What do museums do. Abstract

What do museums do. Abstract
What do museums do. Abstract

What is a museum?
1. The concept of the museum.

The word "Museum" "comes from the Greek Museion and Latin Museum - the Temple of Muses, a place dedicated to the sciences and arts.

The museum is an institution that is engaged in collecting, studying, storing and showing subjects and documents characterizing the development of nature and human society and representing historical or artistic value.

Museums arose in 15-16 centuries.

2. Social functions of the museum.

  1. Educational and educational function.

  2. Documentation function.

  3. Custling function.

  4. Research function.
3. Museum profiles.

  1. Public and political museum.

  2. Historical Museum.

  3. Museums of enterprises (schools).

  4. Local history historical museums.

  5. Regional integrated museums.

  6. Natural scientific museums.

  7. Technical museums.

  8. Literary museums.

  9. Artistic, musical and theater museums.
4. The largest museums of the world and our country

  • Louvre (France)

  • Hermitage (Russia)

  • Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin (Russia)

  • Russian Museum (Russia)

  • Tretyakov Gallery (Russia)
5. School museums.

School museumsare non-state museums working on a public basis, and perform the same functions as government.

Signs of the school museum.

  1. The presence of the Fund of genuine materials.

  2. The presence of exposure.

  3. Required room and equipment.

  4. Permanent aspect of students.

6. Tasks of the school museum.

  1. Participation in improving the educational process at school.

  2. Participation in the formation, ensuring the safety and rational use of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation.

  3. Protection and propaganda of monuments of history, culture and nature of the native land.

  4. Conducting cultural and educational work among the UTI and the population.

7. Genres of school museums.

  1. Museum-exposition (exhibition).

  2. Museum-workshop (studio).

  3. Museum-laboratory.

  4. Museum Club, Museum-Theater.

  5. Museum-Adaptation Center.
At possible, we will take:

  1. Museum-Tour Bureau

  2. Museum-game-game.

  3. Museum cafe.

  4. Museum-fair.
Museum-exposition (exhibition). The exposition of the museum is a more or less established complex of objects. The exposition space is strictly localized, is used mainly for excursions according to a certain, fairly limited subject. Museum material is involved in the educational process mainly as an illustration.

Museum-workshop (studio). The exposition space is built in this museum in such a way that it is necessarily present working zones for creative students. Sometimes such a museum is located in classes where technology lessons are conducted, or in art workshops. Exposure can also be dispersed in individual cabinets.

Museum-laboratory. This genre is very close to the museum-workshop. The difference is the nature of the collection, on the basis of which the museum operates. These collections of the natural science and technical profile are usually very extensive. Some of them are placed in subject cabinets. Exposure space includes research laboratories and equipment.

Museum Club, Museum-Theater. The exposition of the museum of this genre is usually quite compact and static, serves as a help for developed forms of club-circuing activities. It is organically involved in the work of the school theater, it becomes the basis for teaching the country studies, the study of culture, customs, the language of this or that people, etc. The Funds of the Museum-Theater or Museum-Club may be represented by theatrical costumes, photos and filmmakers about theatrical productions, posses , the chronicles of the history of the theater or club, the issues of magazines and newspapers, essays on the culture or customs of the country under study, musical records, etc.

Museum-Adaptation Center. This may be a museum with a clearly detected socio-psychological task - creating an atmosphere of psychologically comfortable communication. Most often, the head of such a museum is a psychologist working with children from disadvantaged families, with teenagers that have deviations in development, with disabilities. It is important that the work of the museum is carried out on a specially designed, designed for a long term program that takes into account the specifics of the audience.

Museum-Tour Bureau . The creation of such a museum is possible on the basis of active local lore surveys in the field of history and culture of a particular area. The accumulative information can be the basis of a school tour desk, which develops a local localial history subject and offers this "product" educational institutions of its area, including through lectures (including exit) and excursions. Museum-game-game. It can be a museum of games and toys, some of which are brought from the house, but the main one is made by the hands of children, for example, in technology lessons. The necessary component of the activity of such a museum is to study the history of production and household toys. Museum cafe It is more appropriate to organize in schools or educational institutions of vocational education (initial, average), where future cooks are preparing.

Museum-Fair At the same time performs the function of the trade and recreational center.
8. Principles of organization and activities of school museums.

  1. Constant replenishment of the museum funds.

  2. Actualization of the content of exposures.

  3. Communication with lessons, with the whole educational process.

  4. Conduct scientific educational search.

  5. Independence, creative treatment initiative.

  6. Public Relations.

  7. Strict accounting, proper storage and exposure of the collected materials.

  8. Constant connection with museums, archives.

Attention! It is important!

  1. Equipment must match the room on dimensions and coloring.

  2. Showcases should be located at such a height so that all exhibits and inscriptions can be considered.

  3. Space under shop windows can be used as a storage.

  4. It is possible to use portable showcases.

  5. Between windows, you can mount turnstiles, put stands or shields.

  6. Stands need to be covered with monophonic paper, gray cloth, paint matte paint.

  7. All design must be sustained in two or three tones.

9. Professions in the museum.

The museum employs people of different specialties. First of all, these are historians, archaeologists. Also in some museums work restorers, taxidermists, artists, photographers. Many museum workers are researchers, conduct research work.

10. Personal qualities of the employee of the museum.

  1. Since the museum must first provide the safety of the funds, the Museum's employee must be a responsible person. It is from his responsibility that depends whether one or another monument will reach the future generation.

  2. Museum worker must be an honest person. It is responsible for the safety of materials that have market value. Therefore, having access to such subjects, it should not be mercenary.

  3. Only a highly educated person can work in the museum. Erudite. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically replenish your knowledge, strive for self-education.

  4. Pouring work on the systematization of material requires accuracy. The museum worker must be neat and patient.

  5. Work in the museum implies great educational activities. Museum worker must be able to communicate with people. Communicability is one of the mandatory qualities of the employee of the museum.
Stock work.

  1. Fund - From French Fond - resources, stocks. The museum fund is all materials that are stored and exhibited in the museum.

  2. Types of foundations: main and scientific and auxiliary.

  3. Characteristics of funds:
Main Fund - the most valuable and main in quantitative and qualitative relationship is part of the Museum Fund. It includes:

  • Genuine real monuments.
Archaeological materials, tools of labor, product samples, weapons, banners, uniforms, household items, clothing, works of professional decorative arts, memorial objects, numismatic material.

  • Genuine written monuments.
Certificates, letters, letters, memories, mandates, certificates, partbickets, Komsomol and trade union tickets, periodic and non-periodic publications, books, leaflets, newspapers until 1955.

  • Monuments of visual art.
Graphics, painting, sculpture, posters having a documentary, memorial or artistic meaning, photographic material, maps, atlases, globes, plans, drawings related to historical events and phenomena. Plates for gramophones and patephones.
Attention! It is important!

It is prohibited to store the rifled, smooth-bore firearms, ammunition.

It is forbidden to store explosive items.

Orders and medals containing precious metals in school museums to store and exhibit prohibited.

Cuts from newspapers do not belong to the main fund.

Negatives, film, magnetic tapes should not be attributed to the mainstream, so it is not possible to preserve this type of material.

Auxiliary Fund - these are materials that are not genuine monuments of history and culture.

  • Copies of all kinds: Moilazzi, layouts, diagrams, schemes, models, reproductions, photo and photocopies, materials manufactured for exposure and propaganda work.
4. Accounting for funds.

  1. Legal documents are acts of income, acts of issuing, books of income.

  2. Purpose of accounting - ensure the safety of the item itself; Ensuring scientific protection, that is, information about the subject.

  3. The procedure for receiving the subject in the museum.

    • Make an act of income.

The name of the institution (school, out-of-school institution), in which the museum works ____________________.
"" Approve ""

Signature of the director of the school or out-of-school institution

"" ____ "" _____________ 200

Museum Name ____________________________

Museum address ______________________________

Act № _____

reception of items for permanent (temporary) storage

"" _____ "" ___________________200 _g.

This Act is compiled by a representative of the school museum
(surname, name, patronymic, position)

on the one hand, and ______________________________________________________

(surname, name, patronymic, position, institution name)

on the other, the fact that the first took, and the second passed the following items for permanent (temporary) storage:

Total on the act is adopted: ________________________________ items.

(figures and in words)

Act is compiled in _________ cop. and awarded to signatory to his persons.

Accept: passed:
Attention! It is important!

  1. Act must be fill out clearly and competently.

  2. In the column "" Save ", all defects of material, chips, cracks, spots, breaks, loss are indicated. If the exhibit is new, then the mark is "complete".

  3. The act is filled in two copies.

  4. When receiving you need to get legend Item: the origin of the subject, its connection with certain events, persons, about the time of manufacture, the place of existence, methods and conditions of use.

  5. Act must be assured from the school principal.

  • Create a credential.

Inventory number

Record Date


Material and machinery

the size




  • Fill out the book of revenues
Attention! It is important!

A separate book of income is filled with each fund.

Structure of the Book of Funds Fund.

Inventory number

Record Date

Time, source and method of admission, accompanying documents, Act number.

Name and brief description of the subject


Material and machinery

the size




5. Rules for conducting books of income.

  1. Sheets of books of receipts are numbered, stretched, fasten the seal and signature.

  2. It is forbidden to pull out sheets, glue them, correct what is written.

  3. The book of receipts should fill out clearly, without blots and corrections.

  4. All records are made by a ballpoint handle, black paste.

  5. After recording, you skip two lines.

If necessary, the museum may have temporary storage books (for the materials received by the Museum for temporary storage), books of the Exchange Fund (outprofyl and duplicate materials).

The help apparatus consists of a card file and a card file system (possibly in the computer version), allowing you to quickly detect the existence of a monument in the funds, its location.
6. Main types of auxiliary cards:

1 inventory;

2 systematic;

3 thematic;

4 nominal;

5 topographic;

6 subject;

7 chronological;

8 geographical.

The reference file typically contains the following information:

1 Name of the subject (sometimes with a brief description);

2 account number;

3 Storage location.

7. Library of the Museum.

The museum library may include regulatory documents on the protection of monuments of history and culture, musevation, local history, tourism.

8. Encryption of items.

    1. Cipher -this is shortened to the first letters of the museum, then the number on the book of income.

    2. Cipher can be affixed

      • on the subject matter;

      • on the birch, which is suspended to the subject;

      • on mount, packaging, envelope, box.

    3. Ciphers in photos, posters, maps, drawings, documents are affixed with black ink on the back side in the upper or lower left corner.

    4. On the products of the tissue of ciphers are affixed on light dense matter and sewls from the inside.

    5. On ceramic products (clay, porcelain, faience, wood) cipher is affixed with oil paint or black ink and is covered with varnish.
Attention! It is important!

It is forbidden to stifle ciphers with ballpoint, color

or chemical pencil, attach labels

metal pins, buttons.

9. Description scheme of museum objects.

  1. Numismatic materials. Description and storage.
Numismatic materials -collection of coins, monetary signs, medals, icons and seals.

Avers - The front side of the coin (most often on it is depicted by the emblem of the Russian Empire until 1917 - a double-headed eagle, or a portrait of the emperor, then the coat of arms of the USSR, then the emblem of the Russian Federation).

Reverse - The back of the coin.

Nominal - Cost of coins (in words or figures).

Gurt - Side surface of the coin.

Novodel - Nice coins that minted at the St. Petersburg and Ekaterinburg mints on the orders of collectors or for exhibitions.


  1. Manufacturing technique (usually the coins are stamping).

  2. Size - the diameter of the coin is measured in centimeters, for gold and silver - in millimeters.

  3. Conservation - complete or overall pollution, falling, scratching, scratches, dents, inscription illegible, year erased, etc.

  4. Description - if the coin is not rare, "" Normal "" - in the card, it is noted that it is "" of the national sample ".

For example:for a regular coin - a coin 5 cop. 1833; Nicholas I, EM-FS. Material: Copper. Technique: Stamping. Quantity: 1. Size: D -3.5. Safety: scratches, scuffs. Conditions of receipt.

  1. Description of paper signs, bonds, lottery tickets.

  1. The name (indicates the noun "state ticket", the nominal value of the monetary sign and its number).

  2. Material - paper.

  3. Technique - print printing.

  4. Quantity: If the nominal and year coincide, one card is filled into several items, but all the number of cash marks are listed.

  5. Size: The height vertically for the length of the monetary sign in centimeters.

  6. Safety: Feat, bends, breaks, footprints, stains, overall pollution, ink or pencil.

  7. The description must be brief. You do not need to copy long inscriptions, you can only bring the initial words. Specify whether there is signatures (managing, cashier, etc.).

For example: Ticket State Treasury 3 rubles. 1947 PA 006891. Material: paper. Technique: print printing. Quantity: 1. Size: 13.5x8.5. Save: Feat. Description: Facial side - at the top of the coat of arms of the USSR, in the center signature "" state. Treasury ticket of the USSR. 3 rubles ". At the bottom of the red ticket number. Background and image of green. In the lower half - pink band. About. Art. - on a green background inscription: "" State. Treasury tickets are provided by all the property ... "", "" Three rubles "", "" fake state. Treasury tickets are prosecuted by law "". Conditions of receipt.

  1. Description of orders, medals, icons (phaleristic).
Medalsdivided into three groups:

  1. Premium - for hostilities, for work. For example: "Patriotic War Partiza".

  2. Jubilee - issued for an anniversary of any event or an anniversary of an outstanding person. For example: "" XXX years of victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. "".

  3. Memorials - in honor of any event, an outstanding personality, for example: "" In memory of visiting a star town ".
When describing medals, indicate:

  1. Material - For Soviet memorable medals, alloy is written "" White Metal "or" Yellow Metal ". If the pool of the medal is covered with a silk cloth, then in the column "" Material "" also indicates the name of this tissue - "Moir Ribbon". " Used enamel.

  2. Technique - most often stamping.

  3. Size - the diameter of the medal in the cm and height with the block.

  4. Preservation - loss of ribbons, pads, ears, pollution, flare, dents, scratches, scratchiness, etc.

  5. Description - When describing, the terms "" Facial side "" (persons) and "" Redempted side "" (about Art.). Award Soviet Orders and Medals are recorded as a "established sample" medals. "

  6. The fastening is indicated, whether there is a block, a tape.
Icons are divided into several groups.

  1. Premium - for achievements in labor.

  2. Service - belonging to the department, any organization, etc.

  3. Academic - for the end of the university and other educational institutions.

  4. Membership - define belonging to various political, youth, sports clubs, clubs, etc.

  5. Memories - dedicated to any event or leader.

  6. Souvenir - dedicated to countries, cities, exhibitions, historical places, etc.

  7. Jubilee - dedicated to "round" "dates: the grounds of cities, enterprises, annigursors, etc.
You should specify the full name of the icon, information about the authors, as well as about the material from which the icon is made.

Often, small scratches obtained in the manufacture of "mechanical damage" are visible on the icon. This should be written in the column "" Save ".

When describing, you should specify the form of the icon and fastening.

  1. Description of photos.
Photo: General name (portrait, paired portrait, group portrait, storyline). Specific picture name. For a portrait it is necessary to mention what image (in growth, belt, sickness; directly, in the profile), the features of the clothes. For group portraits it is desirable to list all known persons (name, years of life): from the bottom up, from left to right. For scene pictures, you should specify the first and background plan. Date. If it is impossible to indicate the year, a decade is indicated, better with the explanations "" Start "," "mid" "," End ".

Be sure to specify quantity.

Preservation: stains, deformations, holes, punctures, scratches, festers, traces of glue, paints, ink, etc.

10. Storage of Museum Materials.

The main objective of the stock group is to record and storing the Funds of the School Museum.

A large influence on the safety of the funds is influenced by the location of the museum. There are rules when choosing a room under the museum.

1. The exhibition hall should be on the shadow side of the building.

2. Exhibits must be protected from fading. Windows should be blocked.

3. It is necessary to maintain a constant room temperature.

4. It is necessary to maintain permanent air humidity (50-60%).

5. It is necessary to provide fire conditions.

Storage conditions for exhibits.

1. Books are usually stored closed, in a vertical position, the roots outside.

2. Engravings, drawings, photos in books should be shifted by cigarette paper.

3. Books are demonstrated in the open form below the glass.

4. Medals and coins can be exhibited using tablets and boxes with special holes.

5. The scripts not included in the exposure are recommended to shift clean sheets of paper and store in folders placed in a vertical position on the cabinet shelves.

6. The pictures are best stored in black paper envelopes.

7. Exhibited photos, manuscripts, printed documents should be located away from windows and sources of heat, and booths and showcases with these materials cover the dense, non-transmitting light of matter.

Attention! It is important!

1. It is impossible to hold the "Restoration" of exhibits: paint, straighten dents, darling, draw lost images, solder, stick.

Exposure work.

Exposition - Display monuments in a specific system. The word "exposure" "(from lat. Expositio) means the presentation, description. The basis of the exposure is the exhibit - the item exposed for Furnishing, deposit.

Exposure equipment - Stands, shop windows, podiums, turnstiles.

Work plan for creating exposure.

  • Define the objectives and objectives of the exposure;

  • Determine the thematic structure and principle of building exposure;

  • Formulate sections, themes and submers in strict sequence;

  • Select and annotate groups of different sources.
3. Development of a subject-exposure plan (TEP).

1. The science and exposition plan.

Attention! It is important!

    1. Museum objects or copies may be selected for exposure.

    2. The main selection condition is the availability of certain information about the exhibit.

    3. A scientific and auxiliary material can be included in the TEP.
4. Basic principles of placement, grouping and exponential isolation in the exposition.

  • Exhibits should be interconnected by the topic and are compact;

  • The principle of historicism should be taken into account - the formation, development and relationship between phenomena and events;

  • The leading exhibits must be allocated (place, background, volume, etc.).

  • The exposure must be equipped with the corresponding text;

  • The most convenient for the ferris is the exhibition belt, located starting from 70-80 cm from the floor to a height of 1.7 m. The distance between the exhibits is 10-15 cm.

  • Large exhibits, photos, drawings, schemes are located above or below the eye level, and small-eye levels.

  • In the shop windows, large things are located in the depths, and small ones in the foreground.

  • Documentary monuments should be located on the plane of the showcases at an angle of view of 25-30 °.

  • Fine materials, located above the level of the eye, are suspended with an inclination to the viewer under the same angle of view.

  • The large-sized part of the original cannot be placed with its reduced playback in one exposure complex.

  • It is impossible to allow the location in one part of the hall of volumetric items, and in the other plane.
5. Requirements for the exposure of monuments.

  • Table items are located in sealed display cases, under the caps, in the cabinets, on the shelves;

  • Large items can be put on the floor, provided that they do not clutter access to other exhibits;

  • Banners and pennants are located so that the text and the image are in the vertical plane. The loops are sewn to the upper edge, they are tested in them, which is fastened with a cord to a tube or barbell under the ceiling.

  • Clothing items are suspended on her shoulders, the ends of which are wrapped with cotton and trim in canvas in order to avoid breakthrough fabric.

  • Carpets and tapestries need to be stretching to the subframes of the appropriate size for the strips of durable canvas sewn from all sides for uniform tension.

  • Old thin tissues with heavy sewage are exhibited only in horizontal showcases.

  • Documents and photos located in the shop windows can be pressed with glass so that they do not move and do not breed. The most important inserted into the passent.

  • Manuscripts, leaflets, newspapers are exhibited in open. If necessary, can be placed next to the document enlarged part of the text.

  • Archaeological monuments must be in the windows or under the cap.

  • In the open form, large objects that are resistant to the effect of light, temperature oscillations that are not deformed during dust wiping are possible.

  • Small exhibits are strengthened on stands, stem holders, suspension.

6. Drawing up mounting sheets.

The sheets show the artistic solution of the exposition and placement of exposure materials.

The necessary part of the preparation of exposures is the selection and drafting texts. Essential features of the museum subject can remain unnoticed, incomprehensible ordinary visitor. No matter how much the visitor has considered the subject, it cannot detect the so-called hidden information, which lies outside the visual perception and is removed only as a result of a comprehensive study of the subject. To this end, the exposition includes written texts of different nature and destination, and sometimes comments recorded on the tape recorder. Proper use of texts enriches the content of exposures and increases its impact.

Attention! It is important!

1. Texts must be laconic: brief and accurate.

2. Text should comment on what is hidden from direct perception.

    1. The text should not be overloaded with superfluous information.

2. Types of texts

The texts in the exposition are taken to divide the following types:





Plugging (title) texts Help to navigate the exposure. The text-name of a specific exposition complex is also stitfactory. A variation of the ultimate texts is also considered to be text indicators of the exposure inspection ("Start of inspection", "continuation of inspection", etc.).

Lead text You can compare with the epigraph to the literary work. His appointment is in a bright, clear form to express the basic idea of \u200b\u200bexposure, to identify the meaning and content of some of its partition, themes or complex. Excerpts are widely used as leading texts from memories, letters, diaries, records made by the exposure heroes, i.e. Materials having a pronounced personality.

Placing texts is determined by their purpose. The text covering the content of the entire hall is placed at the beginning of the exposure in a prominent place. In some cases, texts are given to sections and exposure complexes.

Explanatory text Represents a comment to the hall, theme, complex. It contains information that complements and enriches the visual range, promotes the integral perception of the exposure image. Explanatory text to the complex should help the visitor to perceive it as a whole and at the same time understand the place in it of each exhibit. The text to the complex may be a system of labels, each of which contains the mention of the event to which the complex is dedicated. For example, the exposition complex dedicated to the history of the gymnasium 1506 is drawn up the following abstract:

First call. Opening of secondary secondary school

Essay on the literature of the student of the 8th grade "A" Ivanova Kati.


School form of a sample of the late 1980s. Gymnasium graduates

1997 Sinelnikova Alena.

Textbooks in mathematics, Russian language and literature

For the exposition complex, the overall abstract may be compiled, in which the emphasis is made on the value of an event or a memorial person. As a rule, the overall abstract is drawn up to various museum collections: stones and minerals, numismatics, cards, brands, etc. Relevant annotations to "living complexes" - groups of various items, united and exhibited as they are located and "lived" in natural for They are the existence environment. It may be the interior of the room with all the objects characteristic of it; A biogroup representing the vegetable and animal world in certain climatic conditions.

Lining The museum is a combination of all labels of this exposure. Each label is an annotation to a specific exhibit. Its content depends on the Museum's profile, the objectives of the exposure and the nature of the most museum object.

3. Drawing up a decidal.

The conditional separation of the decillary into two groups is proposed: single(individual) and "Puchow".

Under the solitary determination is understood as a system in which each exhibit is given a separate label.

When the exposure presents a complex of materials (icons, medals, brands, weapons samples, etc.), then use the "beam" decidal. All exhibits included in the complex are numbered, and digital designations are made on one label, collecting annotations as it were in one bundle.

The museum practice has developed a certain form of information posting in the label. Each label includes, as a rule, three main components:

  • the name of the subject;

  • attribution data: information about the material, the size, method of manufacture, authorities, social and ethnic existence, historical and memorial meaning;

  • date.
Let's comment on the example said:

V.A. Well done (1911 - 1942). Hero of the Soviet Union.

During the Great Patriotic War under the name of Pavel Badaeva

headed a divergent reconnaissance detachment,

which acted in the occupied Odessa.

From the photograph 1941

The label allocates the name of the subject, but this is not a repetition of the name recorded in the accounting documentation. It is given by the usual literary language without inversion ("Crystal Vase", and not "Crystal Vase"). When the object is called, the topic is taken into account, which should be disclosed with it. So, the name "table" does not add anything to the fact that the visitor is clear and without a label. If you need to emphasize the material from which it is made in the title it will be indicated: "Table of mahogany"; If it is more important to identify the memorial nature of this item, it is described by its historical figure, and in the event that its manufacturer should be noted, an indication of authorship is given.

Attention! It is important!

  1. Labels should not be cumbersome.

  2. The label should identify various sides of the museum object.

  3. Each part of the label must be started with a new line.

  4. The name must be highlighted by the enlarged font.

  5. Attribution data is placed directly called.

  6. The label should be indicated: a genuine object or copy.

  7. The font in the label should be large, without transfer.

  8. Texts in labels must be stylistically agreed among themselves.

  9. It is impossible to put labels on the exhibits.

  10. Accompices and varnish labels should be avoided.

4. Lining museum objects.
Photos. By genre classification, the following types of photographs distinguish: portrait (both single and group), scene or eventful, domestic genre and species pictures. The technique of manufacturing photographic materials are divided into two main groups: originals or reproductions. Scene or event pictures are annotated in the generally accepted sequence - the name, attribution information and date. For example:
The crossed the Church in Altufyev.

Built in 1750-1763.

Moscow, 1997
Students of the 4th grade d. Pushkin.

In the last row (extreme right) Alexey Vavilin.

Moscow region, 1934
When annotating portrait photographs, the following sequence is followed: Photo name, filming time (date), filming author (if known).
Komsomolsky leader S.B. Sheskom holds a pioneer friend's teams of the Grandma region.

Moscow, 1969
IG Starins, an active participant in the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War. In 1942-1944 He headed the sabotage work of the Central and Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement.

Moscow, 1941

The label should be started with the initials, and not from the last name. Depending on the content of the exposition in annotations, you can emphasize the characteristic features, the historical significance of a personality, for example: the winner of the State Prize, the Laureate of the Lenin Award, the Delegate of the Congress, an outstanding leader of military medicine, the author of important research in the field of space, biology, history, etc. d.

Annotation of the photographs of military personnel is usually given in the following sequence: title, initials, surname, position, shooting time, filming (if known). The procedure for transferring persons in group photos - from left to right. In some cases, the place or conditions of shooting are indicated (the picture is made on the front line in 1942, the shooting is made from the satellite, airplane, helicopter, etc.).

When exposed on one booth, tablet or in the turnstile, several photo reporters are given a total (group) abstract and short labels under each portrait. If photocopies are presented in the exposition, it is negotiated into annotations. When annotating copies of unique photos, it can be emphasized that the script is kept in the museum funds. If it is impossible or difficult to set the date, it is necessary to specify its approximate: 1890s. Or enter into square brackets. In the annotations of museum items, the monographic study of which is not yet completed and dating is not established, let's say that the question mark. When annotating photos and other museum items of the pre-revolutionary period, you can specify two dates: first on the old one, then, in brackets on a new style. When sending dates from the old style to the new to the date, the old style is added (or from the date for a new style is torn): for the twentieth century. - 13 days, XIX century. - 12 days and for the XVIII century. - 11 days. At the same time, the beginning of the century should be considered March 1, 1900, 1800, 1700. When specifying the place of events, generally accepted cuts are used: G. - City, p. - Village, per. - Alley, pl. - Square, d. - Village, etc. Examples:

Hero of the Soviet Union A.V., Ivanov (1907 - 1943).

January 1942

Photo B. Petrova.

On the back inscription:

"Dear, beloved mom,

We drive the enemy from Moscow. "
Writer A. Predashin with students and teachers of school No. 109 - participants in the play "The Tuchka Golden ..." after the premiere.

Moscow, 1988
Written sources. When drawing up a label to written sources, an object exposure is taken into account: whether the document (book, flyer, magazine) is disclosed or only the title page is exposed. If the printed edition or handwriting document is clearly visible and readable attribution data and the exhibit is not designed to read, then the label to it can be not given. In the event that an exhibited writing source handwritten, then when annotation, the calligraphic features of its author are taken into account: reading a document or read it difficult. In the latter case, the label indicates its summary or the brightest excerpt from it is given. When annotating letters are given the following information: the initials and surname of the author of the letter to whom are addressed, the date of writing.
Letter of the Battle Participant for Berlin B.N. Petrova from the front.

B.N. Petrov informs relatives about the mood of officers before the decisive storm.

April 1945 by photocopy.
Letter of Lieutenant G.A. Mamonova, commander of the 1st company of the batch of marines.

1942 photocopy. The script is kept in the Foundations of the Museum of the Red Blue Black Sea Fleet.

"For the Soviet fleet and for the Soviet state, if you have to die, then I am always ready for it, and the heart of our fleet is Sevastopol - we, sailors, never give, whatever the situation has not been folded."

Annotation to the print works are made up on the basis of the title page of the annotable book, autographs and marks in the following sequence: the initials and surname of the author, the name of the work, output. But the number should not copy the title page to these works. Sometimes it is important to show an autograph, emphasize the uniqueness of the publication (place of publication, circulation). Interesting is both those who used the book.

I. Dietitin

City self-government in Russia. Volume 2.

Yaroslavl, 1877

When annoting newspapers, if the text is not on the first page, the author's initials and surname of the author of the article are given in annotations, its name, if necessary, the brief content is then given the name of the newspaper, the number, month, the year of publication. If the article is placed on the first page, abstract is superfluous.

Message of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR on the illegal arrest of a group of doctors accused of hydration, espionage and terrorism and their complete rehabilitation.

Izvestia, April 4, 1953
When exposeding handwritten materials, it is necessary to allocate and accompany detailed explanations of the most interesting documents. When exposing the letter, thanks, invitations, congratulations, if they are fully accessible to read and enter the complex of exhibits on a particular topic, an annoyance of unnecessary.

If diplomas, thanks, etc. Consist of twin sheets and text is located on a deployed sheet, and only faithful is exhibited, the abstract is necessary. It is given in the following sequence: name (certificate of honor, congratulatory address, etc.), from whom, to whom, for what and date. If necessary, the place of delivery of the diploma is indicated, the location of the organization issued the document, etc. For example:

Honorary diploma of the Narkom of the USSR USSR Head of the Planned Department of Workshop No. 1 D.M. Komzikov for excellent work on the repair of ships and military equipment during the Great Patriotic War.

Works of visual art. The museum objects of an appearance in the label indicates: the name of the work, material, the creation time and author. In the labels to the visual material as a header, the author's name is not the name, but this name is the name of the work. In artistic expositions, as a rule, the author's surname is first indicated. At the same time, the initials of the author are put after the surname, and in brackets there are dates of his life or year of birth. Generally accepted abbreviations are allowed: genus. (Born), tone. (tinted), etc. As a rule, the name of the picture, drawing, sculptures, etc., is preserved in the annotation. In some cases, the exposureer decrypts, gives a more complete name.

K.G. Dorokhov (1906 - 1960).

Portrait of the commander of the 8th Marine Brigade P.F. Gorpishchenko.

1941 Bum., Car.

In some cases, in addition to the main data on the work of art, additional explanations are given to the content of the image: the names of individuals, topographic instructions, a brief description of events or phenomena that have been reflected in this picture or figure, etc.

If the work of art is exhibited at the exhibition, it is indicated who owns this work (the author's property, museum, private assembly, etc.). An explanatory text is given at the personal exhibition, which provides additional information about the artist, it is said about its specialty (schedule, painter, scene, sculptor).
Annotations adopted the following reductions: x. - Canvas, m. - Butter, B. or boom. - Paper, car. - Pencil. Words Cardboard, Gouache, Santgina, Pastel, Coal, Telichacepan. In this case, the material is written in the label from the capital letter, and the vehicle design technique after the point is shown. Examples:

A.S. Ivashov (born 1976)

Autumn in the village of Leonovo.

1998 H., m.
B.M. Kouterediev (1978 - 1927).

Portrait of Mitya Shostakovich.

1919 Bum., Colored pencils.

Property I. Shostakovich.
Warrior liberator.

Vewechich E.V. (1908 -1974)

Plaster tone. 1949
When annotating posters stipulates: for the original - the year of its creation; For mass edition - a year of release.
Mother's mother name.

Hood Tidze I.

Publishing house "Art", M.-L., 1941
To the collections of postcards that can be presented in the exhibition, it is recommended to give the labels of the following content: "Satyric postcards of the revolution period 1905-1907", "Postcards with poems of a people's monarchical orientation. 1906-1907 "" etc.
In the labels to the products of the lacquer miniature, in addition to the name of the author, it is recommended to indicate art school. For example:
Box "Liberation of Volokolamsk".

Hood Chizhov M.S.

Fedoskino, 1966
Real sources. The content of the annotation to real museum subjects exhibited in the exhibition is determined by the target setting of the exposition and the exhibit place in the complex. The formulation of annotations must correspond to the exposition plan. The same exhibit may indicate different sides of the historical event and phenomenon. The content of the declarations to it depends on what importance and what role does this exhibit play in the exposition complex, to which conclusion it should bring the visitor to the museum, which new knowledge should receive this visitor.
Real sources are divided into two types. The first type is by the nature of the material: wood, metal, glass, bone, etc., the second - according to the functional purpose: the gun, numismatics, bonissic, etc. With annotation of personal belongings, household goods, workers, gifts, souvenirs, etc. The name of the exhibit is indicated. The label includes the following information: Purpose, location and date of manufacture, an enterprise that made this item, author or master, sometimes belonging to the owner, characteristic features. Typicity of the subject for the era, manufacturing technique, material, etc. In the title of the subject of the memorial value, its "participation" is noted in a historical event or belonging to a certain person:
Strike participant of the Great Patriotic War E.I. Owner.

Received by him at the front in 1942

Such serpents sewed for the front in the Komi Republic.
When exponing complexes of museum objects (household items, personal belongings of any historical person, site of excavations, tools, awards, awards, tools, etc.) Gives general abstract, and individual items from this complex are supplied with labels if necessary Additional explanations. For example:
Fragments of weapons and ammunition.

Found during the expedition of students of school No. 274 of Moscow.

Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, 1982
Pharmacy dishes XIX century.

Found during archaeological excavations on the territory of the former Meshchang hospital for the poor.

Given the Museum of the Student of Kolya No. 242 A. Druzhinin.
If the exposure presents the units, this is indicated in the annotations. When annotating models, layouts are reported by the initials and surname of the author, who made them. For example:
Shining. Wood.

Layout. Reduced 10 times.

Made by a student of the 8th grade Alexander Glosman.

Today, a teacher of school technology No. 293, "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 97".

Model atomic icebreaker "Arctic".

Made by a student of school V. Vasilyev.

Moscow, 1993
As illustrations to what has been said in this section, we give a comparative table incorrectly and correctly composed labels.

P.G. Kirsanov led the partisan detachment in Zarechye, died at the raid on the enemy rear in 1943

P.G. Kirsanov (1912 - 1943).

Working of the N-Plant.

He led the partisan detachment in Zarechye.

From the photograph 1941
5. Organization of museum exhibitions.

  1. Museum Exhibition -also exposure, only temporary.

  2. Types of exhibitions: Thematic, anniversary, exhibition of funds, exhibition from private assembly, exhibition of new arrivals.

  3. Exhibition Character:museum and volzema (mobile).

  4. Requirements for the creation of the exhibition:

    • The exhibition is built primarily on genuine museum materials;

    • Has a scientifically based structure;

    • It has figurative decoration.

Excursion work.

The enlightenment work of the museum is two types:

  • Traditional - excursions and lectures;

  • Public events.

  1. Museum tour - "" "Collective inspection of the museum by visitors united in excursion groups".

  2. Excursions are divided by overview, thematic, training.
Sightseeing excursions - held throughout the exposition of the museum. Their goal is to familiarize visitors with the museum at all. For sightseeing, a wide chronological framework is characterized. Significant amount of issues covered.

What is a museum? Lesson 1.

What is a museum?

How did museums appear? (Talk about the concept)

Word "Museum » , More precisely Museyon It entered into the use of mankind more than 2.5 thousand years ago. In ancient Greece museums called the sanctuary created for the veneration of the music. Initially, the muses were considered deities of sources, but over time began to be identified with the patrons of the arts, sciences and creative activities. Here were going to scientists, poets, musicians, athletes. They conducted contests, disputes. In such sanctoes, the assembly of objects associated with awarding, the sculptural and artistic images of the Muses and the winners themselves were accumulated over time. Over time, the museums have become scientific centers. It happened in the era of Hellenism (in 4th century BC). The fame of the most outstanding discouraged the museum in the Egyptian capital - Alexandria. There were collections of plants and animals, the observatory, and was the famous Alexandria library.

In addition to the museons, the collections of things accumulated in the treasures in the temples. Privility of the gods were an integral element of the cult of the Religion of the Greeks. As gratitude to the gods presented statues, dishes from precious metals, boxes, coins, furniture, paintings, and so on. Temples were replenished with trophies captured during hostilities. So it was necessary to start collecting objectsrepresenting the value for a person.

In the Roman era, scientific research in the museums moved to the background. Romans, imitating in the whole Greeks, borrowed the word Museumon. In Latin, he began to sound like « museum». True, the Museums of Romans began to call their country villas. And it is not at all by chance, as it was not just at home, but the residences in which everything was thought out for recreation, contemplation, philosophical conversations, literary classes.

Thus, the word Museum in the ancient world has never been used in relation to the assembly of objects. If earlier it was only the Sanctuary of the MUZ, then this word began to call places for literature, science and scientific communication.

In the Middle Ages forgotten this word. Only with the onset of the Renaissance of the 15th century, a new meaning appeared in the word "museum". The museum began to first be called the collection of monuments of antiquity and works of art, then samples of the world of nature and everything that was perceived as rarity and wonder. The first mention of the museum, as rarely meeting found in Italy in Florence.

So, at first, the word "museum" became synonymous with the word "collection", the premises of the same collection subjects were called the Cabinet (Franz.), Gallery. Only in the second half of the 16th century, the concept of "museum" began to use not only the assembly of objects, but also to the room in which it is stored.

In the Epoch of Enlightenment (18th century), the museum, from the closed assembly, affordable only to a little wishing, grows into the institution, open to the general public. Museum is now not only collects, keeps, studiesbut also shows objects visitors!

Now the concept of the museum is given the following intelligent definition:

The museum is a permanent non-profit institution, which is in the service of society and its development and open to people, it acquires, preserves, studies, popularizes and exhibits in educational, educational and entertainment purposes, material evidence of a person and its surrounding environment.

Try to give a simpler definition to the word "Museum".

The museum is an institution in which (or which) ...

? Questions and tasks for the lesson:

1. When and where did the word Museum appear?

2. What is the origin of the word Museum?

3. Whether the differences between the Greek "Museon" and Roman "museum "?

4. What could be seen in the "Museon"?

5. When and where is the concept of "Museum" acquires the importance of the collection of antiquities and rare items?

6. Give your definition of the concept of the museum.

7. Read once again the definition of the concept of "Museum". What do you think what functions Does the museum have? What and to whom does it serve? Why do you need museums?

8. Prepare information on the topic:

ü Background Museums: Treasury of temples and kings in the ancient East;

ü Collections and collectors in ancient Greece;

ü Private and public collections in ancient Rome;

ü Treasury of medieval temples;

ü As museums arose: Collections and scientific meetings in the era of the Renaissance.

The abstract of cognitive classes. Purpose: To give knowledge to children about museums, to introduce children with the history of the creation of museums, who in Russia the first opened the museum, what museums are. Learn the rules of behavior in the museum, get acquainted with speech etiquette in certain situations



Abstract classes

On the topic: "Museum is interesting"

Purpose: To give knowledge to children about museums, to introduce children with the history of the creation of museums, who in Russia the first opened the museum, what museums are. Teach the rules of behavior in the museum, to acquaint with speech etiquette in certain situations.


Observe the horizon, maintain cognitive interest in the sights of the hometown.

2. Form the emotional responsiveness of children to the aesthetic beauty of the surrounding world ..

3. Recompret the love of the native city.

Structure occupation

Tell the guys, and you have toys or some items that you no longer need, but do you keep them ??

Each person has items that he is very expensive, they keep them as a memory of something pleasant.

People always wanted to keep something unusual, interesting or beautiful to show their children, grandchildren. Some people loved and painting and bought paintings, which then remained their children. Others collected dishes, toys, books, etc.

A large number of certain items calledcollection.

Repeat this word. (Children repeat the word chorus and individually).

There are collections of brands, there are collections of paintings and others.

The collections were at home for those who collected them, and they could see quite a few people. And then people began to post their collections in special premises where everyone could come and see these collections.

But what about this room?museum.

The word "museum" is very interesting. What does it mean? Let's try to explain what is the museum? Let's open the museum's museum!

(The museum is a place where many beautiful things. In museums, many paintings. In the museums there are bones of Mammoth. There are guns in museums, etc.)

Right! Well done! And in order to accurately find the definition of the word "museum" we turn to smart books. Let's open the "Children's Encyclopedia". The museum is a Greek word. "Muza" is the goddess of creativity, beauty, and the word "Muzeon" is the Palace of Muse. The very first museum was opened a long time ago, several centuries ago, in Greece. The museum is an open-air space, buildings, palaces where collections of things on topics are collected by type. But there are small museums: house, apartment, room. Museums are different. In our city there are several of them.

Have you walked to the museum? Tell us what museum and whom you went. (Children's answers).

Children, how should I behave in the museum?

Why? Well done!

Rules of behavior:

1. Do not speak loudly, to not interfere with other visitors; 2. You need to listen carefully to the guide, then you will find out a lot of interesting things. 3. You can not touch the museum exhibits with your hands.

- What do you think why?

Want, I will tell you how two boys went to the museum of arts? What did they see there? You can answer these questions if you carefully listen to the poem.

The poem is called "We are in a friend in a hurry to the museum of art."

Today we are with a friend in a hurry to the art museum.

We heard so much about this museum,

From our friends, relatives and friends.

And here we are in the famous museum

We eat on the bus, sit in the tram.

In the heart of the impressions we have already mass,

And we just got to the box office!

Let us give a coin window and ask:

Please give tickets ...

And now we are going to the hall, what silence!

And now we go to the picture, what beauty!

But another picture, then one more ...

We pass with a friend on the hall, not in a hurry and slightly breathing.

And if we liked the picture, we will reflate it yet.

To enjoy and remember the cloth.

Here Shishkin landscape "Winter", but Savrasova - "Spring".

Here is nearly summer, and autumn in gold is dressed.

Has still life, and here is a landscape. What portrait! What landscape!

Here is a dish, like a miracle with painted pattern.

Toys: horses, goats with title as if smoke.

And here's another dolls a number, watching them will be happy.

Here is silence and beauty, your soul can relax here.

My friend and we went to the museum ...

Now the guys for everyone for friends, we boldly say:

How good that there is a museum! How well, that you can go all there!

And rest for your soul to find.

While telling the poem, the educator demonstrates reproductions and objects that are listed.

Educator: Did you like the poem? Please remember what museum guys in a hurry? How did they enter the hall? Like the boys museum or not? Why do you need to go to the museum?Responses of children.

And I suggest you today to go on a tour of Moscow and learn a little about Moscow museums.

Physical traffic.

I love to walk around the city, I love to watch

Fortress - Once, the Museum is two,

Three high houses.

Four - Park, five - Stadium,

Six - Area, Seven - Fountain.

Here is eight - long bridge,

And Tom flows under it.

Nine dramatic theater

And ten round circus.

Could we walk,

But it's time for our kindergarten.

While we walked around the city, passed by museums. Let's look at them.

View illustrations of the Museums of the City.

Did you like museums?

To go to the museum with parents, you need to know their name.

Did you remember them?

Let's play the game and repeat the name of museums.

Children are divided into subgroups with colored chips, get envelopes with cutting pictures and collect them.

Didactic game "Collect pictures."

Educator: What Museum did we come to?

Children answer the question. The educator summarizes the answers of children.

Educator: This museum is called "local history". Which of you was here? Tell me what they saw there. Right! Here we can get acquainted with the history of our city.

So children go from the table to the table, watch photos and talk about museums.

Educator (invited children to draw an invitation to the Museum for Parents): Let's draw drawings of "symbols" of our museums. It will be a gift to your parents.


Educator: Children, what secret did we open today?

Children remember what they were doing today. Share impressions. Admire drawings. Invitation tickets give parents.

What is a museum? This is an institution in which monuments of history and culture are stored. The museum business has a long, interesting story that begins in antiquity. Briefly, it is set out in this article. It also describes the most famous museums of the world.

Ancient times

What is a museum? Translated from the language of Plato's compatriots, this word means "the temple of the muse." The first museum was created in 290 to our era. It was a small building, which included a botanical garden, a library, observatory, reading room. Later, animals, sculptures, astronomical instruments appeared here. The ancient Greek museums were the temples of the music - mythological creatures, patroness of art and science.

Middle Ages

The cultural life of ancient people was closely related to mythological plots and characters. In the Middle Ages, the church played the primary role. A collection of works of art, as a rule, exhibited in monasteries. In the seventh century from items captured as trophies, began to compile exposures. At war, they were often paid for ransom and other expenses.

XVIII century

In the Renaissance Epoch, various galleries served more for personal entertainment. In the 18th century, they became an integral part of public life in many European countries. In 1750, in the French capital, every Parisian could familiarize himself with the talented works of painting. True, this museum has been opened only two days a week. By the way, the canvas from this collection were later transferred to the Louvre.

The British Museum, open in London in 1753, became the first new museum. In order to visit it, a preliminary written registration was required. In the years of the French revolution, Louvre stood the largest public museum. Other famous institutions whose history began in the eighteenth century:

  • Medici art collection.
  • Royal Vienna Collection.
  • Collection of the art of the Vatican.
  • Royal Collection of Dresden.
  • Hermitage in St. Petersburg.


What is a museum? This is an organization whose goal is to familiarize the population with the historical and cultural heritage. Museums are different. They differ from each other, first of all, by type of stored heritage. There are museums of local history, paleontological, anthropological, ethnographic. Almost every major city has an exhibition of wax figures. There are museums in which military equipment or items associated with the history of shipbuilding are represented.

Museums are private and state. They also differ in the method of acquaintance with exhibits. So, the most modern type is virtual. The museum theme can be any. In essence, everyone can create their own museum. Unless, of course, it has a collection of interest to potential visitors. The world has a number of unusual exhibition museums. One of them is in Zagreb. This small exhibition of the divorce museum is called. Exhibits are presented here by no rare - wedding dresses, wardrobe items, decorations. But each element has its own history and is associated with a certain stage of failed relationships.

The most famous museums of Russia

A person can live fifteen years in Moscow, but never visit the Tretyakov Gallery. It can regularly visit St. Petersburg, but not to know where the Hermitage is located. What is a museum? For many, these are boring, uninteresting institutions. However, it is worth saying that only those who have never visited them or did it against their own will, for example, within the framework of a mandatory school tours.

These institutions, indeed, have nothing to do with pleasure places, but it cannot be boring there. Before you go to the Tretyakov Gallery or Hermitage, you should get a little familiar with the theoretical part. That is, to learn about the exposure, the work of artists, whose paintings are present in the collection. Not superfluous will be information about the history of the museum.

The most interesting collections are, of course, in Moscow and St. Petersburg. However, in other cities of Russia there is something to see. The most famous museums of the capital:

  • Tretyakov Gallery.
  • State Historical Museum.
  • State Museum of Pushkin.
  • Darwinian Museum.

The institutions that are included in the list of the most famous museums in the world are named. In Moscow, a huge number of different exhibitions. There are large and small museums. For example, at the address of the street Sadovaya House, 10 is a house in which the writer Mikhail Bulgakov once lived. In one of the apartments in 2007, a museum dedicated to the work of the writer was founded. The exposition here is small, but is considerable interest for the fans of the novel "Master and Margarita".

Museums of art can be called Glazunov Glazeries and Tsereteli, although, according to classification, they relate to personal exhibitions. In the capital there are many cultural centers dedicated to the work of a given one or another outstanding personality. There are quite unusual exhibitions. For example, the Museum of the History of Vodka, located in the walls of the Izmailovsky Kremlin.

And near the Paveletsky railway station, in one of the buildings, the exposition dedicated to the history of the railway was located. Opening took place in August 2011. About the railway museum is described in more detail below.

Museums of St. Petersburg:

  • Hermitage.
  • Winter Palace Peter I.
  • State Russian Museum.
  • Stroganovsky Palace.
  • Summer garden.
  • State Museum of Urban Sculpture.
  • Museum-Manor Repina Penate.

Other Museums of Russia:

  • Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts.
  • Samara historical and local history museum.
  • House-Museum of Peter I in Vologda.
  • Historical and Memorial Museum-Reserve "Stalingrad Battle".
  • Museum of Islamic Culture in Kazan.

Pushkin Art Museum

This is one of the most famous cultural centers in the country. Only Hermitage can compete with the Pushkin Museum. Building tab took place in the early 90s of the XIX century. The Pushkin Museum has been on the private foliating of the Metsnate Yu.S. Nechaeva-Maltal.

Knowled the building, presumably, what all the exploits will be used for the daily light. Most of the supply of electricity in the transmit did not even take into account. Eto caused a difficult character. The first directions of the museum was the initiatory ENGUTO - I.V. Tsvetaev. The initial exproduction of the universality of the university's eldest of the university, plastering of antique sculptures and a MSIP.

In 1924 art galleries were opened. After the Second World War disbanded the State Museum of New Western Art, and part of his collection was transferred to Pushkin Museum. According to the exhibits that are stored here, you can explore the history and culture of the world: from antiquity to the present day. This is a real museum town.

Separate attention deserves the gallery of the arts of Europe and America. Here are the canvas of the famous artists of the late XIX-XX century. Their surnames are on the hearing: Van Gogh, Gauguin, Picasso, Cezanne, Kandinsky, Chagall and others. Surely, many have seen the reproduction of "Girl on a Ball" Picasso or "Blue Dancers" Degas. Their originals are stored in the walls of the Pushkin Museum.

Tretyakov Gallery

In everyday life, the museum is called "Tretyakov". The gallery has a rich collection and is famous for the many of those who have found their embodiment of ideas and projects. That is why she gained such wide fame and attracts the attention of true art connoisseurs from different parts of the world. To visit her halls to get acquainted with the work of the great masters of the brush, even the people who seem to be far from such "high matters" are striving.

The Tretyakov Gallery, as one of the most famous cultural institutions of Russia, proclaims four main goals of their activities: to preserve, explore, represent and popularize domestic art, thereby forming a national cultural identity and putting modern generations understanding of the important role played by art as an embodiment of achievements and the expression of the civilization of our society.

Museum of the Moscow Railway

This cultural institution is open six years ago. Located a railway museum near Paveletsky railway station, to the left of the paths. The exhibition covers an area of \u200b\u200b1800 square meters. meters. The main exhibit is the locomotive u127. After repair, which ended in 2011, the exceptionally new museum technologies are used here. Namely, video cards, installation, acting layouts.

Historical Museum

The main building of the cultural center is located in the Pokrovsky Cathedral, which is more famous as the Church of Vasily Blessed. The historical museum is part of the objects of Red Square, entered into the list of world cultural heritage monuments.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the Historical Museum of Vitala in the circles of the intelligentsia in the middle of the XIX century. The first impetus for her incarnation was the success of the industrial exhibition, timed to the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Peter the Great. Among the exhibits were attended archaeological finds, historical religions. They did not fit into the overall concept. Therefore, it was decided to create a center dedicated to domestic history. The museum was founded in 1872.

Russian Museum

In April 1895, the imperative and cultural and history museum. The museum would be such a three-year museum and for the same time it consisted of several people. To accommodate the exhibition, the imperative bought from the treasury, the Mikhailsky Two-seat, which was pushed in 1819-1825 by the famous Karl Rotion.

The museum has been easier for the museum and a number of Hermitage and a number of two. Celebration Powered by Pattailing and Drinking. In 1902, an ethno-graphic route was used, and in 1913 - the sickness of the ultralo. PSIL 1917 Celebration is significant at the expense of the nationalization of thin values, as well as from the fusion of other museums. In a lot of time, the time has been widely expanded by the materials of drugs and decorative-applied arts (more than previously published). The art of the art was somewhat in 1932. In 1917, the museum's settlement was consisted of seven thousand storage units, in 1975 there were already thirty thousand.

At the time of the museum, the following services are in terms of Russki (Russian and Solvskaya Living, Sculpture, Graphics, Decuals-Applied and Drug Arts (Furniture, Furniture, Glass, Carving, Lucky, Metal Products, Fabrics, Embroidery, Laces, etc.) . In the ancient Russian, the monuments of iconic, the conversion of Andrei Rublev and the simplicity of Ushakvoy are presented in the Old Russian.


The museum consists of six partitions: First of culture, antique world, culture, drugs. Numismism, Westerworthy.

In the ustellion of Western South-Schools, along with paintings, sculptures are exhibiting furniture, porcelies, silver products, choplaresses, people. Among them are a lot of outstanding delections and petroleous masterpieces. So, the best beyond the limits of Gotland painting Rembrandt, Rubens, two lawsuits of the role of Da Da Vinci, the great master of France of various epvents. Kollection takes 52 lines of winter. By the attention of the museum's plomers, the French arts of the 19th approximately, the Impressian Dο Matisse and Picassu.

Museum! How much meaning in this word! And the number of rarity contained there affects, as well as their cost. Some exhibits do not have prices at all, because they are preserved in a single copy for all mankind! What is a museum? From a scientific point of view, this is a sociocultural institution where they are collecting, studying all sorts of monuments of art, science and technology, as well as history and other spheres of human activity. As a rule, many museums are also engaged in the enlightenment, exposing their precious exhibits for everyone to review.

How did the museums come from?

It all started sometime from private collections (they still exist). What is a museum? In the ancient period, the subject of "gathering" was mainly the work of art. In the Middle Ages collected icons, church ammunition, the power of the saints. And the first scientific museums appear in Europe (the era of the Renaissance). Minerals predominate in them, research tools, ethnography items. The first Public Museum of Russia is, of course, Kunstkamera! The basis of its collection was taken by the collection of Peter the first: weapons, engraving, painting, sculptures of various nations, as well as instruments, machines, tools that the ruler was interested.

Classification and function

2. Metropolitan. To understand, in the museum is a real, great - you need to visit this museum located in New York. It is located in the park on the fifth Avenue. It was founded by a group of enthusiasts in 1870 from the famous greatest exhibits exhibited there, the Artifacts of Egypt, the figurines of Africa and the East, the painting of Monet and Leonardo.

3. Hermitage. Located in Russia and has a huge collection of exhibits, consisting of up to three million works, cultural monuments. It is a sculpture, and painting, and applied art objects, and a gallery of jewels (gold and diamond pantry). In general, in order to understand what a museum is, you must, at least once in my life, visit the Hermitage!

Of the so-called "Museums for adults", Egyptian, British, National Gallery and Some others are most famous.

What is a museum for children?

And among the most interesting children's institutions of this kind, first place is perhaps the Museum of Steyger Toy, which is located in the Czech Republic. It contains a unique collection for children who was going over for many years. Here are the vintage Christmas decorations, and tin soldiers, and toys are more modern. This institution fully complies with its task - to upbringing the younger generation by studying history.

More on a children's topic: Charles Museum Perro in France, where the guys meet figures of fairy-tale characters from wax; Museum Astrid Lindgren in Sweden, as well as the Museum of the Moomin Trolls and the Museum of Magic in England. All of them are beautiful in their own way, but there are general: children from there do not want to leave!