"Altai Princess" - the secrets of the famous mummy. Altai princess

"Altai Princess" - the secrets of the famous mummy. Altai princess

The plateau of ocke is considered the most beautiful and mysterious place of the Altai Mountain Altai. It has long attracted the attention of Archaeologists - Scythian parking lots, burials and amazing stone altars ancient nomadic civilization were found there. And once again, the staff of the Institute of Archeology and the Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences began to excavation unremarkable Kurgan in the basin of the Ak-Alaha River.

Unexpected Nakhodka

When the upper layer of soil was removed from permafrost, archaeologists discovered an ancient robber laz, which led to the burial of the rich Scythian. In addition, accompanied "essential items": three horses, iron knives, clay utensils. The researchers began to carefully raise up the fact that the robbers did not touch, and here he was suddenly under the first burial, the second was opened: the remains of six horses in the richest collecting and sarcophagus with the mummy of the European appearance.

Open burials dated approximately IV-III centuries BC. e. At the same time, the top of them saved the lower, stretchingly distinguished by the device. It was a larch log cabin with an area of \u200b\u200b3.6 x 2.3 and a height of 1.1 m, imitating the dwelling and the entire ice filled with ice. Inside there was a deck-sarcophagus in the form of a boat with a length of 2.7 and a height of 0.68 m from a solid larch trunk. The sarcophagus covered the two-sheet cap from the same tree, decorated with leather appliqués with a deer. In two places, the lid was nailed to the deck with copper nails, very similar to modern, although their age was almost two and a half thousand years.

Has the scope of work, which was performed by the ancient builders. Somehow they were able to deliver huge logs on the plogram of uklock, trimmed them, won the huge pit in frozen soil. Yes, they also produced an unusual crypt, while noble Scythians were buried on a huge wooden bed, which was found in the upper grave. Even today it is not easy to do all this!

Description Mummy

In the deck on the right side - head to the east, face north - a young woman was lying on a litter of Dark Felt, she was covered with a fur bed with sour decorations made of gold foil. Her head rested on the felt pillow.

Mummy in laboratories

The woman was a silk shirt to the knees of a brownish yellow color, gangway from the filaments of a wild silkworm. All seams of her, the neck and the edge of the sleeves are covered with red woolen cords. But at the time, even on noble Scythian warriors, during the burial, the shock did not wear shoes: just a fur coat on a naked body. In addition to the shirt on the mummy there was a long woolen skirt, stitched from three horizontally located panels - two red and one white, - and a belt that was woven from a red woolen cord. On the skirt are naked bronze suspensions. On the legs of the mummy are long, above the knees, stockings made of white felt, decorated with appliqué from red felt. Maybe the red color in the finishing and details of the clothing served as the overag.

The neck of the woman was decorated with wooden hryvnia with the wooden pendants attached to it, which were covered with gold foil, in the ears - gold earrings-rings, on the maiden - colored woolen threads.

In a nearby felt bag, a bronze mirror was found in a wooden frame with a deer carved on it, a horse-haired brush, glass beads of various colors, a native human tooth and scattered blue powder - Vivianitis, a mineral dye that was used from ancient times (in Europe, he, True, it became known only in the XIX century).

Most of all scholars were amazed by the excellent safety of the harnessed body. Mummy had a brain internal organs, ribs and chest. The skull and abdominal cavity filled out some substance like peat, sheep wool, horse hair, some roots, sand and clay. On the body covered with oils and resins with the addition of mercury, an amazingly beautiful blue tattoo was clearly visible. She completely covered the hands of a woman. On the left shoulder, a fantastic animal was blocked: by type of deer, but with horns and deer and Capricorn, the mord of the beast completed the beak of the griffin - a winged being, half a lion, half an eagle. The same stylized head of the griffin ended every process of horns. In addition, there were images of a ram, a snow leopard and some predator with a tiger tail and terrible clawed paws.

In the burial chamber next to the deck found two low wooden table dishes on legs, vessels from wood and horns, two ceramic vessels with leather appliqués of the rooster, leopard and griffin. On a wooden table there were supplies in fallen road From the best pieces of meat: the Kurdnya part of the ram and the crescents of the foal in which a large iron knife is stuck.

A unique mummy was delivered to the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and late restoration was engaged in the research and development center of biological structures (Institute of Mausoleum) in Moscow.

Who was she?

Mummy Princess Ukoka

For the appearance, the mysterious woman was sharply different from the Scythians - high height, Thin European features. Who could she be in life? Where is her homeland? How was the altai? After all, if you judge the richness of the funeral "dowry", the deceased should have held a high position in social hierarchy. And the Scythians have never enjoyed influence, not to mention power. Scenes from other tribes Scythians would never have been submitted. And here is clearly honorable, and influence.

Initially, the researcher decided that these were the remains of a very noble woman. FROM light hands Its journalists began to refer to the princess of docking, Altai Princess or Altai Princess. However, over time, the deceased "kept". Deputy. Director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Academician Vyacheslav Molodin said that, judging by the subjects found in the burial, as well as on the rite of burial, an ancient woman was most likely priestess.

However, anyone would be, the local population during all these years demanded to return the mummy to the place of its last rest. The fact is that in Altai there is a cult of ancestors and touch their dust is prohibited - otherwise the spirits can be angry. Princess Ukoka, according to many, is the ancestor of the peoples living now in Altai, the legendary Princess Kadyn.

Moreover, the landmarks considering land with a living organism, the Altaica believe that the princess of dock is the keeper of the planet, and if it is not returned to the native places, a real catastrophe can break. Some people even assure that the princess's voice heard, who asked her to return her homeland.

Curse of Altai Princess

The deck in which the Altai princess was buried.

Meanwhile, the Mummy continued to study in Novosibirsk. For a long time, no troubles took place. The mystical events began to occur exactly 10 years after the ancient grave was disturbed. 2003, September - Altai shakes a terrible earthquake, the epicenter of which coincided with the very place where the mysterious dust was once resting. The earthquake was so strong that the village of Beltir was destroyed near the village.

After that, the republic was overwhelmed by new troubles: many floods have happened, the number of suicides sharply increased. The inhabitants of the Altai believed that earthquakes, fires and other troubles fell into Altai only because the ancient tomb was worried. Not left aside and shamans. They assured that all these misfortunes will cease only after the mummy of the shaman will return to their homeland. After that, the government forbade any archaeological work in the south of the mountain altai.

And in 2012, the victims of them, as they are called there, rose to the plateau of ocke and spent a special rite there. The fact is that the mummy in the end decided to return to Gorno-Altaisk and the rite was carried out so that the spirits of the ancestors asked the princess not to be angry with those who again dreamed of "wake up", and nothing overshadowed her return. After all, 19 years ago, the helicopter on which Mummy was transported to Novosibirsk, almost suffered a catastrophe and made a forced landing.

Perhaps, it is thanks to the rite in which the shamans from Tuva and Khakassia also took part, transportation was safely. Mumia was transported on the Mi-8 helicopter in a specially equipped sarcophage. Now Princess Ukoka will be kept in the reconstructed Republican Museum of Local Lore A.V. Nanochene in Gorno-Altaisk. Especially for the ancient guest, the building of the museum was erected in the form of a funeral Kurgan, in which the sarcophagus was placed with mummy. By last word Techniques have created all the conditions for long-term storage. After all, no one wants to know what will happen if the princess is going to curse again ...


It was the place of intersection of the paths of many tribes and peoples, and this fully confirmed archaeological surveys. Found here historical monuments Starting from the Middle Ages and further - bronze, iron centuries and even further - including the Paleolithic era. Many finds allowed to learn about the inhabitants of Altai tribes in stone Age, their connections with nomadic tribes, the peculiarities of the culture and life of the peoples of the Scythian and the Gunno-Sarmatian periods. But really a sensational discovery that glorified ockes to the whole world, made a young Novosibirsk archaeologist Natalia Polymak in the summer of 1993.

The expedition of the Novosibirsk Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences by that time has already found many interesting finds when Natalia is interested in one of the Kurgans, and a long time looted.

The warrior of the early iron era was revealed in Kurgan. Probably, the warrior was not out of the poor, because in the burial chamber, even after the robbery, an iron weapon was preserved, elegantly made dishes; There were also skeletons of three horses with iron sabs, wearing obvious traces of gold trim. Belonging to the nobility confirmed the warrior tattoo. There was nothing special in this discovery. However, with a careful study of the burial, it was discovered that under it there is one more, earlier burial, which robbers probably simply did not notice.

In the pit of the lower burial, a log house was discovered from larch, blocked tightly fitted logs. A wooden sarcophagus clogged with four bronze nails and decorated with leather applications was enforced in the ice. In the sarcophagus, on the litter from the black felt, the mummy of women was lying.

All the clothes are perfectly preserved: a silk shirt, a woolen skirt, a wicker belt with brushes, white-red felt stockings, fur coat. Literally hit the imagination Woman wig - complex design of horsehair, wool, felt, fabric, leather, carved decorations, gold foil, with a high wooden frame. Hands mummy from wrists to shoulders covered skillful blue tattoo; Real and mythical animals, including the legendary griffin, were woven in the drawings. Women's wrists were decorated with pearls, gold earrings are put in the ears. It also found products from wood, deer horns, silver clays: mirror, various vessels, carved figures of fantastic and real animals and birds.

Nearby were buried six darned horses of golden-red-haired suit in a rich dressing.

The age of the burial was determined about two and a half thousand years, that is, the middle of the first millennium BC. Judging by the found objects and clothing, the woman belonged to the Scythian higher Nut, perhaps, to the flag of the priests and shamans, "Choices of Spirits." And the Mummy of Women was painted "princess of docking", by the name of the plateau, on which the mummy was found. There was another loud name - "Altai Princess".

However, the excavations of the princess of docking have made a lot of noise. When information was made public about finding unique mummies, Altai shamans reported that they were not news for them. For a long time they knew about this Kurgan, in which the Altai woman was buried. For them, this burial is truly sacred, since the shamans consider it a great-grandfather of the Altai peoples named Kadyn.

According to the legend, the "Altai Princess" Kadyn protects the gates of the underworld and is watching the forces of evil penetrated into our world. Accordingly, when in 1993 archaeologists opened the burial of Kadyn, they disturbed her sacred sleep. At the same time, according to belief, the burial was guarded by a terrible curse. Therefore, in order to rather remove it, the body of the mummy needs to be returned to the plateau of dock and never disturb it.

Scientists did not pay attention to these legends and mummy princess of docking transported to study in Novosibirsk, at the Museum of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, and then, in 1995, to Moscow, where employees of the Research Institute for Mausoleya V.I. Lenin.

Mummy of the Altai Princess With Plateau Ukok

Due to the fact that mummy well preserved scientists determined that this woman died at a young age - she was about 25 years old. It was unusual and the presence of tattoos on the body of a woman.

This is how the tattoos of the princess of docking in their expedition diary Natalia Polymak: " On the left shoulder depicted a fantastic animal: a deer with a beak of griffin, deer horns and a Capricorn. The horns are decorated with stylized heads of griffins: the same head is placed on the back of the animal, with a twisted torso. Below in the same posture depicted a ram with a naked back; His feet has a bicex pallium with a long swirling tail. Under Barza is a fantastic beast; He has clawed paws, a long striped tail of the tiger, the body of the lying deer, and the head griffon grows out of his back. On the wrist, a deer head is clearly visible with big branched horns.».

Moscow anthropologists managed to restore the appearance of the princess of docking. The reconstruction of the person allowed us to establish that it does not belong to the Mongoloid races, which in antiquity lived in this territory. The appearance of a woman resembled European. Later, these conclusions were confirmed when the study of the DNA of the Altai Princess was completed.

Moreover, scientists conducted a serious tomographic study of the Mummy and came to the conclusion that the 25-year-old "princess" died from oncology. She has developed breast cancer IV stage. Chemical analysis of tissues showed that a woman regularly inhaled mercury and copper pairs - it could well be caused by the disease and death.

Most likely, inhalation of poisonous vapors occurred during certain rites and this assumption suggests that the princess of docking was not a "princess", and somehow from the priestly caste. The headdress found on the mummy of the woman involves the presence of a magical power.

When scientists concluded that the mummy women do not belong to the Mongoloid race and cannot refer to the Scythian nationality, the Altai Princess has many biographies, one incredible other: a representative of an unknown science of race, a living embodiment of the legendary "children of the sky" and even the ancestral of mankind flew from distant stars.

Myths and speculation around the princess of docking

In Altai folklore, there is an ancient legend, according to which at the foot of the Great Mountains of Tabin-Bogdo-Ola, there is a special world, the "second layer of heaven", inhabited by the "Sums of the sky." For this legend, even before the arrival of Scythians, there were beings who came from stars and possessing supernatural abilities. And somewhere among the vertices of Tabin-Bogdo-Ola, a mysterious Huangy lived with his tribe. On the Scythian legend, Juandi was on the plateau for several years. Then he with his people "entered the fire dragon", which was cast from copper, and flew to his planet Taianar.

"Sons of the sky" were endowed with many supernatural abilities - could fly, be invisible, commanding any spirits. "Sons of the sky," as a rule, patronized people. It happened, they even married with separate outstanding personalities, as a result of which the great heroes and people with huge magical abilities were born.

Thus, the Altai Princess Kadyn could be a descendant of such a mixed marriage and be a high-ranking priestess.

Local residents were very concerned about the discovery and opening of the tomb, believing that the archaeologists disturbed the rest of the gods and it could turn into serious trouble. Interestingly, when the removed Mummy of the Altai princess was transported by helicopter to Novosibirsk, a non-standard situation happened and the helicopter made a forced landing. It was perceived by local residents as a sign as the first warning.

Perhaps rumors and speculation around the Altai princess would cease, but in September 2003 there was a strong earthquake. Powerful underground shocks shook the entire Altai, swaying to neighboring regions, including Novosibirsk. The epicenter of the earthquake was located in the Chui steppe area, which is completely close to the plateau of the dock.

Among the local population, they began talking about the fact that the cataclysm is directly connected with the ruined grave of the "Altai Princess" and if it is not immediately returning it, then a real catastrophe will happen.

Conversations turned into quite real numerous requirements sent to the authorities of the Republic of Altai - to return the mummy Kadyn to his native land! True, how to do it, opinions dispelled: Is it enough to put it in the Gorno-Altai Museum, or it is necessary to organize a protected museum zone right on the plateau, or once again put Kadyn in the grave and bring the burial in the original appearance.

Where is the princess of dock now?

In 2012, the Mummy Princess Ukoka was taken from Novosibirsk to Gorno-Altaisk, National Museum named after A.V. Nanochene special. Return passed in accordance with the beliefs of the indigenous altages and the accounting of professional and ethical norms - her body was accompanied by shamans.

In 2015, a special sarcophagus was made, similar to the one in which mummy was in Kurgan.

On the mummy of the Altai princess, it is possible to see it - it is exhibited for the review but 3 hours a day. On Wednesday and Sunday, starting from June 8, 2016, from 10-00 to 13-00, visitors may not overlook the sarcophagus, but the mummy of the princess of dock.

Description of the mummy Princess of dock (as archaeologists found it)

The head found in the deck of a woman was in a wiking of a third of the decks and aimed east, legs and hands were slightly bent in her knees and elbows. The face of Mummy was turned north and was in the pose of sleeping.

The shape of the hairstyle is preserved. The wig from the black mass was covered with horse hair. Wooden accesses, nasty 15 wooden bird figures and a wooden cocardia of a lying deer, decorated with a wig, were covered with gold foil. The symbol of the "Tree of Life" was fastened to the wig - a long, over 60 cm, petal from felt on a wooden rod-frame, covered with a black cloth. (High headdress with golden cars complex form Speaks about the magical strength of "Princess Altai")

A strand of hair collected on the top of the top, decorated with a red wool cover, with a bronze pin stuck in it, which served a wooden deer standing on a bowl. I was covered with a gold foil.

To the left of the woman, the hip, found a mirror in a solid wooden frame with a handle, in a case from the felt of red and white. The hole was done in the handle, it is likely that for fastening the mirror with a strap that is not preserved. Square bronze plate served as the surface of the mirror.

Near the mirror there was a scatter bead different color, from glass and paste, as well as a native human tooth. Below from Bus was a black bruster made from horsehair.

The cosmetic set of princess of dock included, except for brushes and beads, a handful of irrigated iron phosphate powder, vivianite (bright blue-green mineral) and a thin rod made of flat metal rings, with vivianite inside.

Cuttings in the ears of a woman represent a golden wire in the form of rings.

The neck was decorated with hryvnia in the form of a curved wooden plate, to which eight volumetric figures cut from the tree, covered with gold foil, was mounted.

The woman was dressed in a silk yellowish shirt, hands were closed with sleeves. Silk shirt is carved unusually widely for Scythian time and was before the knees. The shirt to the burial was used - there are rude stocks and a patch on it.

On a woman, she was hoping stitched from three stripes, two red and one white, a woolen long skirt, which was brought to the thick, long twisted wool red belt with brushes (archaeologists believe that such a belt is a sign of a dedicated). On the skirt found five bronze little suspensions.

Under the head, a pillow was put on a roller cushion from felt, packed with felt, fur trimming, grass and scraps of woolen ropes.

On the legs, to the groin, felt stockings were killed, decorated from above the strip of carved red figures from felt. The following were sewn from the fabric of red.

On the preserved parts of the hands of a woman, a tattoo from the fingers and brush to the shoulder was well visible. Very important detail were thin ripes from wool on the little sighs. Known is known when a black and white rope that binds the deceased with one of the relatives was cut to break the connection of the deceased with alive.

The bedding in the deck served as dark felt, stitched from two pieces. It is possible that in the past, he served as a bed curtain, as it has felt loops.

Everything, it was in the deck was covered with a coating of fur with somehow attached to him in the last figures made of gold foil.

When excavation in the burial, dishes and vessels, made of ceramics, yak horns and a mountain goat raised by freezing ice, were found. Inside a wooden mug with a handle of two bans, made of sololy pieces of wood, lay a muve for shaking milk.

In addition, the burial found: a stone saucer filled with seeds, a stone saucer, dishes from whole pieces of wood with meat food residues and an iron knife, stored in the cresses of the fooder. The knife handle is decorated with fantastic animals.

How to see the mummy princess dock

If you are interested in the history of the princess of dock and plan to rest in Altai, you can stop at the base where excursions to the right museum are organized. See the databases to help you see the mummy princess dock.

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Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia

Princess Ukoka (Altai Princess, Ocho Bala) The name of the Mummy of the young woman with age of about 25 years, found by journalists and residents of the republic, found during archaeological excavations at the Ak-Alaha burnce in 1993. The cause of the death of a woman was breast cancer. According to the indigenous population of Altai, "Princess", which is also called Ak-Kadin (White Mistress), is a guardian of peace and stood on guard of the Underground World Gates, not allowing the penetration of evil from the lower worlds.

History of Nakhodka

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Photo of Mummy Princess Dock

... Aristi, the son of Kaestobia from the Procline, in his epic poem reports how he is obsessed with Fets, arrived at Medonam. According to his stories, Arimaspa - one-eyed people dwell for Medimons, for Arimaspa - the torch-torque gold, and even higher behind them - hyperborei on the border with the sea.

The authors of this assumption are associated by the neighbors of the "one-eyed people", referred to as the "torque gold gold" Aristleys, with Pazyrycans on the grounds that "in Pazyryk mythology, the image of Orlinogol Griffin played special role» .

Also in the ancient Chinese sources mentioned "geographically close population of Altai" [[To: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (Country: Lua: CallParserFunction: Function "#Property" WAS NOT Found. )]] [[To: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (Country: Lua: CallParserFunction: Function "#Property" WAS NOT Found. )]] .

The beginning of the study of the "frozen" graves of Altai was found in 1865 by V. V. Radlov.

Excavations of Kurgan Ak-Alaha-3 on a plateau of Ukok (the Altai Republic), in which the so-called princess was buried, started in 1993 Natalia Polymak - an archaeologist from Novosibirsk, Doctor of Historical Sciences. Kurgan was a dilapidated monument, which in antiquity tried to rob. Nowadays, the monument was destroyed in connection with the construction of border communications. By the beginning of the excavation, Kurgan was in a hemored condition and looked sorry: in the sixties, during the conflict with China, the Straighon was built in the area, the materials for which were taken from Kurgans.

In Kurgan, the burial of the era of iron was discovered, under which one more older was located. During the excavations, archaeologists found that the deck in which the body was placed was filled with ice. That is why mummy women well preserved. The lower burial was molded into the layer of ice. It caused a great interest of archaeologists, since in such conditions could very well preserve very ancient things.

The burial chamber was opened for several days, gradually melting ice, trying not to harm the contents.

The chamber discovered six horses under the sides and with a break, as well as a wooden deck made of larch, capened by bronze nails. The contents of the burial clearly indicated the significance of the buried person.

Studies have shown that the burial belongs to the period of the Pazyryk culture of Altai and is made in the V-III centuries to our era. Researchers believe that

- Tour S. S. Modern descendants carriers of Pazyryk culture


Analysis of 2001 showed that representatives of the Pazyryk culture on mitochondrial DNA are closest to modern sizing and ketam.


The mummy lay on his side with a slightly tight feet. Her hands showed numerous tattoos. Wasted on the mummy there were white silk shirt, burgundy woolen skirt, felt socks, fur coat. Also special is the complex hairstyle of the dead - it is made of wool, felt and their own hair and was in a height of 90 cm. All this clothing was made very high quality and testifies to the high status of the buried. She died at a young age (about 25 years old) from breast cancer (during the study, a tumor in breast and metastases was found) and belonged to the highest layers of the Pazyryk society, which the number of horses buried with her - 6 says.

On the skull remains, a bust was recreated in the number of three copies. One is stored in the museum in Novosibirsk, the second for the purpose of compromise was transferred to the society of the national revival of the Altai (before the mummy return after all studies). The third copy passed to Pushkinsky historical Museum In Moscow (so far, the museum is not presented).


After the find and until 2012, Mummy was kept at the Museum of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in Novosibirsk Academgorodok. This fact caused dissatisfaction with a certain part of the Altai people. From their point of view, Princess Ukoka should be returned to Altai: some believed that it was enough to return the mummia into the territory of the republic, others believe that it should be buried again in the same place.

Since September 2012, the mummy is kept in the new hall of the National Museum of Anokhin (Altai Republic, Gorno-Altaisk), specially built for storing the exhibit, in sarcophagus with equipment for maintaining and monitoring a special temperature and humidity regime. A special extension was built for the exhibit.

On August 19, 2014, it became known that the Council of Elders of the Republic of Altai decided to get buried the mummy. This decision was approved by the head of the republic. The decision on the burial was due to the fact that part of the population of the republic considers the extraction of mummies from the Kurgan caused by natural disasters, which collapsed on the mountain altai in the past two decades (especially the cause of strong flooding and large hail, which happened in Altai at the end of 2014). In turn, Emilia Alekseevna Belekova, and. about. The director of the National Republican Museum named after A. V. Anokhina, doubted the competence of the Council of Elders of the Altai Republic in this matter, indicating that the decision of such issues relates to the competence of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

"To date, the Mummy" Princess "is transferred to us for temporary storage. The owner of this biological object is the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS (Novosibirsk). So we are only temporarily stored, "said Belekova. She noted that the museum, elders and even the authorities of the republic would not be able to dispose of the mummy at their own wishes without solving her owner. "All found in the excavations things are federal property and just the Novosibirsk Museum of Archeology and Ethnography This is transferred to perpetual use. All this should be solved through the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. And the fact that the elders gathered and decided, no legal force does not have, "Beliekova said.

In December 2015, several residents of Altai appealed to the Gorno-Altai City Court with a claim for the burial "Princess"; The defendant in the case was the museum in which the mummy is kept. However, the court refused to satisfy the claim. The President of the Kin Altai Spiritual Center, Shaman Akai Kine, who was one of the initiators of the claim, filed a cassation complaint against the court decision and promised that in the event of another refusal, it could complain to the International Court of Just.

Opinion Vyacheslav Molodine

Film "Revenge of Altai Princess"

The film of Alena Zharovskaya "Revenge of the Altai Princess", shown in the first channel, is characterized as far outward republican newspapers in the number of quantities and mystical harmonics .

The image of the "princess of dock" in the literature

  • Anna Nikolskaya. "Kadyn - Ladyer Mountains." Publishing house "Game of words", 2011
  • Irina Bogatyreva. "Kadyn". Publishing House "Eksmo", 2015
  • Irina Bogatyreva. "Lunolic Mother of the Virgin. Publishing house "AST", 2012 (the first part of the novel "Kadyn", published in the series "Winners of the International Prize named after S. Mikhalkov").
  • Tatyana Volobueva, Barnaul. "Kadyn". www.stihi.ru/2014/08/27/4688.

see also

Write a review about the article "Princess Dock"


  • "" About the "Altai Princess" and the 1993 earthquake.
  • http://www.trud.ru/trud.php?id\u003d200312182340601 Article in the newspaper "Labor".
  • "" Mummy "Altai Princess" is kept in the Republican Museum of Anochen.
  • "" Museum visitors in the Republic of Altai will see instead of mummy mannequin princess of docking, the mummy itself will be stored in the sarcophage in the repository.
  • "" Mummy Princess Ukok is finally posted in the museum. Anokhina in Gorno-Altaisk and placed in the sarcophagus (article and photo).
  • "" Altai in the Republic of the Altai is a cathedral of signatures in support of this decision (article)
  • "" The decision to get buried the Mummy of the Altai Princess adopted the Council of Elders of the Republic of Altai


  1. Polosak N. V., Derevko A. P. . - Novosibirsk: in "Science", 1994. - 124 p., Il. ISBN 5-02-030738-6
  2. Tour S. S. // Ancient times Altai, 2003 № 10
  3. (Rus.). RIA "News" (16:48 March 20, 2008). Checked on May 3, 2008.
  4. (rus.)
  5. (rus.)
  6. (rus.)
  7. Anton Luchansky. . Big Novosibirsk (March 18, 2006). - " Documentary about archaeological excavations In the Republic of Mountain Altai became an unprecedented example of journalistic non-professionalism and propaganda of harmful superstitions. " Verified on October 3, 2012.

Excerpt characterizing the princess of docking

So, one after another Kathar passed the "selection", and the number of sentences everything was added ... they could all save their lives. It was necessary to "only" lie and renounce that what you believed. But such a price did not agree to pay any ...
The flame of the fire crashed and sieprely - a wet tree did not want to burn in full power. But the wind became more and more and from time to time he brought the burning languages \u200b\u200bof fire to someone from the convicted. Clothing on the unfortunate flashed, turning a man into a burning torch ... Crys were heard - apparently, not everyone could endure such pain.

Esclarmond trembled from the cold and fear ... no matter how he brave - the kind of burning friends caused her real shock ... She was finally exhausted and unhappy. She really wanted to call someone to help ... But she knew exactly - no one will help and will not come.
Before his eyes got a little viomir. She will never see how he grows ... never knows if his life will be happy. She was a mother, just once, for a moment hugging her child ... And she will never give birth to the Svetosar of other children, because her life ended right now, on this fire ... next to others.
Esclarmond sighed deeply, not paying attention to the chilling cold. As it is a pity that there was no sun! .. She loved to warm up under his gentle rays! .. But that day the sky was frowning, gray and severe. It was forgiven with them ...
Somehow abrupting ready to water the bitter tears, Esclarmond highly raised his head. She will not show anything, as she really was bad! .. For nothing !!! She will somehow suffer. It remains not to wait so long ...
Mother was near. And it was about to get back ...
Father stood as a stone sculpture, looking at them both, and in his frozen face there were neither a bloodflower ... It seemed that life left him, caring where they would be very soon.
Nearby I was hearding a writhing cry - it broke out my mother ...
- Cube! Cub, forgive me !!! - It shouted my father.
Suddenly, Esklarmond felt a gentle, affectionate touch ... She knew - it was the light of her dawn. Svetosar ... It he held out his hand from afar to say the last "goodbye" ... to say that he is with her that he knows how it will be scary and hurt ... He asked her to be strong ...
Wild acute pain Loaded the body - here it is! Came !!! Zhugya, roaring the flames touched the face. The hair broke out ... In a second, the body was hung with might and main ... a sweet, bright girl, almost a child, took her death silently. For some time, she still heard his father shouted wildly, calling her name. Then everything disappeared ... Her pure soul went to the good and right world. Without giving up and without breaking. Exactly as she wanted.
Suddenly, absolutely not to the place, heard singing ... These were those who were present at the execution of the clergy began to sing to drown out the cries of the agreed "convicted." Chrap from the cold, they sang psalms about the all-sucking and kindness of the Lord ...
Finally, the walls of Montsweir came the evening.
The terrible fire was tramored, sometimes flashering in the wind outstanding, red coals. During the day, the wind intensified and now I raged in the whole, spreading black clouds of Scoot and Gary on the valley, seasoned with a sweet smell of the burner human flesh ...
The funeral campfire, pumped up on the surrenders, lost a strange, torn man ... From time to time, crying someone's name, he suddenly grabbed his head and started loudly, sorely shed. The crowd surrounding his crowd, respecting someone else's grief. And the man again slowly a lie, seeing nothing and not noticing ... He was gray-haired, born and tired. Slowing gusts of the wind fluttered his long gray hair, tear out thin dark clothes from the body ... For a moment, a man turned around and - oh, gods! .. He was completely young !!! Exhausted subtle face breathed pain ... and wide open grey eyes They looked surprised, seemed not to understand where and why he was. Suddenly, a man shouted wildly and ... rushed straight into the fire! .. Rather, in what remained from him ... nearby people were trying to grab his hand, but did not have time. The man collapsed NIC on the harmful red coals, pressing something colorful to the breast ...
And did not breathe.
Finally, somehow pulling it away from the fire, surrounding saw that he held, tightly holding in his thin, frozen fist ... It was a bright hair tape that the young oxitian bride was worn before the wedding ... what meant - all Some time ago, he was still a happy young fiance ...
The wind is still disturbing him in the day long hair, quietly playing in the burnt strands ... But the person did not feel anything and did not hear. Having gained his beloved again, he went with her hand in hand on the sparkling star road Qatar, meeting their new star future ... He was very happy again.
People who are still wandering around the fading fire, who were frozen in the mountain, were looking for the remains of their relatives and loved ones ... Also, without feeling the penetrating wind and cold, they rolled out the bones of their sons, daughters, sisters and brothers, wives and husbands from the ash. ... or even just friends ... From time to time, someone with crying raised the blackened flaple on the fire ... a polished shoe ... And even the head of the doll, which, having rushing aside, did not have time to completely burn ...
The same little man, Hyug de Arsi, was very pleased. All finally ended - the Qatari heretics were dead. Now he could safely go home. Slocked by a frozen knight in the Karaul, to bring his horse, Arsi turned to the warriors sitting at the fire to give them the last order. His mood was joyful and raised - the mission-tightened for a long month. Finally came to "happy" completion ... his duty was executed. And he could be proud of himself. After a short moment, the rapid cocane's horse hoofs were already heard - the seolenial city of Carcassonne was in a hurry home, where he was waiting for a rich hot dinner and a warm fireplace to warm his frozen, tired of the body.
On the high mountain Montsagur was heard loud and husty crying Orlov - they accompanied on the last path of their faithful friends and owners ... Eagles cried very loudly ... In the village of Montsagur, people fearfully closed the doors. Crying Orlov was broadcast across the valley. They grieved ...

The terrible end of the wonderful empire Qatar - the Empire of Light and Love, Good and Knowledge - came to his conclusion ...
Somewhere in the depths of the oxian mountains there were still runaway catars. They hid families in the caves of Lubrics and Ornolac, no way to decide what to do next ... lost the last perfect, they felt their children who did not have more support.
They were Gonyami.
They were a child, for the capture of which great awards were given.

And yet, Catar has not yet surrendered ... After moving into the caves, they felt there as at home. They knew there every turn, every gap, so they were almost impossible to track them down. Although the servants of the king and the church tried in might and, hoping for the promised remuneration. They sinking in the caves, not knowing exactly where they should look. They were lost and gibbles ... And some lost went crazy, not finding the way back to the open and familiar sunlight ...
Especially the pursuers were afraid of the cave of Sakani - it ended with six separate moves, zigzags in the wanders. Nobody knew the real depth of these moves. Legends walked that one of those moves was straight into the underground city of the gods, which did not dare to descend any person.
After waiting a little, dad was born. The catare did not want to disappear! .. This little group of exhausted and incomprehensible people did not give up to him! .. Despite the losses, despite the deprivation, no matter what - they still lived. And the dad was afraid of them ... He did not understand them. What moved by these strange, proud, impregnable people?!. Why didn't they give up, seeing that they did not have any chances of salvation? .. Dad wanted them to disappear. So that there are no damned Qatar on Earth! .. Unable to come up with nothing better, he ordered to send a dog hordes in the cave ...
Knights came to life. Now everything seemed simple and easy - they did not have to invent plans for capturing "wrong". They went to the cave "armed" dozens of trained hunting dogs, which were to lead them to the heart of the asylum of Qatari fugitives. Everything was simple. It remained only a little wait. Compared to Siege Montsewur, it was a trifle ...
The caves took Qatar, opening their dark, wet arms for them ... The life of the fugitives became complex and lonely. Rather, it was like survival ... Although those who wanted to give fugitives, still remained very and very much. In the small towns of oxepania, such as the Princess de Foix (De Foix), Castellum de Verdunum (Castellum de Verdunum) and others, Cathary still lived under the cover of local senors. Only now they were no longer going openly, trying to be more careful, for the sickness of the Dad did not agree to calm down, wishing to destroy this oxitian "heresy" hiding across the country ...
"Be diligent in the extermination of heresy by any ways! God will inspire you! " - sounded the call of Pope Crusaders. And the messengers of the church really tried ...
- Tell me, north, from those who went to the cave, did anyone live before that day when it was possible, not afraid to go to the surface? Did anyone save your life?
- Unfortunately - no, Isidor. Montsweg's catarma did not live ... although, as I just said, there were other catars, which existed in oxepania for quite a long time. Only through the century, the last Qatar was destroyed there. But they had a completely different life, much more secretive and dangerous. People frightened by the Inquisition, wishing to keep their lives. Therefore, someone from the remaining Qatar moved to the cave. Someone was arranged in the forests. But it was later, and they were much more prepared for such a life. The same, native and friends of which were killed in Montseguur, did not want to live long with their pain ... Deeply grieving on the deceased, tired of hatred and persecution, they finally decided to reunite with them in that other, much more kind and clean life . They were about five hundred people, including several old men and children. And with them there were four perfect, who came to the rescue from the neighboring town.
In the night of their voluntarily "leaving" from an unfair and evil material world, all the catars came out to last time Inhale the wonderful spring air in order to take another look at the familiar shine so Favorite the distant stars ... Where very soon, their tired, exhausted Qatari soul will fly away.
The night was affectionate, quiet and warm. The earth fragraded the smells of acacia, blossomed cherries and vibrants ... People inhaled intoxicating fragrances, experiencing the most real children's pleasure! .. Almost three long months they did not see the net night sky, did not breathe in the real air. After all, in spite of everything, what would happen on it, it was their land! .. Their native and favorite oxepania. Only now she was filled with hordes of the devil, from which there was no salvation.
Do not claim, Qatar turned to Montsagur. They wanted to look at their home for the last time. On the sacred for each of them Temple of the Sun. A strange, long procession of thin, exhausted people unexpectedly easily rising to the highest of Qatari castles. As if nature herself helped them! .. And perhaps, it was the souls of those with whom they were very soon going to meet?
The foot of Montsweur is located a small part of the Crusaders Army. Apparently, the holy fathers were still afraid that the crazy cathars could return. And they walked ... the sad column of quiet ghosts took place next to sleeping security - no one even moved ...
- They used "imperture", right after? - I asked surprise. - Didn't it know how to do all the catars? ..
- No, Isidor. You forgot that they were perfect with them, "the north answered and continued quietly.
Having reached the top, people stopped. In the light of the Moon, Montsewur Ruins looked sinister and unusual. As if every stone, heated by blood and painful katar, urged to revenge who came again ... And although the dead silence was stood around, the people seemed to be that they still hear the death cries of their relatives and friends who were engaged in the flame of a terrifying "cleansing" papal fire . Montsagur rummaged above them is Grozny and ... Nobody unnecessary, as if the wounded beast, thrown to die alone ...
The walls of the castle still remembered the Svetra and Magdalene, the children's laughter of Beloyar and Zlatovlasa Vesta ... I remembered the castle wonderful years Qatar filled with joy and love. I remembered good and bright people who came here under his protection. Now this was no longer. The walls stood with bare and strangers, as if flew away with the souls of the burned Qatar and the big, good soul Montsweira ...

June 8th, 2013

Reconstruction of the face of a woman (known as the Altai Princess) from the Ak-Alaha's burial ground on the plateau of ocke, performed by T. S. Buliva. In fact, this woman with obvious European-like features was not a princess, but came from the middle layer of a nobility or a shamanic class. Image from tatforum.info

Princess Ukoka - The name of the mummy of a woman found in 1993 by journalists and residents of the Republic of the Republic by journalists and residents of the Republic of 1993 under the leadership of Natalia Polymak in Kurgan Ak-Alaha-3 on the Plateau Ukok (Altai Republic). This is one of the most meaningful discoveries Russian archeology of the late XX century. Kurgan was a dilapidated monument, which in antiquity tried to rob. Nowadays, the monument was destroyed in connection with the construction of border communications. During the excavations, archaeologists found that the deck in which the body was placed was filled with ice. That is why mummy women well preserved.

Studies have shown that the burial belongs to the period of the Pazyryk culture of Altai, made in 5-3 centuries to our era. The researchers believe that the people of close to modern Selkurov and Uiguram are genetically inhabited at that time. She died at a young age (about 25 years old) and belonged to the middle layers of Pazyryk society. Well-preserved tattoos were found on the woman's body. In Kurgan also found things, homemade utensils, etc. Some residents of the mountain altai after the detection of mummy began to require a ban on the Altai and the rebelief of the mummy. They stated that the Altaians always knew the burial place of this woman, allegedly "Princess Kadyn", and worshiped her as the ancestor of the Altai people. However, when checking, all these facts did not find confirmation.

DNA analysis and skeleton Princess showed her Indo-European origin, therefore it cannot be the ancestral of the Mongoloid Altaians. Signs on the body, details of the burial talk about belonging to the priests of the high level inhabited in those days Central Asia Scythians.

Let's learn more about this story!

In 1993, the archaeological expedition of the Novosibirsk scientists under the leadership of the candidate of historical sciences Natalia Polymak, who operated on a mountain plateau of ukok near the Chinese border, opened three ancient burials. In two of them, the bodies were preserved amazingly well, given the fact that several millennia passed since their death.

In one there was a mummified body of a young man, in the other - the Mummy "Princesses". According to the director of the Novosibirsk Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, Anatoly Derevyanko, this happened due to the progress of happy meteorological circumstances. The graves fell into the conditions of the so-called artificial permafrost. The very first snow that fell on them turned into the next summer into the ice, but did not finally melted then.

It was melted only in 1993, when the archaeologists and border guards from the neighboring head, from the curiosity that helped scientists in their free time from the service, helped scatter heavy stones and open the burial logs.

If you judge on these graves, the altays of that time (the so-called Pazyryk culture) dug a rather large hole for their dead. From the inside, they were strengthened with logs from logs, the floor was wounded with black felt, on which the ritual items and the delayer were put into the coffin, wound out of the thick trunk of the tree. On professional slang, archaeologists call this coffin "deck", and the grave of "log houses". In fact, it was an underground log house-log house, the last housing of the deceased.

Plateau Ukok

Ukke's plateore is one of the most hard-to-reach natural objects in the south of the Altai Republic. Mongolian UMG - literally elongated wardrobe, box; Massive mountain or large plane rising elevation. According to the oral testimony of S. Vurzakov, dock in Kyrgyz is used for the plane-meh mountains, that is, that is, a flat film. V.Sapozhnikov so describes the Altai ukek: "The snowy ridge of the ukki from the eastern end begins flat, horizontally truncated vertex, like the table; To the west of it, a number of sharp vertices stretch, also completely white; Between them are visible to large snowy sicks and several glaciers in the origins of Allahi. "

According to the boundaries of the plateau, the state borders of Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan are held. The plateore is located at an altitude of 2,200-2,500 m above sea level, on average, the mountain ranges rises on average for 500-600 meters. The maximum absolute mark of the Mountain Framing of the Plateau is the mountain node of Tabin-Bogdo-Ola (five sacred vertices), the highest mountain of which is hiramdal - reaches 4,374 m above sea level. This mountain is after the beluga of the second highest peak in Siberia. In Tabin-Bogdo-Ola, the borders of the three states - Russia, China and Mongolia converge. The plateau is known in many ways due to the find of the Novosibirsk archaeologist Natalia Polymak, which in 1993 in the Kurgan Ak-Alaha-3 found well-preserved mummia, called the "Princess of Dock". IN lately The plateau is of interest and as the place of the alleged construction of the Altai export gas pipeline from Western Siberia to China.

Mummy of the middle class

Now it's not to establish who first called the ancient Altayka princess in 1993. Academician Anatoly Derevyanka told the Observer RIA Novosti that he himself was surprised, heard about the princess of dock for the first time. According to his conviction, this middle-aged woman was very medium wealth, and blue blood"The then Altai Nobilite did not pull in any way. "She belonged to best case To the middle class, "the academician said for clarity.

Men's and female mummy recovered in Novosibirsk, where scientists under the leadership of Natalia Polymak were engaged.

In 1997, Natalia Polymak defended his doctoral dissertation "Pazyryk culture: the reconstruction of worldview and mythological ideas," where the male and female passengerous costumes, felt, tattoo, felt, felt, felt, tattoos, pollization features, felt dishes and the role of a woman in Pazyryk society were consistently.

Only knowing this, you can fully appreciate the diplomatic abilities of the doctor of the doctor of science of the Polotomak - Academician Vyacheslav Molodine "Indeed, in our first agreement (with the RAG. - RIA Novosti), who was signed back in the 90s, it was written that We convey part of the collection and mummy to the Altai Republic. But after studying it! "," Academician emphasized at a press conference in Novosibirsk this week.

The woman was buried in a sclepe of larch installed at the bottom of the pit. Outside, its burial deck was decorated with leather applications depicting deer. The lid of the deck was clogged with copper nails with round hats. At the bottom of the sclep on top of a specially laid out of a large pebble and stones, a black felt canopy was packed, stitched from several pieces. The woman lay on the felt litter, with a pillow under his head, on the side in the sleeping position and was covered with a fur coat with appliqués from the gold foil in the form of a floral ornament. In the ears of "Altai Princess" there were gold earrings-rings, the whole brush of deceased was covered with pearls. There are places on Earth a mystery-free mystery. Myths and legends are made about them, Ufologists talk about abnormal zones, and the people conveys strange and cracked stories. In the heart of the Altai mountains, behind high passes and rivers, on the edge of the inhabitable world, there is a lost land. Locals call her "Ukok", which sounds like "the word of the sky," and believe that the gate is open here in the highest spiritual world. The world fame of the plateau received after the body of a buried Scythian girl was found, preserved in an ice lens.

The place, with rich pastures, but a very harsh climate (snow happens in July), since ancient times was considered sacred. Stones with images of revered animals and spirits, petroliglifes, deer stones - idols left by meaning tribes, Scythians who lived here for 5 centuries BC, numerous mounds, with burial warriors, this is not a complete list of numerous traces of the mighty energy of this land. Recent studies of aerial photography led to a new discovery of Gigan drawings - geoglyphs distinguishable with big height. If the message of unknown priests or, signs for alienates, no one can say that the Earth continues to keep their secrets. After all, it is here that there are eastern gates to the mythical Shambalu, the country of gods and heroes, a wonderful girl who has been gone, in search of love. Under the shadow of the sacred mountain plateau, the Ukok is located in the very south of Altai, under the sacred five-chapter mountain of Tabin-Bogdo-Ola, standing at the junction of four borders, Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan and Russia. The plateau is fenced from all sides by the mountain ranges, with two passages of the same name, leading to Kazakhstan and the warm key to Russia. At the plateau take the beginning of the river Ak-Allah and Calgut, giving the beginning of Siberian Ob and Irtysh.

The dirt road running from a warm key to the passage of dock and crossing the plateau from the east to the West is controlled by two border slats - on the Argamjji River and on the Ak-Alaha River "Chelyabinsk Cossack". Not far from which, the Scythian Princess was found. In the past two decades, the dock plopore fell under the closer attention to the media. It all started in the 90s, when the archaeologists in one of the Kurgans in the ice lens found a well-preserved mummy of a young girl, in rich clothes and with a tattoo - the image of Griffins - on the shoulder. The versions about who, during his lifetime, the young Virgin, who received the "title" of the princess of dock, was put forward by the most unexpected and incredible: from the priests of Scythians - to the Messenger of Heaven. What, however, at all absolutely does not prevent the altages to consider it with her ancestor named Kydym and have their plans regarding her further stay on earth. With the earliest opportunity, they would have rolled it back to calm the look-seeker of the spirit and in this way to stop the cataclysms lately in the Altai land - from earthquakes to monetization.

Scientists from the Novosibirsk Academgorodok conducted a great job on the study of the found ancient culture. The facts found are simply stunned - the burials found belong to Scythians, precisely talks about this. All discovery details - and reconstruction external view people in the skull, and genetic tests, and the features of the burial characteristic only for Scythians, and traditional Scythian decorations, household items - all these little things are stacked in a single picture and confirm the assumption that on the territory of Altai has long been held, at least 4 thousand years before N.E., the peoples of European appearance lived, that is, the Scythians, the progenitors of the Russians. In the special archaeological literature of the inhabitants of docking, they are sometimes called "Pazerykans". This name comes from the name of the village of Pazyryk, where in 1929. For the first time, material evidence of the existence of an ancient Scythian civilization, the same people who lived in the Black Sea region were found.

Finds on ukock belong to the same material cultureTherefore, people who lived in Pazery and Ukok are generalized called "Pazerycans." But it is important for us that they rather treated Russian than to the Altets. We will not stop in detail for the reasons for reinforced imposition of the point of view about the opposite. Most likely, the fact is that now the story of Altai is "written" by publicists, local leaders and politicians. Representatives of national science in this "process" are not involved, but no one listens to their voice. It is unlikely that the burial of mummy can protect Altai from the echoes of earthquakes that occur on the other side globe. After the detection of the princess, the State of the Republic of Altai adopted a resolution on the prohibition of archaeological research in the Mountain Altai, and the Ukok Plateau was declared the "rest area".

On the Leninist Path

The reason does not give mummy scientists put forward weighty. According to Mamodin, the preservation of mummy in Novosibirsk was provided by specialists from the Research Center of the Biomedical Technologies of the All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Vilar) of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Under the wing of the Celhnokuki, these specialists hit in 1992 after the collapse of the laboratory with Lenin's Mausoleum and had invaluable experience in handling the country's main mummy. Once every two years, according to Malanodin, they came to Novosibirsk and treated "Princess" by the famous drugs, from which she felt perfectly. In the Altai Republic of such conditions for this object of scientific research, then could not be created, says academician.

However, the Mining and Altai authorities demanded it to return.

Premium from mummy

In 2004, Academician Vyacheslav Molodine and Doctor of Historical Sciences Natalia Polymak awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation for the "Opening and study of unique complexes of Pazir culture IV-III centuries. BC. On the territory of the mountain altai. "

"The State Prize in the New Format," Vyacheslav Molodine stressed by the current press conference in Novosibirsk, without specifying this format. And the format, meanwhile, was wonderful.

Previously, the state names in the amount of 300 thousand rubles were awarded on dozens of nominations and, as a rule, not personally scientists, but copyright groups. As a result, everyone actually got only the laureate icon and the amount, which was enough only to wash this icon.

In 2004, only three state bonuses in the field of science and technology were awarded for the first time (about $ 180 thousand at the rate) each, which was already comparable to the money of the Nobel laureate.

So peculiar "Princess Ukoka" thanked his researchers. What could not be said about the head of the RA Culture Committee Vladimir Konuchev.

Judging by His official biography On the website of the Republican Ministry of Culture, in 1999, he found himself as an artistic director of the Altai Studio of Boys Children's music school № 1 Gorno-Altaisk.

The research results are forced to take a fresh look at the stories associated with the history of Eurasia. Actually we are talking On the opening of a high-cultural Eurasian civilization, which significantly spreads our idea of ancient world In general, "said the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who on Monday at the ceremony in the Kremlin called the names of the laureates of the state of state. Vyacheslav Molodin and Natalia Polosak opened and investigated the unique complexes of Pazyryk culture of the 6th-III centuries BC in the territory of the Altai Mountain Altai. On the account of archaeologists - the detection of Scythian mummies, in particular, the Mummy "Princess of Dock".

By the way, the scientists themselves do not really like this name. Vyacheslav Molodin even once said in an interview with our newspaper, which is not a princess at all, ordinary woman, and the myth about the princess fled journalists. The discovery is interesting for giving the opportunity to learn a lot about the ancestors of Asian and American peoples. In 1998, UNESCO decided to make a diploma in the list of World Heritage Site. Recall that one of the most vibrant archaeological discoveries of the last century occurred in 1990, when the mounds were found on the plateau, the mounds were discovered with the "frozen" graves of ancient people. Numerous items were found in the burials: larch decks and lodges, wooden pillows, cut from cedar decoration, horse ammunition, parts of weapons, clothing, felt carpets, dishes, coloring substances, remains of plants and seeds and much more. Well-preserved mummies of people - women and men, on the shoulders and hands of which the magnificent tattoo is applied. Surved to ice, they lay in full use: in fur fur coats, felt heads, wigs, wool pants and skirts, felt stockings, wooden and gold jewelry. Mummy and to this day are considered the most valuable finds of Siberian scientists.

Personnel policy Princess

In the same 2004, the fame of mummy with a plateau of ocke reached a maximum. In September of the previous 2003, Mountain Altai shook powerful underground shocks. On the first of these, seismographs on the only one in the republic were shrinkled for 8 points on the Richter scale and broke. As it turned out, the earthquake magnitude was 7.3, which approximately corresponds to 10 points along the 12-point Richter scale.

The push felt 1000 km from the epicenter, in Novosibirsk Academgorodok, where scientists were shaking with force to 4 points. The victims, fortunately, was not even in the epicenter, in the Koch-Agach region of the Republic of Armenia.

However, Aftershoki, repeated shocks after the main thing, continued unusually long. Over the next six months in Kar-Agachsky district, there has been more than three hundred jolts by force over 3 points and about a thousand lightly. Even, even far from Esoteric, the resident of the district became clear that without anger of the ancestors did not cost. Someone remembered the princess renewed by scientists with a plateau of docking, which was just 150 km from the epicenter of the earthquake.

In the spring of 2004, first in the area, and then the rallies began in the republic demanding to return her body to their native mountains. With a high probability, it can be assumed that it was at this time she received the title "Princesses". It's one thing when the spirit of the princess is angry, completely different - when the scandal is the middle class representative.

In April 2004, the head of the Koch Agachka Auelkhan Jachatkambayev collected the signatures of his countrymen on demand to return the "Princess" to his homeland and sent the presidential station in the Siberian district Leonid Drachevsky.

Poland Drachev found the situation requires his personal intervention. Arriving to the republic, he promised to return the "Princess of Ukok" to his homeland to the 250-year anniversary of the voluntary entry of the mountain altai to Russia, which was to be celebrated in 2006. By this time, the conditions for mummy were not worse than Lenin in Moscow should have been created in the capital of the republic, not to mention Novosibirsk.

This is a promise, as well as assistance from an earthquake victim from the federal budget at the rate of 431 thousand rubles, a family shot down by the grooves of passions.

Half a year after that, as Vladimir Putin freed Leonid Drachevsky from the post of plenipotentiary. For four years, he was a deputy chairman of RAO UES of Russia and finally fell out of a large Russian policy. Today, his position is called - Executive Director of the Public Diplomacy Support Fund named after A. M.Garchakov.

The shelter for the princess of docking in the Mountain Altai in the promised year 2006 nobody built. But this year, Vladimir Konchev returned to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic, and in the rank of the minister, and the case moved from the dead point.

Mausoleum "Gazprom"

"We reconstructed our National Museum, expanded him. They demolished nearby a residential building, sewing his tenants. The mummy premises are designed by the type of mausoleum. Mummy herself will lie in the niche of the room, and it will separately be her lingerie, reproducing the picture of her burial, "says Minister Konchev.

The construction budget, according to him, amounted to about 750 million rubles, of which Gazprom gave more than 700 million. Now everything is ready for receiving "Princess".

"The log house and a deck has already been transported from Novosibirsk, the mummy itself is planned to be delivered by helicopter at the end of August, and the opening of the museum is scheduled for approximately on September 15," the minister said.

In Novosibirsk Academgorodok, they say that they are not sorry to part with princess. But in the tone obviously serves irritation. "For some reason they did not even remember about the second mummy, the male, which was found along with the" princess ". Although it has been preserved much better. A young man with red pigtail, all in a tattoo, like a hipster of some "," told in Akademgorodok.

Well preserved "Hipster Dock"

Scientists are mistaken. The Minister of Culture of the Republic of Altai Vladimir Konchev remembers both Hipster Ukoka, and other mums found in the republic in the thirties and fiftieth years during the excavations of the Pazyryk Kurgans, which are stored in the Hermitage, and more about many other things that are stored there.

He stated that he would raise the issue of returning to the homeland of unique treasures of the Gorno-Altai culture. To the opening of the exposition "Princess of Ukoka" at the National Museum named after A.V. Anokhina, according to the minister, Valentina Matvienko was invited to the Federation Council Commission and the director of the Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky.

"We intend to negotiate with the Hermitage on the arrival of us exposure with our unique exhibits that are stored in the Hermitage."
To the question, whether the mountain altai will seek return from St. Petersburg to the Mummy's homeland and other archaeological finds in the Mountain Altai, the minister said: "First we will agree on the arrival of the exposition, and then it will be seen. There are unique things there. "

The prospect of returning to the mountain altai part of the exhibits Observer RIA Novosti commented on the Deputy Director of the Hermitage Georgy Villybakh.

"I am against the word" return. " It is incorrect in this case. We, it happens, is asked to "convey" those or other Ermitage exhibits, "says Georgy Villybakh.

"People do not understand the consequences of such programs. The Hermitage shows the proportionality of a particular exhibit of the ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman and other modes of world culture. And if these exhibits fall there, where they are asked to convey, they will acquire place, "says Georgy Villybach.

"Are these people are ready for the fact that we will give the ancient Egyptian mummies of Egypt, the canvas of the Dutch painters of Holland, France - Impressionists, and so on, and the Hermitage will turn into a Russian museum or the Tretyakov, and Russia will lose the treasury of world culture?" - Specifies the rhetorical issue of the Ermitage deputy director and answers it himself: "This is not even discussed."

Last warning Princess

"Princess Ukoka" expressed his opinion on what was happening. The unequivocal sign she filed when Minister Konchev on this Tuesday was going to a press conference in Novosibirsk.

"Just left the house at four o'clock, immediately began to shake. 5.6 points! The epicenter in Aktash, it is about the region where we had an earthquake in 2003. "

The minister warning did not return. "Paradoxical thing: literally on the border of the Novosibirsk region, it turned out that we were" bought "the car. I had to call traffic police, "he admitted.

At the same time, the Gorno-Altai Minister did not know everything yet. In the Biomedical Technologies of Vilar, the preservation of Mummy "Princess Ukoka" was supervised by two specialists. Now one lies in the hospital, the second fired, reported at the institute.

Return Princess:

In 2012, "Princess Wuoka" was waiting at the airfield of the city of Gorno-Altaisk longer than expected, as the helicopter, who delivered it from Novosibirsk, was delayed for several hours due to her hard weather. And finally, the helicopter landed at the aircraft city of Gorno-Altaisk. The helicopter met the representatives of the government led by and. about. Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Altai Yury Antaraton and Museum Workers.

Then the mummy was transported by the car of the medical service at the National Museum of Anochen, which was recently rebuilt. "Princess Ukrka" was placed in a special sarcophagus, which was done for this purpose. Mummy will be stored in special conditionswhich will create a special equipment manufactured in Germany to maintain and control a special temperature and humidity regime.


And I remind you of interesting and places mysterious places Russia, for example: or here The original article is on the site Inforos Link to an article with which this copy is made -

In 1993, Novosibirsk archaeologists have discovered a sensational find on a plateau in the Kosh-Agach region - in one of the mounds with permafrost, in the ice lens, in the grave with a rich decoration, the well-preserved mummy of the young woman, which was called "Ukok Princess " The woman was buried more than two thousand years ago and belonged to Pazyryk's nobility. The sensational find excited the world community - there were no such finds from the moment of discovering the royal (Ulagan region of the Republic of Altai) and in the Altai Territory. The monument where they found mumia, called Ak-Alaha-3. The mummy itself is stored in the capital of the Republic of Altai, the accompanying inventory (griffins in the Golden Foil, etc.) remained at the Museum of the History of Culture of the Peoples of Siberia and Far East In Novosibirsk Academgorodok.

Regarding the national affiliation "Princess of Ukoka" disputes go so far. DNA analysis of a woman revealed its European-like roots, anthropologists also argue that "Shamananka" had South European-like features, her clothes have Iranian (Indo-European, not Turkic) origin. It is assumed that the Pazeryktsy were fugitives presumably from the south-west (possibly from anterior Asia), and the descendants of the Pazyryktsev are modern sodes (the situation. With this conclusion, the Altai public categorically agrees. The Altai themselves believe that the founder found is the great-grandfather of the Altai people - the legendary Princess Kadyn, and require her return to their homeland.

The Ak-Alaha-3 monument is located on the Rock plogram, in the valley of the Ak-Alaha river, between the road coming from the border shop of Ak-Alaha to the Berkek parking and rows of barbed wire (border system). 3 km west of these Kursan are a monument to Ak-Alaha-1 with five Scythian Kurgans.

The monument of Ak-Alaha-3 consists of only two Kurgans - Pazyryksky (18 m in diameter, and 0.5 m height) and the Turkic Kurgan VII V.N. south of it (10 m in diameter). Barvars were damaged by Barbarusa Barbarian - shifted with a bulldozer, soaked, many stones were carried out by local residents for the construction of buildings.

After removing the mound from the Pazyryk Kurgan, the archaeologists discovered the robbed Lases leading to the burial of the man. As it turned out, it was an intake burial of a noble car-cobin robbed in antiquity. Under this grave was discovered untouched burial of a young Pazyryk woman with a rich funeral inventory. As it turned out, both graves - Kara-Kobinz and the Pazyryk woman - were constructed at about one time (approximately IV-III centuries. BC, that is, 2300-2400 years ago). In fact, the inlet burial of Kara-Kobinz saved the burial of the "Princess of Lock" from the robbers.

In the main burial, a larch log house was discovered 3.6 x 2.3 m, a height of 1.1 m, imitating the dwelling. The entire size of the log was completely filled with ice. The upper overlap consisted of 11 obstended larch logs. Inside the log house there was a long deck-crypt from larch with a double roof, similar to the one that was found in the fifth Pazyryk Kurgan (royal) in the Ulagan district. From all sides, the leather applications depicted on the deer were attached (the same applications were found in the first and second Pazyryk mounds), apparently, who had a special magic value, possibly designed to accompany the person in the "other" world.

Touristka.Ru visited the Museum of the Novosibirsk Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, and estimated the construction skills of the Pazyryktsev. Immediately impresses the amount of work that was performed during the grave of a woman: the Pazyryktsha needed somehow to deliver huge logs on the plateau (there is no forest on the plateau), to dry them, dig in the frozen soil a huge pit ... Agree that it is quite difficult ! The way the log house is made (without a single nail) may indicate that the Pazerykans were not 100% nomads, and the real dwellings of logs were able to do. And now imagine a huge, dark from time to time a 2.7 m long boat, wrapped in a solid larch, cover it with a lid of the same tree, like a deck in which a Pazyryk woman found. The height of the deck is 0.68 m. The lid of the deck from two sides was nailed with four copper cloves. In general, the burial in the larch deck can talk about the special status of the buried, usually buried the royal people, shamans and children. For example, found in the Kurgan Monument of Ak-Alaha-3 Pasyryksky man, buried in the same year, did not have a deck in the funeral chamber, and was located on a huge wooden bed inside the log house, which indicates that his status was lower than that Princesses. " The shape of the deck itself (reminds the shaman boat "Roths") could mean that the buried goes to "sail" to the ancestors. The selection of the tree of wood, from which the deck is made also, is also omitted.

Many nations various types Trees corresponded to different sacred functions, from these beliefs in the future an idea of \u200b\u200bthe "world tree" (the tree of life, healing the tree), was formed. Some trees were attributed to the female generating principle, other nations even "led" their genus from the tree - so, for example, the Nivhi "took place" from larch. White color Birch embodied sacred purity. The ancients believed that the burial in the trunks, the stumps could help a person "revive", so Keta buried their children in the cedar stumps spent from the inside, and the sodes of dead babies wrapped off the bark (sacred purple) and suspended to the branches of trees. In the submission of Selkups, the larch was associated with the sky (Krona Tree reaches heaven), was considered the "Tree of Life": the deceased, buried on larch, could have been "born." Interestingly, Yakut shamans also buried in a larch deck, tied to the branches of a large larch; Buryats littered the dead shaman in a specially chosen "shaman" pine, so the tree became the carrier of the spirit of the dead shaman. The shaman boat "Rothyk", with the help of which the shaman on his Kamlany "went to the world of different", made from the cedar. Thus, the burial of a Pazyryk woman "in the trunk" of a tree (in the deck), apparently, symbolizes the return to the maternal LON and is a preparation for the further "birth" from it. In addition, the question arises, was there a Pazyryk woman with a shaman in his tribe? We will back to this question.

In the deck on the right side, head to the east, and the face north, on the litter from the Dark Felt lay a young woman (about 25 years). From above, she was covered with fur bed with sour decorations made of gold foil. The head of the woman was on the felt pillow, hands and legs were bent. The woman was dressed in a long, knee, a silk shirt of a brownish yellow color with too long sleeves and in a long woolen skirt, stitched from three horizontally located wide cloth - two red and one white. A belt from a wicker red woolen cord was attached to the skirt. The skirt was ocked bronze suspensions. On the legs of the mummy were the long, above the knees, stockings of white felt, decorated from above applique from red felt. Stockings of such cuts were wore as Scythian women and men-warriors. The soles in the stocking were made of red felt and drown separately. Apparently, the red color in the decoration and some details of the clothes had a protective value, protected from evil spirits. In the felt bag ("cosmetic bag"), a bronze mirror was found next to the woman with a deer carved on it, a brush from horse-out, glass Indian beads of different colors, a native tooth of a man and scattered blue powder (Vivianit - namely, powder consisted - As a cheap dye became known in Europe only in the nineteenth century, and Pazyryktsi used it with two millennia earlier). The neck of "Princess of Dock" was decorated with wooden hryvnia with wooden pendants attached to it in the form of bans covered with gold foil. Why did Pazerykans often depict wolves and breezes on the hryvnuts? Images of these animals were most likely to protect one of the vulnerable places of a person - his neck. In the ears of women were gold earrings-rings. Mummy's maizins were linked with woolen threads.

In the headboard on a small dish were the seeds of the coriander, some were vague. For the seeds of the coriander, you need to pay special attention, and that is why: the coriander was used as a medicinal plant and as incense; Coriander grown in the Mediterranean and Central Asia, was grown in India, Palestine and Egypt, thus, in Altai, he had to be a big rarity, perhaps the coriander brought some single merchants or ... Pazyryktsi brought him with them from the Earth ancestors, When migrated from anterior Asia! Coriander fruits were discovered in the second, third and fifth Pazyryk mounds. In any case, the presence of this plant in the burial of Ak-Alaha -3 is no coincidence perhaps, perhaps the fusion of the body in the deck is associated with the subsequent revival in the "other" world.

There is no doubt that the silk shirt was a luxury, made from imported tissue, and this, along with the burial of horses and balsaming, indicates that the princess came from the middle-rapid layers of his tribe, perhaps a shaman. The shirt was made of the filaments of a wild silkworm, all the seams, as well as the neck and the edge of the sleeves are trimmed with wool red cords (are heragging from evil spirits, which could "penetrate" through cuts), and was a copy of the shirt in the second Pazyryk Kurgan. Scientists suggest that the origin of the shirt is most likely Indian, not Chinese, since at this time the Chinese have long used the threads of domesticated silkworms, in addition, the oldest Chinese weaving machines produced fabrics up to 50 cm wide, the shroup of the "princess of dock" is tailored from the fabric 130 cm width. Private and even noble riders' warriors, buried on ukock, did not have her hands, they put on the fur coats on the naked body.

A real discovery for archaeologists was a find in the burial perfectly preserved original wig and a woman headland. They occupied almost a third of the decks. It must be said that in antiquity it is the headdress and hairstyle that has carried the most significant information about a person, every tribe he had his own form, and the status of a person inside the tribe could be "read" on his decorations. Girls, moving to the status of a woman, or changing the genus, also changed the hairstyle and a headdress. The wrap of a Pazyryk woman's head covered a wig consisting of a felt cap, which was applied by a special plastic material of black - with its help the wig was attached to the need and volume. As part of the molding mass there are soot, clay, charred seeds of wild creeks, animal fat. Interestingly, in all female Pazyryk burials found black spots under the head of the buried women, and could not explain its origin. Now the mystery revealed - it turns out, all the Pazyryk women in everyday life wore such wigs! Wooden jewelry-decorations were sewn to the wig, they were covered with gold foil. On the darkek, the hair was specially collected in a beam, to which the "cone" was put on top, made of woolen threads of red. Worn cone Wooden deer, standing on a bowl, all covered with golden foil. Another threaded deer with a forked torso and horns of Capricorn "lying" on a wig in front of the "cone". The image of a fantastic deer-Capricorn will meet us in a woman's tattoo. It must be said that this image personified the sun and the upper world in many Central Asian peoples. A high vertical structure of the felt in the form of a rectangle with rounded edges (61 cm) was mounted in the back of the "cone" to the wig in the form of a rectangle with rounded edges, which, apparently, was the symbol of the "Tree of Life": his foot "grazed" wooden deer, in the top Parts were attached fifteen composite wooden birds with leather wings, tails and legs, long necks, like swans. All figures are made of cedar and covered with gold foil. Such birds could be a symbol of the future replenishment (many nations of birds symbolize human souls, and some are the soul of unborn children). In addition, a pointed cover-cap from felt of 84 cm and wide fields was found in Siruba, which in some cases put on a complex hairstyle. The same cap was found in the second Pazyryk Kurgan, for hundreds of kilometers from dock. Scientists believe that every Pazyryk woman wore such a complex headdress, and it is impossible to unambiguously judge on him that "Princess Ukoka" was a shaman. Although it is possible that in the future, such hats began to wear only shamans and "Witches". The touristcar was amazed by the beauty of the wooden figures, as well as how sophisticated and unusual hairstyles of Pazyryk women were. And the cap-cover really resembles witch hats, what kind of them are usually depicted!

The body of the woman is well preserved due to embalming and storage in a natural "ice refrigerator". The embarrassment of the dead was the necessary part burial rite Pasyryktsev. The fact is that they buried his dead only twice a year - in the spring or early summer, and in the fall, that is, from the moment of the death of a person, he often passed half a year before his burial. Princess Ukoka was buried in mid-June, before converging on the summer pastures, which is confirmed by the contents of the stomachs buried with her horses. The embarrassment was not some kind of privilege nobility - embalmed and ordinary warriors. The woman has a brain, internal organs, ribs and a chet, skull and abdominal cavity are filled with substance like peat, sheep wool, horsepower, roots, sand and clay. She also had no two upper cutters, although all the rest of the teeth were healthy - apparently, the removal of the teeth was part of some magic RitualOr testified of its special status. The body apparently covered with oil and resins with the addition of mercury (mercury used ancient Chinese for embalming, it was believed that mercury and cinnay guarantee "immortality"). Perhaps, Pazyryktsi really believed that a person would be able to "be born" in the same body, then their desire to preserve the integrity of the body after death, it is possible that they had myths with this related. In world history, there are cases when mummy before their burials could remain included in the life of a kind, that is, they still continued to "live" in the circle of their relatives - they could "exhibit" on the holidays, they could have venerable signs. It is possible that mummy also played a similar role in the life of the tribe in Pazyryk Society.

The blue tattoo is clearly visible, completely covering both hands of a woman. It is difficult to imagine that highly artistic graphics made more than two thousand years ago - the ancient masters could give odds to modern artists! The tattoo "Ukok Princess" is identical to the one that he decorated the body of a man in the second Pazyryk mound, for hundreds of kilometers from docking, and a warrior in the neighborhood of the Up Caldzhin-2 burial ground, all the tattoos are so similar that may be applied by one master . On the left shoulder, a fantastic animal is depicted - it is a deer, but there are two types of horns - deer and Capricorn on his head, and the muzzle ends with the griffin beak (Griffon is a fabulous winged creature, half a lion, half an eagle). It's not an easy image - a deer-Capricorn (or Capricorn horse), and see how often he meets with Pazyryktsev! In the Indo-European peoples, the deer-Capricorn accompanied the dead in "other", "the upper" world. In addition, every process of deer horns ends with a stylized head of the griffin. And even from the back of a deer "grows" the head of the griffin! It is still depicted, a ram, a snow leopard and a fantastic predator with a deer torso, on which the head of griffin, tiger's tail and terrible clawed paws. Probably, such non-existent animals in real life also helped a person to penetrate the "other" world.

What else may need to be needed in another world or in next life? It seems that Pazyryktsi came up with all seriousness to this issue, sought to supply the deceased with everything necessary, all personal belongings went along with the man. In the funeral chamber next to the delica, two low wooden table dishes were found on legs, vessels made of wood and horns, two ceramic vessels with leather appliqués stuck on them (a rooster was usually depicted, leopard, gryphon - apparently that had security).

The walls of the horn vessel were sewn (!!) from the horns of Yak, and docked with a round bottom from the horns of a wild mountain goat (a similar vessel was found in the second, third and fifth Pazyryk Kurgan). Since the process of its manufacture time-consuming, and the Pazeryks were well able to do dishes from wood and clay, then most likely the horny vessel is clean here sacred value - Perhaps there was a drink for treating the deity. There is an ancient Greek legend that the water stycase (river in the kingdom of the dead) Can be held only by vessels from wild animal horns. Wild animals belonged to the kingdom of gods, spirits.

The wooden vessel had a handle made in the form of a figure of two leopards, it has no analogues in other Pazeryk burials. It was inserted a wooden wand-mutid (for whipping Kumsa) with a long handle from larch and a birch nozzle in the form of a sickle. All vessels, both flat, and with a round bottom, were installed in the stands-rings, stitched from felt. On the wooden table lay the best pieces of meat: the Kurdnya part of the ram and the crushes of the foal, in which a large iron knife is stuck. The upper part of the knife handle depicted non-existent, fantastic animals - crammed wolves heads with horns growing on them.

We do not know why the ancient Pazeryktsi provided a "princess" with food and drink (they suggest that the vessels were kumys and other drinks) - maybe they believed that she was waiting for a long journey, and these were the supplies "on the road"; According to another version, meat was a deadlord to the deceased relatives who will meet a woman in another world; According to the third, it was important to treat a deity that avoided or met the soul in a different world. We also do not know why the set of vessels placed in the grave has always consisted of three types - horny, ceramic, wooden, will the symbolic images of the Earth (ceramics), plants and animals do not lick? The number "Three" was considered sacred from the protorans, and scientists believe that the Pazyryktsy flew to Altai at one time. No less symbolic and a meadow with a nozzle in the form of a sickle - it is known that the gods used the gods in the Altai legends when creating the universe!

All the utensils were located in the eastern wall of the funeral chamber - between the late and the burial of the horses, on the floor covered with a felt carpet. There is no wooden floor in the chamber - it replaces a specially laid pebble, perhaps this is due to the representation of the ancients that the life force "goes into the land of the dead" and nothing should interfere with this. Interestingly, all items were not new - they were used in everyday life, and some even had the traces of repair.

For the funeral chamber found a long helper, apparently, in order to in of the future life The princess of docking had the opportunity to build yurt.

In the northern part of the grave pit, at a depth of 2.8 m, six horses were buried. Leather harness and leather decorations are not preserved, but the numerous cedar carved jewelry are preserved: Psalia, suspended places, rapted, etc.; Iron lunches were found, the felt coating of the saddle of the appliqués, woven painted wool "braids" to decorate the saddle. Some wooden figures were covered with gold foil. As in the tattoo of the woman, there are a lot of lionic griffin images: masterfully made by the heads of the griffin ends the psalia, a wooden decoration was mounted on a native belt in the form of a volume griffin, they are in the form of multi-colored appliqués are nursed to the walled seat. At the felt coating of the seat of the fifth horse, the whole composition is depicted - the tiger "torments" a deer. Identical image decorates felt capping horse from the first Pazyryk mound. Researchers suggest that leather "stencils" existed, according to which there are the same plots for the same scenes of various tribes.

So, summarize. Tattoo, wig in women - were widely distributed and in ordinary members of the tribe. In the funeral inventory of all Pazyryktsev found almost the same objects as "Princess", even the gold foil on wooden decorations was not something special. But the embarrassment, the construction of a huge burial chamber, as well as larch deck-crypt, along with the scenery of six horses in rich decoration already allocated a Pazyryk woman from the general range. We will add to this a shatter with a coriander and a luxurious silk shirt - they were real treasures, and could only belong to nobility or members of society with a high social status. Surprisingly and single burial of a woman - childcares are characterized by Pazyryktsev, in the "royal" Pazyryk mounds, women are usually buried with men. Perhaps "Princess Ukoka" was indeed a "shaman" in his tribe, such people gave any vow of celibacy, so near her burial we did not find the graves of Pazyryk men. Undoubtedly one - the found Pazyryk woman had a high social status in his tribe.

"Ukok Princess": active tours with a visit to the object:

  1. Aktra - Plateau Ukok - Teletskoy Lake (12 days, 36000/45500 r., 6-15 people)
  2. Jeep tour. According to South Altai (12 days, 60000 r., 3-15 people)


  3. On the plateau of Ukok to the "Princess of Altai" (13 days, 34000 r., 6-12 people)

    Tours weekend

  4. Reserved egg winter (4 days, 15500 r., 6-8 people)