Autumn drawings with the children of the preparatory group. An abstract of drawing classes in the preparatory group "Late Autumn"

Autumn drawings with the children of the preparatory group. An abstract of drawing classes in the preparatory group "Late Autumn"

Abstract of drawing classes in the preparatory group of compensation

"Late fall".

Prepared and held an educator: Nikolaev Svetlana Lvovna.


Cause children interest in late autumn, develop the ability to emotionally distracted by the mood of sadness, sadness transmitted in verses. Call a desire to express this condition using the color in the landscape figure.


1. Correction and educational:

Exercising in the name of autumn will adopt enrich the vocabulary of children;

To form ideas about neutral colors (black, white, dark gray, light gray, brown), use these colors when creating late autumn paintings;

Develop the ability to independently transfer in the picture the landscape of late autumn, its color (the absence of bright colors in nature);

Exercise in the ability to draw trees different in structure and bushes without leaves;

Fasten the rope of drawing the end of the brush;

Continue to develop the ability to depict the phenomena of nature with an unconventional way (accepting the tick with cotton chopsticks - snow).

Continue to develop the ability to work with the palette, to make a color range, get gray deaf, inhabitant tones.

2. Correctional and developing:

Continue to develop the ability to feel, understand and reproduce the image forming of the poem;

Develop the coordination of movements, accompanying the speech;

Develop a fine motility of hands over finger game;

Develop imagination;

3. Correction-educational:

Bring up love for poetry, native nature;

Bring up the aesthetic perception of nature;

Rail in children interest in drawings, the desire to consider, talk about them.


Sample made by the educator. Labor sheets toned. Gouache, watercolor, palette, brushes №2 or 3, unpolivatives with water, stand, napkins, cotton wands.

Preliminary work:

Reading the poems of Russian poets on the autumn A. N. Plesechev, A. S. Pushkin, and others.

Exploring poems on the autumn "Autumn" M. Khodyakov and "Swallow" A. Feta.

Conversation about late autumn, her signs.

Consider the reproductions of pictures of famous artists in the presentation "Late autumn through the eyes of artists."

Consider illustration, pictures, reproductions.

Watching the sky, trees, rain, snow on a walk.

Travel course:

Guys, what is the time of year now?

What autumn months do you know? What month is it? November is the last month of autumn.

Listen to the poem A. Plechechev, what autumn says the poet?

Autumn has come

Dried flowers

And look sad

Naked bushes.

Flusted and yellow

Grass on meadows

Only green

I fame in the fields.

Cloud sky touche

The sun does not shine

The wind in the field is how

Rain drizzles.

Water awesome

Fast stream

Birds flew away

To warm edges.

Did you want from this picture drawn by the poet?

What signs of late autumn says in the poem of Plescheev?

Indeed, the poem speaks of a dull, gloomy, cold autumn.Foliage from the trees sheltered, the grass is withering and yellowing, the bushes are sad, naked, the flowers were dried, the birds flew into the warm edges, often rains.

Autumn as an evening of the year. And in the evening we are preparing to sleep. So the trees removed our outfit and washed the rain. Living nature falls asleep.Late came, Chmuray Autumn. In late autumn, cold drizzling rains often go, sometimes snow, or snow with rain, trees drop the last leaves, the grass dried, the flowers started. The last birds fly south. Animals are preparing for winter, people put on warm clothes.


The rain in the windows is knocking on us and call us to play.

A drop of two times two. (Children perform jumps on two legs)

Very slowly first, (holding hands, children go in a circle)

And then, then, then

All run, run, running. (Walking in a circle with acceleration)

We discovered our umbrellas, (the dome do over her heads)

From the rain she was covered. (Squatted)

Today I suggest you to draw late autumn. What kind of paints do you need - warm, bright or cold, gray?

Look at the picture with the late autumn image. What color sky? - And what are the trees?

Sample viewing.

What autumn signs are depicted? (Small snow, gloomy sky, there are no leaves on the trees).


Now I will tell you how to get these inappropriate paints. You have a palette on your tables, artists make paints on such palettes. And you, how real artists will do it.

What gouache do we need to mix to get a gray paint? (in the white gouache add black drop).

Yes, to get gray paint it is necessary to add some black paint to white. If you draw clouds, then take the blue paint and add some black and white paint to it, stir them on the palette. The color of the leaves and herbs in the late autumn also lost the brightness - it is brown. Take green paint and add a little yellow and brown to it - it turns out a brown color.

So, you first need to make the desired paint on the palette, and then draw it on the sheet.

You drew attention to how the "magic" shown snow. What do you think we will draw snow? (method "Vault")

What way will we draw trees? (brush tip).

Finger gymnastics.

So that it is beautiful to draw your fingers to smoke.

Once, two, three, four, five (compress and squeeze your fingers)

A rain went out to the forest to walk, (the fingers of the left hand "walk" on the palm of the right)

A rain came out to the forest to walk, (the fingers of the right hand "walk" on the palm of the left)

Oak, Birch, Clane, Osin, (bend fingers, starting with big)

Iva, poplar and rowan,

Think about your picture and proceed to work.

During drawing, the teacher draws attention to the composition, color transmission, accuracy in operation.

After the end of the drawing, the guys choose the figures liked, work is set to view. Preschoolers tell what they drew. The teacher makes the analysis of children's activities.

Abstract of drawing lesson for children 5-6 years old "Late autumn"

Author: Firsova Olga Vladimirovna, Educator Moscow GBOU Gymnasium 1569 "Constellation" Corps 9 (kindergarten №1267, city of Moscow.
Work description: I bring to your attention an abstract of classes for the older kindergarten group "Drawing using non-traditional drawing equipment - kleaxography on the theme" Late Autumn ". In this work, the guys will get acquainted with non-traditional drawing equipment and learn to draw a scenery of a gouache without the help of a brush. This methodical work may be Used educators of kindergartens (senior preschool age). Children like to use different techniques when performing creative work. Children show fantasy, they develop imagination, and technical skills are being improved.
Education area: artistic creativity
Integration of educational regions: Cognition, Communication
purpose: To introduce children with klyaxography, cause interest in non-traditional drawing techniques, develop creativity, imagination. Secure knowledge of signs of late autumn, develop the respiratory system. Activation of speech. Enrichment of the dictionary: blots, kleaxography.
Materials: Sheets A4 for each child, a simple pencil for each child, jars with water, tubes for drinks for each child, sponges for each child, gouache paints, mascara or liquid breeding gouache (for klex), plastic spoons or pipettes, cotton sticks, Napkins for hands.


Children, tell me, please, what time of year we have outside the window? (Autumn)
- Start of autumn or its end ?? (End)
- Why do you think so? What signs of autumn can we watch now? What has changed in nature? (children's responses)
- So, we can say that late autumn window?
-Do you like to draw? What do you like best to draw?
- Now I will teach you how to draw autumn paints without the help of your brush.
- To start, draw the background (there is simultaneously explanation-guide and display): Position the sheet as you like more, draw a simple pencil with a barely prominent line of the horizon. Think what colors are present in the autumn sky? Take a sponge, wet it and alternately apply paints with sponge horizontal smears above the horizon line. Now imagine what colors may be present on Earth, below the horizontal line. Also horizontal smears are applied.
- Check if there are no empty places left on your drawings.
- Now look carefully how I am depicting a tree (showing, children just watch). I scratch the spoon with a liquid gouache and drip below the horizon, it turned out a blots. Now I take the tube and "blowing out" from the beaches of the barrel and branches of the tree, send the tube from the bottom-up and on the side of the trunk. See what happened. This drawing technique is called "Klyaxography", i.e. drawing by blots or from klex.
-Teer try yourself. (Help children, suggest as better).
- Look at what kind of different trees you have turned out!
- Later autumn there is snow? And the leaves on the trees?
- That's right, snow can fall, rare dried leaves remain on the trees.
- Let's take cotton wands and draw falling snow or dried leaves on branches. It is also possible to draw something, and you can some one.
Children draw. Then all the drawings are collected in one place (exhibition).
- Look, all drawings differ from each other. Who remember what is called the technique in which we painted ?? (klyaxography) from what we painted trees? (blot). Did you like to draw blots ?? Here are what wonderful drawings turned out with us without the help of the brush!

Master class on familiarization of children of senior preschool age (6 - 7 years old) with Pointelism "Golden Autumn"

The proposed master class on drawing to familiarize himself with the Pointelism "Golden Autumn" is intended for teachers of pre-school education in working with children of senior preschool age (6 - 7 years).

Appointment of composition: "Golden Autumn" will become an excellent decoration of the walls of the children's room, a gift for relatives and loved ones, an expressive composition in any exhibition of children's work.

The presented composition is an interesting option for teachers for use in joint activities or individual work with gifted, fond of painting preschoolers. Creating an image with the help of points contributes not only to the development of children in small motility, perfection, but also the development of imagination, thinking, fantasy.

Master class: To introduce the features of creating an image in the "Pointilism" technique with the help of watercolor paints.

Tasks in working with children:

To acquaint senior preschoolers with an unconventional flow in painting - "Pointelism";

Training the creation of the composition "Golden Autumn" in the technique of "Pointilism";

Develop imagination, motility, creative thinking in children of senior preschool age (6 - 7 years old);

Easit the prerequisite in work, aesthetic perception.

Dear Colleagues. The presented master class is a more complex use of Pointelism in the work of preschoolers than the master class "Golden Fish", which suggested by me, made by floters. Let you in a few words remind the features of the "Pointilism" technique.

Description of the technique "Pointelism".

The name of the flow in painting Pointelism occurred from the French word Pointiller, which means "writing points." Artists who worked in the style of pointelism were applied to the canvas clean, not mixed at the paint palette. Optical mixing of paints occurred at the stage of perception of the picture by the viewer.

"Golden Autumn" in the technique of "Pointelism"

At one of the meetings, I introduced preschoolers with several pictures of artists performed in the "Pointilism" technique.

The guys were very surprised by the effect of seen paintings, especially they liked to consider them from afar. Of course, I could not help them try to portray your own compositions in this technique with watercolor paints. Let me present to your attention a non-cereal master class, which will help create an autumn composition.

Materials required for creating a composition:

1. Paper for drawing A3

2. Simple pencil

3. Esteral rubber band

4. Watercolor paints

5. Water Cup

6. Frame for work

We propose to proceed to the first stage - creating a sketch of the future composition. The sheet is necessary for a simple pencil to divide the horizontal line into two planes: the sky and earth. Along the horizon line, we have trees, in the background - the mountains, on the front - river.

Sketch is ready, now it's time to proceed to the second stage - staining our composition with color points. Work must be started from the back plan - mountains. Apply brown points.

We will add a little gray and black paint to emphasize the contour of each vertex, slope.

Now we turn to the average plan of the composition - trees: stain with brown color trunks and twigs.

Next you need to "wear" the trees in the autumn foliage. Trees located closer to the mountains, it is better to paint yellow so that they do not merge with the slopes, the color of other trees you can vary at your discretion (we used orange, red and purple flowers).

Along the banks of the river, we will apply a shade of green - it is a grass, preserving freshness in the water. You can add yellow color - river sand.

We proceed to the creation of the autumn "bedspread" for the Earth. Under the trees, in separate areas we apply a dark green grass shade.

Then we expand the painted areas using the lightest shade of green.

The remaining areas of the earth fill the okra.

Let's proceed to staining the sky. To do this, use the blue (or light blue) paint. When filling out the top of the sheet, you can leave inoperate areas - clouds.

Yulia Myasnikova
Abstract Node on drawing "Late Autumn"

Subject: « Late fall»

Software content:

Learn to create an express image « late» autumn;

Develop creativity (use of obtained views of the visual and technical skills for independent selection of the pattern);

Educate accuracy when performing work, the ability to listen and hear the caregiver, listen to other children's answers;

Develop figurative thinking, creative imagination.

Material: Illustrations of images "gold" autumn I.« late» autumn, paints, sheet of paper, napkins, brushes.

Educator: Guys, listen to the riddle and guess what we are talking about.

The days became shorter, long night steel.

Who will say who knows - when does it happen?

So guys, like you, probably, understood, today we will talk about autumn.

What is the time of year now?

Children: Fall

After what time of year comes fall?

Children: After summer

How much lasts fall?

Children: Three months.

Call me three autumn months.

Children: September October November.

What's happening in autumn?

Children: Days have become shorter

Nights are longer, the sun shines a little, the leaves have pasted off and sparkled, go cold with snow, free frost and ice on the puddles, the animals are preparing for hibernation, birds flew into warm edges.

And what happens fall?

Children: Early, Golden, late.

What fall Depicted in the picture?

Children: Early. Sun shines, multicolored leaves are just beginning to shine.

Children: Bright, warm.

What now fall?

Children: Late fall

And what fall is depicted in this picture?

Children: Late. Weather Cloudy, Grusha

What paints used an artist?

Children: Dark, gray


Leaves autumn quietly spin,

Leaves to our feet quietly fall

And under your feet rustle

As if they want to cry again.

Knock on the door. Brought a letter from the hedgehog.

Hello guys! I'm sad, I miss the forest. On the clearing where I used to live, many trees grew and some fungi. She was beautiful. But now it came fallI hid in the mink, and I so want to see late autumn. Guys, please draw me, please late autumn

Guys, let's draw for our hedgehog late autumn. What colors will we use?

Children: Gray, cold.

Take in the hands of the brush and first draw trees. Then we draw a cloud, first with a white color, then flushing a good brush we apply a little black. Optionally, you can draw a rain. But the leaves and the grass is no longer yellow, but brown.

Independent work of children.

Node outcome.

Ask children could they convey the ruins of gloomy autumn Day. Ask one-piece man to call the colors that they used.

Make an exhibition of work.

Publications on the topic:

"Late fall". An abstract classes in familiarization with the world of nature for the middle group Educational: to educate in children a friendly attitude towards the surrounding nature. Rail the skills of working in the team, interaction.

"Late fall". The abstract of integrated speech development in the senior group Late autumn Objective: to systematize and replenish vocabulary on the lexical topic "Autumn" Tasks: educational: - to summarize knowledge.

Abstract Node for drawing "Autumn" in the preparatory group in Montotypia technique Objective: Improve artistic and aesthetic perception. Tasks: introduce children with new drawing technique - "Monotypia; promote.

Abstract Node with children of the senior group with ONR "Late Autumn" The abstract of the subgroup classes in preschoolers with the general underdevelopment of speech 3 of speech development in the senior group lexical subject: Late.

The abstract of organized educational activities with the pupils of the senior group. Educational region "Cognitive development".

Abstract of organized educational activities on speech development. "Drawing up the story" Late Autumn " The abstract of organized educational activities on speech development on the topic: "Drawing up the story" Late Autumn "in the middle group.

Abstract Walking in the Preparatory Group (Late Autumn) Topic: Take care of birds. Objectives: - Continue consolidating knowledge about the bird world; - clarify than feed and where birds live like a person.

Drawing, one of the favorite children's classes, allows preschoolers to reveal their creative abilities as much as possible. Pupils of the preparatory group are able to create compositions on the most different theme, including portray expressive paintings of nature. Drawing a landscape is closely related to the process of knowledge of the surrounding reality (through observations, acquaintance with the works of painting, etc.). This complex aesthetic and developing activities enriching various aspects of the child's personality.

Features of drawing landscapes in the preparatory group of pre-school institution

The creation of landscape compositions is one of the main directions of drawing classes in the preparatory group. Preschoolers depict nature objects and at earlier age, starting with simple dandelion drawings, chamomile or christmas. Six-year-old children can already realistically portray any time of the year, transmitting characteristic signs of autumn and winter, spring and summer.

An independent creation of a particular picture of nature is always preceded by acquaintance with the works of outstanding painters-landscape players. Pupils of the preparatory group are well perceived by such work, despite the absence of an entertaining plot. The guys easily determine the time described in the picture, analyzes the paints that helped painting to convey the image. Preschoolers are capable not only to understand the content of the landscape, but also those feelings that the artist wanted to convey.

The task of the educator is to choose colorful and emotional works of art, brightly demonstrating signs of one or another year or natural landscape. As examples, we give the work by A. Savrasova "Gracchi flew", I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", "March", I. Shishkin "Rye", E. Panova "Winter in the Forest".

Photo Gallery: A selection of landscape compositions of famous artists

Reproduction Pictures A. Savrasova Reproduction Pictures I. Levitan Reproduction of the picture I. Levitan Reproduction of the painting of E. Panova Reproduction of the picture I. Shishkin

Personal observations of children behind nature play a big role, which are held during a walk. This contributes to obtaining new knowledge and development of aesthetic feelings. In the process of such a contemplation, the teacher read the guys poems the poems of Russian poets, suitable for one or another picture of nature. Thus, preschoolers will learn to compare the landscape described in the poetic product, with actually existing in the surrounding reality.

The preparatory group also practices drawing a landscape based on poem: children on paper embody artistic images.

Children of six-seven years have a well-developed color perception: they learn to correlate color shades with a picture background. So, for example, preschoolers understand that bright green or yellowish leaves look contrastingly against the background of a blue or gray sky, and gentle blue flowers on a pale green stem will look spectacular on dark green grass.

While walking the teacher well emphasize beautiful color solutions that are found in nature, for example, bright snow-white snow, sparkling in the sun or emerald spring grass, bright yellow dandelions.

Pupils of the preparatory group are also able to competently compile the composition of the figure: clearly distinguish the front and back plan and depict objects of the corresponding size, know the horizon line, etc.

When creating landscape compositions, before the eyes of preschoolers, there should be no sample of the educator - this will avoid template work. The sample replaces the reproductions of paintings by artists or photography. Teacher can only show children how to portray individual objects that cause complexity.

An important point of drawing on drawing is the analysis of ready-made compositions. Note that this process is closely related to the development of speech. First of all, the guys are invited to admire the resulting landscapes, and then the discussion begins. Attention is drawn to the expressive transmission of images, whether it is golden autumn, winter forest or awakening spring nature. Encouraged the design of the picture with original details. The tutor is achieved by preschoolers of deployed comments regarding the flavor of the figure: gentle, muted either, on the contrary, juicy, saturated. By the guys, you can, as desired, to propose to tell about your work, for example, what kind of spring is depicting the composition.

Most relevant materials and workforce

To create a landscape composition in the preparatory group, a variety of materials are appropriate - paints (gouache and watercolor), color pencils, wax crayons, as well as Sangina and coal pencils. Also at this age, pictures are practiced by a simple graphite pencil.

It is easiest to pass the color wealth of nature (clear blue sky, sunrise and sunset, deep blue blue), of course, with the help of paints. However, such work, compared to pencil pattern, more laborious, requires spent technical skills. When painting watercolor or gouache, it is necessary to take care of the appropriate background of the foundation - preschoolers independently toning it on the eve of the classes. So, for example, for the winter landscape there will be a white and blue background, for the summer - the bright blue sky and the green bottom of the base (grass).

As always, an interesting effect is obtained with a combination of materials. For example, in the painting of the autumn forest, there are trees drawn by watercolor and colored pencils.

Figure watercolor and pencils

Another original solution is on a floral landscape painted with delicate wax crayons, catchy butterflies, made by bright markers, flour.

Drawing with wax crayons and woven

Equipment and drawing techniques used by pupils (including prints / print, monotype, kleaxography and others)

When creating landscape compositions, pupils of the preparatory group are improving the previously learned traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques.

Since most often pictures of nature are depicted by paints, the guys work out the techniques of work with a brush - all pile and tip. In addition, an integral part of the work when drawing landscapes is to draw up the desired colors on the palette. For example, trees trunks have a different shade - dark brown, dark gray, gray-green. And preschoolers should be able to receive tone data from the basic colors of the paints. Snow drifts are not necessarily drawing simply white. The image will become more interesting if adding some other color to the white gouache - the snow will be blurred with shades, which will give its beauty and fabulousness.

The teacher should warn children from the same type of image of the landscape objects. For example, trees should draw different: young, slender, but also old, sprinkled, with direct and twisted trunk, etc.

The composition of the figure is important when creating nature paintings of nature: to transmit a wide space, it is necessary to draw on the entire surface of the sheet. Objects located in the distance are depicted small, in the forefront - large.

In addition, drawings are beautifully looking at the horizon line, separating the sky from the ground.The teacher must explain to children the technique of creating such compositions.

The horizon line is carried out by blue watercolor. Next is painted with a brush, well-moistened with water. If the winter landscape is depicted, the snow on the bottom of the composition should be the lighter sky. It is drawn by white paint, diluted with a drip of another color, for example, red - it turns out a gentle little pinkish shade. The resulting mixed paint is greatly divorced by water - it turns on the snow that is transfusing to the sun.

Snow should turn out lighter sky

Recall that a white watercolor or gouache needs to be carefully washed with a brush thoroughly, after checking on the palette, so that the brush leaves a transparent track.

When drawing landscapes will be very appropriate to use unconventional image methods. This monochrome technique, especially suitable for winter paintings of nature: on a colored background, guys are painted exclusively white gouache - the image is obtained contrasting and spectacular.

Figure Pupils of the preparatory group in monochrome technique

Unusual summer and autumn landscapes are obtained in monotype technique - so usually draw trees reflected in water.

Drawing in monotype technique

Any time of the year can be beautifully portrayed using writing with leaves.

Ottisk beetted leaves

In addition, the original trees and shrubs are obtained by checking.


For the image of the winter landscape, cotton wands are good - draw with their help big snow flakes. For this purpose, the technique of drawing salt or semolina is also suitable - the material falls on top to the not yet dry paint.

Preschoolers should also become acquainted with the technique of drawing on wet. In the toned sheet of paper, the upper part is wetted by foam rubber. Thus, the objects shown in the background will seem blurred either in the snow. This method is very well suited for drawing spring landscapes.

Additional types of visual activities that can be used when creating work, the implementation of an individual approach in occupation

For preschoolers in the lesson able to fully experience the joy of creativity, the teacher must encourage their desire to complement the composition with additional visual activities. This is primarily inclusion in a landscape pattern of appliqués and modeling elements. So, for example, the work will be very original if there are bright colors in the summer with paints with paints on the summer meadow.

Drawing with Items Items

Another interesting option - beautiful applicative "flowers" was blocked on the apple trees.

Drawing with appliqué elements

The win-win in terms of originality is the inclusion of origami elements in the drawing. For example, a fox, made in the Origami technique fits in the Pestruha Picture of the Autumn Forest.

Drawing in unconventional techniques (cotton sticks, writing with leaves) with origami elements

Specific options for compositions

Drawing a landscape with pupils of the preparatory group is offered at the very beginning of the school year. The guys are invited to create a composition on the theme "Summer", where they depict the corresponding paintings of nature.

A little later (also in September) preschoolers improvise on the topic "Golden Autumn". The task of such activities is to transfer the characteristic bright color of the early period of this year

At the end of October, the guys create a landscape "Late Autumn". Here the emphasis, on the contrary, is put on the lack of juicy colors, the picture is depicted by neutral tones (various shades of gray, brown, black, white).

Since December, the pupils of the preparatory group begin to exercise in drawing beautiful winter paintings of nature. This is "Winter Landscape" (December), "Yasy covered trees" (January), "Winter" (February). In these works, preschoolers reflect the characteristic features of the coldest season, work out the work techniques, improve the ability to harmoniously position the objects of nature on a sheet of paper.

At the end of the school year (May), the guys traditionally proposed drawing spring landscapes - "Blooming Garden" and "Spring". In the first case, children convey the appearance of spring colors, paying attention to their shape and structure, color palette. In class "Spring", preschoolers learn to draw on crude paper using the image of the image erosion.

In addition, it is advisable during the year to offer pupils of the preparatory group also topics such as "Seascape", "Mountain Landscape" (especially if children live in such a terrain), "fantastic landscape."

Drawing a picture of nature is quite possible to organize as a collective work when the guys show the elements of the landscape on a general background. These may be topics such as "autumn leaves", "Winter Forest", "Blooming Garden".

Organization of the motivating principle of directly educational activities: demonstration of paintings, watching walking, conversation, poem, fairy tale, etc.

In order for drawing landscapes to become fascinating, it took place in a relaxed atmosphere, the educator should at the beginning of the classes to set up preschoolers on a creative wave, create their own motivation. In the preparatory group it may be a conversation. For example, the guys say that they saw in the summer or what trees are looking early in autumn.

You can recall a couple of songs about a certain time of the year (for example, the "Summer Song" from the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer"), talk about the fact that from the plot of the song you can be depicted in the picture.

At the lesson, visuality is important. For example, the teacher can cover the sprigs of trees with artificial resource - cover them with glue and sprinkle with salt, semolia, sugar or small pieces of foam. Having such nature before his eyes, preschoolers will be easier to depict trees covered in winter in winter. Before drawing on the topic "Blooming Spring Garden", the educator offers the guys to examine the living flowers standing in the vase. It may be daffodils, tulips, snowdrops. Children clarify the shape and length of the stem, the location of the petals, color of plants, etc.

Of course, pupils always cause live motivation. For example, the educator reports to the guys that, on the way to work, the postman handed her letter. It is from the golden autumn. She writes that the trees in the city dressed in beautiful lemon and copper clothing. But soon the leaves will fly off, and nature will fall. The guys should help extend this autumn fairy tale - draw landscapes on the topic "Golden Autumn".

Another creative solution - a doll-spring comes to visit preschoolers. Children tell her, for which they were very waiting for her and love her. Spring complains to the guys that winter does not want to give up to her the place - that snow is snowing, then frost will sweep. One spring with her can not cope: children should help - draw beautiful spring pictures of nature.

The toy that can be used in the field of drawing spring landscape

Consider another interesting option of motivation - a letter comes to the group from the kids from the distant hot Africa. They never saw the winter and asked to draw them pictures with the image of winter nature.

Children always perceive fabulous motivation with interest.This may be works about the seasons in which they are endowed with anthropomorphic properties. For example, a fairy tale "Spore" is suitable, which invented a kindergarten teacher from the city of Neftekamsk Safargulova I.S. Four sisters, clever and beauties, winter, spring, summer and autumn always lived together. But one day they still needed, which of them are the most important. Winter argued that the year begins with it, and winter entertainment everyone loves. Spring objected that it was her people always wait, would not wait. Her birds meet with singing, and animals are chosen from Nor. Summer and autumn, of course, also considered each in its own way. Four sisters argued for a very long time, and could not come to a common opinion. In fact, each of the sisters is good in its own way: winter - its blizzards and snow, gentle spring - warm sun and streams, summer - heat and cool, and autumn is a rich harvest.

After reading such a short fairy tale, the teacher may ask for preschoolers, they love to be like, and then offer them to choose a landscape relating to their beloved time.

For the motivating start, the classes are very suitable for natural poems.The teacher picks up such works in which the peculiarities of one or another year of the year are clearly revealed. For example, the following are suitable:

F. Tyutchev

Charger in winter
Went, the forest is worth -
And under the snowy fridge,
Fixed, dumb,
Wonderful life he glitters.

And it is, it is warm, -
Not a dead and not alive -
Sleepy magic is fascinated
All OUTAN, all
Light chain fluff ...

Sun winter whether
On him his ray of oblique -
In it, nothing fastests,
He will flash and takes
Dazzling red.

A.S. Pushkin

Sad time! Ocho charming!
It's nice to me your farewell beauty -
I love the magnificent nature of fading,
In the bazhret and in gold dressed forests,
In their saint wind noise and fresh breath,
And the haired wavy covered skies,
And rare sun ray, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

"Autumn" A. Plescheev

Autumn has come
Dried flowers
And look sad
Naked bushes.

Flusted and yellow
Grass on meadows
Only green
I fame in the fields.

Cloud sky touche
The sun does not shine
The wind in the field is how
Rain drizzles ..

Water awesome
Rapid stream
Birds flew away
To warm edges.

E. Baratyatsky

Spring, spring! How the air is clean!

How clear the sky!

His Lazuria is alive

He blinds my eyes.

Spring, spring! How high

On the wings of the breeze,

Purchase to the sunshine,

Clouds fly!

Fucking streams! Shine streams!

River, river carries

On a triumphant ridge

Ice raised!

"Cherry" S. Yesenin

Cherry Slaughter Snow
Greens in color and dew.
In the field, leaning towards shoots,
Graci walk in the strip.
Nicknut silk herbs,
Smells a resinous pine.
Oh you, meadows and dublava, -
I am twisen in spring.
Rainbow secret news
Glow my soul.
I think I'm about the bride,
Only about it only sing.
Rash you, cherry, snow,
Put you, Ptakhi, in the forest.
On the field with a refrigerated run
Foam I will split color.

"Summer" V. Orlov

- What will you give me, summer?
- Many sunlight!
In the sky Padygy-Dygy!
And chamomile on Lygy!
- What else will give me?
- key ringing in silence,
Pines, marshes and oaks,
Strawberry and mushrooms!
I will give you kykyshky,
To coming out on the ophshky,
You have a pity to her:
"Rogue me quickly!"
And she is in response to you
Passed for many years!

Note that if the poetic work is small in volume, describes a specific image, the conversation according to its content is carried out directly at the beginning of the drawing. If the poem consists of several quatrains, reflecting a number of natural phenomena, then it is advisable at the beginning to conduct a speech development activity on it, which will smoothly flow into the visual activities.

The drawing should include riddles about the seasons and the name of the months. For example, the following:

Who is whiten whites whites

And on the walls writes chalk,

Sews down pouche

Did you show all the showcases? (winter)

Name - ka, guys,

Month in this riddle.

His days - in short,

All nights are longer than a night.

On the fields and on the meadow

Before spring lay down snow.

Only the month of our pass -

We meet New Year. (December.)

Pluglet ears, pinch nose.

Climbs in felt boots.

Splash water - falls

Not water is already, but ice.

Even the bird does not flies:

From frost is a bird.

Turn the sun by the summer.

What do you say this? (January.)

Snow puffs from the sky

From the house there are snow drifts.

That buran and blizzards

At the village fled.

At night, Frost Sillen,

During the day of droplets, the ringing is heard.

The day was noticeable

Well, so this month is it? (February.)

On the topic of nature there are a large number of physical councils and variants of finger gymnastics. As an example, we give the following:

Fizkultminutka "Spring has come"

Fizkultminutka "Snow" (by poem I. Tokmakova)

Fizkultminutka "Autumn came"

Fizkultminutka "Autumn"

Fizkultminutka "Winter"

Putting white snowball
We will walk to walk, friend.
movement in a circle by hands
Snow, snow, white snowrunning hands to right
Circling, falls at allsmooth movements of hands hands from top to bottom
Kids all on skis got up
Completed each other
skiing imitation
We are from the snow Masterymake snowball and bubble
Baby snowy blinded.
Snow, snow, white snow
rolling with hands to the right
Our babe is better than everyone!hands ring in front of him
We sit on sosalesgot up with couples after each other, argued hands
And under the slide fast rushingmoving in a circle
Wow!everyone fell to the floor
And, well, get up, get up, friend!
And fucking snowball!
We walked the whole hour!
We will warm up now!
Got up from the floor and smoked

Finger gymnastics "Spring-Red"

FULL NAME Name of abstract
Hergega S.A. "Spring mood"
Educational tasks: Learn to draw spring landscapes with a variety of artistic materials and tools using standard and non-traditional techniques, consolidate knowledge of signs of spring.
Developing tasks: Develop composite skills, color perception.
Educational tasks: To educate interest in collective creativity, the ability to coordinate your actions with other participants in the work.
Integration of educational regions: "Artistic Creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demonstration material:illustration with the image of the spring landscape, audio recording "Wind noise", beautiful box with gloms, pillows.
Handout:watman leaf, toothbrushes, foam sponges, cotton wands, silhouettes of palms, cocktail tubes, paper towels, yellow leaf, flowers from fabric, watercolor paints, brushes of different sizes, smooth-smoking glasses.
Travel course:
Sounds audio recording wind noise. The tutor notices a sheet of paper on the table. On it the inscription "Spring Mood". The teacher together with the children guess that the spring landscape used to be depicted here, but the paints probably washed off the rain. The picture needs to restore (motivation).
Children "are sent" to the country of Ramandady to solve this problem: sit on an imaginary cloud (pillows), "rising above the ground" and "fly".
Preschoolers are offered a didactic game "Mysterious boxes". The tutor shows them a beautiful box filled with magic gloms. Each child chooses a tangle and wures it until he leads him to a small box. There is a drawing tool (toothbrush, foam sponge, palm silhouette, cocktail tube, etc.). After that, the guys are "shipped" back, and during the flight, signs of spring remember.
The guys are distributed: some will depict nature objects on the top of the watman, others - on the bottom. The teacher reminds the techniques of drawing by non-traditional materials, notes the specific images that are best obtained by a toothbrush (grass, Christmas trees), foam foam print (clouds), palm (trees), blowing up the tube (bushes, hedgehog, sun).
Holding finger gymnastics.
Independent work of preschoolers. The guys who quickly coped with the task are offered dandelions from the fabric, which must be attached to the painted herb with the help of a droplet of yellow celatier.
All together admire the resulting picture.
Reshetnikova E.
The teacher brings the letter to children who was handed to her postman on the way to kindergarten. To find out from whom it, the guys must guess the riddle:
  • Days became shorter
    Long steel steel.
    Who will say who knows -
    When does it happen?

The letter wrote autumn. She is experiencing that soon trees and shrubs will relieve their beautiful yellow outfit and fall asleep. And so I want to extend the autumn fairy tale. The guys readily agree to help - draw beautiful pictures on the topic "Autumn Forest".
The teacher offers preschoolers to consider the autumn landscape located on the board, emphasizes that the objects in the background are depicted small. Then the attention of children is drawn to materials for drawing (tassels, watercolor paints, wax chalk) and options for trees (for this, two guys are called to the display board).
Fizkulminutka "Autumn" with elements of finger gymnastics.
Independent work of preschoolers. Consider work. One of the children chooses, in his opinion, the most expressive work, then the most accurate, as well as such where objects are placed correctly, taking into account the proportions.
Reading Fear from the poem I. Bunin "Fall Falls":

  • Forest, precisely leather painted, lilac, gold, crimped,
    A funny pedestrian wall stands over a light paragon.
Isimova MK "Trees in More"
(Drawing on Representation)

The preschooler is offered a mystery of the winter:

  • Cold came, stopped roaring a bear
    Wrapped in ice water. The bear fell into the hibernation.
    Long bunny gray
    Wrapped white bunny.
    Who will say who knows:
    When does it happen?

The attention of children are offered reproductions with the image of the winter landscape. Conversation about signs of winter: what are the warming periods in winter (thaw), what does the sky look like at this time of year, what kind of precipitation we observe in winter (neh, hoarflash), etc. For every correct answer, the guys get a snowflake.
The teacher reads the lines of prominent Russian poets about winter:

  • Under blue skies
    Transparent forest one black
    Magnificent carpets
    And spruce through frost green,
    The shiny in the sun is snow lies;
    And the river under the ice shines.
    (A.S. Pushkin)
    Charger in winter
    Worded forest is worth
    And snow fringe,
    Still, Nonya
    Wonderful life he glitters.
    (F.I. Tyutchev)
    Enchanted invisible
    Looking a forest under a fairy tale sleep,
    As if white golk,
    Pine tied ...
    (S.A. Yesenin)

Fizkultminutka "Snow" is carried out along the poem of I. Tokmakova.
Listening to the composition P.I. Tchaikovsky "Winter Morning".
Preschoolers are invited to portray the beauty of the winter landscape - the trees covered with income - on paper with the help of Sangina sticks. This material is well transmitted by the roughness of the bark of trees. It will take brown, black (for trunks) and blue (frills on branches) color.
The teacher draws attention to the fact that Santgina is fragile: you do not need to squeeze her with your fingers and pressed on paper.
Children draw a winter landscape under the composition "Winter" P.I. Tchaikovsky (the album "Seasons of the Year").

Exhibition of drawings. The told of proverbs and sayings about the winter:

  • December is cums, the winter begins.
  • Good snow harvest will save.
  • Not that snow that swears, but what is coming from above.
  • Frost is great, yes not to stand.
  • And in a strong frost, work will warm.
  • New Year - Spring Turn.
Balakirev M. "Apple tree bloom"

Conversation about spring, her signs. Children lists blooming spring trees.
A knock on the door is heard - a toy bunny appears with a branch of an apple tree in his paws. The kidneys on a sprig of Nobuchley - leaves will soon appear.
The children describe how the apple tree branch looks like, and then they are invited to draw an apple tree with blossomed leaves and flowers to give the drawings a bunny.
Fizkultminthka is carried out:

  • In the field we went to you
    (Step in place)
    And the flowers found there.
    Leaning over one
    (Tilt forward)
    And then for the second,
    (Tilt forward)
    Third quickly we broke
    (Tilt forward)
    And with a bouquet ran.
    (Running in place).

The teacher resembles a tree drawing techniques. The trunk is depicted by all pile. To draw tender flowers of apple trees, you need to mix pink and white paint. Leafs are depicted by adjusting.
Holding finger gymnastics:

  • The sun rises -
    Flower blooms!
    Sun sit -
    Flower goes to sleep.

Independent activities of preschoolers. Exhibition of work.

Landscape compositions of pupils with comments on work

Summer compositions of the pupils of the preparatory group are, as a rule, bright and rich in terms of work. So, huge motley butterflies are spinning over a green meadow in the figure "Ah, Summer!". In the clear sky, blue clouds float here, and daisies look out of the grass. Figure Ronisy a positive mood. Similar work - "picture about summer."

Very expressive work of "Summer Paints", where the child portrayed a water landscape - gently pink pink fasteners growing on the lake.

Charming bright rainbow is depicted in the figure "Summer Rainbow". The work was performed in unconventional technique - drawing a tych. We note an interesting image of the Sun with very long rays that get used to almost the ground.

Trees in the composition "Summer in Birch Grove" are drawn in detail. The original detail - birchings are endowed with anthropomorphic features - have a human face.

Very tender work - what color is the summer, made in muted pastel colors. A similar impression also produces a drawing "Flower Polyana" - here the drawing technique for wet is used. Due to this, it turned out a beautiful blurred sky.

Photo Gallery: Selection of Summer Drawings

Drawing Gouache Figure Watercolor Figure Watercolor Figure Watercolor Drawing Tychka Figure Watercolor Drawing Watercolor Wet Wet

Very colorful landscapes preschoolers create on the theme of golden autumn. The drawings are distinguished by an abundance of bright colors, often made by gouache. Always original work in Montotypia technique ("Autumn Square").

Children are well distinguished by the front and rear plan of the composition. In this regard, the composition "Autumn ... Fairy Tale", where the beautiful tree with yellow foliage is clearly drawn in front.

The work "Goodbye, Autumn", made by a pencil in soft pastel colors looks very gently. Note on the far plan Beautiful mountain landscape.

Adorable composition "In the Autumn Park": Supported trees with multi-colored foliage and elegant isochny bridge over the river appear. Beautifully looks like foliage against blue water. The sky is made in a very beautiful gradient transitions of shades.

Also picturesque the sky of the SIZAL color with a snow-white cloud in the figure "Autumn Day".

Photo Gallery: Compositions with Autumn Landscape

Figure Watercolor Figure Pencil Drawing Gouache Monotype Figure Watercolor Drawing Gouache Drawing Tychka Figure Watercolor Fingerprint Leaves Figure Watercolor Figure Watercolor Figure

Winter theme predisposes to the use of non-standard drawing methods. In this regard, the work of the "Winter Magic Tree" is indicative, which is a combination of non-traditional techniques: the tree itself is depicted using a swinging, frost on the branches - a semi-dry brush, owls on branches are drawn with a finger, and snow flakes with cotton chopsticks.

A whole winter forest similar to a fabulous, created by the imprint of the cab in a cabbage sheet ("Winter Forest"). Also interesting composition is an obscene fairy tale, "where the snow-covered crowns of trees are depicted by a twist, and bullfinches flying over them with the help of an ottis with an eraser. The mysterious forest is depicted in the Figure "Winter in the Forest", a funny red fox hurt near the tree.

Monochrome winter paintings are always expressive, for example, a tree-catching tree in the figure "Tree in More." Also, the effects of the "Winter Tree" composition (trees are similar to snow clouds) and "Trees, covered with incomplete" (branches bizarrely bent).

Charming Christmas trees in the snowy dress are depicted in the pictures of "Zimushka-Winter" and "Winter-Beauty".