The modern name of the quiz on literature. Literary quiz "On the pages of favorite books"

The modern name of the quiz on literature. Literary quiz
The modern name of the quiz on literature. Literary quiz "On the pages of favorite books"
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"Questions and answers on literature" - that round and without the bottom. Sergey Timofeevich Aksakov. Morcling pretty. Town in Tabakerque. Tale tale and rose. Story. The Scarlet Flower. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garin. Bazhov. Explanation. Badges horns. Smell sweet. Head slopes. Vladimir Fedorovich Odoyevsky.

"Literary quiz for children" - Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. Tolstoy leaves for the Caucasus. The year of death Lermontov. Year of birth Korolenko. Tale "Crane and Heron". Music. Family fat. Chekhov "Chameleon". Long nose. The year of birth of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Guess the work. Hunger. The sun. The year of death is Tolstoy. Russian folk song. Fairy tales. Lermontov "Borodino". The year of creation "Tales of Tsar Saltan ...". Prisoner of the Caucasus. Tale "Squa Burk".

"Quiz in literature" - knowledge on the topic has passed. Check yourself. Which poems belongs to Peru S.A. Yesenin. Three works of one author. Which stone. Who is hiding under the pseudonym Sasha black. In Poetry S. Yesenin a lot of "gold" and "silver" words. What is the name of the block. From what work these lines. Which of the above poems was written by A.A. Block. Learn the work. Fun and sad. Insert the missed verbs.

"Quiz-game on literature" - childbirth fiction. Copyright. Trails in works. Genre of the work. Jamb. Rhyme. Roman in verse. Feature article. Characters artistic work. Exposition. Allegory. A.S. Pushkin. Equal to the number of syllables in the string. The theory of renovation. Artistic reception. Dactyl. Narration. Circle of events and phenomena. Name the Russian poet, writer, playwright in one person. Lyrical digression.

"Questions of Russian literature" - Prince Andrei. Saved in memory. Situation. What to read. Cathedral Message. Andrey Bolkonsky. On the proximity is easy. Captain Tushin. Lessons of Russian language and literature. So that we all came to repentance. World in comparison. Leave Moscow or protect it to the end. The decision of Pierre Progness. What I have right. Literary salon. Human. War and Peace. Be a hard man. Peschinc in a long row of people. Literature suffering.

"Questions in literature" - a work. Stop chorea. The name of the poet. Record offers. Roast-beef bloody. The name of the writer. Milk fishing. The epithet "bloody". J.B. Moliere. Word about the shelf of Igor. Lunch with Evgeny Onegin. Samson bursting a mouth of a lion. Truffle. M.V. Lomonosov. Sergey Yesenin. Blancmange. Test cross-stop selection. Caucasus my magnificent. Strasbourg cake non-permanent. Increasing interest in literature.

On the life of the most famous writers of the world, about the main characters of novels and fairy tales, about interesting hobbies of poets and the impact of their work on the world society - this will hobble with his head: Someone will force her head over the search for the right answers, and someone may be cheating. But the pleasure of competing in world literature will get everything!

Ready to answer questions of literary quiz for 10-11 classes? Then forward!


1. In this novel, the young man retains his youth, and his portrait ages. What is the name of the work?

2. Who was devoted to the "poems about the beautiful lady" cycle of Alexander Blok?

3. Chief Book This English writer was repeatedly recognized by the "Book of the twentieth century" and the best book on english languagewritten in the twentieth century. But at the same time, many critics nicknamed the book "A mixture of Wagner with Winnie Pooh". What is this book, and who wrote it?

4. Based on the creativity of Honor de Balzac, answer, please, how many years still a woman of Balzakovsky age?

5. What is the name "Mysterious Island" of Jules Verne?

6. Who was the writer who created the image of Sherlock Holmes?

7. What heroine Alexander Pushkin wrote such lines:

"When happened somewhere
She to meet a black monk,
Il Fast hare between fields
Overdue the road to her
Not knowing what to start with fear,
Premonitions of sorrowful full,
Waiting for misfortunes? "?

8. The English writer Chesterton believed that "no one except the British could create such nonsense; However, no one, besides them, creating it, would not try to take it seriously. " What famous literary work is we talking about?

9. "Waking up once in the morning after a restless sleep, Gregor Zama found that he in his bed turned into a terrible insect ..." From what work this quote?

10. Until the middle of the XVII century, Europeans considered the Bass "Low Genre". Which writer made the Society change its attitude to the fables?

11. What was the name of the keyboard of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in the novel by Viktor Hugo?

12. What was the name of the lady of the heart of Don Quixote?

13. What famous Ukrainian writer translated literary works from 14 foreign languages, was an avid connoisseur of Slekespeare's sonnets, and a big connoisseur of Byron's creativity?

14. The film is a fairy tale Brothers Grimm is recognized as the most cash cartoon film "All Times and Peoples"?

15. The surname of which writer is consonant with the name of the Big European City?


2. The block dedicated him to his wife - Love Dmitrievna Mendeleev.

3. The Lord of the Rings, John Ronald Ruel Tolkin.

4. Thirty. This expression has become famous after the edition of the novel Balzak "Thirty-year-old woman."

5. Lincoln Island.

6. Conan Doyle was a doctor.

7. These lines about Tatyana Larina.

8. "Alice in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll.

9. "Transformation" of Franz Kafka.

10. Jean de Lafonten.

11. Quasimodo.

12. Dulcinea Tobosskaya.

13. Ivan Franco.

14. Tales "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", gathered for all the time in global rental 866.5 million dollars.

: Two words of the Russian language with just opposite values \u200b\u200boccurred from one word - "tubercle". Moreover, one of these words means something beautiful, and the other - the opposite is terrible. You have to be called both of these words.
Tip: This is a great mentioned in one poem B. Pasternak.

Answer: Two words happened to the Latin Budrock: "tuberculosis" and "tube" - a rose covered with tubercles.

Comment: In the poem B. Pasternak "Peters" there are such lines:
"I drink bitterness tubers, the skies of the autumn bitterness
And in them your betting a burning jet. "

Question 20: A.S. Pushkin in "Little Tragedies" unequivocally hinted about what kind of processor company he prefers. Which one?

Question 21: There is on the Volga between Nizhny Novgorod And Cheboksars are a small town of Kozmodemyansk. At the beginning of this century This city fell into a well-known literary work, but under a different name. Through this city, the path of heroes of the work, and the events that occurred in this city are associated with very popular game. What is this work and how is it called the city?

Question 22: Little box, bakery, pet, part of the face. Finish this literary list.

Question 24: Which Russian writer last name, name and patronymic consist of the same number of letters?

Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich,
Chakovsky Alexander Borisovich (1913-1994),
Begichev Dmitry Nikitich (1786-1855),
Biryukov Nikolay Zotovich (1912-66),
Stanyukovich Konstantin Mikhailovich (1843-1903).

Literary and artistic quiz "Golden Age of Russian Literature" (for students of grade 10)

Author: Fadeeva Tatyana Viktorovna, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature MBOU Gymnasium No. 3 named after M.F. Pankova Khabarovsk

Description of the material: Literary and artistic quiz is proposed to students of grade 10 and fully complies with all applicable programs in literature. Quiz can be carried out within the framework of the decade of the Russian language and literature, on generalizing lessons and during other events, dedicated year Literature.
Purpose:generalization and expansion of knowledge of students about Russian xIX literature century.
- repeat the works studied in the course of literature 8 - 10 classes, literary terms;
- Develop creative skills students;
- consolidate the ability to compare the works of literature and painting (illustrations for the works of Russian literature).

Travel quiz

Dear friends! 2015 announced in our country the year of literature. You are offered to your attention a literary and artistic quiz dedicated to the "Golden Age" of Russian Literature. This name was the XIX century, when the great masterpieces of Russian were created classical literature. Let's check our knowledge!

A) "The environment of a noisy ball ..."
B) "On the road"
C) "I remember the Time Golden ..."
D) "Ealar Harp"
E) "Bakhchisarai fountain"
E) "demon"
Ё) "How poor is our language! .."
G) "key"

2. Whose portrait?




4. Three of these characters relate to one work. What are these characters and what a work, who is the author?
1) Uncle Vanya
2) Chartkov
3) Khlestakov
4) monsie zero
5) Rakhmetov
6) Lozhivatov
7) Roshovskik
8) Unfortunate
9) Princess Mary
10) Svetlana




6. What works are these epigraphs?
1) "Take care of honor"
2) "I am sacred and az we will
3) "On the mirror of Necha, beating, if Ryzh Kriva."
4) "Oblos mound, mischievous, huge, challenge and liai"

7. Give the maximum way accurate definitions Next Terminams:
1) metaphor -
2) Reminiscence -
3) epigraph -
4) the plot -
5) Classicism -
6) Remark -

8) Determine the verse size of passages:
1) I was among the Donets,
Hag and I Ottomans Shayka;
In memory of the battle and tents
I brought home to Nagayku. (A.S. Pushkin)

2) that no year is reduced by force,
The mind is lazy, blood is cold ...
Mother's father I will reach the grave
Without waiting for your freedom! (N.A. Nekrasov)

3) night marshmallow
Studget ether.
Guadalquivir. (A.S. Pushkin)

9. Pick up poetic or prosaic strings to painting works.
I. Levitan " evening call, evening Bell"

A.Kyujji " Birch Grove"

K. Gorbatov "Winter Landscape with the Church"

Why consonant poetic lines and data of painting? What kind artistic means Use poets and artists to create an image?

10. Creative task.
The epigram is a genre of lyrical miniature, a poem, ridiculeling any person, situation or public vice. Peep epigram
1) either on the vice, issued in any of the 18-19 centuries you have passed.,
2) either on the hero of the work passed,
3) either on the situation or event.

Summing up the quiz. Winner's reward ceremony.

Comic Questions for Literary Quiz

1. Which of the heroes of Russian folk fairy tales was a bakery product?
2. Name the heroine of the Russian folk fairy tale, which was vegetable

3. What Russians folk tales Are you talking about the problem of a separate housing?

4. What kind of energy used Baba Yaga, flying into a step?

5. What fabulous hero sown money thinking that he would grow money Tree And only the harvest will remain?

6. What poultry was engaged in the manufacture of products from precious metals for their owners?

7. ◘ Dentist is a literary critic who specializes in the work of Dante, or a dentist?

8. ◘ Grimor is a researcher of the art of brothers Grimm or the worker of the theater?

9. ◘ Critic is a resident greek Islands Crete or man engaged in interpreting and evaluating works of literature from the point of view of modernity?

10. ◘ He is a critic, she is ... who?

11. ◘ How old was A.S. Pushkin when he was born?

12. ◘ And Mazay, and Fir - who are they?

13. ◘ In "War and the World" L.N. Tolstoy is the phrase: "Pierre Duhov printed a letter." Where at that time, Pierre took a computer and printer?

14. ◘ What is the hero of Turgenev did not have a sound card?

15. ◘ The name of which title heroine Romana L.N. Tolstoy is equally read as from left to right and right to left?