Who are Emo? What are the emo groups exist. How to make emo-makeup

Who are Emo? What are the emo groups exist. How to make emo-makeup
Who are Emo? What are the emo groups exist. How to make emo-makeup

The last few years when it comes to youth subcultures, quite often you have to hear a little-known concept - emo. And, as a rule, it is mentioned in the negative light. In the philistine consciousness, this is another destructive movement of young people, which is neither its participants or all of society, nothing good. Meanwhile, if at least a little understand the topic, then you can find out that initially emotional movement inherited a number of asocial ideas from punk culture, it was quite peaceful, and in many aspects even progressive.

Since we want to understand that one way or another is associated with the concept of EMO, the evolution of the punk scene in the 80s and 90s is the greatest interest for us, and above all in the United States. Hardcore as a musical genre appeared in the United States at the end of the 70s (Black Flag Group, Bad Brains, Circle Jerks) and at first did not have any own, different from the rest of the punk scene, ideological content. The milestone in the formation of American (and not only) Hardkore was the emergence of Minor Threat Group in December 1980. Among the first songs of the group were the compositions "Straight Edge" and "Guilty of Being White". The first of them urged to refuse to eat alcohol, drugs and disorderly sex. The second was devoted to the problem of rally intolerance. The performances of Minor Threat not only gave a powerful impulse to the new for punk scene Straight Edge movement, but also in fact allocated hardcore punk into a new subculture with their ideology. The basis of this ideology was the left (mostly anarchist) views that were inherited from the punk, as well as the principles of Straight Edge (SXE). In what main idea SXE? To answer this question, you need to understand what problems and contradictions were tormented by the then American youth. One such problem was the problem of the relationship between white and dark-skinned students in schools. For example, at school, where Yang McCay studied, a vocalist Minor Threat, about 70% of students amounted to African Americans and rally intolerance was the usual phenomenon. In the older classes, another problem was over and the other problem is a crawling drunkenness, drug driving, indiscriminate sexual relations between adolescents. That's what McCay says in his interview: "When I hit 17 and I went to the older classes, I was there the only nonbeid, and the guys quit it for me. I was called" public consciousness ". I was constantly teased about this, I just didn't I could stick, why not drink is such a crime. It was the end of the 70s, keep in mind, then just every teenager smoked grass. All I knew, drank or smird, and those who did not do it, considered real idiots , botanis and bastards. "

But, on the other hand, the punk culture was fascinated by McKea with his ideas:

"Punk rock introduced me to the World of underground, into the world of endless ideas, philosophical views, countless purposes in life opened in front of me. Dozens of culture levels: philosophical, theological, sexy, musical, political - on each of them there is a place for any place, Who wants to enter. So now I could mean to say: "Guys, I'm punk, and I don't drink." I didn't believe it at the beginning. When I and my friends told this, we just didn't hear us, everyone thought it was thought that Punk is one destruction and self-destruction and only. We really outrered water in the punk community, they suddenly found that there were some non-drinking **** in their ranks, they simply did not know what to do with us. "

Thus, the ideology of SXE has become a kind of protest against such a state of things. Her main principle is freedom from all those stupid that they interfere with a person to live and develop, which prevent him from being man, not animal. To these nonsense McCay and other founders of the movement attributed not only alcohol, smoking, drugs, intolerance in sex, but also racial and other intolerance. These ideas were supported in their speeches many other hard rock punk groups of the 80s.

So, in the first half of the 1980s, Hardock Punk has become a completely self-sufficient subculture that has its own musical style and ideology (first of all it is SXE and DIY). Differences from Punk manifested itself in appearance. Hardcores had mostly short hairstyles, or at all bald heads, wearing cheap unadless clothes, in general, tried to avoid external sores in every way and stay away from the mass culture with her fashion.

The birth of the genre of music, better known as Emotional Hardcore, is directly related to two groups of the middle of the 80s: Rite of Spring (Guy Pizziotto) and Embrace (Jan McCay). These groups retained the hardcore style of music and singing, but with the inclusions of the specific "emo" vocal, when the vocalist's voice broke into bright moments on hoarse and passionate moan. At the same time, the lyrics were sometimes worn by their personal character, concerned lost love and dying memories. Perhaps the most notable group of this direction was, perhaps, Moss Icon, which appeared in Annapolis near Washington in 1987 (Earlier there was another famous emo group - The Hated). Already early creativity of the group that many do not belong to Emo actually, the texts are uncharacteristic for hardcore groups. Later posts Hate in Me, Mahpiua Luta had more pronounced elements of emo style in music and vocals. Emo existed quite themselves within the hardcore-punk culture and have not formed any own. What is the case of the origin of the word "emo"? The answer to this question gives one of the interviews Yana McKay:

"I myself never consumed the" EMO "console. This word has a funny story. In 85-86, some local scenes were actively developed in Washington, from which such groups as Rites of Spring, Embrace, Rain and many others came out. Many cynical people did not like their style and ... Yes, God knows what they did not like, but they are Art **** about such music and began to call her "Emo Rock". Such a joke. Type, not hardcore is at all, but some emotional rock. Fenzins picked up this joke: when it was necessary to turn the group, it was often called "Emo-Rock". But for some reason, in five years, people began to use this word as a name of a kind of musical style. There were also groups, allegedly playing in this style. I can't understand this. It seems to me that all the music is emotional, it does not need to be called "emotional". Punk music - originally emotional. Groups that today call their creativity "Emo Pank" ... I do not find their music of some particularly emotional, usually it is just pop music. And for her, a special name is invented so that the listener is easier to understand - what he buys. I have nothing against it, but I do not want to invent my music my music. "

So, what conclusions on the basis of all this can we do? We have already spoken about three points of support on which any subculture is holding. In the case of IMO (Russian transcription of English), there is only a musical direction, and that, for the most part, the "spare part" has long established Hardcore culture. There are no ideas of lying outside hardcore and there was no. But where did everything come from then that it is customary to call emo subculture? All these black and pink robes, badges, bangs, Emosaites, talking about the vulnerable soul and unsuccessful love?

After 2000, a new unusual subculture began to gain popularity in the United States and Europe, which originated in the IMO and IMO Hardcore Music Party. Actually, in the musical direction, she got its name. Inheriting a music style from Hardkra and, in some places, ideology, IMO Kyda found their own appearance. At the same time, commercial appeared music bandsIn particular, the USED, which became popular far beyond the limits of Hardcore and _Put-rock parties. In combination with an unusual appearance, this led to the rapid development of a young subculture, mainly due to the melancholic and not too developed physically adolescents 12 ... 17 years. These young people found in emo what they were so lacked surrounded by peers and strict teachers, - the opportunity to relax from the constant struggle for leadership in the adolescence team, to be for themselves, without hiding their weaknesses and feelings. All this fully matched imo-kida (Representatives of the subculture Emo): Sad skinny guys and girls, often in glasses and headphones, supporting noisy companies, constantly thoughtful and lowered heads. Loneliness, unhappy love, the desire to realize itself through creativity, became one of the attributes of IMO culture. IMO Kidam were unusual among the usual adolescents, hobbies and habits, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, the cult of sex and the desire to self-affect through the Material Rugan and physical strength. In other words, their worldview was pretty close to SXE. Approximately in this form IMO culture in 2004..2005 came to Russia, and after some time - and to Ukraine (3).


Chapter 1. general characteristics Youth subcultures

1 The concept of "subculture"

1.2 Stages of the life of subcultures

3 Social stereotypes

Conclusions on the first chapter

Chapter 2. Subculture Emo: History and Characteristics

1 History of the occurrence of subculture emo

2 Features of the life of emo culture in Ukrainian terms

3 Emo Image

Conclusions on the second chapter

Chapter 3. Research Features of the perception of subculture emo

1 Description of samples and research methods

2 Interpretation of research results

Conclusions on the third chapter





The generation of "fathers" has always treated youth subcultures in best case Waitally, at worst - aggressively disliked. After all, any subculture is more correct to call the "countercultitude" - rejecting the "parent" worldview, it offers its own, alternative, thereby hinting elders on their ideological and everyday failure. Those, for their part, as they can, are defended by announcing a new worldview with destructive, ideals - perverted and falniac, behavior - indecent. Frequently, transparent hints on moral damage and even spiritual unhealthy adherents of one or another subculture. Thus, the conflict of generations is exacerbated to the extreme, and the path of the personality of the youth is presented to the thorn, which only make it difficult.

The relevance of the work: the last few years, when it comes to youth subcultures, quite often you have to hear a little-known concept - Emo. This is the name of the subculture, which in a short period of time has gained enormous popularity and at this time is one of the most numerous. In this paper, we will try to trace the history of the development of subculture Emo and sort out how it is perceived by society.

The object of research is the features of social stereotypes against youth subcultures.

The object is auto and heterosterotypes of subculture emo.

The purpose of the work is to identify the auto rover and heterosterotypes in the perception of the subculture of Emo.

Hypotheses: There are differences in respect of auto and heterosterotypes in Emo subculture; Representations of subculture EMO in society are negative.

) to trace the history of Emo subculture;

) give a descriptive portrait of subculture;

) Implement comparative analysis Perception of auto and heterosterotype emo.

The significance of the work is that it provides a detailed theoretical analysis of various youth subcultures, the descriptive characteristic of the poorly studied subculture of EMO is given.

Chapter 1. General characteristics of youth subcultures

1.1 Concept "Subculture"

Under the culture is understood by beliefs, values \u200b\u200band expressive funds, which are common to a certain group of people and serve to streamline the experience and regulation of the behavior of members of this group. The basis of the socialization mentioned already (the process of assimilating samples of behavior, psychological installations, social norms and values, knowledge, skills, allowing him to function successfully in this society) is the reproduction and transfer of culture to subsequent generations.

Culture is not an educational in the framework of the same historical, political, demographic, and economic conditions. Therefore, in any culture there is a number of subcultural formations. What is the subculture?

The subculture is a set of values \u200b\u200baccumulated by a certain worldview and orders of a group of people combined by specific interests that determine their worldview.

That is, this is a certain community of people, united is not geographically, but for other features: interests, hobbies, worldview and so on. Modern subcultures are one of the phenomena of globalization, when thanks to the global media (first of all - the Internet), people can find like-minded at the other end globeExchange images, music and other information. Overwhelming majority modern subculture are youth, and are based on the rejection by the young people dominating culture in society, with its norms, stereotypes and values. This rejection is manifested in a special appearance, behavior, enthusiastically with unpopular music. Young people seem to be filled with cultural standards imposed by society and trying to gain their understanding of the world, formulate their rules and values. In other words, we are talking about a sociocultural protest. Like all other social phenomena, the appearance of subcultures has its own reasons. These are primarily developing in society a contradiction, which, in turn, are a consequence of the accelerated and uneven development of society in the scientific and technical, economic and socio-cultural aspects. Youth and teenagers feel these contradictions stronger, but due to absence life experience, they cannot formulate them and do not know what and how in society you can change. By virtue of the special energy and the maximalism of the young, the form of expressions of their protest sometimes acquire extreme, destructive, and brightly antisocial character.

As long as a person is young, Silen and His attention, his attention is mostly occupied by the surrounding events and objects. Youth is characteristic of intensive interpersonal communication, and the measurement of the value of his own "I" occurs solely by the opinion of others, even if it is erroneous. That is why, as a fact, the youth grouping themselves - the phenomenon is not new. They existed both in the form of new-fashioned sports sections, and as various "mugs" (interest groups) - such unification of young people were quite formal, very wide and diverse in their composition, had their own schedule and most often did not have any ideologically painted Scenario. In short, boys and girls met in strictly certain days Weeks, communicated in the framework of their socio-approved interests, then diverged until the next day of the new meeting (be it the day of the Sun, Saturday disco or fashionable party), plus it was strictly unplanned days of the type of competitions, exhibitions, rauts, etc.

The current unification of young people received a slightly different scope and, accordingly, another nature of distribution. It became possible to talk about the existence of a kind of socio-psychological phenomenon - youth subculture, which exists within the traditional social culture, one way or another adopted in our society.

If you move the conversation into a practical direction, it should be noted that the latter has become possible only due to the social, political and economic conditions in which the CIS countries have found themselves during the last twenty years. A person cannot live in emptiness, he must definitely "lean" to anything, have a support, "soil under the legs", reflect the world and reflects the world itself. Modern youth went in this sense "along the path of least resistance" - it began to unite in fairly powerful movements based on surrogate, while often socially indifferent pseudocenes that create the illusion of a full-fledged spiritual life.

Decides most in this process visible (for specialists) contradiction between external and internal factors - being accelerators in terms of physical development, the current young people are extremely infantal in socio-psychological terms. Allow this contradiction, effectively produce a timely correction and "setting" of the psyche of young people on solving truly important and relevant life problems, thereby eliminating the state of uncertainty, lost, anxiety, depression - the most important task of psychologists seems to be such.

The first fundamental description of the youth subculture is the work of Dick Gubdig "Hatching in the World: Observations and the Image of Youth" in London in London in 1988, the book "Hatching in Light: On Images and. things. "

As shown here, the subculture is distinguished by a special lifestyle, which in turn is dictated by a special worldview, and due to its own subculture, as scientists say, "social identification of members of a particular community". In other words, only through subculture a young man can give himself an answer to the question: "What am I?" - And this answer will sound like this: "I am the same as we". "We" are representatives of one subculture, be it hippie, punks, skins, hackers, etc. The young man determines himself among others as the taking the same paradigm, and due to this it is determined (as scientists say, positions itself) in society.

Subcultures arise not by making a magic stick or at the request of some malicious forces. The subculture is the result of the relationship of a certain group to the processes occurring in the official culture (better, perhaps, to call it the dominant or prevailing, because the term "official" still carries the shade of the value "exhaled by force").

.2 Stages of the life of subcultures

The process of life of the subculture can be consecrated to the following stages:

Number. At this stage, the first subculture followers appear, as a rule, enthusiastic ideas and grouping around a new little known musical direction, often originated within another subculture.

Formation. At this stage, the ideology of subculture is finally formed, which may have common features With other subcultures, but always has something, distinguishing this movement from others. The musical direction around which subculture originated, is experiencing intensive development and becomes a well-known general public. The subculture acquires its own style and attributes that may include not only the appearance, but also behavior.

Popularization. The rapid increase in the number of people enthusiastically carried by this subculture, mainly due to the deputies (individuals that attribute themselves to some subculture, but they can only adopt its external features). Because of this, the subcultures will recognize the masses. Despite the rejection of the new movement, his ideas penetrate the consciousness of the masses and with time the elements of subculture become part of the mass culture (mainstream).

Recession. The poser part of the subculture dissolves in mainstream and actually becomes part of it, thereby influencing the culture of the whole society. Their part of the same part remains in the form that was in the early stages and again becomes a lot of few dedicated to. As a rule, it is accompanied by the weakening of those social contradictions that contributed to the emergence of subculture.

It must be said that not all subcultures pass all four stages entirely. Many, especially professing law-donical views, are delayed somewhere in the second - third phase area (this is primarily related to the NATIONS Skinheads). Some subcultures having part of their ideology rejection of commerce and refusal to mainstream are stopped at the second stage and lead underground existence (hardcore). It is also very important that the third phase is key in the life of subculture. Massibility leads to a sharp increase in mutual cultural diffusion between the subculture and the culture of the society, where there is a surge of its popularity. Often the product of the rigid antagonism of these crops are govnari (extreme degree of posterity). In addition, popularity contributes to the alienation of the subculture of its foundation. The latter is very hard psychologically to respond to Pozerov, whose actions do not always correspond to the original ideas of movement. This leads not only to the erosion of the main idea of \u200b\u200bsubculture, but also fraught with the actual substitution of the base of the Sovnar subculture followed by degradation and the collapse of the entire movement.

Are the Third and Fourth Stages inevitably destructive for subculture - the question is controversial. On the one hand, without them, the movement could well behave a quiet life without being exposed to abuse and preserving ideological purity. On the other hand, without these stages, the ideas of movement will remain a narrow group of like-minded people and lovers of unpopular music (3).

.3 Social stereotypes

Social stereotypes are simplified schematized images of social facilities, characterized by a high degree of coherence of individual performances.

Thus, they are an opinion about personal qualities Groups of people. Stereotypes can be excessively generalized, inaccurate and resistant to new information. This is a significant part of the information about the facts, generalizations, assessments and explanations, which with great difficulty can be empirically verified. First, their formation is always associated with the framework of ideological and political addictions; secondly, most social information Justs no checking from its consumers. Traditional sources of information are primarily rumors, the most accessible media, authorities and other public institutions (2).

The concept of "stereotype" was first introduced into the circulation by the famous American journalist Walter Lippman in 1922 in the book "Public opinion", where he defines a stereotype as a simplified, pre-adopted representation, which does not flow out of his own human experience. It arises on the basis of an indirect perception of the object: "We are talking about the world before you know it on experience." Stereotypes, according to W. Lippman, originally arise spontaneously, by virtue of the "inevitable need to save attention." They contribute to the formation of traditions and habits. "They are a fortress, standing on the guard of our own traditions, and under her cover we can feel safe in the position we occupy." Stereotypes have an impact on the formation of a new empirical experience: "They fill the fresh vision with old images and are superimposed on the world that we perceive in our memory." Although the degree of their adequacy is extremely labilin, stereotypes are predominantly inadequate images of objective reality, based on the "human error, according to the habit of biased for vision." "The stereotype is unambiguous; He divides the world into two categories - to "familiar" and "unfamiliar". A friend becomes synonymous "Good", and unfamiliar - synonymous "bad". "

Stereotype contains an estimated element. Lippman believed that the stereotype was neutral. The estimated element acts as an installation, emotional communication. Stereotype - not just simplification. He is in high degree Charged feelings. " The estimated element of the stereotype (installation) is always consciously determined, since the stereotype, expressing the feeling of personality, its value system is always correlated with group senses and group actions. From here followed the conclusion about the possible unity of stereotypes from certain social institutions and social systems. Stereotype, reflected further, W. Lippman, inadequate. Stereotypes ("prejudice") effectively manage the entire process of perception, being a benchmark for evaluation and, accordingly, the personality protection is included in this group. Ultimately, stereotypes contribute to the proceedings of the interpretation of the socio-political unity of the group.

In the initial period of the study, followed by Lippman, the stereotype problems were considered as false, alogichic and imperfect formations or biased opinions: "pictures in the head", "emotional symbol", "Fixed image". Later, stereotyping began to be considered as the necessary and most important cognitive process, mediated behavior of a person who helps his orientation. The stereotype began to consider the attribute of the real human psyche, and the "stereotypes" concepts, evaluations, categories - as enshrined in the public consciousness of "bunches" of social experience as repeated properties and phenomena. "Most researchers are united that stereotypes can be" imposed "through the media. In this case, the formation of a stereotype passes three stages, as a result of which the complex object comes down to the diagram and well-known features. In the book "The tool for millions" R. O "Hara calls these three stages: the first -" alignment "(Leveling), the second -" Strengthening "(Assimilation). Initially, a complex differentiated object comes down to A few ready, well-known forms (features), and then the dedicated characteristics of the object attractive significance in comparison with the one they had, being composite elements of the whole. Finally, "aligned" and "reinforced" features of the object are selected to build an image close and Significant for this individual. A person who is accustomed to the situation reacts automatically. "The intensity of the reaction, - according to" Hara, will depend on the intensity of emotional impact, from the art of manipulating stereotypes. "

In the early 60s, new problems of studying the stereotype are formed in the context of a new research wave. The influence of individual and psychological features, personal characteristics on stereotyping mechanisms; The main structural and dynamic features of the stereotypes of social objects and situations are analyzed; Ways to form stereotypes.

Researchers have no unambiguous look at the nature and essence of the stereotype. Some find that the stereotype of public consciousness is always specially organized and operates on the basis of some specific social order. It depends on the problems of socialization, and not from the element of the sensual nature of perception. Others in the formation of stereotype give the importance to sensory experience. Third, agreeing with the fact that stereotypical thinking was formed by spontaneously, it is emphasized that stereotypes are supported consciously, with the help of a priori judgment, gradually implanted into everyday consciousness, gradually penetrating all areas of life, including politics and art, and ultimately acquiring moral law or hostel rules that have historical significance. The last opinion of the French sociologist P. Ricer seems to us the most promising when studying the phenomena of stereotype.

One of the main parties to study the stereotype is the problem of the ratio of stability and variability. A number of researchers (K. McColi, K. Styt, M. Segal), paying attention to the stability of stereotypes, notice that refuting information is considered as an exception confirming the rule. However, the practice shows that stereotypes respond to new information, especially for dramatic events. The change in the stereotype occurs when accumulating a large number of refuting information.

Conclusions on the first chapter

The first chapter covered the main theoretical provisions relating to the subject of study of this work. We determined that subculture is a set of accumulated by a certain worldview of values \u200b\u200band orders of a group of people combined by specific interests that determine their worldview. Modern subcultures are one of the phenomena of globalization, when thanks to the global media (first of all - the Internet), people can find like-minded people at the other end of the globe, exchange images, music and other information. The overwhelming majority of modern subcultures are youth, and are based on the rejection by the young people dominating in the society of culture, with its norms, stereotypes and values.

The process of life of the subculture can be conditionally divided into 4 stages: nucleation, formation, promotion and decline.

Any subculture is due to its intensity and the presence of certain ideology and values \u200b\u200bthat can be traced, the stereotyping is simplified, schematic representation by the main, mass culture. Stereotypes can reflect and positive, and a negative attitude of both subculture as a whole and to its separate representative.

Chapter 2. Subculture Emo: History and Characteristics

.1 Emo subculture history

The last few years when it comes to youth subcultures, quite often you have to hear a little-known concept - emo. And, as a rule, it is mentioned in the negative light. In the philistine consciousness, this is another destructive movement of young people, which is neither its participants or all of society, nothing good. Meanwhile, if at least a little understand the topic, then you can find out that initially emotional movement inherited a number of asocial ideas from punk culture, it was quite peaceful, and in many aspects even progressive.

Since we want to understand that one way or another is associated with the concept of EMO, the evolution of the punk scene in the 80s and 90s is the greatest interest for us, and above all in the United States. Hardcore as a music genre appeared in the United States at the end of the 70s (Black Flag Group, Bad Brains, Circle Jerks) and at first did not have any own, different from the rest of the punk scene, ideological content. The milestone in the formation of American (and not only) Hardkore was the emergence of Minor Threat Group in December 1980. Among the first songs of the group were the compositions "Straight Edge" and "Guilty of Being White". The first of them urged to refuse to eat alcohol, drugs and disorderly sex. The second was devoted to the problem of rally intolerance. The performances of Minor Threat not only gave a powerful impulse to the new for punk scene Straight Edge movement, but also in fact allocated hardcore punk into a new subculture with their ideology. The basis of this ideology was the left (mostly anarchist) views that were inherited from the punk, as well as the principles of Straight Edge (SXE). What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bSXE? To answer this question, you need to understand what problems and contradictions were tormented by the then American youth. One such problem was the problem of the relationship between white and dark-skinned students in schools. For example, at school, where Yang McCay studied, a vocalist Minor Threat, about 70% of students amounted to African Americans and rally intolerance was the usual phenomenon. In the older classes, another problem was over and the other problem is a crawling drunkenness, drug driving, indiscriminate sexual relations between adolescents. That's what McCay says in his interview: "When I hit 17 and I went to the older classes, I was there the only nonbeid, and the guys quit it for me. I was called" public consciousness ". I was constantly teased about this, I just didn't I could stick, why not drink is such a crime. It was the end of the 70s, keep in mind, then just every teenager smoked grass. All I knew, drank or smird, and those who did not do it, considered real idiots , botanis and bastards. "

But, on the other hand, the punk culture was fascinated by McKea with his ideas:

"Punk rock introduced me to the World of underground, into the world of endless ideas, philosophical views, countless purposes in life opened in front of me. Dozens of culture levels: philosophical, theological, sexy, musical, political - on each of them there is a place for any place, Who wants to enter. So now I could mean to say: "Guys, I'm punk, and I don't drink." I didn't believe it at the beginning. When I and my friends told this, we just didn't hear us, everyone thought it was thought that Punk is one destruction and self-destruction and only. We really outrered water in the punk community, they suddenly found that there were some non-drinking **** in their ranks, they simply did not know what to do with us. "

Thus, the ideology of SXE has become a kind of protest against such a state of things. Her main principle is freedom from all those stupid that they interfere with a person to live and develop, which prevent him from being man, not animal. To these nonsense McCay and other founders of the movement attributed not only alcohol, smoking, drugs, intolerance in sex, but also racial and other intolerance. These ideas were supported in their speeches many other hard rock punk groups of the 80s.

So, in the first half of the 1980s, Hardock Punk has become a completely self-sufficient subculture that has its own musical style and ideology (first of all it is SXE and DIY). Differences from Punk manifested itself in appearance. Hardcores had mostly short hairstyles, or at all bald heads, wearing cheap unadless clothes, in general, tried to avoid external sores in every way and stay away from the mass culture with her fashion.

The birth of the genre of music, better known as Emotional Hardcore, is directly related to two groups of the middle of the 80s: Rite of Spring (Guy Pizziotto) and Embrace (Jan McCay). These groups retained the hardcore style of music and singing, but with the inclusions of the specific "emo" vocal, when the vocalist's voice broke into bright moments on hoarse and passionate moan. At the same time, the lyrics were sometimes worn by their personal character, concerned lost love and dying memories. Perhaps the most notable group of this direction was, perhaps, Moss Icon, which appeared in Annapolis near Washington in 1987 (Earlier there was another famous emo group - The Hated). Already early creativity of the group that many do not belong to Emo actually, the texts are uncharacteristic for hardcore groups. Later posts Hate in Me, Mahpiua Luta had more pronounced elements of emo style in music and vocals. Emo existed quite themselves within the hardcore-punk culture and have not formed any own. What is the case of the origin of the word "emo"? The answer to this question gives one of the interviews Yana McKay:

"I myself never consumed the" EMO "console. This word has a funny story. In 85-86, some local scenes were actively developed in Washington, from which such groups as Rites of Spring, Embrace, Rain and many others came out. Many cynical people did not like their style and ... Yes, God knows what they did not like, but they are Art **** about such music and began to call her "Emo Rock". Such a joke. Type, not hardcore is at all, but some emotional rock. Fenzins picked up this joke: when it was necessary to turn the group, it was often called "Emo-Rock". But for some reason, in five years, people began to use this word as a name of a kind of musical style. There were also groups, allegedly playing in this style. I can't understand this. It seems to me that all the music is emotional, it does not need to be called "emotional". Punk music - originally emotional. Groups that today call their creativity "Emo Pank" ... I do not find their music of some particularly emotional, usually it is just pop music. And for her, a special name is invented so that the listener is easier to understand - what he buys. I have nothing against it, but I do not want to invent my music my music. "

So, what conclusions on the basis of all this can we do? We have already spoken about three points of support on which any subculture is holding. In the case of IMO (Russian transcription of English), there is only a musical direction, and that, for the most part, the "spare part" has long established Hardcore culture. There are no ideas of lying outside hardcore and there was no. But where did everything come from then to call emo subculture today? All these black and pink robes, badges, bangs, emosaits, talk about the vulnerable soul and unsuccessful love?

After 2000, a new unusual subculture began to gain popularity in the United States and Europe, which originated in the IMO and IMO Hardcore Music Party. Actually, in the musical direction, she got its name. Inheriting a music style from Hardkra and, in places, ideology, IMO-Kyda found their own appearance. At the same time, commercial musical groups appeared, in particular the USED, which became popular far beyond the hardcore and _. In combination with an unusual appearance, this led to the rapid development of a young subculture, mainly due to the melancholic and not too developed physically adolescents 12 ... 17 years. These young people found in emo what they were so lacked surrounded by peers and strict teachers, - the opportunity to relax from the constant struggle for leadership in the adolescence team, to be for themselves, without hiding their weaknesses and feelings. All this fully matched imo-kida (Representatives of the subculture Emo): Sad skinny guys and girls, often in glasses and headphones, supporting noisy companies, constantly thoughtful and lowered heads. Loneliness, unhappy love, the desire to realize itself through creativity, became one of the attributes of IMO culture. IMO Kidam were unusual among the usual adolescents, hobbies and habits, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, the cult of sex and the desire to self-affect through the Material Rugan and physical strength. In other words, their worldview was pretty close to SXE. Approximately in this form IMO culture in 2004..2005 came to Russia, and after some time - and to Ukraine (3).

2.2 Features of the life of emo culture in Ukrainian terms

Before we proceed to the chronology of the development of Ukrainian emo, it is necessary to understand what the first Ukrainian IMO-kids were represented. Under the word "Ukrainian", I mean living not only in Ukraine, but also in the CIS countries too. Understanding the essence and features of the psyche of these people will help us understand the motives of their actions in the future. First, these were people not too developed mentally and physically, those who are customary to refer to the category of "alternatively gifted". Indeed, a versatile developed, who has a high IQ and successful teenager, is unlikely to be interested in this antisocial, especially in the basis of Russian (former Soviet) culture, movement. But this antisociality, at the same time, explains the other characteristic feature Data people. This feature lies in their complex of denial, based on the complex of defective. That is, they denied in every way public values And the way of life around them, they sought to stand out from the crowd, show themselves non-standard personalities and, due to this, to assert. In short, these teenagers, fearing to get into the rank of rogue, were very sought to be "not like everyone else." The desire for self-affirmation through denial and led data to young people into this rather non-standard subculture.

So, as often happens, the rapid growth of popularity, on the one hand, led to the emergence of a new massive youth culture in our country, but on the other, it became for it a real test for strength. Literally a year from the group at a maximum of a couple of hundred, the emo-movement has turned into a crowd of imitators who took from subculture only an outer shell and never understood its essence. In an effort to look like a "drier", the new imo-kids began to bring to the absurd emo-image: crying into sight of the surrounding, rush hysterics, shout about suicide and cutting veins, etc. Together with excessively emotional teenagers, on the wave of fashion began to fall into emotion and gopnik. Because of this, the emo-houses spread such phenomena as drunkenness, Maternaya Rugan, etc. However, the main thing, what was the mass spread of IMO, tens of thousands of young people across the country were familiar with IM-Music, including with Oldcul-harderokom - such groups as Rites of Spring, Embrace, Moss icon, etc. Together with music, the ideas of harder-punk movement were also distributed: SXE, antifachism, DIY. Became known in wide circles Biography and creativity Yana McKay. All this information has been distributed over the Internet, on most emo sites hung articles about the history of subculture. Thanks to this, after a while there was a rather large number of people aware and well-weighing people, many of which were fascinated by punk ideas and even became stretched jerseers. Questions may arise here: "So why, in the end, the elements of hardcore ideology did not enter the fashion, the same stretched, for example, where were the inherent components of the EMO worldview, such as empathy of someone else's misfortune, tolerance, pacifism? The condition for the development of a full-fledged subculture is the presence of the basis. The basis is something like a crystallization center in the formation of ice from water. People from the base apply an example remaining, as a result, groups of followers are formed around them, which then become part of the foundation, and so on. But the trouble, somewhere by the end of 2006 - the beginning of 2007, when Emo turned out to be at the peak of popularity, it turned out that the foundations of emo culture, as such, no.

2.3 Emo Image

Emo-style came to emo-music in clothing and appearance.

Emo Romulan hairstyle (thick, painted into black, hanged hair should be briefly cut in front with a razor and cover half of the forehead. In the same way, the hair is cut high on the ears.)

In fact, any greasy, painted in black hair. Slices in front, paisas behind and on the ears, plus are elected.

Pink bangs. Black and pink - native combination of colors for emo.


Points in pink rim, or at least in thick black rim.

Heavy slots are usually very dense and short.

Starikovsky Polyester pants.

Polyester thin sweatshirts, very small size (with a top of a button and a collar). Also of children's sizes with random slogans on them, or with sports numbers on the back.

The same narrow T-shirts with Hevi Metal Design ( Iron Maiden., Metallica, Motorhead). Preferably a bit imparted.

Casting black shoes.

Tennis shoes (low Chuck Taylor or conversions Jack Purcell).

Jackets of employees of the gas station. This chip He received widespread in recent years, not very long she served exclusive for emo guys. Currently, you can also find a good jacket from Venelvet.

It will suit the classic outerwear for the street, in the form of a coat. For example, Popular Blue Peacoat.

Barring for guys.

Cosmetics (male or female).

Close jackets and sweaters with a V-neck. Sweaters of dark tones with a transverse stripe.

Pants from black denim should be submitted no more than twice.

Pants from the series work clothes . In the most extreme case, velveteen is allowed.

Emo. - Current from the same series, weathered in earthy colors, as well as brown, gray and dark blue. One or two stripes.

Wallets with a chain, but even cooler - a large ring for keys (Swiss style).


Anorexium thinness.

Skeletons on any element of clothing.

Postman bag (21).

Today, no one can really explain to where one or another component came from, which is considered an integral part of the image of Emo-Kid. If the hair, painted in black, and black shadows under the eyes remind the appearance ready and allow you to spend some parallels between the gloomy and depressiveness and those and others, then why, for example, the main shoes of Emo-kids became the sneakers "Vans" and " Converse "? Most likely, this is Harder's Heritage / Punk. In general, the sneakers of the brand "Converse" founded in 1917 by a person named Marquis M. Converse before they became one of the main chips of Emo-Image, we also wore the musicians of Ramones (as, however, and narrow jeans), and then not one more Generation punk musicians and punk rock fans.

Much later, at the beginning of the fifties, the postman's bag appeared - a leather bag with a shoulder strap and two clasps, as if ideally suitable for the size for vinyl discs. True, then with such bags we went mostly monter of telephone lines.

Skulls and bones - often flashing on the clothes of emo-kids - were borrowed either from ready, or with metallians - and those and others love these symbols without filling them in any particular sense.

Emo-Kyda love and multicolored tattoos, there is little different from all other musical subcultures. The musicians themselves show here here, many of which are thoroughly cleaned.

Another chip of emo-kids is not mandatory, but quite common - these are all sorts of piercing on different parts Body, as well as "tunnels" (Tunnels) - rings inserted into large holes in the ears and "Plaga" (plugs) - large earrings without holes in the middle. All this, too, appeared before Emo-Culture and was just picked up by emo-chis.

It turns out that elements are mixed in emo-mod different styles. Why? Probably because the teenagers most often copy the appearance of groups that listen, and in the third wave emo groups are quite different, and, accordingly, the appearance of them are different. So it turns out such a hybrid punk, metal and gothic.

Business could not react to a new trendy course, and, as soon as the number of emo-kids increased to the level of the mass market, there was a huge number of diverse clothes and accessories in the black and pink color scheme appeared on sale - everything you need to create the right image Emo-Kida.

But some corporations went even further, and in 2005, the EMO Kid Gum chewing gum began in the United States ("Zhvanchka for Emo-Kidd"), on the wrapper of which the parenites with black bangs are depicted and in glasses in horny frames, and on the reverse The side is written: "Special formula for people with sensitive souls."

And the sign that emo-music has finally become part of the mass culture and consumption society, has become the contract of the American group My Chemical Romance with the manufacturer of Mattel Inc toys, prisonered in 2005. Under this contract, the company began production of dolls - figures of the musicians of the group, like figures of the heroes of popular films and television series.

Conclusions on the second chapter

The emergence of subculture Emo is associated with the events occurring in musical world USA in the 70-80 years of the last century. A new movement - Hardock - called for a failure of drunkenness, smoking, drug addiction, indiscriminate sexual ties and racial intolerance. The birth of the genre of music, better known as Emotional Hardcore, is directly related to two groups of the middle of the 80s: Rite of Spring (Guy Pizziotto) and Embrace (Jan McCay). The fans of this direction amounted to the basis of the emo-movement, which was out of the scope of the musical direction. At the same time, nothing new to the culture did not bring this movement, it simply accumulated some ideas of harder and the scene pancock.

Emo's movement, converted to the subculture, began to gain popularity in the US and Europe after 2000, in 2004-05. It stated itself in the CIS countries. Literally a year from the group at a maximum of a couple of hundred, the emo-movement has turned into a crowd of imitators who took from subculture only an outer shell and never understood its essence.

Today, the main distinguishing attribute of emo culture is the appearance of its representatives: sneakers, narrow jeans, postman bag, oblique bangs, black hair with pink inserts, etc. It is noteworthy that all this attribute does not have any symbolism, which confirms the origin Emo subculture, as an imitative and integrating value of other subcultures.

Emo subculture is called movement for teenagers, as its main part is the teenagers of 13-19 years. Business could not but react to this fact, and today there is a huge number of things, toys with the image of the symbolism of subculture.

The main reason, due to which teenagers go into subculture, is a misunderstanding of them from the people around others, especially families. An important motive is actually an appearance of EMO, attracting a teenager.

youth Ukrainian subculture emo

Chapter 3.Intelligences of the perception of the subculture of emo

.1 Description of samples and research methods

In the study, 2 samples were involved. The first was representatives of the subculture of EMO from different cities of Crimea aged 15 to 19 years old - 8 people: 5 girls and 3 guys. The second sample amounted to 20 TGEI students who do not have any of the subcultures.

In this paper, an adapted diagnostic test of relationships was used (G.U. Koshev-Soldatov) and the Association method.

The first technique is designed to study the emotional-estimated component of the stereotype. In this method, the respondents are assessed by these qualities at first the image of "I", then the abstract image "ideal", which in the context of each personality is considered as "correct" or "regulatory" attribution.

The following test procedures are estimates of the respondents of an abstract "typical" representative of their own community and "typical" representatives of the subculture of EMO.

Such a sequence of procedures is based on the assumption that the process of self-assessment or the evaluation of the "ideal" produced on the basis of social comparison can be compared with the estimates of "others" both individually and at the group level. It is likely that in assessing other personalities or entire groups, the same comparative levels that are used by a person for self-esteem (14) will be used.

In order to identify the presence of opposition and the subsequent definition of their severity as a possible empirical indicator of the emotional-estimated component of ethnic stereotype, twenty scales are used (Appendix 1). This test allows you to measure parameters such as ambivalence, severity and focus. These parameters are the meaningful characteristics of ethnic stereotypes, measurements of their "imagery". Quantitative parameters are considered as empirical indicators of the emotional-estimated component of the ethnic stereotype (14).

Ambivalence involves measuring the degree of emotional definiteness of the stereotype. High ambivalence coefficients (high uncertainty) are possible in the case of low polarization of estimates of opposite qualities of each pair, when the clear preference for the positive or negative assessment pole is not detected.

The low ambivalence coefficient (high definiteness of the stereotype), on the contrary, corresponds to the undoubted polarization of the qualities.

The ambition coefficient for this pair of qualities is determined by the formula:

Ai \u003d min (ai + + ai-) / max (ai + + ai-), where

Assessment of the respondent of positive quality, - Evaluation negative quality.

The general coefficient of ambivalence A is determined on the basis of ambivalence coefficients of all 20 scales.

A \u003d 1 / n (? AI); \u003d 0.05? A;

So, the higher the overall ambivalence coefficient, the higher uncertainty is characterized by attitudes towards this object; The lower this coefficient, the ratio is more definitely.

The severity (intensity) of the stereotype characterizes the power of the stereotype. The calculation of the severity coefficient (s) is based on the summation of well-polarized pairs of qualities. A separate severity coefficient for this pair will be the higher, the larger the distance between the quality estimates. The largest contribution to the value of the severity coefficient makes those pairs of qualities, the distance between the estimates of which on the continuum above average or maximum. In addition, the calculation of severity coefficients is made taking into account the assessment sign, as a result of which the stereotype intensity is detected, but also its positive or negative orientation (valence).

The severity coefficient filed with a pair of qualities is determined by the formula:

Si \u003d (Ai + - AI-) / 3 (1 + AI), where

Assessment of the respondent of positive quality - the assessment of negative quality - the ambivalence coefficient of this pair of qualities.

The total coefficient is determined on the basis of accounting for the severity coefficients of all 20 scales:

In the second methodology, respondents were invited to write, which associations arise from them in relation to Emo subcultures, ready, punks, metalworkers, rappers, hooligans and skinheads. This made it possible to show not only the estimated characteristics of the perception of subcultures, but also compare the modalities of perception of various subcultures.

3.2. Interpretation of research results

In the process of forming the sample of respondents, an interesting fact was discovered for the study, which may have more importance and interest than the data obtained as a result of testing. It turned out that the appearance: hairstyles characteristic of emo-kids, narrow jeans painted in black and pink color hair and others. Attributes are not sufficient criterion for calculating this individual to the subculture we studied. Only one of the five empty-dressed emo-kida individuals recognized affirmed belonging to this subculture. The rest of the most frequent answer to the question: "Why do you look like that?" There was a phrase: "We like this style." Thus, we once again have made sure that the style of Emo stopped being the prerogative of only representatives of this movement, it fuses into a massive culture as another fashionable, well "promoted" thing. It is not necessary to discard the option that many Emo, fearing the relationship negative, simply hide their attitude towards subculture, or, under the influence of social attitudes, displacing it.

Now we turn to empirical data. Diagnostic test Relationship allows to determine the coefficient of ambivalence, severity and the orientation of auto and heterosterotypes

Table 1

Common values \u200b\u200bof ambivalence coefficients (a) and severity (s) of the autostreotype for subculture of emo

kachestvA pair,% S,% Cautious - truslivyy7653Lyubezny - lstivyy7538Ostroumny - ehidnyy86-56Sderzhanny - ravnodushnyy7921Diplomatichny - litsemernyy6348Akkuratny - pedantichnyy5857Vesely - shumnyy6761Lyuboznatelny - climb into other people's dela71-17Chuvstvitelny - nervnyy75-67Smely - bezrassudnyy54-17Neprinuzhdenny - naglyy58-34Bezzabotny - legkomyslennyy6768S dignity - vysokomernyy7973Obschitelny - obsessive5815Preamolineic - rough9442Economic - greedy79177Teeter - hot-tempered5085-resistant - stubborn5712 Party - Sunny75-32Pocladic - Baby 5451

We see the greatest degree of intensity in determining by representatives of the subculture emo of their community, the pairs of qualities are possessed: temperamental - hot-tempered, with a self-esteem - arrogant, carefree - a frivolous, cheerful - noisy, a large degree of negative or Echoid. But all these qualities are also characterized by a high percentage of ambivalence (except for the temperamental pair - hot-tempered), therefore, we can talk about a low degree of differentiation of these qualities (Table 1). Consequently, the attitude to these qualities is characterized by uncertainty, and respondents do not clearly polarize these qualities to positive - negative.

Compare these data with indicators in the sample of people who do not belong to any of the subcultures (Table 2). Note that the first sample had the opportunity to evaluate only the autostreotype, the second gave evaluation data and in relation to its subculture, and with respect to the subculture we studied by us.

table 2

The common values \u200b\u200bof ambivalence coefficients (A) and the severity (s) of the automotive platform and heterosterotype in the second sample

Couples kachestvSubkultura emoSvoya subkulturaA,% S,% A,% S,% Cautious - truslivyy70-366753Lyubezny - lstivyy63566369Ostroumny - ehidnyy69515567Sderzhanny - ravnodushnyy49636574Diplomatichny - litsemernyy63266773Akkuratny - pedantichnyy77456054Vesely - shumnyy86-317766Lyuboznatelny - climbs into the wrong dela74556734Chuvstvitelny - nervnyy68776227Smely - bezrassudnyy70-416246Neprinuzhdenny - naglyy606780-23Bezzabotny - Freshly Surveillance Self - Hourly 83645670 Great - Overview88596368Preumolineic - Rough75617159 Economic - Greedy73525250Temy - hot-tempered - Stubborn95-419060 Increased - Sunny 8347157Pocladian - Baby

The first thing to pay attention to the interpretation of tabular data is that out of 20 pairs of qualities when evaluating subculture Emo only 6 have a negative orientation. As a stereotype in the perception of Emo subculture, we can talk about personal qualities of sensitivity, non-profitability, careflaim and ease. Nevertheless, its environment of the second sample assesses more positively, and restraint, diplomaticity, self-esteem, sociability, courtesy and wit are as automated vehicles. This sample is also characterized by a high ambivalence coefficient, i.e. Uncertainty about the emotional component of stereotype.

In the interpretation of the results of the second method, we divided the associations by modality by 3 types:

positive, characterizing the positive perception of subculture (good, kind, bold);

negative, with a negative assessment (stupid, evil, freaks);

neutral, or descriptive, not having an estimated nature (bald, dark clothing, hairy).

The percentage distributions of the three types of associations are shown in Tables 3 and 4.

Table 3.

Distribution of associations in the first sample - among representatives of subculture emo (in%)

Type of AssociasisBultura EMOGOTALYUBNYTALLYTRUEPHYLYULIGANYSKINCHEDPHAINE25255002512.50negative04025752562.5100Nextral / Descriptive7535252550250

Table 4.

The distribution of associations in the second sample - among people who do not belong to any subculture (in%)

Type AssociasisBulturaEmog SadanyometallistallineReerhuliganyCyncho-Pointing555555555555555555304050Nextral / Descriptive45353550451015

Emo-kids naturally did not give any negative association to their subculture, descriptive associations prevail. Positive estimates gave 25% of respondents. Perhaps this is due to the position expressed in the second chapter: EMO accepted only the external attributes of the initially formed subculture, ignoring or bringing the ideological side of the movement to the absurdity.

The obtained data was confirmed by the well-known status of ill-advantage between EMO and Skinheads: 100% of negative associations with respect to the latter. Relationships with metal stations and hooligans also differ unfriendly. Half of the first sample respondents has positive associations towards panks. It is not surprising if we consider that many attributes of Emo subculture were taken from this movement. A neutral attitude is observed to the goths that are similar in appearance with emo.

The state of affairs in the second sample is somewhat different. Not all respondents have associations regarding subcultures presented. Like the first technique, the associations do not confirm the negative perception of a relatively studied subculture (negative associations only in 40% of respondents, which does not give us the right to judge the perception of the subculture of Emo, as a negative). Consequently, after analyzing the data of two techniques, it can be said that the hypothesis nominated by us that the ideas about the subculture of EMO in society are negative, not confirmed. However, it is impossible to argue that Emo subculture is perceived as a positive education: only one person from 10 respondents gave her a positive assessment. Similar situation with all other subcultures. The society cannot approve dissent and asocial behavior, but the attitude towards it is quite tolerant, excluding, maybe only representatives of obviously counter-society groups, such as skinheads and hooligans.

Conclusions on the third chapter

In the process of forming a sample for study, it turned out that the appearance is not a reliable indicator of the individual belonging to the Emo subculture. Then you should talk about Emo style, and not about subculture. The problem is that society is not capable of differentiate these concepts in this case. Therefore, we can observe the blurring of the stereotyping of this subculture, which is inevitably and relative to all individuals looking as emo.

None of the samples have a sufficient idea of \u200b\u200bthe differentiation of pairs of qualities presented in the "Diagnostic Test of Relationships" method, so we cannot allocate any one quality, which is certainly stereotypical. However, in the sample of representatives of the subculture, Emo stood the following trackstereedypes of perception: emo-kids temperament, with self-esteem, carefree, funny, nervous and eidny.

Representatives of the Company who do not consider themselves part of any subculture, perceive emo-kids as sensitive, non-profitable, carefree and relaxed.

Associations with which Emo-Kyda describe other subcultures give us the opportunity to approve a negative attitude towards skinheads, metal stakes and hooligans, as well as a more descriptive orientation of the autostreotype.

In the second sample there is a negative focus in the perception of the heterosterotype of the subculture of EMO, but it does not have a clear trend. A similar situation is observed in the perception of other subcultures. Almost all subcultures presented are perceived more than negatively (the exception is methlests and hooligans), but this orientation does not have a determining value when it would characterize the opinion of the majority. It can be reliably to say that no subculture has any strong support among the rest of the population.

Thus, the hypothesis that there are differences in how representatives of EMO perceive their subculture, and in how a society perceives it, not belonging to any of the subcultures, was confirmed, but not so clearly, as expected. The hypothesis that puts forward that the ideas about the subculture of EMO in society are negative, not confirmed, but we also have no reason to disprove it due to the lack of clear characteristics.


Often you have to hear that emo is the next destructive movement of young people, which is neither its participants or the whole society, nothing good. Meanwhile, if at least a little understand the topic, then you can find out that initially the emotional movement inherited a number of asocial ideas from punk culture was completely peaceful, and in many aspects even progressive.

The study of specific subcultures is a poorly studied problem of social psychology. This work does not pretend to be fully and detailed, it is an attempt to consider only a small part of this problem. The historical and cultural background was shown, in which the subculture of EMO was developed, its descriptive portrait and the features of its perception as a society and actually representatives of this subculture were investigated. The reasons that push the teenager to enter into the rows of subculture were not investigated. Some of them can be found in the work "Sukach A.A. Features of youth subculture: term paper. - Simferopol, 2008, "Some were given in the theoretical part of the study. A methodological base is needed in refinement, which in this study is capable only to the lowest extent to highlight the problem of social relationships.


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Everything can be found in life, and various representatives of youth subcultures are not the most amazing. But in their behavior there are many strange moments:

  1. Why do they like the same clothes?
  2. What attracts the selected movement?
  3. How do they live in such an image?

Most often, these questions in our country raise in relation to those who, to the soul, the subculture "Emo". It is worth noting the fact that this direction has literally mutated and has changed much compared to its original character. Many Emo do not even realize how far they are from pioneers, and continue to live with false ideas About your movement.

Where does the wind blow?

The previous century turned out to be rich in the opening of fundamentally new cultures (although it remains current phrases that everything new is well forgotten old). The etymology of the word "emo" is very simple and is available even for a person with a complete ignorance of foreign languages.

Subculture Emo Na english language It sounds like "Emotional", which means "emotional". In sociology and cultural studies, this is a certain part of public culture, which has fundamental differences with the prevailing. In essence, it is a little world with its values, manner of behavior, style and even tongue. Of course, it is worth noting the fact that such communities differ in many basic factors, for example, by national, demographic, professional or geographical.

The subculture of Emo appeared as a reaction of society to the sermost and the attenuation of the present. Every day, most people go to the unloved job, knowing that they would spend the whole day there, having hooked a false smile, while under the sight of tracking cameras (which is now found completely and nearby). We hide your real emotions under the mask, forgetting that one's life is one, it will not be possible to repeat it. Real emotions are genuine life. On the basis of this thought there is a whole move.

From the history

It is worth noting the achievement of the American sociologist David Ryzman, who in his work identified groups of people similar to style and moral values, in subculture. In turn, Dick Hebdidge wrote a book on subcultures and the meaning of style, having told his point of view into groups and deciding that the main motive for the separation is dissatisfaction with generally accepted standards.

The topic began to study the Frenchman Michel Miffesoli, who called such youth Movements Urban tribes, but Victor Dolnik in his book writings was more delicate and used the concept of "clubs". In the USSR subculture was informal associations, which were also called parties. This relationship is understandable, because representatives of such movements differed from the total mass.

There were only three major topics that were not affected by the organizers and ideological inspirations of subcultures. It is a prison, drugs and homosexuality. These areas themselves are so specific that dividing inside of them does not attract others and does not cause desire to join. Emo's youth subculture arose on the basis of fans of one musical style, which was just distinguished by an abundance of expressed emotions.

The main features of Emo

The first and most important differences are the general worldview and attitude towards emotions: Emo is not afraid to show the present itself, opens his soul completely, and therefore remains in Lada with himself. Representatives of this area love bright colors, but here's stereotypical thinking, according to which the only suitable combination for them is black and pink, erroneously.

Emo subculture is in favor of brightness and juiciness of paints - this is the color of grass in the spring, and bright sunlight (the greater the color and shades, the better). Therefore, real emo is not at all those strange children in striped clothes, but just people who stand out from the crowd, whose outfit wants to consider and may be repeated. By the way, emo can be found on the question and request to tell about the ideological component of the costume - they will not be silent or leave the answer. In communication, they are best friendly as possible, as they do not believe in evil, they oppose injustice.

It is possible that the representative of Emo culture will, on the contrary, depressive and easily person, since negative emotions are too sharp. In his desire to tell Mount Emo can exhibit a stick and then push out people. Stereotypes paint them as flexible and weak people, but authentic motion representatives are completely different. The subculture of emo is very deep and interesting for cognition, but requires the right approach and the desire to promote it into the masses.

About music

So, the base for the occurrence of this community was music, which resembles punk rock and, strictly speaking, is its type. At the same time, the value orientations of these directions are absolutely polar. Probably the most romantic and sensitive people in the world unites the subculture of Emo. The history of the emergence of this movement eloquently emphasizes attention on romantics, the love hill and emotionality of his peculiar. Personal experiences for them are much more important than public events. In this case, Emo is completely devoid of aggression, which is so characteristic of hardcore.

Music is often Rodnit Emo also with representatives of the Gothic subculture, which are "very original" in choosing the color range of their outfits (they prefer absolutely black and the most closed style, although there are exceptions to the rules). Emo often sing about pretty sad things, such as Paramore or Fall Out Boy, which perform songs with a supervision, narrating the problems of being and happiness of love. Now at the peak of the popularity of the group, singing in the style of emo-rivilev, to which you can rank Empire! Empire!, Touche Amore and many others.

About symbols

What is the difference between emo subculture? Briefly, it can be judged by the clothes of representatives: Let the color may be variable, but the style always recognizes - narrow jeans (regardless of gender), a large belt with a symbolism of adherent to the veganism. By the way, this movement is very popular among emo, and not everyone can be vegan.

Thus, Emo protest against violence towards animals, many of them do not eat meat and animal products. Emo love comfortable shoes, namely, sneakers. The image can be supplemented with gheeters, mints, checkered brazers and multi-colored icons. The latter can be quite a lot, but still you need to know the measure.

Image and Make-up

Even a guy who loving Emo style is unlikely to cost without a certain ride of cosmetics. But only skillful will look with it stylish, and not feminine. By the way, among Emo, there are not many representatives of unconventional orientation, as it is considered. The guy can remain courageous, even wearing a traditional hairstyle with a ribbon cheek. And many famous musical performers give them an example, swaying the eyes by the black liner. Girls in this regard is easier, because emo will approve the bright Mek-up, funny hairpins and the abundance of hearts.

The subculture "EMO" originated in the late 80s of the last century among adolescents and young people of America - fans of the Music Style of the same name. Their main difference from other youth subcultures (especially from ready, with which they are constantly compared) are large emotionality. Even the name of the style comes from the English word "Emotional" - emotional.

Emo-style principles

Emo called emo-kids (from the English "kid" - a young man, a child), respectively, the girl is emo-Gerl, and the guy is an emo-fight. High sensuality, frankness and hypertrophies of emotions, bright manifestation of joy and sadness - these are the main distinguishing quality of Emo style. Emo, although they reflect on death and tanning speed, but, unlike the ready, seek the sublime sweet love and happiness.

A typical Emo style representative is not particularly intellectual, is not engaged in self-education and it is unlikely to be by heart to quote Bodler, because he does not know who it is. But if EMO rejoices - then jumps from happiness and hugs everyone around, and if it is sad, he can also think about suicide. The usual state of EMO is the condition of bitterness, depression and resentment on the world.

Real emo sensual and emotional

Emo, as typical teenagers, possess unstable emotionality and a thin psyche, but the desire to emphasize their individuality made this style interesting and aesthetic. How to become one of the emo? We will analyze the main canons of style.

Canon First: Hairstyle and Makeup

Regarding all to do short haircut And paint the hair into black. At the same time, there must be bangs - a long and asymmetric, closing one eye and reaching the chin. The grip is short-grained, with hair sticking in different directions. You can leave I. long hairBut the bang is still needed. You can paint the colored strands, or paint the whole head - the pink hair color is especially welcome.

Usually pink hair make girls, and guys prefer black or other colors. Also, girls often adorn their hair with black and checkered ribbons, hairpins in the form of pink hearts, bows and flowers, beretics. Also popular hairstyles at Emo Gerl are children's high tails on both sides. Remember - hair should not be soft, but should be smooth! Therefore, sticking sharp strands is the best hairstyle. The more hair volume - the more they should hang around.

Makeup use all emo kids, regardless of gender. This is necessarily a black eyeliner, Emo Gerl is a pink lip gloss or lipstick with sparkles. Near the eye and on the cheeks can be pasted rhinestones, shiny hearts, transparent silicone drops of tears.

Canon Second: Clothes and Shoes

In emo clothes, like u ready, the black color prevails, but it is supplemented large quantity Other bright colors, especially pink. The main thing in the wardrobe Emo is a tight black T-shirt and a narrow black jeans-tube. Ideally, all the clothes should make a piece of fashion tightly. A T-shirt can be supplemented with a print of a favorite musical group or a pattern in a heart, stripes or a cage. Also fit narrow bright shirts that wear all emo kids.

Emo-Gerl is popular with tight topics and leggings with a short skirt instead of jeans. It is best to wear black or bright sneakers, sneakers and any other converse or alternative "low" shoes.

Emo-style even affects the choice of shoes!

Canon Three: Bags and Accessories

Emo-kid's bags look like military tablets or courier bags, black, painted with white corrector, with emo stickers and pins. T-shirts are decorated with pins than more pins - the steeper. You can wear a black, blue or pink backpack, decorated with checkered ribbons and stickers. Icons with emo symbols are also very popular, which cling to clothes and shoes, and on the bags.

Emo-Gerl outfit must complete the black belt with spikes and a headdress in the form of beret, a hat or a cool cap. The headdress may not be combined with anything from clothes, and even better so that it is in itself, the main thing is that he is original and addressed attention. Emo-kid's jewelry is bracelets with spikes and large plastic beads, necklaces in the form of skulls, piercing and tattoos - everything that can emphasize your audacity and emotionality.

Emo very love glasses, ordinary correctional for vision or sunny. But glasses can only be large or very large, on the floor face. Emo battles sometimes carry aviation glasses - it is also cool. The gloves without fingers will also complement your image of the present emo. Nails paint all emo-kids, black or silver color, with sequins, hearts and robes.

Canon Fourth: Music and Lifestyle

Communicate with like-minded people, meet with the same emo, attend emo-party and concerts of emo groups. Emo is distinguished by the fact that they do not listen to generally accepted musical groups. Each party has its favorites and their idols. The main feature of emo music is its high emotionality, deeply personality, which is expressed in performance: Emo-style vocalists can cry, squeeze, moan and whisper about their feelings and experiences.

Also emotionally react and fans. Crying and jumping at concerts spectators - the norm. The basis of Emo style in music was rock, only more melodic and lyrical. With great pleasure, Emo listened to underground and indie rock. Today is the most bright representatives The main directions of Emo are A Static Lullaby, Underoath, Dance Gavin Dance, Alesana, Across Five Aprils, Alexisonfire, Dead and Divine, A Day to Remember, Mozart Season.

The behavior of emo-kids is also different from the usual behavior of adolescents. This manifests itself in greater frankness and demonstration of feelings - for example, in social networks It is customary to add as many friends as possible, often change the status, indicate your mood, share news and plans, place a lot of unusual photos.

Being emo, forget about boring selfie and show fantasy!

Photos need to do non-standard - for example, one eye, photographed on top of the legs or the sun through the fingers. Never look into the camera, it is better to show a tongue or a sickery of the face. Creative photo processing, Emo's creativity is generally very welcome! Also placing photos from all the concerts where you are - let everyone know about your hobby music.

Emo ignore grammar, so texts write with double, tripled letters, do not use spaces between words and punctuation signs in sentences. Rules not for emo! Reducing, cool words and special slang are also characteristic of communicating emo. Emo is decorated with an insane amount of emoticons. Also, emo love funny and cute nicknames that replace names.

Probably not everyone will like you in the image of emo. But, nevertheless, emo is invariably friendly, never rude and do not be angry with others. Learn and you will miss the echidial remarks by the ears. Remember - you are sensitive, introspective, thoughtful and quiet. And believe in great love!

The relevance of the problem.

The subject of our analytical research is the Emo's youth subculture (emotional). It is a specific roknarkosexcase segment intended for a special age group - adolescents and early youth. The subculture is an initiative practice of the Eleusinsky Mysteries of the Tragic Eldlative Trial with the Ritual of the Transition from Childhood in Youth and, respectively, the death of the old ego and the birth of the Renaissance in Drainductivial Society, respectively, the subculture. Within this subculture, there is a mechanism for the death of ego-consciousness to death as an individual. And since adolescents are devoid of elementary spiritual knowledge - it is simple enough to do it.

The youth subculture under consideration has a thin and sophisticated mechanism of pathogenic effects on a non-defining personality. She openly romantizes and glorifies death, and humiliates and devalues \u200b\u200blife, consistently pushing a teenager to suicide. The mechanism of the pathogenetic effects of subculture on neophyte is complex. This lecture is dedicated to the disclosure of this mechanism.

Emo-Cor - destructive youth subculture with the presence of hidden elements of psychological violence inherent in totalitarian sects. Unlike sect, it is deprived of a hard hierarchical control inside the structure and does not have obvious leaders or leaders. Management of this kind of movement occurs according to the principle of structural management, and this creates the illusion of freedom of choice and the ability to determine its fate.

The subculture appeared, and for some time developed as a subspecies of the youth traffic of Pankov. But in the future, this subculture was formed as an independent direction among the varieties of roksexnarkocontrcultur. It is rigidly focused on its age contingent and is based on the scientific foundation of the psychology and physiology of the adolescent period and the period of early youth. Emo Cor is an intelligent product of the Tavistok Institute for the Study of Man in the UK. It is implemented in the framework of the program "Changes of man's appearance" and the Kissinger-Venna plan to reduce the population of the planet Earth. The main scientific prerequisite for the creation and distribution of subculture EMO is the basic conflict of the ontogenesis of the human person, which takes place in the period of early youth. This conflict of psychoanalyst Erickson calls the crisis of self-identification and role offset. It was during this period that a man's psyche is most susceptible to manipulation by his consciousness.

Psychological profile of subculture.

An open expression of emotions is the main rule of behavior for emocid. Therefore, in modern society, a steady stereotype was designated - an idea of \u200b\u200bEmo as a fesive and light-upper boys and girls. They are distinguished by: a special form of self-expression, the fight against injustice, irrational, sensual globility. Therefore, a typical representative of Emo-Kid is a wound and melancholic personality. They are slopes to neurotic depression. Its main symptoms: a feeling of rapid fear, nightmares, the loss of life makes life a teenager unbearable. Death, fear, pain - indispensable attributes of the rite of initiation - initiation. Famous religious person M. Eliad believes: "Death is a great initiation. But in the modern world, death deprives her religious significance, which is why it is equal to non-existence. And before oblivion, modern man is powerless. For a believer, the problem of death is presented in another perspective. For him, death is a ritual of transition. But a significant part of the modern world lost faith, and for this part of humanity, concerns in the face of death is pain and fear of non-existence. " Thus, within the framework of the positivist worldview, death with suicide looks like the fastest and final way to solve all life problems. But this is just the greatest misconception.

Cosmological myths of ancient pre-industrial (traditional) cultures described biological death as a transition, and not as an irreversible end of human existence. The funeral mythology of all time and countries, exactly, as the ancient "Dead Books" contain a detailed description of the adventures of the soul during posthumous travel. World mythology, folklore of all countries and peoples replete bright examples Experiencers associated with death and dying. Special, sacred texts were dedicated exclusively to the description and discussion of posthumous travel of the human soul - this is the Tibetan "Book of the Dead", the Egyptian "Book of the Dead" and their European analogue "Ars Moriendi" - "The Art of Dise". Specialists working in the field of ethnography these works are well known.

The saint of Ignatius Bryanchaninov in the work "Word about death" writes: "Death is a great sacrament. She is the birth of a person from earthly temporary life in eternity. When committing the mortal sacraments, we are consistent with yourself a coarse shell and a spiritual being, a subtle ether, go to another world, in the abode of spirits of homogeneous soul. This world is not available for rough bodies, through which, during our stay on Earth, there are feelings belonging to the soul, however, actually. The soul has escaped from the body, invisible and is not available to us, similar to the other subjects of the invisible world. We see only when performing the mortal referenix of safeness, the sudden lifelessness of the body; Then it begins to decompose and we rush to hide it in the ground; There it is done by the victim of the thorn, worms, oblivion. So extinct and forgotten countless generations of people. What happened and accomplished with soul? It remains for us, with our own means to knowledge, unknown. "

Valuable labor on this issue is the research of Caennet Ring. His studies of the phenomenon of clinical death allowed us to clarify the overall picture. If you summarize their research, then the overall picture of the auto-star cartography will be approximately such.

  • 1. "Dying man is not immediately aware of this. And only after he sees his "twin" (body) underlying down and make sure that he is helpless to let him know, he guesses that his soul came out of the body. Sometimes it meets after a sudden accident when separation from the body happens instantly and it is quite unexpected that the soul and does not recognize your body and thinks that he sees someone else, similar to him. Vision of the twin and the impossibility of herself to know in the shower strong shock ..
  • 2. All surviving temporary death indicate the full preservation of their "I" and all his mental sensitive and volitional abilities. Moreover, vision and hearing are even sharper; Thinking acquires clearness and becomes unusually energetic, the memory is clarified. People have long missed any abilities in the investigation of some kind of disease or age, suddenly feel that they acquire them. Man, reminiscents that he can see, hear, think and not having bodily organs.
  • 3. relief. Usually death is preceded by disease and suffering. Coming out of the body of the soul rejoices that nothing hurts anything, does not presume, the thought acts clearly, and the feelings are pacified. The man begins to identify himself with the soul, and the body seems to be something minor and more unnecessary.
  • 4.Tunnel and light. After the vision of your body and the surroundings, some go to another world, purely spiritual. However, some, bypassing or not noticing the first phase, falls into the second. The transition to the spiritual world some describes as a journey through a dark tunnel, at the end of which they fall into the area of \u200b\u200bunearthly light.
  • 5. Viewing and court. Some who survived the state of temporary death describe the view of life lived. Sometimes viewing occurs during the vision of unearthly light. When a person heard a question from light: "What did you do good?". At the same time, a person understood that the questioning asks not to find out, but in order to encourage a person to remember his life. And now after the question, the picture of his earthly life is held before the spiritual gaze of man, starting from early childhood. She moves in front of him in the form of a series of quickly replacing each other episodes, in which a person sees very detailed and clearly all the happening with him. At this time, a person is experiencing and oversale overestimates everything he said and did.
  • 6. New World. Differences in the descriptions of the experienced during death are explained by the fact that the world is completely different about our, in which we were born and in which all our basic concepts and ideas were formed. In that world, space, time and items have a completely different content than which our senses are accustomed to. The soul, for the first time, having fallen into the spiritual world, experiencing something similar to what the underground worm may experience, when he first crashes on the surface of the Earth and sees the world illuminated by sunlight.
  • 7. The appearance of the soul. When the soul leaves his body, she does not immediately recognize himself. Furgeprints of age disappear. Children see themselves adults, and the old men are young. Body members, such as arms or legs lost for one reason or another, appear again. Blind begin to see.
  • 8. Meetings. Some talk about meetings with already dead relatives or acquaintances. These meetings occur on earthly conditions, and sometimes in the atmosphere of the air world ...
  • Mostly the stories of people who visited the "the side of the curtain," they talk about the same, but the details are different. Sometimes people see what expected to see. Christians see Angels, Our Lady, Jesus Christ, Saints. People are not religious see some temples, figures in white or young men, or feel their presence.
  • 9. Language of the soul. In the spiritual world, the conversations occur not to a person's familiar language, but through one thought.
  • 10. Border. People who ended up in the world tell about the introduction of something resembling the border. This boundary is conditional and symbolic.
  • 11. Return. Sometimes recently the deceased is given the opportunity to choose to stay "there" or return to earthly life. The voice of the world can ask: "Are you ready?". Return to the body sometimes occurs instantly, sometimes coincides with the use of electric shock or other resuscitation techniques. All perceptions disappear, a person immediately feels back in bed. Some feel that they enter the body as if the impetus. First feel uncomfortable and cold. Before returning the body, there is a short loss of consciousness. Remainers are noted that at the time of returning to life, a person often sneezes.
  • 12. New attitude to life. With people who visited "there" usually occur big changes. According to many of them, returning, they try to live better. Many of them became strong to believe in God, changed their lifestyle, became more serious and spiritual.
  • Melancholy. A. Durer.

    The psychological basis for this form of subculture is an irrational intraherter with a sensual mechanism for extrovertative compensation according to K. Jung's classification. He introduced the concept of two types of personal orientation or vital installations: extroversion and intravert. Extraverats are usually mobile, quickly form connections and affection; The driving force for them is external factors. The introverts are usually contemplative, strive for solitude, their interest focuses on themselves. Jung also allocated four psychological functions: thinking, feeling, feeling and intuition. Thinking and feelings are rational categories, sensation and intuition - irrational. The result of a combination of two types of personal orientations and four psychological functions is eight different types of personality.

    Philosophical i. psychological aspect The subculture of EMO is the conflict of Eros and Tanatos. On the one hand, the exaltation of romantic love, with another worship and ascension to the pedestal of Tanatos - God of death.

    This type of ambivalence sooner or later leads to a tragic outcome. Emo is a subculture where the hopelessness and death rules, and romantic love gives death charm's feature. Consequently, unlike classic punks, Emo is distinguished by romanticism and focus on sublime love and, as a rule, with the tragic final. ATTENTION EMO has been drawn to deep personal experiences than on external events. Emo-subculture practically does not show external signs of aggression. Emo is often compared with subculture "Ready". Meanwhile, there is definite relationship between these subcultures. And it lies in the intraverter type of aggression at EMO and the bizarre combination of extracerative-intraherivnaya y Ready. Subculting researchers argue that representatives of the subculture of EMO are subject to even greater suicide risk than "goths".

    The obvious features of the similarity of the inner world of subcultures are ready and emo, reflect the common necrophilic trend for them. It lies in the romanticization of the death of depressiveness, love for black color, the rejection of Eros. All this assumes the presence of a single genetic matrix. The cultural core of both subcultures is well disguised Satanism. The core of these subcultures is rock, having only some differences. The outer shell is the fashion and age of representatives of the subculture.

    Fashion. External signs of belonging to subculture.

    Thus, only on the third morphofunctional level between these subcultures there are significant external differences. The traditional hairstyle of emo is considered oblique, torn bangs to the tip of the nose that closes one eye, and behind the short hair sticking in different directions. Preference is given to rigid direct black hair. Girls are peculiar to children's, funny hairstyles - two "small tail", bright "hairpins" - "hearts", on the sides of the bows. To create these hairstyles, EMOs use a large amount of hair locking varnish. Often emo-kids pierce your ears or make tunnels. On the face and other parts of the body of Emo-Kida may be piercing - for example, in lips and left nostril, eyebrows, bridges. And the young men and girls can paint the lips to the skin of the skin, use light tone cream. Eyes thick fed a pencil or ink. Nails are covered with black varnish. For Emo, clothes are characterized in pink-black tones with two-color patterns and stylized icons. The main colors of clothing are black and pink (purple). At the same time, other global combination people are possible. There are combinations in a wide strip. Often on clothes are depicted by the names of emo groups, funny drawings or chopped hearts. There are features of the sports style of skateboarders.

    Subculture core.

    The core of the subculture is represented by the rock music of various directions. But such an eclectic has a unified basis - musical works We must explicitly or veiled to call for committing a suicide. As a rule, it follows from the repertoire text, which is written according to the method of neurolynguistic programming. At the same time, there are musical groups that are taken with a reservation by their own direction. As the researcher of Satanism, D.Todd, noted: "All the plates devoted to the Devil (rock music) are built on the same principles. A sense of rhythm is used, which develops accordingly movements with a sexual act. Suddenly, a person masters a feeling that he fell into rabies, which often leads to hysterics. If young people have a certain time exposed to these sounds, then they have a state of depression, arousal, thirst for aggression.

    The one who stuck patience to disassemble the lyrics will quickly come to the conclusion that they are usually monotonous: resistance to parents, society, to the entire existing one. The liberation of all sexual deposits in man is prerequisite Creating the state of anarchy, which in turn, contributes to the establishment of world domination of Satanism. " At the same time, the action of the core due to the improvement of the musical equipment has acquired a dominant value and contributed to the concealment of the subculture core as it allowed to use the phenomenon of acoustic resonance in full.

    The core of subculture.

    The mystical core of subculture is an archetype of a hero or heroine, the life of which determines the full fatalism and the inevitability of the tragic fatal end. The plot is largely borrowed from the heritage of the tragic eldla. From the European tradition is the image of a sad knight who knows about his ambulance. And finally, this is the romantic death of Princess Tamara in the poem Lermontov "Demon". At the same time, following the logic of the creation of subculture is ready, the literary core of the subculture will be romanticism of Goethe with his sentimental novel of the "suffering of a young verte," where the hero finishes suicide.

    Albrecht Durer. Knight, Devil and Death.

    This work of Dürer symbolically reflects all components of the mystical core of this youth subculture and the fatalism of its representatives. Let's focus on the figure of the knight. In a mystical understanding, the knight is a master, spirit, Logos, managing his horse, that is, the matter. The knighthood is the path leading to the conversion of an ordinary person in a spiritual person. The knight reaches perfect by mastering his spirit and body. The main qualities of the knight: power, courage, moral perfection, knight's integrity. Having strengthened his body and soul, developing feelings and mind, but also by having received an education, the knight occupied a place in a social hierarchy - from Baron to the king, which in turn reflected heerachia. A variety of knight types are known: Warent, Hunter, Liberator, Treasure Guardian. Knight's symbolism includes a horse as a symbol of materiality, physical plan, and rider - the principle of spirituality. A special place is occupied by the image of a doomed knight, which is awaiting the inevitable and ambulance. The image of death and its symbolic content is expressed in the classical version and do not need a special explanation. In her hands, death holds hourglass, showing that life is on the outcome. The devil is also ready for the rapid outcome of the soul from the body and only this moment, and the lying skull indicates the inevitability of the thorough end of the earthly life and the rapid oblivion of our hero. A special place is given to the dog. The image of the dog is ambivalent. On the one hand, this is a devoted animal and true friendOn the other hand, it is Cerberry or Anubis, guarding the entrance to the kingdom of the dead. And it is this image that gives a special tragic engraving.

    And now we will quote the passage from the poem Lermontov "Demon".

    Smague clean aroma

    Surrounding air

    I'm still justifying

    I will cherish your cherish;

    Thoughts of lush build

    From turquoise and amber,

    I'm omitted to the bottom of the sea,

    I will fly for the clouds

    I will give you everything, all the earth -

    Love me!

    And he is slightly

    Touched hot tires

    Her trembling lips

    And flatten sweet speeches

    He answered her plea

    Mighty gaze looked into her eyes;

    He fought her in the darkness of the night

    Above it right he sparkled

    Inevitable as a dagger.

    Alas! An evil spirit triumph ...

    Deadly poison of his lobsanya

    Instantly in blood it penetrated,

    Painful but weak cry

    Night outraged silence,

    It was all: love, suffering,

    Reproach with the last prayer

    And hopeless farewell -

    Fast with life young!

    the above is the works of Vrubel - Tamara and Demon, "Demon defeated" and "Tamara in the coffin".

    Rows from the poem T.G.Shevchenko "Triction" characterize the confusion in the shower of the Angel of Darkness:

    Soul rushed, soul sobbed,

    Asked the will ... burned mind,

    In the blood pride bubotal ...

    He laughed like a demon,

    And a terrible minute lasted ...

    P. Breygel Sr. Triumph of death.

    Symbolism, regression, psycho and neurophysiological mechanisms of personal transformation.

    Such an infantile species External attributes are peculiar faces and dresses. They have a deep and hidden from an extraneous eye symbolic meaning. They are related to the mechanism of self-identification of a teenager with subculture and the adoption of its worldview, behavioral norms and traditions. There is also another more powerful initiative effect mechanism - this is a specific, inherent view of the subculture. The mechanism of its impact is similar to the initiative practice of Shaman's Comlines. On the one hand, the physiological activity of the brain changes under the action of low-frequency sound waves, and on the other hand, the development of the mental basis of the person is sent to the path of identification with subculture. Thus, the teenager is easier to integrate into her ranks.

    The experience of experiencing death and revival underlies psi-influences and it should be considered as an analogy of the manifestation of transcendental experiences.

    The experience of death and the revival of other words of disintegration and reintegration is an obvious psychological and spiritual process. It is most often manifested during overseas psycho-emotional stresses. This lifting or stress activates mental and emotional stresses previously hidden conflicts to an unbearable level. As a result, the crisis of ego-consciousness occurs, in which old life strategies are unable to maintain a psychological balance. Earlier efficient psychodynamic patterns, conflicts, measures to maintain physical homeostasis, the device of life, beliefs and ideas about themselves are noted and destroyed. Thus, a holistic mental organization for a period of time ceases to exist. There is a complete collapse of the usual minigration and worldview.

    This destabilizing temporary stage is clinically projected and experienced figuratively.

    After the stage of Chaos, the reorganization and recreation comes. Reintegrates, above all, the structure of ego-consciousness. The human mind is largely freed from old habits. The reorganization occurs with the help of archetypal forces. This process leads to the reconstruction of the psyche, the structure of the personality and consciousness, forming a new type of globility and worldview. Old personality died and is born new.

    Having received a powerful challenge in the form of emotional stress, almost parallel mental processes The mechanism of adaptive disintegration of the brain is included. The answer is included at the level of the hierarchy of neural ensembles. At the end of the twentieth century, one of the interesting and promising points of searching for the explanation of the phenomenon of the work of human consciousness was the principle nominated by the American neurophysiologist Vernon Maunkastle. This principle is based on three main points.

    First, the cerebral cortex consists of complex multicellular ensembles, the main structure of which is formed by about a hundred vertically related neurons of all layers of the crust. It is believed that these mini-columns include 4 main links: 1) neurons that receive input signals mainly from subcortical structures - for example, from specific sensory and motor nuclei of the Talamus; 2) neurons receiving input signals from other areas of the cortex; 3) all neurons of networks forming a vertical column; 4) Cells transmitting output signals back to Talamus, to other areas of the cortex and to the cells of the limbic system.

    Secondly, according to Mauncaste, several of these primary columns are combined with the help of column bonds, forming a larger cellular informational structure - a modular column.

    In third, Maukastl suggests that neural modules not only transmit and recycle information. They jointly function in the composition of extensive loops, for which the information, leaving the columns, is transmitted to other cortical and subcortical target structures, and then returns back to the bark. According to Mauncaste's estimates, billions of neurons participate in such a topological structure.

    The above Morpho-functional substrate is actively involved in the phenomenon of zombies, radically changing its neurophysiological and biochemical activity, in various links of this complex hierarchical organization from the anatomical zones of memory to the primary hearing and motor zone. There is also the establishment of new forms of interaction with the limbic system, epiphysis, hypothalamus, creating a morpho-functional substrate for a unique color of clinical manifestations and individual perception of emotional experience. In a similar way The psychophysiological mechanism of induced PSI exposure looks like.

    Thus, the foregoing indicates the existence of a youth subculture, which is destructive on its essence. The self-identification of the teenager with this subculture is the most complex psychophysiological process that has no reverse flow. The clinical outcome is little predictable and can end with a suicidal attempt until the fatal outcome.

    The ways to counteract this destructive subculture are complex and ambiguous. The use of a system approach is required. It includes both the social mechanism of opposition at the level of force structures and work with an individual personality. It requires the use of methods such as classical pedagogy and psychotherapy including even its existential form. Therefore, the basis of opposition, as in HIV infection - prevention. And the main prevention is the formation of an Orthodox religious worldview.

    In terms of our society, the object of exposure to modern roknarkokontrcecculture is young people and especially teenagers, i.e. People who have not yet completed the period of ego identification, and the psyche, which is especially vulnerable and similar to the influences. When this psychedelic "cocktail" is a fideline young manAlso brought up within the framework of rational atheistic in the form and content of culture, then he just "rides the roof." In such a person, there is a mental emission after such an impact, and in the case of drug intake, physical and mental addiction develops towards them.

    But there is another, more hidden element of the phenomenon of any kind of roknarkoscosecontrol culture and it is associated with the phenomenon of public hegemony and the manipulation of consciousness. For example, rock component of this counterculture creates a system of "soft" interclative public relations between immigrants from various class structures of society. Such connections are absolutely not dangerous for the class of the Public Pyramid located on the upper tier and are mainly aimed at undermining the parent authority and destruction of the family, the development of nihilism and a violation of the relationship between parents and children. Another successful element for ruling class is the moment that rock culture produces different vector emissions of aggression, which is never narrowly directed against the ruling class, the third element of this subculture is to create a system of false prestiges and idols, which contradicts one of the main commandments of Decaloga Moses - "Do not coordinate " The young man becomes blinded by false authorities becomes a light target for manipulating his mind. There is also another element in this production of idols - this is the destruction of archetype positive hero And the substitution of it on the antihero type of the drug addict Elvis Prestli, the Homosexual of Elton John or the suicide of Iaan Curtis and Rozz Williams.


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    Nikolay Golovachev, Boyko I.V. Dnepropetrovsk.