

Bracelets with hands Girls

Clasp bracelets.

Orienses, must have lived in a rich family or her relatives had a high social status, because she was found by lead coffin, which was rare at that time, especially in questions of children's burials.

Coffin int.

Most children then betrayed the earth, dressed in Savan (the clothes for the deceased). Only a few bone fragments remained from the babe.Nevertheless, archaeologists managed to collect together some details of her life, including information about the society in which she lived.

They learned a lot by analyzing some resin found in her coffin.

Milk teeth Orienses

According to Stuart Palmer Stuart (Stuart Palmer) from the Archeology team of Warkers ( Archaeology Warwickshire.), presence incense, olive oil, as well as oil pistachio nuts in the soil, Founded in the coffin, suggests that Orienses can be attributed to a very small number of Roman burials of people with the highest status.

The girl was buried at a very expensive Mediterranean and Middle East custom.

"Nails", which kept the internal components of the coffin

The resins masked the smell of the decomposing body during the arrival of the initial rituals, which, according to the ancients, facilitated the transition to the afterlife. From a social point of view, this suggests that residents of Roman Britain continued to follow the continental burial rites, so they had to import oils and resins from the Middle East.

9. Child secrets - singer

Almost 3000 years ago Seven-year-old Tjayasetimu sang in chorein the temple of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Despite the fact that the majority of secrets took a girl with me to the grave, the curators of the British Museum, where in 2014 her mummy was put up, managed to figure out some details about the child.

It is not known for certain, where she lived and worked, because the British Museum bought a mummy from the dealer back in 1888. However, the TjayaseTimu body is incredibly well preserved. In the 1970s, within the framework of the Restoration project were found hieroglyphs and drawings under the blackened oil bandages on the body.

Tools that may have enjoyed tjayasetimu

Thanks to the inscriptions managed to find out her name and position. The name of Tjayasetimu, which means "the goddess of Isida will win them," protects against evil spirits. Her work of the singer in the temple was considered very important for Amon's God.

Unknown and the reason for receiving the girl such a "post": her voice or family ties. It is only known that she was an important person, because the body was mummy infused with a gold mask on his face.

Scanning showed milk teeth girls

In 2013, computed tomography showed that her body, including face and hair, is still well preserved. Due to the lack of signs of long-term illness and injuries, she, as it relies, died from a short-time disease, such as cholera.

8. The mystery of the "sewer" babies

In the Roman Empire, the pedubideism was widely practiced to limit the size of the family, because the reliable methods of birth control did not exist. It helped preserve scarce resources and improve the lives of other family members.

For children under the age of 6 months in Roman society did not apply as to people.

In this well, burial was detected

Nevertheless, even knowing this fact, the researchers were still horrified when in 1988 in Ashkelon, on the southern coast of Israel, made a terrible discovery. Archaeologists have discovered in ancient sewage, which was under Roman baths, mass burial of almost 100 children.

The ruins of the Church in Ashkelon

Most of the bones found were intact, and, according to scientists, the children were thrown into the sewer immediately after death. Given the total age of kids and the lack of signs of diseases, the cause of death was almost certainly a detectivity.

According to these bones, experts determined that the dead were babies

Although Romans more preferences were given to the children of male, the researchers failed to find evidence that they intentionally killed more female babies. They failed to find this confirmation and in the study of this find.

Some experts note that the bath over the sewage has worked as a public house.They suggest that babies were undesirable children of women of the most ancient profession, which worked there.

Some female babies, perhaps life was preserved, so that they subsequently become curtains. Despite the fact that women and men were engaged in the Roman Empire, and men were also more sought after.

Ancient archaeological excavations

7. Unusual baby workers - metalworkers

About 4000 years ago, in prehistoric Britain, children received a task to decorate jewelry and weapons with gold, thin as human hair, threads. On some copies on one square centimeter of the tree, more than 1000 such threads were located.

Scientists have discovered this after in the 1800s in the area of \u200b\u200bKurgan Bush near Stonehenge, a richly decorated handle of a wooden dagger was found.

Founded at the same time in Bush daggers. Plain Salisbury. Were discovered in the richest and most important grave of the Bronze Age, among all ever found in Britain

The work is so jewelry that it is difficult to see all the details with the unarmed eye. After the studies conducted, the experts came to the conclusion that, most likely, teens and children under the age of 10 were authors of such emergency skill on the knob of the dagger.

Without a magnifying glass, an ordinary adult could not do this, because his vision does not have sufficient sharpness. After 21 years, the human vision gradually begins to deteriorate.

Although children used simple tools, they had a special understanding of design and geometry. However, for a beautiful manual work, they paid a high price. Their vision quickly spoiled myopathy overtook them at the age of 15, and by 20 years they were already partially blind.

It made them unsuitable for another work, so they were forced to rely on their communities.

6. Very good parents

Believing that the relationship from some scientists was not quite objective, the archaeologists from the University of York decided to rewrite the history of these prehistoric people. Until recently it was believed that neanderthal children lived a dangerous, difficult and short life.

However, the team of the above archaeologists came to other conclusions after he studied the social and cultural factors of the life of the first people on finding different times in different places throughout Europe.

"The opinion of Neanderthals is changing," says Penny Spikins, a leading researcher. "Partly due to the fact that they matered with us, and this already talks about our similarity. But the last findings were also important. There is a fundamental difference between harsh childhood and childhood conducted in harsh conditions. "

Neanderthal baby explores his reflection in the water. Neanderthal Museum in Kropin, Croatia

Spikeins believes that the Neanderthal children were very tied to their families, and families were cohesive. He also notes that children were trained to handle the tools. In two places of two different countries, the archaeologists team discovered stones that were well processed against the background of others who have chips.

They looked as if the children were trained in adults how to make tools.

Although there are no convincing evidence of this statement, Spykins believes that prehistoric kids "played in Pikabu", imitating adults, because people and big monkeys played in the same "game".

When studying the burials of Neanderthal babies and children, Spaykins concluded that parents betrayed their offspring with great care, since the remains of children were preserved before our days, and not adults.

The archaeological team also emphasizes that there are evidence confirming the fact of parental care for several years of their patients or injured children.

Ancient finds of archaeologists

5. Fight scouts of ancient Egypt

To find out how children lived in the city of oxirin in ancient Egypt, historians examined about 7,500 documents of the presumably sixth century. More than 25,000 people lived in the city, and he himself was considered the Roman administrative center of his area, in which the weaving industry of Egypt flourished.

Three years ago, artifacts of the time of the existence of oxirinha were found, after the analysis of which historians came to the conclusion that the youth group of boyCautov, known as "Gymnasium", was actively worked in ancient Egypt, where young people learned to become good citizens.

Boys on a camel. Mosaic of the period of late antiquity, the beginning of the 6th century.

Mosaic Museum of Great Palace in Istanbul, Turkey.

The training was taken by boys born in free Egyptian, Greek and Roman families. Despite the "rich" demographic, membership in the gymnasium was limited to 10-25 percent of the families of the city.

For boys who left applications for training in the gymnasium - it was the transition to adulthood. They became full-fledged adults when they married the age of "slightly for twenty." Girls who married in adolescence were preparing for their role, working in parental homes.

Boys from free families who did not fall into the gymnasium began to work, being children, under the contract for several years. Many contracts were to work in weaving production.

Roman boy with hairstyle in Egyptian style. The side strand of the hair is cut off and donated to the gods before the upcoming ceremony of adulthood. The first half of the second century of our era. Museum of the history of culture, Oslo.

Historians discovered one student contract concluded with the girl. But, as it turned out, her case was unique, because she was a orphanage and had to repay the debts of her deceased father.

Children of slaves could conclude the same work contracts as the boys born in free families. But unlike the latter, who lived with their families, the children of slaves could be sold. In this case, they lived with their owners. The discovered documents showed that some kids slaves were sold at the age of two years.

4. The mystery of the "elk" geoglyph

In this story, our opening of the past is caused by curiosity as to what will be in the future. The images obtained from space in 2011 were told about the existence of a giant geometric geometric geometric pattern (the geometric pattern) in the Ural Mountains, which is supposed to be preceded by a thousand years found in the Geoglyphs of the Millennial age found in Peru.

The type of masonry, known as "Stone Skol", suggests that this structure could be built at about 3000 - 4000. BC.

Geoglyphs of Naski.

The structure is about 275 meters in length with two horns, four legs and a long muzzle facing north. In prehistoric times, geoglyph could be seen from the neighboring ridge. He looked like a shiny white figure amid green grass. Today this place is covered with soil.

Archaeologists were amazed by the thoughtfulness of the design. "The moor's hoofs were made of small crushed stones and clay," explains Stanislav Grigoriev, a specialist of the Russian Academy of Sciences. "The walls were very low, as I suppose, and the passages between them are very narrow. Also, the situation was also in the area of \u200b\u200bthe muzzle: crushed stone and clay, four small wide walls and three passages."

"Loss" geoglyph

The researchers also found evidence of the presence of two places, in which the fires fastened once. They believe that these places were used to carry out important rituals.

However, many questions remained without answers, especially such as: who built this geoglyph and why. There are no archaeological evidence that culture at that time was so advanced so that people could build such a structure in this region.

But experts believe that the most interesting discovery concerns children. They managed to find more than 150 tools in place, 2-17 centimeters long. They believe that these tools belonged to children who worked side by side with adults within the framework of the public project.

That is, it was not slave labor, but joint efforts in the name of achieving an important goal.

Archeology: Nakhodka

3. Children clouds

In July 2013, in the high-rise region of the Amazonas region in Peru, archaeologists have discovered 35 sarcophages, each of which was no longer 70 centimeters long. Small coffins were brought off researchers to the idea that they belong to children of the chachapan mysterious culture, also known as the "Warriors of the Clouds", because they lived in the tropical forests of the mountains.

In the period between the 9th century and 1475, when their territories were conquered by Incas, Chachapoy founded villages and farms on steep mountain slopes, growing pigs and llamas there, and also fought among themselves.

Their culture, ultimately, was destroyed by diseases such as the OSAP, which brought with them European researchers.

About Chachapoy and their children know very little, because they did not leave any written language after themselves. However, according to the Spanish documents of the 1500s, they were fierce warriors.

Pedro Cieza de Leon (Pedro Cieza de Leon), who led the chronicle of the story of Peru, described their appearance: " They are the most white and most beautiful of all the people I have seen in India, and their wives are so beautiful that because of their softness, many of them deserve to be Inca's wives and live in the Sun Temple. "

But these warriors of the clouds still left something after themselves: mummified bodies in unusual and strange sarcophages, which were found at high ledges overlooking the valley. Clay coffins were located vertically and on the design were very reminded of decorating people: tunic, decorations and even trophy skulls.

But it is unknown to anyone why the children were buried on their own cemetery separately from adults. It is also incomprehensible why all the little sarcophages "watched" west, while adult coffins were located otherwise.

Mysterious archaeological finds

2. Gifts of the gods of lakes

The ancient villages of the Bronze Age spread their expanses around the Alpine lakes of Germany and Switzerland. When some of the villages were discovered during the excavations of the 1970s and 1980s, archaeologists could not rejoice because they found more than 160 houses with age 2600 - 3,300 years.

It was at home along the coastal strip of the lake, which were flooded. To protect against the rise of the water level, residents often moved to less dangerous territories, closer to land. When conditions improved, they returned again.

The excavations of the burial grounds and settlements are the most responsible part of the field research procedure in archeology. Intelligence gives information different levels, which then can be repeatedly checked and complemented. The laboratory research procedure is also repeated and depends on the improvement of the methods used. Excavations are unique.

As it were carefully and qualified, the excavations of the monument were carried out, he, however, is destroyed. After the excavation, it ceases to exist completely or partly as a monument of archeology, becomes the sum of the mined scientific materials and information. Therefore, only specialists who have appropriate training and excavation permit (open leaf) should roll up the monuments.

An organization conducted by excavations and the head of excavations should take care of participation in the expedition of the necessary specialists. The excavation is headed by an archaeological specialist. As part of the detachment must be assistants-laboratory technicians, a qualified photographer, a drawer, restorer, anthropologist and other specialists, depending on the tasks of the expeditionary study.

The main tasks of studying the burial grounds

The study of the ancient graves in world and domestic science has a big story. Their excavations gave science with a colossal archaeological, anthropological and other material. However, the peculiarity of this type of monuments is that only those objects that were required by the rite of burial were buried. Therefore, when the archaeological culture is noted, it is impossible to be based only on the data obtained from the graves, as was done earlier. However, incorrectly and build generalizing conclusions about archaeological culture only on materials of one settlements. Materials of these monuments must be subject to general analysis. Only this allows you to achieve the necessary completeness of data for the reconstruction of archaeological culture.

An ancient grave should be considered in the complex, not limited to real material. All important: its device conducted by the burial rite, the location of things and their set.

The study of the burial complexes should include the study of the gravestone device, burial site, obtaining information on the process of burial, ritual and actions with the buried, about accompanying inventory, its placement.

Getting Started to Excavations, it is necessary to take into account what type of funeral structures will be investigated. Depending on this, the corresponding research techniques should be chosen.

Equipment of burial places . The most common buildings are grave pits in the ground (in the mainland), different in shape: quadrangular, oval, without additional structures or with a frame, folded from logs or stone with walls, with a seabed, blocked by a tree or stone. A special group can be distinguished by the device for the device, known, for example, in Skif, Sakov, in the Altai Skif. They were arranged in the form of an extensive wooden cut with additional rooms for inventory, burial horses. Such cameras had a specially equipped corridor input.

At the same time, other funeral devices are also known: funeral urns, ossearia - special vessels from ceramics or stone, which were the remnants of the deceased. The urns were stored in clay or bricks.

Archaeologists often have to deal with the device of the burial site on the surface buried under the mound of the mound of the soil or in the mound of the curric. The burial place in this case can be equipped with a wooden frame, covered with stone plates or turden. Constructions from the turf can be especially difficult to detect.

Fig. 87.

1 - the rapid burial of the bronze era in the grave pit with a wooden coating; 2 - burial in a specially made catakombe

By a later time, as a rule, the period of the addition of early states includes burials in sarcophagas from wood, stone, terracotta, in coffins. Simple and sophisticated, decorated, they also had a social function, as, however, the whole design of the terrestrial burial structures. Exploring them, it should be borne in mind that these architectural and archaeological monuments with their traditional device reflected the worldview of those who created their people associated with the ideas about life, death, the structure of the universe. Such, for example, the royal mounds in the Scythians, Kurgan Issyk at Sakov, Kurgan in the valleys of Pazyryk and Ukok in the Mountain Altai, Kurgan Argen in Tuva, etc.

In archeology there are several methods of burial that are easily installed during the excavations. It is more difficult to establish what actions were made with the deceased: the trepanation of the skull, the extraction of induction, dismemberment, etc. The archaeologist during archaeological excavations should be able to trace what actions were made before burial.

Simple burial - the place of the body of the deceased in the ground or coffin, a deck. In archeology, many varieties of antiquity are recorded: elongated; Ruined on the side, in which the knees of the deceased bent; On the back with different positions of the arms and legs. During the excavations of the burial, the skeleton of the buried or its remnants is found. It should be borne in mind that the bones of the hands, the legs, the skull could change their original position during the decomposition of the muscular tissue, when the filling the grave yam of the Earth is sealing. For example, if the buried was laid on the back, and his legs bent the knees up, then such a position could not be preserved over time; When excavations, the archaeologist will detect the bones of the legs buried bent and lying knees to the right or left, and maybe on the parties, in the pose of "dance". The same changes occur with the location of the skull. When the archaeologist writes in the diary that the buried was laid on his back, and the head turned to the right or left, almost always it can be said that his statement is erroneously, because the skull unfolds under the influence of the gravity of the Earth, filling the grave pit.

Fig. 88.

1 - single in the soil pit; 2 - in the side; 3 - in a stone drawer; 4 - in Siruba; 5, 6 - in the burial chamber

A place where a large number of people are buried at the same time or consistently for a long period, called group disposal. This type of burial, for example, is known in Siberia in the Tagarian culture of the Epoch of the early Iron Age.

Secondary burial is the reburial of bones after muscle tissue rotted. Often these dice were laid out in the grave pit, crypt or urn after they were some time elsewhere, were buried or lying on the surface of the Earth.

The main purpose of embarrassment of the deceased is to preserve the body of the deceased, for which the skull was treated, the internal organs were removed and replaced by embarrassing substances. After that, the deceased was buried. In Russia, such balsamized corpses of the buried were found in the Mountain Altai and belong to Pazyryk culture.

The rite of cremation (corpse burning) in antiquity was quite widespread. There is quite a lot of his varieties. Three of them can be distinguished: the burning of the corpse on special burial sites inside the grave pit or burial crypt, burning the dead along with the burial chamber and burial in the grave of the heap of ash or burned bones in the urns and special bags. The very burning in this case was accomplished somewhere on the side, outside the burial site. With the rite of burning in a number of archaeological crops, the rite of preservation of the died of the deceased is combined by the manufacture of clay and terracotta masks, the sculptural heads of the buried (Tesinskaya and Tashtyk culture of the Gunno-Sarmatian era of the early Iron Age).

Fig. 89. "Group" burial of the Tagorsk culture of the early Iron Century

Rescue archaeological excavations Selie Perezino-1 He spent in the summer of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the suburbs. Archaeologists under the leadership of Alexey Viktorovich Alekseeva began one of the most ancient settlements of the Moscow region. In the XIV century, Dmitry Slobodca village belonging to the Great Moscow Prince, Dmitrie, the administrative and economic center of a large and rich volost. Dmitrieva Slobodka was repeatedly mentioned in the wills of Moscow princes and major state acts as an important point. Excavations captured and part of the ancient medieval necropolis of the XIV-XVI centuries with a large number of burials. Found a large number of rare and interesting finds: white-eyed tombstones, stone cross, native crosses, silver coins, samples, applied printing, silver waist pads, many ceramics of the XIV-XVI centuries and more.
Photo Clickable, with geographic coordinates and binding to Yandex-map, 06-07.2016.

Historical reference, excavation scheme, the beginning of the rescue excavation of the Sel. Perevino-1, as well as a small leakage on archeology here:
Excavations of looting-1, medieval necropolis, 1 part
Excavations Seliya Peshino-1, video excursion

1. Everything that has survived from a person is the strongest bones and loose skull. Please note how shallow it was buried, only about 60 cm from the level of the earth

2. Another grave with the preserved remains of man and the soblovina (the beginning - photo 37.38 of the previous part). Subsequently, it turned out that this is the most preserved burial from all all. Coffins Then presented anthropomorphic decks from solid wood

3. No one has canceled paper work.

4. Medieval native cross

5. Good Nakhodka - Silver Coin Golden Horde, Dirham Khan Berdibek (758-760 / 1357-1359)

6. Dirham Berdibek turnover

7. Native Cross and Dirham

8. Panorama of excavations, visible graves

9. Already dug graves, medieval grave plates and grave stains (standing out on the background of the mainland rectangles)

11. Two started graves are visible. One half is extracted first, then another

13. Cleaning the burial from 2 photos. Work comes with a knife and brush, probably the slowest and tedious part of the excavation

15. All extracted primer is sewn through a sieve in search of artifacts

16. After cleaning, the bones of the hands and phalange of the fingers were visible (comparing with photo 13)

17. And this is the grave in the grave. Later burial is partially located on an earlier. Human remains were dissolved, only a skull was partially preserved

18. Here also one grave finds another. Footprints of the eliminated deck are visible, the human remains are not preserved

19. Finally, the remains of the grave from the 2nd photo were completely figured. On stripping gone a couple of days

23. Footprints of the group grave, we assumed the burial of the family there and pinned the work of this grave of great hopes

24. Slore, right Beginning of the group of group grave from the previous photo

25. Unfortunately, the hopes were justified, the human remains in this grave were not preserved. It was possible to detect only a trail from the skull - the cavity in the ground in the shape of a skull (the Pompeii is immediately remembered). However, its location confirmed our dignity of group disposal

26. All that remained from a person - overseas in the shape of a skull

27. They began to dig further and discovered another cavity from the skull. And between them the next one small burial. Most likely it was a family with a child

28. And this is burial with the preserved skull, presumably a child. Small glades with a large skull suggest the thought of illness (Rahit?). By the way, at the end of the excavation, all the bones were sent anthropologists for analysis and research

29. Beginning of the burial clearance with photo 18, the remains of the skull and traces of the deck are visible.

30. During the excavation, many fragments of ceramics of the XIV-XVII centuries were found. At the same time, almost nothing was found in the grave themselves (why it happened, I explain in the video and the previous part)

31. Burial with photo 18, 29 after clearing

32. And this is the chief clerk clearance specialist. Not everyone is able to clear the bone with a knife, needle and brush - this is a rather time-consuming occupation, requiring perfection and patience.

33. Founding ceramics, XIV-XV century

34. Went of a fragment of a medieval ceramic vessel

36. Holy profile from the previous photo

37. Pay attention to the wavy pattern, this is the XIV-XV century

43. Medieval ceramics

44. Unusual find - fragments of the Black Sea Amphore of the XIV century (right)

46. \u200b\u200bCeramic vessels of the XIV-XV centuries, wavy lines are visible.

48. During the excavations, reporters from the Russia-24 channel came to us to shoot a documentary about archaeological excavations. Head of Expedition Alekseev A.V. gives them an interview. Later I'll post a link to the film

49. Remove the most remarkable and valuable finds

Recently, it turned out that the search squad of the Expedition "Valley" three years led the excavation on the village cemetery.

This story began last summer, when we turned to us from the Old Committee of Culture and asked to see the place on the outskirts of the village of Chenets. Having left for the place, my colleague S. E. Toropov, inspected the shore where excavations were carried out, made sure that there was a village cemetery.

Recently, this story emerged again, and I managed to contact the commander of the detachment by the work of N. G. Babinseva. That's what you managed to figure out.

Actually, once again the old situation repeated. The search squad during the search for uniformly fallen fighters came across the old cemetery and accepted him for the burial of the civilians who died during the war.

The village itself has an ancient history.
In the Middle Ages, Cherenchitsy - the center of the same name of the major district, the separated p. Two half, located, respectively, in the territory of the Shelon and Social Pile. The most early of the descriptions that have reached us. Cherenters have been preserved in the census book of the Shelonian five, 1539 according to its data, there are C. sv. John the Bogoslov. The Chernchitsky polisher is first mentioned in the Czyrical Orthodox Book of the Social Foundation, drawn up around 1495 in the XVI century. located in chinks c. John is mentioned in the parish book of the Novgorod House of St. Sophia 1576/1577
According to Academician V. L. Yanin, Cherenters (called Chernyna (Chernyan)) are mentioned by the Novgorod I chronicles under 1200 in a report on the Lithuanian raid on the southern primacy: "Love that is being taken to Lithuania and to Nazuqiya, with whore to Swing Head; And I tricks the Novgorodi for them to Tzarnunyan and beat them with them. " This localization is supported from an onomastic point of view V. L. Vasilyev.

During the war, this village turned out to be on the front line and was destroyed during the battle. At the same time, the positions, naturally, were laid at all convenient places, including in the cemetery, adjacent to C. sv. John the Bogoslov.

After many years, in the spring of 2013, the search fighters found in the outskirts of the villages of the cerebrics of human bones lying on the soil of the river on the outskirts. .

Excavations on the shore

Three years, a detachment from Kirov led search work, as a result of which the bone remains of at least 80 people were extracted, including numerous infant and children's skeletons. Adult men are very small. Neither personal belongings, no fragments of clothing at the remains found. The German machine gun tape, a few sleeves and cartridges from the German and Soviet weapons were found around, 2 sleeves of a large-caliber projectile, a few sleeves from the anti-tank gun, 1 or 2 sleeves from the German rocket, a broken brick, a broken thin glass, a dozen forged nails, fragments of boards, several Large fragments of shells.

In addition, 11 native crosses were found, which can be pre-dated XVIII. XX century

Found during the work, native crosses and a fragment of the vessel with the image of John the Cologovo

"Miselet from the excavation under the brush"

The most amazing thing is that, finding the remains that accompanied the remains, fragments of the exhalete and wrought nails, they could not figure out that it meant. Although any person familiar with the excavations of burials is clear that these are the remnants of the sobility. Fighters and the commander of the squad to understand why among the burials a lot of scattered bones and their fragments. And this is another one of the signs of a long functioning cemetery - bones of destroyed burials.

Broken backbone. The situation is typical for the Orthodox grave. Lies on the back, hands are folded on the chest

Perhaps among the found bones and could be the remains of unwrapped soldiers, but the main mass is the burials of the old cemetery partially destroyed and mixed with positions.

The correspondence described in the correspondence that some skeletons were found by groups, mother pressed children. But it believes weakly. Such stories I have already heard in 2007 when, with the same circumstances, the fourth of the gorge from the village of Khotynya, where there was nothing like that. The technique of work at which the position of the bones is not recorded, in the presence of fantasy allows you to make any conclusions.

Shurfs and methods of excavations

All this makes it possible to conclude that the church cemetery was damaged as a result of search engines, which contains the burials of the XVIII - beginning. XX century, and perhaps an earlier period. The main reason for the current situation, apparently, was the lack of information from the search engines of information about the location in the area of \u200b\u200bsearch engines of archaeological monuments (which is an excavated cemetery) and the inability to distinguish military time objects from the cemetery burials of the Middle Ages and XVIII - NCH. XX centuries.

Given the antiquity of the village, it is worth assumed that there may be much more ancient archaeological sites on its territory.
Directly next to the site of the excavation is destroyed by the temple of John the Bogoslov. The commander of the detachment about him knew, but for some reason he did not suspect that cemeteries were usually located around old temples.

As can be engaged in search work for 15-20 years and not to know this, and not to be able to distinguish the village cemetery from military burials, I do not fit in my head. After all, judging by the description, there was nothing at all that would allow you to recognize these burials by the military (sleeves and cartridges that lay on the surface, not in the score - there are enough of them everywhere).

Moreover, the problem of the destruction of the burial grounds was repeatedly repeated. In 2007, a medieval fanger of the village of Khotynya Shimsky District was destroyed, in 2009, the search detachment was excavated by the gorge from the village of Persian Starus district (there were also positions located right on the burial ground). We have repeatedly spoken about it, wrote to the headquarters of "valleys", met with leadership.

But in the end, the detachment of three years passed the reports to the headquarters of "Valley" and there no one was concerned about such a strange burial. Three years reboot the remains of women and children, and no one raises suspicion that there is no reason to consider them those who died during the Great Patriotic War. In my opinion, this is a sign of big problems in organizing a search engine and control over the work of search groups. I hope that the new leadership of the "Valley" will take steps to solve this problem and repeat such cases will be able to avoid.
I do not know what the fighters of this squad should feel, realizing that their works were not just wondered, but caused serious harm ...

In conclusion, I once again call for members and commanders of search detacies to use the memo prepared by us (take care of the monuments of archeology! (Memo Fighter of the search detachment)). If the diggers in the chinks were familiar with her, they would immediately realize that this is not military burial (all signs are obvious).
In turn, we are ready to go to the place of work when you arise a controversial situation and find out what was actually discovered. We have already repeatedly done. Never refused. When we were asked to look at the "strange burial" (although it is worth a recognition that it was only a few times) and went to place (for example, a video about one of the trips