Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky Chesmersky fight. Battle canvases I.K.

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky Chesmersky fight. Battle canvases I.K.
Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky Chesmersky fight. Battle canvases I.K.

The sea battle at Aivazovsky is undoubtedly one of the most frequent topics opened on his canvases. The legendary painter admired the feats of the heroes-sailors who defended their fatherland, and gladly glorified them in their paintings. Thanks to his work, it was possible to perpetuate the memory of many events and glorious episodes from the history of the Russian Fleet. Many masterpieces artist owes and its world glory.

Picture of Aivazovsky "Chesme Fight", description of the best masterpiece

The web of Ivan Ivazovsky "" is deservedly called one of the brightest and well-known works of the greatest marinist artist among those who belong to the early period of his creativity. It is devoted to the most significant episode from the Russian-Turkish war, which at the end of a decisive role in the signing of a peace agreement between countries.

The canvas tolerates us in the distant 1770 year, on the night of June 25-26, when the ships of the Russian flotilla shifts to block a significant part of Turkish ships in Chesmensky bay and destroy them. The picture of the Iivazovsky "Chesmensky battle" became the best description of the grand battle, in it the author managed to perfectly connect two opposite feelings: to reflect the drama of the event for one side and to "impregnate" literally every touch of a celebration, heroism, brilliant victory.

In the foreground, the picture of the flagship of the Russian fleet is valid in the foreground, and the Turkish ships are burning inside the bay, and the Turkish ships explode, mast debris.

The black and gray smoke rising from the scarlet flame is mixed with the clouds, through which the moon makes his way, and it seems, absolutely calmly observes, shedding its cold light, for all what is happening downstairs.

She cares about the viewer's attention in the picture of the Iivazovsky "Chesmensky fight" a group of people in water is the Turkish sailors who were able to escape after the explosion of their ship. They are trying to grab the fragments of his mast and stay in vain causing help.

Describing the picture of the Iivazovsky "Chesmen fight", it should be noted how striking the high mastery, the virtuoso technique and the realism of the images.

Here brilliantly collected paints, transmitting tragic and triumph of the situation, emphasizing the powerful mixing of the elements: water, fire and air.

Aivazovsky's cannons about Sinopsky

The best paints of the famous painter who devoted a lot of works to the description of military battles during the Crimean War, are confidently more than two ones dedicated to Sinnoya battle.

The battle occurred in November 1853, after the Turkish state declared the war of Russia. The fleet under the command of Nakhimov went towards the enemy's banks and, coming to the most closely, in a few hours he destroyed all the Turkish ships, based in the Bay of Sinop.

On one canvase - "" - Aivazovsky captured early morning and the very beginning of the victorious for the Russian fleet of battle: the sea, small waves, on which sailing ships, covered with gray clouds of the sky and the first smoke clubs from the cannon shots.

On the second canvas dedicated to the Sinop battle, Aivazovsky depicted. The Turkish ships growing with a bright flame throw the burnt chips in black, but already calmed down the water. Nevdralex proudly froze Russian ships, enjoying the triumph.

The famous picture "Navarinsky fight" Aivazovsky

On the famous Canvas of Ayvazovsky "", written by the author in 1846, was captured by one of the most significant in the history of the Russian fleet and glorifying its events. The story takes us in October 1827, when the battle with the Turkish Egyptian fleet in the Navarino Bay occurred.

In the foreground, the famous Russian flagship "Azov", he is badly damaged as a result of the battle, but at the same time decides to take an enemy vessel on the board. As a result, the Russian sailors are moving to an enemy deck to destroy it.

A skillful brush was handed to the tragic and heroism of the event, despite the raging fire and smoke clubs, fragments of the mast broken ships, the activity of the battle - the outcome of anyone has no doubt.

Other pictures

Ivanovsky Ivan Konstantinovich

Chesme battle - Aivazovsky. 1848. Canvas, oil. 193 x 183 See Museum: Aivazovsky Picture Gallery, Feodosia

A recognized master marinist, an artist like no other than one who knew how to portray the sea in any of his condition and various ships - from a small boat to a huge sailboat. The picture shows the moment of the sea battle of the Russian fleet against Turkish, in which the latter suffered a crushing defeat and lost many ships and its experienced sailors.

The canvas reflects the decisive moment of the night battle when the Turkish fleet turned out to be headed. This is a monstrous and frightening spectacle - huge ships are burning and drowning like slivers, and for the remnants of masts and rigging, the surviving sailors are clinging. The incredible power and horror of this battle emphasize highly high pillars of the flame, so that it seems that the Headlage of the Flame is bodied by the sea. Flashing of fire is discharged so masterfully that the feeling of the painting by the heat is created.

Perspective depth and volumetric picture gives the use of contrasting colors. The total color gamma is very dark and dark, which not only corresponds to the tragicity of the event, but also is determined by the fact that the battle took place at night, and the smoke and Gar from the dying in the fire of the ships literally closed the horizon. The sky as such is not visible on the canvas, it is tightened with a dense veil of black mourning smoke, against the background of which the fiery bursts of paints of burning ships and a yellow moon are clearly distinguished, barely visible under the coat of smoky clubs.

In the foreground, the picture is visible by people crowded by people who have just undermined one of the Turkish ships with their brandard. From this explosion, a grandiose fire happened, which is short, and destroyed almost the entire linear Turkish fleet. On the other side of the canvas on the remnants of his sunken vessel, a handful of surviving in the battle of the Turks is trying to escape. All their hope for survival is that they will be taken captivated, without giving it to drown in the dark waters of the Aegean Sea.

This historical battle allowed Russian troops not only to prevent the Turks to freely move their vessels on this area of \u200b\u200bthe Aegean Sea, but also to establish the blockade of Dardanwell, which prevented the main forces of the Turkish fleet to penetrate into the Black Sea.

Using such a limited color gamut, the artist managed not only to convey the realities of the sea battle, but also to do so masterfully that the picture looks like a real photo report from the place of the historical event, hitting the imagination of the modern viewer with the grandeur and the danger of the sea battles of the past eras.

Numerous battle canvases IK Aivazovsky (1817 -1900) glorified the heroes of sailors, bravely defended their fatherland. His work helps to keep the memory of the glorious combat traditions of the Navy.
Large raid in Kronstadt 1836g

Aivazovsky depicted all the main battles and victories of the Russian fleet from the moment of its occurrence. The cules of its paintings do not form a single sequence of chronological order. Perceiving the life of the fleet as something close and joyful, he often created pictures or directly after the event depicted, or shortly after him, or (which rarely happened), connecting it from some historical date.

Kronstatt raid 1839-40

Truck N.N. Raevsky at Subasha 1839

Ensuring the exit to the shores of the Baltic Sea could not be carried out without a fleet. It was proceeded to its construction, as soon as the Russian troops were established on the Baltic shores. From the Northern War, Russia has reached a strong naval power. During the war, military bases were arranged in Vyborg, Roer and other places.
Revel (Tallinn). 1844

Kronstadt. Fort "Emperor Alexander I" 1844

Sveaburg 1844

The victories of the Russian fleet in the Northern War of Aivazovsky dedicated a number of his paintings. In 1846, the artist writes the battle works dedicated to the sea battles in a rive, Vyborg, a red hill. But not forgetting that he is the painter of the Chief Maritime Staff, Iivazovsky began a picture of the founder of the Russian fleet Peter 1, giving it the name: "Peter I in a red hill ignites a fire for filing a fleet signals."
Peter I with a red hill ... 1846

The events depicted by Aivazovsky in the picture, - historical, they took place on August 31, 1714.
Sea battle with roar (May 2, 1790). 1846,

Sea battle at Vyborg June 29, 1790 1846

The struggle against Turkey, begun under Peter 1 initially for mastering the exit to the Azov and Black Seas, and in the future for freedom of swimming in the Mediterranean, led to the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774.
In 1848, the artist writes the picture "Navarinsky fight", which captures an event that also glorified the Russian fleet.
Navarinsky battle 1846.

The combined fleet of allies (Russians, French, the British) entered the Navarino bay, where the Turkish-Egyptian fleet was concentrated. After fruitless attempts to negotiate, after shelling the Union Fleet with Turkish ships and coastal batteries in October 1827, the Navarino battle began. Russian linear ships, being in the center and taking on the main blow to the Turkish-Egyptian forces, were destroyed by most of the enemy fleet.
One of the famous paintings by Aivazovsky - "Big Fight" Mercury "with Turkish courts."
Brig "Mercury" attacked by two Turkish ships 1892

Brig Mercury after a victory over two Turkish ships
Meets Russian squadron 1848

This fight occurred on May 14, 1829. 18-cannon Brig "Mercury", hitching off the coast of Bosphorus, unexpectedly met with a Turkish squadron. Commander Brig Captain Lieutenant A.I. Kazarsky decided to enter into battle and, if necessary, explode with one of the enemy ships. Skilled maneuvering and not giving the enemy to take advantage of ten-fold superiority in artillery, Brig "Mercury" inflicted such defeats by the enemy ships that after 3 hours of battle, they stopped persecution.
A completely special place in the art of Aivazovsky is occupied by Sevastopol epic. Much of what is connected with the Crimean War and especially with the participation of the Black Sea Fleet, was depicted Aivazovsky.
Russian squadron on the Sevastopol raid 1846

Entrance to Sevastopol Bay 1852

Sevastopol raid 1852.

Sinop Fight 1853

Sinop. Night after the fight on November 18, 1853 1853g

Taking Sevastopol 1855

In October 1853, Turkey declared the war of Russia. In November 1853, the Russian squadron discovered the Turkish fleet in the Sinop Bay. The Russian fleet went on rapprochement and tied the battle with the closest distance. The flagship ship "Empress Maria", on which Nakhimov was located, was ahead. To the outcome of the 4-hour combat, a Turkish squadron and coastal batteries were destroyed.
On October 5, Vladimir Alekseevich Kornilov was mortally wounded at Malakhov Kurgan. Later, Aivazovsky writes the picture "Malakhov Kurgan is a place where Admiral Kornilov was mortally wounded."
Malakhov Kurgan 1893

This picture depicts the panorama of Sevastopol, which opens from the height of Malakhov Kurgan. In the foreground, a kind of monument is visible - the cross laid out of the cores at the destination place V.A. Cornilova. The monument has two veterans of Sevastopol defense. They came to this sacred for each Russian kurgan, where their favorite commander was mortally wounded.
Having arrived in 1854 to the deposited Sevastopol, the artist saw over the water only the tops of the mast of many ships of the Black Sea Fleet, blocked by their buildings to the Sevastopol bay with enemy fleet. This appearance he captured in the painting "Siege of Sevastopol".
Siege of Sevastopol 1859

The artist until the last days of his life served a fleet, glorified his glorious victories and heroism of Russian sailors. The last picture, the work on which Aivazovsky began on the day of his death, was also devoted to the Russian Fleet. She depicts a combat episode - "Explosion of the Turkish Ship."
Explosion of the ship (last unfinished job) 1900g

Aivazovsky battle paintings are in many naval museums and art galleries. But the largest meeting of the works of Aivazovsky is available in the Feodosian art gallery, where more than 400 paintings paintings are exposed. All these paintings are the chronicles of the fighting feats of the Russian fleet.
Ship "Twelve Apostles" 1897

Looking at the Black Sea Fleet in 1849
(The last highest view of the Black Sea Fleet by Emperor Nikhai) 1886

Black Sea Fleet to the Crimean War on the Feodosian raid 1890

Art image of the sea brought I.K. Aivazovsky worldwide fame. And it is not by chance on the grave of the marinist, who was buried with all the military honors - the phenomenon for those times is unprecedented, it is written:
"Born mortal, left an immortal glory about himself!"

In the history of the Russian fleet, Chesmen Battle is one of the glorious heroic events. Aivazovsky himself, of course, could not witness these events that unfolded on the night of June 26, 1770. But at the same time, the artist was very reliably and convincingly able to reproduce the picture of the sea battle on his canvas. The ships are burning and exploded, the mast wreckage takes off to the sky, the raising the SIZO-scarlet flames are mixed with the clouds, the moon calmly contemplates from above on what is happening. Its calm and cold light seems to emphasize the hell's mixture of fire, sea and water. The feeling that Ivazovsky himself, creating this picture, worried about the event, during which the Russian sailors won. Despite the cruelty seen in the picture, it leaves the impression of a grand fireworks and a majority. The plot of the picture was one of the episodes of the Russian-Turkish war, in which Russia struggled for domination in the Black and Mediterranean seas. The Turkish fleet on that historical period was considered the strongest. But after a few military battles, he hid in a panic in Chesmen Bay. Pursuing the enemy, the Russian ships blocked the exit from the bay, and in one night completely destroyed and burned the entire Turkish fleet. The Russian fleet lost only 11 sailors that night, while the Turks are 10 thousand. human. Such victory in the history of marine battles, Russia has no longer experienced. He commanded the events of Count Alexey Orlov, and Ekaterina II, being an empress. Ordered to build a monument to the heroes participating in Chesmen battle in the royal village. The monument was made in the form of a column, which today towers in the center of the Big Pond. Ends allegorical sculpture Silhouette of a double-headed eagle that breaks the marble crescent. Aivazovsky, wanting to feel the scale of the sea fight, took part in some wars, after which it created a lot of battle fleeting canvases. The picture of the Iivazovsky "Chesmensky fight" demonstrated the brilliant skill of the painter, his technique and the courage of execution. In the same 1848 Aivazovsky wrote a picture of "Battle in the Heos Strait", which was a worthy pair of Chesmest battle, glorifying the victory of the Russian fleet. Aivazovsky was the most bright of the last representatives in Russian painting of romantic mood. This was especially manifested in his pathoral heroic nautical battles.